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Mrs Humphry Ward Collection III-IV


Recipient MHW, unless otherwise stated.

1. TS copies of Arnold family letters. 2 ls.

From Mary Arnold

2. TSU copy of L to [TA], 29 January 1848. 1 l.

3. TSU copies of Ls with MS corrections and additional text by MHW to TA, 1848. 4 ls.

4. TSU copy to [TA], 3 August 1849. 1 l.

From Matthew Arnold

5. TSU copy with MS emendation of L to TA, 28 February 1848. 3 ls.

6. TSU copy of L to TA, 28 March 1855. 2 ls.

7. TSU copy with MS emendations of L (incomplete) to TA, [1858]. 1 l.

8. TSU copy of L to TA, 28 December [1858]. 3 ls.

9. TSU copy of L to [TA], 19 May 1873. 1 l.

10. MSU extract from L from [William Arnold] to [TA], [April 1851]. 1 l.

11. TSU copy of L from Dr. Arnold to Mrs. Fletcher, 26 August 1830. 2 ls.

12. TLS from Curtis Brown, 20 August 1917; AMS? poem in MHW's hand on reverse. 1 l.

13. TSU extract from L from A.G. Butler, 15 June 1892. 1 l.

14. TSU copy of L from T. Carlyle to Mrs. Fletcher, 9 May 1845. 1 l.

15. TSU extract from L with MS note from Miss Helen M.C. Child, 7 March 1892. 1 l.

16. TSU extract from L with MS additions from Mary Darmesteter, 27 January 1892. 2 ls.

17. TSU copy of L with MS note from Earl of Derby, 1 February 1892. 1 l.

18. TSU extract from L from Dr. Fairbairn of Mansfield College, 7 February 1892. 1 l.

19. TSU copy of L from Mary Fletcher to Mrs. Fletcher, 183?. 7 ls.

20. TSU copy of L from W.E. Gladstone, 18 September 1895. 1 l.

21. TSU extract from L from Rev. Henry Gow, 16 March 1892. 1 l.

22. TSU extract from L from Rev. Brooke Herford, 24 March 1892. 2 ls.

23. ALS from Spencer L. Hubbard, 24 August 1817. 1 l.

From Henry James

24. TSU copy of L, 9 December 1884. 3 ls.

25. TSU copy of L with MS correction, 9 December 1884. 3 ls.

26. TSU copy of L, [1888]. 2 ls.

27. TSU copy of L, 3 July 1888. 5 ls.

28. TSU copy of L , 22 November 1900. 3 ls.

29. TSU copy of L from F. Max Muller, 2 February 1892. 1 l. TS extract from L. 1 l.

30. TSU copy of L from F.W.H. Myers, 13 March 1888. 2 ls.

31. TSU copy of L from J.H. Newman to TA, 29 December 1856. 3 ls.

32. TSU copy of L with MS note from Walter Pater, 20 February [1892]. 1 l.

33. TSU extract of L from Rev. C.J. Robinson, 7 August 1892. 1 l.

34. TSU extract from L with MS note from Edward A. Russell, 25 May 1892. 1 l.

35. TSU copy of L from F.M.F. Skene, 7 November 1892. 2 ls.

From Laura Tennant:

36. TSU copy of L, 26 November 1884. 1 l.

37. TSU copy of L, 18 May 1885. 1 l.

38. TSU copy of L, 5 November. 2 ls.

39. TSU copy of L, undated. 1 l.

40. TSU copy of L, undated. 1 l.

41. TSU extract from L from M. Townsend, 31 January 1892. 2 ls.

From William Watson:

42. TSU copy of L, 17 September 1895. 3 ls.

43. TSU copy of L, 6 January [1898]. 2 ls.

From MHW:

44. ALU (incomplete) to Agnes, undated. 1 l.

45. AMSU copy of L to Frances Arnold, [late 1917]. 1 l.

46. ALU (incomplete) to Josephine Benison, [1817]. 1 l.

47. AMS draft of LS to Carter Brown, [1917]. 2 ls.

48. ALU (incomplete) to Mr. Scherer, undated. 1 l.


49. TSLU (in French), 1 February 1889. 2 ls.

50. TSU copy of L to Lady Richardson, undated. 1 l.


1. AMS accounts, 1915. 1 l.

2. AMS financial papers. 2 ls.


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