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Jenkyns Collection: Papers of Canon Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878)

Box 18

Jenkyns VA.1c.i.
Re Cranmer’s Remains:-

  • A Correspondence between the Rev Willam Maskell MA and the Rev Henry Jenkyns DD relating to Some Strictures by the Former on the Oxford Edition of Cranmer’s Remains, Durham 1846. Pamphlet,31pp,8vo.With Maskell’s ALS originals and HJ’s copies etc arranged for printing ; also a rough circulation list.
  • ALS  to HJ re his work on Cranmer’s Remains from HJ Todd , possibly from Settrington, Malton 15April 1831; RW Jelf from Kew 30 June 1830 ; J Fonhall from the British Museum 12 November and 31 December 1830; Rev Dr J Werninck from Camberwell 4 January 1831 and John Cochrane from 168 Strand London 6 January 1831.The last two are written on one leaf, Cochrane forwarding Werninck’s letter.

Jenkyns VA.1c.ii.
Resignation from the Professorship and Canonry residence dispensation requests;-

  • Papers and correspondence concerning HJs resignation from the Divinity Professorship while retaining the Durham Canonry 1863-1864,his application to the Government for residence dispensation 1871 and the possibility that he might make a further application in 1878.The 1871 application was refused and the Bishop ,effectively giving leave on his own authority, advised against a second application in 1878 and in any case HJ died shortly thereafter. The correspondence includes the following:
    • HJ,copy in his hand to the Bishop Charles Baring 4 July 1864 from Botley Hill thanking him for his kindness re his proposed resignation as Professor which he now proposes to make formal and promising to make financial provision for his successor.
    • Charles Baring ALS to HJ 11 November 1871 strongly supporting his application for residence dispensation.This letter must have been sent with the application and returned with the refusal because it is stamped “Home Office 24 Nov 1871”.
    • Charles Baring ALS to HJ 2 January1878 regretting the Government decision.
    • Charles Baring ALS to HJ 7January 1878 giving leave with kindness.
    • George Bland (Archdeacon) to HJ’s daughter 7 and 11 January 1878.
    • Henry Jenkyns [Jnr] to HJ ALS 10 January 1878 commenting on the Bishops letter with family gossip.

Jenkyns VA.1c.iii.


  • Receipts etc re HJ’s many subscriptions to charities 1870-1877.
  • Edmund Broderip ALS from Wells 30 August 1807 opening ”Dear Sir”.
  • CharlesThorp ALS to HJ 25 August 1835 from Ryton Rectory Gateshead.
  • Henry Hobhouse ALS 17 December 1830 to HJ from Hadspen.
  • Account from Oriel College showing HJ in credit £10 ,3 May1878.
  • Richard Jenkyns from Trinity College nd ALS to Henry Jenkyns[Jnr] re Salter making a boat.
  • HJ ALS with envelope 15 October 1845 to his sister Jane Gaisford with family news and commenting that Frederick Oakeley seemed unlikely to “go to Rome” but might resign his Balliol Fellowship. In fact he did both.
  • ALS Charles Collier, Chaplain of St John’s Hospital Winchester, to HJ 6 August 1863, on behalf of Mr Wells, who has paralysis and cannot write himself to thank HJ for placing  a tablet to the late Mrs Wells in Botley Church.
  • Frances Hobhouse to her nephew Henry Jenkyns[Jnr] ALS with envelope 8 June 1878 from Hadspen House with family news etc; Lottisham Church cannot yet be consecrated because of some legal issue over the land.
  • Catherine Jenkyns ALS 4 December 1877 from Botley Hill on behalf of her father HJ, who is unwell, to A Beanlands Esq (probably Arthur Beanlands ) re a subscription to the Middle Class Examinations, annotated with his receipt for £5.
  • Spencer Smith ALS to HJ from Brooklands 29 September otherwise nd but before 1874 enclosing an ALS from his brother in law Sir Denis Le Marchant on House of Commons notepaper nd; with allusions to Hastings Russell and the Duke of Bedford.
  • Receipt to  HJ’s  Executors from Beachcroft and Thompson 9 Theobalds Road London WC 31 August 1880.
  • Receipted invoice to HJ’s Executors from Perkins and Sons,the Auction Mart Southampton, 23 April 1878 for probate valuations etc.
  • Summary with breakdown of student costs for two years at University College Durham, nd.
  • Summary of dividends and other income (presumably of HJ as Canon) 1863-1869: with residence payments average £2950pa.
  • Report of the Opening of the Shaftesbury Park Estate on Monday November 3rd1873...... Pamphlet 15pp 8vo.

Jenkyns VA.1c.iv.
Mysterious and scraps.


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- John Jones, 2013

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