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Conroy Collection: Catalogue 60 - 83

Sir Edward Conroy, 2nd Baronet

Private and Family Matters

60. Love letters (4) between Edward Conroy and 'Mary' of 'Sd' (probably daughter of Sir Henry Russell, 2nd Baronet, of Swallowfield, near Arborfield, 1847/8. [6.C]

61. Correspondence concerning the identity of Emily (who was probably a natural daughter of Edward Conroy), 1869 and 1880. [6.A]

62. Correspondence about family financial problems including:

  • Correspondence between Edward Conroy and Sir Charles Phipps on the death of Lady Elizabeth Conroy.
  • Letters (copies) between Victoire Conroy and the Queen, 1861.
  • Lady Elizabeth Conroy to the Queen, draft, 1862. [6.I; 7.B; 10.Residue.A]

63. Lady Flora Hastings to Edward Conroy, 17 Aug 1837. [2E.G]

64. Letters (ca 150) of the Duchess of Kent to Edward Conroy, 1840-1855. [10.3]

65. Letters (ca 40) Sir George Couper and Lady Augusta Bruce for the Duchess of Kent to Edward Conroy, 1854-1859. [10.Residue.B]

Early Life

66. Miscellaneous papers of Edward Conroy, including a bill for a St Patrick's Day Dinner at the Star, Oxford, 1831: over £5 a head including damage. [2E.D]

67. A very detailed diary of his European travels with George Chetwynd (France-Switzerland-Italty; March - September 1831) kept by Edward Conroy; ca 120 pp close-written, in a copy of 'Richard's Universal Daily Remembrancer' for 1831. [14.B.C]

68.Edward Conroy's letters to his family from Europe, 1831. [6.I; 7.A.1; 14B.C]

69. Edward Conroy's passport, 1831. [6.K]

70. 'The posting and travelling Expenses of Ed. Conroy and Geo. Chetwynd as kept by their courier Lewis Nicholas.' 1 vol, 1831. [3C.9]

71. Edward Conroy's passport, 1833, annotated by him, giving an account of his departure from Brussels. [14.B.C]

72. J Backhouse, from the Foreign Office, 30 April 1837, giving Edward Conroy permission to wear diplomatic uniform because he had served as a diplomatic attaché at Brussels. [2E.M]

73. A cutting of The Times obituary of Sir Robert Adair, 5 Oct 1858, annotated by Sir Edward Conroy. EC notes that he was sent as an unpaid attaché to the British Mission at Brussels by Lord Palmerston in 1833; Sir George Hamilton was Secretary to the Legation and Percy Doyle was paid attaché; they all lived with Adair and his mistress. [9A.9]

74. Edward Conroy's engagement book for the London fashionable seasons 1833-1835. [14B.A.(b).4]

75. Edward Conroy's summary and explanation of his expenses 1828-1839, and other papers concerning his debts, 1839. [14B.A.(b).5]

Marriage and Lady Alicia Conroy

76. Material concerning the elopement of Edward Conroy and Lady Alicia Parsons, 1837:

  • Gretna Green Marriage Certificate, 30 May 1837.
  • Kensington Marriage Certificate, 25 July 1837.
  • Edward Conroy, an extract from his journal, 28 May 1837.
  • Edward Conroy, an account of the elopement.

A transcript of Edward Conroy's account of the elopement, with a commentary, by K Hudson, is available in Balliol Library. [10.4]

77. Edward Conroy to Sir John Conroy following the eleopement, written from Keswick, 8 June 1837. [7A.2]

78. Papers concerning the financial arrangements following Edward Conroy's marriage, 1837. Sir John settled his lands of Shankhill, otherwise Bettyfield, which he formerly held by lease from the See of Tuam but which he had since purchased, on Edward, to succeed on his death; Lord Rosse settled money on Lady Alicia immediately. [2E.G & M]

79. Lady Alicia Conroy to Edward Conroy, 1838 (2). [14B.A.(b).1]

80. Letters (ca 40) written by Lord Rosse to Lady Alicia Conroy, 1838-1840, many from Brighton with comments on the season there, and frequent detailed references to Lord Oxmantown (William Parsons, later Lord Rosse PRS) and his astronomical observations. [2E.M; 6.I; 7.C; 14B+.1]

81. Letters from Edward Conroy to Lady Alicia Conroy from his death-bed, 1869. [6.A & I]

82. A copy of Lady Alicia Conroy's will, a list of her jewels, and the 3rd Baronet's original superseded will, 1885. [3D.5]


83. Papers concerning Edward Conroy's death and estate, including a letter about the settlement on Mrs Ayshford Conroy (Emily), ca 1869. [3E.A; 6G]

- Katherine Hudson and John Jones

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