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Jowett Papers - Group I Class B

Group I

Class B - Notebooks of BJ

I B consists of the contents of Faber's 'Box B'. These all came from BJ's own papers, and are made up almost entirely of quarto notebooks, used either for lectures or private notes.

As with I A, many of the books have had title written on them in an unknown hand, which is probably, but not certainly, Matthew Knight's.

The notebooks for I A and I B have been arranged according to their subjects, and then divided into private notebooks and lecture notebooks.

B1 - Notes and lectures on Homer and Thucydides


A collection of loose leaves of paper, connected with Homer and Thucydides, part jottings, part lecture notes. They come from all periods of BJ's career, and seem to have been put together soon after BJ's death.

  • [1] Lectures on Homer: Lecture I - Origin of the Homeric poems [3 leaves (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [2] [untitled collection of quotations from the Iliad. 1 leaf (ink); undated but BJ's  hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [3] [untitled notes on Time in Greek literature. 1 leaf (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s]
  • [4] Notes on the first 3 books of the Iliad [8 leaves (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [5] Lecture vii [on Homer. 1 leaf (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [6] On the Colours of Homer [1 leaf of notes (ink);  undated, written after Gladstone's book on Homer]
  • [7] Greek Colours No.2 [1 leaf of notes (ink); undated, but contemporary with [vi] above]
  • [8] Digamma - Theory of the Greek Alphabet [1 leaf of notes (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s]
  • [9] Mythology [1 leaf of notes (pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s -1870s]
  • [10] [Part of a translation of Thucydides VII (not BJ's), not in BJ's hand. 1 leaf; undated and undatable]
  • [11] Structure of Homeric Verse [11 leaves of lecture notes folded together (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [12] Lecture ii - Homeric Men and Gods [1 leaf of lecture notes (ink): undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [13] Text of Homer [1 leaf of notes (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [14] Ancient and Modern Languages [1 leaf of notes (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [15] Lecture iv - Characters in Homer [2 leaves of lecture notes (ink; undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [16] Accentuation i [1 leaf of notes (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [17] Lect[ure] iii 2 nd Course - Greek Prose Composition [2 leaves of lecture notes (pencil and blue crayon); undated, and BJ's hand does not help]
  • [18] Composition Prose - Verse [1 leaf of lecture notes (ink with some pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [19] [Untitled list of Greek words and notes on Thucydides. 1 leaf (pencil); undated, and BJ's hand does not help]
  • [20] [Untitled list of Greek words. 1 leaf (ink and pencil); undated, and BJ's hand does not help]
  • [21] [Part of a Greek text, not in BJ's hand, on the Spartan Constitution [source at present unknown]. 1 leaf; undated and undatable]
  • [22] Cases and Prepositions [1 leaf of notes (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s]
  • [23] 10 Lectures on Thucydides [titles only. 1 leaf (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s]
  • [24] The Funeral Oration of Pericles [2 versions of a translation of Pericles' Funeral Speech in Thucydides II (both purple ink). Neither the translation nor the hand is BJ's and neither is known. One version is 1 leaf, the other is 4; undated and undatable]
  • [25] Text of Thucydides - Lecture VIII [1 leaf of lecture notes (ink with a little blue crayon); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s?]
  • [26] Plan of Lectures (5) [2 leaves of notes on lectures on Greek grammar (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s]
  • [27] Rhetoric and Style of Thucydides [2 leaves of lecture notes (?) (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s]
  • [28] Lecture on Thucydides and Greek Prose Composition [5 leaves of lecture notes, all folded together (ink and pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s]
  • [29] Lecture IV - Plan, Characters, Style [in Herodotus. 1 leaf of lecture notes (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s]
  • [30] [Untitled notes, perhaps from a lecture, on Thucydides. 1 leaf (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s]
  • [31] Language [1 leaf of notes (pencil); undated, and BJ's hand does not help]
  • [32] Speeches of Thucydides [2 leaves of lecture notes folded together, the cover in Matthew Knight's hand, everything else in BJ's (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s]
  • [33] Changes of moods [3 leaves of lecture notes(?) on Greek grammar (ink); undated, and BJ's hand does not help]
  • [34] Thucydides I 1 [3 leaves of lecture notes folded together (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s]
  • [35] Lecture V - Herodotus the Father of History [1 leaf of lecture notes (pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s]]
  • [36] Lecture V [1 leaf of lecture notes on Greek history(?) (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s]
  • [37] [End of a lecture on Thucydides. Lecture notes, 1 leaf (ink with some pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s]
  • [38] Lecture viii [1 leaf of lecture notes on Thucydides (pencil); undated, and BJ's hand does not help]
  • [39] Lecture VI Herodotus again [1 leaf of lecture notes (pencil); undated, and BJ's hand does not help]
  • [40] Lecture ii [2 leaves folded together of lecture notes on Ancient History (ink with some pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s?]
  • [41] Thucydides [1 leaf of lecture notes (ink with some pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s?]
  • [42] Lecture VI [2 leaves of lecture notes on Thucydides (ink with some pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s]
  • [43] Lect[ure] V - Characters in Thucydides [3 leaves of lecture notes (ink); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s]
  • [44] Notes on the Introduction of Thucydides [1 leaf of notes (pencil); undated, and BJ's hand does not help]
  • [45] Lecture I Lent Term - Rhetoric of Thucydides [1 leaf of lecture notes (pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s?]
  • [46] Lecture 2 Lent Term - Speeches of Thucydides [1 leaf of lecture notes (pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s?]
  • [47] Lecture VII - Reliability of Thucydides [1 leaf of lecture notes (pencil); undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s?]

B2 - Notes on Presocratic philosophy

  • 5 loose leaves of paper with small piece of paper in Frank Fletcher's  hand inscribed Plan of a work on the History of Presocratic Philosophy. The ensuing notes (in ink) are undated, but BJ's hand suggests c.1865-1875.

B3-B16 - Lectures on Presocratic philosophy


Large NB (245 by 210 mm), stiff dark purple cover (hard), titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Presocratics [2], and labelled [in Matthew Knight's hand] Presocratic Philosophy. This NB once had a clasp, but no trace of it remains. Only pages 1-227* used, several blank, and several loose leaves inserted. Pages lined. Ink and pencil used almost equally.

Frank Fletcher wrote on the inside cover A very old book on Philosophy, prob about 1860 or earlier, but the use of the NB can be more accurately dated to between 1851 and 1853 thanks to the entries on pp.19, 27 and 125. However, the lecture notes have many revisions and additions, some of which (especially those on inserted leaves) are clearly in a later hand of BJ's than that used for the main text. This suggests that the NB was used for several years after 1853, a suggestion strengthened by the lists of undergraduates on 25A, all of whom matriculated between 1865 and 1868, and on bcA, all of whom matriculated c.1862.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • The Sophists [notes] 1-7
  • The Sophists and Socrates - a link between two periods of philosophy - Oct.25 [1850? - see p.19 below. Notes] 7-9
  • The Sophists in Plato [notes] 11-15
  • Subject and Object [notes] 17
  • [Loose leaf 17A inserted at p.17: addenda to the notes on this page]
  • Metaphysics Feb. 5, 1851 [lecture notes?] 19-25
  • [Loose leaves 25A-25B inserted at p.25:
  • 25A: List, in an unknown hand, of undergraduates either taught by BJ, or attending his lectures, on the History of Greek Philosophy, Plato's Republic, Thucydides and Divinity. They are indexed. These undergraduates could only have been at Balliol simultaneously in 1868.
  • 25B: On the arrangement of the sciences [jotting only]]
  • [Lecture] II, Feb. 7. 1851 [lecture notes] 27-9
  • [Lecture II -] Arrangement of the Sciences and relation to Metaphysics in Aristotle [lecture notes] 31-5
  • [Lecture II -] Aspects of Aristotle's Philosophy [lecture notes] 37
  • [Lecture II -] Contrast of Plato and Aristotle [lecture notes] 39
  • [Lecture] III - Metaphysics and Logic, Feb. 10 [lecture notes] 41-5
  • [Lecture] IV History of Philosophy, Feb. 14 [lecture notes] 47-51
  • [Lecture] V Feb. 17 [lecture notes] 51-61
  • [Lecture] VI Feb. 19 - Idea of Philosophy [lecture notes] 63-7
  • [Lecture] VII Feb. 21 (on Thales) [lecture notes] 69-75
  • Lecture VIII The Freedom of the Will [lecture notes] 77-83
  • [Loose leaf 81A inserted at p.81: addenda to this lecture]
  • [Lecture VIII? -] Origin of evil [lecture notes?] 85
  • Lecture IX  [Anaximander - lecture notes] 87
  • Questions in connexion [sic] with Kant [jotting only] 91
  • Pythagoras XI [lecture notes] 93-9
  • Logical Confusions [jotting only]  100-2
  • The Nature of the Syllogism [lecture notes?] 103-9
  • The Province of Logic considered as the psychology of language [title only] 111
  • Mythology and Revelation [lecture notes?] 115-17
  • Is the Induction method equally applicable to Morals and Physics? [notes] 119
  • New Analytic [notes] 121
  • Political Economy [notes] 123
  • The Origin of Morals [notes] 124
  • On Idea of a first principle of morals [notes] 125-6
  • Philosophy of Heraclitus, Feb. 7 1853 [lecture notes] 129-35
  • [Loose leaves 135A-135X inserted at p.135:
  • 135A-135B: [Untitled notes, not continuous, on Aristotle and Plato]
  • 135C-135F: [lecture(?) notes, not continuous, on Stoics and Epicureans]
  • 135G-135K: [lecture notes on the Stoics. These pages all seem to have been torn from the same quarto NB]
  • 135L-135M: Stoics Lecture 3 [lecture notes]
  • 135N-135X: Logic of the Stoics [notes for more than one lecture on the Stoics. 135P, 135R-135S, 135U-135V all came from a quarto NB, and are still sewn together. 135Q and 135T were loose leaves inserted into them]]
  • The Atomists [lecture notes] 137-41
  • Philosophy before and after Socrates [lecture notes] 145-7
  • Sophistry in relation to Socrates [jotting only] 149
  • Socrates as a Philosopher [lecture notes] 151-5
  • Introductory on Plato [lecture notes] 157-65
  • [pp.163-5 have come loose]
  • Utilitarianism [jottings only] 169
  • Utility [jotting only] 171
  • Origin and Growth of Ideas [lecture notes?] 173-7
  • [Loose leaf 205A inserted at p.205: a list of lecture titles on Greek philosophy]
  • Hume's Argument on Miracles [notes] 211
  • Philosophy of Religion [jotting only] 213
  • Habits [notes] 215
  • Parallels and Differences of ancient and modern philosophies [notes] 221-3
  • Eleatics and Kant[notes]  225
  • Kant [jottings only] 227
  • [Loose leaf bcA, in an unknown hand (different from that in 25A), inserted inside back cover: a list of undergraduates from Balliol in c.1863, some with letters or ticks by them. It is unclear what function this served. The names are not indexed]

Quarto NB, limp dark blue morocco cover, no title or label. The NB is in poor condition. 92 pages*, several blank, and many loose leaves inserted. Mostly ink, with a little pencil.

The NB is undated (even Frank Fletcher makes no suggestion). However, if the Simcox mentioned on p.89 is W.H. Simcox (Balliol 1861), then it was used in the early 1860s, and BJ's hand would support this date.

It is possible that this NB contains lecture notes, but their scrappy presentation makes this unlikely.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Parmenides [notes] 1-2
  • Zeno and Melissus [notes] 3-4
  • Philosophy of Number [notes] 5
  • Zeller [notes on his history of the Presocratics] 6-7
  • Cynics [notes] 9-12
  • Cyrenaics [notes] 13-15
  • 14 Lectures [list of lecture titles on Plato] 16
  • Analysis of Zeller etc [notes] 36-40
  • Character of Greek Philosophy [notes] 41-4
  • Periods of Greek Philosophy [notes] 46-7
  • Thales and Anaximander [notes] 48
  • [Notes on Anaximenes, Hippo and Diogenes of Apollonia] 49
  • [some pages torn out between pp.49-50 and now missing]
  • [Notes on Parmenides and Zeno] 50-1
  • Heraclitus [notes] 52
  • Empedocles [notes] 53
  • [loose leaf 54A inserted at p.54 on Empedocles and Zeller on Socrates]
  • Chapter II [notes from Zeller on Socrates?] 54-9
  • [List of names with times (for meeting them?). These have been indexed] 89
  • Subjects for essays [titles on philosophy, ancient history, literature and theology] 90-2
  • [Loose leaves bcA-bcN inserted inside back cover:
  • bcA: Socrates [notes]
  • bcB: Questions about Pythagoreanism [notes]
  • bcC: [untitled notes on Presocratic philosophy]
  • bcD: [untitled note, probably intended as an addendum to a lecture]
  • bcE: Lecture ii Thales, Anaximenes, Anaximander and Diogenes [lecture notes]
  • bcF: [untitled note, too illegible to make out]
  • bcG: Eleatic philosophy [lecture notes?]
  • bcH: [untitled jottings on ancient philosophy]
  • bcI-bcJ: [lecture notes (?) on Ionian philosophy]
  • bcK: Schleiermacher [notes]
  • bcL: [notes on Archelaus and Hippo]
  • bcM: [untitled notes on ancient philosophy]
  • bcN: [unfinished letter from BJ: he only wrote My dear Ridding before stopping]]

Quarto NB, stiff yellow/pink marbled paper cover, with red morocco leather spine, no title or label. Paginated pp.1-133* and pp.1-33* from different ends of the book, with several loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink and pencil evenly divided.

The NB is undated (even Frank Fletcher makes no suggestion). BJ's hand suggests c.1865-75.

Like B30 below, much of the material in this NB is written without any headings and almost in continuous prose, and Frank Fletcher also drew up some sections, which are given here for ease of reference. The same convention of putting Fletcher's titles in round brackets is followed.

Contents from start of the volume

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • [the inside front cover has written on it some lists of names of Presocratic philosophers]
  • Thales [lecture notes] 1-9
  • (Anaximander) [lecture notes] 9-16
  • (Anaximenes) [lecture notes] 17-19
  • (Diogenes of Apollonia) [lecture notes] 21-3
  • (Anaxagoras) [lecture notes] 25-35
  • [Loose leaves 29A-29B inserted at p.29 and 35A at p.35: addenda to the lecture]
  • (Heraclitus) [lecture notes] 37-53
  • [Loose leaf 41A inserted at p.41: addenda to the lecture]
  • (General remarks on Ionian philosophy) [lecture notes] 55-7
  • (Xenophanes) [lecture notes] 59-67
  • (Parmenides) [lecture notes] 69-77
  • [Loose leaf 77A inserted at p.77: addenda to the lecture]
  • (Zeno) [lecture notes] 77-87
  • (Melissus) [lecture notes] 88
  • (The Pythagoreans) [lecture notes] 89-113
  • [Loose leaves 91A-91B inserted at p.91: addenda to the lecture]
  • (Transition to Atomists) [lecture notes] 116
  • (Leucippus and Democritus) [lecture notes] 117-33
  • [Some pages torn out at p.125 and now missing]
  • [Loose leaves 133A-133C inserted at p.133: addenda to the lecture]
  • Contents from back of volume
  • Note: pp.1-3 and 8-33 were written with the NB inverted, but pp.4-7 were written the same way up as the rest of the NB
  • [Introduction to Ancient Philosophy - lecture notes] 1-3
  • Sermon Easter Sunday [notes] 4-5
  • Sermon on the Agony in the Garden [notes] 6-7
  • (Introductory to Plato etc.) [lecture notes] 8-33

Quarto NB, limp black morocco cover with gold lines round edge of cover and along spine, no title or label. 141 pages*, many blank, with some loose leaves. Pages unlined. Ink, with a little pencil.

The NB is undated (even Frank Fletcher makes no suggestion). BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside the front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Empedocles [lecture notes?] 1-17
  • [some of the ink has faded badly in the early pages, and is thus hard to read]
  • [Untitled notes (for a lecture?) on the Sophists] 19-49
  • [loose leaf 21A inserted at p.21: addenda to this lecture (if it is one)]
  • Socrates [notes] 50
  • [Untitled lecture notes on Socrates] 53-73
  • Life of Euclid [jotting only] 126-7
  • [loose leaf 127A inserted at p.127: notes on Alexinus]
  • Socratic and Presocratic Philosophy [notes for a lecture?] 128-39
  • [Loose leaf bcA inserted inside back cover: notes titled de Xenophane]

Quarto NB, limp dark blue morocco leather cover, titled [In Matthew Knight's hand?] Presocratic Philosophy III. Notes Only pages 1-113* used, some blank, and some loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Mostly ink, some pencil. Half of p.103 is in an unknown hand.

The NB is undated (even Frank Fletcher makes no suggestion). BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s.

  • Lecture Lent Term [list of titles only] 0
  • [Loose leaf 0A inserted at 0: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Lectures on the History of Philosophy before Socrates [lecture notes] 1-12
  • Lecture II - Divisions of Philosophy [lecture notes] 14-23
  • Lecture III - Authorities for the history of Early Greek Philosophy [lecture notes] 24-36
  • [Lecture IV? -] Antecedents of Greek Philosophy [lecture notes] 39-47
  • The Fathers of Greek Philosophy [lecture notes] 49-51
  • Heraclitus - Introductory [lecture notes] 57-67
  • Later phase of the Ionian philosophy [lecture notes] 68
  • Anaxagoras [lecture notes] 69-73
  • Eleatic Philosophy [lecture notes] 74-83
  • Parmenides [lecture notes] 85-6
  • Zeno, Melissus and the Megarians [lecture notes] 87-95
  • Plato's relation to them [lecture notes] 97
  • Philosophy of Number [lecture notes] 99-107
  • [half of p.103 in an unknown hand]
  • Cynics [lecture notes] 108-10
  • Cyrenaics [lecture notes] 111
  • [Loose leaf 113A inserted at p.113 titled Metaphysics and Logic]
  • [Loose leaves bcA-bcH are inserted inside back cover. bcB-H consist of leaves which were almost certainly torn out of a quarto NB, and they seem to be lecture notes.
  • bcA: Greek Chronology [notes]
  • bcB: I Metaphysical [lecture notes?]
  • bcC: [the top is torn away, but the remainder consists of lecture notes (?) about Anaxagoras]
  • bcD: Diogenes of Apollonia [lecture notes?]
  • bcE: Seven Sages [lecture notes?]
  • bcF: Lecture iii [lecture notes on the Presocratics]
  • bcG: [notes (for a lecture?) on the Presocratics]
  • bcH: [notes (for a lecture?) on Heraclitus]]

Quarto NB, limp purple morocco leather cover, title [in Matthew Knight's hand] Lectures on Plato: History of V Century b.c.. 176 pages*, several unused, and several loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink and pencil used almost equally.

The NB is undated (even Frank Fletcher makes no suggestion). BJ's hand suggests c.1865-75.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Lecture 4 See end of book [title only] 1
  • Lecture V - Greek Mythology and Religion in Vth century before Christ [lecture notes] 2-13
  • [Loose leaf 14A inserted at p.14: addenda to this lecture]
  • Lecture VI - On the religion of Ancient Greece in the Vth century [lecture notes] 16-28
  • Subjects for Essays [on ancient history] 29
  • Lecture VII - Greek conceptions (i) of nature (ii) of number and figure [lecture notes] 30-44
  • Lecture VIII - o_ πρότερoιδιαλεκτικ_ςo_ μετε_χov [lecture notes] 46-60
  • Lecture IX - The notion of Politics and Ethics in the 5th century before Christ [lecture notes] 62-76
  • [Loose leaf 74A inserted at p.74: jottings on Ethics]
  • [1 page cut out between pp.77-8 and now missing]
  • Lecture X - Recapitulation [lecture notes] 78-88
  • [Loose leaf 78A inserted at [p.78 with same title]
  • Lecture XI - The Ionian Philosophy [lecture notes] 90
  • Lecture XII - see other book [title only] 91
  • Lecture XIII - Heraclitus - supplementary [lecture notes] 92-4
  • Anaxagoras - Lecture XIV - supplementary [lecture notes] 96-8
  • Lecture - Heraclitus, Hegel, Eleatics, Kant [lecture notes] 100-2
  • Lecture IV [lecture notes on Presocratics] 156-76
  • [Loose leaves bcA-bc inserted inside back cover:
  • bcA: Facts and theories respecting the origin of society [lecture notes?]
  • bcB: The Religion of Greece [lecture notes?]
  • bcC: Anaxagoras (Schleiermacher) [notes]
  • bcD-bcE: [untitled notes, probably on Anaxagoras]
  • bcF: [extract from Politics with comment]
  • bcG: [untitled jotting on Hippocrates]
  • bcH: Cosmology [notes]
  • bcI-bcK: [untitled notes on Greek religion; similar in content, but not a continuous whole]
  • bcL: Ancient Ethics [notes]]

Quarto NB, limp dark blue cloth cover with wavy pattern and black leather cloth spine, titled Plan of New Work. 185 pages*, with a few loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink mostly, with a little pencil.

The NB is dated to 1873 by the lecture on p.3.

  • 12 Lectures [lecture titles on the Presocratics only] 1
  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at p.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Subjects for Essays Feb 5 [titles on philosophy] 2
  • Lecture I Wed. Feb. 5 1873 [lecture notes: introduction to the Presocratics] 3-23
  • Lecture ii - The place of the Greeks in the history of the human mind [lecture notes] 25-41
  • Summing up of Lecture II [lecture notes] 42-3
  • Lecture iii - Authorities for the History of Greek Philosophy [lecture notes] 45-65
  • Summing up of last lecture iii [lecture notes] 66
  • Lecture IV [on the same subject - lecture notes] 67-83
  • Analysis of Lecture IV [lecture notes] 84-5
  • Lecture V - (1) Authorities for Greek Philosophy continued (2) History of Early Philosophy [lecture notes] 87-99
  • Recapitulation of Lecture V [lecture notes] 101-3
  • Lecture VI - The Greek Mind in the 5th Century before Christ [lecture notes, which discuss Thales on 117ff and Anaximander at 123ff] 105-29
  • Recapit[ulation] of Lecture VI [lecture notes] 130
  • [Lecture VII -] Anaximenes [notes] 131
  • [Lecture VII -] Heraclitus [notes] 133-47
  • Recapitulation of Lecture VII [lecture notes] 146-7
  • [Lecture VIII? -] Anaxagoras [lecture notes] 149-71
  • [Lecture IX -] Ancient Physical Philosophy [lecture notes] 173-9
  • Lecture X [Allegorical Interpretation - lecture notes] 178-81
  • [Lecture X? -] Diogenes of Apollonia [lecture notes] 183
  • Study of Philosophy [lecture notes?] 184-5
  • [Loose leaf 185A inserted at 185: addenda on Parmenides]

Quarto NB, stiff green paper cover with green leather spine, no title or label. Only pages 1-137* used, with some loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Mostly ink, with a little pencil.

The NB is dated to 1873 by frequent references throughout.

  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at 1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Lecture XI The Eleatic philosophy [lecture notes] 1-13
  • Lecture Easter Term 1873 - Sketch of ancient philosophy - the second period [lecture notes] 15-21
  • [lecture notes on Empedocles] 23-37
  • Authorities for the life of Socrates [lecture notes] 39-55
  • Lecture, May 17 1873 [on Socrates: lecture notes] 57-77
  • Lecture May 24 - The life and philosophy of Socrates [lecture notes] 79-93
  • Lecture May 24 - The philosophy of Socrates [lecture notes] 95-109
  • Trial and Death of Socrates [lecture notes?] 111-13
  • [Loose leaf 113A inserted at 113: addenda to this lecture]
  • Megarians [notes] 114-15
  • Socrates' Schools [jotting only] 115
  • Schools of Philosophy [notes] 116-17
  • Antisthenes - Diogenes - Crates [notes] 119-27
  • Cyrenaics [notes] 129-35
  • Descartes [jottings only] 137

Quarto NB, limp light brown leather cover with gold lines on edge and on spine, no title or label. Only pages 1-143* used, some blank, with a few loose leaves inserted. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is dated Oct 1886 on p.1.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • List of authorities [on the Presocratics - list of names only] 0
  • Oct 1886 [lecture notes on early Greek philosophy] 1-21
  • [Lecture II -] Authorities for the history of philosophy [lecture notes] 23-33
  • Lecture iii - The account of early philosophy as conceived by Aristotle [lecture notes] 35-45
  • Did Greek Philosophy come from the East? [lecture notes?] 47
  • Native sources of Greek philosophy [lecture notes?] 49-55
  • Divisions of philosophy [lecture notes?] 57
  • Reflections on the style of the first philosophers [lecture notes?] 59-63
  • Thales, chiefly from Zeller [lecture notes?] 81-5
  • Anaximander [lecture notes?] 87-93
  • Anaximenes [lecture notes?] 95-7
  • Hippo [lecture notes?] 99
  • Diogenes of Apollonia [lecture notes?] 99-105
  • Pythagoras [lecture notes?] 106-43
  • Plan of lectures for next term [&] memoranda concerning lectures - inside back cover

Quarto NB, limp red morocco cover with gold lines on edge and on spine. No title or label. 177 pages*, with a few loose leaves inserted. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is dated Jan 1887 on the inside front cover and p.1.

  • Lectures 1887 Jan y [jotting only] - inside front cover
  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in  Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • [List of sources for Presocratic philosophy] 0
  • Lectures on the history of Philosophy, Jan. 17 1887 [lecture notes for the first lecture] 1-15
  • Lecture ii - Authorities for the History of Philosophy [lecture notes] 33-61
  • Recapitulation of Lect[ure] 2 [lecture notes] 62-3
  • [Lecture III -] Praeparatio Philosophica [lecture notes] 65-91
  • Lecture iii Recapitulation [lecture notes] 92-3
  • Some addenda to Lecture iii [title only] 94
  • Lecture IV - Divisions of Philosophy [lecture notes] 97-127
  • Recapitulation Lect[ure] 4 th [lecture notes] 128-9
  • [Lecture V -] Thales [lecture notes] 131-3
  • Lecture V Recapitulation [lecture notes] 135
  • Lecture VI Recapitulation [lecture notes] 137-9
  • Lecture VII Analysis [lecture notes] 141-3
  • 2nd course of lectures [on the Presocratics: lecture notes] 147-53
  • Conclusion of Lecture VI [on the Presocratics: lecture notes] 163-71
  • [Names of three students [indexed] from other colleges with times, presumably when BJ was to meet them] 176-7

Quarto NB, limp black morocco cover, no title or label. Only pages 1-114* used, with a few loose leaves inserted. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is dated Apr-May 1887 by several references in the book.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Eleatic Philosophy - Lecture, Friday April 29 /87 [lecture notes] 1-26
  • Lecture 2 May 5 [lecture notes on the Eleatics, especially Xenophanes and Parmenides] 28-54
  • Recapitulation of last lecture [lecture notes] 55-6
  • [Lecture III? -] Zeno 58-60
  • [Loose leaf 58A inserted at 58: addenda to this lecture]
  • [Lecture III continued? -] Melissus [lecture notes] 62
  • [Lecture III continued? -] Heraclitus [lecture notes] 64-82
  • Plan of a new lecture on Heraclitus [notes] 84-91
  • Empedocles [title only] 94
  • [Loose leaf 94A inserted at 94: reminder to "see other book" about Empedocles]
  • Empedocles [lecture notes?] 96-105
  • The Atomists [lecture notes?] 106-14

Quarto NB, limp blue morocco leather cover with gold lines on edge and spine, no title or label. 170 pages*, with several loose leaves inserted. Pages lined. Pencil, with a little red crayon.

NB dated Jan 1888 on inside front cover and pp.1 and 111.

  • Plan of Lectures Jan 1888 [titles only] - inside front cover
  • [Loose leaves fcA- fcG inserted inside front cover:
  • fcA: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand
  • fcB: Lecture Jan 4 [lecture notes on Greek philosophy]
  • fcC-fcG: [untitled lecture notes on Pythagoreanism]
  • Jan 14 1888 - The general characteristics of the Presocratic Philosophy [lecture notes] 1-4
  • [Same lecture: prolegomena to Heraclitus - lecture notes] 6-11
  • The Presocratic Philosophers Lecture ii [lecture notes: BJ later added in red crayon "Lect. I April 30"] 13-15
  • Lecture 2 introductory The authorities [for the Presocratics - lecture notes] 19-27
  • Heraclitus [lecture notes] 29-40
  • Recapitulation of previous lecture [lecture notes] 41-2
  • [New lecture, still on Heraclitus - lecture notes] 44-64
  • [Loose leaf 30A inserted at 30: slip in BJ's hand marking pages with his lecture notes on Heraclitus]
  • Empedocles [lecture notes] 66-72
  • Summary of lecture on Empedocles [lecture notes] 73
  • [New lecture, still on Empedocles - lecture notes] 74-6
  • Some commonplaces [in Ancient Philosophy - lecture notes] 77-8
  • The Atomists [lecture notes] 80-8
  • Analysis of the last lecture [lecture notes] 89-92
  • [New lecture, still on the Atomists - lecture notes] 93-110
  • Easter: 1888 - [Lectures on] Socrates and Plato [notes with dates and plans of lectures] 111
  • [Lecture 1 - Preliminary on Socrates [lecture notes] 112-30
  • Analysis of Lecture I [lecture notes] 131
  • [Lecture 2 -] Life of Socrates from Plato [lecture notes] 132-4
  • Lecture ii - Finish the Life of Socrates [lecture notes] 136-44
  • Lecture iii - The Philosophy of Socrates [lecture notes] 145-61
  • Lecture ii Analysis [lecture notes] 163-6
  • Lecture iii Analysis [lecture notes] 167-8
  • Lecture 4 - Analysis - The style and form of Plato's writings [lecture notes] 169-70
  • [Loose leaves bcA-bcF inserted inside back cover: a collection of questions, submitted to BJ at his lectures (probably the ones in this NB) by some undergraduates attending. There are several of these collections throughout the Jowett Papers: a full list of them is to be found at I D34. The names, with their reference numbers, are as follows (* indicates that BJ did not provide an answer):
  • bcA: P. Hanson*
  • bcB: F. Dale*
  • bcC: P. Hanson
  • bcD: E.A. Oldaker
  • bcE: G.E. Thompson
  • bcF: M cFadyen]

Quarto NB, stiff red morocco cover, no title or label. iv+83 leaves*, with several loose leaves inserted. Pages lined. Pencil.

The lecture on fol.1 is dated 22 Jan 1889.

  • [Loose leaves fcA-J inserted inside front cover: a collection of questions submitted to BJ at lectures (almost certainly the ones in this NB, to judge from their date and content) by some undergraduates attending. Sometimes several undergraduates used the same piece of paper to write their questions down. There are several of these collections throughout the Jowett Papers: a full list of them is to be found at I D34. The names, with their reference numbers, are as follows (* indicates that BJ did not provide an answer):
  • fcA: H.S. Jones (dated 5 Mar) and R.W. Reynolds (dated 5 Mar)
  • fcB: Harold H. Joachim (dated 9 Mar 1889) and H. Stuart Jones (dated 9 March 1889)
  • fcC: Harold H. Joachim (dated 5 Mar 1889)
  • fcD: H.H. Joachim (dated 27 Feb) and H.S. Jones (dated 27 Feb)
  • fcE: Anonymous* (but probably H.S. Jones)
  • fcF: Anonymous* (but probably H.S. Jones)
  • fcG: Anonymous (but probably H.S. Jones)
  • fcH: Three anonymous (although two of them are probably H.S. Jones and R.W. Reynolds) [see i below]
  • fcI: Anonymous (but probably H.S. Jones)
  • fcJ: H.S. Jones (two questions, both dated 19 Feb) and R.W. Reynolds (dated 19 Feb 1889) [see iv below]
  • [Loose leaf 0A inserted at fol.0: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Questions asked by the undergraduates [BJ's notes of questions asked by undergraduates with his answers. In two cases we have the undergraduates' originals: fcH is answered on i, fcJ is answered on iv] i-iv
  • Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Jan. 22 1889 [lecture notes] 1-10
  • Recapitulation [lecture notes] 10v-11
  • II Lecture [General Characteristics of Early Greek Philosophy - lecture notes] 11-18
  • Analysis of Lec[ture] ii [lecture notes] 18v-19v
  • Lecture iii [Authorities for the Presocratics - lecture notes] 21-28
  • Lect[ure] iii Analysis [lecture notes] 28v-29v
  • Lecture IV - Authorities for the history of philosophy [lecture notes] 31-4
  • Lecture IV Summary [lecture notes] 34v-35
  • Lecture V - Reflections [on Presocratic sources - lecture notes] 36-9
  • Lecture V Recapitulation [lecture notes] 39v
  • Lecture VI - Praeparatio Philosophica [lecture notes] 40-5
  • Recapitulation of Lecture 6 [lecture notes] 45v-46
  • Lecture VII Feb 12 [continuation of the above theme - lecture notes] 47-52
  • Recapitulation of last lecture [lecture notes] 52v-53v
  • Lecture VIII [continuation of the above theme - lecture notes] 54-62
  • Lecture VIII Recapitulation [lecture notes] 62v-63
  • [Lecture IX -] Thales [lecture notes] 64-66v
  • [Lecture IX -] Anaximander [lecture notes] 67-70
  • Recapitulation [of Lecture IX - lecture notes] 70v-71
  • [Lecture X -] Anaximenes [lecture notes] 72-3
  • [Lecture X -] Hippo [lecture notes] 74
  • [Lecture X -] Diogenes of Apollonia [lecture notes] 74-8
  • Summary Lecture X [lecture notes] 78v-79
  • [Lecture XI -] Anaxagoras [lecture notes] 80-1
  • Pythagoras Lect[ure] 13 [lecture notes] 81v
  • Analysis of Lecture 12 th [lecture notes] 82
  • [continuation of Lecture 13 - lecture notes] 82v
  • Lecture XIII Analysis [lecture notes] 83

Quarto NB, limp black morocco leather cover, no title or label. The cover is now discoloured, and the spine is coming off. Only fols.1-129 used, with some loose leaves inserted. Pages lined. Pencil, with some blue crayon. Parts of fols.56v, 57v and 58v are in Matthew Knight's hand.

Dates written on fols.1, 54 and 83 show that the NB was used between April 1892 and Easter Term 1893.

  • [Loose leaves fcA-fcH inserted inside front cover, with undergraduates' questions at lectures, all of which BJ answered. There are several of these collections throughout the Jowett Papers: a full list of them is to be found at I D34. Names with reference numbers as follows:
  • fcA: F.C.N. Hicks and W.H.V. Reade (one question)
  • fcB: Anon.
  • fcC: A. Sidebotham
  • fcD: A.W. Kiddle
  • fcE: H.W.C. Davis & H. Williamson (one question)
  • fcF: L.A. Toke
  • fcG: A.W. Pickard Cambridge
  • fcH: T. Walrond]
  • April 1892 - Lecture on the history of philosophy [title only] 1
  • [Lecture 1(?) on the Presocratics [lecture notes] 2-12
  • Summary of last lecture [lecture notes] 12v-13v
  • Lecture ii - General description of the Presocratic Philosophy [lecture notes] 15-20
  • Recapitulation lecture 2 [lecture notes] 20v-21
  • Lecture iii Authorities [for the Presocratics - lecture notes] 22-7
  • Recapitulation Lecture III [lecture notes] 27v
  • Lecture IV  [On the same subject - lecture notes] 29-33
  • Recapitulation of 4 th Lecture [lecture notes] 33v
  • 5 th Lecture - Aristotle as an Authority [lecture notes] 35-8
  • [Recapitulation of?] Lecture 5 [lecture notes] 38v
  • Lecture VI - Aristotle as a witness to Ancient Philosophy [lecture notes] 40-4
  • Analysis of Lecture VI [lecture notes] 44v
  • Lecture vii - Aristotle Metaphysics [lecture notes] 46-8
  • Lecture VIII  [General Sketch of the Presocratics - lecture notes] 49-53
  • Lecture October 1892 - Introductory [on the Presocratics, leading into a discussion of Heraclitus - lecture notes] 54-69
  • [On fols.56v, 57v and 58, several references to ancient sources are written in Matthew Knight's hand]
  • Eleatic Philosophy - preliminary [lecture notes] 69v-72
  • Lecture V [On the Eleatics - lecture notes] 72v
  • Lecture V - Parmenides [lecture notes] 73v-8
  • [Lecture V -] Melissus and Zeno [lecture notes] 78-79
  • [Lecture V? -] Zeno [lecture notes] 79v-81
  • Socrates under three heads [title only] 82
  • Lectures Easter Term 1893 - On the order of the dialogues of Plato [lecture notes] 83-92
  • Lecture 1 Analysis with addition [lecture notes] 92v-93v
  • Lecture ii [on the genuineness of Plato's Dialogues - lecture notes] 95-9
  • Lecture ii Analysis with some additions [lecture notes] 99v-100v
  • Lecture III - The Republic and the Laws [lecture notes] 102-107
  • Lecture iii Analysis [lecture notes] 107v-109
  • [Lecture IV -] The Republic [lecture notes] 110-13
  • Lecture IV Analysis [lecture notes] 113v
  • Lecture V [more on the Republic - lecture notes] 115-17
  • Recapitulation [of Lecture V - lecture notes] 117v
  • [Lecture VI -] The Statesman [= Politicus - lecture notes] 119-23
  • Recapitulation and continuation of the Statesman [lecture notes] 123v-125
  • [Lecture VII? -] The Sophist [lecture notes] 126-9
  • [Loose leaf bcA inserted inside back cover: a list of signatures of undergraduates (with colleges), some of whom wrote the questions for BJ in fcA-fcH. This is presumably an attendance list for the courses of lectures in this NB. The names have been indexed. One or two are illegible]

B17-22 - Notes on Plato


Quarto NB, limp maroon morocco leather cover with red leather spine, titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Plato: Style + Order in the Dialogues I. 171 pages* with several loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink and pencil used almost equally.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s and the content could be linked with early work on his Plato.

  • [Loose leaves fcA-fcE inserted inside front cover:
  • fcA-fcD have been sewn together. fcA is titled i Order & ii Subjects of Plato's Dialogues, and the leaves seem to form notes for a lecture or an essay
  • fcE: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • [Untitled jottings on Plato] - inside front cover
  • Life of Plato [very heavily corrected notes - for a lecture or an essay?] 1-47
  • [p.15/16 has become detached]
  • 2 - On the order and genuineness of the Platonic Dialogues [very heavily corrected notes - for a lecture or an essay?] 49-89
  • Order of the Dialogues [very heavily corrected notes - for a lecture or an essay?] 91-113
  • On the Style of Plato [very heavily corrected notes - for a lecture or an essay?] 115-35
  • [Notes for a lecture or an essay on the evolution of a Platonic System] 137-52
  • [Notes for a lecture or an essay on the differences between Plato's early, middle and late dialogues] 153-71

Quarto NB, stiff maroon cloth cover with red leather spine, titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Plato - Style and Order II. The spine is slightly frayed. 177 pages*, several blank. Pages unlined. Mostly pencil, with some ink or blue crayon.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s and the content could be linked with early work on his Plato.

  • Vol.II of Introduction to Plato [jotting only] - inside front cover
  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at p.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Part ii Chapter v - On the manner, character humour irony of the Platonic Dialogues [notes for an essay?] 1-65
  • Instances of humour and irony [notes] 67
  • On the Irony and humour of the Platonic Dialogues [notes for an essay?] 69-127
  • iv - On the use of imagery allegory mythology dialectic in the Platonic writings [notes for an essay?] 129-41
  • From p.133 [notes which BJ intended as addenda for p.133 of this NB; there is a note on p.132 "see p.165"] 164-7
  • From p.119 [notes which BJ intended as addenda for p.119 of this NB; there is a note on p.118 "see p.169 for continuation"] 169-73
  • From p.9 [notes which BJ intended as addenda for p.9 of this NB; there is a note on p.9 "see end of book"] 174-7

Quarto NB, limp maroon cloth cover with red leather spine, titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Plato Suggestions for New Book III. 171 pages*, several blank. Pages unlined. Pencil, save for a few words in ink on inside front cover.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s and the content could be linked with early work on his Plato. However, if the "new book" refers to  BJ's translation of Plato, no essays with these titles appeared in any of the printed editions, and this NB (as well as B17-18) could bear witness to larger plans for BJ's Plato which came to nothing.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • [Jottings on Plato, some apparently connected with the edition of his Plato, and a list of chapter headings] inside front cover & 1
  • Sketch of Chapter I [Previous interpreters of Plato - notes] 3-7
  • II - On the method of interpreting Plato [notes] 9-13
  • Do men collectively rise above or fall below the average opinion of individuals? [jottings only] 15
  • Authorities [jottings only] 17
  • Life of Plato [notes] 23-8
  • Genuineness & Canon [jotting only] 30-2
  • Genuineness of Diogenes Laertius [notes] 34-5
  • Genuineness and Order of the Dialogues [notes] 40-1
  • Style [notes] 43
  • Character [jottings only] 65
  • List of subjects in the Platonic dialogues [title only] 69
  • Philosophical method [title only] 73
  • Order of thought in Plato [notes] 76-9
  • What is there in Plato himself which shows how he regarded his own philosophy? [notes] 80-1
  • Chapter on the authorities for Greek philosophy [notes] 83-8
  • Style of Plato [jottings only] 91
  • Mottoes [quotations from Plato which BJ intended to go in significant places in his translation?] 100
  • On the humour and irony of Plato [jotting only] 101
  • Motto [see comment on 100] 102
  • Plan of Philosophy [notes] 103-4
  • [Sketch of book on Plato] 105
  • Plan of Republic [jotting only] 106
  • Paradoxes [jotting only] 107
  • Plan of Introduction Part I [notes] 110-11
  • Plan of Introduction Part 2 nd [notes] 113
  • Text of Plato [jottings only] 122
  • Myths of Plato [jottings only] 150
  • [Various calculations apparently based on how many days BJ had to complete the work] 151
  • Epistles of Plato [jottings only] 154
  • Real value of Platonic philosophy [notes] 159
  • Plan of edition of the Republic [jotting only] 162
  • [Debts and receipts for the six months July 27-January 27] 164-5
  • [More sums and calculations, seemingly to do with an edition of Plato] 166-9
  • Mr. Grote [notes on Grote's opinions on Plato and Socrates] 170-1

Quarto NB, limp maroon morocco leather cover, with pattern around corners, titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Memoranda - Style and Subject of Plato. 185 pages*, several blank, with several loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink and pencil used almost equally. pp.178-80 are in Matthew Knight's hand.

NB undated, but BJ's hand makes it possible that this is connected with the essays for his translations of Plato, and so was written before 1870.

  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at p.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • [Rough notes on the style and language of Plato] 1-20
  • [Loose leaf 21A inserted at p.21: notes titled Peculiarities of language in Plato]
  • Style of Plato [jotting only] 28
  • Humour of Plato [jotting only] 29
  • Style of Plato [jotting only] 30
  • Plays of words [in Plato - jotting only] 31
  • Change of Subject [in Plato - jotting only] 32
  • Quotations [jottings only] 35
  • Complex double and triple constructions [in Plato -notes] 36-7
  • Essay on MS [jotting only] 40
  • Emendation [notes] 42
  • Essay on MS & text [of Plato - notes] 43-51
  • Preface [to Republic? - notes] 58-61
  • Genuineness [of Plato's works -jottings only] 64
  • Order of dialogues [notes] 65-6
  • History of philosophy [jottings only] 73
  • Sophists Rhetoric [title only] 77
  • Logic [in Plato - notes] 88-92
  • Metaphysics and theology [in Plato - notes] 97
  • Doctrine of the idea [title only] 109
  • Politics [of Plato - notes] 120-8
  • Ethics [of Plato - notes] 132-4
  • Physics [of Plato - notes] 149
  • History [of Plato - notes] 163
  • [Notes on Plato's education] 168-9
  • On the Style of Plato [jottings only] 170
  • Plato on Myths [jottings only] 176
  • Essay on Plato [notes in Matthew Knight's hand] 178-80
  • List of short notes to be inserted in Plato [list of corrections for the proofs of BJ's translation of Plato?] 182
  • Plato - Pages of analysis [notes for the proofs of BJ's translation of Plato?] 183-4
  • Dec 20 Sketch of the style and philosophy of Plato [jotting only] 185

Quarto NB, limp black morocco leather cover with gold lines on edge and spine, no title or label. 141 pages*. Mostly ink, some pencil. The whole NB is very heavily corrected, and therefore not easy to read.

The NB is undated, but its content suggests that it was used some time before the publication of the first edition of BJ's translation of Plato in 1871.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Plato [list of lecture titles and dates] - inside cover
  • [Lecture notes (?) on how to approach Plato's work] 1-5
  • §1 [This would seem to be an early draft of BJ's introduction (with analysis) to Plato's Cratylus. It is sufficiently early for very little trace of it to be found in the printed version] 7-65
  • §2 [Notes on Plato and mythology, probably connected with his translation of Plato] 67-75
  • §3 [Notes on Plato and Logic, also probably connected with his translation of Plato] 75-97
  • §4 [This would seem to be an early draft of BJ's introduction (with analysis), to Plato's Phaedrus. It is sufficiently early for very little trace of it to be found in the printed version] 105-37
  • [Notes on the philosophy of Plato, written with the NB inverted] 138-9

Quarto NB, maroon morocco cover with patterned edge, titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Essays unfinished on Text of Republic 193 pages*, several blank, with some loose leaves inserted. Almost all ink, a little pencil. fcA-fcB are in an unknown hand, 0D is in another unknown hand, three words on p.35 are in Matthew Knight's hand and pp.145-7 are in a third unknown hand.

The NB is undated, but since all the undergraduates listed on fcA-fcB matriculated between 1873 and 1875 and it is likely that these loose leaves are contemporary with the contents of the book, it is probable that the NB proper dates from c.1875/6.

  • [Loose leaves fcA-fcB inserted inside front cover. Both are lists of Balliol undergraduates from the mid-1870s in W.H. Forbes' hand, with comments on them. The names have been indexed.]
  • [Loose leaves 0A-0D inserted on p.0.
  • 0A: List of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand
  • 0B-0C: Two leaves of notes on Greek history
  •  0D [in an unknown hand, different from that in fcA-fcB above]: Three essay questions on textual criticism]
  • Essay on the text of Greek authors [especially Plato - notes] 1-99
  • [This is very heavily corrected, and is very unusual in having doodles by BJ (on pp.7, 13, 19, 21, 29, 31, 33, 43, 52 and 59). By p.69 the notes have become far more disjointed. It is not clear what this essay was intended for]
  • [p35 has three words in Matthew Knight's hand]
  • Emendation [of passages of Plato in an unknown hand] 145-7
  • Notes for essay [jotting only] 174
  • Utopias ancient and modern [jottings only] 176

B23-B34 - Lectures on Plato


Quarto NB, limp purple morocco leather cover with gold lines on edge and spine, no title or label. 125 pages*. Pages unlined. Mostly ink, with a little pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the later 1850s. BJ seems to have returned to these notes later, as there are several corrections and additions in a later hand.

  • Lecture [list of titles on Plato] - inside cover & 1
  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at p.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • [Lecture 1 -] Life of Plato [lecture notes] 3-23
  • Lecture 2 - Subjects of Dialogues [lecture notes] 25-39
  • [Lecture 2 - Genuineness of Dialogues - lecture notes] 43-51
  • [Lecture 2 -] Order of Dialogues [lecture notes] 53-7
  • Lecture 3 (Feb. 7)  The character of the Platonic dialogues  [lecture notes] 56-83
  • Lecture IV Feb. 10 - On the style, manner, humour and irony of the Platonic dialogues [lecture notes] 85-109
  • [7 pages cut out and now missing before p.111]
  • [Lecture V? -] On the Philosophy of Plato [lecture notes] 111-27

Quarto NB, limp purple morocco leather cover, with gold lines on edge and spine, no title or label. 135 pages*, several blank, and with several loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink.

The entries on pp.35, 53 and 113 date the NB to 1857.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • [pp.1-10 have come loose]
  • Mathematics and Dialectic [jottings only] 1
  • May 20: Do states like individuals tend necessarily to decay? [notes] 2-3
  • Aristotle's criticism on Book VIII [of the Republic? - notes] 4-5
  • May 20: Retrospect [on Republic - notes] 6-7, 10-11
  • [On Virtues in Plato - notes] 12-13
  • Pleasure and Pain [jottings only] 13
  • Α_σθητ_ May 24 [notes] 14-16
  • Opposition of poetry to philosophy [notes] 17-19
  • σoφίστης [jotting only] 20
  • Immortality of the soul [notes] 22-7
  • On the myths of Plato [jottings only] 28
  • Pythagoreanism of Plato [jottings only] 29
  • Plato, Bacon and Kant [notes] 30-2
  • May 31 1857 [lecture notes on Plato and Aristotle] 35-51
  • [Loose leaf 37A inserted at p.37: notes titled "Subjects in Book V"]
  • Ancient MS and the Text of Plato - June 4 1857 [lecture notes blending into more general ones] 53-91
  • Ancient vs. Modern Philosophy [jotting only] 92-3
  • Lexilogus Platonicus May 14 [notes] 103
  • Lexilogus Platonicus May 18 [notes] 105-11
  • [p.107/8 has come loose]
  • June 5 1857 on the Platonic number [notes] 113-25
  • [Loose leaf 121A inserted at 121: untitled extracts from Politicus and Laws]
  • Book IX [of the Republic - notes] 123-5
  • Book X [of the Republic - notes] 127-35

Quarto NB, limp maroon morocco leather cover with gold lines on edge and spine, no title or label. 157 pages*, with many loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Mostly ink, with a little pencil.

The NB is dated by the entry on the inside front cover to 1858.

  • Lectures Feb. 1. 1858 [list of lecture titles] - inside cover
  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at p.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Difficulties of Plato [lecture notes] 1-13
  • Lecture ii Feb.3 [On the Republic - lecture notes] 15-39
  • [Lecture III -] On the Republic of Plato [lecture notes] 41-61
  • [Lecture IV -] On the Style of Plato [lecture notes] 63-79
  • Lecture V - On the quotations in Plato [lecture notes] 81-7
  • [Lecture V? -] Arts and virtue [lecture notes] 89-109
  • [Lecture VI? -] On the nature of evil [lecture notes] 111-15
  • [Loose leaf 111A inserted at 111: questions on Plato]
  • [Lecture VI? -] On the courtesy of the Greek language [lecture notes] 117-23
  • Lec[ture] VII - On comic images of words in Plato [lecture notes] 125-35
  • [Lecture VII -] Abstract Ideas [lecture notes] 137-9
  • [Lecture VII -] Political economy in Plato and Aristotle [lecture notes] 141-4
  • Lecture VIII - Analysis of Book II [of the Republic - lecture notes] 147-55
  • [List of lecture titles on Plato] - inside back cover
  • [Loose leaves bcA-bcO inserted inside back cover.
  • bcA-bcK have been torn from a quarto NB (the back of bcK is a leaf of marbled paper which must have been part of an inside back cover), and each reference refers to one leaf. BJ's hand suggests that these notes were made at the same time as the NB proper.
  • bcA: [End of a lecture on an unknown subject and] Conclusion March 15 [lecture notes on the Republic]
  • bcB-bcD: [continuation of the March 15 lecture notes]
  • bcE-bcF: Book I, II, III [of the Republic? - lecture notes]
  • bcG: On Greek Music [lecture notes]
  • bcH: The Drama [lecture notes]
  • bcI-bcJ [start]: On the Myths of Plato [lecture notes]
  • bcJ [end]-bcK: The Size of the State [lecture notes]
  • bcL: [lecture notes(?) on the Laws]
  • bcM: [notes on some of Plato's dialogues]
  • bcN: Sophists [notes]
  • bcO: Plato [notes on the Laws]

Quarto NB, limp black morocco leather cover, with gold lines on edge and on spine, no title or label. 173 pages*, some blank, with some loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink.

The entry on p.1 dates the NB to 1858.

Pages 148-70 were written with the NB inverted, and someone gave alternative page numbers 1-25 for them. To avoid confusion, they are numbered here as pp.148-70.

  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at p.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Lecture IX. 1858 - Ancient and Modern Education [lecture notes] 1-7
  • Particulae Platonicae [lecture notes] 9-13
  • The Republic of Plato in connexion with Greek poets and mythology [lecture notes] 15-33
  • Plato and the Pythagorean philosophy [lecture notes] 35-45
  • Recapitulation of last lecture [lecture notes] 47
  • [Lecture notes for next lecture?] 49-51
  • Conclusion of preceding lecture [on Plato - lecture notes] 53-9
  • [Plato's links with earlier thinkers - lecture notes] 61-73
  • [Loose leaf 73A inserted at p.73: addenda to this lecture]
  • Plan of the Republic [notes] 76-7
  • March 24 [notes on Plato] 78-9
  • [Untitled and heavily corrected notes on Plato: for an essay or a lecture?] 82-108
  • [Loose leaf 95A inserted at p.95: addenda to these notes]
  • [At least 3 pages have been cut out before p.109 and are now missing. The fragments remaining have a few letters preserved on them, but these cannot give any idea of the lost pages' contents]
  • [Pages 148-70 have been written with the NB inverted (see above), and are listed in reverse order]
  • May 28th: On the later Platonists and Aristotle's Metaphysics [lecture notes?] 170-162
  • [Untitled jottings on later Platonists] 156-152
  • On the text of the Republic [lecture notes?] 150-148

Quarto NB, limp dark purple morocco leather cover, titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Early Notes on Plato. 100 leaves*, many blank, with some loose leaves inserted. Mostly ink, with some pencil.

The entry on fol.1 dates the NB to 1858.

  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at fol.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Lectures on the Republic Easter Term 1858 [lecture notes] 1-17
  • Lecture ii. April 28 [on Plato] 18-28
  • [A large, but unknown, number of pages missing before fol.29 (these could have contained the text of Lectures III-IV), and fols.29-35 are now loose]
  • Lecture V [on Logic - lecture notes] 29-30
  • Lecture VI [on Socialism and Communism - lecture notes] 31-2
  • On the use of grammar and logic in Greece [lecture notes] 33-41
  • Recapitulation of last Lecture [lecture notes. At some stage, the next lecture begins, but BJ has left no indication of when this happens] 42-53
  • Recapitulation [title only] 54
  • On Greek humour [jottings only] 55
  • Plan of edition of Republic [notes] 56
  • Politics of Plato [lecture notes?] 57v-66v
  • [One page torn out before fol.64: a few fragments of it remain, but not enough to show what it was about]

Quarto NB, limp green-blue morocco leather cover, with gold lines on edge and spine, no title or label. 139 pages*, with several loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink and pencil used in equal amounts.

NB undated; however, the dates of the lectures for May suggest that these could only have been given on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The only dates in BJ's lecturing life when this happened were 1851, 1862, 1873, 1879 or 1890. BJ's hand makes 1851 and 1890 extremely unlikely, 1873 and 1879 possible, and 1862 the most likely.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Lecture 5. Feb 10 - On the Style of Plato [lecture notes] 1-23
  • [One page is cut out before p.25]
  • Lecture VII continued from previous volume [lecture notes on Parmenides and Sophist] 25-37
  • Lecture VIII - On the Platonic idea and theory of knowledge α as found in the Republic β as handed down by Aristotle [lecture notes] 39-57
  • May 5. Lecture 1 - Was Plato a Socialist? [lecture notes] 59-63
  • May 7. Lecture 2 - _πιστήμη - _γvoια - δόξα [lecture notes] 65-9
  • May 9. Lecture 3  [lecture notes on Plato] 71-3
  • May 12. Lecture IV - What was Plato's idea of philosophy? [lecture notes] 75
  • May 14 [Lecture V(?) on Plato - lecture notes] 77-89
  • May 16 [Lecture VI(?) on Plato - lecture notes] 91-7
  • [Loose leaves 99A-99C inserted at p.99: 99A is titled "Lectures: May 14 Republic VII". All three leaves are addenda to this lecture]
  • May 19 [Lecture VII(?) on Plato - lecture notes] 99-107
  • May 23 [Lecture VIII(?) on Plato - lecture notes] 111-15
  • May 26 [Lecture IX(?) on Plato - lecture notes] 117-33
  • Recapitulation [lecture notes] 134-9

Quarto NB, limp maroon morocco leather cover, title illegible. Only pages 1-39* used. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is dated by the entry on p.1 to 1865.

  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at p.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • [An unknown number of pages torn out before p.1 and now missing]
  • Lectures on the Republic - Lent 1865 [lecture notes] 1-3
  • Lect. II Analogy of the arts [lecture notes] 5-7
  • Lecture iii - Difficulties that arise from the strict use of language [lecture notes] 9-13
  • Lecture IV - Means & Ends [lecture notes] 15
  • Lecture V - On translating Plato [lecture notes] 17-19
  • Lecture VI - Political economy of the ancients [lecture notes] 21
  • Lecture VII - Education [lecture notes] 23
  • Lecture VIII [lecture notes on religion] 25
  • Analysis of Zeller's Life of Aristotle [notes] 27-9
  • Grote on Aristotle [notes] 30-33
  • Bernays Dialogues [notes] 35-7
  • Zeller [on Aristotle - notes] 39

Quarto NB, limp purple morocco leather cover, title [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Notes on Republic and Aristotle's Criticism[?]. 105 pages*, several blank, with some loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests c.1860-1875.

  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at p.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Lectures Feb 17 - Plato as a humorist [lecture notes] 1-8
  • Individual vs. State [lecture notes?] 9-10
  • The Nature of God [lecture notes?] 11-16
  • [List of some Platonic words] 17
  • The Sophists and Socrates [lecture notes?] 18-22
  • The Sophists in Plato [lecture notes?] 23-6
  • [One page torn out and now missing before 27]
  • Plato and Aristotle [lecture notes?] 28-9
  • Psychology [lecture notes?] 30-1
  • On Criticism in ancient times [lecture notes?] 32-3
  • [List of some Platonic words] 34-5
  • On the Platonic _v [lecture notes?] 36-41
  • [List of Platonic words] 46
  • Republic Book IV [lecture notes?] 50-9
  • [List of Platonic words] 60-1
  • April 18th: Lecture [list of Platonic words] 62
  • Relation of θυμ_ς and _πιθυμία [lecture notes?] 63-5
  • Socialism [lecture notes?] 66-9
  • [List of Platonic words] 70-1
  • Aristotle's criticism on [sic] Plato [lecture notes?] 72-81
  • [List of Platonic words] 82-3
  • Are things to be regarded as a whole or not? [lecture notes?] 84-5
  • Did Plato intend his state to be taken as a reality? [lecture notes?] 86-7
  • _πιστήμη, δόξα, _γvoια April 29 [lecture notes?] 88-9
  • The idea of Plato [lecture notes?] 90-1
  • [List of Platonic words] 92-5
  • Hypothesis and Analogy [jotting only] 96-7
  • The idea of Plato [lecture notes?] 98-103
  • Book VII [of Republic] - Mathematics [lecture notes?] 104-5
  • [Loose leaves 105A-105D inserted at p.105:
  • 105A: Aristotle Book VIII [of what? - lecture notes]
  • 105B: [Notes on Greek education, and on the meaning of φαίvoμαι]
  • 105C: [Notes on the style of Plato]
  • 106D: [Notes titled "Nature of the Gods Book iii" and [on the other side of the leaf] "Plans of Education" [for BJ's own day]]

Medium NB (195 by 160mm), limp red morocco leather cover, no title or label. 161 pages*, with several loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Mostly ink, with a little pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests c.1865-1875.

Like B4 above, much of the material in this NB is written without any headings and almost in continuous prose. However, when Frank Fletcher drew up his contents list, he divided it up into various sections, which are given here for ease of reference. It should therefore be borne in mind that these titles are not BJ's, and they are given in round brackets. BJ's own titles are given without brackets. Much of the text is riddled with corrections and deletions, and is thus very hard to read. Frank Fletcher thought that this book consisted of lecture notes, and he has been followed in this.

  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at p.1: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • (Influence of Plato on his successors) [lecture notes] 1-9
  • (The Spirit in which he should be read) [lecture notes] 9-11
  • (Difficulties of the interpreter) [lecture notes] 11-16
  • (Ancient and modern thought: scope of succeeding lecture) [lecture notes] 16-21
  • (Some difficulties in Plato) §1 [lecture notes] 23-37
  • (The Art of Plato considered under 10 heads) [lecture notes] 39-123
  • (1 - Mythology) [lecture notes] 43-55
  • (2 - Religion) ii [lecture notes] 57-67
  • (3 - Nature) III [lecture notes] 69-75
  • (4 - Mathematics) IV [lecture notes] 75-77
  • [Loose leaf 77A inserted at 77: addenda to this lecture]
  • (5 - Logic) V [lecture notes] 79-85
  • (6 - Philosophy of Mind) VI [lecture notes] 87-93
  • [Loose leaf 91A inserted at 91: addenda to this lecture]
  • (7 - Ethics and Politics) VII [lecture notes] 95-103
  • (8 - History) VIII [lecture notes] 105-11
  • (9 - Poetry) IX [lecture notes] 113-19
  • X - Proverbial Philosophy [lecture notes] 121-3
  • (Presocratic Philosophy) §2 [lecture notes] 125-161
  • [Introduction - source problems] 125-155
  • [Loose leaves 151A-151B inserted at 151 and 155A at 155: all addenda to this lecture]
  • (Completion of head 8 (History) above) [lecture notes] 157-9

Quarto NB, limp maroon morocco leather cover, no title or label. Cover slightly discoloured. 90 pages*, with several loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Mostly ink, with a little pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Lecture 1 - Introduction - Life of Plato [lecture notes] 1-7
  • [Loose leaf 5A inserted at 5 and 7A at 7: addenda to this lecture]
  • [Lecture] II - Genuineness of [Plato's] writings [lecture notes] 8-17
  • Is there an order in the Dialogues of Plato? [lecture notes] 18-21
  • [Lecture notes on the Republic] 22-5
  • Lecture 3 [on the age of Plato. These notes have been lightly crossed out] 26-7
  • Lecture iii [on the age of Plato. Most of these notes have been lightly crossed out] 28-31
  • [Plato and his predecessors - lecture notes] 32-3
  • [Plato and his successors - lecture notes] 34-5
  • [Loose leaves 35A-35F inserted at 35; 35A is titled "Lecture VI", and the 6 leaves form lecture notes on Plato]
  • Lecture 4 - Methods of Plato [lecture notes lightly crossed out] 36-7
  • Lecture 4 [Method of Plato - lecture notes] 38-45
  • Lecture 5 - Subjects [list of headings only] 46
  • Lecture 5 [Dialectic - lecture notes] 48-57
  • [Loose leaf 49A inserted at 49: addenda to this lecture]
  • Lecture VI [on the Republic - lecture notes] 58-67 & 70-5
  • [Loose leaf 75A inserted at 75: addenda to this lecture]
  • Lecture 7 [on the Republic - lecture notes] 76-8
  • [BJ's views on] Translation [lecture notes?] 80-1
  • Plato as a Humourist [lecture notes] 82-6
  • Feb. 9 [notes on some of BJ's pupils. The names are indexed] 90

Quarto NB, limp light fawn leather cover, with gold lines on edge and spine, no title or label. 181 pages*, a few blank, with several loose leaves inserted. Pages lined. Pencil. fcC is possibly in Lewis Campbell's hand, and 1A-1B are in Frank Fletcher's.

The NB is dated to 1889 and 1890 by some comments of BJ opposite p.1, although an entry on p.5 is dated 1888.

  • [Loose leaves fcA-fcJ inserted inside front cover:
  • fcA: The Republic [notes; fcA-fcE were folded together]
  • fcB: The Socrates of Plato [notes]
  • fcC-fcE: Preface to the Edition of the Republic [notes, possibly in Lewis Campbell's hand]
  • fcF: [Offprint from the Journal of Philology XXI (1892) pp.47-54, of an article by T.W. Allen with pencilled comments by BJ]
  • fcG-fcJ: [Collection of Greek verse translations and compositions, each one dated 1833. Although in an unknown hand, they are all probably by BJ, and one, in Mercurii imaginem, on fcJ, is definitely attributed to BJ on A + C Vol.I p.33]]
  • [Loose leaves 1A-1B inserted at p.1:
  • 1A: p.2 [notes in Frank Fletcher's hand on a passage of Plato]
  • 1B: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Lecture IV May 22 1888 [on the Style of Plato - lecture notes] 5-11
  • [Lecture IV or V? -] The Text [of Plato - lecture notes] 13
  • [Lecture IV or V?] - The Order of the Dialogues [lecture notes] 15
  • Analysis of Lecture V 'Genuineness' [lecture notes] 17
  • Analysis of Lecture VI - order [lecture notes] 18
  • [Lecture VII? -] Introduction to Ideas [in Plato - lecture notes] 19-21
  • [Loose leaf 29A inserted at 29: notes on Plato]
  • [Lecture I -] On the Timaeus of Plato II [lecture notes on the difference between Plato's earlier and later works] 33-47
  • [Lecture I -] Prolegomena to the study of the Timaeus [lecture notes] 47-9
  • [Lecture I? - a list of Greek words with comments] 51-3
  • Lecture II - Legend of Atlantis [lecture notes] 57-67
  • Lecture III - Is Plato consistent with himself [lecture notes]  69-73
  • Earth the Centre [title only] 75
  • [Lecture IV -] The system of Philolaus [lecture notes] 77-87
  • Conclusions [from Philolaus which bear on Plato - lecture notes] 91-3
  • Lecture V p.37 Time and Space and the Creation of the World [lecture notes] 97-101 and 105-11
  • Lecture VII [on Plato and the Pre-Socratics - Psychology and Physiology - lecture notes] 113-25
  • Lecture VIII  A few more questions about the Timaeus [lecture notes] 128-30
  • Plato's theory on sight [lecture notes] 130
  • Plato's theory on psychology [lecture notes] 131
  • Plato's theory on anatomy [lecture notes] 132
  • Plauto's Ethics [title only] 134
  • Plato's commentators beginning with Aristotle [title only] 135
  • Analysis of Lecture VII [lecture notes] 146-9
  • Analysis of Lecture 6 [lecture notes] 150-3
  • Analysis of Lecture 5 [lecture notes] 154-8
  • Analysis of Lecture 4 1890 [lecture notes] 159-63
  • Analysis of Lecture 1 [lecture notes] 164-9
  • Analysis of Lecture 2 [lecture notes] 170-4
  • Analysis of Lecture iii [lecture notes] 176-81

Quarto NB, stiff brown paper board cover with brown leather spine, titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Authorities for Ancient Philosophy - Life of Plato. Only pages 1-52* used, with some loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Mostly pencil, with some ink and red crayon.

The NB is undated (even Frank Fletcher makes no suggestion). BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: list of contents in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • Authorities for the history of philosophy [lecture notes?] 1-2
  • Lecture 1. Authorities for History of Philosophy [lecture notes] 4-12
  • [Lecture] II The genuineness of ancient writers illustrated from the Epistles of Plato and the writings of Diogenes Laertius [lecture notes] 13-30
  • Lecture iii - The authenticity of ancient writings illustrated from Diogenes Laertius' lives of Plato and Aristotle [lecture notes] 31-40
  • Lecture IV - See other book [title only] 42
  • Addition to Lecture ii - Ages of Criticism [lecture notes] 44-6
  • Addition to Lecture iii  - Ancient and Modern History [lecture notes] 48-51
  • Critical History and the Philosophy of History [jottings only] 52
  • [Loose papers bcA-bcC inserted inside back cover: notes on Pythagoras]

B35-B37 - Notes on Aristotle


Medium NB (205 by 165 mm), stiff black morocco cover, no title or label. 172 leaves, many blank, with a few loose leaves inserted. Pages lined. Mostly ink, a little pencil. The greater part of the NB is in Matthew Knight's hand. Another hand (Evelyn Abbot's?) has filled in some entries, and there are a few lines in BJ's hand.

The NB is undated, but it is almost certainly connected with BJ's work on Aristotle's Politics (with which Matthew Knight helped him), which would date it to the late 1870s-early 1880s.

  • [Loose leaf 1A inserted at fol.1: small scrap inscribed Aristotelian Words in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • The whole NB is an index of certain words in Aristotle's Politics, arranged alphabetically, with quotations or references from the Politics to show their use.
  • [One page has been cut out before fol.71 and is now missing]
  • [Loose leaf 139A inserted at fol.139: jottings on _v and δία in Matthew Knight's hand]
  • [One page has been cut out before fol.159 and is now missing]

Medium NB (205 by 160mm), stiff black shiny leather cover, no title or label. Only fols.1-82 used, some blank (some parts were foliated separately, but no previous foliation of the whole had been done). Pages lined. Mostly ink, with a little pencil. The whole of this NB is in Matthew Knight's hand.

The NB is undated, but, like B34, it is almost certainly connected with BJ's work on Aristotle's Politics (with which Matthew Knight helped him), and so dates from the late 1870s-early 1880s.

  • [Notes on Greek History, especially Solon] 1
  • [Draft essay(?) on Solon] 2-17
  • Cleisthenes [draft essay?] 18-27
  • The Principles of Textual Criticism, with special reference to the Politics [essay draft?] 28-41
  • The Order of the Books in the Politics (jotting now lightly crossed out) 42
  • [Page cut out before fol.43 and now missing. A few words of the missing page remain, but they are too few to indicate what was on it]
  • [Untitled essay draft on the Politics] 43-8 and 50-4
  • [Loose leaf 53A inserted at fol.53: addenda to the essay]
  • [Untitled essay draft on Pythagoras] 55-64
  • Metaphysics [essaay draft] 66-74
  • [Untitled essay on the De Anima] 75-81
  • The Definition of Political Economy and the Subjects which are included in it [title only] 82

Medium NB (200 by 160mm), limp red/purple marbled paper cover with black cloth spine, no title or label, but some string has been tied around the NB, to which has been attached a label inscribed (in an unknown hand - perhaps Frank Fletcher's or Evelyn Abbott's?) Knight (Order of Politics etc.). 24 leaves, with some loose leaves inserted (The staples, or whatever held this NB together, have now fallen out, so that all the pages in it are loose. It is, however, easy to tell which pages originally belonged to the NB, so only these pages have been foliated. Leaves which were inserted into the NB have been numbered separately according to the usual method). Pages lined. Ink almost throughout. The whole NB is in Matthew Knight's hand.

The NB is undated, but 2C-2D and 2G-2I link it with with BJ's work on Aristotle's Politics (with which Matthew Knight helped him greatly), and so it probably dates from the early 1880s.

  • Bernays: mistakes [jottings only] 1
  • [Loose leaves 2A-2I inserted at fol.2:
  • 2A; Instance of suppressed dialogue [jottings only]
  • 2B: [list of Aristotelian words]
  • 2C-2D: [small scraps with heavily corrected passages, both inscribed "Col. 18". Like 2G-2I below, they are almost certainly corrections to accompany the proofs of the Politics]
  • 2E: [Untitled jottings on Aristotle]
  • 2F: [Further untitled jottings on Aristotle]
  • 2G-2I: [small scraps with heavily corrected passages, all inscribed "Col. 19". Like 2C-2D above, they are almost certainly corrections to accompany the proofs of the Politics]
  • The Order of Books in the Politics of Aristotle [essay draft; fol.2 contains only the title, and the draft proper begins on fol.3] 2-15
  • [some pages seem to be missing, especially between fol.4-5, but it is impossible to know for certain]
  • [Untitled and disjointed notes on the Politics] 16-21
  • [Loose leaf 22A inserted at fol.22: notes on Grote's translation of καταλαβ_]


- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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