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Jowett Papers - Group II Class D

Group II

Class D - Material connected with Benjamin Jowett's funeral

Most of this class consists of letters written immediately after BJ's death on 1 Oct 1893. A few, however, were written to BJ in 1889-93. It is not known where they were found, and how the letters to BJ survived his death.


Group of letters [originally with a note by EVQ Letters to BJ 1889 in response to appeal for the Cricket Ground]. All letters are adddressed to BJ, replying to his appeal for money for the Holywell Playing Field.

  • [1] Cecil Baring, 8 Bishopsgate Within, London E.C., 5 Dec 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [2] Lord Brassey, 24 Park Lane W., 25 Oct 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [3] Lord Midleton, Peper Harow, Godalming, 31 Aug 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [4] Lord Elgin, Brownhill, Dunfermline, 20 Aug 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [5] B.F.C. Costelloe, 40 Grosvenor Road, Westminster Embankment, S.W., 6 Dec 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [6] John A. Doyle, All Souls College, 26 Oct 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [7] G. Harford-Battersby, Middle Claydon Rectory, Winslow, 2 Sep 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [8] Hugh G. Hoare, 117 Piccadilly W., 21 Nov 1889., ALS [1 leaf].
  • [9] Bolton King, Gaydon, Warwick, 21 Aug 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [10] Rev. W. Buckland Lott, Barton Mills Rectory, Mildenhall, 7 Nov 1889 ALS [1 leaf].
  • [11] K. Muir Mackenzie, Lynchmere, Haslemere, 23 Aug 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [12] Frederick J. Patton, The Links, Ascot 9 Feb [1889 or 1890?], ALS [1 leaf].
  • [13] William Rogers, Rectory House, Bishopsgate, 3 Aug [1889?], ALS [1 leaf].
  • [14] Lord Basing, Hoddington House, Winchfield, 31 Aug 1889, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [15] Julian Sturgis, Mulroy, Milford, County Donegal, 19 Sep [1889?], ALS [1 leaf].

Group of letters with a note (by EVQ?) on top reading Letters from T.G. Jackson concerning building of King's Mound 1892.

The letters themselves are in an envelope inscribed (by Martha Knight) Mr. Jackson's letters about Mr. Smith's House [King's Mound was designed for A.L. Smith and his family to live in with some undergraduates; see J.Jones Balliol College - a History p.235].

All letters are to BJ from T.G. Jackson, address 14 Buckingham Street, Strand W.C., ALS and 1 leaf, and their content is entirely about the new building, unless otherwise indicated.

  • [1] 4 Feb 1892. Includes plan of the site.
  • [2] 18 Feb 1892. Discussion of Jackson's work at some public schools.
  • [3] 4 Mar 1892 [half of this letter is in an unknown hand - probably a secretary at Jackson's office].
  • [4] 31 Mar 1892.
  • [5] 4 Apr 1892. Arrangements to meet.
  • [6] 20 Apr 1892.
  • [7] 25 Apr 1892.

Group of letters [originally with a note by EVQ Letters to BJ Sept 1893 (1 Jun 1892 H Sweet Escott). All letters are to BJ, unless otherwise indicated.

  • [1] Sir Henry Acland, Oxford, 17 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Glad to hear that BJ's health is improving.
  • [2] George Baden-Powell, Yacht "Otaria", Cowes, 26 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. The Principalship of McGill  University, Montreal is vacant. Can BJ recommend anyone for it?
  • [3] Charlotte Blennerhasset, Munich, 25 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over her son Arthur's failure [in an exam]. What should he do now? News of Sir Robert Morier.
  • [4], G. Griffith, Secretary of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Burlington House, London W., 21 Sep 1893 [the letter and the signature are in different hands] [1 leaf]. BJ is invited to become Vice-President Elect for the meeting of the Association in Oxford in 1894.
  • [5] H. Montagu Butler, Trinity Lodge, Cambridge, 25 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over BJ's illness.
  • [6] H.W. Fisher, 73 St. John's Terrace, Brighton, 16 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of his son Hervey, and concern over BJ's illness.
  • [7] Richard Free, 24 St. Charles Square, North Kensington, London W., 18 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanked for supplying unspecified information.
  • [8] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, Thursday [Sep 1893?], ALS [1 leaf]. Enquiries after BJ's health, and news of her own.
  • [9] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, 16 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Enquiries after BJ's health, and news of her own.
  • [10] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, 18 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over BJ's health.
  • [11] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, 21 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. She is now much better; concern over BJ's health.
  • [12] R.C. Jebb, Springfield, Cambridge, 19 Sep 1893, ALS [2 leaves]. Sorry that BJ cannot visit Cambridge. Thoughts on relations between schools and universities.
  • [13] Daniel R. Lewis, Dowedden[?], Dolgelly, 26 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Lewis is applying for the benifice of Oswestry, and could BJ write something in his favour to the Lord Chancellor?
  • [14] Mary Marshall, Balliol Croft, Madingley Road, Cambridge, 26 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. The Marshalls have just got back from holiday, and look forward to BJ's visit.
  • [15] R.B. Morier, Hotel National, Montreux, Switzerland [N/D, but probably Aug-Sep 1893], ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over BJ's illness. Morier himself is very ill too, and has trouble writing.
  • [16] R.W. Raper, Trinity College, Oxford, 17 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over Somers Somerset's academic ability.
  • [17] Laura Russell, Shere, Guildford, 19 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over BJ's illness.
  • [18] Mary F. Smith [wife of A.L. Smith), 7 Crick Rd., Oxford, 25 Sep 1893, ALS [2 leaves]. Concern over BJ's illness. Delight over their new house [King's Mound].
  • [19] Hay Sweet Escott, Kilve, Bridgewater, 15 Jun 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. Enclosing a book [of his poetry?] for BJ.
  • [20] Emily Lady Tennyson, Aldworth, Haslemere, Surrey, 14 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over BJ's health.
  • [21] Emily Lady Tennyson, Aldworth, Haslemere, Surrey, 17 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks for BJ's words about Alfred Tennyson.
  • [22] Hallam Lord Tennyson, Aldworth, Haslemere, Surrey, 15 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over BJ's health. BJ should not hurry over the memoir of Alfred Tennyson.
  • [23] Hallam Lord Tennyson, Aldworth, Haslemere, Surrey, 17 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. He is delighted with BJ's notes on Tennyson.

Letters, mostly to Sir William Markby or J.L. Strachan-Davidson, connected with BJ's death and funeral. Unless otherwise indicated, the letters say whether the writer will come to BJ's funeral;'Yes' indicates that he or she will, 'No' that he or she will not. Many letters are only addressed to 'Dear Sir'; on these occasions, no addressee is given.

  • [1] Sir Henry Acland to J.L. Strachan-Davidson. Killerton, Exeter, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [2] Sir Henry Acland to Sir William Markby. Killerton, Exeter, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [3] H.H. Asquith's secretary (E. Leigh Pemberton) to unknown addressee. Home Office, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No [on Asquith's behalf].
  • [4] G.C. Bell to J.L. Strachan-Davidson. The Lodge, Marlborough College, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Yes.
  • [5] G.R. Benson to Sir William Markby. Florence, Monday [late Sep or early Oct 1893], ALS [1 leaf]. Enquiries after BJ's health.
  • [6] A. Blomfield (Bishop of Colchester). The Athenaeum, [N/D, but probably early Oct 1893]. When is BJ's funeral?
  • [7] A. Blomfield (Bishop of Colchester). Park House, Brentwood, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [8] Anthony Bourchier to Sir William Markby. 18 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, Friday [early Oct 1893], ALS [1 leaf]. Can the enclosed wreath be laid on BJ's grave?
  • [9] Lady Bowen to Sir William Markby. Colwood, Haywards Heath, 3 Oct [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. Unsure if Lord Bowen can attend BJ's funeral.
  • [10] Lady Bowen to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Colwood, 4 Oct [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. Lord Bowen wants to attend BJ's funeral, but is ill.
  • [11] Lady Bowen to Sir William Markby. Colwood, 5 Oct [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [12] E.H. Bradby to Sir William Markby. St. Katharine Dock House, London E, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [13] Martha Jowett Brain to Sir William Markby. 67 Danby Villas, Danby, E. Dulwich, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. As a relative of BJ, she will attend BJ's funeral.
  • [14] George C. Brodrick to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Lockinge House, Wantage, Berks, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements over attending BJ's funeral as a pall bearer.
  • [15] George C. Brodrick to Sir William Markby. Merton College, 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Can he place a few flowers on BJ's bier from Hay Sweet-Escott?
  • [16] Lord Midleton to J.L. Strachan-Davidson. Peper Harow, Godalming, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [17] Lord Aberdare to Sir William Markby. Duffryn, Mountain Ash, South Wales, 6 Oct 1893 ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [18] H. Montagu Butler to unnamed addressee. Trinity Lodge, Cambridge, 4 Oct 1893 ALS [1 leaf]. Yes.
  • [19] Lewis Campbell to Sir William Markby. 35 Kensington Court Mansions W., 25 Sep 1893 ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry to hear that BJ is failing.
  • [20] Lewis Campbell to Sir William Markby. 35 Kensington Court Mansions W., 28 Sep 1893 ALS [1 leaf]. On an inscription by BJ on Matthew Arnold to go in Rugby Chapel.
  • [21] Lewis Campbell to Sir William Markby. 35 Kensington Court Mansions W., 2 Oct 1893 ALS [1 leaf]. Sorrow on BJ's death. Unhappy at the Times obituary.
  • [22] Lewis Campbell to Sir William Markby. 35 Kensington Court Mansions W., 3 Oct 1893 ALS [1 leaf]. Plans to attend BJ's funeral. Who will join Campbell as BJ's literary executor?
  • [23] C. Cannan, Trinity College, Oxford, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No [on behalf of the President of Trinity].
  • [24] Edward Chapman to Sir William Markby. Hill End, Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [25] Horace Clayton (Vicar of St. Mary Magdalene) to unnamed addressee. 30 Beaumont Street, Oxford, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements for BJ's funeral.
  • [26] W. Herbert Edwards to Sir William Markby. 70 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London W.C., 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. As a cousin of BJ (who never knew him) can he attend BJ's funeral?
  • [27] W. Herbert Edwards to Sir William Markby. 70 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London W.C., 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. He cannot attend after all.
  • [28] Robinson Ellis to unnamed addressee. Trinity College, Oxford, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. He will not be in the chapel for the funeral service, but hopes to join the procession afterwards.
  • [29] George Farwell to Sir William Markby. The Battine House, East Meade, Chichester, 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry he missed BJ's funeral.
  • [30] John ffolliott to Sir William Markby. Cambo Crail, Scotland, 10 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry he failed to be in the chapel for the funeral; he was in the quadrangle.
  • [31] J.Woulfe Flanagan to J.L. Strachan Davidson. 21 Tedworth Square, Chelsea S.W., 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [32] F. Fowler to Sir William Markby. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 5 Oct [1893] ALS [1 leaf]. Yes.
  • [33] Lord Cottesloe to Sir William Markby. Swanbourne House, Winslow, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [34] Alfred Grant to J.L. Strachan Davidson. 29 India Street Edinburgh, Wednesday [4 Oct 1893?], ALS [1 leaf]. No [on behalf of himself and his brother (which one is unspecified)].
  • [35] George Henry Guildford to Sir William Markby. Hatley St. George, Malvern, 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [36] A.D. Hall to unnamed addressee. 36 Poplar Grove, Hammersmith, W., 2 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. When will BJ's funeral be?
  • [37] G. Harford Battersby to Evelyn Abbott. East Claydon Vicarage, Winslow, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Can he get a seat in the Chapel for BJ's funeral?
  • [38] P.A. Henderson to Sir William Markby. The New Hotel, Gullane, N.B., 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [39] Lord Trevor to Sir William Markby. Brynkinalt, Chirk, 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [40] H.W. Hoare to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall S.W., 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [41] Lord Hobhouse to Sir William Markby. Charlton House, Nailsea, Somerset, 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No. His feelings on BJ's death.
  • [42] Lord Carlisle to Sir William Markby. 1 Palace Green, Kensington W., 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [43] Thomas Huxley to Sir William Markby. Hodeslea, Staveley Road, Eastbourne, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Yes.
  • [44] Guy Irwin to Sir William Markby. 21 Mincing Lane, London E.C. 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Yes [for himself and his son].
  • [45] Sidney Irwin to Sir William Markby. 36 Clifton Park Road, Clifton, Bristol, 2 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Irwin asks about arrangements for BJ's funeral.
  • [46] Sidney Irwin to Sir William Markby. 36 Clifton Park Road, Clifton, Bristol, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Irwin asks about arrangements for BJ's funeral and discusses the newpaper obituaries of BJ.
  • [47] Sidney Irwin to Sir William Markby. 36 Clifton Park Road, Clifton, Bristol, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Irwin asks about arrangements for BJ's funeral.
  • [48] R.C. Jebb to Sir William Markby. Springfield, Cambridge, 28 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over BJ's [last] illness.
  • [49] Frederick Jowett to the Librarian of Balliol [Evelyn Abbott]. 83 Copenhagen Street, Barnsbury Road, Islington, London, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. As a relative of BJ, can he attend BJ's funeral?
  • [50] Matthew Knight to Sir William Markby. Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 14 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of BJ's literary remains, and request for unpaid salary.
  • [51] W.H. Langhorne to unnamed addressee. The Council House, Birmingham (at the Church Congress there), 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Request to attend BJ's funeral.
  • [52] H.L.W. Lawson to Sir William Markby. 37 Grosvenor Square W., 9 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Regrets that he missed BJ's funeral.
  • [53] Stanley Leighton to Sir William Markby. Essington's Hotel, Malvern Wells, Worcs., 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Regrets that he missed BJ's funeral.
  • [54] H.G. Liddell to Sir William Markby. Ascot Wood House, Berks, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [55] Walter Lindsay to Sir William Markby. Elmthorpe, Cowley, Oxon, 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [56] Lord Lingen to Sir William Markby. Alum Bay Hotel, Isle of Wight, 30 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over BJ's [last] illness.
  • [57] Godfrey Lushington to the Porter, Balliol. Bedwyn, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Can he fill up the enclosed telegram with the time and day of BJ's funeral?
  • [58] J.R. Magrath to Sir William Markby. Queen's College, Oxford, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [59] W. Milne to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Robert Square, Bowden, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [60] M. Monier Williams to Sir William Markby. Enfield House, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [61] Edmund Monson to unnamed addressee. British Embassy, Vienna, 2 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorrow at BJ's death.
  • [62] G. Osborne Morgan to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Moreton Hall, Chirk, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. When will the funeral be?
  • [63] R.B. Morier to Sir William Markby. Montreux, 28 Sep 1893, telegram, viz. 'Give him [BJ] my last dear love.'
  • [64] R.B. Morier to Sir William Markby. Montreux, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Morier too ill to take part in any action to honour BJ, and asks Sir William to act on his behalf.
  • [65] W.G. Mount to Sir William Markby. Wasing Place, W. Reading, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [66] John R. Mowbray to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Warennes Wood, Mortimer, Berks, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [67] R.G.C. Mowbray to Sir William Markby. Polefield House, Prestwich, Manchester, 7 Oct [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry he missed BJ's funeral.
  • [68] Kenneth Muir Mackenzie to unnamed addressee. Roxburgh Hotel, Edinburgh, 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry he cannot attend BJ's funeral.
  • [69] G.F. Nicholl to Sir William Markby. N/A, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [70] James R. Seach(?), Honorary Secretary  of the Nottingham Philharmonic Choir to John Farmer. Bromley House, Nottingham, 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. In memory of the kindness shown by BJ to them on their visits to Oxford, the Choir has voted that a letter of condolence be sent to Balliol on his death.
  • [71] Thomas Lucas (Mayor of Oxford) to Sir William Markby. Northlands, Oxford, 2 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. He and the City Council would like to attend BJ's funeral if possible.
  • [72] Thomas Lucas (Mayor of Oxford) to Sir William Markby. Northlands, Oxford, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. He and about 12 members of the City Council hope to attend BJ's funeral.
  • [73] F.T. Palgrave to Sir William Markby. Lyme Regis, Dorset, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [74] Lord Morley to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Saltram, Plymouth, Devon, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [75] Arthur Peel to Sir William Markby. The Lodge, Sandy, Beds., 29 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern for BJ over his illness.
  • [76] Arthur Peel to Sir William Markby. The Lodge, Sandy, Beds., 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Yes.
  • [77] J.M. Perroud to Sir William Markby. Headley Park, Liphook, Hants, 23 Sep [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. Account of BJ's journey to Headley Park, and the current state of his health.
  • [78] G.U. Pope to Sir William Markby. 11 Sunnyside Road, Ealing W. [after 1 Oct 1893], ALS [1 leaf]. Regrets over BJ's death. Can he have details of when the funeral is?
  • [79] Bartholemew Price to Sir William Markby. 14, the Beacon, Exmouth, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [80] Lord Rosebery to Sir William Markby. The Foreign Office, 6 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [81] H. D. Rawnsley to J.L. Strachan Davidson. N/A, 30 Sep [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. It seems that BJ is dying. When will his funeral be? He encloses a hymn which he offers for use at the service [not preserved].
  • [82] Hemming Robeson to unnamed addressee. 25 Great George Street, Bristol, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [83] William Rogers to Sir William Markby. Bishopsgate, 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [84] Charles Roundell to Sir William Markby. Dorfold Hall, Nantwich, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [85] Frank S. Russell to Sir William Markby. Edenview, St. Andrews. N.B., 9 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry he heard about BJ's funeral too late to attend.
  • [86] Laura Russell to Sir William Markby. Shere, Guildford, 29 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over BJ's last illness.
  • [87] W. Sichel to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Chirk, Derbyshire, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Can he come to BJ's funeral?
  • [88] F.H. Stevens to unnamed addressee. Clifton College, Bristol, 4 Oct 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [89] M.T. Tatham to unnamed addressee. Northcourt, Abingdon, 2 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. When will BJ's funeral be?
  • [90] F. Temple to Sir William Markby. Fulham Palace, S.W., 29 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry to hear of BJ's illness, which sounds fatal.
  • [91] F. Temple to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Fulham Palace, S.W., 4 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements for Temple's role in the funeral.
  • [92] Emily Lady Tennyson to Sir William Markby. Aldworth, Haslemere, Surrey, 28 Sep 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Glad that BJ is surrounded by friends in his illness.
  • [93] G.T. Treherne to unnamed addressee. 26 Brunswick Gardens, 5 Oct [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [94] Charles Voysey to Sir William Markby. St. Valery, Finchley Road, Hampstead, N.W., 2 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Reactions to BJ's death.
  • [95] Lord Radstock to unnamed addressee. Mayfield, Woolston, Hants., 23 Oct [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. Memories of BJ.
  • [96] Maine S.A. Walrond to Sir William Markby. Simonsbath, South Molton [sic], 14 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry he missed BJ's funeral.
  • [97] Mary A. Ward to Sir William Markby. Stocks, Tring, 1 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks for news of BJ.
  • [98] Edmund Warre to Sir William Markby. Eton College, Windsor, 1 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks for news of BJ.
  • [99] Herbert Warren to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Magdalen College, Oxford, 4 Oct 1893, ASP. He agrees to carry out an unspecified duty [be one of BJ's pall bearers].
  • [100] H.W. Watkins to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Archdeaconry, Durham, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [101] J.E. Welldon to Sir William Markby. Harrow School, 3 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [102] W.E. [illegible] to Sir William Markby. 7 Kings Park Walk, [town illegible], Wednesday [Oct 1893]. No.
  • [103] L.S. [illegible] to J.L. Strachan Davidson. The School House, Bedford, 9 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [104] Unknown writer to J.L. Strachan Davidson. Forlands, Godalming, 3 Oct 1893 [the end of this letter is missing]. No.
  • [105] E. Moore to Sir William Markby. St. Edmund Hall, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [106] Robert J. Wilson to Sir William Markby. Keble College, 5 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. No.
  • [107] List (in an unknown hand - perhaps Strachan Davidson's?) of people who cannot come to the funeral (they have been indexed).

Group of letters with a note (by EVQ?) on top reading Letters to Sir William Markby Dec 1893 - acknowledging bequests of books, etc. from BJ. All letters are either acknowledgements of bequests or suggestions on how to send them to the recipient, and are addressed to Sir William Markby. Where known, the nature of the bequest is given.

  • [1] Margot Tennant (later Asquith), The Manor House, Melton Mowbray, 12 Dec 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Books [unspecified]
  • [2] G.G. Bradley, The Athenaeum [Dec 1893?], ALS [1 leaf].
  • [3] Joseph W. Chitty, 33 Queen's Gate Gardens S.W., 13 Dec 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Engravings [unspecified].
  • [4] Lady Drummond Christie, 9 Neville Street, Onslow Gardens, S.W., 12 Dec [1893]. A picture [unspecified].
  • [5] Gertrude Craig Sellar, Holmbury, Dorking, 1 Jan 1894. Two pictures [unspecified].
  • [6] Lady Airlie, 4 Lowndes Square, 9 Dec 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ's copy of Ruskin's Modern Painters.
  • [7] Margaret Elliot, 63 Onslow Gardens, S.W, 12 Dec 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Picture [unspecified].
  • [8] Charles I. Elton, 10 Cranley Place, Onslow Square, 22 Feb 1894. Etching of Mrs. Elton [his wife?].
  • [9] A. Kekewich, 19 Park Crescent, Portland Place W., 13 Dec 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Engraving [unspecified].
  • [10] Emma Lingen, 13 Wetherby Gardens, S.W., 22 Feb 1894. Two foot-stools.
  • [11] Miss [?] Stanley, 40 Dover St. W., 11 Dec [1893]. Picture [unspecified].
  • [12] E.M. Stevens[?], 15 Canynge Square, Clifton, Bristol, 23 Feb [1894?]. Plate [unspecified].
  • [13] Anne Lady Wemyss, Gosford, Longniddry, N.B., 9 Dec 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Picture [unspecified].

3 letters [originally with a note by EVQ Caird's acceptance of the Mastership]. All are from Edward Caird to Sir William Markby concerning Caird's appointment as Master.

        • [1] The University, Glasgow, 10 Nov 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks for the offer of the Mastership, but apprehension about accepting it. Can he think it over?
        • [2] The University, Glasgow, 12 Nov 1893, ALS [2 leaves]. Kind messages from Strachan Davidson and others have made Caird feel that if he becomes Master, he will have their support, and therefore he accepts the Mastership. However, can he take it up next March because of commitments in Glasgow, and make the odd visit to Balliol until then?
        • [3] The University, Glasgow, 8 Feb 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. On using furniture in the Master's Lodgings.


- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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