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Matthew Arnold Papers - additional items

1. Isaiah and Jeremiah. The books of Isaiah and Jeremiah, printed in one volume and versos left blank for notes. Early 19th C. [title page missing]. With label on cover marked " Original Manuscript comments by Matthew Arnold (Isaiah [sic] to Jeremiah) Price 25/-." Heavily annotated throughout the book of Isaiah and through the early part of Jeremiah in red and black ink, possibly by two hands. A signature on the flyleaf appears to say "Ma. Arnold ". In January 1993 Prof. Cecil Y. Lang of Charlottesville , Virginia , positively identified the hand as that of Matthew Arnold. Moreover, he pointed out that the book may well be referred to in Super's edition of Arnold's Complete Prose Works , Vol. X, page 484: "On February 20 1878, he reminded Macmillan to send him an interleaved copy of the whole book of Isaiah..." Also Prof. Lang pointed out that the annotations contained similarities to Arnold 's 1883 work Isaiah and Jerusalem . Presented to the College by Mr. S.M. and Mrs. D.P. Parkman through the good offices of Dr. John Jones in September 1992.

2. M. Claude Fauriel, Histoire de la poésie provençal , cours fait à la faculté de Paris. Paris, Jules Labitte, Librairie- Editeur, Passage des Panorama. 1846, 3 Volumes. From Matthew Arnold's Library. With Arnold 's bookplates, some AMS notes on the flyleaves and four pages of loose AMS notes inserted in volume 1. Also with Williams and Norgate sticker, January 1858. Arnold paid Williams and Norgate £20.3.6. (Guthrie, ii. 222, see also p. 200). Presented by Prof. Cecil Y. Lang in January 1993.

3. Natural Law in the Spiritual World , Henry Drummond, London , Hodder and Stoughton , 1884. Presented to Matthew Arnold in July 1884. MS annotations by Matthew Arnold. Presented by Prof. Cecil Y. Lang in 1994.

Related material:

For Arnold collections held elsewhere, see the National Archives Discovery catalogue and Arnold's ODNB entry [subscription required for online access].

at Balliol:

Three of Arnold's Latin prose compositions are preserved in the Jowett Papers II A1/2/1.


- updated Anna Sander, 2016.

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