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Jowett Papers - Group I Class C

Group I

Class C - Notebooks & Drafts of Benjamin Jowett

I C consists of the contents of Faber's 'Box C'. It is a very miscellaneous collection of documents, all from BJ's own papers (although some items were sorted by Abbott, Campbell and others).


C1-C11 - General note

The following series of little NBs have all been given numbers [possibly in Evelyn Abbott's hand] in blue crayon. It is not clear when these numbers were assigned, but it seems likely that this was done after BJ's death. It will be noted that there are no NB numbered 7, 11 or 13, and that the series stops at no.14. However, D10-D28 not only fill in these gaps, and also have NBs numbered 15-30. Therefore C1-C11 and D10-D28 must be considered as all belonging to the same series, and it is unfortunate that they have been split up.


Small NB (120 by 80mm), stiff red leather cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Homer I. Only fols.1-27 used. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s.

  • [Notes on the Iliad, arranged by book] 1-27

Small NB (120 by 80mm), black leather cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Curtius Greek History, Homer. 2. Cover slightly discoloured. 69 leaves, several blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s.

  • Curtius [notes on his history of Greece] 1-11
  • Homer [notes on the Homeric question] 18v-24v
  • Permanent work in Scholarship & Ancient history [lists of scholars - indexed] 25v
  • Spurious work in Scholarship [lists of names of scholars - indexed] 26
  • The Cyclic Poets [jotting only] 26v
  • [Jottings on Niebuhr and Wolf] 34v
  • Wolf's theory [on Homer] really untenable [notes] 35v-38
  • The MSS of Homer [notes on the history of] 38v-45
  • Notes on Homeric Question 45v-52
  • Art of Writing [with reference to Homer - notes] 52v-57
  • Plan of Introduction [of Greek] prose writing [list of chapter titles only] 57v
  • [Notes on Homer] 58v-68v

Small NB (120 by 80mm), black morocco leather cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Homeric Hymns. Thucydides. 3 Only fols.1-36 used, most blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s.

  • Batrachomuomachia [jotting only] 1
  • Hymn of Apollo [jotting only] 2
  • First Class MSS [of Thucydides? list only] 30v
  • [Jottings on the MSS of Thucydides] 33v-36

Small NB (120 by 80mm), dark blue morocco leather cover with patterns, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Greek History. Thucydides. 4. Only fols.1-29 used, with some blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s.

  • The later historians of Greece [notes] 1-3
  • Preface [to an unknown work: titles only] 20v
  • Introduction [title only] 21
  • Classical Criticism [jottings only] 21v
  • Memoranda on the style of Thucydides [notes] 24-28
  • Niebuhr, Bentley, Wolfe, Muller [title only] 29

Small NB  (120 by 80mm), limp black leather cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Herodotus. 5. 67 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s.

  • Herodotus [jotting only] 1-7
  • Herodotus as a Geographer [title only] 8
  • Herodotus as a Chronologer [title only] 9
  • Herodotus [notes on his style] 10
  • Herodotus [and Logography  - notes] 11-12
  • The account of Scythia as mythical as that of Egypt [notes] 13
  • Herodotus [vs. Thucydides - notes] 14
  • Point on which Herodotus and Thucydides touch [title only]  15
  • Herodotus [on orientals - jottings only] 16
  • [Herodotus and his credulity - jotting only] 16v
  • [Herodotus' personality  - jottings only] 17
  • Slight difference of language in the contemporaries Herodotus & Thucydides [jottings only] 18
  • Josephus [on Herodotus - quotation only] 18v
  • Herodotus [general - notes] 19
  • Herodotus & Thucydides [jotting only] 20
  • Herodotus [on ethics - notes] 20v-21
  • Herodotus [on Xerxes' expedition - jotting only] 22
  • Herodotus' religion [jotting only] 23
  • [General remarks on Herodotus - jotting only] 23v-26
  • Xenophon in Cyropaedia Hellenica & Anabasis [jotting only] 27
  • What can be added to Greek History is Geography [notes] 28-9
  • Parallels of Herod[otus] & Thucydides [jotting only] 30
  • [On Herodotus' narrative - jotting only] 31-2
  • [More general notes on Herodotus] 33-5
  • [Herodotus' reputation as a liar - notes] 35-6
  • [Herodotus on Pisistratus - jottings only] 37
  • Plan of lectures for term [on Greek historiography - titles only] 65-6
  • Curious words in Herodotus [list only] 66v
  • [One page seems to have been torn out before 67 and is now missing]
  • [Notes on the length of Herodotus and Thucydides] 67

Small NB (120 by 80mm), stiff black morocco cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Theocritus - Comic Fragments. 6. 61 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Mostly ink, some pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s.

  • [List of words and phrases from Idylls I-V and VII-X of Theocritus] 1v-3v
  • [List of Greek words - context uncertain, as is the reason for writing them down] 5-7
  • [Another short list of Greek words] 14
  • Cratinus Archilochi [quotation from this play] 14v
  • Remarks on the Old Comedy [jotting only] 15
  • Questions on [illegible] & the Ethics [of Aristotle - jotting only] 15v-16
  • [More comic fragments, perhaps by Cratinus] 16v-17
  • Hermippus [fragments of] 18
  • Phaeax [fragments of] 19
  • Eupolis [jotting only] 19v
  • Phrynichus [fragments of] 20
  • Plato [Comicus - fragments of] 20v
  • Ameipsias [fragments of] 21
  • Strato [fragments of] 21v
  • Theopompus [fragments of] 22
  • Nicophon [fragments of] 22v
  • Aristophanes [?] [fragments of] 23-4
  • Irregular accents [list of Greek words with irregular accents] 25v-27v
  • [Notes on Greek word-formation and grammar] 51v-52v & 54v-61
  • [NB no. 7 in this series is I D10]

Small NB (120 by 80mm), black leather cover, no label or title, but inside cover is a loose label [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Notes for Essay on Aristotle. 8. 67 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Mostly pencil, with a little ink. fols.58v-65 are in Frank Fletcher's hand and half of fol.66v is in Matthew Knight's.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s.

  • [Arrangements for a tour of Beauvais - inside cover]
  • [Notes for an essay on Aristotle] 1v-8
  • [Notes on the nature of truisms] 21v-22
  • [Jottings on Aristotle] 22v-23
  • [Notes on St. Paul] 27-8
  • [Notes on marriage] 29-30
  • [Notes on Ephesians 5 on marriage] 35v-39v & 41-2
  • [List of names, some ticked, purpose unclear - perhaps invitations to a banquet? The names are written with the NB inverted; fols.65-58v are in Frank Fletcher's hand, 58v-57v in BJ's. They are not indexed] 57v-65
  • Plan of essay [on Aristotle - notes, written with NB right way up] 60v & 62
  • [Miscellaneous notes on Medieval literature. Written with NB inverted; half of 66v is in Matthew Knight's hand] 66v-67
  • Small NB (135 by 85mm), stiff black cloth cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Plato - Notes. 9 (some of the label has been torn off). The cover is disfigured, seemingly by a piece of paper having got stuck to it, which was then torn off. 30 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Pencil.
  • NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s.
  • Memoranda respecting the style of Plato [notes] 1-3
  • Book VI [of the Republic - jotting only] 16
  • Memoranda of passages in Plato illustrative of the Republic [notes, written with the NB inverted] 29v-30v

Small NB (110 by 70mm), stiff black morocco cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Later Greek Literature 10. 50 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s.

  • Dead level of Greek Literature from 300 bc [notes] 1-8
  • Remarks after reading Donaldson [work very difficult to identify - notes] 25v-26
  • Later Greek Literature [notes] 27-31
  • How to prevent the decay of literature in the world [notes] 31v-37
  • [NB no.11 in this series is I D11]

Small NB (135 by 85mm), black cloth cover, labelled Language (Delbrück) 12. 30 leaves, many blank. Pencil, with a little ink. fol.30v is in Frank Fletcher's hand.

NB dated to 1860, 1866, 1877, 1883 or 1888 by the entry on fol.30v; BJ's hand makes one of the later dates most likely.

  • [Notes on Delbrück, Schlegel, Bopp, Pott and Schleicher on philology] 1-15v
  • [Note, in Frank Fletcher's hand, of material sent to the Press on Monday June 4 and Thursday June 7] 30v
  • [NB no. 13 in this series is I D12]

Small NB (120 by 80mm), stiff black leather cover with gold lines on edge and spine, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Translation, Martin's Timaeus 14. 53 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s.

  • [Notes on translation] 1-15
  • Some characteristics of the later dialogues [of Plato  - notes] 15v-20
  • Martin's notes [on the Timaeus - notes] 26v-34
  • [Notes on a preface (to Plato?), including notes on Jackson] 39v-42v
  • Is any criticism or conjecture valuable which does not tend to last? [title only] 51v
  • [Jotting on length of a volume of Plato?] 52v
  • [List of train times for Waterloo, Vauxhall, Epsom, Victoria, Reading and Guildford] 53

C12-C16 - General Note

All these items are connected with BJ's university and college duties. They are very miscellaneous, including examination markbooks, lists of undergraduates attending BJ's lectures, and some notes for BJ's speeches.

C12-C13 - General note

The nature of these notebooks demands a very different treatment from the other notebooks in the Jowett papers. They consist entirely of marks for examinations. Because of the great number of names in this book, it was decided to list only Balliol names. Furthermore, because of the unusual layout of each section, more space than usual has been given to explaining them (see too I D33, which is identical in format).


Small NB (180 by 115mm), stiff black morocco cover, no title or label. 88 leaves. Pages lined. Pencil. Parts of the NB are in an unknown hand.

This NB was used intermittently in the late 1840s and again in 1864.

See General Note above for the use of this notebook.

  • [list of names, possibly of undergraduates: colleges not given] - front cover
  • [Marks for a Worcester undergraduate in Mods(?)] - opposite 1
  • [Marks for (first?) University Exams 1848 (entries on fol.13 and 15 are dated Friday 10 Nov and Saturday 11 Nov, and 1848 is the only year which fits). BJ himself set up the pages with names and subjects, and then filled in the marks. Undergraduates come from All Souls, Balliol, Brasenose, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Lincoln, Magdalen, Magdalen Hall, Merton, New College, New Inn Hall, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. Alban Hall, St. Edmund Hall, St. John's, Trinity, University, Wadham and Worcester. The Balliol undergraduates matriculated in 1844/5, 1845/6 and 1846/7] 1v-43v
  • Examination Easter 1850 [As above, BJ set up the pages himself and then filled in the marks. Undergraduates come from Balliol, Brasenose, Christ Church, Exeter, Lincoln, Magdalen Hall, Merton, New Inn Hall, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. Edmund Hall, St. John's, St. Mary's Hall, Trinity, University, Wadham and Worcester. The one Balliol undergraduate matriculated in 1846/7] 44-55v
  • Classmen [for exams 1850. BJ again set up the pages himself and then filled in the marks. Undergraduates come from Balliol, Brasenose, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Jesus, Magdalen Hall, Merton, New Inn Hall, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. Edmund Hall, Trinity, University, Wadham and Worcester. The Balliol undergraduates matriculated in 1845/6] 56-71
  • [Exams for 1850/1?. The pages have been set up in an unknown hand, and BJ filled in the marks, although several names were left blank. Undergraduates come from Balliol, Christ Church, Exeter, Jesus, Lincoln, Magdalen Hall, Merton, New College, New Inn Hall, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. Edmund Hall, St. John's, St. Mary's Hall, Trinity, Wadham and Worcester. The Balliol undergraduates matriculated in 1847/8] 71v-84v
  • [Table set up and filled in in BJ's hand titled Prosser 1864 (a Balliol award). The names of four Balliol candidates with marks are given] 85v-86
  • [Exam marks for three undergraduates, two not assigned a college, the third from Christ Church. Everything in BJ's hand (date not immediately obvious, but BJ's hand suggests c.1850)] 86v-87
  • [Lists of names of undergraduates, none with colleges assigned. Everything in BJ's hand. Purpose unclear (Date not immediately obvious, but BJ's hand suggests c.1850)] 87v-88

Small NB (180 by 115mm), stiff dark brown leather cover, with gold lines on edge and spine, titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Notes on Examinations. The cover is slightly discloured, and the title is therefore almost illegible. 93 leaves. Pages lined. Ink. Parts of the NB are in at least 2 unknown hands.

This NB was used intermittently throughout the 1850s.

See General Note above for the use of the notebook.

  • [Marks for Greats 1852 (?). An unknown hand has written down the names of undergraduates, and the papers they sat, and BJ has filled in the marks (with occasional comments) in his own hand. Undergraduates are recorded as coming from different colleges, namely Balliol, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Pembroke, Queen's, Trinity, University, Wadham and Worcester. The Balliol undergraduates all matriculated in 1848/9] 1-6
  • [Marks for an unknown exam, but presumably early 1850s. Everything is in BJ's hand, and none of the students have colleges attributed to them] 7-12
  • [Table titled "Harrow Examination 1853". Everything seems to be in BJ's hand. Perhaps BJ was asked to mark exams at Harrow that year] 12v-14
  • [Marks for Greats 1853 (?). These pages are arranged in exactly the same way as fols.1-6, with the same other (unknown) hand at work. Undergraduates are from Balliol, Brasenose, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Jesus, Magdalen, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. John's, Trinity, University, Wadham and Worcester. The Balliol undergraduates all matriculated in 1849/50] 15v-27
  • [Marks for an unknown exam, all apparently in BJ's hand. However the undergraduates have no colleges given, but some are the same candidates as those on fols.15-27] 28-32
  • [Table entitled "Balliol Scholars 1857". It lists the marks of those trying for the scholarship examinations that year] 32v-33
  • [Marks for Mods (?) 1858/9(?). These pages are arranged in the same way as fols.1-6 and 15v-27, save that the unknown hand which set up the pages is different, and BJ has given far fewer marks. Undergraduates are from Balliol, Brasenose, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Jesus, Lincoln, Litton's Hall, Magdalen, Magdalen Hall, Merton, New College, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. Alban's Hall, St. Edmund Hall, St. John's, Trinity, University, Wadham and Worcester. The only Balliol undergraduates here probably matriculated in 1857] 33v-57v
  • [Marks for Mods 1859 (?). fol.48 is headed "Classmen". The hand that set up fols.33v-57v set up these pages too, and again BJ filled in the marks. Undergraduates come from Balliol, Brasenose, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Jesus, Lincoln, Magdalen, Merton, New College, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. John's, Trinity, University and Wadham. The Balliol undergraduates matriculated in 1856 and 1857] 58-84v
  • [Marks for an unknown exam, all in BJ's hand. The pages are arranged like fols.7-12, and the undergraduates' colleges are again not given] 85v-87
  • [List (possibly in BJ's hand) of undergraduates titled First Class. Colleges not given.] 92
  • Lists of undergraduates (all, it would seem, from Balliol) attending BJ's lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Translation, Thucydides Book III, Plato's Republic, St. Paul to the Romans, and Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus. The undergraduates, whose names are not indexed, all matriculated between 1862 and 1865. [3 leaves in BJ's hand (ink)]

Small NB (110 by 70mm), limp black cloth cover with embossed diamond pattern, no title or label. 69 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Mostly pencil, a little ink. fols.11v-12 and 67v are in Frank Fletcher's hand.

NB dated to 1885/6 by fols.1-3.

  • Memoranda for a Latin Speech [notes for a speech, which includes the comment that this is BJ's fourth year as Vice-Chancellor (i.e. 1885/6). The exact occasion of the speech is unclear] 1-3
  • [Notes on applicants for the Craven Fellowship, namely Elliott, Hogarth, Allen, Bussell [sic], Munro and Wilson] 5-8
  • Pseudo-Callisthenes [notes] 9-11
  • [Notes on the above candidates for the Craven Fellowship (11v-12 are in Frank Fletcher's hand] 11v-15
  • Lecture [on language, especially French - jotting only] 25-26v
  • Candidates for Craven Fellowship [list of the same ones as before - in Frank Fletcher's hand] 67v
  • Sermons for Term [jottings only; written with the NB inverted] 68v-69

Brown manilla envelope addressed to Philip Lyttleton Gell from America, with a US stamp, postmarked 1895, and inscribed [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] BJ - Notes for speeches & report of a speech.

After BJ's death, these papers were probably collected together by his literary executors, and put by Gell into this envelope. During this stage, someone numbered several of the speeches in blue crayon, in an attempt to order them. These numbers are recorded here.

  • [1] Envelope inscribed B7 [in an unknown hand] Speeches at Banquet 1888 [in Frank Fletcher's hand (ink)]:
    • [1] [Speech on the occasion of the Marquess of Lansdowne's appointment as Governor-General of India, 1888. 1 leaf (ink), in Frank Fletcher's hand]
    • [2] [Speech for two headmasters of Eton, namely Drs. Hornby and Warre. 2 leaves (ink), in Frank Fletcher's hand]
    • [3] [Speech in honour of William Boyd Carpenter on becoming Bishop of Ripon in 1884. 1 leaf (ink) in Frank Fletcher's hand]
    • [All three are after-dinner toasts]
  • [2] Envelope inscribed Remarks about Greek Type [in Frank Fletcher's hand (ink)]. It contains notes on the choice of a typeface for Greek. [1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [3] Envelope inscribed B12 [in an unknown hand] Notes of speech made at the opening of the Indian Institute 1882 [in an unknown hand (pencil)]. It contains BJ's speech on this occasion [2 leaves (ink), in Matthew Knight's hand].
  • [4] Notes for a speech given at Balliol. The occasion is unclear, but it could be a gaudy. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s. [1 leaf (ink)]
  • [5] Text of a speech given by BJ proposing a toast for Lord Coleridge and Lord Justice Bowen at a Balliol banquet. Probably given in the late 1880s. [1 leaf (ink), in Frank Fletcher's hand]
  • [6] Envelope inscribed Letter of Thanks to University of Leyden [in Matthew Knight's hand (ink)] in Latin [in an unknown hand (pencil)] Return to Abbott [in an unknown hand (blue crayon)]. The letter is a draft only [1 leaf (ink)]
  • [7] Envelope inscribed B9 [in an unknown hand] Speech at the station to the Colonists [in BJ's hand (ink)]. It contains the text of a speech of welcome by BJ to overseas students to Oxford. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s [1 leaf (ink)]
  • [8] Envelope inscribed Speech for Reading School [in BJ's hand (pencil)] with Shrewsbury if at all [in an unknown hand (pencil)] B10 [in an unknown hand]. It contains very cursory notes for a speech. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s-1890s. [1 leaf (ink)]
  • [9] Envelope inscribed Notes of speech on the Boys Public School 1885, kept that I may avoid saying the same things [in BJ's hand (ink)] B11 [in an unknown hand]. It contains a list of prizes [not in BJ's hand - perhaps an aide-memoire for BJ when handing them out?] and, on the other side of the page, notes for a speech in BJ's hand. Undated, but perhaps this is the speechday of 1893? [1 leaf: unknown hand uses ink, BJ pencil]
  • [10] Text, inscribed B17 [in an unknown hand], of a speech given by BJ at a gaudy at Balliol held just before the purchase of the Holywell cricket ground in 1889. [1 leaf in Frank Fletcher's hand (ink)]
  • [11] Text, inscribed B14[?] At Coleridge Banquet [in an unknown hand (blue crayon)], of a speech at a gaudy at Balliol given just after the purchase of the Holywell cricket ground in 1889. [2 leaves in Frank Fletcher's hand (ink)]
  • [12] Leaves inscribed B4 [in an unknown hand] To the French Teachers [in an unknown hand (pencil)]. Text of a speech by BJ to a party of teachers from France visiting Oxford [13 leaves in Martha Knight's hand (ink)]

Small NB (75 by 115mm), stiff black morocco leather cover with metal clasp on fore-edge, no title or label. Only fols.1-3v used. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, and undatable.

  • [Calculation of the size and costs of a book; it is unclear which book it is, and it is therefore impossible to classify it with any other items in IC.] 1-3v

C18-C19 - Notes on Homer

  • Notes, headed Herman on Homer Opus iii 74 [it includes criticism of Gladstone's work on Homer. [9 leaves, folded together, all in BJ's hand (ink). Originally in a modern envelope inscribed in an unknown hand Herman on Homer]

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s.

  • Notes headed Essay II, which consist of an examination of the catalogue of Diogenes, and an account of the fragments of Didymus. [16 leaves in an unknown hand (ink). Undatable]

C20-C23 - Notes on Thucydides


Small NB (180 by 115mm), limp shiny black morocco leather cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Newton: Poppo. 76 leaves. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB dated to 1858, 1869, 1875, 1880 or 1886 by the entry on the front cover; BJ's hand makes 1880 or 1886 most likely.

  • Jowett Balliol College Oxford. Commenced Sat. Jul. 24, Finished Aug.1. [inscription on front cover]
  • Analysis of Newton [on Archaeology - notes] 1-4
  • Greek Sculpture from Asia Minor [notes] 5
  • Phidias [notes] 6
  • [Notes on the Hermes of Praxiteles] 6v
  • Numismatics [notes] 7
  • Essay on Greek Inscriptions [notes] 8-12
  • The Edict of Diocletian to the provinces fixing the highest prices of beef [jotting only] 13
  • Greek Inscriptions [notes] 14-15
  • Ministers of religion [notes] 16-20
  • Jul. 26 - Analysis of Poppo's prolegomena [to his edition of Thucydides - notes] 21-31
  • Jul. 27 Poppo's prolegomena [to his edition of Thucydides -notes] 32-76
  • The great Scholars of the world [list of names] 76v
  • [list of classical texts with names of editors; perhaps for a planned series of texts?] 77

Small NB (180 by 115mm), stiff green leather cloth cover, no title or label. The cover is now in poor condition: the spine has become detached on one side, and the front cover seems to have been damaged by close contact with another book, so that parts of the leather surface have come away. 139 leaves, some blank, with some extra leaves. Pages lined. Mostly pencil, with some ink and blue crayon.

NB dated to 1879 by the entry on fol.64.

  • Thucydides [notes] - front cover
  • Remarks on Curtius Vol 4 [notes] 1-1v
  • History of Corcyra [jotting only] 2
  • Reasoning upon Thucydides [notes on Curtius] 2v
  • Histories of Greece [notes on Curtius] 3
  • Corinthian and Corcyrean Speeches [notes] 4
  • Study of Thucydides [notes] 5
  • Pathetic interest in Thucydides [notes] 6
  • The speeches of the Athenians and Corinthians at Sparta [title only] 7
  • The oracles in Thucydides [title only] 8
  • The influence of the previous history on Greece [jotting only] 9
  • Plutarch's Life of Themistocles [notes] 10-11
  • Plutarch [jotting only] 12
  • Plutarch's life of Pericles [notes] 13-13v
  • Plutarch's life of Alcibiades [notes] 14
  • The Comic writers as confirmatory evidence of History [jotting only] 15
  • Athenian population [jotting only] 16
  • The Geography of Thucydides 16v-18v
  • Subjects for 14 Lectures [titles on Thucydides] 19
  • Subjects for Thucydides [1 title only] 20
  • Thucydides & his superlatives [notes] 20v
  • Thucydides [jotting only] 21-22
  • Heads of Essay on the language of Thucydides [jotting only] 23
  • Of what was Thucydides an eyewitness [jotting only] 23v
  • Humour of Thucydides [notes] 24
  • No feeling in Thucydides [jotting only] 25
  • Thucydides [jotting only] 26
  • Plan of Essays [on Thucydides - titles only] 27
  • Preface to Thucydides [notes] 28-9
  • Speeches of Thucydides [jottings only] 30
  • Greek History [jotting only] 30v
  • Criticism of Grote [jotting only] 31
  • Letter of Nicias [jotting only] 31v
  • Credibility of Early Greek History annex to Plutarch [jottings only] 32
  • Speeches of Thucydides [notes] 33
  • The modern element in Thucydides [jotting only] 33v
  • Editors of Thucydides [jotting only] 34
  • Inaccuracies in Thucydides [jotting only] 34v
  • Grote [jotting only] 35
  • Nicias [jotting only] 35v
  • Inaccuracy of Thucydides 36
  • Ideas of Thucydides [jotting only] 36v
  • No notes in Thucydides [jotting only] 37
  • Melian controversy [notes] 38
  • Curious and characteristic remarks in Thucydides [jotting only] 38v
  • Story of Phrynichus [jotting only] 39
  • Introduction to Thucydides I. 1-14 [notes] 39v
  • Curious enquiry how the ancients regarded their historians [jotting only] 40
  • Style of Thucydides I [notes] 41
  • The allusion to Homer [title only] 41v
  • Short speeches of Thucydides [jotting only] 42
  • Short dramatic passages [jotting only] 42v
  • Grammar of Thucydides [jotting only] 43
  • Greek History [jotting only] 43v
  • Speeches of Thucydides Book IV [notes] 44
  • Style of Thucydides II [notes] 45
  • Remarks for Preface [notes] 45v-46
  • Thucydides [notes] 46v
  • Illustration of Thucydides from Aristophanes and the Comedians [title only] 47
  • Emendations for Thucydides 48-50
  • Grote on Thucydides [jotting only] 49
  • Thucydides and Herodotus [notes] 50v
  • Thucydides and Aristophanes [jotting only] 51
  • Translation of Thucydides [notes] 52-3
  • Imperfection of Thucydides as a historian [notes] 53v
  • Thucydides as a work of art [jotting only] 54
  • Speeches of Thucydides III [notes] 54v-5
  • Sppeches of Thucydides IV [notes] 55v-56v
  • Difficulty of the Speeches [notes] 57
  • Language of Thucydides [notes] 57v-58
  • Description in Thucydides IV [jotting only] 58v
  • Imperfection of chronology [jotting only] 59
  • Translation of Thucydides [jotting only] 59v
  • Style of Thucydides III [jotting only] 60
  • Historical omissions in Thucydides [jotting only] 60v
  • The orators in their bearing on Thucydides [jotting only] 62
  • Memoranda about Thucydides July 29 1879 [notes] 64-65v
  • Remarks on the speeches of Thucydides [title only] 68
  • Plan of an introduction to Thucydides [notes] 68v-69v
  • Andocides de Mysteriis [jotting only] 70v
  • Topics for preface [jotting only] 71v
  • The modern element in Thucydides (conclusion) [jotting only] 72
  • Thucydides' account of the 400 [jotting only] 73
  • Essay on "Ancient historians as distinct from modern" [notes] 74-5
  • Plan of book on Thucydides [notes] 75v-77
  • Introduction to the Politics [jotting only] 77v
  • Political notions of the Greeks [jotting only] 78
  • Aristotle's Politics Book 3 rd [notes] 79
  • Jests in Aristotle [list of passages] 80
  • Aristotle's Politics [notes] 81-2
  • Niebuhr & Aristotle [jotting only] 82v
  • Index to Aristotle's Politics [notes] 83
  • Aristotle's Politics [notes] 84
  • Plato [as attacked by Aristotle - notes] 84v
  • Parallels with Plato [jotting only] 85
  • Education [jottings only] 86
  • Aristotle - Introduction to 1st lecture [notes] 87-9
  • In what respect does the style of Aristotle differ from that of any other Greek writer or indeed from any other writer? [notes] 90
  • Style of Aristotle [notes] 90v
  • Credibility and Credulity of Aristotle [notes] 91-92
  • Style of Aristotle no 1 [notes] 92v
  • Defects of the Politics [notes] 93
  • [Notes of a conversation with] W.L. N[ewman on the Politics] 94
  • Remarks on Book 1 st [of the Politics - notes] 95
  • Aristotle on slavery [notes] 96
  • Credulity of Aristotle No.2 [notes] 96v-97
  • Aristotle Hyperlogical [jotting only] 97
  • Credulity of Aristotle No. 3 [notes] 97v-98
  • Aristotle on Political Economy [jotting only] 98
  • Influence of Logic [notes] 98v-99v
  • Influences of Authorities(?) on politics [notes] 100-100v
  • Book iii c.9 [of Politics - notes] 101
  • _Απoρίαι [jotting only] 101v
  • The relation of the Politics [to other works by Aristotle and Plato - jottings only] 102
  • Aristotle and Plato [notes] 102v-103
  • Politics - Order of the books [notes] 104-5
  • Aristotle as critic of History [notes] 106-7
  • Style of Aristotle No 2 [notes] 107v-108
  • Herodotus Thucydides [illegible] Plato Aristotle [notes] 109
  • [Notes of a conversation(?) with Sir Alexander] Grant 109v
  • Subjects to be discussed in Essays on the Politics [titles only] 110
  • Translation of Aristotle [notes] 111
  • Credibility of Aristotle [notes] 111v
  • References backwards and forwards [in Aristotle - jotting only] 112
  • Aristotle [jotting only] 113
  • Weak passages in the Politics [notes] 114-15
  • General ideas which dominate the Politics [notes] 115
  • Slavery in the Politics [notes] 116
  • References to Plato [in Aristotle - notes] 117-118v
  • Quotations from Homer [notes] 119
  • Politics [jotting only] 120
  • Aristotle and Plato [notes] 120v
  • Aristotle in relation to his age [notes] 121
  • Unfulfilled promises in Aristotle's Politics [notes] 121v-122
  • Confusion in the Politics [notes] 122v-123
  • Style of Aristotle [notes] 123v
  • Remarks upon Translation [jotting only] 124
  • Remarkable points [in the Politics - jotting only] 124v-125
  • Account of aristocracy very perplexing [jotting only] 126
  • On the general character of Aristotle's writings [jotting only] 126v
  • Plato [jottings only] 127
  • Oligarchy and Democracy [jottings only] 128
  • What is useless & what is useful to us in the Politics [jotting only] 128v
  • Quotations in Plato and Aristotle [jottings only] 129
  • 8 lectures on the Politics [titles only] 130
  • Proportion in the study of Antiquity [jottings only] 131
  • Reflections on the Politics [jottings only] 131v
  • Repetition in the Politics [jottings only] 132
  • Subject for Essays [title on ancient history] 137
  • Plan of Lectures [titles only] 138
  • [Jottings on Plato and and calculations for an unknown purpose] 139
  • [Loose leaves 139A-139K inserted at 139:
  • 139A-139G: [Notes on Aristotle's Politics in an unknown hand, leaves numbered 2-8 (ink)]
  • 139H: [Notes on Themistocles (pencil)]
  • 139I: [List of lecture titles on Thucydides (ink and pencil)]
  • 139J: [Jottings on Aristotle's style (blue crayon)]
  • 139K: Hard passages in the Politics [List in the same hand as 139A-139G (ink)]]

8 leaves, sewn together, the front page titled Thucydides Book I xxiv-xxviii. All the leaves are in Matthew Knight's hand (ink).

  • Notes on a translation of Thucydides I 24-48.

These leaves are undated, and at present undatable. It seems reasonable to connect them with BJ's translation of Thucydides, which was published in 1881, but the notes here bear no relation to those which appeared in the printed version.


Sewn collection of leaves, front page titled [in Matthew Knight's hand] Thucydides Book I, divided into two quires of 15 and 12 (already paginated), plus two accompanying letters. All these leaves are in ink.

  • [1] W.H. Forbes to Evelyn Abbott. Balliol, Feb. 8 [1894?], ALS [1 leaf]. Letter accompanying the contents of the package.
  • [2] Matthew Knight to unnamed addressee [W.H. Forbes?]. Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 5 Nov. 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Knight encloses the notes on Thucydides he wrote for BJ and discusses their content.
  • [3] Thucydides Book I [Translation, with notes, of Thucydides I 1-23 (15 leaves) and 84-103 (12 leaves), all in Matthew Knight's hand]

C24-C25 Other Notes on Greek History


Small NB (180 by 115mm), limp shiny black leather cover, no title or label. 77 leaves. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s, although fol.30 might date it to 1877 [see below].

  • Commenced Aug.2 - Epigraphy [BJ's notes on ancient inscriptions, apparently based on Kirkhoff's collection] 1-7v
  • Kohler on the Delian Alliance [notes] 8-10
  • The tribute lists of 453-36 [notes] 11
  • The tribute lists of 436-30 [notes] 12
  • History of the Delian Conference [notes] 13-17
  • Kirkhoff's Staatschage [sic] [notes] 18-23
  • MONUMENTA SEPULCHRALIA [collection of inscriptions, with numbers, presumably copied from a book of Greek inscriptions -which one?] 24-7
  • MONUMENTA PRIVATA [more inscriptions, presumably taken from the same edition] 28-9
  • KIRCHOFF Part 2 1877 [List of inscriptions, with comments, taken from Kirchoff's book. 1877 could refer to the date when BJ wrote this page] 30-2
  • BENTLEY [notes] 33
  • Memoranda for essay on Philology [notes] 35
  • Memoranda from Poppo on Book VIII of Thucydides [notes] 38-40
  • Analysis of Boekh's preface to the C.I.[?] [on inscriptions] 41-5
  • Analysis of Kirchoff's Inscriptions [a collection of notes on individual inscriptions, each designated by Kirchoff's number] 46-77

Envelope, with stamp preserved, addressed to Abbott [in Lewis Campbell's hand], postmarked London 18 Dec 1893. It contains:

  • [1] Lewis Campbell to Abbott, 35 Kensington Court Mansions, 17 Dec 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Letter accompanying 2 and 3.
  • [2] Notes on various Greek historical problems. [1 leaf in BJ's hand (ink). There is unsufficient material in either 2 or 3 to help suggest a date.].
  • [3] Notes on Sophocles and Hesiod. [1 leaf in BJ's hand (ink)].

C26-C27 - Notes on The Middle Ages

  • 3 leaves folded together, all in BJ's hand in ink, headed p1-98 Middle Ages. It is unclear to what these page numbers refer.

These leaves are undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s.

  • [Disjointed notes on the Middle Ages, especially on their knowledge of philosophy]
  • Leaf of paper, in BJ's hand in ink, titled Sources.

This leaf is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s.

  • [Notes on Early Medieval Theology, including Abelard]

C28-C35 - Notes on Modern philosophy

  • Sewn collection of leaves, front page titled [in BJ's hand] Spinoza. All leaves are in BJ's hand.

These leaves are undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s.

  • [Notes on Spinoza, especially on his Books II and III. 11 leaves (ink)]
  • Sewn collection of leaves, front page titled [in BJ's hand] Des Cartes [sic], Spinoza, Kant. The leaves produce 17 fols. All are in BJ's hand in ink.

The leaves are undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s.

  • Lecture - The parallelism of Ancient and Modern Philosophy [lecture notes] 1
  • Descartes [lecture notes?] 2-5
  • Spinoza 1632-1677 [lecture notes?] 6-12
  • Comparison of Kant and the Eleatics [lecture notes?] 13-14
  • Objections to Kant [lecture notes?] 15
  • Kant [lecture notes?] 16-17

Quarto NB, stiff black diaper grained cloth cover, titled [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Recollections of Comte. Only fols. 1-62 used, several blank. Pages unlined. Pencil.

The NB is dated to 1851 on fol.61v. References to Sun 17 Aug, Sunday 24 Aug and Sunday 31 Aug on fols.16v, 21v and 27 support this date. However the entry on fol.30v is dated to Monday 14 Aug which can only fall in 1843, 1848, 1854, 1865, 1871 or 1882. It is possible that this is 1854 [BJ's hand certainly would support this], and that BJ, having used the beginning and end of the NB in 1851, turned to it again in 1854.

  • Recollections of reading Comte July 16 [notes] 1-2
  • July 17 - Recollections of reading Comte Vol.III [notes] 2v-4
  • July 18 [notes on Comte] 4v-5
  • July 19 [notes on Comte] 5v-6
  • July 20 [notes on Comte] 6v-7
  • July 21 [notes on Comte] 7-8
  • July 22 [notes on Comte] 8v-9
  • July 23 [notes on Comte] 9v-10
  • Aug 15 [notes on Comte] 10v-11
  • Notes [on Comte] 11v-13
  • Aug 16 [notes on Comte] 13v-14
  • Vol. 5 [of Comte - notes] 15-16
  • Aug 17. Sunday: Emotions. Aug 18. Objections to Comte [notes] 16v-17
  • Polytheism [notes] 17v-19
  • Objections to Comte 19
  • Aug 19 - Moral Influence of Polytheism [notes] 19v-20v
  • Hegel - Comte [notes] 21-3
  • Aug 26 [notes on Comte] 24-24v
  • Aug 27 Rousseau La nouvelle Heloise [notes] 25
  • Comte 387-437 [notes] 25v-26v
  • [Notes of BJ's movements for August 28-September 2] 27
  • Comte 437-490 [notes] 27-8
  • Aug 8 Aug 9 [notes on Comte] 28v-29
  • Aug 10 11 12 13 [notes on Protestantism] 29v-30
  • Monday Aug 14 [notes on society] 30v-31v
  • Tues Aug 15 [notes on effects of industry] 32
  • Aug 16 [notes on industry, and its effects on Protestant and Roman Catholic lands] 32v-34
  • Errors of Comte [notes] 34v
  • Aug. 17 - Progress of Science [notes] 35-35v
  • August 14 [notes on philosophical topics] 58v-61
  • Aug 17 1851 Subjects for Essays [titles on theology, ancient history and philosophy. BJ then added more questions which he dated to August 31 and August 27] 61v-62v

Quarto NB, limp blue/brown marbled paper cover, no title, and only a blank label. Only fols.1-23 used. Pages unlined. Mostly pencil, some ink.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s.

  • [Rough notes on Bacon] 1-8
  • Connexion of Philosophy with the Reformation [notes] 8v
  • Jacob Bohme [notes] 9-12
  • Des Cartes [sic - notes] 12v-14v
  • Spinoza [notes] 15-15v
  • Leibnitz [sic - notes] 16-17v
  • Locke [notes] 18-19
  • Account of Bacon [jotting only] 20v
  • Locke - the mystical acc t [sic] of Bacon [jotting only] 21-21v
  • Idols - Tribe Den Market Theatre [title only] 22v

Quarto NB, multicoloured marbled paper cover (soft), with black leather spine, title [in Matthew Knight's hand?] Notes on Moral Philosophy. 57 leaves, many blank. Pages unlined. Ink and pencil used almost equally.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s.

  • Essay I Oct 20 - Moral Philosophy [notes] 1-4
  • Essay II. Oct. 27 - Do morals belong to the sphere of necessity or of contingent matter? [notes] 5-7
  • Essay iii - The plan of authority 1st in the exact, 2nd in the inexact sciences [notes] 8-10
  • Essay 4 - Nature and limits of habit [notes] 11-13
  • V - The use of philosophical systems [notes] 14
  • VI - Connexion of moral and intellectual virtue [notes] 15-17
  • VII The strength and weakness of utility as a principle of morals [notes] 18-20
  • What new questions of interest are there in philosophy? [notes] 54v
  • Subjects for essays [titles on philosophy] 55v
  • [fols. 56-7 are written with the NB inverted]
  • Narrative introduction [notes for a life of Christ?] 56-7
  • 5 leaves inscribed A1-3 and B1-2, titled Pascal. The text is in BJ's hand (ink), the fol. numbers and title in an unknown one (pencil).

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s.

  • Essay or lecture notes on Pascal.
  • Manilla envelope inscribed [in an unknown hand] in blue crayon Part of an Essay on Natural Religion - The Introduction to be used for the Collected Papers. It contains a folded leaf of paper containing various book titles, which holds 10 leaves numbered 17-26: untitled essay or sermon concerning the Rig Veda which seems to lack its beginning and end.

The leaves are undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. They probably ended up in the envelope after BJ's death, when his literary executors debated using it in his collected papers. The inscription on the envelope suggests that the beginning and end of the essay or sermon were missing even then.

  • Collection of leaves, front page titled On the Use of Philosophy in Religion. There are 44 of these leaves in total, of which the first 27 have been sewn together. They are in ink in an unknown hand.

The leaves are undated, and for the present remain undatable.

The leaves constitute a fully worked essay, apparently complete.

C36 - Notes on Psychology


Small NB (180 by 115mm), limp red leather cover, gold lines on edge and spine, labelled Psychology. Only fols.1-9* used. Pages unlined. Pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s.

  • Psychology [notes] 1-9

C37-40 - General Note

I C37-40 are collections of loose leaves of BJ's notes on philosophy, each one containing material extending from the beginning to the end of his career. They are a mixture of lectures and private jottings, and seem to have been sorted after his death by his literary executors into these four groups. Each group was folded in a large leaf, and a hand, which could be Lewis Campbell's, wrote a brief description of the contents. All the items have been kept in these four groups.


Collection of papers folded in one large leaf titled [in Lewis Campbell's hand?] BJ Hist[ory] of Phil[osophy]. Religions of the World etc..

The leaves come from different periods in BJ's life; some are dated, and attempts have been made to indicate the dates of the rest.

[1] [Untitled list of names of anc
  • ancient writers, with periods of time atttached to them. Perhaps a list of BJ's projects? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [2] Philosophy applied to the history of the Greeks [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s, with corrections in 1870s; 1 leaf (original text in ink, corrections in pencil)]
  • [3] History of Philosophy [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [4] [Untitled notes on philosophy. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [5] Ancient and modern philosophy - No.2 Kant and the Eleatics [lecture notes. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [6] Loose papers on Plato, the Sophists, Philolaus etc. [title for a folded leaf of paper which now contains nothing. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s (ink)]
  • [7] [Notes on Scepticism (perhaps supplementary to a lecture?), with list (purpose unspecified) of names (not indexed) of 4 Balliol undergraduates on back, who all matriculated in 1873-1874. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [8] [Jotting  on Locke. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [9] The followers of Socrates [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [10] Allegorizing the poets [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [11] Summary of L[ast] L[ecture] [on the Pre-Socratics; lecture notes. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [12] On the Cratylus [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf (main text in ink; additions were made a little later in pencil)]
  • [13] Notes about the Sophists in Plato [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [14] [Untitled (lecture?) notes on imagery in Greek literature. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s; 1 leaf, now in fragile condition (pencil)]
  • [15] Nature of Metaphysics and Logic [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [16] β. Unity of Reason and the World - God and the World [jottings only, purpose uncertain. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [17] Virtue [jottings only, purpose uncertain. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [18] Cyrenaics [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [19] But then who is the philosopher? [jottings only, perhaps supplementary to a lecture. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [20] [Fragment of lecture notes on Spinoza and Kant. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [21] Epicurus [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [22] [Notes on philosophy, purpose uncertain. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [23] Origin of sophists [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [24] Diogenes [of Apollonia. Lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [25] [Notes on an unknown book. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [26] [Lecture notes on Plato; although these leaves are not continuous, they seem to have been written at the same time. Later a blank part of the first leaf was used to list undergraduates, with dates and times to meet them (names not indexed). BJ's hand for the list suggests the 1860s, but the lecture notes (also undated) are written in a hand of the 1850s; 3 leaves (ink, except for the list, which is in pencil)]
  • [27] [Notes on Aristotle. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [28] Order of Lectures [on ancient philosophy. List of points to make only. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1880s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [29] [jottings  on Book VI of the Republic(?)/ Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [30] Account of pleasure in the Philebus [notes. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1880s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [31] Megarians - Eristics [sic? Lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1880s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [32] [Untitled notes (partly rubbed out) on Greek words in philosophy. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [33] Sophists in Plato [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand sugests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [34] [Untitled notes on late dialogues of Plato. Undated, and BJ's hand only makes it possible to say that it was written after c.1865; 1 leaf (blue crayon)]
  • [35] Grant 1848 [part of an essay in an unknown hand (Grant's?), and notes [in an different hand, also unknown] of a conversation with BJ in December 1845 on Aeschylus. It is not possible to date when this leaf was written, but it seems to have been well after the 1840s; 1 leaf (ink)]

Large leaf of paper folded in half inscribed [in Lewis Campbell's hand?] BJ Early Philosophy. The following leaves are all in BJ's hand, and all in ink except 7 and 10, which are in pencil.

All the leaves are undated, but they clearly come from different periods in BJ's life. Attempts have therefore been made to indicate their possible dates.

  • [1] [Part of an essay on Plato, of which the beginning and end are lost. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s. 10 leaves]
  • [2] The Sophists [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 3 leaves]
  • [3] The Sophists - Lecture ii [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [4] Pythagoreans [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [5] Parmenides [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [6] Pythagoreans again [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [7] Survey of Parmenides [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [8] Summary of last two lectures [on ancient philosophy) [BJ's hand suggests the 1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [9] Influence of Greek philosophy on poetry [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [10] [Untitled notes on Plato. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf]
  • [11] [Untitled notes on Spinoza, Berkeley, Kant and Hegel. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf]

Leaf of paper folded in half inscribed [in Lewis Campbell's hand?] BJ - Socrates. All leaves are in BJ's hand and in ink unless otherwise indicated.

The leaves come from different periods in BJ's life; some are dated, and attempts have been made to indicate the dates of the rest.

  • [1] From an old box dated 1840-60 [List of contents of this folder, which were noted as being sent back to E. A[bbott] on 21 Nov 1893. Possibly in Lewis Campbell's hand. 1 leaf]
  • [2] E. Caird to L. Campbell, Glasgow, 6 Mar 1888, ALS [2 leaves]. Discussion of the interpretation of Plato. Enclosed with this letter, but not referred to in it, are the following:
    • [1] [Notes made by H. Rostagni in Latin on his examination of MS COD. Plutei XXVIII in Bibl. Maletestiana (an MS of the Republic), with notes of variant readings. It is not clear when he wrote this, or for whom he did this work. 4 leaves, sewn together.]
    • [2] C. Castellani to an unnamed addressee, National Library of St. Mark's, Venice, 16 Feb 1838, ALS [1 leaf]. Castellani has carried out some collations of the MSS of Plato here, and has sent them on separately.
  • [3] [Lecture notes on the MS of Plato. BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [4] [Lecture notes (?) on Plato. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s. 1 leaf]
  • [5] The system of Plato [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1850s. 1 leaf]
  • [6] [Notes (some of them for a lecture) on the irony of Socrates, comparisons of Plato's and Xenophon's portraits of Socrates, and Socrates' effects on later writers, e.g. Bacon. They were written at different times in BJ's life, between the 1850s and the 1870s. 10 leaves, folded together, some in pencil. The cover of this collection has a list of passages from Plato in an unknown hand]
  • [7] Socrates of Aristotle [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf]
  • [8] Socrates' personal character [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf]

Large leaf of paper folded in half and inscribed [in Lewis Campbell's hand?] Platonica. The following leaves are all in BJ's hand and in ink, unless otherwise indicated.

The leaves come from different periods in BJ's life; some are dated, and attempts have been made to indicate the dates of the rest.

  • [1] Lectures suggested by the Laws [BJ's hand suggests the 1840s. 2 leaves]
  • [2] Printed pamphlet A Selection of Passages from Plato for English Readers, inscribed to Lewis Campbell by BJ, December 1892 [12 pages].
  • [3] [Fragment of a lecture on Plato. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf]
  • [4] Greek aspects of the Republic [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 2 leaves, folded together]
  • [5] [untitled notes on the Republic. BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [6] System of Plato [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [7] On the Style of Plato [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 2 leaves, 1 pencil, 1 ink]
  • [8] Plan of Essay [on the Republic. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [9] On the Republic of Plato [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [10] Untitled notes on the Republic. BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [11] Life of Socrates [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [12] §2 Order of the Dialogues [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 3 leaves]
  • [13] [Untitled notes on Plato. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf, one page in ink, the other in pencil]
  • [14] Lecture 1 - Errors in the study of Plato [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s, with revisions in the 1860s-1870s. 2 leaves folded together]
  • [15] II - The genuineness and order of the Platonic dialogues [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s. 2 leaves folded together]
  • [16] [Lecture notes on Plato, dated May 8th 1867, April 27, May 17, May 19 and May 22 7 leaves]
  • [17] IV Style of Plato [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 2 leaves]
  • [18] V - 1 The manner 2 humour 3 irony of Plato [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [19] VI - Characters of the Platonic Dialogues [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [20] May 26 - Plato's Republic, Politicus, and Laws [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 2 leaves]
  • [21] Logic of Plato [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s, with revisions of 1870s. 5 leaves folded together]
  • [22] Greek notions of ethics [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [23] Ethics of Plato [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [24] May 24 Plato's Ethics [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s, with revisions of 1870s. 3 leaves folded together]
  • [25] Timaeus of Plato [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [26] Timaeus No.2 June 6 [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [27] June 2 - Plato's doctrine of matter [lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s, with revisions of 1870s. 5 leaves folded together]
  • [28] Plato and Aristotle [lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [29] Monday May 29 - The Laws of Plato [lecture notes. The date gives the year as 1848, 1854, 1865, 1871, 1876 or 1882. BJ's hand makes 1854 or 1865 most likely. Corrections were added in a hand of the late 1860s-1870s. 3 leaves]
  • [30] May 31 - Religion and Art [lecture notes on Plato. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s 1860s. 4 leaves]
  • [31] Remarks on the Republic [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [32] [Notes on the Republic. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 3 leaves]
  • [33] Former lectures [on Plato. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [34] Plato [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [35] Observations on Plato [jottings only. Not enough writing to guess the date. 2 leaves]
  • [36] The Life of Plato [Titles for an essay, in Matthew Knight's hand. 1870s-1880s? 1 leaf]
  • [37] The Gorgias [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf (blue crayon)]
  • [38] Lecture [on Plato. BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [39] [Untitled notes on some early Platonic Dialogues. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf (blue crayon)]
  • [40] Analysis of last lecture [on Plato - lecture notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [41] Introduction to Book iv [of the Republic - lecture notes? BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 1 leaf]
  • [42] Astronomy and Physiology [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 1 leaf]
  • [43] [Untitled notes on Logic. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. 2 leaves]
  • [44] [Untitled notes on the Republic. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s. 4 leaves folded together]
  • [45] Republic Book VI notes [BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 9 leaves folded together in groups of six and three]
  • [46] Gladstone on the Religion of the Homeric Age [notes. BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s. 4 leaves folded together]
  • [47] [Notes on a translation of lines 515-649 of an unknown Greek poetic text. BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 2 leaves folded together]

C41-C45 - Notes and lectures on the Presocratics

C41-43 - General note

These are all notebooks, in the same hand (not BJ's). C41 has on the inside front cover "John Addington Symonds, Clifton House, Bristol. The Fragments of Xenophanes and Parmenides". It is therefore assumed that these books were written in Symonds' hand. These books have not yet been dated, nor is it yet clear why they were written. However, since Symonds began a translation of Zeller's History of Greek Philosophy (at BJ's behest), these books could be connected with this.


Quarto NB, limp blue marble paper cover, no label or title. 19 leaves. Pages lined. Ink.

For details of the hand used in the NB and the date, see the general note on C41-C43 above.

  • John Addington Symonds. Clifton Hill House, Bristol. The Fragments of Xenophanes & Parmenides [title only] 1
  • Parmenides [translation of some of the fragments of his work] 2-12
  • Xenophanes [translation of some of the fragments of his work] 13-19

Larger than quarto NB (225 by 180mm), limp green marbled paper cover, labelled Translation from the Classics - Democritus I. 22 leaves. Pages lined. Ink.

For details of the hand used in the NB and the date, see the general note on C41-C43 above.

  • Cleanthes Hymn to Zeus [translation of] 1-2
  • [Translation of some of the fragments of Democritus] 3-22

Large NB (240 by 200mm), limp blue/green marbled paper cover, labelled Translation: Democritus 2. Only fols.1-15 used. Pages lined. Ink.

For details of the hand used in the NB and the date, see the general note on C41-43 above.

  • [Translation of some of the fragments of Democritus] 1-15

7 folded leaves sewn together to produce 13 leaves (with 6 loose ones inserted), front page titled Xenophanes Parmenides Pythagoras Democritus Epicurus. All are in BJ's hand in ink. All the leaves are undated, but BJ's hand in the sewn leaves is very early (before c.1845), whereas his hand in the loose leaves suggests the 1850s-1860s. There are some corrections in the sewn leaves which seem to be from this period too, so it seems that BJ kept these leaves in use for some time.

  • [6 loose leaves C44A-F inserted inside sewn leaves.
  • C44A-C44B:Empedocles [lecture notes? (pencil)]
  • C44C: Zeno [lecture notes? (pencil)]
  • C44D: Heraclitus Lecture 8 [lecture notes (ink)]
  • C44E: Atomists [lecture notes (ink)]
  • Cf44F: Political economy in relation to facts [lecture notes? (ink)]]
  • Fragments of Xenophanes [text only] 1-1v
  • Parmenides [translation of some fragments] 2-3v
  • Aristotle on Xenophanes [translation of part of the Metaphysics] 4
  • Aristotle on Zeno [notes] 4v
  • Pythagoras born 605 BC [notes] 5-5v
  • Recapitulation of the beginning of philosophy [notes] 6-6v
  • Atomic theory [notes] 7-9v
  • [General notes on philosophy] 10-11
  • Epicurus connected with modern systems in two points of view α Materialism β Utilitarianism [notes] 12-13

Folded leaf inscribed [in BJ's hand] Lectures on the H[istory] of Philosophy. This and the leaves it contains are tied together by a red ribbon. It is not clear if these leaves were tied together in BJ's lifetime or not.

All the following leaves are lecture notes, all in BJ's hand in ink, and they almost certainly come from the same series. They are undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s.

  • [1] Metaphysics [1 leaf]
  • [2] Lecture iii [on metaphysics. 1 leaf]
  • [3] Lecture iv - α the state previous to philosophy [1 leaf]
  • [4] Lecture V - Two great periods as of art so of philosophy [1 leaf]
  • [5] Lecture VI - Ionic School [1 leaf]
  • [6] Lecture VII [on the same topic. 1 leaf]
  • [7] Lecture VIII - Heraclitus [and] Lecture IX - Anaxagoras and Introduction to the Eleatics [1 leaf]

C46-C47 -  Notes on Plato


Small NB (150 by 90mm), black cloth cover, no title or label. The cover is damaged: the front has some discoloration, the back has extensive discolouration, some of the leather covering has worn away, and the lower part of the cover itself has rotted away. 94 leaves, several unused. Pages lined. Ink and pencil used almost equally. fols.11 and 23-4, 26-33, parts of 52-53, 59, 60-61 and 62 are in Matthew Knight's hand.

The inside front cover of the NB and entries on fols.35, 59 and 66 date the NB to 1875.

  • [Notes on the Laws] 1-7
  • Remarks on style [of the Laws? Jotting only, in Matthew Knight's hand] 11
  • General Remarks [on the Laws? Notes in Matthew Knight's hand, except for fol.25 which is in BJ's] 23-33
  • March 25 1875: Platonica in the Laws [notes] 35
  • Parallels with the Republic [in the Laws? Notes, parts of which on fols.52 and 53 are in Matthew Knight's hand] 51-3
  • Education in the Laws [jotting only] 54
  • April 12 1875 [title only, on folded corner of page, in Matthew Knight's hand] 59
  • Remarks about Physical Causes [in the Laws; notes in Matthew Knight's hand, except for fols.61v and 63-5, which are in BJ's] 59-65
  • April 19 1875 [notes on the Laws] 66-71
  • 10 th Book of the Laws [notes] 73
  • New subjects to be introduced in lectures on the Laws [notes] 85v-86v
  • Hear O Israel [notes for a sermon] 87-92

Small NB (155 by 105mm) limp black patterned cloth cover, no title or label. The inside back cover has come away from the marbled paper endpapers, and had done so even in BJ's time, as he writes on the newly created page. 134 leaves, several blank. Pages unlined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s.

  • Moral philosophy - memoranda on translation [notes] 1-13
  • MARTIN [notes on his edition of the Timaeus] 28-30
  • Laws [notes, including criticism of Zeller] 33-37v
  • Mr Grote [notes on his book on Plato] 40-3
  • Jackson [notes on his book on Plato] 45-48v
  • Last [illegible] of Martin [notes on his edition of the Timaeus] 52-3
  • Boekh's Philolaus [notes] 65
  • Laws [notes] 66-7
  • Remainder of Boekh [notes on his edition of Philolaus] 83-7
  • Remarkable passages in the Timaeus [notes] 88-9
  • Suggestions and reflections about the Laws [notes] 89v-91
  • [Notes on an unknown book on Plato] 92-4
  • [Notes on Plato's] Epistles 95v-96v
  • Memoranda for Essays on the Laws No 1 [notes] 106v-107v
  • Last reading of Timaeus [notes] 115v-118
  • The psychology of Plato [notes] 118v-119
  • [Jottings on Plato] 120v-121
  • [More notes on an edition of the Timaeus] 121v-122
  • Humboldt's lessons[?] [jotting only] 128
  • [Notes on Proclus on Roman Law] 129-134v
  • [Page 130 has become loose]
  • List of lectures [on the Laws - titles only] - inside back cover

C48-C51 - Notes on Aristotle


Small NB (110 by 70mm), limp blue leather cover with leather thong: copy of Lett's Pocket Diary and Almanac for 1884. 40 pages of information and diary space (the latter unpaginated). BJ's notes are in pencil.

The entries for January 1-9 are filled with progress reports by BJ on his work on Aristotle's Ethics. The rest of the book appears to be unused.


Small NB (110 by 70mm), stiff black morocco leather cover, no title or label. The cover has been badly worn in places to reveal patches and streaks of red. 50 leaves, mostly unused. Pages lined. Pencil.

NB undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s.

  • Essay on Aristotle as a Political Philosopher [notes] 1-10
  • Sparta [notes written with NB inverted] 49v
  • Memoranda on Aristotle [jotting only, written with NB inverted] 50v

Small NB (180 by 115mm), stiff black cloth cover, no title or label. The cover is now in poor condition: the top right corner of the front has lost its cloth cover, and the whole front cover has had a piece of paper stuck to it, which after being pulled away left traces of its existence, whereas the back cover has fragments of a rubber band embedded in it. Only fols.1-10 used. Pages lined. Ink. The whole NB is in Matthew Knight's hand.

NB undated, but the use of Matthew Knight, and the content, suggests the late 1870s-early 1880s.

  • Peculiarities of Style [title only] 1
  • [Notes on the style of Aristotle's Politics] 2-10

Small NB (180 by 115mm), stiff black cloth cover, with diamond pattern, no title or label, but inside cover is titled [in Matthew Knight's hand] Politics (Book VI) - also notes on Plato's Timaeus. The cover is damaged: much of the sheen has been removed, and the top right corner on the front has been cut away. 60 leaves, most unused. Pages lined. Pencil, with some ink and purple crayon. Parts of fols. 1-12 and all of 53v-56v in Matthew Knight's hand.

NB undated, but BJ's hand, and the use of Matthew Knight, suggests the late 1870s-early 1880s.

  • [Notes on Aristotle's Politics in Matthew Knight's hand] 1-12
  • [Notes on Timaeus in BJ's hand. It seems that Matthew Knight first wrote in the NB, and later on BJ added these notes in the spaces left by Knight] 3-13
  • To be looked up [Untitled notes on ancient philosophy in Matthew Knight's hand] 53v-54
  • The Pseudos [Notes on works falsely attributed to great writers in antiquity, in Matthew Knight's hand] 54v-55
  • [Notes on Aristotle and some scholiasts, in Matthew Knight's hand] 55v-56v

C52-C61 - Drafts for unfinished essays on Aristotle's Politics


Large collection of papers, originally tied together with string, which seems to consist of the disiecta membra of BJ's essays on Aristotle's Politics, which he never finished. Datestamps on some pages show that he had submitted parts to the O.U.P. for printing. BJ, in accordance with his usual working methods, constantly revised these essays, and as they now stand, these different versions of the essays have been mixed up one with another. It is therefore possible that once BJ had decided to abandon work on the essays in the later 1880s, these papers were bundled up together without any care taken to put them in order, and put to one side. However, this could have happened after BJ's death. It seems that some attempt was made to complete the Politics essays by David Ritchie, but was abandoned (see I G16/1/19).

Several hands in addition to BJ's contributed to writing these notes, two of them Frank Fletcher's and Matthew Knight's, although almost all the others remain unknown.

Some leaves are datestamped to 1885; although the remainder are undated, they must come from the early to mid 1880s, when BJ is known to have been working on the Politics.

  • [1] Notes on Aristoxenus [in Frank Fletcher's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [2] [List of passages on poetry, in Frank Fletcher's hand; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [3] [Notes on the structure and formation of the Aristotelian writings, in Frank Fletcher's hand; 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [4] [Notes on Dicearchus of Messene, in Frank Fletcher's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [5] [Notes on Aristotle, in Frank Fletcher's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [6] [Notes on Aristoxenus, in Frank Fletcher's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [7] [Jottings on Aristotle in Frank Fletcher's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [8] [Notes on the Poetics, in Frank Fletcher's hand; 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [9] [Notes on the Peripatetics, in Matthew Knight's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [10] [Notes on Aristotle, in BJ's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [11] [Notes on the Politics, in Matthew Knight's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [12] Aristotle' Style [notes on discussions of Aristotle by Latin writers, in an unknown hand; 7 leaves (ink)]
  • [13] De Oratore III 35 [notes on a discussion of Aristotle in this passage, in Matthew Knight's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [14] The μεσ_ πoλιτειά [notes in Matthew Knight's hand; 3 leaves (ink)]
  • [15] [Drafts for essays on Aristotle's Politics. All the leaves are set out in the same way: the main text is in Frank Fletcher's hand, with extensive corrections in the hands of Frank Fletcher, Matthew Knight and BJ. Several versions of different essays are jumbled up together here. This section has pages numbered 18, 18-21, 18-22, 22bis, 18, 28, 27, 26, 25, 13-55 (p.26 is datestamped by the OUP 3 Sep 1885, pp.27 and 43 datestamped 4 Sep 1885, and pp.44 and 55 datestamped 5 Sep 1885), 1-7 (p.1 is datestamped 8 Sep 1885), 49-53 (including an extra, unnumbered leaf titled Chapter 1), 53A; 73 leaves (ink, with a little pencil)]
  • [16] Examples illustrating the structure of the Politics [notes in Matthew Knight's hand, with a few lines at the end in Frank Fletcher's(?); 5 leaves (ink)]
  • [17] More drafts of essays on Aristotle, set out in the same way, and in the same hands, as 15. Pages numbered 53-57, with an extra leaf inserted before p.55; 6 leaves (ink, with a little pencil)]
  • [18] [Group of papers folded in leaf titled [in an unknown hand (pencil)] Essays in Politics, set out in the same way, and in the same hands, as 15. Pages numbered 27-9, 31A-31F, 31L-31M, 31, 31O, 43-6, 31T, 40, 68, 25B, 31T, 1B, 1B-1C, 1-8, and a  folder inscribed On the formation of certain of the Aristotelian writings, with special reference to the Politics; to which is appended a note on Books V, VI, VII of the Nicomachean Ethics, with pages numbered 1-47, 48V-48C. Printed proofs of a later version of this last essay are to be found at C60; 83 leaves (ink, with some pencil and blue crayon)]
  • [19] [Part of an essay on Aristotle, in Frank Fletcher's hand (?), numbered 2; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [20] The Difference between Ancient and modern [originally titled The modern element in Aristotle's Politics. Draft of an essay in Matthew Knight's hand, with corrections in his hand, as well as BJ's and Frank Fletcher's; 2 leaves (ink, with a little pencil)]
  • [21] [Folded leaf titled (in Matthew Knight's hand)] The Modern Elements in Aristotle's Politics [Essay draft, heavily corrected, all in Matthew Knight's hand, except for a few words in BJ's; 6 leaves (ink with some pencil and blue crayon)]
  • [22] [Folded leaf titled (in Frank Fletcher's hand?)] On the Structure and formation of the Aristotelian writings [The contents are now not there, but the leaf bears corrections in Matthew Knight's and BJ's hands; 1 leaf (ink with some pencil and blue crayon)]
  • [23] Essay I - The Wills of Philosophers in Diogenes Laertius [notes in an  unknown hand, with a few words in BJ's; 1 leaf (ink, with BJ's words in pencil)]
  • [24] [Folder originally titled, in BJ's hand] Some further remarks on the Politicial Philosophy of Aristotle [two later titles added in BJ's and Matthew Knight's hand; all three now lightly crossed out. The contents are now not there; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [25] [Addition to an essay on Greek politics, in Matthew Knight's hand, with corrections in BJ's; 1 leaf (ink with some pencil and blue crayon)]
  • [26] [Draft essays on Aristotle, set out in the same way, and in the same hands, as 15. Leaves numbered 18-19 and 50-63; 16 leaves (ink with some blue and red crayon)]
  • [27] [Notes on Aristotle, in Matthew Knight's hand; 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [28] [Folder, in Frank Fletcher's hand, titled] On the Style and Language of Aristotle [Inside is draft essay set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Pages numbered pp.1-7 (with an unnumbered page inserted before 1), 13-14, 40-47, 51-2 (with an unnumbered page inserted after 52) and 58; 22 leaves (ink, with some blue and red crayon and pencil)]
  • [29] Aristotle etc. [badly torn leaf, probably a folder for an essay. Title in Frank Fletcher's hand, notes in Matthew Knight's; 1 leaf (pencil and ink)]
  • [30] [2 lines, in Frank Fletcher's hand(?), of jottings, subject uncertain; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [31] [Part of a draft essay on Aristotle, in Martha Knight's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [32] [Essay drafts on Aristotle's Politics, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Pages numbered 3-47 (unnumbered leaf inserted at p.8), 1-3, and 4 unnumbered pages; 53 leaves (ink, with some pencil and blue crayon)]
  • [33] [Essay drafts on Aristotle's Politics, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Pages numbered 8-17. Page 17 is datestamped by the OUP for 8 Sep 1885; 10 leaves (ink, with some blue crayon)]
  • [34] On the Politics of Aristotle [Draft esssay on Aristotle, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Not all pages numbered; 10 leaves (ink, with some pencil and red crayon)]
  • [35] [Parts of essay draft on Aristotle, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Pages numbered 7-8; 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [36] On Aristotle as a political philosopher [essay draft in BJ's hand, with parts of other drafts, both lightly crossed out, in Frank Fletcher's (?) and Martha Knight's hands; 3 leaves (ink, with some pencil)]
  • [37] [Jotting on Aristotle, in Matthew Knight's hand; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [38] [Notes on parts of some works of Aristotle, all in Matthew Knight's hand. Pages inscribed S-U; 3 leaves (ink)]
  • [39] [Notes on parts of some works of Plato, all in Matthew Knight's hand. Pages numbered (i)-(ii); 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [40] [Folded leaf titled, in Frank Fletcher's hand (ink)] Aristotle as a Critic of Plato [The leaf has various notes in Matthew Knight's hand, and the word "Copied", in an unknown hand (red crayon), written over all these notes. Inside is a draft essay, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. 34 leaves in all, of which 27 are numbered. 5 unnumbered leaves have been inserted before fol.2, one before fol.8 and another before fol.26 (ink, with some pencil)]
  • [41] [More drafts for essays on Aristotle, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Pages numbered 47-51, 18-27, 31A-31B, 29-30, 28, 31D-31P, 32-46, 52-68 (unnumbered leaf inserted before 65); 65 leaves (ink, with a little blue, red and purple crayon and pencil)]
  • [42] [Draft essay on the Metaphysics, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Pages numbered 1-9; 9 leaves (ink, with some red crayon)]
  • [43] [Jottings on Aristotle, in Matthew Knight's hand; 1 leaf (ink with some pencil)]
  • [44] [Folded leaf inscribed, in Frank Fletcher's hand] Aristotle's Contribution to History [draft essay, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Pages numbered 1-15, 18-19, 24-6, 29-32; 24 leaves (ink, with some pencil and red, blue and purple crayon)]
  • [45] On the Differences between Greek and Modern Politics [essay draft in Frank Fletcher's hand. Pages numbered 1-2; 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [46] [Notes on Aristotle, in Matthew Knight's hand. Pages numbered 1-2, 2-5 with one leaf unnumbered; 7 leaves (ink, with some pencil and blue crayon)]
  • [47] [Folder inscribed, in Matthew Knight's hand] Draft from essay on the political philosophy of Aristotle [essay draft; 5 leaves (ink, with a little blue and purple crayon and pencil)]
  • [48] [Part of an essay draft on Aristotle, in Frank Fletcher's hand, with corrections in Matthew Knight's; 2 leaves (ink with a little pencil and purple crayon)]
  • [49] [Essay draft on the Life of Aristotle, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Pages numbered 1-7 (unnumbered leaf inserted before 4), B, A, 8-9, 10B, 11-32 (unnumbered leaf inserted before 12, and one each before 20, 22, 23), with ten unnumbered leaves; 49 leaves (ink, with a little pencil and blue and red crayon)]
  • [50] [Essay drafts on Aristotle, set out in the same way, and in the same hands as 15. Most pages unnumbered; 12 leaves (ink, with some red and blue crayon)]

Folded leaf inscribed [in Frank Fletcher's hand (ink)] On the Style and Language of Aristotle [with comments in the hands of Matthew Knight and BJ (pencil and ink)]. The contents of this leaf show that they form part of the unfinished essays on Aristotle's Politics.

Although undated, the layout of the pages and their content links them to the early 1880s, when BJ was trying to finish these essays.

  • Essay draft in Frank Fletcher's hand, with corrections in the hands of Frank Fletcher, Matthew Knight and BJ [just as in several items in C53 above]. Pages 1-4, "5,6" [sic for 1 page], 7-44 [43 leaves (ink, with some pencil and blue, red and purple crayon)]

Folded leaf inscribed [in Matthew Knight's hand (ink)] Mem[orand] a for part of an Essay on the Quotations from Plato in Aristotle. The contents of this leaf show that they form part of the unfinished essays on Aristotle's Politics.

Although undated, the layout of the pages and their content links them to the early 1880s, when BJ was trying to finish these essays.

  • [1] Folded leaf with an essay draft on Aristotle, in BJ's hand. Pages numbered 76, 4-13, "1,2,6" [sic for 1 page], 3-6, 6, 3, "1,6" [sic for 1 page] and 2. [20 leaves (ink with some pencil)]
  • [2] Notes on quotations from Plato on Aristotle, in Matthew Knight's hand [except for most of H, which is in BJ's]. Pages numbered A-I, K-R [17 leaves (ink, with some purple, blue and red crayon and pencil)]

Folded leaf inscribed [in Frank Fletcher's hand (ink)] Aristotle's Contribution to History [comments added in BJ's hand (pencil)]. The contents of this leaf show that they form part of the unfinished essays on Aristotle's Politics.

Although undated, the layout of the pages and their content links them to the early 1880s, when BJ was trying to finish these essays.

  • Essay draft in Frank Fletcher's hand, with corrections in BJ's and Matthew Knight's hands [just as in C54 and in several items in C53 above]. Pages numbered 1-13, "14,15" [sic for 1 page], 16-32 [31 leaves (ink with some pencil and purple, blue and red crayon)]

Folded leaf inscribed [in Matthew Knight's hand (ink)] The Difference between Ancient and Modern Politics [comments added in BJ's hand (pencil)]. The contents of this leaf show that they form part of the unfinished essays on Aristotle's Politics.

Although undated, the layout of the pages and their content links them to the early 1880s, when BJ was trying to finish these essays.

  • Essay draft in Matthew Knight's hand, except for most of 4, 5-6 and part of 7, which are in Frank Fletcher's, with corrections in the hands of BJ, Frank Fletcher, Matthew Knight and an unknown hand. Pages numbered 3-21 (one unnumbered page inserted before 3) [20 leaves (ink with some pencil and blue and red crayon)]

Three folded leaves tied together with string. All of them are essay drafts on Aristotle's Politics, with the main text in Frank Fletcher's hand, and corrections in those of BJ, Matthew Knight and Frank Fletcher (as in C54 and C56, and several items in C53 above). The contents of this leaf show that they form part of the unfinished essays on Aristotle's Politics.

Although undated, the layout of the pages and their content links them to the early 1880s, when BJ was trying to finish these essays.

  • [1] Folded leaf inscribed [in Frank Fletcher's hand (pencil)] Life of Aristotle etc. [with comments added in BJ's and Frank Fletcher's hands (pencil)]. The pages inside are numbered 1-27 and pp.30-41, 41b-41d, 42-50 [53 leaves (ink, with some pencil)]
  • [2] Folded leaf inscribed [in Matthew Knight's hand (ink)] Spartans and their institutions [with comments added in BJ's and Matthew Knight's hands (pencil)]. The pages inside are numbered 1-27 [27 leaves (ink, with some pencil and blue and red crayon)]
  • [3] Folded leaf inscribed [in Matthew Knight's hand (pencil)] The Politics of Aristotle [with comments added in Matthew Knight's hand (ink)]. The pages inside are numbered 1-3, 4a-4d, 5B, 6, 9-46 (one unnumbered page inserted before 12, and two others before 19), 47A-47C, 48-57 (one unnumbered leaf inserted before 50) [60 leaves (ink, with some pencil and blue, red and purple crayon)]

Folder inscribed [in Matthew Knight's hand (ink)] The Text of the Politics. The contents of this leaf show that they form part of the unfinished essays on Aristotle's Politics.

Although undated, the layout of the pages and their content links them to the early 1880s, when BJ was trying to finish these essays.

  • Essay draft in Frank Fletcher's hand, with corrections in the hands of BJ and Matthew Knight (as in C54, C56, C58 and several items in C53 above). The pages are unnumbered. [7 leaves (ink with some pencil)]

Folder inscribed [in Frank Fletcher's hand] On the Criticisms of Plato in Aristotle as a Critic of Plato [comments added in Frank Fletcher's hand (pencil)]. The contents of this leaf show that they form part of the unfinished essays on Aristotle's Politics.

Although undated, the layout of the pages and their content links them to the early 1880s, when BJ was trying to finish these essays.

  • Essay draft in Frank Fletcher's hand, with corrections in the hands of BJ and Matthew Knight (as in C54, C56, C58-C59 and several items in C53 above). Pages numbered 1-26 [26 leaves (ink, with pencil and some blue and purple crayon)]

Blue envelope inscribed [possibly in BJ's hand] Essay on the style of Aristotle - Rough copy. The contents were probably assembled here in BJ's lifetime.

The contents are dated to 1885 (see under 1 below).

  • [1] Galley proofs of columns 18-24 of an essay titled On the structure and formation of some of the Aristotelian writings wth especial reference to the Politics. 23-24 are on the same leaf. The proofs have extensive corrections, mostly in Matthew Knight's hand, but with some notes in BJ's. The proof of column 21 is datestamped by the OUP 14 Sep 1885 [a MS copy of an earlier version of this essay is to be found at C52/18].
  • [2] 12 slips, all in Matthew Knight's hand (ink), containing extended corrections of the above proofs, and therefore presumably contemporary with them.

White cardboard box, inscribed [in Frank Fletcher's hand (ink)] Essay on the Life of Aristotle. Part printed: not so good as MS which contains subsequent corrections 1886. The contents of this box are to be linked with BJ's attempts to finish his essays on Aristotle's Politics. These proofs are as far as any of the essays got to final publication; having seen the proofs of these, BJ apparently continued his revisions, and finally gave the project up.

Some of the galley proofs are dated 1885, and it is highly likely that all the contents of this box come from the same period.

  • [1] Philology - Homer. Thucydides. Aristotle. Plato [title only, in an unknown hand. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [2] Letter from Matthew Knight to Frank [Fletcher]. 42 Walter Street, Oxford n.d., ALS [1 leaf (purple crayon)] Discussion of corrections to the essay on the life [of Aristotle].
  • [3] Galley proofs for a life of Aristotle, heavily corrected, with slips with more detailed corrections inserted. The columns are numbered 17 (datestamped by the OUP for 12 Sep 1885, and followed by 3 MS correction slips), 15-16 (on 1 leaf; followed by 3 MS correction slips), 3-4 (on 1 leaf; followed by 5 MS correction slips), 5 (datestamped by the OUP for 8 Sep 1885, and followed by 2 MS correction slips),  7-8 (on 1 leaf; followed by 2 MS correction slips), 1-2 (on 1 leaf, which is datestamped 5 Sep 1885; followed by 3 MS correction slips), 9-10 (on 1 leaf, of which the lower half of column 9 has been cut off and is missing; followed by 1 MS correction slip), 11-12 (on 1 leaf; followed by 1 MS correction slip), 13-14 (on 1 leaf, which is datestamped 10 Sep 1885; followed by 2 MS correction slips), part of 7 (followed by 6 MS correction slips) and 6 (followed by 3 MS correction slips). The corrections and slips are in Matthew Knight's and BJ's hands. [11 leaves of printed text, 31 leaves of MS corrections, making 42 leaves in all (ink, pencil, purple and blue crayon)]


- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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