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Robert Browning Collection


Browning's connection with Benjamin Jowett and Balliol College

Robert Browning (1812-1889) first met Benjamin Jowett in June 1865 when he was making enquiries about the possibility of sending Pen to Balliol. Jowett wrote to Florence Nightingale, clearly impressed with his new acquaintance: "I thought that I was getting too old to make a new friend, but I believe that I have made one- Mr Browning the poet, who has been staying with me. It is impossible to speak without enthusiasm of Mr Browning's generous nature and his great ability and knowledge." Although Pen failed to meet Jowett's exacting standards in Greek and eventually went to Christ Church rather than Balliol, his father and Jowett enjoyed a long friendship. As a mark of his respect for Jowett, Browning presented him with several volumes of his poetry, now part of the college's Browning collection. Browning also joined one of Jowett's reading parties at Trummel Bridge in Scotland which was also attended by Swinburne. Jowett's lukewarm appreciation of some of Browning's poetry, which on one occasion he described as "extravagant, perverse" and "topsy turvy" appeared to do nothing to mar their relationship.

In 1867, partly as a result of his connection with Jowett, Browning became Balliol's first Honorary Fellow. He was granted rooms in college in 1868 and was often Jowett’s guest at college occasions. He took part in the banquet of Lent Term 1877 when the new Hall was opened. In June 1880 he attended the performance of the "Agamemnon" of Aeschylus in the college Hall, the first public performance of a play in Balliol. In 1890, after the poet's death, Jowett wrote to Florence Nightingale that there was to be a performance of Browning's Strafford at Balliol.

Browning himself started the donation of Browningiana to the college. In 1886 he presented his portrait painted by his son, which now hangs in the Library. After Browning's death Pen and Fannie Browning presented the college with more of his effects such as the Old Yellow Book, given by Pen, and Browning's Doctor of Civil Law gown, given by Fannie.


  • Dowden, Edward. Robert Browning. London. 1904.
  • Faber, Geoffrey. Jowett. London: 1957.
  • Jones, John. Balliol College . A History.1263- 1939. Oxford: 1989.
  • Meredith, Michael. Meeting the Brownings. Baylor: 1986.
  • Quinn, E.V. & Prest, John. Dear Miss Nightingale. A Selection of Benjamin Jowett's Letters to Florence Nightingale. Oxford: 1987.

Provenance of the collection

Correspondence relating to the acquisition of items can be found within the collection and is recorded below. Donors of items have been stated where known; the information being taken from the item itself, from a handwritten catalogue of the collection by Mynors or from Vincent Quinn's card index to parts of the collection. (Mynors' and Quinn's lists are kept together in the grill containing the Browning collection on the middle shelf near the window.)

Components of the collection

I. Manuscript material by R.B., Browning family and others.

II. Relics connected with R.B. including works of art and photographs.

III. Published works by and about R.B. and E.B.B. including books given by R.B. to Jowett.

Note concerning Browning checklist and the reconstruction of the Browning collections

Many of the items in Balliol's collection of Browning material have been recorded in:

The Brownings' Correspondence: A Checklist . Kelly and Hudson. Browning Institute and Wedgstone Press. 1978.

The Browning Collections: A Reconstruction. Kelly and Coley. Baylor and Wedgstone Press. 1984.

Kelly and Hudson’s [KH] and Kelly and Coley’s [KC] references have been placed in square brackets for items described below.


R.B. Robert Browning

E.B.B. Elizabeth Barrett Browning.




A number of autograph manuscript items by and relating to Robert Browning are recorded in RAB Mynors' Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Balliol College, Oxford:

MSS 387 - 392 Original holograph texts of the later poems of Robert Browning (honorary fellow of the College 1867), written out on quarto paper with a varying amount of subsequent correction, and used as printer's copy. Contents:

387. Robert Browning, Balaustin's Adventure (published 1871) ff.1-104; f 105 blank; Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society (published 1871) ff 106-175; Fifine at the Fair (published 1872) ff.176-264. 6 blank + 264 ff.[condition: good] digital images available on request

388. Robert Browning, Red Cotton Night Cap Country (published 1873) ff.1-141; The Inn Album (published 1875) ff.142-245. 6 blank + 245 ff. [condition: good] digital images available on request

389. Robert Browning, Aristophanes' Apology (published 1875) ff.1-199; The Agamemnon of Aeschylus (published 1877) ff.200-264. 6 blank + 264 ff. [condition: good] digital images available on request

390. Robert Browning, Pacchiarotto: and How he worked in Distemper (published 1876) ff.1-113; La Saisiaz: The Two Poets of Croisic (published 1878) ff.114-191. 6 blank + 191ff. [condition: good] digital images available on request

391. Robert Browning, Dramatic Idyls (published 1879) ff.1-51; Dramatic Idyls, second series (published 1880) ff.52-105; Jocoseria (published 1883) ff.106-183. 183ff. [condition: good]

392. Robert Browning, Ferishtah's Fancies (published 1884); Parleyings with certain People of importance in their Day (published 1887). 238ff. [condition: good] digital images available on request

[K.C E:4- 5, 13, 15, 18, 25, 27, 32, 35, 41, 48, 50, 61, 73, 87, 90, 92, 94, 105, 107, 110, 114, 125- 7, 131- 2, 138, 143, 156, 168, 173, 194, 199- 200, 210, 212, 220, 239, 242-3, 249, 258, 265,281- 3, 286, 265, 281- 3, 286, 289, 305, 309, 330- 2, 334- 5, 337- 8, 341, 351, 355, 359, 377- 8, 389- 91, 399, 426, 435, 437, 439, 455, 466, 473, 477- 8, 486, 500].

MS 393. A small volume bound in pigskin. Presented by TJ Wise in 1926. Original autograph letters and papers relating to Robert Browning: thirty letters of the years 1887-9, for the most part written jointly by the poet and his sister Sarianna to his son Robert Wiedemann Barrett Browning, jointly with his daughter-in-law Fannie; 9 letters from Sarianna to Fannie; 2 from Benjamin Jowett to RBB Browning after his father's death, and 1 from him to Miss Browning, giving the history of a suggestion that her brother should stand for the Oxford Professorship of Poetry; 2 letters and a 'newspaper' in Italian written by RBB Browning when a small child. Detailed description of contents here.

[K.H. 87:181-2, 87:213, 87:214, 27:229, 87:246, 87:255, 88:28, 88:34, 88:39, 88:77, 88:80, 88:85, 88:92, 88:99, 88:144, 88:152, 88:168, 88:174, 88:176, 88:222, 89:33, 89:64, 89:75, 89:175, 89:190, 89:204, 89:239, 89:241, n.d.:65- 8.]

[K.C. K:110-1, K:116, L:50,]

MS 394 includes 1 ALS from R.B. to George Eliot. (Mynors p364).[K.H. 78:124]

MS 420 includes 1 ALS from R.B. to Professor Campbell. (Mynors p369)[K.H. 68:124]

MS 421 includes 3 ALS from R.B. contained in MS 421 .

Other manuscript material.

1 ALS from R.B. to Felix Moscheles. 30 Nov. 1887 [sic for 1883]. 1l. Donated E.Howlett 1942.

1 ALS from R.B. to Major Gillum. 17 June 1863. 1l. Donated J.N.Bryson. [K.H. 63:67]

1 ALS from R.B. to Lady Pollock. 18 Mar. 1874. 1l. Donated Charles Knapp. [K.H. 74:37]

Box labelled "Browning: Lady Berwick."

The items below were previously kept in a box labelled "Lady Berwick" by EV Quinn. Quinn's list of the contents is reproduced below.

  • 13 letters from Mrs Bronson to Mrs William Hutton, 1886-1890.
  • 2 letters from Mrs Fannie Barrett Browning to Madame Villari
  • 1 letter from Sarianna Browning to Madame Villari
  • 1 letter from DS Curtis to Madame Villari
  • Photograph of Robert Barrett Browning, July 1889
  • Photograph of Fannie Barrett Browning
  • copy of a letter from Madame Linda Vallari to Mrs Hutton, 7 Dec 1902
  • ‘A Valediction’ by Fannie Barrett Browning
  • ‘Palazzo Rezzonico 17 Febb 1896.’
  • photograph of the Catalogue of Robert Browning
  • white shoe thrown for luck at the wedding of Edith Bronson

In addition to the items noted by Quinn the box also contains:

  • 1 ALS from Robert Barrett Browning to Madame Villari.
  • 2 ML copies from Mrs Bronson to Mrs Hutton in the hand of Lady Berwick.
  • Photograph of Miss Isa Blagden, who lived at Florence, friend of the Brownings and Madame Villari.
  • Papers relating to the donation of items to Balliol by Lady Berwick.

Some of the letters given by Lady Berwick mention the Brownings.

According to Quinn's list the box also originally contained the photograph of the catafalque of R.B., Nov. 1889 which is kept with the other photographs (see relics.)

Box labelled "Browning 1."

The items below were previously kept in a marbled box file labelled "Browning" by Quinn.


  • Envelope the contents of which include: 1 ALS from H.G.Hewlett to R.B. 3 July 1872. 1l. Envelope. [K.H. 72:88]
  • 1 ALS from Fannie Barret Browning to Strachan Davidson (sent with ring; see relics.) 2 Jan. 1914. 1l.
  • Envelope labelled "Miscellanea from Miss Carey's Bequest 1921." Includes: 1 MS copy of Dickens' appraisal of A Blot in the Scutcheon. The extract is headed: "Written at the "Athenaeum" after reading the work there." In R.B.'s hand with note at bottom signed by R.B. [1872-]
  • New Year's card from Sarianna Browning and Robert Barret Browning to Miss Carey. 1903. Envelope.
  • Newspaper cuttings re R.B.
  • Extracts from published material re Browning family.
  • 1 ALS from Fannie Barrett Browning to Alexander Dunlop Lindsay. 24 Jan. 1928. 1l.
  • Envelope labelled "Correspondence relating to Miss Carey's Bequest 1921 etc." Originally labelled this by Mynors. Includes 1 ALS from Jowett to Arthur K. Browning; 1 ALS from Arthur K.Browning to Jowett. Both letters are written on the same piece of paper which also contains a Greek exercise corrected by Jowett. [Jan. 1842.]
  • Correspondence with A.D.Whyte re his donations to the collection.
  • Correspondence relating to MS of Asolando.
  • Enquiries concerning the Browning collection.

Detailed description of contents here

Box labelled "Browning 2."

The items below were previously kept in a second marbled box file labelled "Browning" by Quinn.


  • 1 ALS from R.B. to Dr Scott (Master). 19 Warwick Cres. 21 Oct. 1867. 1l. [K.H. 67:105]
  • Album [compiled by Miss F.C.Carey.] Bequeathed by Miss Carey. Contains: 3 carte de visite photographs; 1 of R.B. and 2 of R.B.'s father. (For prints of the photographs see below.)
  • 1 copy of Lines to the Tomb of Louis Lincoln Thaxter written in R.B.'s hand and signed by R.B. First line: "Thou, whom these eyes saw never." 19 Apr. 1885. 1l. [K.C. E234].
  • 1 copy of lines 179- 180 of Lurcia written in R.B.'s hand. First line: "If we could wait! The only fault's with time". 28 June 1878. [K.C. E:236].
  • 1 copy of lines 79- 86 of In a Gondola written in R.B.'s hand and signed by R.B. First line: "Of which were best to wane or zest?" 23 Sept. 1887. 1l. [K.C. E:188].
  • Envelope postscript of a letter from E.B.B to Miss Mitford. [26 May 1852]. The letter is 52:23 on the Kelly checklist and is at Wellesley College, Massachusetts. Letter from Robert Barrett Browning to Miss Carey accompanying the envelope.
  • 6 ALS and 1 envelope from R.B. to Mrs Benecke. 2 Jan. [1887]- July 1889. 1 envelope. Donated by Miss M.Deneke 1952. [K.H. 87:4, 88:4, 88:23, 88:170, 89:83, 89:139]
  • 3 ALS from R.B. to Mrs Benecke. 28 Apr. 1888- 27 July 1889. 3l. 2 envelopes. Donated J.R.Andrews. Oct. 1976. Correspondence relating to the donation.
  • Small pocket wallet used by R.B. containing the postal receipt for the proofs of Asolando. Donated by Anthony Thompson. [K.C. H:677] Correspondence relating to the gift.
  • 1 ALS from Sarianna Browning to Lady Paget. 4 Jan. [1890]. 1l.
  • 1 ALS from Sarianna Browning to Mary Paget. 26 Feb. [1890]. Enclosure: photograph of R.B. cut from a magazine. Envelope. 1l.
  • 1 ALS from R.B. to Rev. Henry Wall. 6 Feb. 1871. Labelled "From a group of Bursary letters found in basement XV" by Quinn. 1l.
  • 1 ALS from R.B. to Mrs Joachim. 1 May 1888. Envelope. 1l.
  • Photocopies of some of the letters from R.B. kept in Balliol.
  • Envelope labelled "R.B. from Bursary. Sept. 1965. His DCL gown and enquiry cover Beddoes box." Found kept with the photographs and moved into this box 1992. 5 items: 4 ALS, 1 ML copy. Dates: [1913- 14]. Includes: 3 ALS from Fannie Barrett Browning to Strachan Davidson; 1 ALS concerns the gift of R.B.'s gown (see relics for gown).

Detailed description of contents here

Box labelled "Browning: FitzGerald 1"

Contains papers relating to the FitzGerald family. Donated by Miss Mabel Purefoy FitzGerald:

  • Print from photographs of Mabel Purefoy FitzGerald and Mrs FitzGerald from R.B.'s album (see below)
  • FitzGerald Family correspondence and papers (includes letters to Mabel Purefoy and her sister "Katie"): 1818- 1893.
  • Correspondence and articles on the subject of R.B.'s connection with the FitzGerald family: [1966]- 1972.
  • Typed material used by Professor Edward C. Mc Aleer in Learned Lady: Robert Browning Letters to Mrs Thomas FitzGerald. Some of it annotated by Mabel Purefoy FitzGerald.
  • Visiting card of Mrs R.B.Browning, Barncote, Reigate.

Detailed description of contents here

Box labelled "Browning: FitzGerald 2."

Containing further material acquired from Miss FitzGerald:

  • Published articles concerning the Brownings.
  • Nineteenth century newspaper cuttings relating to R.B.
  • Folder concerning Browning items that were in Miss Mabel Purefoy FitzGerald's possession.
  • Notes on cards by [Mabel Purefoy FitzGerald on her family] attached to 2 carte de visite photographs of [Mrs Fitzgerald.]

II: 'Relics', including works of art and photographs

The information below has been obtained from Quinn's cards in the brown index box, Mynors' handwritten catalogue of the collection, Meeting the Brownings, the exhibition catalogue produced by Baylor University and The Browning Collection: a Reconstruction. Some items were recorded in none of these guides.

Wooden box labelled "Browning relics" by Mynors.

Contains the following books some of which belonged to R.B.

  • On Rosalind. Helena Faucit Martin. Privately printed. Edingburgh: 1884. R.B.'s copy. Contains R.B.'s signature. Dedicated to R.B. by the author. Bequeathed by Miss F.C.Carey 1921. [K.C. A:1548]
  • De Simboli Transporti al Morale. Daniello Bartoli. London: n.d. With notes in R.B.'s hand, among them a statement that "The Ride to Ghent" and "Home Thoughts From Abroad" were originally written down in pencil inside the front cover. Dedicated: "Mrs S.Orr from Robert Browning." Given by her to Miss F.C.Carey, 1900. Bequeathed by Miss Carey 1921. [K.C. A:168]
  • Sordello. R.B. London: 1840.
  • Small green box contains: Emblemes. Quarles, Francis. London: 1634. Annotated: "Robert Browning (written by my mother R.B.)" and "To Fanny C.Carey from A.Orr- a memorial of the childhood of Robert Browning." The poet's juvenile hand throughout. Bequeathed by Miss F.Carey 1921. [K.C. A:1912].
  • Caesar Borgia. Nathaniel Lee. London: 1736. Annotated in R.B.'s hand: "This was the first play I ever read." Also annotated: "Transferred by A.Orr to his loyal friend Fanny Carey. Oct. 3rd 1900." Bequeathed by Miss F.C.Carey, 1921. [K.C. A:1433]
  • Strafford: an Historical Tragedy R.B. and The Provost of Bruges bound together. London: 1837. The names Emile Ashurst, Bridge Street 1837 and F.Neal are written inside the cover.
  • Paracelsus. R.B. London: 1835. Bequeathed by Miss F.C.Carey.
  • Photocopy of the copy of Ferishtah's Fancies described below.
  • Handwritten list by Quinn of the Browning material.

Box labelled "Browning Relics 1: Books"

Containing further books connected with the Browning family.

  • Ferishtah's Fancies. R.B. London: 1834. With notes in R.B.'s hand; given by him to Mrs Sutherland Orr, and by her to Miss Carey. Bequeathed by Miss F.C.Carey, 1921. [K.C. C:321].
  • La Vie Privee a Venise. P.G.Molmenti. Venice: 1882. Annotated: "R[obert] B[arrett] B[rowning] from F[annie] B[arrett] B[rowning]. Venice July 9th 1888." Presented by Rev. L.D.Heppenstall 1968. Heppenstall was the executor of Miss Dorothy Ivatt who shared a household with Mrs Barrett Browning. [K.C. A:1629].
  • Amiel, Henri- Frederic. Amiel's Journal. 2 vols. London: 1896. Each volume contains the bookplate and signature of Fannnie Browning. Presented by Rev. L.D.Heppenstall. [K.C. A:58].
  • Comoediae. Plautus. Amsterdam: 1619. Inscribed on title page by Elizabeth Barrett Browning: "Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning." [K.C. A:1864].
  • Opera . Tacitus. Amsterdam: 1623. "Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning " written inside front cover in R.B.'s hand. [K.C. A:2237].
  • Photograph of the portrait of R.B. (see below).
  • Correspondence related to the acquisition of La Vie Privee a Venise and Amiel's Journal. From this correspondence it is clear that the college did not accept Heppenstall's offer of:
  • Rome . Rodd, James Rennell. London: 1932. From Fannie Browning's library. [K.C. A:1962] and I Monumenti Italian. Ugo Ojetti. Milan: 1917. [K.C. A:2361]. These items are erroneously described as being in the college's possession in Kelly and Coley, The Browning Collections: A Reconstruction.
  • Note by Quinn: "For Browning collection. Purchased Dec. 1977." The note was found on the top of the box and appears to have been detached from the item it originally referred to.

Box labelled "Relics 2."

The material was previously kept in a box labelled "Relics" by Quinn. Contains:

  • Brass candlestick from R.B.'s study. Bequeathed by Miss F.C.Carey 1921. [K.C. H:309].
  • Silver sugar tongs which belonged to R.B. Bequeathed by Miss F.C.Carey 1921. [K.C. H:345].
  • Laurel leaves from the casket of R.B. in Venice, 1889. [K.C. H:585, H:588].
  • Dead dragon fly in box with transparent lid.
  • Gloves, collar tie and cravat worn by R.B. Given by Katharine Bronson. [K.C. H:541- 2, H:571].
  • Handkerchief. Wrapped in paper labelled: "Souvenir of my beloved Mr Browning." and in different hand "Linen handkerchief which belonged to Robert Browning." Presented by Katherine Bronson. [K.C. H:577].
  • Small case which appears to have been intended for jewellery. May be modern.
  • Folded piece of paper containing newspaper cuttings relating to R.B. from the nineteenth century and a leaf from R.B.'s bier.

Box labelled "Relics 3: The Ring and the Book."

The material was previously kept in a box labelled "the ring and the book" by Quinn. Contains:

  • Ring (the ring of The Ring and the Book. Gold, inscribed in raised letters VIS MEA. Now broken. Mynors quotes letter from Mrs Fannie Barrett Browning to Master [Strachan Davidson] 2 Jan. 1914 which accompanies the gift of the ring to the college: this is "the ring of The Ring and the Book fame - which I have taken from Elizabeth Barrett Browning's jewellery case, given me by my dear father - in - law 6 months after our marriage." Given to R.B. by Isa Blagden. [K.C. H:462].
  • The old yellow book (the book of The Ring and the Book.) Given by Mr R.Barrett Browning, after the poet's death in accordance with his wishes. [K.C. A:1765]. A facsimile version of the old yellow book is placed on top of the box.
  • Medal with portrait of Pope Innocent XII, perhaps the Pope of The Ring and the Book. Given by Mr (later Sir) William J. Ashley and his wife, 1910.
  • Portrait of Guido Franceschini, in a plain oak frame. Given by Mr H.G.Hewlett to R.B., 1872. Annotated on reverse of frame: "Portrait given to Browning by lover of his poems, Mr Hewlett, who found it in a bundle of drawings at a sale. Feb. 1898." Mynors writes that the portrait was "recently" put in an oak frame and that "kept with the collection is the original letter to R.B. from Mr H.G.Hewlett, dated 3 July 1872, asking his acceptance of it and stating that he brought it a "few days ago" at the sale of Dr Barory Delany's collection of drawings." Presented by Robert Wiedemann Barrett Browning, 1872. [K.C. H:133]
  • R.B.'s robe for Doctor of Civil Law at Oxford. Location: grill storage area opposite rest of Browning material. [K.C. H:644]
  • Small pocket wallet used by R.B. containing the postal receipt for the proofs of Asolando. Location: Box labelled "Browning 1."

(See below for photographs of the ring, book and portrait.)

Works of art depicting R.B.

Portrait of R.B. The entry for the portrait in John Jones The Portraits of Balliol College. A Catalogue (p9) is reproduced below. Presented by R.B. 1886. [K.C. K:34].

Bust of R.B. The entry from p 10 of Jones catalogue is reproduced below.

[K.C. K:81]

Box labelled "Browning Relics 4: Hope End Sketch and Browning Medallion."

  • Framed pencil sketch of Hope End, E.B.B.'s home before her marriage. Signed M.W. Presented by Rev. A.J.Whyte 1929.[K.C. K:86]
  • Bronze medallion of R.B. by Gustav Nathorp, 1888. Presented by E.V.Quinn. Described on p166 in Robert Browning's, Portraits, Photographs and Other Likenesses and their Makers. Grace Elizabeth Wilson. Baylor: 1943.

Photographs .

The following photographs, negatives and prints have been identified using Mynors catalogue, Quinn's index of "Relics", comments written by Quinn on envelopes containing photographs and Kelly and Hudsons' checklist. Details and locations of the photographs can be found on the photograph database. To facilitate use of the database the database code used for each album or box containing photographs has been given in square brackets.

Box labelled "Browning: Photo 1."

Photograph album belonging to R.B. Oak cover with R.B's initial. Inscribed by Fannie Barrett Browning. Contains "cartes de visite" of his friends, relatives and himself. Given by the Rev. A.J.Whyte, 1924. The album was presented to Professor Knight by Fannie Barrett Browning; Knight bequeathed the album to Whyte.

A copy of the album is kept beside the box containing the original. The copy of the album also contains the photographs in the album in box "Browning 2." Negatives kept by Thomas Photos, Oxford.

[K.C. H:169]. [Dbase BP1].

Box labelled "Browning: Photo 2."

Photograph album with leather cover. Memorial volume of photographs of those who took part in the centenary celebration at Westminster Abbey, 7 May 1912. Enclosed: 2 ALS from William Knight to Strachan Davidson re the service. 12 and 25 Sept. 1912.

[K.C. H:171]. [Dbase BP2].

Box labelled "Browning: Photo 3."

Contains: Photograph of Hope End. The envelope in which the photograph was previously kept was labelled "Hope End. Original photo." by Quinn and contained a piece of paper with "Photograph of Mrs Browning's home at Hope End. (Given to Balliol College Library by Dr A.J.Whyte)" written on it by Mynors. [K.C. L:220].

Print or original photograph labelled on reverse "Camera occupata for Robert Browning in Asolo- ore hore posta una lapide che recorda le sua visite."

Photograph of R.B.'s catafalque. Presented by Lady Berwick 1967.

Photograph of Sarianna Browning, sister of R.B. Presented by Marchesa Fossi.

[Dbase BP3].

Photograph of Hope End garden entrance. Location: hanging on wall in annex between bays F and G. [K.C. L:220]. [Dbase BP4].

Box labelled "Browning: Negatives & Prints of Photographs."

Contains: Negatives of: 4 portraits from R.B.'s photograph album described above (glass); photograph of Hope End (glass); Hope End sketch (see relics); photograph of Sarianna Browning described above; photograph of R.B.'s catafalque described above; MS 387 (see above); the ring; the title page of the old yellow book; the portrait of Guido Franceschini; bronze medallion of R.B. (see relics for the actual ring, book, portrait and medallion.)

Prints of: portrait of Guido Franceschini; the title page of the old yellow book; Sarianna Browning, R.B.'S catafalque; the ring; bronze medallion of R.B.; 2 portraits from R.B.'s photograph album; photograph of Hope End.

[LIBRARY BNPP in the NEGLOC field of the PHOTO database refers to negatives kept in this box.]

Photographs elsewhere in the collection:

Box: "Browning: Lady Berwick." Photographs of Robert Barrett browning, Fannie Barrett Browning and Miss Isa Blagden, friend of the Brownings. [Dbase BLB].

"Browning 2." Album compiled by Miss F.C.Carey. Photograph of R.B. from a magazine. [Dbase B2A].

"Browning: FitzGerald 1." Print of Miss Mabel Purefoy FitzGerald from R.B.'s album (see above.) Carte de visite photograph of [FitzGerald]. [Dbase BFITZ1].

"Browning FitzGerald 2." 2 carte de visite photographs of [Mrs FitzGerald]. [Dbase BFITZ2].

"Relics 1: Books." Photograph of the portrait of R.B. (see above.)

III Published works

Listed in brown card index book by Vincent Quinn. The index has not been updated with more recent acquisitions. The index is divided into sections to cover the following categories:

  • Bibliography
  • Collected works
  • Selected works
  • Separate publications
  • [Published editions of] letters
  • Biographies
  • Criticism
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning [including bibliography, letters and works]. Some material on E.B.B. is inevitably contained in works in the other sections of the index.

The collection of published works includes Browning Society publications, articles on R.B., newspaper cuttings relating to R.B. (some from the 19th century pasted into a scrapbook), publications by the Baylor Library, Waco, Texas, exhibition catalogues, auction catalogues, papers relating to R.B.'s centenary (1989) and The Browning Newsletter.

The auction catalogues include:

Hobson Geoffrey Dudley. Preface to Browning Collections. Typewritten draft presented to A.C.R. Carter, correspondent to the Daily Telegraph. 5 pages; signed and dated 3 Apr. 1913. Bound with Carter's annotated and interleaved copy of Browning Collections. The catalogue is bound in black leather with "The Browning and Pembroke Sales" on the spine in gold lettering. [K.C. L:123].

Books presented to Jowett by R.B.

All dedicated to Jowett in R.B.'s hand. Numbers prefaced by the initials J.L. refer to the class mark used for the books in Jowett's library. NB links below are for reference to the texts, and are not links to images of Balliol's copies of these works.

E.B.B. The Greek Christian Poets and the English Poets. London: Chapman and Hall. 1863. J.L. 5 d2 (J.L. 14 a 23 crossed out.) [K.H. C:37].

E.B.B. A Selection from the Poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. London: 1866. J.L. 5 d1. Located on opposite side of the grill from the other books presented by R.B. [K.H. C 148].

R.B. Dramatis Personae. Second edition. London: Chapman and Hall. 1864. J.L. 5d 3. [K.H. C:303].

R.B. The Ring and the Book. London: Smith, Elder and Co. 1868. 4 vols. only the first vol. is annotated by R.B. J.L. 5 d3- 7. [K.H. C:528].

R.B. Balaustion's Adventure: Including a Transcript from Euripides. London: Smith, Elder and Co.. 1871. J.L. 5 d8 (J.L. 8a 14 crossed out.) [K.H. C:212].

R.B. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society. London: Smith, Elder and Co. J.L. 5 d9 (J.L. 8a 15 crossed out.) [K.H. C:498].

R.B. Aristophanes' Apology. London: Smith, Elder and Co. 1875. J.L. 5d 9 (J./L. 8a 9 crossed out.) [ K.H. C:196].

R.B. Agamemnon of Aeschylus. London: Smith, Elder and Co. 1877. J.L. 5d 11. [K.H. C:182].

R.B. Dramatic Idyls. London: Smith, Elder and Co. 1879. J.L. 5d 12. [K.H. C:262].

R.B. Dramatic Idyls. Second edition. London: Smith, Elder and Co. 1880. J.L. 5d 13. [K.H. C:276].

R.B. Jocoseria. London: Smith, Elder and Co. 1883. J.L. 5d 14. [K.H. C:366].

R.B. Ferishtah's Fancies. London: Smith, Elder and Co. 1884. J.L. 5d 15 (J.L. 8a 16 crossed out.) [K.H. C:309].

R.B. Asolando. London: Smith, Elder and Co. 1890. J.L. 5d 16. [K.H. C:202].

R.B. The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. London: 1868. 6 vols. only the first vol. is annotated by R.B. Purchased 1952. [K.H. C477].

- Charlotte Fisher, Modern Manuscripts Assistant. June 1992. Edited Anna Sander November 2009.

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