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Matthew Arnold Papers - Whitridge Collection cont.

I.B. Letters by Matthew Arnold to other correspondents

305. ALS to "Fran" [Frances Bunsen Trevenen Whateley Arnold]. Alver Bank, Gosport. 9 October 1861. 1 l. [the two pages of the leaf are almost separated].

306. ALS to "Fran" [Frances Bunsen Trevenen Whateley Arnold]. Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall. "Tuesday." [1864? Whitridge/Quinn]. 1 l.

307. ALS to "Fran" [Frances Bunsen Trevenen Whateley Arnold]. Harrow. 9 October 1870. 1 l.

308. ALS to "Fran" [Frances Bunsen Trevenen Whateley Arnold]. Cobham. "Thursday." [October 1873? Reference to the recent death of their mother and to Frances's birthday]. 1 l. [very small piece missing from second page].

309. ALS to to "K" [Mrs. William Edward Forster, nee Jane Martha Arnold]. London. "Tuesday." [1850? Whitridge/Quinn. Reference to Jane Martha Arnold's engagement (to William Edward Forster)]. 1 l. [most of the second page has been removed].

310. ALS to Mrs. Matthew Arnold [nee Frances Lucy Wightman]. Paris. "Thursday 4pm." [18 August 1859? F.D.B. Arnold informs his wife that he is to dine with Sainte-Beuve the next night. In a letter of 19 August 1859 (reprinted in Russell) Arnold mentions that he will dine with Sainte- Beuve that night. Day and date of this letter match for 1859.] 1 l. *

311. ALS to Edward P. [Rev. Edward Penrose Arnold, 1826-1878]. Cambridge. 23 July 1867. 1 l.E.

312. ALS to "Uncle Trevennen" [sic] [Thomas Trevenen Penrose, ?-1862]. Rugby. "Tuesday 8 April." [1845. Honan (p442, n.44). Arnold refers to his failure to take a first class degree at Balliol and to winning a fellowship at Oriel. Day/date match for 1845]. 1 l.

313. ALS to "Blackett" [John Fenwick Burgoyne Blackett, 1821-1856]. Lincoln. 26 November 1853. 1 l.

II. Letters by other correspondents.

314. ALS by Mrs. Matthew Arnold [nee Frances Lucy Wightman] to "Mother" [Mrs. Thomas Arnold, nee Mary Penrose]. [No address]. "Friday" [April 1859? Whitridge/Quinn. Refers to the recent death of "Willy" (William Delafield Arnold, 1828-1859), "the first gone away among your nine darling[s]"]. 1 l.

315. ALS by Mrs. William Edward [nee Jane Martha Arnold] to "Tom" [Arnold, 1823-1900]. Fox How. Friday 23 November 1849. 3 ls.

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