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Jowett Papers - Group II Class J

Group II

Class J - Material connected with Abbott and Campbell's work on Benjamin Jowett

Almost all of this material comes from the Abbott and Campbell papers, and dates from 1894-6. Only J1 comes from BJ's own papers.

  • 2 drafts of an untitled essay on philology. The first draft contains 17 leaves in Frank Fletcher's hand, heavily revised by Fletcher himself (leaves 2-17 are numbered 1-16), tied together with string. The second draft is 13 pages long: 10 leaves (numbered 1-10) are in Frank Fletcher's hand and 3 in Martha Knight's. Fletcher's draft here is revised in BJ's hand in pencil. Martha Knight's leaves are stamped by the OUP for 19 Jul 1889.

Drafts by Evelyn Abbott and other related material for Vol. II of A & C, which was his responsibility.

  • [1] Extract from the College minutes(?) (in an unknown hand) for 13 Oct 1870 and 14 Apr 1871, on the duties of the college bursar [1 leaf].
  • [2] Envelope inscribed (by Evelyn Abbott?) 1872. Drafts in Evelyn Abbott's hand for his account of BJ's life for 1872. Amongst these papers is a letter from Alfred Robinson to Abbott, Holmfield, Aigburth, Liverpool, 4 Jan 1895, ALS [2 leaves]. Robinson explains to Abbott a reference in the Undergraduates' Journal for 1872 to the Royal Commission appointed to report on the revenues of Oxford and Cambridge Colleges.
  • [3] Envelope inscribed (by Evelyn Abbott?) 1873. Drafts, mostly in Evelyn Abbott's hand, for his account of BJ's life for 1873.
  • [4] MS copy in an unknown hand of a leader from The Times for 27 Oct 1874, reporting a sermon preached by BJ on Science and Theology [3 leaves].
  • [5] Drafts in Evelyn Abbott's hand for his account of BJ's life for 1874, especially concerning the founding of Bristol University.
  • [6] MS copy (in unknown hand) of an extract from the Western Daily News for 2 Sep 1875, which carried a speech given by BJ at a meeting in support of the University at Bristol [9 leaves held together with a brass tag].
  • [7] Envelope inscribed (by Abbott?) Ch. IV - V - VI. Drafts in Evelyn Abbott's hand for his account of BJ's life for 1875-8.
  • [8] Large leaf of brown paper inscribed in Evelyn Abbott's hand Chapter VII-VIII. Drafts in Evelyn Abbott's hand for his account of BJ's life for 1878-1882.
  • [9] Envelope inscribed in Evelyn Abbott's hand Ch IX 84-86. Drafts in Evelyn Abbott's hand for his account of BJ's life for 1882-1886. Included in it are the following extra documents:
    • [1] Letter from W.N. Bruce to Abbott, Charity Commissioners, Whitehall W., 7 Nov 1895, ALS [2 leaves] [parts of this letter which were not to be printed are crossed out]. Bruce gives an account of how a production of the Agamemnon was put on in Balliol Hall in 1880.
    • [2] Letter from W.L. Courtney to Abbott, n.a. n.d., ALS? [8 leaves]. On the early history of acting in Oxford, and BJ's role in it.
    • [3] Reminiscences by Matthew Knight, MS [5 leaves], of BJ, including why BJ gave up work on Aristotle's Politics.
    • [4] List of entertainments in Balliol Hall, 1884-1893, partly in Abbott's hand, partly in an unknown one.
  • [10] Drafts and notes for various parts of both volumes of A & C, including a prayer by Henry Jowett [BJ's great-uncle].

Small NB (160 by 100mm), black leather cloth cover (slightly discoloured), labelled in an unknown hand M.E.. 91 leaves, many blank. Pages lined. Pencil, some ink. This NB was Lewis Campbell's, and was used originally for Abbott's own general notes, but then to jot down material for A & C in 1894.

  • Various jottings by Campbell, not related to A & C 1-23
  • Notes headed BJ [on sermons, including those of A.P. Stanley] 24
  • [Notes on BJ at Askrigg and Tummel Bridge in 1864] 25-7
  • [Notes on Tennyson and Boehm's statue of Stanley] 28
  • [Notes on BJ on Leaper, Lord Justice Grove, Sir B. Brodie, Fraser, Tait and Donkin] 29
  • [Miscellaneous memories of BJ, including several obiter dicta] 30-36
  • Sunday Jany 7 th 1894 [Notes of an interview with] M[argaret] E[lliot about BJ] 37
  • [Various unrelated jottings by Campbell] 38
  • [resumption of the interview with Margaret Elliot, and Campbell's thoughts on it] 39-49
  • [further interview with Margaret Elliot, but whereas the previous notes were written in pencil, these are written in ink (in Fanny Campbell's hand?). Subjects include Lady Stanley of Alderley, Florence Nightingale, and A.P. Stanley] 50-54
  • [Various unrelated jottings by Campbell] 80-91

Letters from various people to Evelyn Abbott, connected with work on A & C and dated 1893-8. Their subject matter includes searches for BJ's ancestry, reminiscences of BJ, and the sending of letters and other material. All letters are addressed to Evelyn Abbott unless otherwise indicated. EVQ wrote the names of the writers on many letters.

  • [1] G.G. Berry, 18 Walton Street, Oxford, 23 Apr 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [2] G.G. Berry to Balliol, 18 Walton Street, Oxford, 22 Apr 1894, ALS [2 leaves]. He encloses a copy in his own hand of a letter from H. Venn to Henry Jowett [BJ's great-uncle], dated 26 Feb 1780. Thoughts on other members of BJ's family, and how to find out more about them.
  • [3] G.G. Berry, 18 Walton Street, Oxford, 14 May 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. On the identity of "Rats' Castle" [once part of Balliol].
  • [4] George Bewsley(?), Upton, Slough, Berks., 10 Mar 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. He grants permission to use material of his in A & C.
  • [5] G.D. Boyle, Deanery, Salisbury, 5 May 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. On sending Abbott a letter from BJ.
  • [6] Horatio Brown, Casa Torresella, Zattere, Venice, 13 Feb 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. Brown is to send Abbott five letters from BJ to J.A. Symonds. He is happy to have them published.
  • [7] Horatio Brown, Casa Torresella, Zattere, Venice, 14 Feb 1895 [visiting card with note on the back]. Brown will send 2 letters from BJ [almost certainly to J.A. Symonds]
  • [8] Horatio Brown, Casa Torresella, Zattere, Venice, 15 Feb 1895 [visiting card with note on the back]. Brown to send an 8th letter from BJ to J.A. Symonds.
  • [9] Horatio Brown, Casa Torresella, Zattere, Venice, 27 Mar 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks Abbott for telling him which passages from the letters have been selected [for publication].
  •  [10] Lewis Campbell, 33 Camden House Chambers W, 22 Sep 1898, ALS [1 leaf]. He sends letters from BJ to C.J. Roundell.
  • [11] Frances Power Cobbe, Hengwrt [sic], Dolgelley, N. Wales, 16 Feb [?] ALS [2 leaves], preserved in an envelope with stamp [postmark Bridgewater 29 Jul 1897]. Concerning John Ruskin's resignation of the Slade Professorship, and a letter he wrote to BJ on the subject. Can Abbott find it? Enclosed with this is a cutting from an unknown source with a letter from John Ruskin to the Pall Mall Gazette, 25 Apr 1885, on his resignation and his sending a letter to BJ, as well as a letter from Abbott to an unnamed Rector, 9 St. Cross Road, Oxford, 18 Feb [?], written to accompany Miss Cobbe's letter, in which he assumes that Ruskin's letter was destroyed with all other letters sent to BJ.
  • [12] M. Rees Davies, 23 Burlington Road, Withington, Manchester, 10 Jan 1895, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. He is the only member of the staff of the now defunct Manchester Examiner left in the city, but he will try to find references in it to BJ's visit there in 1871.
  • [13] M. Rees Davies, 23 Burlington Road, Withington, Manchester, 16 Jan 1898, ALS [1 leaf]. Encloses a transcript of BJ's speech on the opening of new buildings at Manchester Grammar School.
  • [14] E.M. Dicey, W. Malvern, 14 Apr 1894 [year from postmark], APS. Her husband [A.V. Dicey] is in Paris.
  • [15] A.M Fairbairn, Mansfield College, Oxford, 19 Oct 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. He is unsure if he can remember clearly his conversations with BJ.
  • [16] John Farmer, 21 Beaumont Street, Oxford, 28 Jan 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. He will do his best to provide reminiscences of BJ.
  • [17] W. Yorke Fausset, Grammar School, Bishopston Close, Ripon, 15 Mar 1894, ALS [2 leaves]. Reminiscences of BJ.
  • [18] W. Yorke Fausset, Grammar School, Bishopston Close, Ripon, 7 May 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. He will make inquiries for Abbott concerning Henry Jowett.
  • [19] W. Yorke Fausset to Abbott, Grammar School, Bishopston Close, Ripon, 31 May 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. On trying to hunt down unidentifed ancestors of BJ.
  • [20] W. Yorke Fausset, Grammar School, Bishopston Close, Ripon, 12 Jun [1894], ALS [1 leaf]. Printed slip With the Headmaster's compliments, and a few comments [presumably Fausset sent various material on Henry Jowett with this note].
  • [21] W. Yorke Fausset, Grammar School, Bishopston Close, Ripon, 1 July 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks for returning BJ's letters to him.
  • [22] John Findlay, Scotsman Office, Edinburgh, 21 Sep 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. On reports in the Scotsman concerning BJ's lectures on Johnson in 1871, and a sermon preached by him at this time in Greyfriars Church. Would Abbott like copies of them?
  • [23] W.H. Fremantle, The Precincts, Canterbury, 8 Dec 1894, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. Letter enclosing a printed pamphlet [16 pp] on the life and death of their son William Archibald Culling Fremantle.
  • [24] W.H. Fremantle, Hotel des Princes, Biarritz, 10 May 1895, APS. He is sending back proofs [of the edition of BJ's sermons] with comments.
  • [25] Lewis Fry, Goldney House, Clifton Hill, Bristol, 30 Mar 1895, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. On BJ's relationship with Bristol University.
  • [26] P. Lyttleton Gell to Abbott, 18 Mar 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. On information concerning BJ's time at St. Pauls. He tells of disappointment in some quarters at the choice of Caird as Master of Balliol.
  • [27] Susan Grant, 4 Gillespie Terrace, St. Andrews, 7 Mar 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Glad to hear that Abbott is helping Campbell and Lord Bowen in writing BJ's biography. She will try to find letters from BJ and send them to him.
  • [28] Susan Grant, St. Andrews, 23 May 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks for returning BJ's letters.
  • [29] M.S. Grant Duff, York House, Twickenham, Middlesex, 23 Apr 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. He will try to find some letters from BJ, and send them to Abbott.
  • [30] M.S. Grant Duff, York House, Twickenham, Middlesex, 2 May 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Two letters from BJ enclosed [not preserved].
  • [31] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, Oxford, 10 Jan 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry that Abbott plans to move out of Headington.
  • [32] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, Oxford, 3 Mar [1894?], ALS [1 leaf]. Mrs. Green is going to visit her sister-in-law [Catherine Symonds].
  • [33] Charlotte Green, c/o Mrs Gibbs, 3 Chestnut Walk, Stratford on Avon, 7 Sep 1894, ALS [2 leaves]. She does not enjoy Stratford, and misses Malvern.
  • [34] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, Oxford, 9 Oct 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. She encloses a letter from Florence Nightingale, who has been commenting on a draft of A & C. Mrs. Green's thoughts on the same passage.
  • [35] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, Oxford, 16 Nov [1893 or 1894?], ALS [1 leaf]. Account of a meeting with Mrs. Caird [Edward Caird's wife].
  • [36] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, Oxford, 21 Nov [1893 or 1894?], ALS [1 leaf]. On being unable to visit an [unspecified] cemetery [for an unspecified purpose].
  • [37] Charlotte Green, 9 Banbury Road, Oxford, Friday [late 1893-1894?], ALS [1 leaf]. Account of her visit to an [unspecified] cemetery to consider the size of grave monuments there [was this with regard to a monument to BJ there?].
  • [38] J.J. Hannah, Philpots, East Grinstead, Sussex, 15 Apr 1894, TS [1 leaf]. He plans to visit Miss Langhorne in Brighton.
  • [39] William M. Hardinge, Royal Torbay Yacht Club, Torquay, 4 Mar 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. He has sent off his recollections of BJ to a paper. He will send Abbott a copy when he can. Description of its length and content.
  • [40] E. Harrison, 45 Peel Street, Eccles, Nr. Manchester, 28 Mar 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. He sends 16 letters by BJ. Can he have them back when Abbott has finished with them?
  • [41] E. Harrison, 45 Peel Street, Eccles, Nr. Manchester, 10 Jun 1894 [a certificate for a registered postal package dated 6 Jun 1894 is enclosed], ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks for the packet of letters.
  • [42] Horace Hart, University Press, Oxford, 8 Jan 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. He will try to find any evidence of BJ's connection with the Press and send it on.
  • [43] Horace Hart, University Press, Oxford, 28 Feb 1895, TS with Hart's signature [1 leaf]. The Press plans to reprint BJ's Thucydides.
  • [44] Sir Robert G.W. Herbert, Ickleton, Great Chesterford, Essex, 22 May 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Encloses a letter from BJ.
  • [45] C.P. Ilbert, 67 Gloucester Place, Portman Square W., 25 Apr 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks for sending him a packet [of letters from BJ?].
  • [46] J. Jeavons-Cox to Abbott, 16 Marlborough Road, Bedford Park, London W., 28 Apr 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. On the origins of BJ's family; she thinks they came from Yorkshire.
  • [47] Large leaf in J. Jeavons-Cox's hand concerning Henry Jowett and Rev. William Jowett.
  • [48] Mrs. Caroline G. Jowett to Abbott, Greenwood, Gipsy Hill, Norwood S.E., 26 Apr 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. She will send an MS about a concert. She also alludes to a book which mentions several early 19th century Jowetts.
  • [49] Mrs. Caroline G. Jowett to Abbott, Greenwood, Gipsy Hill, Norwood S.E., 30 Apr 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. She sends more information about BJ's ancestry.
  • [50] Unnamed writer (writing on behalf of Caroline Jowett) to Abbott, n.a. [postmark Norwood]. 9 Jul 1894, APS. Mrs. Jowett is in Switzerland, and her parcel arrived safely.
  • [51] Mrs. Caroline G. Jowett to Abbott, Pontresina, 12 July 1894, APS. Thanks for a photograph of BJ's concert sketch [sic].
  • [52] Martha Knight, Stisted Hall, Braintree, 16 Jan [1895], ALS [1 leaf]. She has finished, at Lady Airlie's urging, a brief memoir of BJ. Would Abbott like to see it? Has Abbott contacted Mrs. Asquith to see if she has kept her letters from BJ?
  • [53] Martha Knight, Stisted Hall, Braintree, 21 Jan [1895], ALS [1 leaf]. Arangements to meet.
  • [54] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 2 Apr 1894, APS. He will try to write down his memories of BJ for Abbott and Campbell.
  • [55] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 5 Sep 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. On printing Extracts from BJ's Plato.
  • [56] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 23 Sep 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. News of work on Knight's translation of Herodotus.
  • [57] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 5 Oct 1894, APS. Thanks for sending [unspecified] MSS.
  • [58] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 18 Oct 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Returning 2 lectures by BJ on Socrates.
  • [59] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 10 Nov 1894, APS. Has received some MSS safely.
  • [60] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 26 Nov 1894, APS, envelope with stamp preserved. Knight is sending a typescript of BJ's lectures on Education, and memoranda concerning him.
  • [61] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 6 Dec 1894, APS. Has received some MSS safely.
  • [62] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 21 Dec 1894, APS. He sends 2 lectures by BJ [on Boswell and Johnson?], and is unsure which edition of Boswell BJ used.
  • [63] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 27 Dec 1894, APS, envelope with stamp preserved. Enclosing a typescript of six lectures; he is now at work on the sermons.
  • [64] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 31 Dec 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Has received some MSS safely.
  • [65] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 10 Jan 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of difficult points in BJ's sermons.
  • [66] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 31 Jan 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. Enclosing TS copies of 8 of BJ's sermons.
  • [67] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 5 Feb 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. Memories of BJ's illness at Malvern (he is uncertain what year it was).
  • [68] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 17 Feb 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. News of work in hand; list of which years he was in Davos.
  • [69] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 4 Mar 1895, APS. Has received some MSS safely.
  • [70] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 13 Mar 1895, APS. Could Abbott tell him when he receives his next parcel of letters from Knight?
  • [71] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 15 Mar 1895, APS. Has received some MSS safely.
  • [72] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 25 Mar 1895, APS. Is sending off another packet of MSS.
  • [73] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 28 Mar 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. Enclosing a bill for copying BJ's sermons and letters.
  • [74] Matthew Knight, Sydney Villa, The Mall, Brading, Isle of Wight, 1 Apr 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. On a possible missing MS of BJ's on Plato.
  • [75] William Knight to Edward Caird. University, St. Andrews, N.B., 9 Feb 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. He will send extracts from BJ's letters to Nichol.
  • [76] Elizabeth Langhorne to W.H. Langhorne. 23 Vernon Terrace, Brighton, 24 Jan 1898, ALS [3 leaves]. On the grave of Joseph Langhorne at Camberwell, and her attempts to obtain a transcription of its inscription. She includes a copy of what she has managed to have transcribed from Langhorne memorials there.
  • [77] Lord Iddesleigh, Pynes, Exeter, 19 Apr 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Unfortunately he can find no letters from BJ at present.
  • [78] Lord Iddesleigh, 23 Manchester Square W., 21 Apr [1894], ALS [1 leaf]. He encloses what he has been able to find about BJ.
  • [79] J.R. Robinson, The Daily News Office, London, 4 Oct 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Enclosing a cutting of their leader on 8 Sep 1870, on BJ's election as Master of Balliol.
  • [80] C.S. Roundell, Dorfold Hall, Nantwich, 4 Apr 1898, ALS [1 leaf]. Enclosing a letter from BJ which Abbott might like to use.
  • [81] C.S. Roundell, Dorfold Hall, Nantwich, 21 Apr 1898 [2 leaves]. On BJ's role in the 'Tests question', and thoughts on the change in university education from his day.
  • [82] H.S. Sandeman, The School House, Bath, 25 Jan 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. He cannot find any records of the School for 1835.
  • [83] Una Taylor, 37 Montpelier Square S.W., 16 Nov [1894 or 1895?]. Explanation that Notes from Life was a work of her father's [Sir Henry Taylor].
  • [84] Annie Lady Wemyss, 23 St. James' Place S.W., 13 July 1894, ALS [2 leaves]. When she is next in Scotland, she will send some letters to her from BJ for Abbott to make use of.
  • [85] 1 leaf in unknown hand concerning members of BJ's family, viz, Henry,  Benjamin II and William Jowett.
  • [86] 1 leaf in unknown hand of a family tree of the Jowetts, with comments.

- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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