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Jowett Papers - Group I Class D

Group I

Class D - Notebooks of Benjamin Jowett; Materials for a Commentary on St Paul

I D consists of the contents of Faber's 'Box D'. Like I C, it is a very miscellaneous collection of material from BJ's own papers, some of which was sorted by Abbott, Campbell or others, as well as material connected with the posthumous edition of BJ's sermons and the collection of evidence for A & C. This material from the Abbott and Campbell papers is placed before BJ's own material, and the whole class is arranged as follows:

  • D1-D5 - Material connected with the edition of BJ's Sermons
  • D6-D9 - Other material connected with posthumous work on BJ
  • D10-D28 - General note
  • D29-D31 - General Note
  • D32-D35 - Material connected with College and University work
  • D36-D37 - Original texts of BJ's speeches
  • D38-9 - Miscellaneous material collected after BJ's death
  • D40-D42 - Printed and other material sent to BJ
  • D43-D45 - Notes and Lectures on Plato
  • D46 - Notes on Aristotle
  • D47-D51 - Notes on modern philosophy and theology
  • D52-D55 -  Notes for sermons in BJ's hand
  • D56-D141 - Notes connected with BJ's work on St. Paul


D1-D5 - Material connected with the edition of BJ's Sermons

After BJ's death, his old pupil the Very Rev. W.H. Fremantle, with Evelyn Abbott's help, prepared a collected edition of BJ's sermons which was published in 1895. D1-5 are connected with work on this.


Medium size NB (200 by 170mm), red marbled paper cover, with red leather spine and corners, no title or label. 132 leaves*, many blank, with several loose leaves inserted. Mostly ink, some pencil and blue crayon. Pages lined. The NB seems to be in Evelyn Abbott's hand, except for fols.22-4, which are in an unknown one. The NB is dated to 1894 on fol.20, and to 1895 on fol.25, and was almost certainly used by Abbott for editing the sermons, and (later) for A & C.

  • [Loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: receipt from an unknown writer for taking from Abbott a box of c.100 of BJ's sermons, 3 Ship Street Oxford, 1 Feb 1894, ALS]
  • Dated Sermons [list of sermons by BJ, numbered, and much corrected] 1-4
  • Undated Sermons [list of sermons by BJ, numbered] 5-6
  • Dated Sermons [revised version of the list on ff.1-4] 8-14
  • Undated Sermons [revised version of the list on ff.5-6] 15-16
  • Notebooks [list of small numbered notebooks of BJ, which refers only to those in I C1-11 and D13-28] 17-20
  • [List of notebooks of BJ, dated 13 Jun 1894, mentioning that those before 1870 are now owned by Campbell] 20
  • [Payments, probably made in connection with the preparation of A & C] 21
  • Notes by E. Caird on the sermons [comments on BJ's sermons (in a different hand from the rest of the NB - Caird's?) referring to them by the numbers assigned them in the earlier lists] 22-4
  • 16 Feb. 1895 [notes on on Abbott's work for A & C] 25
  • [Loose leaf 32A inserted at 32: Funeral Sermons [list of names of people on whom BJ preached funeral sermons]] 32
  • [Loose leaves bcA-bcQ inserted inside back cover: list, in Evelyn Abbott's hand (pencil), of the sermons of BJ, with their dates and texts, and occasionally the place where they were preached. On the reverse of all these leaves is an account of the Battle of Delium (423 bc) in an unknown hand (ink), with corrections in Evelyn Abbott's hand (pencil)]
  • 5 leaves of galley proofs for a sermon titled The Divine Image, preached at Westminster Abbey 23 Jun 1880, with corrections in an unknown hand, almost certainly linked with the edition of BJ's sermons.
  • 4 foolscap leaves, labelled on outside in an unknown hand (pencil) Times reports. Sermon at St. Lawrence Jewry - Matthew XXVI 39 March 23 1875
  • MS copy of the article, in an unknown hand, concerning a sermon by BJ. Copy undated, but presumably connected with the edition of BJ's sermons. [4 leaves, numbered 6-9 (ink)]

Collection of TS copies of BJ's sermons, each one sewn or tagged separately. Some bear corrections or numbers, some in Evelyn Abbott's hand, the rest in unknown ones. These copies were made after BJ's death, in connection with the edition of his sermons. All the leaves are foolscap.

  • [1] Sermon 2, on I John 3.3. Preached 1869 at Balliol and 1877 at Westminster Abbey. [17 leaves]
  • [2] Sermon 6*, on Proverbs 27.27. Preached 1873 at Balliol and 26 March 1882 at St. Lawrence Jewry. [18 leaves]
  • [3] Sermon 8 on James 5.6. Undated [18 leaves]
  • [4] Sermon 9, on I Corinthians 4.20. Preached 17 Jan 1874 and 28 May 1886 at Balliol. [17 leaves]
  • [5] Sermon 48 on I John IV 8 and Hebrews II 6. Preached in Chapel 20 Apr 1884. [19 leaves; a 20th comes from another sermon]
  • [6] Sermon 53 on Isaiah 32.7. Preached 24 Jun 1886. [16 leaves]
  • [7] Sermon 56 on Matthew 5.4. Preached 27 Jan 1889 and 23 Oct 1892. [13 leaves]
  • [8] Sermon 57, on Matthew V 8. Preached Jan 1889 [13 leaves]
  • [9] Sermon 58 on Ecclesiastes 9.10. Preached 13 Oct 1889. [11 leaves]
  • [10] Sermon 60, on Malachi 4.6. Preached 15 Feb 1891. [8 leaves]
  • [11] Sermon 62 on Romans XII 5. Preached Jan 1892 at Balliol. [9 leaves]
  • [12] [1 leaf (ink), in an unknown hand, on a Greek quotation missing in one of the sermons (it is not clear which)]

Envelope, postmarked 28 Jun 1895 with stamps preserved, addressed to Evelyn Abbott and with printed inscription From Horace Hart, Controller of the University Press, Oxford. Contains:

  • [1] Letter from Horace Hart to Evelyn Abbott. Oxford University Press, 28 Jun 1895, TS with Hart's signature [1 leaf]. Hart encloses 3 sermons (2-4 below) which were not to be printed.
  • [2] TS copy, with corrections in an unknown hand, of Sermon no. XX (by BJ) on Luke IX 49, preached 14 Nov. 1880 at Balliol. Copy datestamped 25 Apr 1895. [19 foolscap leaves]
  • [3] TS copy, with corrections in an unknown hand, of Sermon no. XIX (by BJ) on Matthew VII 29, preached 12 April 1880 at Balliol. Copy datestamped 25 Apr 1895. [11 foolscap leaves]
  • [4] Offprint from The Church of England Pulpit and Ecclesiastical Review, Saturday 21 July 1883, including (on pp.25-36) a sermon by BJ, numbered XVII, preached 17 Jun 1883 at Westminster Abbey on Galatians IV 25-6, titled The Church of the Past, Present and Future.

D6-D9 - Other material connected with posthumous work on BJ


Manilla envelope with stamp preserved, addressed to Evelyn Abbott, postmarked Dec 13 1894. Its contents are almost certainly connected with work on A & C.

  • [1] J. Rowley to Evelyn Abbott, Leigh Woods, Clifton, Bristol, 12 Dec 1894, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. Rowley encloses reports of BJ's speech at the second Public Meeting of the British Association, taken from various local papers c.Sep. 1875.
  • [2] [Extract of the minutes of the meeting of the British Association for 1 Sep 1875, reporting a speech from BJ on the work of the Association. In Rowley's hand; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [3] [Extract from the Mercury of Saturday, 4 September 1875, recording the same speech of BJ. In Rowley's hand; 1 leaf (pencil)]

13 foolscap leaves held together with a brass tag, all in an unknown hand. The copy is undated, but was probably created as part of the work on A & C.

  • The front leaf is titled Bristol University College - Speeches by the late Professor Jowett in 1874 and 1875. June 1874, and the rest of the leaves consist of an MS copy of an an extract from the Western Daily Press for 12 Jun 1874, reporting on a meeting for the purpose of creating a college at Bristol, concentrating on BJ's speeches. [13 leaves (ink)]

3 foolscap leaves folded together, inscribed (in an unknown hand) B7 1884 Balliol dinner to the Speaker no good at all [blue crayon, except for words in bold, which are in pencil]. The hand, and the method of inscribing, is identical with that used for the material in I C16, and therefore it seems likely that the inscription was made after BJ's death. The comment on its quality might indicate a decision not to include it in any of BJ's posthumous publications.

  • Report (in an unknown hand) of a dinner held in honour of the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Arthur Peel (June 28 1884), with a list of notables present and reports of the speeches [all names indexed].
  • TS of a lecture (or essay or sermon?) on Pascal (almost certainly typed after BJ's death). The front page bears Philip Lyttleton Gell's signature. The TS is corrected in an unknown hand. There is no indication of the date of the original. Perhaps connected with Gell's edition of BJ's secular works Essays on Men and Manners (see II O)? 17 foolscap leaves.

D10-D28 - General note

The following series of little NB have all been given labels in Evelyn Abbott's hand in ink, with numbers in blue crayon that may also be by him. It is not clear when these numbers were assigned, but it seems likely that this was done after BJ's death. There are no NB here numbered 1-6, 8-10, 12 or 14. However, I C1-C11 fill in these gaps. Therefore I C1-C11 and D10-D28 almost certainly belong to the same series, and it is unfortunate that they have been split up.

In the list which follows, reference to the hand which wrote the labels on the NB does not include accounts of the numbers. Up to D25, they are all in blue crayon. For D26-D28, they are in ink.


Small NB (120 by 80mm), black leather cover with pattern of striped lines, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] 1888 Plato 7. 68 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

The inside front cover is dated Christmas 1888; however, a date of Sunday Aug 3 is given on fol.48, which would only suit 1890.

  • Insertion of essays [titles only: for BJ's translation of Plato?] 1-2
  • Immortality of the soul [notes] 3-7
  • Appearance of a death-bed [jotting only] 7v
  • Immortality in the present day [jotting only] 8
  • Omissions in Phaedo [notes] 8v-9
  • Immortality [notes] 9v-10
  • Meno [jotting only] 11v
  • The Myths of Plato [notes] 14-17
  • 2 nd part of Essay on Myths & Mythological language in Plato [jotting only] 19v
  • [Jottings on Plato] 22-3
  • Memoranda respecting translation [jotting only] 26v
  • Memoranda on the Sophist [jotting only] 30v
  • [Jottings on Plato (almost illegible)] 35v
  • Aug 3 [title only] 47
  • [List of dates with names (indexed, although some are too illegible to make out); presumably the dates allude to when BJ was to visit them] 47v-48
  • Phaedo [jotting only] 51
  • Jul 29 [jottings on E.T. and G. - it is unclear who these might be] 52v
  • Immortality of the soul [jotting only] 57v
  • The doubtful dialogues [title only] 63
  • Lectures on the study of philosophy [title only, written with the NB inverted] 68

Small NB (120 by 80mm), red leather cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Paul 11 (label slightly torn). 69 leaves, several blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s.

  • [List of headings: from Hermann Paul's book on linguistics?] 1
  • Second thoughts on Paul [on linguistics - heavily corrected notes] 1v-32
  • [fols.32v-69 are written with the NB inverted, and are listed in reverse order]
  • Some general questions about language [notes (based on Paul)] 69-60v
  • Paul and the Science of Language [notes] 59v-57
  • Great Modification of Language [notes] 56v-54
  • Paul [notes] 53v-46
  • Contamination [of language: jotting] 44
  • General remarks for conclusion [on language: notes] 36-35
  • General remarks [on language: notes] 34-32v

Small NB (120 by 80mm), red leather cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Language (Paul). Sermon on Wesley 13 [label slightly torn]. 69 leaves, several blank. Pages lined. Pencil, with a little ink. fols.1-1v are in Martha Knight's hand.

[As most of this NB is written inverted, the label could with more justification have been put on the other cover]

The NB is undated, but the funeral sermon on fols.1-1v could only have been written in 1892, and the list of names in the inside front cover would suit a time when BJ was sending complimentary copies of the latest edition of his Plato in the same year. BJ's hand would support such a date.

  • Plato to be sent [list of names, including Swinburne's (indexed), to whom BJ intended to send complimentary copies of his Plato in 1892] 1
  • JGL [James Gilby Lonsdale (who died in 1892)] His teaching power [notes (for a sermon?) in Martha Knight's hand] 1-1v
  • [fols.24v-32v are written with the NB inverted, and listed in reverse order]
  • Wesley Sermon [on John Wesley: notes] 32v-31v
  • Southey's Life [of Wesley: notes lightly crossed out] 31-30
  • Gaisford Prose [comments on the performance of candidates for the Gaisford Prize. Because the candidates are only distinguished by numbers, it is impossible to know who they were, even if one could establish the year when BJ marked them] 29
  • Wesley [more notes for the sermon on him] 27-24v
  • Sermon on Wesley [more notes] 33v-34
  • End of sermon [on Wesley: notes] 34v-36
  • ii 273 [extract (now lightly crossed out) from the biography of an unnamed man - perhaps Wesley?] 36v
  • [fols..37-38 and part of 38v are written with the NB inverted and listed in reverse order]
  • Prose [comments on a prose BJ was marking, perhaps for the Gaisford Prize?] 38v
  • No.6 [apparently comments on a Greek prose BJ was marking, perhaps for the Gaisford Prize?] 38-37v
  • No.18 [apparently comments on a Greek prose BJ was marking, perhaps for the Gaisford Prize?] 37
  • [Quotation from Dr. Johnson] 38v
  • [Notes on (?) John Wesley] 39
  • [fols.40v-48 and 55-69 are written with the NB inverted and listed in reverse order]
  • Addenda upon Paul [linguist, not apostle: notes based in BJ's reading of a book of his] 68v-57v
  • Wesley [notes] 57-55
  • [Notes on language] 48-44v
  • [Marks for Greek Proses, with occasional comments. Only distingushed by number, without any names being given. It seems likely that these too are proses for the Gaisford Prize] 43v-40v

Small NB (110 by 70mm), purple-black cloth cover (slightly damaged), labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Notes for sermon on Liberality. Ways of doing good [15]. 50 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Pencil, with a few words in ink.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s-1890s.

  • Sermon on Giving and Liberality [notes] 1-9
  • [It seems that BJ first wrote the jottings on fols.2-3 below in this NB, and then wrote the notes for the sermon in the available blank spaces]
  • Essay on style [jotting now lightly crossed out] 2
  • Ambiguous use of words [jotting, now lightly crossed out, written with the NB inverted] 2v
  • Difficulties of life [jotting now lightly crossed out] 3
  • Sermon on He went about doing good [notes] 24-24v
  • Grammatical notes on the use of δι_ [written with the NB inverted] 25v-26
  • [More notes for the sermon on "He went about.."] 27-9
  • Figures of speech - μικρ_v γλυκύ [title only (written with the NB inverted)] 37v
  • On frequent tautology [jotting only, written with the NB inverted] 42v
  • [Untitled grammatical notes (written with the NB inverted)] 48v-50

Small NB (120 by 80mm), red morocco cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Notes for Sermons on Christ, Changes in Faith 16. 68 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Mostly purple crayon, with some pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s-1890s.

  • Plan of sermon on the imitation of Christ [notes] 1-3
  • [jottings on Christ's life] 9v
  • [Illegible] of Christ [title only] 11v
  • Return of Christ - Absence of egotism and ambition [title only] 12v
  • Schicksallosigkeit [sic - title only] 13v
  • [More notes for sermon on Christ] 20v-26v
  • Hebrews XII 26 [jotting written with the NB inverted] 33v
  • [More notes for sermon on Christ] 35-9
  • [Jottings, probably for a sermon, subject unknown] 46v-48
  • Conclusion [for a sermon (subject unspecified): notes] 60v-63
  • [Untitled jotting, perhaps for a sermon?] 68v

Small NB (135 by 85mm), black cloth cover (slightly damaged), labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Notes for Sermon: Except a Man; When I was a Child 17. Only fols.1-13 used. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s-1890s.

  • When I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child [notes for sermon on this text] 1v-13

Small NB (120 by 80mm), red leather cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Oct. 1881. Notes for Sermons 18. 63 leaves, some blank. Pages lined. Purple crayon and pencil.

The NB is dated 1881 on fol.1.

  • Sermons for October 1881 [list of titles only] 1
  • A.P.S. [notes for a sermon on the death of A.P. Stanley] 2-23
  • Introduction to Sermon [on Wycliff: notes] 23v-25
  • Choice of a Profession [notes for a sermon] 26-30
  • Wycliff [notes for a sermon] 29v & 30v-43v
  • Search the Scriptures [notes for a sermon] 45-52
  • Wycliff [notes for a sermon] 53-4
  • Choice of a Profession [notes for a sermon] 56-7
  • [List of train times for travelling in France and Germany] 62v-63

Small NB (120 by 80mm), blue morocco cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Notes for Lectures and Sermons 1882 19. 69 leaves, most blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is dated 1882 on fol.1.

  • Lecture April 1882 - the Political Economy of the Ancients [notes] 1
  • Memoranda for Lecture 2 - Religious Societies - Pythagoreans [jotting only] 2
  • Sermon July 2 1882 [on education: notes] 3-6
  • [fols.63v-69 are written with the NB inverted]
  • Differences between Ancient and Modern Philosophy [lecture notes] 69-63v

Small NB (120 by 80mm), red leather cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] 1883 Notes for Sermons and Latin Speech 20. 69 leaves, several blank. Pages lined. Pencil with a little ink.

The NB is undated, but the contents suggest 1883, and BJ's hand would support this.

  • [List of sermon titles for Oct.14, Nov.11 and Jan.7] 1
  • The liberal man desireth liberal things and by liberal things he shall stand [notes for a sermon] 1-28
  • [Heavily corrected drafts for a Latin Speech. Its occasion is unclear: it seems to be on the University (perhaps connected with BJ's duties as Vice-Chancellor?), with allusions to Church matters and to the recent deaths of A.C. Tait and H.J.S. Smith] 43-45 & 47v-66
  • [Draft speech for a toast to R.R.W. Lingen] 67-8
  • [List of times for appointments - purpose unclear] 68v-69

Small NB (120 by 80mm), black cover with vertical lines, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] 1883 Sermons on Tait, Church of England H.J.S. Smith 21. 69 leaves. Pages lined. Pencil.

The content of the NB dates it to 1883.

  • Abp Sermon Jan 13 [notes for a sermon in memory of A.C. Tait, who died in Dec 1882, thus making Jan 1883 the date when this sermon was preached] 1-19
  • The Church [notes for a sermon, increasingly cursory by the end] 20-45
  • Sermon on H.J.S. Smith [notes] 46-69

Small NB (110 by 70mm), black cloth cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] 1884 notes for Speech at the Dinner 22 (Label damaged) 22 leaves. Pages lined. Pencil.

  • Abbott (if it was he) dated this NB to 1884, and there is nothing to contradict this.

The label has been placed on the wrong cover, as the text begins from the other end. The foliation was therefore begun from here. Almost all the pages have come loose.

  • [Notes for a speech at Balliol by BJ. (names of people referred to not indexed)] 1-19

Small NB (110 by 70mm), green cloth cover with diamond patterns, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Jan. 1887 Notes for Sermon 23. Only fols.1-15 used, with gaps. Pages lined. Pencil.

The inside front cover of the NB is dated 4 Jan 1887.

  • Sermon for the first Sunday of Term [notes] 1-5
  • [Jotting possibly connected with the above] 14v

Small NB (120 by 80mm), black morocco cover with horizontal lines impressed across, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Notes for a Sermon on Perfection ?Jan. 1889 24. Only fols.1-21 used. Pages lined. Pencil.

It is unclear why Abbott (if it was he) dated this NB to 1889, but BJ's hand would not contradict such a date.

  • Be ye therefore perfect [notes for a sermon] 1-20
  • Aug 12 [jotting only on religion] 20v

Small NB (120 by 80mm), black morocco with gold lines and edge and spine, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] 1890 Sermons on Unity and Browning 25. Only fols.1-38 used. Pages unlined. Pencil.

The inside front cover of the NB is dated 22 Mar 1890.

  • Behold how good and how joyful a thing it is [for] brethren to dwell together in unity [notes for a sermon] 1-9v
  • [Notes for a sermon on an unnamed specialist in Early church history - perhaps A.P. Stanley?] 11v-12v
  • [Notes on A.P. Stanley] 16v-17
  • Browning sermon [notes] 18-26
  • [Notes on ?the Church of England] 27-30
  • Browning [notes for a sermon] 32v-37v

Small NB (120 by 80mm), red morocco cover, with gold lines on edge and spine, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Feb.7 1892 Sermons on Death "Signs of the Times" Translation (at other end of book) 26. 51 leaves, many blank. Pages unlined. Pencil.

The NB is dated on fol.1 to 1892.

  • Sermon Feb 7 1892 [on death - notes] 1-3
  • The signs of the times - study of Ecclesiastical history [notes] 18-24
  • Memoranda respecting translation [notes written with the NB inverted] 48v-51

Small NB (120 by 80mm), black morocco pattered cover, labelled [in Evelyn Abbott's hand?] Weekday Prayer Book Prayers 27. 67 leaves, most blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s-1890s.

  • Memoranda respecting the new prayer book for weekdays [notes] 1-2
  • [List of titles for prayers] 13-15
  • I Truth [prayer] 23
  • II The Spirit of Christ [prayer] 24
  • III Holiness [prayer] 25
  • IV The Spirit of Christ [prayer] 26
  • V Kindness [prayer] 27
  • VI In time of illness [prayer] 28
  • VII Poverty [prayer] 29
  • VIII Approach of death [prayer] 30
  • IX Mission [prayer] 31
  • X Patriotism [prayer] 32
  • The vision of God [prayer] 33
  • Vision of God ii [prayer] 34-5
  • On C[illegible - title only] 36
  • [List of symptoms of ill-health (BJ's?), written with the NB inverted] 62v
  • [For an explanation of the letters on the spines of D26-8 (all written in an unknown hand, see the General Note to I H85-91]

Small NB (120 by 80mm), black leather cover, labelled [on cover (in Evelyn Abbott's hand?)] 28 Sermons, [on spine (in unknown hand)] C. 138 pages*. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is dated on p.34 to 1880.

  • [Notes for a sermon on toleration] 1-32
  • Sermon for Sunday Nov 14. 1880 [on Locke] 33-42
  • Now David when he had [illegible] his garments fell asleep [notes for a sermon on John Wesley] 44-62
  • Sermon on Loyola [notes] 68-86
  • 2nd Week - Praeludium [notes for a sermon on Christ] 87-94
  • Dizzy [Disraeli - notes on] 95-8
  • Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might [notes for a sermon] 99-104
  • Pascal [notes] 105-36

Small NB (120 by 80mm), black morocco cover, labelled [on cover (in Evelyn Abbott's hand?)] 29 Criticism Sermons, [on spine (in unknown hand)] B. 136 pages*, some blank. Pages lined. Pencil, with some purple crayon.

The NB can be dated by an entry on p.136, which is dated Aug 1 Tues. That only happened in 1865, 1871, 1876, 1882 and 1893. Some people mentioned here died in 1882, and BJ's hand would suit the 1870s, so that 1871 or 1876 seem the likeliest dates.

  • Lectures - Ancient Criticism [lecture notes] 1-20
  • Plan of lecture [on criticism - notes] 21-3
  • Historical criticism [lecture notes] 26-42
  • He went about doing good [notes on Christ] 43-6
  • [Lightly crossed out notes for a sermon on Pascal] 45-6
  • He went about doing good [notes for a sermon on Christ] 48-81
  • Daughters of Jerusalem [title only] 83
  • Buddha [jotting only] 84
  • [Notes (for a sermon?) on Christ] 84-7
  • MIRACLES [notes for a sermon] 88-94
  • DEATH OF CHRIST  and Death of the Christian [notes for a sermon] 95-105
  • [pp.106-114 have been cut out and are now missing]
  • The life of Christ [notes] 117-20
  • End  of Sermon about the College [notes] 127-30
  • [Itinerary for BJ, which includes visiting Davos and Scotland Aug-Sept. Places and people (indexed) given. Where an individual is clearly attached to a place (e.g Florence Nightingale with Lea Hurst), that person is indexed, even if he or she is not explicitly named] 133-6

Small NB (120 by 80mm), light brown leather cover, labelled [on cover ([in Evelyn Abbott's hand?)] 30 Sermon THG, [on spine (in  unknown hand)] n. 132 pages*, some blank. Pencil.

The NB is dated to 1882, when T.H. Green and Hugh Pearson died.

  • T.H. G[reen: sermon on the death of] 1-40
  • H.P[earson] + April 13 1882 [notes for a sermon] 42-89
  • Speech on T.H. G[reen] 90-110
  • H. P[earson] + April 13 [notes] 131-2

D29-D31 - General Note

One of the first attempts to sort out BJ's papers involved assigning them letters of the alphabet. The General Note to I H85-91 explains the system in more detail, and how it was replaced. D29-31, like H86-91, are members of this series which never received new references, and are therefore listed together. All the labels are on the spine in an unknown hand.


Small NB (75 by 130mm), maroon leather cover, with clasp, labelled E Early [illegible]. 80 leaves*, many blank. Pages unlined. Pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-1850s.

  • Notes on the Gospels - St. John [notes on individual verses] 1-30
  • Judas Iscariot [jotting only] 34
  • "And many other things Jesus did" [jotting only] 35
  • General Notes on the Gospels 36-8
  • [Notes on Infant Baptism] 39-40
  • John the Baptist and our Lord [notes] 41-3
  • Temptation of our Lord [notes] 44
  • The personality of our Lord proved our personality [jotting only] 45
  • On the First 3 Gospels [jottings only] 46
  • The reality of prayer proved by our Lord's prayers [jottings only] 47
  • fatalism in history [jottings only] 48
  • α_τη _ γεvε_ [jotting only] 49
  • Blessed are the poor [notes] 50-1
  • The natural and the supernatural [jotting only] 52
  • Absolution [notes] 53
  • Judaism and Xtianity [jotting only] 54
  • Whether Superhuman knowledge consistent with the appearance of the Gospels [title only] 55
  • Connexion of the Gospels [jotting only] 56
  • Passages in St. John illustrative of the [two illegible Latin words - notes] 70
  • Connexion of the Gospels [jotting only] 72
  • _Iησός 73
  • Natural and Revealed Religion [jotting only] 74
  • Economy - Poetry - Universality of religion [title only] 79
  • Commentarii [list of Biblical topics, each assigned a Greek letter] 80

Small NB (75 by 130mm), black morocco spine with metal clasp, labelled F. The original pencil is still there. Only fols.1-26* used. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s.

  • [Notes for a speech concerning Scotsmen at Balliol and members of the University of Glasgow] 1-4
  • [Notes on Brahminism and Buddhism] 8
  • [Notes on Darwin] 9-11
  • Speech [still on Scottish Universities] 12-13
  • Description of the present State of Theology [notes] 18-26

Small NB (160 by 100mm), purple cloth cover, labelled G. Only pp.1-70* used. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB can be dated by the entry on p.1, which is for Sunday 23 Jan. That only happened in 1859, 1864, 1876, 1881 and 1887. BJ's hand suits the 1870s or 1880s best.

  • Sermon for Sunday Jan. 23 [on the concept of God - notes] 1-42
  • Sermon 2 [on Greek Religion - notes] 43-58, 63-5 and 69-70

D32-D35 - Material connected with College and University work


Quarto NB, brown paper cover with red leather spine, titled [in BJ's hand?] Jowett English Essay (on the back cover the title Rhetoric has been crossed out). 19 leaves, several blank. Pages unlined. Ink.

The NB is dated to 1837 on the inside back cover.

  • [An unknown number of pages have been torn out before fol.1 and are now missing]
  • [Latin Prose Composition on Rome's cultural debt to Greece] 1-2v
  • Spectator 626 [Translation into Latin of] 3
  • Fragmentum de Republica [Latin Prose Composition] 3v-4v
  • Carthaginesium opes, ingenia, respublica [Latin Prose Composition] 5-6v
  • Eloisia [sic] to Abelard l.257 [Translation into Latin verse (elegiacs) of a letter from Heloise to Abelard, or perhaps an original Ovidian pastiche by BJ?] 7-7v
  • [5 lines of Greek iambics] 7v
  • [1 page cut out before fol.8 and now missing]
  • [Essay fragment on the usefulness of historical studies] 8-8v
  • [Several pages torn out before fol.9 and now missing]
  • [fols.12v-19 are written with the NB inverted, and therefore listed backwards]
  • Constitution of Athens [essay] 19v-18v
  • [f.19 has become loose]
  • Life of Horace [extracts from Horace's poetry to illustrate his life] 17v-17
  • Historical allusions in Horace [list of passages] 16v
  • [Notes on Greek Accents] 16
  • Points of resemblance betwixt y e Latin & Greek [jotting only] 15v
  • Gaisford's Hephaestion Ed. Rev. 1811 [notes] 14v
  • Life of Christ [notes] 13v-13
  • [Notes on augury] 12v

Small NB (180 by 115mm), black leather cover, with gold lines on cover and spine, no title or label. The front cover is slightly discoloured. 91 leaves. Pages lined. Almost all ink. Most of the NB is not in BJ's hand.

This NB is identical in format to I C12-13 (see the General Note there for details of this). As with those books, this one consists entirely of exam marks for undergraduates, and here too only the names of Balliol undergraduates have been indexed.

The NB is dated by the Balliol undergraduates it records to c.1850.

  • [List of names of undergraduates; no college named] 2
  • [Marks for an exam held c.1850. Except for fol.3, which is all in BJ's hand, an unknown hand has written down the names of the undergraduates in alphabetical order, and the papers which they sat, and BJ has filled in the marks (although many entries remain blank. Undergraduates are recorded from Balliol, Brasenose, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Lincoln, Magdalen Hall, New Inn Hall, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. Edmund Hall, St. John's, St. Mary Hall, Trinity, University, Wadham and Worcester, although several names are not assigned colleges. The Balliol undergraduate matriculated in 1846/7] 3-39v
  • [Marks for an exam held c.1850. The pages are set up in the same fashion, in the same unknown hand. Undergraduates are recorded from Balliol, Brasenose, Christ Church, Exeter, Jesus, Lincoln, Magdalen Hall, New Inn Hall, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. Edmund Hall, St. Mary Hall, St. John's, Trinity, University, Wadham and Worcester, although several names are not assigned colleges. The Balliol undergraduates matriculated in 1846/7] 41-69
  • [Marks for an exam held c.1850. The pages are set up in the same fashion, in a different unknown hand. Undergraduates are recorded from Balliol, Brasenose, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Jesus, Lincoln, Magdalen, Magdalen Hall, New College, Oriel, Queen's, St. John's, Trinity, University and Wadham, although several names are not assigned colleges. The Balliol undergraduates matriculated in 1845/6 and 1846/7] 70-88v
  • [List of undergraduates, all in BJ's hand, under the heading Mathematics (no marks given). They are recorded from Balliol, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Jesus, Queen's, St. John's, Trinity and Wadham. The Balliol undergraduate matriculated in 1846/7] 89
  • [Lists of undergraduates, all in BJ's hand, with letters beside them (perhaps to indicate which papers they sat?), no colleges given] 89-91

Envelope inscribed in Martha Knight's hand (ink) Questions respecting lectures, which contains slips with questions presented to BJ at lectures by undergraduates, separated into 3 bundles, each held by a brass tag, with 1 loose leaf. Each one has an answer in BJ's hand. Undergraduates normally gave in questions on individual leaves, but sometimes two or three combined to ask one question. Such occasions are indicated below. There are several such collections of questions throughout the Jowett Papers, at I B15-17, II A3 and II I6. All the questions were written in ink, and all BJ's answers in pencil.

The questions can be dated to 1892 or 1893, because the Balliol undergraduates who asked them all matriculated in 1891.

  • [1] L.A. T[oke], A.W Kiddle, H. Williamson, H. Sidebotham, A.W. Pickard Cambridge & W.H.V. Reade [joint question], T. Walrond, F.C.N. Hicks & G.R. Hill [joint question], and H.W.C. Davis [8 leaves].
  • [2] Anon, A.W. Kiddle, Anon [twice], H.W.C. Davis, H. Sidebotham, H. Williamson, Anon, A.W. Pickard Cambridge & F.C.N. Hicks & W.H.V. Reade [joint question], Anon and W. Grahame [11 leaves].
  • [3] H. Sidebotham & H.W.C. Davis [joint question], W. Grahame, A.W. Pickard Cambridge & W.H.V. Reade & F.C.N. Hicks [joint question], H. Willliamson, and A.W. Pickard Cambridge & F.C.N. Hicks [joint question] [5 leaves].
  • [4] H.W.C. Davis & H. Sidebotham & L.A. Toke [joint question] [1 leaf].
  • 1 leaf (quarto) containing 18 questions concerning university reform. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s.

D36-D37 - Original texts of BJ's speeches

Copies of other speeches used for A & C are to be found at D6-8.

  • White envelope labelled in Matthew Knight's hand (ink) Minutes of a speech and possibly in BJ's hand (pencil) made to London Schoolmasters in Ch. Ch. Hall.
  • Unfinished draft(?) of a speech. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s. [1 leaf (pencil)]

Notes of speeches by BJ [originally in an envelope inscribed by EVQ Jowett Speeches at College 1888-1893].

  • [1] Copy of a speech made at Balliol in 1888, in Frank Fletcher's hand. The occasion may be connected with Lord Lansdowne's appointment as Viceroy of India, and BJ uses it to reminisce about famous Balliol men living and dead (names indexed) [2 small leaves (ink)].
  • [2] Notes, in BJ's hand, for a speech given at Balliol in 1893. An unknown hand (the same as that on I C16 and D8) has added B7 in blue crayon. Occasion unclear, but BJ discusses recent college news, including new buildings, with some reminiscences of Balliol men (indexed) [1 small leaf (ink)].

D38-9 - Miscellaneous material collected after BJ's death

This material all derives from BJ's own papers, but seems to have been sorted, or at least assembled after his death.


Large spine file (285 by 255mm), no title or label. The spine inside holds threads in which documents may be inserted, but none have been. Instead, there are several loose documents inside, probably put in during the composition of A & C.

  • [1] TS (13 leaves) of a sermon by BJ on Romans XII 10, with a note (in Evelyn Abbott's hand?) that it was preached at Llangollen in September 1880 and at Balliol January 21 1877 and May 1882]
  • [2] Lectures on the Republic [list of titles only. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [3] [Notes on the Republic in an unknown hand. Undated and undatable; 1 leaf envelope with stamp preserved.(pencil)]
  • [4] [Notes for a sermon, subject unclear. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [5] [Visiting card from F. Pollock. Undated]
  • [6] Republic Book IV [lecture notes? 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [7] [Notes, in an unknown hand, on Greek Mathematics. Undated and undatable; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [8] Part 2 nd [lecture notes on Plato. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [9] [Jottings on Plato, perhaps addenda to a lecture. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1880s. 3 leaves (blue crayon)]
  • [10] [Lecture notes(?), heavily corrected, on ancient vs. modern philosophy. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [11] [Notes on an unknown dialogue of Plato. Undated, and BJ's hand does not help to provide a date. 1 leaf (blue crayon)]
  • [12] [List of titles (of essays or points to cover in a lecture?) on political economy. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [13] [Extract from a resolution (presented to the Hebdomadal Council?) concerning reform of the regulations concerning student accommodation and expenditure. In an unknown hand; undated. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [14] [Part of a sermon(?) on justice. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [15] Lecture 1 [summary notes for a lecture on ancient and modern philosophy. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [16] Lectures in History [A list of lecture series (with their titles and the times when they are to be given) on ancient and modern history, with the names of the Balliol fellows (who are indexed) who will give them. Courses are given for the whole of an academic year, which seems to be 1867/8, because of a reference to Lent Term 1868 at the bottom of the page. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [17] Former lectures [lecture titles on general philosophy. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [18] [Fragment of a précis of Republic III 408. It is similar in layout to those précis which BJ put in his translations of Plato, but differs substantially in content from the printed versions. It could therefore be a fragment of a first draft for these. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s. 1 leaf (ink one side, pencil the other)]
  • [19] [Fragment of a précis of Republic I 354, very similar to 18 above, and therefore probably of similar origins. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [20] Dialectic [list of titles, perhaps for a lecture? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1880s. 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [21] Questions about the Republic [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf (ink with a little pencil)]
  • [22] [Jotting on I and II Corinthians, for a sermon or a lecture? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [23] History of Philosophy [list of names of ancient and modern philosophers, purpose unclear. Undated, and BJ's hand does not help to provide a date. 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [24] Second Course - Inaccuracies of Language [in Thucydides; lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [25] [List of references, consisting of book and line numbers, to a [classical?] work, perhaps an epic? Undated, and BJ's hand does not help to provide a date. 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [26] [List of food prices, from Trinity College, dated March 1868. Unknown hand; it is unclear how this came to be among BJ's papers. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [27] [Jottings (perhaps for a lecture?) on the use of Scripture. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 3 leaves (pencil and blue crayon)]
  • [28] Plan of Lectures (5) [part of a plan for a lecture course on Greek language. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [29] [Draft letter from BJ to an unknown man, written on Balliol writing paper [n.d., but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s], 1 leaf (ink). Discussion of examinations at Oxford]
  • [30] [Printed Questionnaire form (apparently a proof with corrections in an unknown hand), from the Education Commission (Scotland) on pupils, dated 1867. 1 leaf (corrections in ink)]
  • [31] Negative [jottings (for a lecture or a sermon?) on theology. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [32] Life of Christ [notes (for a sermon?). Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s. 1 leaf (pencil)]

Manilla envelope, with a printed inscription The Controller - University Press, Oxford (now crossed out, and Emendations written above it in an unknown hand). The age of the envelope, and the addressee make it likely that this envelope is linked with P.L. Gell, and that its contents came into his hands after BJ's death. At some stage, he probably put them in this envelope, and they then made their way back to the Jowett papers.

  • [1] Lexicographers and Scholiasts [lecture notes? Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s-1890s; 2 leaves (pencil)]
  • [2] [Lecture notes (?) on Emendation. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s-1890s; 6 leaves (pencil)]
  • [3] [Extracts from Thucydides, with suggested emendations. The text is in an unknown hand, but there are a few comments in BJ's. Undated and undatable; 1 leaf (ink for the text, pencil for the corrections)]

D40-D42 - Printed and other material sent to BJ

All these items seem to have been sent to BJ, but somehow escaped destruction after his death.


Maroon leather wallet (170 by 120mm). Contains:

  • [1] [Extract (in an unknown hand) from the will of the late Bilton Josephus Wilson, Esq., dated 23 January 1865, which bequeathed land to BJ. On the same leaf is a letter from Matthew Gill (?) to BJ, Knaresborough, 24 Jan 1866, ALS (different from the hand that wrote the will extract), in which the bequest is explained to BJ. 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [2] [Coat of arms, on very delicate paper, with the motto Truth makes Free - whose?]
  • [3] Letter from G.A.V(?). Wilks to BJ. 9 Brompton Crescent 3W, 3 Jun 1863, ALS 1 leaf (ink). Wilks encloses a picture of a deceased aunt [now missing].
  • [4] Poem, titled Farewell Words, by E.F.G., printed on mourning paper and dated July 20 1851, on the death of an unnamed person.

Black leather wallet (160 by 100mm). The leather is frayed in many places. Contains:

  • Printed copy of poem To Kate by Elizabeth Barret Browning (published 1862), inscribed BJ from T.H. Farrer In Memoriam (presumably Farrer's hand).
  • [1] Letter from person with an illegible signature to BJ, Glasgow, 11 Dec 1884, text of letter possibly written by a secretary [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ is sent some poems by the writer, who hopes BJ will like them [originally found with 2 in a modern envelope].
  • [2] Privately printed copies of poems by J.G. of Skelmorlie Castle. One leaf has a poem entitled "The Sisters," by Gainsborough (dated 17 Nov 1884), another a poem entitled The Snowdrop (dated 15 Jan 1883) and there are two copies of a little pamphlet with two untitled poems, the second of which is dated 20 Jun 1880.

D43-D45 - Notes and Lectures on Plato


Envelope inscribed [in Matthew Knight's hand (ink)] Memoranda Plato, containing 15 leaves (small). Ink.

The contents are undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s.

  • [1] [Notes on the Symposium; 6 leaves]
  • [2] [Notes on Immortality and the Phaedo; 8 leaves]
  • [3] [Notes on the Phaedrus; 1 leaf]

Quarto NB, red-brown cloth cover with maroon leather spine (with gold lines on it), no label or title. Only fols.1-16 and inside back cover used, with many loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Ink, pencil and blue crayon. bcA is written in an unknown hand.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s.

  • [Loose leaves fcA-fcD inserted at front cover:
  • fcA: [Extract from sermon by BJ]
  • fcB: [List of 3 undergraduates with dates and times at which to see them (names indexed). They matriculated between 1866 and 1868]
  • fcC: [Notes on the character and life of Anaxagoras (in very poor condition)]
  • fcD: [List of lecture titles (?) on philology]
  • This book contains the Menexenus & Greater Hippias [title] 1
  • [Lecture notes on Plato] 1-6
  • §2 Order of the dialogues [of Plato - lecture notes] 11-16v
  • [Loose leaf 12A inserted at fol.12: addenda to the lecture]
  • [several pages torn out both before fol.17 and before the inside back cover and all now missing]
  • [Fragment of a pensée, written with the NB inverted] - inside back cover
  • [Loose leaf bcA inserted at inside back cover: list, in an unknown hand, of undergraduates from Balliol and New College attending BJ's Thucydides lectures in Lent Term 1869 (only Balliol undergraduates indexed)]

A collection of small leaves divided by brass tags into 13 bundles with a few loose pages. The layout of each group of pages is identical, and their subject matter similar. Comments on 'last lecture' in several of them show that these are notes for a complete series of lectures on Plato. Pencil.

The group can be dated to 1891, because one of the leaves in bundle [9] is written on the back of a discarded letter dated that year.

  • [1] No.1 - Remarks on new editions of a Greek author [4 leaves]
  • [2] No.2 - Last lecture [Recapitulation of the previous lecture. The new lecture is titled] Introduction to the Republic [3 leaves]
  • [3] No.3 - Last lecture - Character of Plato's writings [Recapitulation of the previous lecture. The new lecture is titled] The Sophists in Plato [3 leaves]
  • [4] Remarks on Essay iii [1 unattached leaf]
  • [5] 4 - Last lecture on the Sophists [2 leaves]
  • [6] No.5 Last Lecture [Recapitulation of the previous lecture. The new lecture is titled] Antecedents of Plato [2 leaves]
  • [7] No. 6 - Prolegomena to Plato [2 leaves]
  • [8] No. 7 [untitled lecture on the same topic; 3 leaves]
  • [9] No. 9 Preparation for Plato on [or 'as'?] Literature [The first leaf was written on the back of the opening of a letter, now lightly crossed out, from BJ to Mrs. Dugdale, Balliol, 27 May 1891, (ink - BJ's hand), inviting her for a visit at Commemoration; 3 leaves used for the lecture in all]
  • [10] 10 - The myths of Plato [2 leaves]
  • [11] 11 - Recapitulation - Other Myths of Plato [Recapitulation of the previous lecture. The new lecture is titled] Greek metre & music [3 leaves]
  • [12] 12 - Greek Music Recapitulation [of the previous lecture. The new lecture is titled] The Ideas of Plato [4 leaves]
  • [13] 13 - The hackneyed theme of the ideas - not really hackneyed [3 leaves]
  • [14] Lecture xiii [list of passages in Greek relevant to the preceding bundle; 1 unattached leaf]
  • [15] Lecture xiv The beginnings of Logic in Plato [3 leaves]

D46 - Notes on Aristotle<


Small NB (160 by 100mm), black cloth cover (damaged: parts of the back cover have been cut away), no title or label. 70 leaves, several blank. Pages unlined. Ink with a little pencil. The whole NB is in the hand of Matthew Knight unless indicated otherwise.

The NB is dated by the entries on fols.68v and 69v to 1876.

  • List of subjects for notes on the Politics [notes] 1
  • I Differences of kind in forms of Government [notes] 2-3
  • The Origin of Society [notes, lightly crossed out] 4
  • Teleology [notes, lightly crossed out] 6
  • Notes on I iv [notes, lightly crossed out: this reference, and all others in this NB refer to Aristotle's Politics] 8
  • Aristotle's notion of slavery [notes, lightly crossed out] 10
  • The Origin of Society II [notes] 13
  • III Teleology [notes] 20
  • Chap III [notes] 21
  • III to VII Slavery [notes] 22
  • Cap. IV [notes] 25
  • Might and Right Cap. VI [notes] 26
  • VI Hereditary descent [jotting only] 28
  • Cap. viii [jotting only] 30
  • Cap. ix [notes] 32-3
  • X Trade [notes] 33v
  • Cap. XI [jotting only] 34
  • Cap. xiii [notes] 36-7
  • Chap. VI Might and Right [notes, lightly crossed out] 41
  • VI Hereditary Descent [jotting only] 42
  • Cap. viii [jotting only] 43
  • [Notes, lightly crossed out, on Aristotle's grammar] 47
  • Style of A[ristotle - notes] 50
  • II vi [notes] 53-7
  • III viii [notes] 58-60
  • III ix [jotting only] 61
  • III xi [notes] 62-3
  • III iii [jotting only] 64
  • III iv [notes] 65
  • III viii [notes] 66
  • III x [notes] 67
  • III xiii [notes] 68
  • III x [notes] 68v
  • III xv [notes] 69
  • [The rest of f.68v and all of f.69v are written with the NB inverted, and in BJ's hand]
  • Dinner Nov. 26 1876 [jotting only] 68v
  • [Notes on Dinners Oct. 28, Nov. 4 and Nov. 11 1876] 69v

D47-D51 - Notes on modern philosophy and theology


Quarto NB, brown cloth cover with diamond patterns, no title or label. Only fol.1-40 (and inside back cover) used, with some loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Pencil and ink.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-1850s.

  • [loose leaf fcA inserted inside front cover: extracts (in Greek) from the Epistles to the Romans and I Corinthians]
  • Opposition of Greek and Oriental Philosophy [notes, some of them lightly crossed out] 1
  • Origin of Greek Philosophy fr[om] Ritter [notes] 1-2
  • Notes on the Division of Philosophy - Ritter [notes]  3
  • Ionian Philosophy from Ritter [title only] 4
  • Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans [title only] 6
  • German Exegesis [jottings only] 7v
  • Eleatic Philosophy etc. [title only] 9
  • Review of Stanley [notes. It is probably based on a review by A.P. Stanley of a book of German theology] 11-23
  • [1 page torn out before fol.12, and now missing; part of fol.13 is torn away and now missing; page torn out before fol.22 and now missing]
  • [Neater version (in ink) of the same notes] 24-39v
  • [loose leaf 26A inserted before fol.26: addenda to the review. ff.26-28 have been torn out, and are now loose]
  • 24 [notes for a sermon] - inside back cover

Quarto NB, green marbled paper cover, with black morocco leather spine and corners, no title or label. It is now in very poor condition: the front cover has lost all its paper covering, the spine is breaking, and the leather corners are very frayed. 90 leaves, some blank. Pages lined. Pencil. A substantial amount of this NB is in an unknown hand.

The NB is undated, but the content and BJ's hand suggest c.1845-9.

  • [Several leaves throughout the NB have either come loose or are about to]
  • Third division of logic - Doctrine of the Conception [a translation of sections 160-171 of Hegel's Encyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse (see I H6-10 General Note for further details on this, and references to other NB which contain translations of other parts of the work). Unlike the other Hegel NB's, on fol.12v, a new unknown hand takes over, in mid-word. Although BJ was working on this translation with Frederick Temple, this hand is probably not Temple's, as his own Hegel notebook (Temple Papers F54C) shows so different a hand] 3-20
  • [Several pages have been cut away after fol.17 and are now missing]
  • [Translation of sections 183-238 of Hegel's Encyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse (Section 183 follows straight on after the end of section 171, without explanation for omitting the intervening sections). It is still in the same unknown hand, which, unlike BJ's, occasionally gives up on certain sections and leaves either a series of question marks, or a blank space] 20-89 & bcA
  • [fol.47 was accidentally left blank]
  • [Loose leaf bcA inserted at inside back cover: the conclusion of the translation of section 238 in the same unknown hand. bcA consists of three leaves, of which only one has been used, all sewn together, which have been torn from a quarto NB (not this one)]
  • 1 leaf (quarto), containing notes (for a sermon or a lecture?) on Duns Scotus. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-60s. Ink.
  • Differences of modes of thought in different ages [notes for a sermon or a lecture. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 4 leaves (pencil)]
  • Ewald [Notes based on BJ's reading of him. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s; 1 quarto leaf (ink)]

D52-D55 -  Notes for sermons in BJ's hand

Copies of other sermons by BJ used for the edition of his sermons are at D1-D5.


Quarto NB, dark green cardboard cover, with black morocco spine, no label or title. Only fols.1-20 and the inside back cover used, some blank, with some loose leaves inserted. Pages unlined. Pencil.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s.

  • [Loose leaves fcA-fcB inserted inside front cover.
  • fcA-fcB: [Draft of letter, writer, recipient, address, date and hand all unknown but since there are several corrections in BJ's hand, it may be from him. The writer asks for money for a school]
  • Schools - Education - Go sell etc. [notes for a sermon?] 1
  • Notes headed Schools Examination 1-8
  • [Several pages were torn out before fol.1 and are now missing. 1 itself has become loose, and fols.2-3 are in danger of becoming detached too]
  • Education of the Young [notes for a sermon?] 8v-9
  • The circle of the family [notes for a sermon?] 13v-15
  • The employer of labour [notes for a sermon?] 16-20
  • [f.19 has become loose]
  • [Doodles of women and some heavily crossed out words, all in an unknown hand and written with the NB inverted] - inside back cover

Small NB (160 by 100mm), black cloth cover, no title or label. The NB is damaged: much of the front cover is frayed, and the front top right hand corner has been cut off. 188 pages*, many blank. Pages lined. Pencil, with a little ink.

The NB is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s-1890s.

  • Sermon - If they have not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead [notes] 1-26 & 32
  • Sermon Part 2 [on the same text - notes] 35-65
  • Sermon 5 on the nature of God [notes] 67-97 & 117
  • Care of health [notes] 178-9
  • Sermon on youth [notes] 180-3
  • Health [notes] 184
  • [Calculations for salaries of tutors] - inside back cover

Small NB (160 by 100mm), black cloth, no title or label. The NB is damaged: the cloth cover is frayed and discoloured. 81 leaves*, several blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

The NB is dated to 1870 on fol.77v.

  • Notes for sermons [titles only] 1
  • Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth [notes for a sermon on conversation] 2-23
  • The first shall be last & the last first for many are called but few are chosen [notes for a sermon] 23v-29
  • Notes for sermon [on] Causes of failure of character 30-43
  • Sermon [on] Search the Scriptures [notes] 44-6
  • The Lord shall make me to laugh [notes for a sermon] 47-8
  • My kingdom is not of this world else would my servants fight for it [notes for a sermon] 49-77
  • Visitors Easter Term 1879 [list of names (indexed, although some names are illegible)] 77v-78

Collection of loose leaves, mostly consisting of notes for sermons, now considerably jumbled. It may be that after BJ's death they were all placed together in no particular order, and have stayed in that state ever since.

The leaves come from many different periods in BJ's life; some are dated, but an approximate date can be found for almost all the rest by reason of the changes in BJ's handwriting.

  • [1] [List of titles, perhaps a key to the ensuing? In an unknown hand, and so undatable, although it is possible that it was written after BJ's death; 3 leaves (pencil)]
  • [2] [Jotting on the effects of age on memory. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [3] [Extracts from a sermon, beginning: 'And if any one feels a desire to build...' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [4] Matthew X 42 [Notes for a sermon. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s; 6 leaves, 5 numbered (ink)]
  • [5] [Notes for a sermon, possibly related to 4, beginning 'Yet in the return to the simple principles of religion..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [6] Psalm XC 12 [notes for a sermon. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [7] [Leaf labelled 6a [part of a sermon, beginning '..the danger of making a mistake...' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [8] II Timothy iv 7,8 [sermon (incomplete). Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 3 leaves (pencil)]
  • [9] John VI 52 & 63 [notes for a sermon? In Charlotte Green's hand; undated, but probably from late 1880s-1890s because of the amanuensis; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [10] Revel XIV 13 [sermon (incomplete). Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [11] [Isolated leaves, which are parts of incomplete sermons, beginning 'There are a great many figures..', '..the earth and we are his stewards..', 'And now, my brethren..', '..and there is another world..', and '..prophets - at least it was no longer..'. All undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s for them all; 5 leaves (pencil)]
  • [12] I Kings XIX v 11, 12 [notes for a sermon (incomplete). Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 3 leaves (pencil)]
  • [13] [List of questions on Christianity (perhaps linked with a sermon?). Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [14] [Leaf from a sermon, beginning 'In our daily life..'. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [15] [Part of a sermon, beginning '..are none who would not gladly keep..'. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s (this and 14 could be part of the same sermon); 3 leaves, numbered 2-4 (pencil)]
  • [16] John XI 20 [sermon. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 5 leaves, sewn together (pencil)]
  • [17] I Thessalonians V 17 - To the undergraduates Trinity Term 1848" [Opening leaf of a sermon, dated 1848; 1 leaf (pencil, except for the phrase which dates it, which is in ink)]
  • [18] [Part of a sermon, beginning '..but in singleness of heart..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s; 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [19] [Parts of sermons, possibly the same one, but the leaves do not run together. They begin 'It was not there that..' and '..[Chris]tian need to die in absolute despair..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 2 leaves (pencil)]
  • [20] [Part of a sermon, beginning 'We must show ourselves one day to God..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [21] Ancient Abyssinian Church [notes for an incomplete sermon. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s. 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [22] [Part of a sermon, beginning 'Let us think beforehand of the place..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 2 leaves (pencil)]
  • [23] Prov 22.6 [notes for an incomplete sermon. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s; 5 leaves, numbered (ink)]
  • [24] Luke XII 1 [notes for an incomplete sermon. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s; 5 leaves, numbered (ink)]
  • [25] [Part of a sermon, beginning '..or rather of one mad in wickedness..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [26] [Part of a sermon, beginning '..may be asked how can one man..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [27] [Part of a sermon, beginning '..mad, & the world wiser than any one man in it.' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s; 4 leaves (ink)]
  • [28] Difficulties of raising men's idea of religion [notes. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [29] [Very short jotting, perhaps part of a sermon. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [30] [Parts of sermons, beginning 'the Patristic.', 'The simplest truths of religion..' and 'The Evil of the separation of this..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s; 3 leaves(ink)]
  • [31] [Part of a sermon, beginning '..some peculiarity or weakness in us..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1880s; 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [32] Rom V 1 [Part of an incomplete sermon. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [33] [Part of a sermon, beginning '..the vessel but the body of..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [34] Luke II 11 [Part of a sermon. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [35] [Notes, perhaps on a classical text. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1880s; 2 leaves, numbered 5/6 and 7/8 (pencil)]
  • [36] [Quotations from a Greek author (Aristotle Physics?). Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1880s; 6 leaves, labelled 23/24, 25/26, 27/28, 29/30, 31/32 and 33 (pencil)]
  • [37] [Speech by BJ, requesting money for some unspecified schools. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 2 leaves (ink)]
  • [38] Third Half Year [Notes, in an unknown hand, on an unknown institution; undated and undatable; 2 leaves (one in pencil, the other in blue crayon)]
  • [39] [Notes on labour. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [40] [Fragment, probably connected with [42], numbered 19/20. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1880s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [41] [Part of a sermon, beginning '..if we have been thirsty that others might have drink..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [42] [Part of a sermon, beginning ' of him who is the God..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [43] [Part of a sermon, beginning '..from any other. It was their daily occupation..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [44] [List of books and chapters of the bible, for an unspecified purpose. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s; 1 leaf (ink with a little pencil)]
  • [45] Part of a sermon, beginning ' other men, who wist that he must be..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1840s-1850s; 1 leaf (pencil)]
  • [46] [Part of a sermon, beginning'..vanity of characters among us..' Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [47] [Part of a sermon (in Charlotte Green's hand), beginning '..burning bush; or such precepts as..' Undated, but probably from the late 1880s-1890s because of the amanuensis; 3 leaves (ink)]
  • [48] To the undergraduates October Term 1844 - "Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth" [Sermon, copied out in Charlotte Green's hand. The sermon was written in 1844, but the copy is undated; 18 leaves, held together with a brass pin (ink)]
  • [49] [Group of parts of sermons, on all of which an unknown hand has written (in pencil) I. All undated, but BJ's hand suggests they were written at various times over the 1860s-1880s; 7 leaves (ink)]
  • [50] [Group of parts of sermons, on all of which an unknown hand has written (in pencil) II. One (a cutting from an unknown paper) is dated to 1885, and the rest are undated, but BJ's hand suggests they were written at various times over the 1860s-1880s; 6 leaves, one of which has had part torn away (all ink except for 1 leaf in pencil)]
  • [51] [Group of parts of sermons, on all of which an unknown hand has written (in pencil) III. All undated, but BJ's hand suggests they were written at various times over the 1850s-1880s; 8 leaves (all ink except for 1 leaf in pencil)]
  • [52] Folded leaf of paper inscribed in an unknown hand (ink) On the Life and Words of Christ - 6 leaves of note paper - enough for a Sermon, but not fitting in together throughout. Inside are 8 leaves of notes for a sermon which is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s. They were probably put here after BJ's death.
  • [53] [List of headings, perhaps of sermons. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s-1880s; 1 leaf (ink)]
  • [54] Folded leaf inscribed in Matthew Knight's hand (ink)  Unfinished Sermon and in the same unknown hand as 58] (ink) On the simplicity of Christianity, contrasted with Church organization & dogmas. Inside are 2 leaves of notes for a sermon which is undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s. They were probably put here after BJ's death.

D56-D141 - Notes connected with BJ's work on St. Paul

BJ's commentary on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians, and the Romans is unusual among his published work in having so large a body of primary work on it preserved. All the following items, with a few exceptions (e.g. D61), consist of notes on theologians he was reading, or very early draft commentaries on which he was working. Sometimes phrases from these drafts can be seen in the final version, but this is very rare. There are no traces of the final version of the commentary.

Almost all these items are undated; however BJ's hand in all of then suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

There are some notes here on Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians. A.P. Stanley was working on these simultaneously, and this suggests that BJ and he examined each other's work carefully.

  • Romans [notes on the Epistle, with regard to scholarship and scholars. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s; 1 foolscap leaf (ink)]
  • Authorship of the Hebrews [notes. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s; 2 quarto leaves (ink) sewn together with] Epistle to the Hebrews [detailed verse-by-verse comments on chapters 1-10. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s; 7 foolscap leaves (ink)]
  • Baur on the Pastoral Epistles [of St. Paul. Notes. Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s; 1 foolscap leaf (ink)]

15 sewn leaves (foolscap), cover blank. The first leaf is titled Remarks on Baur. These leaves were folded to produce 58 pages, (most had already been paginated, so the remainder were also paginated), of which some are blank. Ink

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Remarks on Baur [notes] 1
  • [Untitled notes on Paul and Peter's roles] 5-7
  • Remarks on Baur [notes] 7-11
  • Epistle to the Galatians [notes] 11-13
  • Epistles to the Corinthians [notes] 13-23
  • Remarks on Baur [notes] 25-7
  • Notes on the Epistle to the Romans 31-41
  • Christian Consciousness [notes] 42-5
  • Doctrine of Justification [with reference to St. Paul- notes] 45-6
  • Justification from the positive side - δικαιoσύvη θεo_ [notes] 47-50
  • Christ as the centre of the church [notes] 50-1
  • The Gospel in its relation to Judaism and Heathenism [notes] 51-7
  • Faith, Hope and Charity [notes] 57

Two groups of 13 and 8 sewn foolscap leaves, tied together with a red thread, and folded to produce 27 and 14 fols. respectively. Ink.

Both sets of leaves are undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s throughout.

  • [1]Olshausen's Commentary on the Romans [précis, with occasional comments by BJ] 1-2v
  • Remarks on Olshausen [notes] 2v
  • Introduction [to the Epistle to the Romans: notes] 3-4v
  • [Romans] Chap I [notes on Olshausen's commentary] 5-7
  • [Romans] Chap II [notes on Olshausen's commentary] 7v-9
  • [Romans] III.1-20 [notes on Olshausen's commentary] 9v-11
  • Remarks on the doctrine of Justification [notes] 12-13
  • [Romans] IV. 1-25 [notes on Olshausen's commentary] IV 13-14v
  • [Romans] V 12-VII 6 [notes on Olshausen's commentary] 15-16
  • [Romans] VI [notes on Olshausen's commentary] 16v-17v
  • [Romans] Chap VII [notes on Olshausen's commentary] 17v-19
  • [Notes on Olshausen's commentary on Romans VIII; unusually, BJ does not write a heading here] 20-21v
  • On Election [notes] 21v-22
  • [Romans] c. IX [notes on Olshausen's commentary] 22-23
  • [Romans] IX 30. X 21 [notes on Olshausen's commentary] 23
  • [Romans] c. XI 1-26 [notes on Olshausen's commentary] 23v-24
  • [2][Romans] VII 1-6 [notes, which unlike those in 1 seem to be an early version of BJ's commentary, albeit some way removed from the final version] 1-3
  • [Romans VII 7-25 [notes as above] 3v-5v
  • "The Strength of sin is the Law" I Corinth. XV [notes] 6-10
  • [Romans VII] 7-25 [notes] 10
  • [Romans] VIII [notes] 10-14v

6 sewn leaves (quarto), front one titled [in BJ's hand] St. John the Baptist, folded to produce 9 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Essay or sermon on St. John the Baptist]

10 sewn leaves (quarto), front one titled [in BJ's hand] Miscellanea Theologica, folded to produce 18 fols.. Ink with a little pencil.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Notes on Ewald 1-3
  • Greswell's Harmonies [notes on Edward Greswell's Harmonia Evangelica of 1830 (frequently reprinted)] 4
  • Difficulties on the Narrative of the Infancy [notes probably based on Greswell] 4v-6v
  • The Sermon on the Mount [table of differences between the Gospel accounts - again based on Greswell?] 7-7v
  • Eschatology [notes; the last page, which is in pencil, was added by BJ later] 9-12v
  • Text MS [of Bible: notes on textual criticism] 13-13v
  • [Notes on the New Testament] 15-16v
  • On exegesis of Scripture [notes] 17-18v

Collection of 25 folded leaves (quarto), cover inscribed [in BJ's hand] Papers on Theology. Ink.

The books listed on 2 were published between 1847 and 1862, and BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s for the rest of the notes.

  • [1] Notes on St. John the Evangelist [2 leaves]
  • [2] [List, in an unknown hand, of books published (probably in Germany) between 1847 and 1862; 1 leaf]
  • [3] The Doctrine of the Atonement [a very early draft for BJ's essay? 4 leaves, which all seem to have been cut out of an NB]
  • [4] [Pages from an essay on the Greek of the New Testament, which now seem very jumbled; 12 leaves, which also seem to have been cut out of an NB]
  • [5] Usteri [notes on his work on St. Paul; 1 leaf]
  • [6] [Incomplete notes on Inspiration; 1 leaf]
  • [7] [Incomplete notes on belief; 1 leaf]
  • [8] [More notes on Usteri; 2 leaves]

Collection of 10 folded leaves (quarto), front leaf titled [in BJ's hand] On the Gospel and Character of St. John 1847 - 1st Page lost. Ink.

The title page dates these leaves to 1847.

  • [Essay on St. John] 1-7
  • On the Proem on St. John's Gospel [notes; 2 unnumbered leaves]

5 sewn leaves [although some are now loose] (quarto), front one titled [in BJ's hand] The Gift of Tongues, folded to produce 9 fols. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Essay on the Apostles' receiving the gift of tongues]

7 sewn leaves (quarto), front one titled [in BJ's hand] On the variations of the Acts and the Galatians. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Draft essay]

3 folded leaves (quarto), front cover titled [in BJ's hand] Philonism, which produce 5 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Essay on Philo and Philonism, and Philo's relationship with Christianity]

8 sewn leaves (quarto), cover titled [in BJ's hand] Remarks on St. John's Gospel. Unfinished. 1847, folded to produce 14fols. Ink.

Leaves dated to 1847 by the front cover.

  • [Essay, which seems not so much unfinished as incomplete, as it is fully written, and the last page breaks off abruptly.]

7 folded leaves (quarto), front cover titled [in BJ's hand] St. James and St. Paul, which produce 12 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Essay comparing the views of St. James and St. Paul on justification]

8 sewn leaves (quarto), some now loose, front one titled [in BJ's hand] Parables Unfinished 1847, which produce 12 fols. Ink.

Leaves dated to 1847 by the front cover.

  • [Essay on the parables of Jesus]

6 sewn leaves (quarto), front one titled [in BJ's hand] On Inspiration. Unfinished. Easter 1847, folded to produce 10 fols. Ink.

Leaves dated to 1847 by front cover.

  • [Essay, which, like D65, is incomplete rather than unfinished]

9 leaves (quarto) held together by red tape, folded to produce 12 fols., of which several are blank. Ink. The pages have all been extensively revised.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1850s-1860s.

  • [Title page, A Few remarks on a N[ew] T[ranslation] of the Bible, which has had several notes scribbled all over it at a later date] 1
  • [Draft of essay, heavily revised] 3-12

13 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 26 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Analysis of Gfrörer's Philo [notes on this edition of Philo, both on the introduction and the commentary. Numbers at the top of each page may refer to those in Gfrörer's edition]

2 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 4 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Short Analysis of Gfrörer Vol.2 [notes on this edition of Philo; content and layout very similar to D70]

7 folded leaves (small), held together by blue thread [now broken], which produce 16 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • On the Connexion of the Old and New Testament [essay draft, corrected later by BJ]

Group of unbound unconnected papers. 12 leaves, some folded into four pages. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [1] Philonism [notes: 1 leaf  (quarto)]
  • [2] [Extract from a commentary on an Epistle of St. Paul; 1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [3] Δικαιoσύvη, δικαιo_σθαι, δικαίωσις, δικαίωμα [notes on their use in St. Paul; 1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [4] [Part of an essay (or sermon?) on the Pharisees; 2 leaves (quarto)]
  • [5] [Disjointed notes on St. Paul; 2 leaves, clearly torn from a NB (quarto)]
  • [6] Additional notes on the 1 st Epistle to the Thessalonians [1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [7] [Conclusion of essay or sermon, probably on St. Paul; 1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [8] [Disjointed notes on St. Paul; 1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [9] [Part of a commentary on Galatians I-II; 2 leaves (quarto)]
  • [10] [Notes on St. Thomas Aquinas; 1 leaf (quarto)]

Collection of 3 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 6 fols., most blank. Pencil.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

Continuation of notes on Sin 1-1v


Collection of 3 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 6 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [End of an essay on evil?]

Collection of 3 folded leaves (foolscap), which produce 6ff. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • On the Similarities and Differences of the Epistles of St. Paul [essay draft, apparently incomplete]

1 leaf (quarto). Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Illustrations of Romans I ii. [notes]

1 leaf folded to produce 4 pages (quarto), 3 sides ink, 1 [probably added later] pencil.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • The strength of Sin is the Law. [Essay on the above passage from I Corinthians as applied to Romans]

7 sewn leaves (quarto), front one titled [in BJ's hand (ink)] On the two natures of Christ 1847 [written over an earlier title, in BJ's hand (pencil), On the two natures of Our Lord], folded to produce 12 fols.. Ink.

Leaf dated to 1847 by title page.

  • Essay draft.

Wrapper, tied with red thread, titled [in BJ's hand] Rough notes on the Epistle to the Galatians. Inside is a collection of 8 folded leaves (quarto), cover titled [in BJ's hand (ink)] Notes on the Galatians - unfinished, which produce 14 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Very rough notes on Galatians [so rough, that even if they were part of an early draft of BJ's commentary, no trace of them remains in the final version]

8 (quarto) and 5 (small) sewn leaves [in fragile condition; the top right corners of fols.1-2 have been torn away, and the last 2 leaves are now loose], headed Romans, folded to produce 23 fols.. Ink. All the leaves are in an unknown hand.

Undated, and the hand gives no help, but the quality of the paper, and the subject matter, make it possible that it was written in the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Romans [notes on individual passages] 1-9
  • Justification [notes] 11-24

16 sewn leaves (quarto), cover titled [in BJ's hand (ink)] First Notes on the Romans, folded to produce 29 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Partial commentary on Romans I-IX, which must be very early, as it bears no relation to the final text]

6 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 10 fols.. Ink, except for back cover (pencil).

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Partial commentary on Romans X-XVI, very similar in style to D82]

40 sewn leaves (quarto), untitled, folded to produce 76 fols.. Ink. fols.11-12 and 47-8 are in different unknown hands.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on Olshausen on the early church] 1-3
  • [Plan of Romans] 4
  • Three Classes of the Epistles of S t Paul [notes] 5
  • Neander [notes] 6-8
  • De Wette [notes] 9-9v
  • [Notes on Romans in an unknown hand] 11-12
  • [Chronology of St. Paul's life] 13
  • St. Paul and St. John [notes] 14-18
  • Comparison of Romans and Hebrews [notes] 19-21
  • Comparison of Romans and Galatians [notes] 22-27v
  • Predestination [notes] 28-29v
  • Romans I 17 [notes, with later corrections] 30-38
  • [fols..34-7 are loose insertions]
  • δι_ τ_v _πoτάξαvτα [Romans VIII 20; notes on] 39-40
  • What is the meaning of Justification as distinguished from Sanctification [notes] 41-46v
  • Justification by Faith and by Works [in an unknown hand] 47-8
  • [Romans] c. XIII [notes] 49-51
  • [Notes on reconciling Acts 28 and Romans] 54-56v
  • The Sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law [notes, with later corrections] 57-64
  • [Notes on all the Epistles] 65-70v
  • On [Romans] Chap.VI 2, 3 [notes] 71-72v
  • Arguments of St. Paul [notes] 73-76v

9 unconnected leaves.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s for them all.

  • [1] 1 st Epistle to the Corinthians [notes. 2 quarto leaves (pencil)]
  • [2] [Part of a sermon (?) on religious differences. 1 small leaf (ink)]
  • [3] [Notes on Greek and Jewish Minds. 2 small leaves (pencil)]
  • [4] [Notes on Romans; pages numbered 735/6, 743, 739/40 and 663/4 (probably taken from a larger work?). 4 quarto leaves (ink)]

Quire torn from a quarto NB, first page titled Ezekiel Ch. I. 20 leaves, some blank. Pages lined. Pencil.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Ezekiel Ch.I [notes] 1
  • Matthew Ch. VIII. v. supra - C. IX [notes] 7
  • [Matthew] Chap X [notes] 7v-8v
  • [Matthew] Chap XI [notes] 9
  • [Matthew] Chap XII [notes] 9v-10v
  • [Matthew] Ch XIII [notes] 10v-11
  • [Matthew] C XIV [notes] 11v
  • [Matthew] C XV [notes] 12
  • [Matthew] C XVI [notes] 12v-13
  • [Matthew] Chap XVII [notes] 13-13v
  • [Matthew] Chap XVIII [notes] 13v-15
  • St Matthew C XIX [notes] 15
  • St Matthew Chap XX [notes] 15v-16
  • [Matthew] Chap XXI [notes] 16-16v
  • [Matthew] Chap XXII [notes] 16v-17
  • [Matthew] C XXIII [notes] 17v-18
  • Matthew Ch. 24 [notes] 18v

10 unconnected leaves.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [1] On the Verbal Inspiration of Scripture [jottings only; 1 quarto leaf (pencil)]
  • [2] [Notes on worshipping God (for sermon or essay?); 2 small leaves (pencil)]
  • [3] [Notes on the Nature of God; 1 small leaf (pencil)]
  • [4] [Notes (almost illegible) on the spirit of God; 1 small leaf (pencil)]
  • [5] [Jottings on the Language of the Bible; 1 small leaf (ink)]
  • [6] [Notes on Galatians; 1 quarto leaf (ink)]
  • [7] Epistle to the Philippians. A.D. 60-61 [notes; 2 leaves (quarto), pages numbered 26-9 (ink)]
  • [8] [Notes on the Epistles of Paul; 1 quarto leaf (ink)]

10 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 20 fols. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Untitled essay (perhaps lacking a beginning?) on the Doctrine of St. Paul] 1-2
  • The Christian State [notes] 2-3v
  • Union with Christ [notes] 4-5v
  • Of the State before Grace [notes] 5v-7
  • The State after Grace [notes] 7-8
  • The Law and the Gospel [notes] 8-11
  • The Church [notes] 12-16
  • The World to Come [notes] 17-20

5 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 10 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Incomplete notes on I and II Corinthians] 1-2
  • Chap V - Epistle to the Galatians [notes] 2v-6v
  • The Epistle to the Ephesians [notes] 7-10v

6 folded leaves (quarto), front page titled Passages of Scripture bearing on the Subject of this Essay, which produce 12fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Collection of passages (mostly from I Corinthians) with comments] 1
  • Romans XIV [a very early draft of the essay in BJ's commentary] 2-11v

5 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 10 fols., of which only 6 are used. Pencil.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Illustrations of the Epistle to the Romans from other Epistles [notes] 1-6

10 sewn leaves (quarto), cover titled [in BJ's hand (ink)] Analysis of Romans iii-xi 1848, folded to produce 18 fols.. Ink.

Leaves dated to 1848 by cover.

  • [Paraphrase of Romans III-XI, designed to clarify point in it]

1 leaf (quarto), folded to produce 4 pages.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • c. ii [paraphrase of II Corinthians 2 (ink)]

5 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 10 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Essay (or sermon?), apparently lacking beginning, on the Inspiration of Scripture] 1-8

3 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 6 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Essay (or sermon?) on the union of the Jewish and Gentile churches]

14 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 54 pages*. Several loose leaves have been inserted. Ink.

Undated: BJ's hand for the main text suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s, but the hand for the addenda suggests they could have been made in the later 1850s.

  • On the style of St. Paul [draft essay, with many later corrections by BJ] 1-50
  • [Many small leaves have been inserted into these pages, viz. at pp.3 [2 leaves here], 11, 13, 15, 21, 29, 31, 33 [2 leaves here], 35, 37 [3 leaves here], 39 and 45]

4 unconnected leaves (quarto). All in ink.

All undated, but BJ's hand in them all suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [1] Addenda on the Gospels [notes; 1 leaf]
  • [2] Prophecies quoted in the New Testament [list of prophecies in the Gospels and Acts; 1 leaf]
  • [3] Prophecies of the Old Testament dwelt upon in the Acts [list of references in Acts; 1 leaf]
  • [4] St. John [notes on his and St. Mark's gospels; 1 leaf]

3 sewn leaves (quarto), front page titled [in BJ's hand (ink)] On some difficulties in the Character of St. Paul, folded to produce 5 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Draft essay.

1 leaf, folded to produce 4 sides (quarto). Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on part of Gfrörer's edition of Philo]

4 foolscap leaves held together by blue thread, front page headed List of Quotations from Old Testament. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Collection of extracts from the Epistles (not just St. Paul's) which quote from the Old Testament]

Collection of 11 folded leaves (quarto), front cover titled [in BJ's hand (ink)] The Coming of Christ, which produce 20 fols., of which only fols..1-11 are used. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Probably a draft essay; possibly a sermon]

Collection of 3 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 6 fols., of which several are blank. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Part (or whole?) of an untitled essay on how to criticise scripture]

1 leaf (small), folded into 4 sides. Pencil.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-1870s.

  • [Jottings on the principal events in Christ's life after entering on his ministry]

24 sewn leaves (quarto), front cover titled Notes on the Old Testament from Ewald, etc., folded to produce 46 fols.. Mostly ink, some pencil.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on David] 1-2v
  • Lecture II [lecture notes on David] 2v
  • Lecture 3 rd [lecture notes on David] 5-6v
  • The nature of God in the Old Testament [notes] 7
  • The Pentateuch [notes] 8-8v
  • Deuteronomy [notes] 9-10v
  • Warburton [notes] 12-16v
  • [Extracts from Epistles which quote from the Old Testament] 18-19
  • [Jottings on the Old Testament] 20-21v
  • Theocracy [notes] 22-3
  • End of Joshua - difficulties [notes] 24-31
  • Influence of country on national character [notes] 33
  • Notes on former lecture [on the early books of the bible] 34-8
  • [Notes on the Golden Age of Judaism; in pencil, which has faded badly on fol.39] 39-41v
  • [Notes on the early history of Israel] 43-4
  • [Notes on the Nazarites] 45

6 leaves (quarto) tied together with red thread, front page headed The object of the Epistle to the Romans and the persons to whom it is addressed, folded to produce 12 fols.. Ink. All the leaves are in an unknown hand. Undated, and undatable, although because of the subject matter and the context, it is possible that these leaves were also written c.1850. Draft essay.

This item has been digitised; images available on request.


1 leaf and 4 folded leaves (quarto), both titled On the Man of Sin. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Essay drafts on the same topic, one presumably an earlier version of the other, although there is nothing to show which version came first.

2 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 4 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Part (if not all) of a draft essay on the style of St. Paul]

2 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 4 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • On the discrepancies of the Thessalonians and the Acts [draft essay]

1 leaf, folded into 4 pages (quarto).

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • The Gift of Tongues [draft essay]

4 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 7 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Theses on the true nature of Christianity [notes] 3-4v
  • Harmony of the Gospels [notes] 5-7

1 leaf of paper, folded into 4 pages (quarto). Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Fragment of a commentary on the end of Romans I]

3 unconnected leaves. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s for all of them.

  • [1] [Notes on how to arrange the chronology of the Epistles; 2 leaves (quarto)]
  • [2] [List of Greek words, purpose unclear; perhaps they have significance for the Epistles? 1 leaf (small)]

11 folded leaves (quarto), which produce several fols., of which only 1-11 are used. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Analysis of Schwogler's Nachapostolische Zeitalten [on the early church after the Apostles' time; notes]

3 folded leaves (quarto), which produce several fols., of which only 1-6 are used. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Comparison of Romans and Galatians [notes]

5 folded leaves (quarto), which produce several fols., of which only 1-5 are used. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Essay (or sermon?), beginning probably lost, on the Epistles of St. Paul

2 unconnected leaves of paper (quarto), each folded into 4 pages. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s for them both.

  • [1] [Notes on the Greek of the New Testament]
  • [2] [Discussion of the Dating of Galatians]

8 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 16 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on the usage of certain significant words by St. Paul]

1 leaf, folded into 4 pages (quarto). Ink.

  • St. Paul Glorying [notes on St. Paul's use of καυχάoμαι (= I glory) and cognate words]

3 folded leaves (quarto), which produce several fols., of which only 1-3 are used. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Passages illustrative of St. Paul [a collection of passages from the non-Pauline Epistles, considering their style and content]

1 leaf, folded into 4 pages (quarto). Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Remarks on the Factions at Corinth [notes on the factions about which St. Paul is concerned in his Epistles to the Corinthians]

1 leaf, folded into 4 pages (quarto). Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Chap. XII [notes on I Corinthians 12.1-13]

2 folded leaves (quarto). Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • I Thessalonians 1 [notes on I Thessalonians 1-8, and some other parts of both Epistles to the Thessalonians]

2 leaves (foolscap), each folded into 4 pages. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • 2 Corinthians 1 [notes on II Corinthians 1-2]

1 leaf, folded into 4 pages (quarto). Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on Galatians 2.8-17, clearly part of a longer draft commentary]

4 folded leaves (quarto), cover titled [in BJ's hand (ink)] Papers on II Corinthians. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on II Corinthians 4-8, 14-15 and 10-11]

3 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 6 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • Epistles of St. Paul [notes on the date and place of writing of I and II Thessalonians, Galatians and I Corinthians] 1
  • [Notes on the style of the New Testament (page 2 has drops of candle wax upon it)] 2-6

2 folded leaves (quarto), which produce several fols., of which only 2 are used. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • On Philo De Mundi Opificio [notes]

11 unconnected leaves. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s for them all.

  • [1] [Notes on II Corinthians 3.12-14; 1 leaf (foolscap)]
  • [2] [Notes on I Corinthians 15.35-50; 1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [3] [Notes on Galatians 3.13-21; 2 leaves (quarto)]
  • [4] [Notes on an unidentified Pauline Epistle; 1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [5] [Notes on Galatians 3-4 and 6; 2 leaves (quarto)]
  • [6] [Notes on Galatians 6; 1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [7] [Notes on Galatians 1; 2 leaves (quarto)]
  • [8] [Notes on Galatians 3; 1 leaf (quarto)]

4 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 8 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on I Corinthians 4.10-20 and 5.1-7.22]

4 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 8 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on I Corinthians 7.26-12]

4 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 8 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on I Corinthians 1-4.8]

1 leaf, folded into 4 pages (quarto). Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • The 2nd Epistle to the Corinthians [Paraphrase of the opening of II Corinthians]

3 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 6 fols.; part of one leaf has been affected by mould. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Notes on I Corinthians 12.31-14.36]

7 unconnected leaves. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s for them all.

  • [1] [Fragment of essay on the Greek of the New Testament; 1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [2] [Fragments on Inspiration in Scripture, all from the same essay, but not forming a continuous extract; 3 leaves (quarto)]
  • [3] [Lists of prophecies and difficult passages in Matthew; 1 leaf (quarto)]
  • [4] [Notes on II Corinthians 2-3; 1 leaf (foolscap)]
  • [5] [List of essay titles on modern history; 1 leaf (quarto)]

20 sewn leaves (quarto), front cover titled [in BJ's hand (ink)] Notes on the Romans Chap. I-IV Recensio Secunda, folded to produce 40 fols.. (fols..1-24 already numbered). Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Draft commentary on Romans 1-4, still not at all like the final version]

2 folded leaves (quarto), cover titled [in BJ's hand (ink)] Preface on the Interpretation of Scripture. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • [Opening of an essay which breaks off at the end of the third page in mid-sentence]

3 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 6 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

  • ζώη & θάvατoς [notes on the use of these two words by St. Paul]

7 folded leaves (quarto), which produce 14 fols.. Ink.

Undated, but BJ's hand suggests the late 1840s-early 1850s.

[Essay, probably lacking a beginning, on the language of St. Paul]

- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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