Jenkyns Collection: Catalogue 24-64 Richard Jenkyns [RJ] (1782-1854)
Fellow of Balliol24. RJ’s certificates of his ordination as deacon (1805) and priest (1805) by the Bishop of Oxford, and his appointment as a Whitehall Preacher (1809) by the Bishop of London. [VIA.13] 25. Notes (1 vol and 2 packets unbound) for lectures on theological, philosophical and classical subjects, in RJ’s hand, ND (ca 1805-1820). [VIA.9, 17 & 20] Master of Balliol26. A notebook recording Scholarship and Fellowship examination exercises 1806-1849, mostly in RJ’s hand, but in that of John Parsons (Master 1798-1819) initially, together with loose printed examination papers, 1839, 1842 and ND (2). [VIA.11] 27. A notebook in RJ’s hand “Memoranda Respecting Rooms, Applicants for Admission”, which begins with a detailed rooms list of about 1818 and continues with a list of men awaiting admission, giving details of parent, address and recommender, covering the period 1816-1825. Loosely inserted is a list of seven “Names of Boys publickly expelled the School at Eton Novr 3 1818 for Insubordination & Rebellion.” 28. Letters (24 Feb 1823 and 21 Mar 1823) from Matthew Baillie (royal physician) and one (19 Mar 1823) from William Owen concerning a portrait of the former by the latter (number II.36 in Mrs Poole’s catalogue, vol II), to RJ. [VIA.31] 29. A letter (9 Aug 1825) from Sir John English Dolben of Finedon to RJ, presenting a portrait of Sir Philip Sidney to the University and a portrait of Sir John Dolben (no. II.26 in Mrs Poole’s catalogue, vol 2) to the College. [VIA.1bi] 30. RJ’s papers concerning the affairs and death of George Powell (eccentric Senior Fellow), 1830, including:
31. RJ’s draft f an obituary notice for William Tournay (Warden of Wadham 1806-1831, d.1833). [I.15] 32. In RJ’s hand, a draft of a petition to the Archbishop of Canterbury about the impending appointment of RD Hampden to the Regius Professorship of Divinity, 1836. [VIA.14] 33. Two letters from RJ to his brother HJ, making reference to the Hampden controversy, 1836. [VIA.1a] 34.A letter from Frederick Oakeley as resident Fellow to RJ at Dinder, 3 Sept 1838, about Balliol business and accounts. [VIA.31] 35. A letter from John Chapman as Senior Fellow to RJ, inviting him to have his portrait painted for the Hall (number II.45 in Mrs Poole’s catalogue, vol II) to mark the 20 th anniversary of his election as Master, 23 April 1839, with RJ’s draft of his acceptance. [VIA.31] 36. Letters (15) to RJ from Robert Scott (former Fellow, RJ’s successor as Master), 1840-1850, with a draft by RJ of one of his replies; mostly concerning the livings of Duloe or South Luffenham, but with passing references to Scott’s lexicographical work and Balliol affairs. [VIA.4] 37. Papers (1 packet) concerning abortive building plans of 1843 (“the Civil War” of 1843). [I.1] 38. RJ’s papers concerning William George Ward (Fellow of Balliol and religious controversialist) and related matters, mostly 1844-1845. Images online
39. A letter from Frederick Oakeley to RJ, 24 July 1849, with RJ’s draft of his reply. [VIB] images online 40. A copy of RJ of his letter to the Visitor in answer to the appeal of Henry Wall concerning disciplinary procedure, 11 July 1850, with a letter from Wall to RJ on the same matter, 19 Mar 1850. [VIA.31] Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford41. Lord Grenville (WW Grenville, Chancellor) to GW Hall (Vice-Chancellor), nominating RJ as Vice-Chancellor for the ensuing year, 24 July 1824. [VIA.25] 42. In RJ's hand, Latin speeches made by him in Convocation in 1824, 1825, 1826 and 1827 on his admission and readmission to terms of office as Vice-Chancellor. [VIA.25] 43. Lord Grenville to RJ on RJ's retirement as Vice-Chancellor 6 Oct 1828. [VIA.25] 44. Letters (16) from Lord Grenville to RJ on University business 1825-1828, with drafts or copies of two of RJ's replies. [VIA.22] 45. A long formal letter from James Blackstone (Principal of New Inn Hall 1803-1831) to RJ, with a personal covering note, concerning New Inn Hall, 31 May 1825. [VIA.22] 46. A little book containing miscellaneous notes, mainly concerning matters of form and procedure, kept by RJ as Vice-Chancellor. [VIA.3] 47. RJ's bank book for his account as Vice-Chancellor with Fletcher, Parsons & Co, 1824-1828.[VIA.19] 48. RJ's own accounts and notes (1 vol) concerning his bank account as Vice-Chancellor 1824-1828, with some rough Balliol accounts of ca 1830. [VIA.19] 49. RJ's papers (1 packet) as Vice-Chancellor, concerning the regulations and arrangements for the examination of members of the University for "Writerships" in the Civil Service of the East India Company, 1826-1828. [VIA.29] Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford50. RJ's correspondence (7 letters received, 3 draft replies) with Lord Grenville, 1831-1833, partly as Pro-Vice-Chancellor and partly personal, mostly concerning Hall Principalship appointments. 51. A letter from Sir Robert Inglis (MP for the University 1829-1854) to RJ as Pro-Vice-Chancellor, 18 April 1838, concerning the presentation by Lord Sidmouth (Henry Addington) of portraits of Lords Stowell (William Scott) and Eldon (John Scott), numbers 328 and 329 in Mrs Poole's catalogue, vol. 1/ [VIA.32] Prebendary and Dean of Wells52. RJ's admission to the Prebend of Dinder by the Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1824 [VIA.1] 53. RJ's letters (2 of 1831, 2 of 1842) from Edmund goodenough (dean of Wells 1831-1845) and RJ's draft (ND, 1842) of one of his replies. [VIA.26b] 54. Correspondence concerning RJ's unsuccessful candidacy for a Canon's stall at Wells, 1840: including letters from Henry Hobhouse (2) and Edmund Goodenough (2), with two of RJ's drafts for replies. [VIA.30] 55. Papers concerning RJ's appointment as Dean of Wells, 1845, including Robert Peel's letters to RJ of 30 May and 2 June 1845 and a copy of RJ's reply of 31 May i nhis hand, with transcripts of the same and copies of related correspondence which was formerly at Dinder but is now deposited in Wells Cathedral Library. [I.2] 56. Letters (about 60) of congratulation to RJ on his appointment as Dean of Wells, 1845. The correspondents are mostly Balliol men; they include HE Manning, Robert Scottt and AP Stanley. [VIA.15] 57. RJ's "humble Memorial" to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners concerning his decanal income, and a copy in his hand of his letter to Lord John Russell, both of 10 Feb 1849. [VIA.26b] 58. RJ's correspondence an dpapers (2 packets) concerning restoration work on Wells Cathedral 1850-1853, including:
59. RJ's draft of a letter to HW Barnard declining to involve himself in Wells borough politics, because of his status, despite his inclination to "maintain the Tory, Conservative and Protestant cause", 13 Mar 1852. [VIA.31] 60. Letters (2) of 1853 and 1854 from GA Denison to RJ and a Memorial of 17 Feb 1854 (apparently a draft, but signed by RJ himself, Henry Law, HW Barnard and JH Pinder) in RJ's hand, from the Dean and Chapter to the Bishop of Bath and Wells concerning controversial sermons preached at Wells by Denison on 7 Aug and 6 Nov 1853. [VIA.26b] Death and Estate61. A packet of papers concerning RJ's estate and financial affairs 1825-1854, including a certified copy of his will (1850) and codicil (1854). [VIA.27] 62. Letters (17) of condolence to RJ's widow, 1854: the correspondents include CJ Blomfield, JD Coleridge, JT Coleridge, RL Cotton as Vice-Chancellor, EM Goulburn, AC Tair and Henry Wall as Senior Fellow. [VIA.6] 63. A small collection of newspaper obituaries and notices concerning RJ, 1854. [VIA.7] 64. Some papers concernin the inscription on RJ's tomb (no longer extant) in Wells Cathedral, 1854. [VIA.16] |
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