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Jowett Papers - Group II Class I

Group II

Class I - Class H Letters to and from Benjamin Jowett; Material connected with his teaching

All the contents of this class derive from BJ's own papers. Some of them are explicitly stated to have been found in the Basement to Staircase III; the rest may well have come from there too.


Letters and telegrams written to BJ, mostly in his capacity as Vice-Chancellor, 1882-6. All letters are addressed to BJ, and are written in ink. A note in EVQ's hand with these documents says that they were brought from Basement 3 on 6 Sep 1962.

  • [1] [?] Abbott, Abbey Road, 25 Nov 1885, telegram. A letter will be sent tomorrow (subject unspecified).
  • [2] [?] Abbott, Ludgate Circus, 30 Nov 1885, telegram. He politely declines BJ's nomination [as select preacher to the University?]
  • [3] W.R. Anson, All Souls College, 23 Jun 1886, ALS [1 leaf]. A General Meeting [at All Souls?] has given £300 to the Bodleian. Indications of where he hopes the money will be spent.
  • [4] A.H. Blake, Barmouth Villa, Kingston Road [town not given], 6 Apr 1883, ALS [1 leaf]. On taking his degree [see 31 below].
  • [5] F. Brandis, Bonn, 1 Dec [?], ALS [1 leaf]. Acceptance of an offer to lecture to the I.C.S. students, and suggestions about his lectures' content.
  • [6] H.N. Chandler, Pembroke College, 2 Dec 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. A complaint that some of the Bodleian librarians are eliminating duplicate copies of books too readily.
  • [7] [M.] Creighton, Cambridge, 28 Nov 1885, telegram. He accepts BJ's offer of a select preachership.
  • [8] Lord Camperdown, Weston House, Shipston-On-Stour, 23 Jan 1890, ALS [1 leaf]. Camperdown expresses his misgivings on the appointment of [G.W.] Kekewich to be Secretary of the Education Department.
  • [9] E. Hatch, Board of Faculties Office, Clarendon Building, Oxford,  28 Oct 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. He has received a note from BJ about the Bishop of Chester [on an unspecified subject; something to do with his resigning a seat on a committee, and the possibility of Hatch replacing him?].
  • [10] E. Hatch, Marchfield, Oxford, 5 Dec 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. On the regulations by which Hatch is appointed to a Readership. [attached to this with a brass tag is a note by Matthew Knight giving Hatch's name and reason for writing]
  • [11] Thomas Hughes, Oxford City Council, 14 Apr 1884, ALS [1 leaf; Matthew Knight wrote on the top of this letter Agenda No. 1 28 April/84]. The Hebdomadal Council elects two members of the City Council. Discussion of who to nominate.
  • [12] William Ince, Christ Church, 22 Feb 1883, ALS [1 leaf]. Enclosing a memorial (subject unspecified) for the next meeting of the Curators of the Schools.
  • [13] Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln, Lincoln above hill, 25 Nov 1885, telegram. He politely declines BJ's invitation to preach in the university pulpit.
  • [14] Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln, Hilton House, Lincoln, 25 Nov 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. He politely declines BJ's invitation to preach in the university pulpit.
  • [15] [Sir Henry] King, Hull Road [Hull], 26 Nov 1885, telegram. He won his seat with a majority of 173.
  • [16] G.W. Kitchen, Students' Delegacy, Old Clarendon Buildings, Broad Street, Oxford, 13 Feb 1883, ALS [1 leaf]. Concerning the New [Examination?] Schools: can part of it be set aside for lecture rooms? The Clarendon Buildings is unsatisfactory for this.
  • [17] H.G. Liddell, Christ Church, 25 Oct 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. Can BJ sort out a muddle over a student who had the wrong name entered for examination?
  • [18] J.B. Lightfoot, Bishop of Durham, Auckland Castle, Bishop Auckland, 25 Nov 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. He politely declines BJ's invitation to preach in the university pulpit.
  • [19] Sir William Markby, Balliol, 23 Oct 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. On not excusing [C.E.A.W.] Oldham from responsions.
  • [20] C.P. Meath[?], Sackville Street Club, Dublin, 25 Nov [?], ALS [1 leaf]. On how to make contact with each other [on an unspecified matter]. [This person was at Balliol, but his writing makes identification very difficult]
  • [21] M. Monier Williams, Merton Lea, Oxford, 28 May 1883, ALS [1 leaf]. Request that BJ consider petitions concerning the teaching of Indian and Arabic at Oxford.
  • [22] M. Monier Williams, Merton Lea, Oxford, 5 Nov 1883, ALS [1 leaf]. He has had no reply to 21; can he have one before he leaves for Calcutta?
  • [23] Aubrey L. Moore, 2 Keble Road, Oxford, 26 Nov 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. He accepts his nomination as a select preacher.
  • [24] E. Moore and J.L. Strachan Davidson, Board of Faculties (Literae Humaniores), 21 Oct 1884, probably in Strachan Davidson's hand [1 leaf; Matthew Knight wrote on the top Mem. Enquiry must be made of Dr. Hatch Mr. Lockhart]. Discussion of subjects in the Honour Schools of Moderations are not being discussed at the next meeting [of what?]. Can BJ do something about this?
  • [25] Edward B. Nicholson, Bodleian Library, 3 Dec 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. On the disposal of duplicate copies of books (see 6 above).
  • [26] Edward B. Nicholson, Bodleian Library, 20 Mar 1886, ALS [1 leaf]. On building alterations to the Bodleian Library.
  • [27] Florence Nightingale, 10 South Street, 18 March 1886, ALS [1 leaf (pencil)]. Discussion of providing agricultural lectures for I.C.S. students.
  • [28] Ralph Palmer, 9 Little Stanhope Road, Mayfair W., 18 Mar 1886, ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of the character of McConnell [initials not given], and Palmer's recommendation of him.
  • [29] Estelle Ramsey, Épernay (Marne), 26 Oct 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ told of the pleasure Lady Dalhousie will derive from his letter about her son [who died in 1887]. Thoughts on Lord Dalhousie [her brother-in-law].
  • [30] [C.P. Reichel]. Bishop of Meith, Dublin. Telegram. He accepts BJ's offer of a select preachership.
  • [31] I. Gregory Smith, The Vicarage, Great Malvern, 7 Apr 1883, ALS [2 leaves]. Letter asking that A.H. Blake take his degree at a specified time, and recommendations about his good character [see 4 above].
  • [32] William Stubbs, Kettel Hall, Oxford, 15 Oct 1883, ALS [1 leaf]. Stubbs  accepts the changes to be made in his duties as Regius Professor of Modern History.
  • [33] J.M.O. Westwood, University Museum, Oxford, 25 Apr 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. Enclosing a letter [not preserved] concerning a petition to the Bodleian Curators.
  • [34] John Wordsworth[?], 1 Keble Terrace [Oxford?], 11 Mar 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ's permission requested to give a lecture in the Schools.
  • [35] 3 leaves, one in Frank Fletcher's hand, 2 in Sir William Markby's, of proposed changes in the selection of candidates for the Indian Civil Service.
  • [36] Scrap of paper with list (in an unknown hand) of documents in the BJ collection (including II I1)

Material connected with BJ's interests in India, mostly consisting of correspondence with the India Office concerning the teaching of Indian Civil Service students, dated 1885-93.

[1-2 are in a contemporary envelope inscribed (in an unknown hand) Relating to M r. Godley's Letters]

  • [1] A. Godley to BJ. India Office, Whitehall S.W., 11 Feb 1890, text of letter written by a secretary, with Godley's signature [2 leaves, tagged together]. On the probation period of candidates for the Indian Civil Service. BJ's suggestions have not been adopted.
  • [2] Draft of BJ's reply to the above, n.a., [1890?], all in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. BJ is sorry about the decision referred to in 1, and offers more suggestions concerning candidates for the I.C.S.
  • [3-6 were originally in an envelope inscribed by EVQ I.C.S. Correspondence]
  • [3] BJ to Lord Ripon. Balliol, [?] Mar 1885, draft in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. On the admission of candidates to the Indian Civil Service at what seems to BJ too young an age.
  • [4] BJ to the Secretary of State for India [Lord Kimberley]. Balliol, 4 May 1886, draft in unknown hand, with a few corrections in BJ's hand [2 leaves]. It is folded in a leaf of paper inscribed in Matthew Knight's hand Letter to Secretary of State for India - Agricultural Chemistry. On the creation of a lectureship in agricultural chemistry especially for students for the I.C.S. A table of money paid by Oxford and Cambridge Universities for I.C.S. lecturers is provided.
  • [5] Arthur Godley to BJ. India Office, Whitehall S.W., 30 Jan 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. On Britons working for Mysore, and other Indian states.
  • [6] 2 drafts of a letter from BJ to A. Godley. n.a., n.d. Each draft is two leaves long and is written in Frank Fletcher's hand (in ink), with corrections added in BJ's hand in pencil. One draft is corrected much more heavily than the other. On raising the age of candidates for the Indian Civil Service.
  • [7] Lord Lansdowne to BJ. Viceroy's Camp, 2 Nov 1889, ALS [2 leaves]. Glad to hear that his son Lord Kerry [later 6th Marquess] has passed littlego and his matriculation. News of Lansdowne's tour of the Indus valley, with a description of its people [originally in a modern envelope inscribed Lansdowne 2 Nov 1889].

[8-10 were found together in a modern envelope]

  • [8] A. Godley to BJ. The India Office, Whitehall, S.W., 13 Mar 1889, ALS [2 leaves]. Discussion of BJ's views on the age of candidates for the I.C.S.
  • [9] A. Godley to BJ. The India Office, Whitehall, S.W., 15 Mar 1889, ALS [2 leaves]. More on the above topic.
  • [10] A. Godley to BJ. The India Office, Whitehall, S.W., 15 Mar 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. Since writing 9, Godley has realised that he is due to visit Oxford, and hopes to call on BJ then.

[11-12 were originally in an envelope labelled by EVQ Mysore Appointments]

  • [11] H.J. Bhabha (Education Secretary to the Government of Mysore) to BJ. Office of the Secretary to the Government of Mysore in the Education Department, Bangalore, South India, 2 Jan 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Can BJ find two people to teach English at the Maharajah's College at Mysore? Details of pay and conditions set out.
  • [12] Envelope inscribed in BJ's hand Mysore Appointments. Inside is 1 leaf, also in BJ's hand, with a list of names of candidates for the Mysore post.

[13-15 are in an envelope inscribed in Martha Knight's hand Candidates for Mysore appointment]

  • [13] F.J. Jayne, Bishop of Chester, to BJ. The Palace, Chester, 18 Feb 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Letter of recommendation for [C.J] Hanretté [sic] of Queen's College, Oxford, a candidate for a post at one of the Government Schools at Mysore.
  • [14] Robert J. Wilson to BJ. Keble College, 24 Feb 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Letter of recommendation for James Haines for the same job.
  • [15] J.R Magrath to BJ. Queen's College, 17 Feb 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Also recommends Hanretté for the Mysore post.
  • [16] Printed list of the results of the Final Exams for I.C.S. candidates selected in 1887, July 1889.
  • [17] Draft letter to an unnamed addressee in BJ's hand, n.a., n.d., concerning the age of candidates for the I.C.S. There are two sets of drafts, one in BJ's hand [6 leaves], which is very fragmentary, and a neat copy in an unknown hand [4 leaves. These drafts are in an envelope inscribed (in BJ's hand) Letters to Lord Hastington and Lord Prosser and (in Matthew Knight's hand) from Mr. Primrose. It is unclear how this inscription relates to the contents].

[18-26 were found together in a modern envelope, and 18-21 are in an envelope inscribed in BJ's hand Letters to M r. Godley about the age of Candidates and in Martha Knight's hand also Letters from D r Markby]

  • [18] W.J. Courthope to BJ. Civil Service Commission, Westminster, 27 Mar 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of the age of I.C.S. candidates, and whether or not Oxford University has ever expressed a formal opinion on this. [On the last page of this letter, BJ sketched out some notes (in his own hand in pencil) on the decline of Greek Literature].
  • [19] Sir William Markby to BJ. Headington Hill, Oxford, 2 Apr 1889, ALS [2 leaves]. On the result of a meeting with Courthope concerning the age of I.C.S. candidates. Advice on how to proceed in this matter. He ends with a draft letter which BJ, Dean Liddell, and others might send to the Secretary of State for India [Lord Cross] on the topic.
  • [20] Sir William Markby to BJ. Headington Hill, Oxford, 5 Apr 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. On altering the draft letter in 19 above.
  • [21] Sir William Markby to BJ. Headington Hill, Oxford, 8 Apr 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. More on altering the draft letter in 19 above.
  • [22] Alfred Marshall to BJ. Balliol Croft, Cambridge, 29 Nov 1889, ALS [2 leaves]. On Cambridge University's administration of I.C.S. candidates, and its action over the question of their age.
  • [23] BJ to A. Godley. Balliol, 24 Mar 1890, ALS [1 leaf]. More on the age of I.C.S. candidates.
  • [24] A.C. Lyall to BJ. India Office, Whitehall S.W., 10 Feb 1890 ALS [2 leaves]. On the period of probation for I.C.S. candidates.
  • [25] S.J. Nicholl to BJ. 11 Thornfield Road W., 22 Apr 1889, ALS [2 leaves]. On the period of probation for I.C.S. candidates.
  • [26] H.W. Primrose to BJ. Government House, Simla, 1 Sep 1882, ALS [2 leaves]. On the age of I.C.S. candidates.
  • [27] Printed circular (undated) with proposed schemes for the Indian Civil Service Examination submitted by the Civil Service Commissioners and Oxford and Cambridge alongside the final agreed scheme [1 leaf].

[28-40 were in a modern envelope]

  • [28] 4 copies of a letter from an unnamed writer (almost certainly BJ) to Sir William Markby. n.a., n.d., 1 copy is in Frank Fletcher's hand [with three words at the bottom in BJ's hand in pencil], the other 3 are all in the same unknown one [each is 1 leaf]. BJ cannot attend a meeting [on the I.C.S.] in Oxford, and makes some proposals on the probation period of candidates.
  • [29] Printed circular entitled Memorandum of the Cambridge Board of the Indian Civil Service Studies, relating to proposed changes in the competitive examination for first selection of candidates for the Indian Civil Service, n.d. [1 leaf].
  • [30] Printed copy of a letter to the Secretary of State for India from the heads of Oxford colleges and many of the fellows n.d. [2 leaves stuck together]. Concerning the age of candidates for the I.C.S. A schedule with proposals for how the candidates should be examined is attached.
  • [31] Printed copy of a draft letter from an unnamed writer to [Lord Cross?], n.a., 21 June 1890 [1 leaf]. On teaching provision for I.C.S. students at Oxford.
  • [32] Printed circuler [undated], designed for colleges to send out [and therefore with blanks left for the college to fill in its own name] explaining the new regulations for candidates for the I.C.S.
  • [33] Printed circular entitled Statement relating to the arrangements made in the University of Oxford for the reception and training of Selected Candidates for the Indian Civil Service [1 leaf]. Undated [but see [34] below] and unsigned.
  • [34] 1 leaf, smaller than [33] above, but bearing  exactly the same printed text, with [Enclosure.] added at the top, and a date of 21 Jun 1890 at the bottom.
  • [35] Printed circular from Sir William Markby, no addressee or address given, dated 29 Nov 1889. Sir William expresses his views on the proposed changes in the selection and training of I.C.S. candidates [1 leaf].
  • [36] 2 printed leaves sewn together, titled Scheme of Examination for the Indian Civil Service. Note by the Under Secretary of State [A. Godley], dated 9 Dec 1889. Godley sets out his ideas on the selection of I.C.S. candidates. An unknown hand has written Confidential on the top left corner of the first page.
  • [37] Printed circular from the Colonial Office, dated 31 Oct 1888, titled Ceylon Cadetships. New regulations set out for cadets who will join the Civil Service there.
  • [38] Printed circular from the Colonial Office, dated 31 Oct 1888, titled Hong Kong Cadetships. New regulations set out for cadets who will join the Civil Service there.
  • [39] Printed circular from the Colonial Office, dated 31 Oct 1888, titled Straits Settlement Cadetships. New regulations set out for cadets who will join the Civil Service there.
  • [40] Empty envelope inscribed in Frank Fletcher's hand Correspondence with India Office etc.

A collection of religious passages and prayers by BJ, with some accompanying correspondence, almost all apparently dating from c.1891/2. Although only a few items are dated, this late date is confirmed by the extensive use of Charlotte Green as an amanuensis, and the allusions to BJ's serious illness of Autumn 1891. Many leaves are in other hands than BJ's; most are those of his regular amenuenses, to whom presumably he dictated this material. Almost all these leaves are in a very fragile condition.

  • [1] 1 leaf in BJ's hand (pencil) titled Texts for Knowledge and Wisdom. List of relevant references from the Bible.
  • [2] 1 leaf in BJ's hand (ink and pencil) titled Versicles Introductory to the Morning Service on Monday on Youth & Wisdom. List of references to passages from the Bible.
  • [3] 1 leaf mostly in BJ's hand, with a few lines in Matthew Knight's (pencil) titled A Prayer for Knowledge. BJ's drafts for a prayer. On the back side are more fragmentary drafts for a prayer titled Oct 29 1891 Prayers against party spirit.
  • [4] 1 leaf in BJ's hand (pencil) titled Lessons. Lists of references to suitable biblical passages.
  • [5] 1 leaf in BJ's hand (pencil), untitled, which lists references to biblical passages (for lessons or sermon texts?).
  • [6] 1 leaf in BJ's hand (pencil) titled [illegible] Friday Imitation of Christ. Lists of references to suitable biblical passages.
  • [7] 1 leaf in BJ's hand (pencil), untitled, with several titles (for prayers or sermons?).
  • [8] 1 leaf (of Claydon House paper), 3 sides in BJ's hand, 1 in Martha Knight's (ink with some pencil). BJ's contribution is titled A Prayer for Truth and Knowledge, Martha Knight's (now deleted) Subjects for other Prayers.
  • [9] 1 leaf in BJ's hand (pencil) titled Prayer at the near approach of departure. An alternative version is at 26 below.
  • [10] 1 leaf in BJ's hand (pencil, in very poor condition) titled Truth and Wisdom. References to biblical passages [which are presumably relevant to this theme].
  • [11] 1 leaf in Frank Fletcher's hand (ink), titled Psalm CXIX, with two verses from it quoted below.
  • [12] 1 leaf in Frank Fletcher's hand titled (on both sides) Truth and wisdom. Passages or Lessons (ink). Collection of relevant references from the Book of Job on one side, with relevant references from various books of the Bible.
  • [13] 1 leaf in Martha Knight's hand (ink) titled Prayer (II) For love and friendship. Draft prayer.
  • [14] 1 leaf in Matthew Knight's hand (ink and pencil) titled Ecclesiastes: for consideration, with references to passages from it.
  • [15] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Subjects of Prayer. Titles of prayers only.
  • [16] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled The contrast of strength and weakness. Draft for a prayer.
  • [17] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink), untitled. Two titles for prayers.
  • [18] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Memoranda respecting Psychology. Notes.
  • [19] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled A Prayer for Knowledge I. Drafts for 3prayers numbered I, II and III.
  • [20] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled IV. Drafts for 2 prayers numbered IV and V.
  • [21] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled VI. Draft prayer.
  • [22] 1 leaf in Martha Knight's hand (ink) titled VII. Draft prayer.
  • [23] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled VIII. Draft prayer.
  • [24] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled IX. Draft prayer.
  • [25] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled X. Draft prayer.
  • [26] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled XI. Drafts for 2 prayers, numbered XI and XII.
  • [27] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled XIII Prayer at the near approach of departure. Draft for 2 prayers, numbered XIII and XIV.
  • [28] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Prayer for the Church XV. Draft prayer.
  • [29] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Prayer for children. Draft prayer.
  • [30] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Prayer for the State. Draft prayer.
  • [31] 2 leaves in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Oct 21 1891 (these leaves have rotted in such a way that they cannot be completely separated). Comments by BJ (taken down by Mrs. Green) on having survived his illness.
  • [32] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Books to be given away. List of books to be given to Frank Fletcher and C.J. Edwards (of Oriel).
  • [33] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink), untitled. part of a longer piece of writing, perhaps of a prayer dictated by BJ.
  • [34] 2 leaves in an unknown hand (perhaps Charlotte Green's?) (pencil), untitled. A list of Sundays with comments by them (perhaps on the sermons preached at them?).
  • [35] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink), untitled. Suggestion concerning how to spend the money accumulated to Balliol from the Powell charity.
  • [36] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Query. Questions on the observation of communion.
  • [37] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink), untitled. Titles of prayers.
  • [38] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Truth and Wisdom. Versicles - Monday. Selected passages probably from the Bible, without any references given (almost certainly chosen by BJ).
  • [39] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled Love and Friendship. Versicles - Tuesday. Selected passages probably from the Bible, without any references given (almost certainly chosen by BJ).
  • [40] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink) titled The Duties of Life. Versicles - Wednesday. Selected passages probably from the Bible, without any references given (almost certainly chosen by BJ).
  • [41] 1 leaf in Charlotte Green's hand (ink, with one line at the end in BJ's hand in pencil) titled Holiness. Versicles - Thursday. Selected passages probably from the Bible, without any references given (almost certainly chosen by BJ).
  • [42] 1 leaf in Martha Knight's titled Prayer for Holiness (III) (ink). Draft prayer
  • [43] 1 leaf, all in Charlotte Green's hand, except for two lines at the end, in Martha Knight's (ink), titled Prayer V - a Prayer for Industry. Draft prayer, apparently unfinished,  as Martha Knight's comment suggests.
  • [44] 1 leaf, all in Charlotte Green's hand, titled VI VII IV Prayer for the College (ink). Draft prayer.
  • [45] 1 leaf titled 34+35 Vict ch. 26 sect.6 (ink; Sir William Markby's hand?). Quotations from this act, and one of Charles II's, concerning the reading of Morning and Evening Prayer.
  • [46] Proof from the OUP, stamped 7 Apr 1892. 16pp, the last few very fragile. Proof of an Introductory Lecture - the Historical Study of Religion [by whom?].
  • [47] Letter from P.Lyttleton Gell to BJ, Langley Lodge, 26 Nov 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. Comments on versicles and prayers selected and written by BJ [which probably includes items in II I2-I3]
  • [48] Letter from F. Max Müller to BJ, 7 Norham Gardens, 23 Nov 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is sent some passages from Eastern literature which could be used for prayers.

Collection of documents in unknown hands, which came into BJ's possession. All except 3 undated, but some at least seem to date from the 1840s-1850s.

  • [1] 2 leaves (the second one numbered 2), in an unknown hand, but one which seems more appropriate for the early or mid 19th century, titled Middle Class Education. Discussion of the deficiencies of education for the middle classes.
  • [2] 5 leaves (numbered), in the same unknown hand as 1, with a few corrections in BJ's hand (both hands in ink), untitled. Discussion of education reform.
  • [3] 5 leaves (2 large, 2 quarto and 1 small) all in the same unknown hand as 1-2, except for the smallest [which is in BJ's[, (ink), and a comment in BJ's hand (pencil) Papers at which I worked with Lord Russell about the year 1858. Discussion of Education reform.
  • [4] 2 leaves (numbered), in an unknown hand (ink), titled Reasons against Poverty as a Restriction. Notes written with regard to the University reforms (probably those of the 1850s).
  • [5] Poem To a Friend who bade me write some hymns, with 5 hymns [ink; 6 leaves in all]. The `Friend' is BJ; the hand is unknown; the quality of the poetry lamentable.

Reviews of BJ's translations of Plato (first and second editions) and Thucydides.

  • [1] Complete copy of The Spectator, No. 2233, 15 Apr 1875. Pages numbered 433-464 (the tops of the last two pages have rotted away). Anonymous review of BJ's Plato on pp.452-3.
  • [2] Complete copy of The Academy, No. 22, 15 Apr 1875. Inside pages numbered 213-32. Review of BJ's Plato by W.H. Thompson on pp.223-7.
  • [3] Complete copy of The Academy, No. 23, 1 May 1875. Inside pages numbered 233-56. Continuation of the review of BJ's Plato by W.H. Thompson on pp.243-6.
  • [4] Complete copy of Theologisch Tijdshrift, 6e Jaargang - 2e Stuk. 1872. Pages numbered 129-240 [most are uncut]. Review [in Dutch] of BJ's Plato by B.H.C.K. van der Wijck on pp.129-77.
  • [5] Complete copy of the New York Tribune, Vol.XXX No. 9355, 31 Mar 1871. 8pp. Anonymous review of BJ's Plato on p.6.
  • [6] Cutting from the New York Daily Tribune, 31 Mar 1871, p.6, bearing an anonymous review of BJ's Plato.
  • [7] Cutting from unnamed paper (possibly The Times), undated, with the end of an anonymous review of BJ's Plato.
  • [8] Cutting from the Melbourne Argus, 11 Feb 1882 (with piece of paper glued on to identify it, page no. not given, with an anonymous review of BJ's Thucydides.
  • [10] Leaf (numbered 747-748) from an unknown German periodical, with the first part of a review of Geschichte des semitischen Alterthums in Tabellen by Victor Floigl.

Collection of questions asked BJ by undergraduates at his lectures on Greek philosophy, with his answers. They are identical in format with others found and elsewhere (See General Note to I D34 for details of their appearance). Dates have been added to the top leaf in each group, probably in Frank Fletcher's hand. The lectures were given in 1892-3. All questions were answered. As always, the questions were written in ink, BJ's replies in pencil or blue crayon.

These leaves are in a very fragile condition.

  • [1] Folded leaf in which 6-7, 11 and 13-14 were found, with a list of undergraduates attending BJ's lectures in c. 1892. They are as follows (all from Balliol unless otherwise stated) R.F. Wilkins, G.E. Thompson. F.A. Oldaker, A.T. Cunliffe, F.D. Evans (from B.N.C.), J.E. M cFadyen, W. Burns (from Pembroke), T.B. Jex-Blake, A.S. Owen (from New College), W.D. Ellis (from New College). P. Hanson and F.H. Dale [A blank leaf which enclosed 4-5, 8-10, 12 and 15 had rotted away].
  • [2] 15 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on Thursday 26 May [1892] by J. Watt, R.F. Wilkins, R.E.N Younger, Ernest Weller, Collins, G.E. Thompson, F.A. Oldaker, H.C. Moore, E. Worthington Powell, C. Bailey, J.E. M cFadyen, P.E. Morrell, H.A. Cohen, E.O. Davies and H.W. Milner.
  • [3] 11 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on Thursday 20 Oct 1892 by J.E. M cFadyen, A.T. Cunliffe, C. Bailey, James Watt, 2 anonymous, A.H. Grant, H.C. Moore, F.H. Dale, P. Hanson and H.W. Milner.
  • [4] 10 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on Thursday 27 Oct [1892] by R.K. Hannay, F.H. Dale, P. Hanson, F.A. Oldaker, Collins, C. Bailey, J.E. M cFadyen, G.E. Thompson, A.T. Cunliffe, and H.W. Milner.
  • [5] 9 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on Thursday 3 Nov [1892] by P. Hanson, F.H. Dale, H.A. Cohen, Collins, A.T. Cunliffe, F.A. Oldaker, G.E. Thompson, James Watt, H.W. Milner and J.E. M cFadyen.
  • [6] 8 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on Thursday Nov. 10 [1892] by R.R. Hannay, H,W, Milner., H.A. Cohen, F.A. Oldaker, G.E. Thompson, F.H. Dale, P. Hanson and J.E. M cFadyen.
  • [7] 7 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on 17 Nov [1892?] by C. Bailey, James Watt, P. Hanson, F.H. Dale, H.W. Milner, H.A. Cohen and J.E. M cFadyen.
  • [8] 6 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on 24 Nov [1892?] by P. Hanson, F.A. Oldaker, H.W. Milner, Collins, A.T. Cunliffe, and J.E. M cFadyen.
  • [9] 7 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on 28 Jan 1893 by F.H. Dale, P. Hanson, A.T. Cunliffe, R.F. Wilkins, W.D. Ellis, [J.E.] M cFadyen, and A.S. Owen.
  • [10] 4 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on 28 Jan [1893?] by A.T. Cunliffe, A.H. Grant, H.W. Milner, and J.E. M cFadyen.
  • [11] 10 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on 4 Feb [1893?] by J.E. M cFadyen, C. Bailey, F.A. Oldaker, G.E. Thompson, R.F. Wilkins, A.T. Cunliffe, E, Worthington Powell, P. Hanson, F. Dale and W.D. Ellis.
  • [12] 7 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on 11 Feb [1893?] by P. Hanson, C. Bailey, A.S. Owen, J.E. M cFadyen, F.A. Oldaker, W.B. Ellis and F.H. Dale.
  • [13] 7 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy on 18 Feb [1893?] by A.S. Owen, W. Benson, F.A. Oldaker, J.E. M cFadyen, P. Hanson, F.H. Dale and C. Bailey.
  • [14] Question asked of BJ on Greek philosophy (undated) by C. Bailey.
  • [15] 2 questions asked of BJ on Greek philosophy (undated) by R.F. Wilkins and James Watt.
  • [16] 3 leaves tagged together; one is a letter from (?) Laing to BJ, 48 Wellington Square, Oxford, 28 Feb [?], ALS [1 leaf], giving BJ an essay question, and two leaves bearing questions on general philosophy by F. Fletcher [not BJ's amanuensis] and P. Duncan (BJ did not give replies).
  • [17] Scrap of paper in Frank Fletcher's hand reading `Subjects for College Essays, Questions for Scholarships etc.'
  • [18] Scrap of paper in Frank Fletcher's hand which reads Lectionary October 1891.

Miscellaneous items connected with BJ's lecturing and teaching activities. Most items dated to the 1880s-1890s, but a few are earlier.

Many of these items are now very fragile.

  • [1] 1 leaf of paper in BJ's hand (ink) titled Resolutions (almost half of it has rotted away). A series of headings, connected with philosophy, purpose unclear.
  • [2] 5 leaves in an unknown hand, with a few corrections in BJ's hand (all ink) titled Remarks &c. Text of a speech(?) proposing alterations to the Finals School.
  • [3] Scrap of paper inscribed in Martha Knight's hand (ink) Lecture Questions.
  • [4] Untitled leaf in an unknown hand (pencil) concerning the building of lodgings for 40 men at Balliol. Undated.
  • [5] 1 large leaf in an unknown hand (ink) titled Subjects for Essay. A selection of essay titles on theology and classical and modern literature, history and philosophy, dated to Lent, Easter and Michaelmas Terms 1886 (for Balliol undergraduates to do).
  • [6] 5 sets of essay titles dated 24 and 31 Jan 1887 and 7, 14 and 21 Feb 1887, on theology and classical and modern literature, history and philosophy, the first and the last in BJ's hand, the others in an unknown one (all ink).
  • [7] 2 leaves of essays on theology and classical and modern literature, history and philosophy, one in Matthew Knight's hand (ink), the other in BJ's hand (ink) and Matthew Knight's (pencil).
  • [8] 2 leaves of essay questions on theology and classical and modern literature, history and philosophy, both in Matthew Knight's hand, one headed Scholarship.
  • [9] Empty envelope inscribed in Frank Fletcher's hand Subjects for College Essays.
  • [10] 1 leaf with essay questions on theology and classical and modern literature, history and philosophy in Matthew Knight's hand (ink).
  • [11] Envelope inscribed in Frank Fletcher's hand Questions on Philosophy and Politial Economy. It contains 2 leaves of questions on these topics, both in Matthew Knight's hand (ink).
  • [12] Envelope inscribed in Frank Fletcher's hand Questions on Aristotle's Politics and Greek History. Contains 1 leaf of questions on the Politics and 2 on Greek History, all in Matthew Knight's hand (ink), except for a few lines in BJ's hand (ink and pencil) on the Greek history questions.
  • [13] Envelope inscribed in Frank Fletcher's hand Questions on Shakespeare.  Contains 3 leaves of questions, all in Matthew Knight's hand (ink).
  • [14] Envelope inscribed in Frank Fletcher's hand Divinity Questions. Contains 3 leaves of questions, 2 in BJ's hand, 1 in an unknown one (all ink).
  • [15] Envelope inscribed in Frank Fletcher's hand Greek Prose. Contains a unattributed English passage [written out in an unknown hand] to be translated into Greek Prose.
A letter from BJ to an unknown correspondent. Balliol, 18 May [c.1855], ALS [2 leaves]. BJ asks his correspondent to examine the Lincoln statutes in the light of the election for Rector [of 1851, which Mark Pattison lost], which aroused so much ill-feeling. BJ proposes changes for the Lincoln statutes, and those of other colleges [in an envelope inscribed in Matthew Knight's hand Lincoln College etc.. The original context of this letter, or how it came to be here, is unknown].

- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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