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Jenkyns Collection 85: Henry Lockett's Account book


Jenkyns III.6

When the Jenkyns Papers were studied in the 1980s, the prime interest was Richard Jenkyns Master of Balliol, and that was openly reflected in the bias of the Guide published then (John Jones, The Jenkyns Papers. A Guide, 1988) which passed over much other material superficially. The items listed as “Miscellaneous” under the heading “Topographical” op cit p13 were revisited in 2012. Jenkyns III.6 is an account book kept by Henry Lockett in the period 1731-1778, and is now described more fully.

Henry Lockett’s entry in the C of E Database is helpful, but not quite complete. He was MA Oxon 1727; Rector of Thorne Coffin 1729-1744 in tandem with being Perpetual Curate of Tintinhull; Rector of Crowcombe (where he has a monument) 1732-1779, and Rector of Clatworthy 1744-1779. He was a Prebendary of Wells, holding Combe, the tenth Prebend, from 1741 until death. He also had property held by personal right. He married Frideswide Farthing, daughter of Samuel Farthing, Patron of Crowcombe, his first major incumbency. Henry Lockett’s daughter Ann married Richard Jenkyns of Wells (d 1806), son of Richard Jenkyns, Prebendary of Wells (d 1749), who held the Combe Prebend immediately before Henry Lockett. Henry Lockett was also a Trustee of the Pyncombe Charity; his papers for that in Jenykns III.9 have been separately revisited and described recently .

Jenkyns III.6
A notebook, damp damaged, with parchment covers, 16 x20cm with 83 leaves, some now fragile. Spine broken, but no pages missing. No contemporary pagination; foliated in pencil 2012 top right. Front cover has the misleading faded legend “Rent Book Crowcombe/from 1731-39”. In fact the book is a rich mine of information about many properties, and covers 1731-1779. The contents are as follows:-

  • fo1r-1v. Blank.
  • fo2r-2v. Expenses re Crocombe and Clatworthy Parsonages 1731-1748.
  • fo3r-14r. William Gridley’s accounts re Crowcombe 1731-1750. William Gridley paid £150pa to Henry Lockett for the Parsonage of Crowcombe, less expenses; some of this was paid in kind, and Gridley seems to have acted as Lockett’s agent in some matters (eg fo10r Grimes’s, Alford’s and “Aunt Hall’s” rent).
  • “Couz Betty Cogan” is mentioned on fo10v.
  • fo14v-27v.Accounts re an Estate at Lyng 1729-1771. Principal tenants appearing in this period are John Brewer, Duke Lyng [ “Couz Duke” ], “Farmer Freare” from 1741, William Hancock from 1757.
  • fo28r. Blank.
  • fo28v-29v. Accounts re Thorn Coffin Parsonage 1730-1741.
  • fo30r-33r. William Gridley’s accounts re Crowcombe 1751-1763.
  • fo33v.”An Account of what I let 1762”.
  • fo34r-35r. Original rental agreements signed by the parties:
    • 30 October 1762, Pistle and Pistle Mead let to Thomas Anstey.
    • 22 February 1765, Burgage let to Thomas Anstey.
    • 3 January 1766, Pistle and Pistle Mead let to William Reeves.
  • fo35v. Blank
  • fo36r. Bridgewater rents received 1775-1778. Rent received from “Mr John Beale (by Mr Haberfield)” for ”my house in Bridgewater”.
  • fo36v-41r. Blank.
  • fo41v-43r. Accounts and notes re Tintinhull 1729-1743. Henry Lockett’s note says he succeeded to the Perpetual Curacy of Tintinhull on the death of Mr Pittard at Michaelmas 1729 [probably Robert Pittard]. ”Captn Napper” and “Brother Napper”, are mentioned several times, not necessarily the same; the Napper family were patrons, and Henry Lockett no doubt owed his appointment to them, as his sister Elizabeth had married Andrew Napper about 1724. This Andrew is no doubt "Brother Napper”. Lockett was followed at Tintinhull and Thorne Coffin by Edward Napper.
  • fo43v. Crowcombe. Joseph Alford paid “High Rent” of 6d pa for “the cottage belonging Grimes’s Estate”1746-1757; in 1763 Luke Philpot (“he having bought the House of Joseph Alford”) paid the same ; in 1767 and 1772 Grace Philpot his widow paid ,and in 1775 Sarah Philpot paid.
  • fo44r-48r. Jonathan Chaplin’s accounts re Crowcombe 1751-1764. Chaplin appears to have held Grimes’s and Burgage; from 1762 Margaret Chaplin rendered accounts and paid rent; a mortuary was paid on Jonathan Chaplin’s death; in 1764 she left the Estate and married Robert Holcomb of St Denmans.
  • fo48r. Grimes’s Estate 1765. Minor Expenses. It appears this was a farm. There is still a Grimes Farm in Crowcombe.
  • fos49r-53r.Blank
  • fos53v-61r. Accounts and notes re Crowcombe 1736-1751. “High Rent” of 1d pa was paid to William Kingsmill Esq., nd. Anthony Keene gave account for “my land in Crowcombe “ for which he paid £23pa from 1736-1745, when there appears to have been a settlement. Long Grimes (10 Acres) was let for £10pa in 1748 to Jonathan Chaplin; “the 2 higher pieces being 5 acres“ were let to Thomas Stevens for £5pa. The Barn ... and 2 Upper pieces were let to Jonathan Chaplin in 1750; his account and an original agreement (witnessed “Elizth Napper”) are at fo61r.
  • fos61v-65v. Clatworthy 1744-1747. Henry Locket paid Mr Rich or Rick £32 for serving the Curacy in 1745. Lockett had been presented to Clatworthy by “my worthy friend Thomas Carew Esq” in May 1744, his ”predecessor Mr Pierce dying the 23rd of April before.” Lockett had incurred considerable expense over the legal formalities getting approval to hold two rectories. A full list of the tenants and arrangements set up by Pierce is given. Place names mentioned include Trip Farm (Richard Slocombe, Friern (John Hill), Syndercombe Farm (William Slocombe), Sedgborough (Farmer Berriman), Broadway Head (John Way), Week Farm ( George Way).
  • fos66r-68v. “Acct of Hile’s Estate late Aunt Halls wch I now rent of Mr Kingsmill at £4 per year neat money from Midsummer 1745, Aunt Hall dying the day before “, 1745-1778.
  • fos69r-70r. William How’s accounts for Slocom’s Estate 1770-1777. “High Rent” was paid by Mr Kingsmill throughout.
  • fos70v-73v.William How’s accounts for Slocom’s Estate 1754-1770.
    • 5 November 1763 Ursula How signed receipt on behalf of her husband.
    • 22 April 1769 Henry Lockett let Butcher Slocombs House, Orchard, Slaughter House, and Stable to Butcher Grant.
  • fos74r-74r. Miscellaneous.
  • fo75r. ”Frank Sharper’s Acct”. Sharper was a servant, paid £11 for two year’s wages.
  • fos75v-76r. Combe Prebend 1741-1777.
  • fo76v. Original agreement letting the “late Butcher Slocombe’s House Garden or Orchard, the Slaughter House, Stable and Court” to William Chilcot Butcher, 28 April 1777. Let at the same time to him “Townsend Close (part of ye Glebe)”.
  • fo77r. ”An Account of Land Tax I pay”.
  • fo77v. “An Account of the 3 Houses in Bridgewater wch my Father gave me by his Will”.
  • fos78r-79r. Blank.
  • fo79v.”For burying outlivers in the Church and Churchyard.”
  • fo80r. “Mortuaries in the Parish of Crocombe recd by me Henry Lockett Rector of Crowcombe” 1733-1773.
  • fo80v. “Fees paid when Crocombe Women were married in another Parish”. “1739 Mr Bellarmine when he married the Widow Stephens”. “Mr Rich on marrying Mrs Fleays Daughter”.
  • No other entries. fos81r-82r. Blank. fos82v-83r. Miscellaneous.

Loose papers found in Jenkyns III.6

i.A single sheet written by Henry Lockett both sides:- First side: “Expenses of ye Ring Fences of ye Lane allotted for me in Crowcombe Heath field 1777”. Other side: lists of Substantial Householders and Compounders.

- listed by JH Jones, 20 September 2012


- John Jones

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