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Matthew Arnold Papers - Wodehouse collection

I. Manuscript Material by Matthew Arnold (1822-1888).
II. Letters by Matthew Arnold.
A. To "K" [Mrs. William Edward Forster, nee Jane Martha Arnold, 1821-1899].
B. To "Willy" [William Delafield Arnold].
C. To his Mother [Mrs Thomas Arnold, nee Mary Penrose, 1791-1873].
D. To "Fran" [Frances Bunsen Trevenen Whateley Arnold].
III. Arnoldiana
A. Manuscripts.
B. Letters (to Matthew Arnold unless otherwise noted).
C. Letters/Autographs collected by Matthew Arnold for Eleanor M.C. Arnold ("Nellie").
D. Books (from Matthew Arnold's library unless otherwise stated).
E. Miscellanea.



Purchased in 1971 as the "Roger Wodehouse Collection." Roger Wodehouse was one of Matthew Arnold's grandchildren; his mother was Mrs. Armine Wodehouse [nee Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold ("Nelly"), 1861-1936].

Previously catalogued by Professor S.O.A. Ullmann, Union College, Schenectady, New York.

Professor Ullmann's catalogue has three main divisions:

  1. Manuscripts - by Matthew Arnold.
  2. Letters - from Matthew Arnold to various recipients.
  3. Arnoldiana - manuscript material, letters, books and photographs/drawings relating to Matthew Arnold.

Prior to this catalogue the material was housed in four boxes. In re-cataloguing this collection Professor Ullmann's divisions were preserved. The material was re-housed in six acid-free boxes; one for division I [box labelled "WODE 1"], one for division II [box labelled "WODE 2"] and four for division III [boxes labelled "WODE 3, WODE 4, WODE 5 and WODE 6"]. N.B., Items 3-6 from section II (letters of MA) have been removed from the box which contained manuscripts by Matthew Arnold and placed in a separate folder in the box labelled 'WODE 2.'

Some items in the collection have been labelled with codes derived from Ullmann's catalogue thus 'I 1' is the first item in division I (in this case an AMS entitled 'Pilgrim Love'). Codes on slips inside manuscripts or on envelopes containing manuscripts, letters or pictures such as 'MA112' refer to a loan exhibition (at Dove Cottage, Lake District) and have been ignored in this catalogue.


I. Manuscript Material by Matthew Arnold (1822-1888).

1. AMS "Pilgrim Love" ("Little Pilgrim's Progress"). October 15 1830.

Dedicated to "Papa" [Dr. Thomas Arnold, 1795-1842]. 18pp. of text (including text on the inside covers).

Very small booklet with marbled-paper covers.

2. AMS travel journal. 1837. Dedicated to "D.D.D.F.P." [Rev. Edward Penrose Arnold, 1826-1878].

38 pp. of text (including text on the inside covers). Small booklet with textured cloth covers.

3. Brown leather-covered volume stamped in gilt on front cover, "Rugby School. Fifth Form. 1837."


  1. AMS latin poem "Juvat ire Jugis." 21 October 1837. 2pp. of text.
  2. "Latin Prose Essay. First Prize. Topic: Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." 5 December 1837. Signed [?] William Henry Townsend. 10 pp. of text.
  3. AMS "Latin Prose Essay. Second Prize. Topic: Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." 8 December 1837. 8 pp. of text.
  4. AM "Epitaph." 10 December 1844. 1 page of text.
  5. AM english essay on the topic, "Can England be enriched by a commerce, say with Africa?" Undated [Ullmann dates it to between December 1845 and April 1846 but does not attribute an author]. 4 pp. of text.
  6. Numerous drawings of c. 1846-1879. Several are signed by members of the Arnold family including: "Frances B.J.W. Arnold" [Frances Bunsen Trevenen Whateley Arnold, 1833-1923], "E.M. Arnold" [Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold, 1861-1934], "Julia Frances Arnold" (dated 1879) and "W.A." [? either Walter Arnold, c.1834-? or William Delafield Arnold, 1828-1859].

4. AM "Religious Isolation." Fair copy of sonnet in letter to "K" [Mrs. William Edward Forster, nee Jane Martha Arnold, 1821-1899]. Undated [31 July 1848]. Marked in pencil [not in the hand of Matthew Arnold], "To be given to Nelly Sandhurst [formerly Mrs. Armine Wodehouse, nee Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold], or Roger Wodehouse - sometime." 1 l.

5. AMS "Written in Kensington Gardens." Fair copy in letter to "K" dated "Thursday." Marked in pencil [not in the hand of Matthew Arnold] "To be given to Florence O'Brien or Aubrey." [Ullmann - "differs from first draft in "Yale MS" and from published versions]. 1 l.

6. AM notes on Athenaeus X (3 pp. of text). AM notes on Athenaeus XIII (4 pp. of text). AM notes on Leuce (2 pp. of text). All undated [c. 1856-7]. 3 ls.

7. AM "My Countrymen." Undated [article published in Cornhill 13, February 1866. Ullmann - "included in Friendship's Garland"]. Marked in pencil "Blackwell" and "846." 14 ls.

8. AM "Culture and its Enemies." undated [article published in Cornhill 16, July 1867. Ullmann - "became "Introduction" and "Sweetness and Light" in Culture and Anarchy"]. Marked in pencil "Blackwell" and "986."

19 ls.

9-11. "Anarchy and Authority (Concluded)."

Four sections:

  1. AMS "Anarchy and Authority (Concluded)." [labelled "a" by Vincent Quinn]. Undated. Numbered from 1 to 16 in blue pencil. 16 ls.
  2. AMS "Anarchy and Authority (Concluded)." [labelled "b" by Vincent Quinn]. Undated. Numbered 1 to 17 and 1 to 4 in pencil. 21 ls.
  3. AMS "Anarchy and Authority (Concluded)." [labelled "c" by Vincent Quinn]. Undated. Pages numbered 1 to 18 in pencil. Marked in pencil "1088." 14 ls.
  4. Page proofs of "Anarchy and Authority," pp. 9-17. With corrections and additions in pen by Matthew Arnold.

[ Ullmann's entry for this group: " "Anarchy and Authority" (Concluded)" (last 3 parts of 5), 16, 18, and 21 leaves respectively, pub. Cornhill 17 (June, 1868), 745-760; 18 (July, 1868) 91-107 and [19] (August 1868), 239-256. (Included in Culture and Anarchy - "Hebraism and Hellenism" to end of volume. These mss. were used in printing the Cornhill essays.."].

12. Page proofs of "The Zenith of Conservatism," pp. 1-16. [published in Nineteenth Century, January 1887]. With corrections and additions in pen by Matthew Arnold. In pen at the beginning of the proofs "Proof J.T.R. [?] but please be very careful about all corrections which have been rendered necessary by the recent political changes J.T.K. [?]".

13. "St. Paul and Protestantism."

Two sections:

  1. AMS "St. Paul and Protestantism." [labelled "I (fo 1-19)" by Vincent Quinn]. Undated. Numbered in pencil on consecutive pages from 1 to 19. 14 ls.
  2. AMS "St. Paul and Protestantism II." [labelled "II" by Vincent Quinn]. Undated. Irregularly numbered in pen [by Matthew Arnold] on the front page of each single or double leaf. In sequence this numbering proceeds - from 1 to 8, unnumbered single leaf, 9, unnumbered single sheet, 10, 10 1/2 and 11. 14 ls.


II. Letters by Matthew Arnold.

A. To "K" [Mrs. William Edward Forster, nee Jane Martha Arnold, 1821-1899].

[Ullmann originally classed manuscripts 4 and 5 from section I twice; in the manuscript section and as letters 1 and 2 in this section. This method has been discontinued but in order to retain the original numbering of the letters listing has begun at no. 3].

1. -

2. -

3. ALS. Hotel Clen [?] Martigny. 6 August 1858. 1 l.

4. ALS. London. 11 May 1850 [?]. 1 l.

5. ALS. Hotel Roland, Rolandseck, Rhinish Prussia. 17 July 1865. 1 l.

B. To "Willy" [William Delafield Arnold].

6. ALS. Lower Belgrave St., London. 31 March 1856. 1 l.

C. To his Mother [Mrs Thomas Arnold, nee Mary Penrose, 1791-1873].

7. ALS. Harrow. 13 January 1872. 1 l.

8. ALS. Harrow. "Sunday" [21 January 1872]. 1 l.

9. ALS. Harrow. 4 February 1872. 1 l.

10. ALS. Hotel d'Italie. Vins delle quattro Fontane, Rome. Sunday 30 March 1873. 1 l.

D. To "Fran" [Frances Bunsen Trevenen Whateley Arnold].

11. ALS. Rome. 17 April 1873. 2 ls.

11a. ALS. Wesleyan Training College, Westminster. 4 November 1873. 1 l.

12. ALS. United Service Club, Pall Mall. 2 October [1874]. 1 l.

13. ALS. Cobham. 19 February 1876. 1 l.

14. ALS. Cobham. "Sunday" [1875 pencilled on the letter. Ullmann gives the date "July 1876?"]. 1 l.

15. ALS. Cobham. "Saturday" [December 1877]. 1 l.

16. ALS. Cobham. "Saturday morning" [December 1877]. 1 l.

17. ALS. Cobham. "Wednesday" [1880 pencilled on the letter. Ullmann gives the date as "January 1879?"]. 1 l.

18. ALS. Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall. 14 April [1879 or 1880 pencilled on the letter. Ullmann gives the date as 1879]. 1 l.

19. ALS. Cobham. "Sunday" [1880-1 pencilled on the letter. Ullmann gives the date as "15 May 1880"]. 1 l.

20. ALS. Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall. 21 February [1881]. 1 l.

21. ALS. Cobham. "Sunday" [1882]. 1 l.

22. ALS. Cobham. New Year's Day 1882. 1 l.

23. ALS. Cobham, Surrey. 7 October 1883. 1 l.

23a. ALS. Queenstown [?]. 14 October 1883. 1 l.

24. ALS. Saint Nicholas Club, New York. Undated [October 1883]. 1 l.

25. ALS. Knickerbocker Club, New York. Sunday 28 October 1883. 1 l.

26. ALS. St. Botolph Club, Boston. 8 November 1883. 1 l.

27. ALS. Somerset Club, Boston. 27 November 1883. 1 l.

27a. ALS. Somerset Club, Boston. Saturday 8 December 1883. 1 l.

28. ALS. Somerset Club, Boston. 13 December 1883. 1 l.

29. ALS. Hancock Street, Germantown, Philadelphia. 27 December 1883. 1 l.

30. ALS. New York. 1 January 1884. 1 l.

31. ALS. Detroit. 18 January 1884. 2 ls.

32. ALS. Union Club, Chicago. 23 January 1884. 2 ls. [joined by two adhesive hinges].

33. ALS. University Club, St. Louis. 1 February 1884. 1 l.

34. ALS. Toronto. 12 February 1884. 1 l.

35. AL. University Club, New York. 24 February 1884. 1 l. [letter appears to be incomplete; it finishes in mid-sentence and there is no signature].

36. ALS. Cobham. Sunday 18 October 1885. 1 l.

37. ALS. Hotel Bellevue, Dresden. 4 December 1885. 1 l.

37a. ALS. Cologne. 21 December 1885. 1 l.

38. ALS. Cobham. 27 December [1885 in pencil on the letter. Ullmann gives the date as 1886].

39. ALS. Cobham. 11 January 1886. 1 l.

40. ALS. Munich. 1 March 1886. 1 l.

41. ALS. Paris. 20 March 1886. 1 l.

42. ALS. Cunard Royal Mail Steamship "Umbria." Friday 28 May 1886. 1 l.

43. ALS. Germantown, Philadelphia. 9 June 1886. 1 l.

44. ALS. Buffalo Club. 26 June 1886. 1 l.

45. ALS. Steen Valetje, Barrytown P.O. 4 July 1886. 1 l.


III. Arnoldiana

A. Manuscripts.

1. Goldsmith An Almanack for the year of our Lord God M.DCCC.XXII calculated by John Goldsmith formerly belonging to Dr. Thomas Arnold. One line entry for most days (including two entries relating to Matthew Arnold). A few notes and sketches on the first and last few blank leaves. Small book bound in a red leather wallet.

2. AM poem beginning, "There was a boy and his eyes were bright/And his name was Tom and his one delight" [Ullmann suggests that this may have been about Matthew Arnold's brother Thomas Arnold, 1823-1900]. Undated and unsigned [Ullmann - "probably not by M.A."]. 2 ls. [two copies of the same poem].

3. Travel journal of Matthew Arnold's son Thomas Arnold [1852-1868]. AM entries by Thomas Arnold from 12 July to 4 September 1865 [20 pp. of text] and from 4 October to 27 October 1865 [16 pp. of text]. AM entries by Matthew Arnold at the back of the book [3 pp. of text]. At least 12 pp. have been removed and one page has a blue and white 'label' for the 'Schools Inquiry Commission' stuck to it. Small book with textured brown cloth covers and "Notes" stamped in an ornate typeface on the front cover.

B. Letters (to Matthew Arnold unless otherwise noted).

1. From Dr. Thomas Arnold [? not in his hand]. Edinburgh. 4 August 1826. 1 l. [removed from btw. the pages of item A.1. in Arnoldiana section].

2. ALS from Dr. Thomas Arnold and Mrs. Thomas Arnold [nee Mary Penrose]. Rugby. 29 February 1832. 1 l.

3. ALS from Mrs. Matthew Arnold [nee Francis Lucy Wightman (?-1901)] to her daughter Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold ("Nellie"). Cobham. 16 November 1899. 1 l.

4. ALS from Edwin Booth. 42 East 25th St. [New York?]. 3 January 1884. 1 l. Envelope addressed to "Matthew Arnold Esq., c/o Mr. Charles Butcher, 78 Park Avenue, City." No postmark. Envelope made by the "American Speciality Co.", New York. [Found with items 24 and 25, neither of which appear to be the correct size for it. Since Booth's letter is the only American letter from this group and because it fits neatly into this envelope I have assumed that the two were accidentally separated].

5. ALS from Robert Browning. Warwick Crescent, London. 20 February 1872. 1 l. Envelope [from which the stamp has been removed].

6. ALS from Robert Browning to Mrs. Matthew Arnold [nee Francis Lucy Wightman]. De Vere Gardens, London. 17 April 1888. 1 l. Envelope.

7. ALS from Edward Burne-Jones. The Grange, West Kensington. Undated [Ullmann - 1884-87]. 1 l.

8. ALS from Lord Coleridge to Mrs. Matthew Arnold [nee Francis Lucy Wightman]. Sussex Sq., London. 5 April 1889. 1 l. Envelope.

9. ALS from Lord Coleridge to Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold ("Nellie"). Sussex Sq., London. 2 June 1889. 1 l.

10. ALS from George Curzon. St. James Pl., London. 12 May 1887. 1 l.

11. ALS from (William Ewart) Gladstone. Hawarden, Chester. 23 April 1867. 1 l.

12. ALS from (William Ewart) Gladstone. [Address difficult to read. From Gladstone's correspondence ed. by H.C.G. Matthew a letter of this date must have been written from Holmbury, Surrey]. 2 April 1877. 1 l.

13. ALS from (William Ewart) Gladstone. Coombe Warren. 27 March 1884. 1 l. Envelope.

14. ALS from Benjamin Jowett. Oxford. West Malvern [?]. 5 July 1887. 1 l. Envelope.

15. ALS from Benjamin Jowett. [No address - 'Rothiemurchus, Aviemore' printed on the writing paper has been scored through]. 23 September 1887. 1 l.

16. ALS from Benjamin Jowett to Eleanor M.C. Arnold. Oxford. 2 May 1888. 1 l. Envelope.

17. ALS from Benjamin Jowett to Eleanor M.C. Arnold. Oxford. 9 December 1888. 1 l. Envelope.

18. ALS from Fanny Kemble to Mrs. Matthew Arnold [nee Francis Lucy Wightman]. No address [postmarked from South Kensington]. "Thursday 7" [February 1889]. 1 l. Envelope.

19. ALS from Harriet Martineau. The Knoll, Ambleside. 21 February [Ullmann suggests 1865 as the year]. 1 l.

20. ALS from John C. Moore to Eleanor M.C. Arnold. Euston Sq. [London?]. 8 May [Ullmann suggests 1888 as the year]. 1 l.

21. ALS from Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve. Paris. 21 December 1854. 1 l. Envelope [postmarked November 1854].

22. ALS from Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve. No address [postmarked from Paris]. 8 January 1858. 1 l. Envelope.

23. ALS from J. Henry Shorthouse. Beaufort Rd., Edgbaston. 23 October 1871. 1 l.

24. ALS from J. Gorch [? sign. very difficult to read]. Seacox Heath, Hawkhurst. "9 July." 1 l.

25. ALS from ? [unable to read sign.] to unknown. St. Alban's Clergy House, Holborn. 23 April 1908. 1 l.

C. Letters/Autographs collected by Matthew Arnold for Eleanor M.C. Arnold ("Nellie").

1. Autograph of L. Agassiz [apparently cut from the base of a letter]. No date or address. 1 l. [approx. 3.6 x 12.9 cm.].

2. ALS from Benjamin F. Butler to Mrs. James T. Fields. State House, Boston. 5 December 1883. 1 l.

3. ALS from Edward Everett to A. Norton. Cambridge [Mass.?]. 15 March 1850. 1 l.

4. ALS from Charles Sumner to Theodore Sedgwick. Boston. 19 April 1843. 1 l.

5. ALS from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to Mrs James T. Field. Camb[ridge] [Mass.?]. 26 April 1876. 1 l.

6. ALS from E.B. Pusey to Mr. Smythe. Address ill. 5 September. 1 l. Envelope [addressed to "Rev. W.H. Smithe" but not in Pusey's hand].

7. ALS from George Tickner [?] to Charles Norton. No address. Undated. 1 l.

8. Autograph of John G. Whittier [cut from the base of a letter, part of the beginning of this letter is on the reverse]. 29 [illeg.] 1881 [?]. 1 l.

9. Envelope marked "American Autographs for Nelly." [by Matthew Arnold?].


D. Books (from Matthew Arnold's library unless otherwise stated).

1. Friendship's Garland, Matthew Arnold, London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1871. With the bookplate of Matthew Arnold.

2. Poems, Matthew Arnold, London: Macmillan and Co., 1871 (2 Volumes). Volume I inscribed, "To Ella Ford - with every kind and affectionate wish from Matthew Arnold.- Nov[em]ber 7th, 1882." [Ullmann - Ella Ford was the fiancee of Matthew Arnold's son, Richard Penrose Arnold, 1855-1908].

3. The Birthday Book of German Literature, J.W.L., London: Thomas Laurie, n.d. Inscribed, "To dear Nelly [Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold]. M.A. August 16th, 1881." Contains the signatures of many members of the Arnold family including those of T.H. Huxley, Edward Dowden, Reginald A. Farrar, Francis H. Sumner, Lord Coleridge, Arthur Balfour and Matthew Arnold.

4. Little Arthur's History of England, Lady Callcott, London: John Murray, 1859 (A New Edition.-Seventy-Fourth Thousand). Inscribed, "Trevenen William Arnold [1853-1872] from his Mamma August 1st 1860."

5. Rural Rides, William Cobbett, London: A. Cobbett, 1853 (A New Edition, with notes, by James Paul Cobbett). On back endpaper, 10 lines of contents in the hand of Matthew Arnold.

6. The Cricket on the Hearth, Charles Dickens, London: Bradbury and Evans, 1846. Inscribed "F.L.W. 1846" [Francis Lucy Wightman]. On the half-title there are several attempts at writing the name 'Arnold' or 'L. Arnold' [presumably by F.L. Wightman]. Part of the rear endpaper is missing and there are several pencil drawings on the preliminary pages of the book.

7. De Imitatione Christi, [Thomas a Kempis], London: Williams and Norgate, 1848. Notes in Matthew Arnold's hand in front and back, many marked passages. Between pp. VI and VII is a slip with further notes by Matthew Arnold and a quotation, "Besides the discouragement from humanity there was one from natural weakness." With the book plate of Matthew Arnold. [Front cover is detached from the rest of the binding].

8. In Memoriam, [Alfred Tennyson], London: Edward Moxon, 1850. Inscribed, "Jane M. Arnold [Mrs. William Edward Forster, nee Jane Martha Arnold] from M.A. London. July 1850. W.E.F. [William Edward Forster]." Ullmann believes that this inscription and 4 pages of first lines with their page numbers at the end of the book are by Jane M. Arnold. In a separate envelope are several dried flowers taken from between the pages of this book.

9. Essays in Criticism, Matthew Arnold, Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1887 (copyright ed. in two volumes). Inscribed in the first volume, "To Armine Wodehouse [soon to become the husband of Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold], with every good wish for September 24th. 1888. from Frances L. Arnold [Mrs. Matthew Arnold, nee Frances Lucy Wightman]."

10. Prometheus the Fire-giver, [W.W. Scunell?] London: Chatto and Windus, 1877. Inscribed [on title page], "Matthew Arnold Esq. with much respect from the author W.W. Scunell [?]." Only the first page of the text and the adverts (of December 1879) at the back have been opened.

11. F.W. Thieme's Pocket-Dictionary of the English and German Languages, Berlin: Carl J. Klemann, n.d. (new ed.). Several notes in german on back pages in unknown hand [Matthew Arnold?].


E. Miscellanea.

1. Passport of Matthew Arnold and Mrs. Matthew Arnold (no. 8821). Issued 28 August 1851, renewed by E.J. Blache [?], French Vice-Consul 1 July 1860. Signed by Lord Palmerston and Matthew Arnold. In the accompanying booklet there is a stamp [associated with an earlier passport?] for Calais dated 5 April 1837 and for Saint-Louis dated 13 April 1837. Ullmann notes that this passport was used on Matthew and Frances L. Arnold's honeymoon. Passport and booklet bound in a small black leather wallet with 'Matthew Arnold' and 'Passport' gilt-stamped on the reverse.

2. Portrait of William Arnold [1745-1801]. Written in pen on the back, "William Arnold of Slatwoods. Isle of Wight. (Father of Dr. Arnold of Rugby) and Grand Father of Matthew Arnold." Small oval oil on wood painting (approx. 22.5 cm. high and 17.5 cm. across) in gilt frame.

3. Picture of Dr. Thomas Arnold courting Mrs. Thomas Arnold [nee Mary Penrose] accompanied by her brother and sister. Written on the picture mount, "Newton Cliff" "1820" and the initials of the subjects, "T.A." "M.P." "J.P." and "J.J.P." An ink inscription on the reverse is almost illegible although I believe that the date given is 1897. [Ullmann suggests that this picture may be a copy but does not identify the original]. Medium unknown [not pencil, possibly wash or watercolour?].


Using Care and Identification of 19th-Century Photographic Prints, James M. Reilly, Rochester, NY.: Eastman Kodak Co., 1986 I was able to identify the media used in several early 'photographs' from this collection.


i. Ambrotype of Matthew Arnold. From a clock and calendar included in the ambrotype the location and date can be given precisely as Field Foot at One O'clock, Sep[tember] 10 1856. After disassembling the 'package' which contained this image I identified it as an ambrotype on the following grounds:

  1. the fact that the image was housed in a hinged case suggested that it was not a conventional albumen or salted-paper print.
  2. the image is formed on a glass support.
  3. the tonal range is limited - highlight areas are of limited brightness as with ambrotypes or tintypes.
  4. the image is backed by a black velvet, non-reflective support.
  5. the image appeared positive only when the glass was placed before a dark background.
  6. the ambrotype process was popular between 1855 and 1865 and most popular in the late 1850s. In a purple-brown leather- covered hinged case.

ii. Ambrotype of Matthew Arnold with members of the Arnold family. Identified as an ambrotype for the reasons given above except that in this case a layer of black laquer applied to the back of the glass has been used instead of velvet as the non-reflective support. I believe that Matthew Arnold is seated at the back leaning against the wheel of the cart and that one of his sisters [? Mrs. John Cropper, nee Susanna Elizabeth Lydia Arnold, 1830-1911] is at the extreme left. Probable date [based on the photographic process employed and on the presence of young children] late 1850s. In a brown leather-covered hinged case embossed with a thistle motif.

iii. Daguerreotype of unknown woman with applied pigment [prob. watercolour]. Identified as a daguerrotype for the following reasons:

  1. the image is housed in a hinged case.
  2. the image is on a highly polished silver support.
  3. the image appears as either a positive or negative image depending on the angle of view and the direction from which light falls on it.

Probable date between early 1840s and c.1860. In a purple-brown leather-covered hinged case.

iv. Photograph of 'Rover.' On the back of the photograph is a pen inscription, "Rover died Saturday Feb. 9th. 1878. 6 in the morning." In an oval brown leather-covered hinged case.

v. Photograph of Lady Sandhurst [orig. Mrs. the Hon. Armine Wodehouse, nee Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold]. Inscription on reverse of photograph, "Lady Sandhurst at Robin Skyll Aug. 26 [19]34."

vi. Picture of unknown woman. Medium unknown [photogravure and pencil?]. Signed [?] Mendelssohn.

vii. Photograph of Lady Sandhurst, Mrs. Moorman and Miss E. Bradford. Identifications in the hand of Vincent Quinn. Inscribed on reverse [in an unknown hand, "E.S., E.B. and M.C.M. near Seathwaite in Borrowdale Aug. 25 [19]34."

viii. Photograph of the same subjects and with similar inscription on reverse as the preceding photograph.

ix. Photograph of Justice Sir William Wightman [d. 1863, Father of Mrs. Matthew Arnold, nee Frances Lucy Wightman]. Inscribed on the back, "12.11.60" [possibly the date?]. May be a early copy of a photograph (because the eyes have clearly been retouched) rather than an original print.

x. Copy made of a photograph of Matthew Arnold with Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold ("Nellie") and two dogs: 'Kaiser' and 'Geist.' [from a print belonging first to Professor Garrod and then to Mrs. S. Davis to whom he gave it].

xi. Envelope marked, "Miscellaneous Not of real interest." Contains several letters to Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold, several empty envelopes formerly containing letters by Matthew Arnold [not contemporary with the letters], some of Matthew Arnold's poems copied out [not in his hand]. In addition, the typescript of a review [unsigned] of G.W.E. Russell's Matthew Arnold and his Letters and a poem entitled 'To my darling brother' by Eleanor Mary Caroline Arnold and dated Feb. 23 1842 [concerning the recent death of Trevenen William Arnold nicknamed "Budge"].

-Balliol Library

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