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Jowett Papers - Acknowledgements

It would be impossible to complete a task of this size without help from others, and I want to take the chance to say a few words of acknowledgement here. Practical help was provided by several people. Dr. P. Bulloch, Librarian of Balliol, supervised and corrected the catalogue throughout, and gave me many valuable suggestions. Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant at Balliol, gave much-needed help at the end of the project in numbering and re-boxing the material. Peter Gilliver, Senior Editor at the OED, helped track down many of the names in the indexes.

I also owe much to Dr. J.H. Jones, Dean of Balliol. Not only did his checklists of the Jowett Papers provide an invaluable guide at the start of the project, but during several conversations with him I learnt much about the history of the Papers, in which he himself has been much involved.

There are two more figures, however, who deserve mention, both former Librarians of Balliol. One is Evelyn Abbott, one of Jowett's first biographers, whose care in preserving so much after the completion of his and Lewis Campbell's Life of Jowett, ensured that so much material survived. The other is E.V. Quinn, who not only salvaged yet more previously undiscovered material within Balliol, but began an active policy of collecting more Jowettiana. All users of the Jowett Papers owe them immense gratitude, as without their initial efforts, there would be next to no papers to use.

[back to Contents and Catalogue of Jowett Papers]

- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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