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Jowett Papers - Appendix

Appendix - Jowett Material in other Balliol Collections

  • I - Material on BJ from the Balliol Manuscripts catalogued by R.A.B. Mynors.
  • II - Material from the Modern Manuscript collections
  • The Matthew Arnold Collections
  • The Thomas Arnold Jnr. Papers
  • J.E.C. Bodley - For Remembrance
  • The Browning Collections
  • The Conroy Papers
  • T.H. Green Papers
  • The Morier Papers
  • The Palmer Papers
  • Robert Scott Papers
  • The A.L. Smith Papers
  • The Strachan-Davidson Papers
  • The Temple Papers
  • The Ernest Walker Papers
  • III - Material from the College Archives
  • IV - Material in the Balliolenses files

Appendix - Jowett Material in other Balliol Collections

Material connected with BJ extends far beyond the Jowett Papers; the transcriptions and photocopies catalogued in Group 4 show how widespread it is. To list every repository and every collection which possesses Jowett material would not be feasible. Therefore this Appendix confines itself to material currently stored at Balliol.

This extra material is divide into four groups: material listed in Mynors' Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Balliol College, Oxford, material from the Modern Manuscripts, material from the College Archives and material from the Balliolenses file. Only a cursory listing is given, as well as, where possible, reference numbers. Three groups are, however, described in the main body of the catalogue, namely A.P. Stanley's letters to BJ (MS 410), letters between BJ and Sir Robert Morier (from the Morier Papers) and a notebook of Frederick Temple. These are unusual because they reliate so closely material to in the Jowett Papers (BJ's letters to Morier are even split up between the collections), that it is more helpful for users to see both sets of material side by side. They are not, however, listed in any detail, except for BJ's letters to Morier in the Morier Papers, where because the letters in the Jowett Papers had been listed in detail, to ignore those in the Morier Papers would give users an imbalanced picture of the correspondence. Material from MS410, the Morier Papers and the Temple Papers will be found at III S, III M and the General Note to I H6-10 respectively.

In the rest of the catalogue, cross-references have been made to guide users to supplementary material (such as that concerning BJ's funeral).

There are a number of portraits and photographs of or relating to BJ in Balliol College. For the portraits see John Jones A Catalogue of the Portraits at Balliol College. A database of photographs is being created in the Library, which should be consulted for photographs of BJ.

I - Material on BJ from the Balliol Manuscripts catalogued by R.A.B. Mynors.

  • MS 393: (Letters written to or about Robert Browning for 1887-9): includes two from BJ to `Pen' Browning on his father's death.
  • MS 394 (Letters written to George Eliot on the death of G.H. Lewes on 24 Nov 1878): includes one from BJ dated 3 Dec 1878.
  • MS 410: A.P. Stanley's letters to BJ. See III S - Appendix.
  • MS 420: (collection of autographs and letters connected with Charles Prestwich Scott): there is one from BJ (undated)
  • MS 421: Miscellaneous letters and papers: includes a letter from BJ to [?] Davy, dated 25 Nov 1864; a testimonial for Andrew Lang from BJ, dated 26 Jun 1886; a letter from BJ to A.L. Smith, Oct 1891, (with an accompanying letter to Smith from Sir William Markby); and notes on BJ by Swinburne.

II - Material from the Modern Manuscript collections

The Matthew Arnold Collections

Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) matriculated at Balliol in 1840/1.

Wodehouse Collection: III B 14-17 are four letters from BJ to Matthew Arnold, dated 1887-8.

The Thomas Arnold Jnr. Papers

Papers connected with Thomas Arnold the Younger (1823-1900), second son of Thomas Arnold the Headmaster of Rugby.

MST 80-1 are two letters to Arnold from BJ, dated 1865/6.

J.E.C. Bodley - For Remembrance

John Edward Courtenay Bodley (1853-1925) was at Balliol in 1873-6. After his death, his widow wrote some memoirs For Remembrance, the typescript of which was presented to the college. Volume I concerns Bodley's early years, including his time at Balliol, and has a letter to him from BJ, dated 1874, tipped in between pages 12 and 13.

The Browning Collections

Robert Browning (1812-1889) was elected Honorary Fellow of Balliol in 1867. For further details of his friendship with BJ, see the Biographical Index.

Browning gave BJ several books, not merely of his own poetry, dedicating them to him. They are listed at the end of the catalogue of the Browning Collections by Charlotte Fisher.

The Conroy Papers

Sir John Conroy, 3rd Bt. was a Fellow of Balliol in 1890-1900. The list of his Papers, made by JHJ in 1986, explains their complex history.

Box 1B

A box of letters to Conroy, which he set aside for their Balliol connections. Letters from BJ to Conroy, written in 1889-1893, or mentioning BJ, are in bundles 4-5, 7 (which includes some unexpected criticism of BJ by Strachan Davidson) and 11-13.

Boxes 4A and 4B

Conroy's letter books for 1884-92 (in 4A) and 1892-1900 (in 4B). Letters from Conroy mentioning BJ are in the early books, especially concerning BJ's death.

T.H. Green Papers

Thomas Hill Green (1836-1882) was an undergraduate at Balliol in 1855-9 and a Fellow there in 1861-82. For further details, see the Biographical Index.

1 (d) Biographical Miscellanea

Included in these are three letters from BJ to Green's widow Charlotte, dated 26 Mar 1882, 23 Jun 1883 and 2 Apr 1893.

The Morier Papers

See III M - Appendix.

The Palmer Papers

This consists of material linked with the Rt. Rev. Edwin James Palmer (Fellow of Balliol 1891-1908 and Bishop of Bombay 1908-1929), son of BJ's friend the Ven. Edwin Palmer (see Biographical Index). The Papers (listed by JHJ in 1984) are all in one box, and contains the following material linked with BJ, in particular connected with the younger Palmer's time at Balliol:

  • Programme for a Balliol Society Music Concert in BJ's memory, 4 Mar 1894.
  • Sermon preached on BJ by William Rogers in Balliol, 12 Dec 1893.
  • A collection of letters, mostly addressed to Edwin James Palmer, but some to Edwin Palmer. Some mention BJ.
  • A manuscript account of a visit to the dying BJ, 26 Sep 1893.

Robert Scott Papers

Robert Scott (1811-1887) was Master of Balliol in 1854-70. For further details, see the Biographical Index.

The Scott Papers have TS copies of several letters from BJ to Scott, and of Scott's draft replies, dating from 1841-1870. They also have much on the Essays and Reviews controversy, and the attempts made to persuade Scott to drive BJ out of Balliol. The originals of these letters are in Pusey House Library.

The A.L. Smith Papers

A.L. Smith (Master of Balliol 1916-1924) was a colleague and friend of BJ, and had studied under him. Smith's papers were given to Balliol over a number of years by various members of his large family, and include a few items relating to BJ, namely:

  • I A15/1iv: Exercise book with notes taken by Smith as an undergraduate from BJ's works.
  • I A15/2viii: Exercise book with notes taken by D. Dundas (Balliol 1872) from BJ's works.
  • I A16/1iii: Exercise book with publishing notice of BJ's The Politics of Aristotle inside.
  • I A16/2x: Exercise book with notes on religious topics taken by AS as an undergraduate from BJ's works, 1871.
  • III A1/6: College administrative material including 2 items relating to the Jowett Trustees, 1922-1923.
  • III A2/1: Correspondence between Smith and BJ, including 1 telegram and 6 letters from BJ to Smith, mainly concerning rooms etc for various undergraduates, c.1884-1889.

For more details of the A.L. Smith Papers, see the catalogue of them prepared by Tim Procter.

The Strachan-Davidson Papers

J.L. Strachan-Davidson (Master of Balliol 1907-1916) was a colleague and close friend of BJ. Like BJ, he never married and his papers were given to Balliol on his death. Section V of the Papers consists of material on BJ collected by Strachan Davidson, and is divided into the following groups:

  • A1 Correspondence connected with BJ's illness in 1891.
  • A2 Correspondence on BJ's death, 1893-4
  • A3 Material connected with BJ's death, funeral, and the Jowett Memorial fund.
  • B Correspondence between Strachan Davidson, Lord Bowen, Evelyn Abbott, P. Lyttleton Gell and Lewis Campbell about the early stages of work on A & C, 1893-4 (including Bowen's serious doubts about Campbell's competence to contribute to it).
  • C Correspondence connected with administering profits from the Jowett Copyright Fund, and the profits from his works, 1902-5.

For more details of the Strachan-Davidson Papers, see the catalogue of them prepared by Tim Procter.

The Temple Papers

See the General Note to I H6-10 for details of J54C, Temple's Hegel notebook.

The Ernest Walker Papers

Ernest Walker (1870-1949), Organist and Honorary Fellow of Balliol and Professor in Music at Oxford University, was an undergraduate at Balliol in 1887-91. The list of his papers explains their history.

  • 4A: File of family Christmas cards and testimonials
  • A letter from Walker of 1890 mentions BJ.
  • 5 File E: Letters known and dated
  • Letter to Walker from BJ, dated 7 Jan 1893.

III - Material from the College Archives

References refer to the catalogue of the Archives by John Jones.

  • C16:31-56 Letter from BJ in connection with Rev. C.S. Lock's case as to Blundell Scholarship, 1846-8.
  • D3:34 Admission of BJ as Master, 1870.
  • D16:12 Faculty for securing exclusive right of burial of BJ in St. Sepulchre's Cemetery, 1893.
  • D16:13 Probate of Will and Codicil of BJ, 1893.
  • D16:13A Westminister Gazette Life of BJ, 1893 (see I E26/1 for a copy in the Jowett Papers).
  • D16:14 Jowett Memorial Fund - Deed of Trust, 1895.
  • MBP 6 includes:
    • Memorandum signed by BJ and others agreeing that a college may elect a member of another college.
    • Latin address to the Visitor announcing BJ's election as Master, 1870
    • Notice of election to the Mastership on BJ's death, 1893.
  • MBP 17a, 17b: letters to Sir William Markby, 1890-1910, including some from BJ.
  • MBP 23: Letters to and from Visitors, 1854-1907. Includes several letters from BJ.
  • MBP 35: Correspondence, contracts, accounts, etc. re the legal/business side of the publication of various works by BJ, including his Sermons and A & C.
  • MBP 384: essay on BJ by A.R. MacEwan and Edward Caird.
  • Photos 52 Miscellaneous photographs, including one of BJ's cortege leaving the back gate of Balliol, 1893.
  • Misc 5:9. Copy of a letter from BJ.
  • Misc 23 BJ's Visitors' Book, 1882-93. images online
  • Misc 57 Printed leaflet concerning proposed publication of BJ's sermons, 1892.
  • Misc 58 Printed material concerning the Jowett Memorial Fund, 1893.

IV - Material in the Balliolenses files

The Balliolenses files are a collection of ephemera connected with members of Balliol. A whole box is devoted to BJ, which contains obituaries of BJ, reviews of biographies (both by Abbott and Campbell and by Faber), and biographical articles about BJ from 1893 to the present, press cuttings connected with meetings held in Dec 1893 to propose a Jowett memorial, ephemera connected with BJ's funeral (6 Oct 1893) and an anonymous cartoon (original?) of BJ. New accruals are always being added. Authors of the articles, which date from the 1860s to the 1980s include William Allingham, William M. Hardinge, James Barr, E.A.C. McCurdy and Ieuan P. Ellis.

[back to Contents and Catalogue of Jowett Papers]

- Robin Darwall-Smith

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