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Jowett Papers - Group I Class F

Group I

Class F - Copies of letters from Benjamin Jowett

I F comprises the contents of Faber's 'Box F'. These consist exclusively of material from the Abbott and Campbell papers, in this case copies of letters by BJ to various recipients, which were collected by Abbott and Campbell in the mid-1890s for use in A & C and the 1899 supplementary edition of BJ's letters. As found in 1992, these letters had been sorted, either by Abbott and Campbell or by Faber, and each bundle placed in a paper folder. Faber provided a brief list of the contents, and assigned each folder a letter of the alphabet. As explained in Section III of the Introduction, it was decided to change these letters to numbers for the convenience of the user. A 'conversion table' is provided after the list of abbreviations.

All the following letters are MS copies, unless indicated. If the name of the copyist is not given, it is unknown. Evidence from elsewhere in the Jowett Papers suggests that Abbott and Campbell used secretarial firms to help in copying, but sometimes a well-known hand can be recognised. Some originals of these letters are elsewhere in the Jowett Papers; where the contents of an entire folder, or all but a few items in one, consist of copies from the same group, no attempt is made to list which letters are copied here, but where only a few items from an envelope have originals in the Jowett Papers, then the reference number of the original is given. Otherwise, all letters are summarised in the customary way; as said in the Introduction, some of the originals may now be lost.

In some cases, only extracts have been copies, and some complete copies have had parts cut away. Other letters are preserved in more than one copy, of which one is more complete than the others. All such instances are noted.

The 17 items in I F are as follows:

F1: Letters to and from BJ and members of his family.

F2: Letters to Lady Airlie and Lady Abercromby.

F3: Letters to Lewis Campbell (originals at III C).

F4: Letters to Dean Elliot and Emily Lady Tennyson, and their respective families.

F5: Letters to Arthur Stanley (most of originals at III S).

F6: Letters to Lady Stanley of Alderley.

F7: Letters to R.R.W. Lingen.

F8-F9: Letters to Sir Robert Morier and Florence Nightingale respectively (originals at III M and III N).

F10-F13: Letters to various correspondents (all listed at the relevant entries below).

F14-F17: Drafts for Volume II of A & C, among which certain miscellaneous items have been found.

F1: Letters to and from BJ and members of his family


Copies of letters from members of the Jowett family to each another. All but 18 are copies of letters whose originals are in I G16/16 and II A7.

BJ's relationships to these correspondents is given in the biographical index.

  • [1] Benjamin Jowett the elder to Mrs. Elizabeth Irwin. n.a., n.d., [but must be 1830s], [2 leaves], extracts only. News of BJ winning the Powell Prize, and his plans to try for the Ireland.
  • [2] Benjamin Jowett the elder to Mrs. Elizabeth Irwin. Cresswell Park, 8 Sep 1838, [1 leaf], extracts only. Comments on members of the family.
  • [3] Benjamin Jowett the elder to Mrs. Elizabeth Irwin. London 31 Aug 1838, [2 leaves], extracts only. News of the progress of his children.
  • [4] J.B. Courthope to an unnamed addressee. n.a., Apr 1840, [1 leaf], extracts only with précis. On the death of Courthope's wife.
  • [5] Isabella Jowett to Alfred Jowett. 35 Rue de la Madeleine, Paris, 24 Mar 1851, [1 leaf]. Worries over Benjamin Jowett the elder and his versification of the psalms. There is a possibility of seeing BJ.
  • [6] Isabella Jowett to Alfred Jowett. n.a., 1851, [1 leaf]. Comments on Roman Catholics.
  • [7] BJ to Mrs. Ilbert, n.a.. 23 Mar 1883, [1 leaf], extracts only. On the death of Emily Jowett.
  • [8] BJ to Colonel Irwin. Tenby, 1 Mar 1859 [1 leaf]. News of BJ's father's dangerous illness.
  • [9] BJ to Colonel Irwin. Tenby, Mar 1859, TS and MS copy [both 1 leaf]. News of BJ's father's death.
  • [10] Emily Jowett to Mrs. Irwin. n.a., Mar 1859 [1 leaf]. Account of her father's last illness.
  • [11] BJ to Sydney Irwin. Freshwater, Isle of Wight, [1860], TS copy containing both 26 and 27 [2 leaves] and MS copy [fuller] possibly in Lewis Campbell's hand [2 leaves]. Advice to Sydney as he starts at Wellington School.
  • [12] BJ to Sydney Irwin. [Whitby], 23 Aug 1861, TS copy containing both 26 and 27 [2 leaves] and MS copy [fuller] possibly in Lewis Campbell's hand [2 leaves]. More advice to Sydney as he starts school.
  • [13] BJ to Sydney Irwin. Tummel Bridge, 13 Aug 1865 [1 leaf]. BJ asks Sydney what he intends to do with himself, and asks after his brother Guy.
  • [14] Florence Nightingale to Isabella Jowett. 35 South Street, Park Lane, 28 Aug 1866 [1 leaf]. She congratulates Mrs. Jowett on having such a son as BJ.
  • [15] BJ to Colonel Irwin. n.a., 16 Oct 1869 [1 leaf]. Isabella Jowett has just died; can the Colonel visit him?
  • [16] BJ to Sydney Irwin. Inglewood, Balgrave Road, Torquay, [Oct 1869]. Details of Isabella Jowett's funeral.
  • [17] BJ to Lady A [Airlie or Abercromby?]. W. Malvern 9 Aug 1880 [2 leaves]. BJ sends news of Emily Jowett's health after her stroke. Comments on Lord Granville.
  • [18] BJ to an unnamed addressee. 56 Canynge Square, Clifton, 22 Dec 1882 [1 leaf]. News of Emily Jowett's death.

F2: Letters to Lady Airlie and Lady Abercromby


Copies of letters from BJ to Lady Airlie and Lady Abercromby. At some stage these letters became muddled up, because a user [Faber?] thought that all letters to 'Lady A' were addressed to Lady Airlie. However, several of them are addressed to 'Lady A---y', which can only be Lady Abercromby. Therefore this section has been reordered into: letters to Lady Airlie, letters to Lady Abercrombie, and letters which cannot be assigned to either. Fortunately, some of the letters to 'Lady A---y' are written in a very distinctive [if unknown] hand, and A & C print several of these letters, which help assign anonymous letters. References to 'the Lady Abercromby hand' or to '(A & C)' show where these means of identification were used. The copy of another letter to Lady Airlie is at I F16/2.

  • [1] BJ to Lady Airlie. n.a., 16 Dec [1869], TS copy, [2 leaves]. BJ discusses the government, Gladstone, Ireland and the Church.
  • [2] BJ to Lady Airlie. n.a., 12 Sep 1870, TS copy [1 leaf] and MS copy [2 leaves, by Evelyn Abbott], extracts only. News of BJ's election as Master of Balliol and his plans for the future. Discussion of politics.
  • [3] BJ to L[ady] A[irlie]. n.a., Sep 1881, [1 leaf in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. BJ sends consolation on the death of Lord Airlie.
  • [4] BJ to L[ady] A[irlie]. n.a., Sep 1881? [1 leaf in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. More consolation on the death of Lord Airlie.
  • [5] BJ to [Lord Abercromby? (the name has been scratched out, and Abercromby would fill the gap better than Airlie)]. Inglewood, Torquay, 21 Jul 1870. BJ sends congratulations on [Abercromby's] appointment as a Lord of the Admiralty.
  • [6] BJ to Lady A[bercromb]y. Balliol, 20 Mar 1874, [1 leaf] extracts only. Discussion of politics.
  • [7] BJ to Lady A[bercromb]y. Balliol, 9 Jan 1874, (copy on same leaf as 6) extracts only. BJ asks for money for the new Hall at Balliol.
  • [8] BJ to Lady A[bercromb]y. W. Malvern, 17 Jul 1874, [1 leaf] extracts only. BJ has finished revising Plato. Discussion of politics.
  • [9] BJ to Lady A[bercromby?]. [W. Malvern], [19 Oct 1876], [2 leaves in the 'Lady Abercromby hand'], extracts only. On the present poor condition of politics, especially foreign affairs.
  • [10] BJ to Lady A[bercromb]y. Balliol, 11 Feb 1877, 2 copies [both 1 leaf], extracts only. On the problems of making small talk.
  • [11] BJ to Lady A[bercromb]y. Oxford 27 Oct 1877, extracts only, 3 copies [one 2 leaves, the others 1 leaf], one more complete than the others. BJ has visited Woburn, and seen Lord Lyons and Odo Russell and 'The minister of Candace' [Disraeli].
  • [12] BJ to Lady A[bercromb]y. W. Malvern, 4 Aug 1878, extracts only, 3 copies [each 2 leaves], one more complete than the others. Allusion to unfounded rumour that BJ was to be made Vice-Chancellor. Discussion of literature and an article by Florence Nightingale.
  • [13] BJ to Lady A[bercromb]y. Edinburgh, 9 Sep [1878], copies appended to two copies of 10, extracts only. On an unnamed person's speaking at a flower show.
  • [14] BJ to Lady A[bercromby (A & C)]. Oxford, 22 Apr 1879, 3 copies [one 1 leaf, the others 2 leaves], one more complete than the others, extract only. Discussion of politics and religion.
  • [15] BJ to Lady A[bercromby]. Brill, Bucks., 30 Jun 1879, 3 copies [all 1 leaf], BJ is working on Thucydides with Forbes. Mention of the D.C.L. given to Turgenev, and BJ's speech on the occasion.
  • [16] BJ to Lady A[bercromby (A & C)]. Sherwood, Torquay, 26 Sep 1879, 3 copies [1 leaf], 2 of which are on the same sheets as copies of 15, extracts only. BJ's views on family life and painting.
  • [17] BJ to Lady A[bercromby (A & C)]. Oxford, 22 Oct. 1879, 3 copies, one more complete than the others, [each 2 leaves; one is in the 'Lady Abercromby hand'], extracts only. Allusion to H. Rawlinson on Afghanistan. Discussion of literature, and BJ's liking for 18th century works. Discussion of religion and politics.
  • [18] BJ to Lady A[bercromby (A & C)]. W. Malvern, 9 Jan 1880, 3 copies [each 1 leaf], one more complete than the others, extracts only. BJ sorry that their plans for meeting have fallen through. Discussion of Hobbes.
  • [19] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. W. Malvern, 12 Jan 1881, 3 copies [one 2 leaves, the others 1 leaf], one more complete than the others, extracts only. BJ's plans for the future. Discussion of politics.
  • [20] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. Oxford, 21 Feb 1881, 3 copies [one 2 leaves, the others 1 leaf], one more complete than the others, extracts only. Discussion of Pascal.
  • [21] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. W. Malvern, 30 Mar 1881, 3 copies [6, 3 and 2 leaves respectively], one more complete than the others, extracts only. Discussion of politics, inspired by a meeting with Gladstone. Thucydides is nearly complete. Report of a dinner at Tennyson's, also attended by Gladstone and Sir Garnet Wolseley. Report of the conversation held there on S. Africa and Ireland. News of Balliol's academic successes. Discussion of Carlyle's memoirs; advice on reading. Report of a conversation between BJ and Lord Sherbrooke.
  • [22] BJ to [Lady Abercromby]. Oxford, 17 Jun 1881, 2 copies [each 1 leaf; one is in the 'Lady Abercromby hand'], extracts only. BJ's worries over Ireland.
  • [23] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. W. Malvern, 20 Aug 1881, 3 copies [4, 3 and 2 leaves respectively], one more complete than the others, extracts only. BJ's thoughts on domestic and foreign politics. News of the death of A.P. Stanley; BJ's thoughts on him.
  • [24] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. Balliol, 4 Nov 1881, 2 copies [each 1 leaf],extracts only. BJ sends Lady Abercromby a copy of the Republic with comments. Discussion of Gladstone and his politics, also of Lord Derby, Sir William Harcourt, Sir Stafford Northcote and the Marquis of Salisbury.
  • [25] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. W. Malvern, 1 Jan 1882, 2 copies [each 1 leaf], extracts only. BJ expresses his eagerness to complete what he has planned to do.
  • [26] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. Oxford, 22 Jan 1882, 3 copies [each 1 leaf], one more complete than the others, extracts only. Discussion of foreign politics, and reports of the views of ---- [the name is left blank]. BJ almost sent Lady Abercromby a copy of Utopia, but was unsure if it would interest her.
  • [27] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. Oxford, 4 Mar 1882, 3 copies [two 1 leaf and one 2 leaves], one more complete than the others, extracts only. BJ glad that Lady Abercromby likes Plato, and advises her which dialogues to read. Thoughts about Queen Victoria and Bradlaugh.
  • [28] BJ to [Lady Abercromby]. Oxford, 14 Jun 1882, 2 copies, 1 of which is appended to copies of 30 and 32]. Lady Abercromby thanked for her congratulations on the success of Balliol.
  • [29] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. Leigh Hunt's, Cromford, Derbyshire, 8 Sep [1882], 3 copies [4, 3 and 2 leaves respectively], one more complete than the others, extracts only. News of Emily Jowett's illness. Discussion of politics and Shelley, and making public speeches.
  • [30] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. Balliol, 8 Nov 1882, 2 copies, [one 1 leaf, the other appended to a copy of 28 and 32], extracts only. BJ expresses pleasure at his appointment as Vice-Chancellor. Discussion of the journal of Jane Woolman, and the Salvation Army's visit to Oxford.
  • [31] BJ to Lady A[bercromby (A & C)]. W. Malvern, 21 Dec 1882, 3 copies [two 1 leaf and one 2 leaves], one more complete than the others, extracts only. Thoughts of A.C. Tait (recently dead), and Emily Jowett's illness. Discussion of C---- (not clear who he is) and how to improve him. News of politics, and of Mr. Fawcett's improvement in health.
  • [32] BJ to [Lady Abercromby]. 56 Canynge Square, Clifton, Bristol, 22 Dec 1882, 2 copies [one 2 leaves, the other appended to a copy of 28 and 30]. News of Emily Jowett's death, and of Matthew Arnold's poems.
  • [33] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. Boars Hill, 31 Mar [1884], 2 copies, [1 and 2 leaves], extracts only. Remarks on the Duke of Albany [recently dead], and the rest of the royal family. BJ expresses sorrow at the loss of A.P. Stanley, Pearson, H.J.S. Smith, T.H. Green. A. Toynbee, W. Spottiswoode and Emily Jowett. The Politics is almost finished.
  • [34] BJ to [Lady Abercromby]. Balliol, 8 Aug 1884, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ on Aristotle's views on friendship.
  • [35] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. Balliol, 3 Mar 1885, 2 copies [one 3 leaves, the other appended to 35]. Thoughts on Gordon's death and the responsibility of the government. Discussion of the biography of George Eliot; BJ's recollections of her.
  • [36] BJ to [Lady Abercromby (A & C)]. Oxford, 14 Mar 1885, [1 leaf], extracts only. Discussion of politics, especially concerning Egypt.
  • [37] BJ to [Lady Abercromby]. Balliol, 8 Jul 1886, 2 copies [each 1 leaf; one is in the 'Lady Abercromby hand'], extracts only. Thoughts on Lord Salisbury, now that he is Prime Minister.
  • [38] BJ to [either Lady Airlie or Lady Abercromby]. W. Malvern, 17 Oct 1876, 2 MS copies, one fuller than the other [both 3 leaves]. Discussion of Pepys' diary and the Greville memoirs. News of foreign politics and references to Lord Odo Russell and Lord Derby.
  • [39] BJ to [either Lady Airlie or Lady Abercromby]. W. Malvern, 9 Aug 1880, 2 copies [both 2 leaves], one more complete than the others. News of Emily Jowett's illness. BJ's reflections on his family. Discussion of Lord Greville.
  • [40] BJ to [either Lady Airlie or Lady Abercromby]. Balliol, 27 Jul 1884, 2 copies, [1 and 2 leaves], extracts only. BJ on Platonic love. Reflections on Mark Pattison, who is dying.
  • [41] BJ to [either Lady Airlie or Lady Abercromby]. Balliol, 28 Apr 1885, [1 leaf], extracts only. Discussion of politics and the possibility of a war. Report of Tennyson's views on Bismarck.
  • [42] BJ to [either Lady Airlie or Lady Abercromby]. Balliol, 19 Apr 1892, extracts only. BJ has returned from visits to Tennyson and Lady Shelley. Thoughts on Shelley.

F3: Letters to Lewis Campbell (originals at III C)


Copies of letters from BJ to Lewis Campbell. All the originals to be found in I E4. There is also a copy of of part of III N73, and a copy of a letter from BJ to Sir Alexander Grant, viz.:

  • [1] BJ to Sir Alexander Grant. Tummel Bridge, 27 Aug 1865. BJ gives his views on Grote's work on Plato.

F4: Letters to Dean Elliot and Emily Lady Tennyson, and their respective families


Copies of letters to Dean Elliot and Alfred Tennyson and their families.

  • [1] To Dean Elliot. The Deanery, Bristol, 29 Jul 1860, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ glad the Dean was not too horrified by Essays and Reviews.
  • [2] To Dean Elliot. n.a., 17 Oct 1860, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ sends the Dean a paper on the revision of the liturgy.
  • [3] To Margaret Elliot. n.a., 22 Jan 1861, [2 leaves], extracts only. Report of the cold winter in England. Gossip about the bishopric of Worcester. BJ compliments her on her pamphlet on Destitute Incurables.
  • [4] To Dean Elliot. Balliol, 8 Feb 1861, [3 leaves], extracts only. BJ glad that the Dean is better. Essays and Reviews is to go to Convocation. BJ worried about the intellectual calibre of the church and about politics. News of the Education Commission and attempts to increase BJ's professorial salary. Discussion on Catholicism.
  • [5] To Dean Elliot. Balliol, 1 Apr 1861 [2 leaves]. More on the attack by Convocation on Essays and Reviews. BJ worried about the intolerance of the Church of England.
  • [6] [addressee unknown, but probably Dean Elliot or his daughter], n.a., n.d., [1 leaf]. End of a letter.
  • [7] To Dean Elliot. Freshwater, Isle of Wight, 14 Apr 1861, [1 leaf], extracts only. The Essays and Reviews affair seems to be calming down. BJ wonders where the controversy may go.
  • [8] To Margaret Elliot. Torquay, 9 Jun 1861, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ hopes she will go to Switzerland. The Essays and Reviews affair seems to be calming down. Brown is about to marry; views on Lord John Russell.
  • [9] [addressee unknown, but probably one of the Elliots] n.a., n.d., [2 leaves], end of a letter. Discussion of Macleod Campbell, A.J. Scott, Dr. John Brown and Dr. Williams [one of the Essayists].
  • [10] To Dean Elliot. Balliol, 10 Oct 1861 [2 leaves], extracts only. BJ urges the Dean against resigning his Prolocutorship.
  • [11] To Margaret Elliot. Oxford, 2 Feb 1862 [3 leaves]. BJ asks how the Elliots are enjoying Rome. News of the professorship. Thoughts of A.H. Clough and his family. News of a visit to Tennyson, and a meeting with Mrs. Julia Margaret Cameron.
  • [12] To Margaret Elliot. Oxford, 4 Jun 1862, [2 leaves], extracts only. News of J.A. Symonds' exam results.
  • [13] To Margaret Elliot. n.a., 20 Oct 1862, [1 leaf], extracts only. University news. BJ protests at his treatment by the University and Balliol.
  • [14] To Dean Elliot. Balliol, 4 Mar 1863, [1 leaf, which also has copy of 15], extracts only. BJ hopes the [?] of the Church of England is breaking up.
  • [15] [to Dean Elliot?], 24 Feb 1864, [1 leaf, which also has copy of 15], extracts only. BJ worries about the problem of country clergy causing trouble in Convocation.
  • [16] To Margaret Elliot. Balliol, 15 Mar 1863, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ likes Miss Cobbe's pamphlet, and hopes to have avoided his opponents over Essays and Reviews.
  • [17] To Margaret Elliot. Oxford, 10 Mar 1864, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ much pleased with the book Broken Lights sent by Miss Cobbe.
  • [18] To Margaret Elliot. Oxford, 27 Feb 1865, [1 leaf]. BJ thanks her for her congratulations over his increased professorial stipend.
  • [19] To Margaret Elliot. 56 Canynge Square, Clifton, Bristol, Dec 1882 [1 leaf, in Lewis Campbell's hand]. News of the death of Emily Jowett.
  • [20] To Margaret Elliot. W. Malvern, 20 Jul 1887, [1 leaf]. BJ sorry to have missed the Elliots in Bristol. Are the affairs of University College [Bristol University] sorted out? Does Dean Elliot want to give his MSS to the Bodleian?
  • [21] Dean Elliot. W. Malvern, 1 Jan 1888, [1 leaf]. BJ sends New Year's greetings, and good wishes for the Dean's health.
  • [22] To Margaret Elliot. Balliol, 11 Sep 1891, [1 leaf]. BJ applauds her for defending Dean Elliot's memory. Report of a visit to Mrs. Dugdale.
  • [23] To Mrs. Tennyson. Rev. W. Rogers', 7 Charterhouse Square, London, 1859 [2 leaves, in Lewis Campbell's hand]. Arrangements for BJ to visit. BJ glad that the Idylls of the King is now finished.
  • [24] To Hallam and Lionel Tennyson. n.a., Feb 1860 [1 leaf, in Lewis Campbell's hand]. BJ asks after their health.
  • [25] Mrs. Tennyson. Ockham Park, Ripley, Surrey, Dec 1862, [1 leaf, in Lewis Campbell's hand]. BJ looks forward to visiting them.
  • [26] Copy of II A7/11.
  • [27-28 are on the same leaf in Lewis Campbell's hand.
  • [27] To Mrs. Tennyson. n.a., 8 Mar 1863 [1 leaf]. BJ asks to rent a house from the Tennysons, and expresses his gladness for their support at this time.
  • [28] To Mrs. Tennyson. n.a., 20 May 1863 [1 leaf]. Suggestions on children's education. BJ glad to hear of the Queen's support, and expresses himself on her mourning.
  • [29] To Mrs. Tennyson. Oxford, 28 Sep 1863, [1 leaf, in Lewis Campbell's hand]. BJ will help find a tutor for the Tennysons' children. BJ has stayed with Edmund Lushington. Thoughts about BJ's future. Report of meetings with Sir W. Armstrong and Nasmyth.
  • [30] To Mrs. Tennyson. Balliol, 12 Nov 1863, [1 leaf, in Lewis Campbell's hand]. BJ sorry to hear about the difficulties wth Mr. Stephens. Thoughts on A.P. Stanley's marriage; BJ regrets his leaving Oxford. Mr. Bradley seems his most likely successor.
  • [31] To Mrs. Tennyson. n.a., 12 Mar 1864, [1 leaf]. BJ sorry to hear of a disappointment suffered by the Tennysons. He cannot afford to take their house this year, as he needs money for assistance in his professorship.

[32-33 are on the same leaf]

  • [32] Mrs. Tennyson. Balliol, 12 Nov 1864 [1 leaf]. A letter of introduction for J.A. Symonds and his wife.
  • [33] Mrs. Tennyson. n.a., 21 Dec 1864, [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Mrs. Tennyson for the music [unspecified]. Arrangements for a visit at Christmas. Congratulations on the latest volume of Tennyson's poems.
  • [34] Mrs. Tennyson. Balliol 19 May 1865 [1 leaf]. BJ asks after the family. Discussion of events in America and Gladstone's candidature in Oxford. Concern over Miss Bonham Carter's illness, and its effects on George Lushington's marriage.
  • [35] To Mrs. Tennyson. Inglewood, Torquay, [Nov.] 1869, [1 leaf], extracts only. On the death of BJ's mother. Enquiries after the children.
  • [36] To Mrs. Tennyson. Strathpeffer, Dingwall, 4 Aug 1867 [1 leaf]. Thanks for sending an autograph of Tennyson for a lady friend of BJ's [unnamed]. BJ wishes the Tennysons could be here; he is due to go on to the Airlies. Thoughts on Carlyle's latest work.
  • [37] To Mrs. Tennyson. Oxford 9 May 1871 [1 leaf]. A.P. Stanley and his wife and Matthew Arnold are due to stay with BJ. Can the Tennysons come up too?
  • [38] To Lady Tennyson. Balliol, 14 Dec 1889 [1 leaf]. Thanks for the telegram. Arrangements for BJ to visit.

F5: Letters to Arthur Stanley (most of originals at III S)


Copies of letters from BJ to A.P.Stanley. The greater part of these are copies of originals to be found in III S, and are therefore not listed. There are also copies of a letter from BJ to Stanley preserved at II A16/71, and one from Stanley to BJ at II A7/3. However, there are also 16 letters whose original is not in the Jowett Papers, or anywhere else in Balliol, and these have been extracted and are listed below.

It should be noted that many of the copies are in Matthew Knight's hand. Unfortunately, these were done on small leaves, which were then pasted together. This paste has weakened, and care should be taken in handling them. Other copies are in the hands of Campbell and Abbott.

  • [1] Lewis Campbell to Evelyn Abbott. 35 Kensington Court Mansions W, 15 Jun 1895. Discussion of the order of BJ's letters to Stanley, and a list of the letters.
  • [2] Oxford, 10 Dec [1872], [2 leaves] extracts only. On the policies of the Liberal Party.
  • [3] Oxford, 11 Dec [1872], [2 leaves] extracts only. BJ's party has won [an unspecified motion] by 62 votes. Lonsdale has gone to the other side.
  • [4] Oxford, 28 Apr [1873], [2 leaves] extracts only. On preaching engagements for BJ and Stanley. Regards to Lady Augusta. Discussion of the Athanasian Creed.
  • [5] Grantown, Invernesshire, 15 Jul 1873, [1 leaf], extracts only. Can Stanley visit Lord Westbury?
  • [6] R.B. Morier's, Munich, 10 Jul [1875?], [2 leaves], extracts only. BJ on the possibility of a reconciliation between Max Müller and Monier Williams.
  • [7] Balliol, 22 Oct [1875?], [1 leaf], extracts only. Stanley encouraged not to despair [over an unspecified problem]. News of Frederick Bruce's problems at Balliol.
  • [8] W. Malvern, 14 Jan 1877, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. Stanley thanked for sending money for the Hall.
  • [9] n.a., 15 Apr [1877?], [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ hopes Stanley is well, and is glad that he can preach. Advice on looking after himself. News of Percival.
  • [10] W. Malvern, 7 Jan 1878, [1 leaf], extracts only. Request for money for Balliol. College news.
  • [11] Oxford, 5 May 1878, [2 leaves], extracts only. Stanley thanked for sending a sermon. BJ will preach at Westminster Abbey in Jun. He hopes to arrange a meeting between Stanley and Mrs. Grote. Discussion of the Elgins, and reminiscences of dead relations. Praise for Stanley's Life of Arnold.
  • [12] n.a., 16 Jul 1878, [1 leaf], extracts only. Stanley urged to give up plans for a tour of America.
  • [13] n.a., [1879], [1 leaf]. Stanley thanked for sending his biography of his parents. Invitation to come to Oxford.
  • [14] n.a., [1880], [1 leaf]. BJ likes Stanley's speech on Prince Louis Napoleon, especially when so many people, like Swinburne, hated the name.
  • [15] Oxford, 14 Jul 1880, [4 leaves]. BJ encourages Stanley not to despond despite his losses, when he has so much potential in him.
  • [16] W. Malvern, 29 Dec 1880, [1 leaf]. On the death of George Eliot. Memories of Lady Augusta.

F6: Letters to Lady Stanley of Alderley


Copies of letters from BJ to Lady Stanley of Alderley and her family. Lady Stanley is the addressee unless otherwise indicated.

  • [1] n.a., 22 Nov [1861], 2 TS and 1 MS copies [1 leaf each]. Congratulations to Lady Stanley on her son Lyulph's First.
  • [2] Balliol, 2 Dec 1861 [1 leaf, copy on same leaf as 3]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley. More on Lyulph's First.
  • [3] n.a., 16 Nov 1861, [1 leaf, copy on same leaf as 2]. BJ hopes for the best over Lyulph's results.
  • [4] To Lord Stanley. Peckforton, 12 Jan [1862], MS [1 leaf] and 2 TS copies [2 leaves]. Lord Stanley thanked for his letter on Lyulph. BJ expresses his hopes for him.
  • [5] n.a., 5 Nov 1862, MS and 2 TS copies [all 1 leaf]. Lyulph Stanley has got a Balliol Fellowship, even beating Simcox. Arrangements to visit, perhaps when Lord and Lady Airlie are there.
  • [6] Balliol, 9 Nov 1863, MS and TS copies [both 2 leaves]. Sorrow on the death of an [unknown] old lady. Thoughts on A.P. Stanley as Dean of Westminster - should he accept the post? Worries on Lake as a successor to him as Professor.

[The TS copies of 7-8, and the MS copies of 7-9, are each on 1 leaf]

  • [7] n.a., [1863], MS and TS copies [each 1 leaf]. Thanks for the letter; BJ will do what he can to help A.P. Stanley.
  • [8] n.a., 6 Dec 1863, MS and TS copies [each 1 leaf]. On A.P. Stanley's farewell sermon at Oxford.
  • [9] n.a., 1 Dec [?] [1 leaf]. Hopes of visiting Alderley. News of Lyulph.
  • [10] The Rectory, Devonshire Square, Bishopsgate, 25 Mar [?], [1 leaf]. BJ hopes he can call on Lady Stanley. At present he is staying with Rogers.

[The MS copies of 11-12 are on the same leaf]

  • [11] Balliol, 9 Dec 1863, 2 TS and 1 MS copies [all 1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit. Discussions on the Sabbath, and Hersey's Bampton Lectures.
  • [12] Berlin, 3 Jan 1864, MS and TS copies [each 1 leaf]. BJ is temporarily stuck here; he came to christen R. Morier's baby, and Crown Princess Victoria, one of the godmothers, has had to postpone the ceremony.
  • [13] Oxford, 12 Mar 1869, TS copy [1 leaf]. BJ is concerned over the illness of Lord Stanley.
  • [14] Oxford, 21 Apr 1869, TS copy [1 leaf]. Condolences over the death of Lord Stanley.
  • [The copies of 15-16 are on the same leaf]
  • [15] Tummel Bridge, 20 Aug 1869, [1 leaf]. On Lyulph's resignation of his fellowship. Lady Stanley should not worry about this. BJ asks after her.
  • [16] n.a., [1869], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. Discussion of Lyulph's future.
  • [17] n.a., [1869], TS copy [1 leaf]. Condolences on the death of Lord Stanley.
  • [18] Tummel Bridge, 14 Aug 1869, TS copy [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ wishes Lady Stanley and Lyulph a good trip to Switzerland, and gives her advice for a new life.
  • [19] Tummel Bridge, 26 Aug 1869, [1 leaf]. BJ sends condolences to Lady Stanley over new [unspecified] difficulties.

[The MS copies of 20-21 are on the same leaf]

  • [20] Oxford, 11 Jun 1870, TS and MS copies [both 1 leaf]. Lady Stanley thanked for her letter and Lyulph's to BJ on his becoming Master.
  • [21] Balliol, 20 Sep 1870, TS [2 leaves] and MS copies [1 leaf]. Thanks for Lady Stanley's letters. More on BJ's Mastership.

[The copies of 22-23 are on the same leaf]

  • [22] Balliol, 18 Jan [?], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. BJ much liked Lyulph's wife.
  • [23] n.a., [1870], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. BJ glad to hear good news of Lyulph.
  • [24] Oxford, 19 Mar [1871], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet in London. BJ will be staying with Mr. Rogers.
  • [25] Oxford, 28 Apr [1871], [1 leaf]. BJ has Goschen and Huxley visiting in May. Can Lady Stanley and Lyulph come too? BJ encloses a note on Siam for Lyulph.

[The copies of 26-27 are on the same leaf].

  • [26] Balliol, 4 Feb [1872], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. News of a visit from Lyulph.
  • [27] n.a., [Feb 1872], [1 leaf]. BJ has double-booked with friends he does not want Lady Stanley to meet. Arrangements for an alternative date to visit.
  • [28] Balliol, 16 Apr [1872], [1 leaf]. Discussion of Miss Brackenbury. Regards to Lyulph. News of Col. Stanley.
  • [29] Oxford, 27 Apr 1872, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet Lady Stanley and Lyulph. News about Miss Brackenbury and Lord Lansdowne.
  • [30] Oxford, 17 Mar [1873], [1 leaf]. Discussion of Lady Stanley's plans for Girton College.
  • [31] Balliol, 21 Nov [1874], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Alderley. A Balliol election is in progress.

[Copies of 32-33 are on the same leaf]

  • [32] 19 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park n.d [although if 'Mr. Bowen' is the future judge, this letter should be dated to 1862], [1 leaf]. Mr. Bowen is to marry, and BJ is to be there. Can he therefore delay his visit to Lady Stanley?
  • [33] n.a., [1882?], [1 leaf]. Mr. Stubbs has been made preacher to the University. BJ sends birthday greetings. BJ would rather Temple was made Archbishop [of Canterbury, on Tait's death?] than Lightfoot.
  • [34] Oxford, 28 Jan 1876, [1 leaf]. Discussion of exams for ladies' schools. Request for money [for the Hall]; Lyulph and Lord Airlie have both given.
  • [35] Oxford, 11 Apr 1877, [1 leaf, which also has copy of 36]. Arrangements for Lady Stanley and Miss Stanley to visit BJ.
  • [36] Oxford, 30 Nov 1879, [1 leaf, which also has copy of 35]. Lady Stanley thanked for sending a Chinese screen. Is she worried about Lord Dillon [Lady Stanley's brother]?
  • [37] Oxford, 1 Dec [1879], [1 leaf]. Sorrow on the deaths of Lord Dillon and Miss [Mary?] Stanley.

[Copies of 38-39 are on the same leaf].

  • [38] W. Malvern, 1 Apr [1880?], [1 leaf]. Congratulations on Lyulph's success [on being elected to Parliament?].
  • [39] Oxford, 26 Jun 1880, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit.
  • [40] Oxford, 10 Nov 1880, [1 leaf]. Thanks for Lady Stanley's letter from Marathon. Can she and Miss Stanley visit Balliol? BJ has good reports of Lyulph in the House of Commons.
  • [41] Oxford, 6 Dec 1880, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley on her birthday. BJ has just been visited by her granddaughter Clementine.
  • [Copies of 42-43 are on the same leaf]
  • [42] Oxford, 12 Jun 1881, [1 leaf]. BJ has to visit the Dean [A.P. Stanley?], but can then see Lady Stanley.
  • [43] n.a., Weds [?], [1 leaf]. Did Lyulph make clear that BJ was to see all three Miss Stanleys?
  • [44] Balliol, 11 Nov 1881, 2 copies [each 1 leaf]. Discussion on Thucydides. Sorrow on the deaths of A.P. Stanley and Lord Airlie. Arrangements to visit BJ, and the possibility of meeting Jeune. Thoughts on Ireland and Lord Derby.
  • [45] Oxford, 31 Oct [1882], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit BJ, who is pleased with Lyulph's work on the School Board.
  • [46] Balliol, 20 May 1883, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley and Lady Airlie.
  • [47] Balliol, 30 Apr 1885, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ sad at the thought of him and Lady Stanley outliving so many friends.
  • [48] Oxford, 22 Oct [1885], [1 leaf]. Arrangements for Lady Stanley and Miss Stanley to see BJ. The Speaker and the Duke of Bedford may be there too.

[Copies of 49-51 are on the same leaf]

  • [49] n.a., 3 Feb [1887], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet Lady Stanley.
  • [50] Balliol, 17 Apr [1887], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet BJ, Matthew Arnold and Coleridge.
  • [51] The Rectory, Devonshire Square, Bishopsgate, 25 Mar [?], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to call on Lady Stanley and Lyulph.
  • [One each of the copies of 52-53 are on the same leaf]
  • [52] Oxford, 21 May [1887], 2 copies [both 1 leaf]. BJ cannot receive visitors at present, but Sir Henry Acland is sure he will recover.
  • [53] Cotwood, Hayward's Heath, 5 Jun, 1887, 2 copies [both 1 leaf]. Arrangements for BJ to visit.
  • [54] W. Malvern, 29 Jun 1887, [1 leaf]. Thanks for Lady Stanley's concern over his illness. BJ has also received kind messages from the Lingens, the Wrights, Lymington and Lord Sherbrooke.
  • [55] Balliol, 7 Nov 1887, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley. Thoughts on Lyulph.
  • [56] Balliol, 28 Feb 1888, [1 leaf]. On why BJ cannot afford to subscribe to a monument to Archbishop Trench. News of a visit from Lyulph.
  • [57] n.a., [1888], [1 leaf]. Congratulations on Lyulph being elected to the School Board.
  • [58] Balliol, 2 Aug 1889, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley at Holyhead.
  • [59] The Pulchar, Rothiemurchus, Aviemore, 27 Sep 1890, [2 leaves], extracts only. Reflections on growing old.
  • [Copies of 60-61 are on the same leaf]
  • [60] Balliol, 17 Oct 1890 [1 leaf]. Invitation to visit BJ.
  • [61] Balliol, 7 Dec 1891, [1 leaf]. On Frank Russell winning a lawsuit. News of BJ's illness. Congratulations on Lyulph's success.
  • [62] Balliol, 12 Dec 1891, [1 leaf]. BJ glad to hear of Lady Stanley's escape from a dangerous accident. Can she visit Balliol?

[Copies of 63-64 are on the same leaf]

  • [63] Balliol, 24 Mar 1892, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley in London.
  • [64] Balliol, 23 Jul 1892, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley.

[Copies of 65-67 are on the same leaf]

  • [65] Balliol, 31 Jul, 1892, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley.
  • [66] Mr. Dug's [sic - Dugdale?], Merevale, Athuston, 23 Aug 1892, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley.
  • [67] Merevale, Athuston, 24 Aug 1892, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley.
  • [68] Headley Park, Hants., 3 Sep 1892, [1 leaf], extracts only. Reflections on age.
  • [69] Balliol, 27 Apr 1893, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Lady Stanley. BJ liked her granddaughter Cecilia.
  • [70] Balliol, 6 Aug 1893, [1 leaf], extracts only. Thoughts on the state of the world.

F7: Letters to R.R.W. Lingen


Copies of letters to R.R.W. Lingen and family. Letter addressed to Lingen unless otherwise indicated. Unusually, many of these copies have been censored by having parts of leaves actually cut out, which are now missing. This was probably done either by Lingen himself, or by Abbott and Campbell. 1-20 and 21-40 are tagged together into two large bundles. The copy of another letter to Lingen is at I F16/4.

  • [1] n.a., [May 1846], [2 leaves]. Arrangements to visit BJ. BJ encourages Lingen not to despond. Did he write the review of Cromwell in the Times?
  • [2] n.a., [May 1846], [2 leaves]. More encouragement to Lingen to keep his spirits up; advice on getting out of depression.
  • [3] Beaumaris, 7 Aug 1846 [year from original postmark], [4 leaves]. BJ is working with Keene; his thoughts on North Wales, Ireland and revolution. What are Lingen's views on the aristocracy? News of debate on Snell Scholarships; discussion of the first three Gospels and the Blundell scholars.
  • [4] Mrs. Robert's, Townend, Beaumaris, original postmarked 18 Aug 1846, [4 leaves]. More on the aristocracy. Allusions to Hook, Hampden and Wilberforce. BJ has been visited by Riddell and other Balliol people. He hopes to holiday with A.P. Stanley.
  • [5] Mrs. Robert's, Townend, Beaumaris, original postmarked 24 Aug 1846, [3 leaves, part of first leaf cut out]. More on the aristocracy and education. Concern over Lingen's parents.
  • [6] Mrs. Robert's, Townend, Beaumaris, 5 Sep 1846 [year from original postmark], [4 leaves, half of the first leaf cut out]. Plans for BJ's holiday in the Lakes. Thoughts on 18th century faith and faith in general. Thoughts on reading Shakespeare.
  • [7] Mrs. Robert's, Townend, Beaumaris, original postmarked Birmingham 22 Sep 1846, [9 leaves, most of first and part of seventh leaves cut out]. On university reform, and how to do it. Thoughts on Gothic Architecture and Politics. Concern over Lingen's health. Postscript on BJ's health and the evils of gambling and money lending in Oxford.
  • [8] Balliol, 10 Mar 1847 [year from original postmark], [4 leaves, all of second and half of third leaves cut out]. BJ asks after the Commission. He has preached an Assize Sermon. Thoughts on education and Ireland, and on King Saul.
  • [9] Boulogne, original postmarked 12 Apr 1847, [5 leaves, in Lewis Campbell;s hand]. More on Education and the offer of a post to [?] - should he take it? News of Matthew Arnold and views on Ireland.
  • [10] Balliol, original postmarked 27 Apr 1847 [2 leaves]. Arrangements to visit BJ. News of Matthew Arnold.
  • [11] n.a., original postmarked Oxford 14 Jul 1847, [3 leaves]. Views on Horsman and Huber. Discussion of reform of universities and German philosophy (with Temple's views on the same), and rumours of Temple's engagement.
  • [12] Duloe, original postmarked 21 Aug 1847, [3 leaves, part of first and most of second leaves cut out]. Thanks for Lingen's report. Discussion of architecture, and Epic and Lyric poetry. Scott is working on the 2nd edition of the Lexicon.
  • [13] 15 Place de la Madeleine, Paris, original postmark 14 Oct 1847 [1 leaf]. BJ approves of Temple's plans [for Knellar Hall?].
  • [14] n.a., original postmarked Oxford 17 Oct 1847, [1 leaf]. More on Temple's post, with A.P. Stanley's comments on it.
  • [15] Balliol, Tues [1847], [2 leaves]. On Temple's salary [at Knellar Hall?] - it should be good.
  • [16] n.a., original postmarked Oxford, 29 Oct 1847, [3 leaves]. Thoughts on Church Mission. Problem of writing testimonials for Gordon and the job he is applying for with Cotton and Osborne. View on Froude's Shadow of the Clouds. News of Temple and Kay-Shuttleworth.
  • [17] n.a., original postmarked Oxford, 3 Nov 1847, [1 leaf]. More on Gordon's testimonial.
  • [18] Balliol, Sunday, [?], [1 leaf]. The whole letter has been cut out.
  • [19] Balliol, 3 Dec 1847 [year from original postmark], [2 leaves, most of the second leaf cut out]. BJ is working on Romans. News of Hampden. Stanley and Temple will write [on what?], References to Farrer, Morgan, G. Smith, Pritchard, Moberly and Kay-Shuttleworth.
  • [20] n.a., original postmarked Oxford, 13 Dec 1847, [1 leaf]. Will Lingen sign a petition against the agitation against Hampden? Thoughts on Froude.
  • [21] n.a., original postmarked Oxford 6 Jan 1848. [1 leaf]. BJ canvasses Lingen to support Wall for the Registrarship of the University.
  • [22] Balliol, 19 Jan [?], [1 leaf]. BJ has written two testimonials to Lord Lansdowne for Morgan's candidature for the Examinership in the Privy Council. BJ now says what he thinks of him.
  • [23] Oxford, original postmarked 17 Feb 1848, [1 leaf]. On Morgan's reviews on Wales; a copy is enclosed.
  • [24] n.a., original postmarked Oxford 20 Feb 1848, [2 leaves, part of first and all of second leaves cut out]. On Morgan's review.
  • [25] Balliol, original postmarked 9 Mar 1848, [1 leaf]. On the question of lay visitors; the views of BJ and Temple. Can Lingen come up for the election?
  • [26] Balliol, 11 Mar [1848], [1 leaf]. On the election, and Woollcombe's letter.
  • [27] Bonn, 28 Apr 1848 [year from original postmark], [3 leaves]. BJ sorry to hear about Lingen's father. He is now travelling with Stanley and he has met his own parents. BJ's reactions to the aftermath of the 1848 Revolution, and the state of Paris now.
  • [28] Balliol, 17 Nov 1848 [year from original postmark], [2 leaves, part of second leaf cut out]. Views on Shakespeare and Hegel.
  • [29] n.a., n.d. [but before July 1850], [1 leaf]. Invitation to Oxford. Details concerning Lingen's Fellowship becoming vacant in 1850.
  • [30] n.a., original postmarked Oxford, 13 Mar 1849, [1 leaf]. On the vacancy of Lingen's fellowship. BJ sends regards to Temple. More on education. Stanley visited BJ to discuss a book on the university. Pritchard is ill and a new fellow is needed, but who will it be?
  • [31] n.a., original postmarked Oxford, 16 Mar 1849, [2 leaves]. Lingen and Temple must come down (for an election?). Wetherly has been sent down for disorderly behaviour.
  • [32] n.a., original postmarked Oxford, 21 Mar 1849, [1 leaf]. On university business. Reference to an 1849 Statute.
  • [33] Balliol 24 May [1849?], [1 leaf]. Invitation to visit BJ. References to Stanley, Lake and Pritchard.
  • [34] Borrowdale, original postmarked 18 Jul 1849, [4 leaves]. Lingen should grumble at BJ and Temple, but not to Kay-Shuttleworth or Lord L[ansdowne?], and BJ encourages him not to despond.
  • [35] n.a., original postmarked Keswick, 8 Sep 1849, [3 leaves, most of second leaf cut away]. BJ asks after Lingen. Views on politics and Lord John Russell. Allusions to Temple and Kay-Shuttleworth.
  • [36] Balliol, 16 Oct 1849 [year from original postmark], [1 leaf, part of leaf cut out]. Concern for Lingen's health. On Froude's article.
  • [37] n.a., original postmarked Oxford 24 Dec 1849, [2 leaves]. Congratulations on Lingen's appointment [as Secretary of the Education Office]. References to Temple's help. News of Tait and the appointment of his replacement at Rugby. Thoughts on Elliot's Horae Apocalypticae.
  • [38] Freshwater, Isle of Wight, 28 Apr [?], [1 leaf]. Detailed analysis of Hoole.
  • [39] Balliol, 19 Jan [?], [1 leaf]. On a testimonial for Morgan. News of Palgrave, and views on Louis Napoleon.
  • [40] Copy of I G17/1/17.

F8-F9: Letters to Sir Robert Morier and Florence Nightingale respectively (originals at III M and III N)


Two folders of copies of letters from BJ to Sir Robert Morier. All these letters, with two exceptions, are copies of originals in the Jowett Papers (see III M), and are therefore not listed. The exceptions are a copy of a letter from Princess Victoria to BJ (= II A7/19). and a letter from BJ to Morier, whose original was neither in III M, or in the Morier Papers:

  • [1] BJ to Sir Robert Morier. W. Malvern, 2 May [1874]. BJ has to leave Oxford on health grounds.

Copies, both MS [mostly in Evelyn Abbott's hand] and TS, of letters from BJ to Florence Nightingale. All the originals of these are in the Jowett Papers under III N, and are therefore not listed here.

F10-F13: Letters to various correspondents (all listed at the relevant entries below)


Copies of letters from BJ to various correspondents.

  • [1] To B.C. Brodie. n.a., 5 Nov 1844 [year from original postmark], [4 leaves]. BJ is hard at work, now Lake is ill. News of a visit to Vienna with A.P. Stanley and reactions to what they saw. News of meeting Acland.
  • [2] To B.C. Brodie. Balliol, 26 May [1845 or 1846], [1 leaf]. Invitation to visit Balliol. Vaughan is standing for the philosophy chair - news of the intrigues around it. News of Liddell.
  • [3] To B.C. Brodie. n.a., [1845], [3 leaves]. BJ's views on Prague, German theology and Hegel. Arrangements to meet.
  • [4] To B.C. Brodie. 1 George Street, 28 Sep [1845], [4 leaves]. Attempts to meet. Views on Berlin, Bunsen, Schelling and Hegel.
  • [5] To B.C. Brodie. Paris, 18 Apr 1848 [year from original postmark], [1 leaf]. BJ apologises if a previous letter was taken too personally.
  • [6] To Sir Alexander Grant. 2 Swangate Street, Dover, 19 Aug 1856, [1 leaf]. BJ consoles Grant over the death of his father. Advice on how to exploit his new position as a baronet.
  • [7] To Sir Alexander Grant. Freshwater, Isle of Wight, 27 Apr 1861, TS [3 leaves] and MS copies [2 leaves]. Grant thanked for sorting out BJ's brother Alfred's affairs. Lady Grant is with him; both look forward to a successful time in India for Grant. News of Tennyson. News of the Essays and Reviews controversy, Plato, Trevelyan, Oxford gossip. BJ offers congratulations on the birth of a son.
  • [8] To Sir Alexander Grant. n.a., 12 Jul 1864. 2 TS [each 2 leaves] copies and 1 MS copy [1 leaf]. Congratulations on his promotion in India as Director of Public Instruction. Advice on what to do. BJ offers Purves to help on Grant's edition of the Ethics. Sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Ferrier (Grant's father-in-law).
  • [9] 10] To Lady Grant. Castle Mount, St. Andrew's, 17 Sep 1864 [1 leaf]. BJ cannot visit now, but hopes to see her soon. He has heard good reports of Grant's work in India.
  • [10] 9] To Lady Grant. n.a., 2 Dec 1864, [1 leaf]. BJ sends a photograph. He is glad to hear of Grant's return. News of the Tennysons.
  • [11] To Sir Alexander Grant. [Tummel Bridge], 27 Aug 1865, [1 leaf]. News of the candidates for Elphinstone College: T. Arnold, Green and Walker have been asked, and BJ thinks Walker is best. Views on Grote.
  • [12] To Lady Grant. Inglewood, Torquay, 24 Dec 1867, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [13] To Lady Grant. n.a., 3 Mar 1868, [1 leaf]. BJ hopes that Grant can get a post at Edinburgh; there is a very remote chance of a place at Oriel.
  • [14] To Sir Alexander Grant. Oxford, 29 Jun 1869, TS [2 leaves] and MS copies [1 leaf]. Views on Berkeley, and news of Morier.
  • [15] To Sir Alexander Grant. Inglewood, Torquay, 3 Apr 1872, [2 leaves]. Discussion of the Ethics and other Aristotelian works. News of the death of F.D. Maurice.
  • [16] To Sir Alexander Grant. Balliol, 24 Feb 1874, [2 leaves]. Letter with circular asking for money for the new Hall.
  • [17] To Sir Alexander Grant. Oxford, 3 Oct 1878, [1 leaf]. BJ cannot meet Grant this year.
  • [18] To Sir Alexander Grant. Oxford, 13 Jan 1880, [1 leaf]. On the performance of Grant's son in the scholarship. Suggestions for a tutor.
  • [19] To Sir Alexander Grant. Cortachy Castle, Kirriemuir, 27 Sep 1880, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [20] To Sir Alexander Grant. Oxford, 12 Feb 1882, [1 leaf]. On an exhibition for Grant's son Ludovic, and the possibility of his living with BJ.
  • [21] To Sir Alexander Grant. W. Malvern, 2 Jun [?], [1 leaf]. Evelyn Abbott is planning a series of essays on Aristotle. Can Grant contribute?
  • [22] To Sir Alexander Grant. Oxford, 14 Jun 1882, [1 leaf]. On an election to a Professorship in Surgery at Edinburgh. Florence Nightingale and Miss Pringle support a Dr. Bell for this. Ludovic progresses well.
  • [23] To Sir Alexander Grant. Balliol, 23 Dec 1883, [1 leaf]. Thanks for the books Grant sent. Ludovic is doing well; BJ on the Vice-Chancellorship.
  • [24] To Sir Alexander Grant. n.a., 12 May 1884, [1 leaf]. Invitation to Balliol to see Matthew Arnold and Lord Wemyss. News of Malvern.
  • [25] To W.A. Greenhill. Oxford, 31 Jan 1837, [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Greenhill for sending him money, and hopes he might know his benefactor's identity [Greenhill, pitying BJ's poverty, had sent him some money anonymously (see A & C Vol. I pp.46-7)].
  • [26] To W.A. Greenhill. Tenby, 2 Jul 1839, [2 leaves]. BJ's sister Ellen has died, and BJ gives an account of her last days.
  • [27] To W.A. Greenhill. 5 Trafalgar Place, Cowes, 15 Sep [1838 or 1839], [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ called on Waldegrave, but met Waldegrave's mother instead.
  • [28] To W.A. Greenhill. Ilfracombe, 26 Aug [1838 or 1839], [4 leaves], extracts only. Excuses for not writing. Thoughts on Greenhill's kindness to him. Description of Ilfracombe and BJ's holiday there. News of BJ's brothers; thoughts on Newman; news of Oxford prizes and who has got them.
  • [29] To W.A. Greenhill. n.a., Good Friday [1841] [= 9 Apr 1841], [1 leaf]. BJ sends books for Dr. Arnold. Reflections on BJ's and Greenhill's friendship.
  • [30] To W.A. Greenhill. 34 Lee Road, Blackheath, 21 Apr 1842, [2 leaves], extracts only. BJ is off to Paris. News of his family, especially of getting William ready for India. Enquiries after Mrs. Greenhill.
  • [31] To W.A. Greenhill. Bonn, 28 Jun [1842], [3 leaves]. BJ heard from Tait of Arnold's death, and gives his reactions. BJ's views on writing on religion, and why he would rather not discuss it in letters. News of meetings in Paris and Bonn, especially meeting Nitzch in Bonn. Enquiries after Lake, news of his pupils and the controversy over Hampden.
  • [32] To Mrs. Greenhill. Knellar Hall, Bath, 14 Jan [1855], [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. BJ is to publish his commentary on St. Paul very soon. He stayed with Dean Johnson at Wells. Thoughts on Scott trying to exclude dissenters from Balliol.
  • [33] To Mrs. Greenhill. Balliol, 12 Jul 1855, TS [2 leaves] and MS copies [1 leaf]. BJ is glad the Greenhills like his commentary. News of Mrs. Arnold and arrangements to meet.
  • [34] To Mrs. Greenhill. Balliol, 21 Oct 1855, [1 leaf]. BJ thanks her for congratulations on his professorship. Thoughts on Oxford Reform and on Liddell.
  • [35] To Mrs. Greenhill. W. Malvern, 1 Jan 1856, [2 leaves]. News of Malvern. Enquiries after W.A. Greenhill's practice. News of A.P. Stanley from abroad, and Gladstone's election campaign.
  • [36] To Mrs. Greenhill. Knellar Hall, Isleworth, 26 Dec [1857], [1 leaf]. There is no chance of meeting. News of reform at Oxford.
  • [37] To W.A. Greenhill. Balliol, 3 Apr [1867], TS and MS copies [both 1 leaf]. Remembrances of 30 years ago. Messages after Greenhill's son at confirmation.
  • [38] To W.A. Greenhill. Oxford, 2 Oct 1870, TS copy [1 leaf]. Thanks for Greenhill's congratulations on the Mastership. Discussion of the future of his son.
  • [39] To W.A. Greenhill. Oxford, 5 Jan 1875, [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Greenhill for his corrections to BJ's Plato on medical matters.
  • [40] To W.A. Greenhill. Balliol, 24 May 1878 [a note in the margin by Lewis Campbell says that all except the last sentence and the signature of the original were in Matthew Knight's hand], [1 leaf]. Thoughts on Socrates' religion.
  • [41] To W.A. Greenhill. W. Malvern, 6 Apr 1882, [1 leaf]. BJ sends condolences on the death of Mrs. Greenhill.
  • [42] To W.A. Greenhill. n.a., [30 Jul 1884], [1 leaf], extracts only. Greenhill thanked for his congratulations on the Mastership and the Vice-Chancellorship.
  • [43] To W.A. Greenhill. Balliol, 29 Nov 1891, [1 leaf], extracts only. Reminiscences of the start of their friendship.
  • [44] Extracts from the correspondence of F.T. Palgrave, and notes on BJ [10 leaves]. These contain:
    • [1] Edmund Bastard to Palgrave. Balliol, 20 Jul 1845. Allusions to Lake and BJ.
    • [2] W.Y. Sellar to Palgrave. Maeutwrog [sic], 19 Aug 1846. Allusions to Riddell, Bastard, and R. Sumner. Plans for a reading party at Beaumaris with BJ and C.R. Keene.
    • [3] E. Bastard to Palgrave. Maeutwrog, 11 Oct 1846. On a visit from BJ, and on how tired he looked.
    • [4] Palgrave's reminiscences of BJ in 1848, including memories of Morier, BJ's teaching methods, and W.Y. Sellar's serious illness in 1849.
    • [5] F. Temple to Palgrave. Knellar Hall, 1 Jul 1854. news of BJ and other visitors.
    • [6] Lord Carlisle to Palgrave. Ampthill Park, 13 Jan 1868. Account of BJ at Alderley.
    • [7] BJ to Palgrave, Balliol. 21 Jan 1850. On seeing him at Paris and on his meeting BJ's parents and sister.
    • [8] Palgrave's recollections of the above event.
  • [45] W.Y. Sellar to Palgrave. n.a., 21 Aug 1848, [1 leaf], extracts only. On a reading party at Oban with BJ, Morier, Lake, Stanley, Shairp and Poste.
  • [46] To Palgrave. Duntroun, L. Kilphead, 14 Apr 1849, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. Views on Schelling. Message from Bastard.
  • [47] To Palgrave. Borrowdale, 21 Aug 1849, [2 leaves]. Plans to visit the Isle of Man with Morier. Allusions to Froude, Grant and Sellar's illness. News of BJ's work on St. Paul; allusions to Muller and Clough.
  • [48] To Palgrave. Address Durham, 8 Jun 1852, TS [2 leaves] and MS copies [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ is staying with Scott. Thoughts on Temple and Lingen and Gladstone, and also on Balliol Hall and University Extension.
  • [49] To Palgrave. Canterbury, 11 Aug 1852, TS and MS copies [both 1 leaf]. BJ sorry to hear of the death of Palgrave's mother. News of Temple.
  • [50] To Palgrave. Balliol, 13 Dec 1852, TS and MS copies [both 1 leaf]. There is a possibility of seeing Palgrave and Temple at Knellar Hall for Christmas. Thoughts on BJ's book, and news of Morier's marriage.
  • [51] To Palgrave. Harrow, 7 Apr 1854, extracts only, [1 leaf]. BJ's reactions to the Balliol election (bitter ones).
  • [52] To Palgrave. n.a., 4 Dec 1857, [1 leaf]. Palgrave thanked for a present. Arrangements to see BJ. Thoughts on art and music.
  • [53] To Palgrave. n.a., 24 Oct 1858, [1 leaf], extracts only. Palgrave thanked for a picture of St.Paul. News of BJ's book.
  • [54] To Palgrave. Tenby, 2 Mar 1859, 2 leaves]. BJ's father is dying. Advice on a projected work of Palgrave's on the ancient Britons. Consolation over a disappointment [unspecified] suffered by Palgrave at the Council Office.
  • [55] To Palgrave. n.a., n.d., [1 leaf]. On some Greek scansion. Views on Tennyson's Grandmother.
  • [56] To Palgrave. n.a., 29 Jan 1861, [1 leaf]. BJ glad to hear about Palgrave's Golden Treasury. Debate on Palgrave's dedicatory letter in it [to Tennyson]; Palgrave should not make it too effusive.
  • [57] To Palgrave. n.a., 22 Mar 1861, TS and MS copies [both 1 leaf]. BJ on the authorship of Essays and Reviews and how it was written - Grant's statement is inaccurate. Wilson was the central figure. References to Temple. BJ is troubled by the row.
  • [58] To Palgrave. 7 Royal Crescent, Whitby, 24 Jul 1861, TS and MS copies [both 1 leaf]. BJ is staying here with Lyulph Stanley. On Palgrave's father's death; Palgrave is advised to work. He is thanked for sending BJ a copy of the Golden Treasury; BJ's reactions to it.
  • [59] To Palgrave. n.a., 31 Jan 1865, [1 leaf]. BJ discusses a translation of the Odyssey, and wonders if Palgrave should not write a history of Art. Reference to Woolmer.
  • [60] To Palgrave. Oxford, 26 Sep 1865, TS and MS copies [2 and 1 leaves], extracts only. BJ agrees with Palgrave in disappointment over the Cambridge Apostles. Advice on Palgrave's choice of words [for a poem?]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [61] To Palgrave. n.a., May 1870, [1 leaf], extracts only. Thanks for the Reynolds engraving. BJ's tastes in art.
  • [62] To Palgrave. Inglewood, Torquay, Jul 1870, [2 leaves], extracts only. Discussion of which prints BJ wants. Arrangements for Palgrave to meet BJ at Tummel Bridge.
  • [63] To Palgrave. n.a., 12 Feb 1872, [1 leaf], extracts only. On Boswell's Life of Johnson; BJ will not publish his lectures on it [for the texts of these lectures, see I H94].
  • [64] Sir Alexander Grant to Palgrave. 21 Lansdowne Crescent, Edinburgh, 11 Mar 1872, [2 leaves], extracts only. On BJ's lectures on Boswell and Johnson, and on BJ's planned works.
  • [65] E. Palmer to Palgrave. Norham Gardens, Oxford, 19 Jan 1877, 2 copies [each 1 leaf], both of which end abruptly at the end of a page. Palmer's account of the Banquet held for the opening of Balliol's New Hall, about which he has mixed feelings (it went on too long). Views on the speeches of Coleridge, Tait, Stanley, Lingen, Bowen, Lord Lansdowne, Matthew Arnold and Rogers.
  • [66] To Palgrave. Balliol, 30 Nov 1885, [1 leaf], extracts only. Palgrave congratulated on becoming Professor of Poetry.
  • [67]-[75] are all in a separate envelope. They are copies of letters from BJ to John ffolliott, the originals of which are at IV A8, and are therefore not listed.

Copies of letters from BJ to various correspondents.

[1] To Mrs. A--- [identity not known]. n.a., 15 Aug 1886, [2 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand] extracts only. Condolences on the death of a sister. Memories of the deaths of other friends of BJ, including George Eliot.

[2] To Mrs. A---. n.a., 29 Dec 1886, [3 leaves], extracts only. New year greetings, and advice on what to read.

[3] To Mrs. A---. n.a., 8 Sep 1892, [1 leaf], extracts only. On the death of Nettleship.

[4] To ---- [name not given]. n.a., 9 Jan 1874, [1 leaf]. BJ asks for a contribution for the new Hall at Balliol.

[5] To J.C. Collins. Oxford, 25 Jun 1886, [1 leaf]. Collins thanked for sending BJ copies of an article in the Pall Mall.

[6] To J.C. Collins. n.a., 21 Oct 1886, [2 leaves], extracts only. On the state of ancient and modern literature at Oxford.

[7] To J.C. Collins. n.a., 6 Feb 1888, [2 leaves], extracts only. On the possibility of founding a scholarship for the encouragement of English Literature in connexion with classical scholarship.

[8] To W.G. Fawcett. Balliol, 2 Jun 1891, [3 leaves]. BJ congratulates Fawcett on becoming Headmaster [of where?], and gives him some advice.

[9] To H.T. [Henry Taylor?]. n.a., 15 Mar 1878, [1 leaf], extracts only. On 'Notes of Life' taken from genuine observation.

[10] C.J. Roundell to Evelyn Abbott. 16 Curzon Street, Mayfair, 29 Apr 1897, ALS [1 leaf]. Roundell is sending a letter from BJ to him concerning Welldon's election to Harrow [not preserved in Jowett Papers]. On a blank page on this leaf, Evelyn Abbott has copied out part of a letter from BJ to Roundell, n.a., 1885, in which BJ discusses the new generation of High Churchmen.

[11] To J.D. La Touche. Oxford, 27 Jul 1875, [2 leaves]. On giving money to a fund for Colenso. References to Spottiswoode and Westlake.

[12] To J.D. La Touche. n.a., n.d., [originally 4 leaves, but the first leaf is now missing]. On La Touche's visits to Natal and Bishop Colenso. References to the Ritualist row and the Public Worship Bill.

[13] To J.D. La Touche. Ashfield House, W. Malvern, 26 Aug 1875, [2 leaves], extracts only. On Natal business, and on subscribing for payment of Natal clerics.

[14] To J.D. La Touche. Balliol, 23 Jan 1890, [4 leaves]. On Inspiration, especially in Scripture. [originals of four more letters from BJ to La Touche are to be found at II A9]

[15] To Prof. A. Marshall. W. Malvern, 28 Mar 1883, [1 leaf]. News of the election to the Political Economy Professorship; probably Bonamy Price will get it. BJ recommends Marshall when in Bournemouth to meet Sir Henry and Lady Taylor. Reflection on the deaths of H. Smith and A. Toynbee.

[16] To Mrs. Marshall. n.a., 14 Dec 1884, [1 leaf]. BJ regrets their going [to Cambridge], but wishes them well for the future.

[17] To Prof. A. Marshall. W. Malvern, 25 Dec 1884, [1 leaf]. More on how much Marshall will be missed. Has he any suggestions for a successor? Thoughts on Socrates.

[18] To Mrs. Marshall. Balliol, 22 Feb 1885, [2 leaves]. BJ asks how the Marshalls are settling in Cambridge, and wonders if they can visit him. News of Oxford admitting ladies to musical degrees and the creation of a medical school, to which Acland was opposed. Lord Justice Bowen has been elected Visitor of Balliol.

[19] To Prof. A. Marshall. Oxford, 5 Jan 1886, [1 leaf]. Invitation to meet Welldon and Mrs. Humphrey Ward. Thoughts on the contrasts between Oxford and Cambridge, especially on affiliated students.

[20] To Mrs. Marshall. Balliol, 30 Dec 1886, [2 leaves]. Glad to hear news of the Marshalls. News of Ladies' colleges, and BJ's views on them [The copy of another letter to Mrs. Marshall is at I F16/5, and some letters from Alfred and Mary Marshall to BJ are to be found at II C1/104-13 and II D3/14)

[21] Fragment of a letter of 1882, on a correspondent learning Greek. Perhaps part of a letter to Adeline, Lady Tavistock?

[22] To Lady Tavistock. Oxford, 10 Jan 1886, [2 leaves]. BJ agrees to read Lady Tavistock's paper, and give his opinion. Gossip on Mrs. Jeune inviting Sir Charles Dilke and Lady Dilke to her house [BJ was unimpressed at this behaviour].

[23] To Lady Tavistock. Oxford, 25 Jan 1886, [1 leaf]. Lady Tavistock thanked for the book; BJ likes it.

[24] To Lady Tavistock. Oxford 4 Mar [?], [1 leaf]. BJ asks how Lady Tavistock is progressing with Greek.

[25] To Lady Tavistock. Oxford, 5 Apr 1886, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. News of Dr. Martineau and sadness at the death of Sir Henry Taylor.

[26] To Lady Tavistock. n.a., 1886 [2 leaves survive, at least one leaf, with the beginning of the letter, is missing]. On the best way of dealing with prostitutes. BJ does not approve of Mrs. Butler's methods.

[27] To Lady Tavistock. Balliol, 1 Dec 1889, [1 leaf]. Lady Tavistock is thanked for her book, which BJ likes. When can they meet?

[28] To Lady Tavistock (now Duchess of Bedford). Oxford, 16 Aug 1891, [2 leaves]. BJ is staying with Lord Rosebery, and hopes that the Duchess will meet him, as both have had sorrows [Rosebery has lost his wife, and the 9th Duke of Bedford committed suicide in January]. Thoughts on Rosebery's character. He likes Lord Rosebery's children. Advice on managing estates.

[29-37 are all in an envelope inscribed (in an unknown hand) Indian Institute]

[29] To Monier Williams. Eggesford House, S. Molton, Devon, 4 Oct [?], [2 leaves]. Arrangements to meet concerning Indian students; details of how Balliol and the Indian Institute will be linked more closely. Can other colleges be brought in?

[30] To Monier Williams. Oxford, 4 Apr 1879, [1 leaf]. Max Müller is not impressed, with plans for an Indian Institute. BJ is trying to find a site for it.

[31] To Monier Williams. Oxford, 3 May [?], [1 leaf]. The 'two years' clause in the statute may be lost; can Monier Williams bring in friends to help?

[32] To Monier Williams. Oxford, 15 Mar 1881, [1 leaf]. Advice from Nicholl and Max Müller on the syllabus for the Indian Institute.

[33] To M. Monier Williams. W. Malvern, 23 Aug [?], [2 leaves]. Plans to get Monier Williams elected to an Honorary Fellowship at Balliol, for a connection between Balliol and the Indian Institute, and to unite Balliol and New Inn Hall.

[34] To Monier Williams. Oxford, 5 Feb [?], [1 leaf]. Plans to build the Indian Institute will be carried out, but when?

[35] To Sir M. Monier Williams. Balliol, 2 Aug 1889, [1 leaf]. Letter accompanying a circular asking for money (for the Holywell field).

[36] To Lady Monier Williams. Balliol, 8 Jan 1892, [1 leaf]. BJ is concerned over Monier Williams' illness, and asks after him.

[37] M. Monier Williams to Evelyn Abbott. Enfield House, Ventnor, 27 Apr 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Letter accompanying letters to him from BJ.

[38-53 have all been tagged together]

[38] To the Under-Secretary of State for India [Arthur Godley]. Balliol, 11 Feb 1885, TS copy [3 leaves]. Discussion of candidates for the Indian Civil Service; how best can they be examined, and where is the present system too inconvenient?

[39] To Lord Kimberley (Secretary of State for India). Balliol, 4 May 1886, TS copy [2 leaves]. On the Indian students at Oxford; BJ recommends the appointment of a specialist in Indian agriculture.

[40] E. Stafford Howard [writing on behalf of Lord Kimberley] to BJ. India Office, 2 Jun 1886, TS copy [1 leaf]. A reply to BJ's letter of 4 May: there is no extra money available for such a post.

[41] BJ, Dean Liddell, and J. Bellamy to Lord Cross (Secretary of State for India). n.a., n.d. [perhaps 1889?], TS copy [1 leaf]. On the plans to raise the age of competition for the Indian Civil Service, can the department wait to give BJ and the rest a chance to give some advice?

[42] Horace Walpole to Sir William Markby. India Office, 11 Jun 1889, TS copy [2 leaves]. Sir William thanked for sending a copy of [41]. Advice and ideas welcomed.

[43] To A. Godley. Balliol, 18 Jun 1889, TS copy [1 leaf]. BJ asks that J.G. Cummins and A.G. Hallifax both have an extra year at Oxford, as they deserve it.

[44] A. Godley to BJ. India Office, 24 Jun 1889, TS copy [1 leaf]. BJ thanked for is letter of 18 Jun. They will consider his request.

[45] A. Godley to Sir A. Macpherson. India Office, 9 Mar 1889, TS copy [2 leaves]. Account of a meeting with BJ on the age of selection of candidates for the Indian Civil Service.

[46] Printed Circular (to Lord Cross?), stamped 1889 [2 leaves], on the age of candidates for the Indian Civil Service. BJ is one of signatories.

[47] Another printed circular on the same subject, inscribed with the date 1889 [1 leaf]. BJ is one of signatories.

[48] To A. Godley. Balliol, 29 Dec 1889, TS copy [2 leaves]. On the probationary period of the Indian Candidates.

[49] To A. Godley. Balliol, 24 Feb 1890. TS copy, [1 leaf]. À propos a meeting with Lord Cross and Sir William Markby on the teaching of Indian Civil Servants.

[50] A. Godley to BJ. India Office, 19 Mar 1890, TS copy, [1 leaf]. Godley acknowledges receipt of BJ's letter of 24 Feb with thanks.

[51] To A. Godley. n.a., 24 Mar 1890, TS copy [1 leaf], extracts only. On the payment of teachers of Indian languages.

[52] To A. Godley. Balliol, 25 Apr 1890, TS copy [1 leaf]. Suggested subjects for Indian probationers to learn.

[53] A. Godley to BJ. India Office, 24 May 1890, TS copy [2 leaves]. A reply to BJ's letter of 24 Mar. Money will be given for this.

[54] R.R.W. Lingen to G.O. Trevelyan. 13 Wetherly Gardens, 31 Mar 1894, copy [2 leaves, in Lewis Campbell's hand, pinned together with copy of 55]. Memories of Trevelyan's father and BJ.

[55] G.O. Tevelyan to Florence Nightingale. 8 Grosvenor Crescent n.d., copy [2 leaves, in Lewis Campbell's hand], extracts only. On [54], and BJ's involvement with the reform of the Civil Service. Allusion to BJ's portrayal as 'Mr. Jobbles of Cambridge' in Trollope's The Three Clerks.


Copies of letters from BJ to various correspondents.

  • [1] To ---- [possibly W.Y. Sellar? See I F10/44/4]. Borrowdale [1849?], TS copy [2 leaves]. BJ glad to hear of ----'s improvement in health; advice on how best to achieve this.
  • [2] To Mrs. ---- [the mother of one of BJ's pupils]. Balliol, 16 Feb 1853. On what to do with her son; he should be sent home early for the holidays.
  • [3] To ----. n.a., 16 Apr 1860, [1 leaf], extracts only. On ----'s liking Essays and Reviews.
  • [4] To ---- [the name has been scratched out; surviving parts of letters make Lady Tavistock the likeliest addressee]. W. Malvern, 31 Dec 1879, [2 leaves]. New year greetings, and advice on how to be happy.
  • [5] To Frances Power Cobbe. Balliol [1861/2], [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ will read her paper on Political Economy. Messages sent to Dean Elliot, and allusion made to the endowment of BJ's Professorship.
  • [6] To Frances Power Cobbe. Balliol, 24 Feb 1865, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ has won his increase in salary.
  • [7] To Frances Power Cobbe. Balliol n.d., [1 leaf], extracts only. Miss Cobbe thanked for her pamphlet; BJ liked it. BJ's views on Political Economy.
  • [8] To Lady Charlotte Elliot. n.a., n.d., [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ asks after Lady Charlotte's health, and advises her which Greek texts to read. Discussion of Buddha.
  • [9] To Bishop Ewing. n.a., 14 Mar [1856], TS and MS copies [3 and 1 leaves]. Consolation on the death of the Bishop's wife. News of A.P. Stanley.
  • [10] To Bishop Ewing. n.a., 11 Oct [1856], [2 leaves]. On the costs of education at Oxford and getting a scholarship.
  • [Copies of 11-14 are on the same leaf, which is in Evelyn Abbott's hand]
  • [11] To Mrs I[lbert]. n.a., n.d., [1 leaf], extracts only. Thanks for the gift of a book.
  • [12] To Mrs I[lbert]. n.a., n.d., [1 leaf]. Only referred to as 'No.11'; no summary or extracts given.
  • [13] To Mrs I[lbert]. n.a., n.d., [1 leaf]. Only referred to as 'No.12'; no summary or extracts given.
  • [14] To Mrs I[lbert]. n.a., n.d. [1878], [1 leaf], extracts only. News of Matthew Knight's illness. Fortunately BJ is helped by a boy in the Library [Frank Fletcher].
  • [15] To Mrs. I[lbert]. Addington Park, 23 Dec 1880, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. On the relations between old and young.
  • [16] To C.P. I[lbert]. n.a., [1884?], [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], précis only, with direct quotations on India and Ilbert's Bill.
  • [17] To Mrs. I[lbert]. n.a., 5 Mar 1885, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. BJ most grateful for the dressing gown. He is exasperated with the Government and Gladstone.
  • [18] To Mrs. I[lbert]. n.a., 26 Aug 1886, two copies, [both 1 leaf, one in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. BJ has finished the Politics. His views on the end of his Vice-Chancellorship.
  • [Copies of 19-20 are on the same leaf, which is in Evelyn Abbott's hand]
  • [19] To Mrs. I[lbert]. n.a., 4 Sep 1891, [1 leaf]. Précis of a postcard arranging a meeting.
  • [20] To Mrs. I[lbert]. n.a., 5 Oct 1891, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ is rather unwell.
  • [21] To Mrs. I[lbert]. n.a., 16 Oct 1891, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. BJ tells Mrs. Ilbert of his serious illness.
  • [22] To Miss Lettice Ilbert. n.a., 1891, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand; the original was in Martha Knight's hand], extracts only. BJ thanks her for sending some eggs.
  • [Copies of 23-25 are on the same leaf, which is in Evelyn Abbott's hand].
  • [23] To Mrs. I[lbert]. n.a., Aug 1892, [1 leaf], extracts only. On the death of Nettleship.
  • [24] To Mrs. I[lbert]. n.a., 4 Oct 1892, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ is renovating his house.
  • [25] To Mrs. I[lbert]. n.a., 24 Oct 1892, [1 leaf], extracts only. On health and death.
  • [Copies of 26-29 are all together on 2 leaves, both in Evelyn Abbott's hand]
  • [26] To Mrs. Ilbert. n.a., 25 Aug 1893, [2 leaves], extracts only. Arrangements to meet.
  • [27] To Mrs. Ilbert. n.a., 30 Aug 1893, [2 leaves], extracts only. BJ is too ill for them too meet; he apologises for using Martha Knight as amanuensis.
  • [28] To Mrs. Ilbert. n.a., 12 Sep 1893, [2 leaves], extracts only. News of BJ's health, and hopes that they will be able to meet.
  • [29] To Mrs. Green. n.a., 14 Sep 1893, [2 leaves], extracts only. On BJ's health and his return to Oxford.
  • [30] To Lord Lansdowne. n.a., 2 Apr 1867, TS and MS copies [1 and 2 leaves, the latter in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. BJ has just seen Lord Lansdowne's house in London, and thinks of its owner being in Oxford. Advice on how best to use the future.
  • [31] To Lord Lansdowne. St. Andrew's, 14 Sep 1867, TS and MS copies [1 and 2 leaves, the latter in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. Advice on reading for schools.
  • [32] To Lord Lansdowne. Tummel Bridge, 8 Aug 1869, TS and MS copies [3 and 4 leaves, the latter in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. Lord Lansdowne congratulated on his marriage. Advice on how to use his wealth and rank.
  • [33] To Lord Lansdowne. n.a., 27 Apr 1872, [2 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. Congratulations on a promotion to a government post [Under-Secretary for War].
  • [34] To Lord Lansdowne, Endsleigh, Torquay, 2 Jan 1876, [6 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. Advice on how to make a reputation in politics.
  • [35] To Lord Lansdowne. W. Malvern, 4 Apr 1882, 2 MS copies [2 leaves (in Evelyn Abbott's hand) and 1 leaf], extracts only. Views on Lord Derby and Ireland.
  • [36] To Lord Lansdowne. Oxford, 8 May 1882, 2 MS copies [2 leaves (in Evelyn Abbott's hand) and 1 leaf], extracts only. On the crisis in Ireland.
  • [37] To Lord Lansdowne. W. Malvern, 23 Jul 1882, 2 MS copies [both 1 leaf, one copy in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. On Gladstone. [a discussion about whether or not to publish this letter is written at the foot of it]
  • [38] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 29 Nov 1883, [3 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. Congratulations on the Governor-Generalship of Canada; advice on how to use the position, BJ reports a discussion between himself and Gladstone on democracy.
  • [Note: 39-41 and 51 were originally found with BJ's letters to Robert Morier [III M], but they seemed to have no place there, whereas their format and content makes I F13 a far more suitable place for them]
  • [39] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 20 Feb 1888, [3 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. Lansdowne congratulated on becoming Viceroy of India, BJ advises him on what to do.
  • [40] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 1 May 1888, [3 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. BJ glad that Lansdowne will visit Balliol. Advice on India.
  • [41] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 31 Jul 1888, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand] extracts only. Thoughts on India.
  • [42] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 27 Jan 1889, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. On Lord Lansdowne' duties as Viceroy of India.
  • [43] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 16 Apr 1889, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. On India, and a meeting with Grant Duff on the topic. News of the raising of the age of candidates for the Indian Civil Service.
  • [44] To Lord Lansdowne. Hurstbourne Park, Whitchurch, Hants., 6 Oct 1889, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. News of the London Strike, and the views of Lord Rosebery on it. Views on Ireland.
  • [45] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 4 Jan 1891 [6 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. On Indian subjects: should Indian marriage customs be changed (e.g. the age of consent raised?)? Discussion of the problems of consulting with natives and self-government. Should there be limited native representation at the Governor General's Council? The views of Sir William Hunter on this.
  • [46] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 17 Mar 1891, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. More on the government of India: how to ease tension and ill-feeling.
  • [47] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 24 May 1891, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. BJ sorry to hear of trouble in India [what was it?]
  • [48] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol 19 Jul 1891, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. BJ glad to hear that Lord Lansdowne will stay in India for his whole term, and advises him on what next to do.
  • [49] To Lord Lansdowne. n.a., 16 Dec 1891, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. Sir Alfred Lyall on admission to the Legislative Council. On the political system in England.
  • [50] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 11 Mar 1892, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. More on Sir Alfred Lyall's views on India. BJ on his illness.
  • [51] To Lord Lansdowne. Balliol, 8 May 1892, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. News of India Council Bill, and concern for Lansdowne's health.
  • [52] To ----- [the name has been scratched out; Faber suggested it was Lady Sackville, because of a reference to 'Sackville' as the lady's husband, but BJ never seems to have known a Lady Sackville. On the other hand, the Christian names of the husband of BJ's friend Lady Tavistock were George William Francis Sackville. It is possible that Sackville was the name he most commonly used, and that this is a letter to Lady Tavistock. The tone of the letter certainly matches BJ's others to her]. Oxford, 24 Dec 1878, [4 leaves surviving, at least one leaf (with the conclusion) missing]. BJ is grateful for the Indian shawl, and expresses hopes for Sackville's [i.e. Lord Tavistock's?] political future. BJ on troubles in family life, and the difficulties of marriage.
  • [53] To Lady Sherbrooke. Balliol, 28 Aug 1889, [1 leaf], extracts only. On a photograph of BJ. He encloses a circular asking for money [for the Holywell field).
  • [54] To Lady Sherbrooke. Balliol, 13 May 1890, [1 leaf]. BJ would be glad to contribute to a Life [of an unnamed subject].
  • [55] To Lady Sherbrooke. Balliol, 20 May 1891, [1 leaf]. How are Lord and Lady Sherbrooke? BJ will definitely contribute something to the book.
  • [56] To Lady Sherbrooke. Headington, 4 Aug 1892, [2 leaves]. BJ consoles Lady Sherbrooke for the death of her husband.
  • [57] To Lady W[emys]s. Inglewood, Torquay, 5 Jan 1874, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. Consolation on the death of her son [Alfred Walter Charteris].
  • [58] To Lady W[emys]s. Oxford, 6 Sep 1878, [2 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. On looking back at the past, and how to live. Views on W. Malvern.
  • [59] To L[ady] W[emys]s. Oxford, 20 Oct 1878, [3 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. Lady Wemyss thinks she is dying; BJ gives advice on what to do.
  • [60] To L[ady] W[emys]s. Oxford, 26 Aug 1879, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand, tagged together with copy of 61], extracts only. On the death of Lady Wemyss' mother, Lady Lichfield.
  • [61] To L[ady] W[emys]s. Oxford, 3 Oct 1879, [3 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. On loss of memory.
  • [62] To Lady Wemyss. n.a., 26 Mar 1880, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand, tagged together with copy of 60], extracts only. On the forthcoming election.
  • [63] To Lady Wemyss. 25 Feb 1890, [2 leaves, in Lewis Campbell's hand], extracts only. BJ reflecting on an old book of his [Essays and Reviews or the St. Paul commentary?]. Why he has not written on theology since. BJ on Spedding and his life of Bacon.
  • [64] To Lady Wemyss. Balliol, 25 Apr 1891, [1 leaf, in Lewis Campbell's hand], extracts only. BJ would like to obtain a 2nd edition for Lady Wemyss [of St. Paul?] - he would like to do a new edition of it. News of Plato.

Copies of letters from BJ to various correspondents.

  • [1] To Roundell Palmer. Balliol, 15 Nov 1848 or 1849 [6 leaves]. BJ on University Reforms; references to Clough, Lake, Lingen, Stanley, T. Arnold [Jnr?], and Horsman. [Palmer himself writes at the foot of the copy what answer he gave: he could not implement anything because of the oath made as a Fellow of Magdalen. The original of this letter is now in Lambeth Palace Library - see IV B5/17]
  • [2] To Dr. Abbott. Oxford, 2 Jun 1879, [1 leaf]. On an article by him (on theology). BJ sends ideas and comments.
  • [3] To E. Caird. Oxford, 28 Jan 1870, TS and MS copies [3 and 9 leaves]. BJ and Wilson are planning a second volume of Essays and Reviews. There are to be contributions from Campbell, Stanley, Max Müller, Deutsch, Pattison, and Dean Elliot. Can Caird produce something? Notes on Temple and Williams.
  • [4] To E. Caird. Balliol, 24 Feb 1870, TS and MS copies [3 and 8 leaves]. More on Essays and Reviews II. BJ glad that Caird will join in. More on Bowen, Max Müller, Wilson, Dr. Davidson, and Campbell. They may be able to bring H.J.S. Smith in. Some thoughts on how to treat the topics covered.
  • [5] To Mrs. Caird. Balliol, 28 Oct 1888, [2 leaves]. Mrs. Caird thanked for sending the psalm paraphrases for Farmer's hymn book. Arrangements to meet. Notes on two Scottish students, Scott and Wylie.

[6-8 are preceded with a note [1 leaf] by Dyer on their content; of 8 letters he alludes to, only these three survive]

  • [6] To Louis Dyer. Oxford 5 Sep 1877, [1 leaf]. Advice on what to read before Schools.
  • [7] To Louis Dyer. Oxford, 17 Nov 1878, [2 leaves]. On Dyer taking up a post at Harvard. BJ advises him on what to do, especially concerning which texts and editions to use in teaching Greek literature and philosophy.
  • [8] To Louis Dyer. Oxford, 16 Apr 1883, [1 leaf]. On Dyer assisting to suppress a pirate edition of BJ's Thucydides. News of the deaths of H.J.S. Smith and A. Toynbee.
  • [9] To W.H. Hall. Oxford, 12 Nov 1873, [1 leaf]. Many thanks for the game which Hale has sent BJ. He served it to the Archbishops [Tait and Manning] on their last visit.
  • [10] To W.H. Hall. Balliol, 30 Nov 1887, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Hall with Frank Fletcher.
  • [11] To W.H. Hall. Bournemouth, 25 Aug 1889, [1 leaf]. BJ sorry he cannot visit. Discussion of the Irish Question.
  • [12] To Mrs. B.J. Johnson. Oxford, 13 Dec 1886, [1 leaf]. BJ will gladly give a lecture. His views on the education of women.
  • [13] To H.H. Lancaster. [Oxford 1866], TS and MS copies, [both 2 leaves]. Suggestions for contributors to Lancaster's North British Review, e.g. H.B. Wilson, and Nichol.

[A leaf with one copy of 14 also has the only copy of 15]

  • [14] To H.H. Lancaster. n.a., 18 Oct 1866, 1 TS [3 leaves] and 2 MS copies [one 2 leaves, the other 1 leaf; the latter only has the beginning of this letter, and the end of 15]. Advice on who to ask concerning a life of Archbishop Whately: BJ suggests Hinds or T. Arnold Jnr. BJ's own views on Whately.
  • [15] To H.H. Lancaster. n.a., n.d., [1 leaf; only the end of this letter is preserved]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [16] To Mrs. H.H. Lancaster. n.a., [1884], [1 leaf], extracts only. Memories of H.H. Lancaster occasioned by a tribute given him by Sir Arthur Peel.
  • [17] To W.L. Newman. Darmstadt, 19 Apr 1867, TS and MS copies [1 and 2 leaves]. BJ sends some notices of motion [sic] for Newman's comments. Reports on people's views on European politics.
  • [18] To W.L. Newman. n.a., 11 Sep 1868, TS and MS copies [1 and 2 leaves]. Matthew Knight has copied for Newman a paper of BJ's on college fees. Newman's opinion of it is sought.
  • [19] To John Nichol. n.a., 28 Sep 1863, 2 TS copies, [both 1 leaf]. News of Plato - can Nichol find any old English writers who illustrate him? Views on fighting a conservative reaction.
  • [20] To ---- [possibly John Nichol, as it comes in this sequence], Balliol [1864], 2 TS copies, [both 1 leaf]. BJ sends consolation on the possibly mortal illness of his wife.
  • [21] To John Nichol. Balliol, 23 Sep [?], TS copy [1 leaf]. BJ sends condolences on the death of Nichol's father.
  • [22] To John Nichol. Faringford, Freshwater, Isle of Wight [1864?], [1 leaf]. On the Professorship of Moral Philosophy [probably at Glasgow]. Caird says Nichol's chances are not good, and BJ would like Caird to try. He gives Nichol advice.
  • [23] To John Nichol. Balliol, 12 Feb 1864, [1 leaf]. BJ glad that Nichol's wife is recovering.
  • [24] To John Nichol. n.a., n.d. [but a note says that the testimonial was dated 24 Mar 1864], [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a testimonial for Nichol [not copied], who should get Lewis Campbell's help. Nichol should not try and quarrel with Sellar.
  • [25] To John Nichol. Askrigg, 25 Jul 1864, [1 leaf]. Nichol thanked for his work for BJ on Plato. Work on the Republic continues. News of Green's candidature for a post at St. Andrew's.
  • [26] To John Nichol. Balliol, original postmarked 30 Oct 1864, [1 leaf]. BJ sorry that T.H. Green failed to get the St. Andrew's post.
  • [27] To John Nichol. Balliol, 13 Mar 1866, [1 leaf]. Nichol is applying for a professorship. BJ advises him on what to do. Details of rows that Sellar has had with both Nichol and BJ.
  • [28] To John Nichol. n.a., [1866], TS copy [1 leaf], extracts only. Probably the professorship has been decided. Advice on how to cope.
  • [29] To John Nichol. n.a., 22 May 1866, [1 leaf]. Nichol did the right thing in retiring in favour of Caird [over the Glasgow Professorship]; it seems that Nichol had been squeezed out.
  • [30] To John Nichol. Balliol, original postmarked 27 May 1866, [1 leaf]. It is inadvisable for Nichol to take up the case of Bell too publicly. BJ is glad Nichol approves of Caird's election.
  • [31] To John Nichol. Oxford, 5 Mar 1867, TS copy [2 leaves]. General enquiries on how Nichol's work goes. BJ expresses his pleasure at having Matthew Knight as an amanuensis.

[Copies of 32-33 are tagged together]

  • [32] To John Nichol. n.a., 21 Mar 1868, [2 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. BJ on plans for reforms to create closer ties between Balliol and New College.
  • [33] To John Nichol. n.a., 1868, [2 leaves, in Evelyn Abbott's hand]. On the same topic.
  • [34] To John Nichol. Balliol, 5 Jan 1875, [1 leaf]. BJ asks for money for the new Hall. News of the revision of Plato and of Balliol life.

[The copies of 35-39 have been tagged together]

  • [35] To G.F. Nicholl. Balliol, 5 Nov 1877, [1 leaf]. BJ on the forthcoming election of the Lord Almoner's Reader in Arabic.
  • [36] To G.F. Nicholl. Oxford, 4 Dec [1877?], [1 leaf]. More on the above election; much depends on Dean Liddell.
  • [37] To G.F. Nicholl. Balliol, 26 Feb 1878, [1 leaf]. Nicholl has been chosen as the candidate recommended for the post.
  • [38] To G.F. Nicholl. Balliol, 6 Mar 1878, [1 leaf]. Nicholl congratulated on the Readership. Does he plan to join a College, and, if so, would he like to come to Balliol?
  • [39] To G.F. Nicholl. Balliol, 18 Jun 1878, [1 leaf], extracts only. Balliol will make him a tutor, so that he will get rooms.
  • [40] To Sir Arthur Peel. Balliol, 23 Dec 1883, [2 leaves]. On the possibility of Sir Arthur becoming Speaker. Congratulations and advice on how to go about it.
  • [41] To W.Y. Sellar. Borrowdale [1849?], [1 leaf]. BJ glad that Sellar is less ill than feared. Advice on how to get better.
  • [42] To W.Y. Sellar. Balliol, 26 Oct [1850s], [2 leaves]. Condolence on the illness of Sellar's father. Advice for the future.
  • [43] To 'Tornie' Sellar [W.Y.'s son Frank], Farringford, Isle of Wight, 26 Dec 1855, [3 leaves, in Lewis Campbell's hand]. Plans to meet soon, Jocular account of BJ's treatment by the Vice-Chancellor over signing the 39 Articles.
  • [44] To Mrs. W.Y. Sellar. the Bishop's Palace, Ripon, Sep 1890, 1 leaf]. BJ sorry to hear of Sellar's illness. Is there any more news?
  • [45] To W.Y. Sellar. Balliol, 9 Oct 1890, [1 leaf]. BJ sorry to hear of Sellar's illness; he hopes he will recover. Memories of their friendship.
  • [46] To Mrs. W.Y. Sellar. Balliol, 14 Oct 1890, [1 leaf]. Condolences on the death of W.Y. Sellar.
  • [47] To Mrs. W.Y. Sellar. Balliol, 26 Feb 1891, [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit BJ.
  • [48] To Mrs. W.Y. Sellar. W. Malvern, 27 Mar 1891, [3 leaves, in Lewis Campbell's hand]. As it is time for entrance exams for Oxford, are there plans for her son Edmund to sit them? BJ hopes to see her this year and reminisce.
  • [49] BJ to Mrs. W.Y. Sellar, West Malvern, 6 Apr 1891, [1 leaf, in Lewis Campbell's hand]. More thoughts on Edmund's trying for Balliol. Hopes that they will meet, and reminiscences of old times.
  • [50] Charlotte Green to Evelyn Abbott. 9 Banbury Road, Oxford, 8 Nov [?], ALS. On a [?]. She encloses letters from BJ to her family. Enquiries after Florence Nightingale. [This letter was found wrapped around 51-55].
  • [51] To Dr. Symonds. Oxford, 20 Oct 1870, [1 leaf, in Charlotte Green's hand]. BJ thanks Dr. Symonds for a photograph [of an unidentified work of art]. Plans for him and Charlotte to visit BJ.
  • [52] To an unknown member of the Symonds family. n.a., n.d., [last leaf only of a letter, in Charlotte Green's hand; the rest is missing]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [53] To J.A. Symonds. W. Malvern, 28 Dec 1880, 4 leaves]. BJ congratulates Symonds on finishing a book, and is glad that Matthew Knight has helped with the index. On George Eliot's death, and the possibility of meeting. News of Green; BJ is concerned about the direction of his philosophy and his teaching. News of Bristol College and Ireland.
  • [54] To J.A. Symonds. Newlands, Keswick, between 17 and 28 Jul [1880-3], [1 leaf]. BJ sorry to hear of Symond's bad illness.
  • [55] To J.A. Symonds. n.a., [possibly Boars Hill], 1883, [2 leaves]. BJ asks after Symonds and his family. News of the deaths of Tait, H.J.S. Smith and A. Toynbee. BJ is now working on the Politics. Advice to Symonds on keeping his health.

[The copies of 56-58 are on the same leaf, which is in Evelyn Abbott's hand]

  • [56] To J.A. Symonds. n.a., 2 Mar 1889, [1 leaf], extracts only. BJ thanks Symonds for his kindness to Matthew Knight.
  • [57] To J.A. Symonds. n.a., 30 Mar 1889, [1 leaf], extracts only. On the same subject.
  • [58] To J.A. Symonds. n.a., 27 Dec 1889, [1 leaf]. Concern over Matthew Knight's illness; can Symonds sort out Knight's lodgings in Davos?
  • [59] To J.A. Symonds. n.a., 27 Dec 1888, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. BJ is working on Plato.
  • [Copies of 60-61 are on the same leaf, which is in Evelyn Abbott's hand]
  • [60] [This is in fact another extract from 59]. BJ is writing an essay on Greek Love; has Symonds any suggestions to make?
  • [61] To J.A. Symonds. n.a., 9 Jan 1889, [1 leaf], extracts only. Symonds thanked for his comments on Greek Love; could BJ have a copy of Symonds' pamphlet?
  • [62] To J.A. Symonds. n.a., 1889, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. BJ thanks Symonds for his concern over Matthew Knight. Hopes remain for his recovery.
  • [63] To J.A. Symonds. Balliol, 5 Aug 1889, [1 leaf]. BJ sends a circular (concerning the Holywell field), and asks if Symonds can contribute. News of Matthew Knight.
  • [64] To Sir Henry Taylor. Balliol, 29 Oct 1877, [2 leaves]. BJ thanks Sir Henry for his book [his autobiography], which he much enjoyed. Thoughts on shyness. The possibility of meeting is currently remote. He is glad Sir Henry likes Plato, and recommends which dialogues to read.
  • [65] To Sir Henry Taylor. Oxford, 26 Feb 1884, [1 leaf], extracts only. Arrangements to visit Sir Henry at the usual time.
  • [66] To Sir Henry Taylor. n.a., 30 Mar 1885, extracts only. On buying a picture [unspecified] for Balliol.
  • [67] To Lady Taylor. Balliol n.d. [but since Sir Henry is spoken of as dead, it must be after 1886], 2 copies [both 2 leaves]. Lady Taylor thanked for her book, which BJ enjoyed. Thoughts on growing old.
  • [68] To Rev. Charles Voysey. 7 Royal Crescent, Whitby, 26 Jul [1866], [1 leaf]. BJ agrees to help Rev. Voysey [in his rows with authority - see A & C Vol. I pp.402-4]. He has asked A.P. Stanley to help.

F14-F17: Drafts for Volume II of A & C, among which certain miscellaneous items have been found

  • Drafts, almost all in Evelyn Abbott's hand, for his section of A & C, mostly for the years 1889-93.

Miscellaneous collection of material, including copies of letters from BJ.

  • [1] BJ to the Times, n.a., 3 Mar 1887, [13 leaves]. On the claims of University Colleges.
  • [2] BJ to Lady Stanley. Balliol, 17 Apr 1887, [1 leaf]. Another copy of I F6/50.
  • [3] To Mrs. W.Y. Sellar. Freshwater, Isle of Wight, 12 May 1887, [1 leaf]. Enquiries after her family, and news of Tennyson.
  • [4] Copy of speech given by BJ on a vote of thanks to Henry Irving after a lecture (as reported in the Oxford Chronicle on 3 Jul 1886) [7 leaves].
  • [5] Draft of Abbott's account of 1893.
  • [6] MS copy of extracts from an obituary of BJ in The Spectator, 7 Oct 1893 [3 leaves].
  • [7] MS copy [in Evelyn Abbott's hand] of a review of BJ's Plato in The Spectator, 14 Jan 1893 [6 leaves].
  • [8] Reprint from the Shrewsbury Chronicle, 7 Jul 1893, on speech day at Shrewsbury School, including a speech given by BJ (his last public speech).
  • [9] Printed programme for a conference on Secondary Education at Oxford, to be held 10-11 Oct 1893, at which BJ was to have spoken.
  • [10] Printed copy of Latin speeches given at Cambridge, 10 Jun 1890, when BJ was awarded an honourary doctorate.
  • [11] John Bright to J.C. Collins. One Ash Rochdale, 26 Oct 1886, copy [6 leaves]. On the role of Greek in education and the nature of translation.
  • [12] Unnamed writer to J.C. Collins. n.a., 30 Nov 1886, copy [1 leaf]. On how English literature is to be taught.
  • [13] Seating plan for a dinner at Balliol held on 22 Jun 1888, probably the one in honour of Lord Lansdowne's appointment as Viceroy of India, as he is seated on BJ's right.
  • [14] Copy of a vote of thanks given by Mrs. B.J. Johnson on a speech by BJ on [what?] dated 12 Dec 1886, together with a letter to her from G.S. Smith asking her to send this copy to BJ.
  • [15] Mrs. B.J. Johnson to Evelyn Abbott. 8 Merton Street, Oxford, 20 Sep [?], ALS [1 leaf]. On BJ and women's education.
  • [16] J.C. Collins to Evelyn Abbott. 61 Torrington Square, London WC, [1895], ALS [4 leaves]. On sending Abbott letters from BJ, and reminiscences of BJ in the 1880s.
  • [17] Notes on Church reform for 1874 [4 leaves]. BJ's own notes, or notes made by Evelyn Abbott as an aide-memoire?

All the contents of this folder are drafts, many in Evelyn Abbott's hand, for his account (for A & C) of BJ's life for the years 1886-7 and 1889-93. Most of it consists of draft text, but some copies of letters and other documents similar to the copies in most of I F have been extracted, arranged alphabetically and are listed below.

  • [1] Extracts from The Spectator, 5 Mar 1887 on BJ's letter to the Times (I F15/1) [1 leaf].
  • [2] BJ to L[ady] A[irli]e. Balliol, 30 Nov 1891, [1 leaf, in Evelyn Abbott's hand], extracts only. BJ sends news of his health.
  • [3] BJ to Thomas Huxley. Newlands, Keswick, 8 Jul 1883, [1 leaf]. Huxley congratulated on his election as President of the Royal Society.
  • [4] BJ to R.R.W. Lingen. Balliol, Friday, 6 Nov [1890? was written on the copy, but the day of the week makes 1891 more likely], [1 leaf]. Lingen asked to hunt down a reference in Dryden on translation.
  • [5] BJ to Mrs. Marshall. West Malvern, 3 Jul 1887, [2 leaves]. Invitation to visit BJ.

All the contents of this folder are drafts, some leaves in Evelyn Abbott's hand, others in TS for his account (for A & C) of BJ's life for the years 1882-6, 1878-9, 1870-6, 1871-2, 1873-6 and 1878-9. They are therefore not listed.


Pedigree of the Jowett family, written on paper, which has been mounted on cardboard. It is in an unknown hand, and was presumably created for the use of Abbott and Campbell. It was found in an envelope, which stated that it had been found in Box F, but with no indication of where. It is therefore listed as a unique item.

- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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