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Matthew Arnold Papers - William Delafield Arnold collection

Provenance: Donated by Kyril Bonfiglioli (Balliol 1955-58) of "Sanders of Oxford Ltd.," 104 The High, Oxford in April 1964.

Notes: Mr. Bonfiglioli provided Vincent Quinn with a brief handlist of this collection when he made the donation. Items 1-4 relate to the death of William Delafield Arnold at Gibralter 9 April 1859. Slips around letters have been given serial numbers prefixed with the figure "1" e.g., "1 2." This is simply to prevent them from being mistaken for items from the Whitridge collection. This catalogue refers only to the second figure of the serial number on the slip.

I. Letters to Dr. [George Gresley?] Perry (1820-1897) [Schoolteacher].

1. ALS from Frances Bunsen Trevenen Whately Arnold. Fox How. 21 April 1859. 2 ls.

2. ALS from Frances B.T.W. Arnold. Liverpool . 14 April 1859. 2 ls.

3. ALS from Mrs. Thomas Arnold [nee Mary Penrose]. Fox How. 7 May 1859. 1 l. Envelope [prob. not contemporary].

4. Copy of three letters to Mrs. Thomas Arnold from Capt. Philip Hammond in unknown hand [? Mrs. Thomas Arnold or Frances B.T.W. Arnold]. 2 ls.:

i. "At sea 40 miles from Gibralter." 6 April 1859.

ii. Gibralter. 8 April 1859.

iii. Gibralter. 11 April 1859.

II. Miscellanea.

5. Notes on William Delafield Arnold [by Dr. Perry]. 11 pp. of text. Notes on William Delafield Arnold's children May 1839 [? by Dr. Perry]. Marked, "Extract of Fanny [ Frances ] Arnold 's letter." 2 pp. of text. Small black grained leather-covered notebook [with a German stationer's label ("Henry and Cohen," Bonn ) glued to the front end paper].

6. Beck's Annual Diary for 1860 , London : Thomas Beck, 1860 formerly belonging to Dr. Perry. Contains brief entries for most days of the year (in English) and for 5 days of January 1861. Several pages of accounts. Note at end of diary in German. Names and addresses written on end papers. Small book with green textured cloth-covers and "Diary 1860" stamped in gold on the front cover.

7. Pettitt's Scribbling Octavo Diary for 1885 , London : T. Pettitt and Co., 1885 formerly belonging to Dr. Perry. Contains brief entries for most days of the year and various notes at the front and back of the book. Small book with printed green paper wrappers [one page is loose and many of the interleaved pages of blotting paper have been partially torn-away].

- Balliol Library

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