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Jowett Papers - Group III Class C

Group III - General Note

Group III consists of letters from BJ to four of his closest friends, namely Lewis Campbell, Sir Robert Morier, Florence Nightingale and A.P. Stanley. These are special too by reason of the quantity of letters which have survived. It was therefore decided to make an exception to the general rule about keeping documents in their groups and classes as found, and to bring these four classes together.

Group III

Class C - Letters from Benjamin Jowett to Lewis Campbell

This class consists of letters from BJ to Lewis Campbell and his wife Fanny written in 1853-93. They were found in Box E, where they were given the title α, but have been moved to Group III. Although there is no indication of how these letters came to Balliol, Campbell himself probably gave them to Balliol, either during or after his work on A & C.

All letters are written from BJ to Lewis Campbell and are written in ink, unless otherwise indicated. As is usual with BJ, he did not always put the year on his letters, and sometimes did not even give a date. However, someone (Campbell?) added some (in pencil), which are reproduced here in square brackets.

A few letters from Fanny and Lewis Campbell to BJ are preserved in II A12 and C1/27-33, all dating from 1891-3.

  • [1] Oxford, 14 Jul [1853], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ congratulates Campbell on his work in the Prosser and encourages him for Finals.
  • [2] Address Oxford, n.d. [1858], ALS [1 leaf]. Advice to Campbell on whether to take up a living or not.
  • [3] Balliol, Jan. 12 [1859], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will send Campbell a copy of his work [on St. Paul's letters].
  • [4] Oxford, n.d. [1859], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ has received a review [by Campbell], which he has sent to A.P. Stanley, and comments on it.
  • [5] To Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 19 Feb [1860], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ shares Fanny Campbell's concerns for her husband's future.
  • [6] Balliol, 16 Apr [1860], AL[S] [part of the letter with the signature has been  cut away]. BJ will send Campbell the Theaetetus back, commenting on it. Mention made of Essays and Reviews.
  • [7] Balliol, 12 Oct [1860-61], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ asks concerning the St. Andrew's Professorship, now vacated by Sellar. Allusion to BJ's meeting a Miss Cheape [friend of Fanny Campbell; Campbell noted on the letter in pencil what Miss Cheape remembered of the meeting].
  • [8] To Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 21 May [1861?], ALS [1 leaf]. Debate on who is to be the next Bishop [diocese unknown].
  • [9] Hareland, nr. Selkirk [Sept. 1861], ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of peculiarities of grammar in Plato, and proposed article on Plato [on which he consulted A.P. Stanley].
  • [10] Balliol [1861], ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell is to be appointed an examiner for the Ireland Prize. A.P. Stanley is to send Campbell's article to the Quarterly Review. Discussion of Campbell's Theaetetus.
  • [11] T. Erskine's, Linlathy, Dundee, 16 Jul [1862], ALS [1 leaf]. Detailed comments on Campbell's review, and news of Dr. Lushington's judgement [in the Essays and Reviews case].
  • [12] W.Y. Sellar's, St. Andrew's [1863], ALS [1 leaf]. On Campbell's candidature for the professorship [of Greek at St. Andrew's].
  • [13] Address Oxford [1863], ALS [1 leaf]. On the holding of the election for the professorship. Mention of Caird as a useful ally.
  • [14] Balliol [1863], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is pleased with Campbell's testimonials for the professorship, and sends more advice on getting support.
  • [15] n.a. [1863], ALS [the top fifth of the letter, with the address and the date, has been torn away]. More on the St. Andrew's election.
  • [16] Address High Force Inn, Middleton on Teesdale [1863], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a note for Dr. Grote, which he asks Campbell to send on, and has more discussion on the St. Andrew's election.
  • [17] Balliol [Nov. 1864], ALS [1 leaf]. Condolence on the death of Campbell's mother.
  • [18] Balliol [Nov. 1864], AL[S] [autograph cut away]. BJ is much pleased with W. Wallace and will try to get him an exhibition.
  • [19] Balliol, 5 Dec [1864], AL[S] [autograph cut away]. BJ expresses approval of Campbell's preaching to students.
  • [20] Balliol, 6 Jan 1865, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends comments on Campbell's introduction [to an unknown work].
  • [21] Balliol [1865], ALS [1 leaf]. More on Plato and Campbell's work on him.
  • [22] Balliol, 20 Apr [1865], AL[S] [autograph cut away]. On admitting this year's [unnamed] Guthrie scholar to Oxford.
  • [23] Pitlochry [1865?], ALS [1 leaf]. More on Campbell's work on Plato. BJ has heard flattering things of Campbell, and hopes to visit him soon.
  • [24] The Tulchar, Glen Isla, Abylt, Sep 8 [1865], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ looking forward to seeing Campbell soon.
  • [25] Balliol, 10 Mar [1866?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes Campbell will come down to mark the Gaisford Prize, and recommends two people to him, namely Tebbs and Appleton of St. John's.
  • [26] n.a. [1866?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ looking forward to Campbell's visit. Mention of Campbell's work on Plato and Sophocles.
  • [27] Askrigg, 2 Jul [1866], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ assures Fanny Campbell that Lewis Campbell is well and making good progress on Sophocles.
  • [28] Tummel Bridge, Pitlochry, N.B. [1866?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sorry to hear Campbell was ill. Mention of his staying with Lord Donoughmore and Myers, and that he is working on Plato and divinity lectures. Hopes to visit St. Andrews.
  • [29] Tummel Bridge, Pitlochry [1866], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will stay here until Sept. 7, and then visit Campbell. Comments given on Campbell's Sophist. News of BJ's progress on the Philebus.
  • [30] Oxford [Autumn 1866?], ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of Campbell's article. Hopes he will visit him.
  • [31] Oxford, 3 Dec [1866], ALS [1 leaf]. Confidential news that the University Press plans to publish a set of editions of the classics for colleges and schools; can Campbell do Sophocles?
  • [32] Oxford [1866], ALS [1 leaf]. Comments on Campbell's paper on Plato.
  • [33] Balliol [Apr. 1867], ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell congratulated on finishing the Sophist and the Politicus. Now BJ urges him to work on Sophocles and gives advice on how to do it. Hopes of a meeting this summer, and news of BJ almost finishing his Plato.
  • [34] Strathpfeffer [sic], nr. Dingwall, 3 Aug [1867], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes to see Campbell in September, when BJ visits with Lord Lansdowne. Enquiries made after Sophocles and Plato, and mention made of Robert Browning writing to Campbell. Advice given not to over-work. News of a young man called Mackenzie, studying with BJ. BJ expresses his views on Ecce Homo.
  • [35] Balliol, 25 Dec 1867, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ wishes Campbell a happy Christmas. He is about to visit Dr. Symonds at Clifton. Campbell invited to Oxford to lecture on Sophocles.
  • [36] n.a., but the contents imply the letter was written at Tummel Bridge [Aug 1868 or 1869], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is working on the Gorgias, and has just met Principal Shairp. Woollcombe has resigned, to BJ's pleasure. Discussion of Percival. A.P. Stanley liked Campbell's sermon.
  • [37] Inglewood, Torquay [Oct. 1869], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends his introduction to the Theaetetus to Campbell for his comments, and asks after his Sophocles.
  • [38] Torquay, 30 Oct [1869 from postmark], ALS [1 leaf], with envelope with stamp preserved. BJ's mother has died. BJ has written a testimonial for Percival [for an unspecified job], but Temple prefers Walrond [Theodore or Maine?].
  • [39] Inglewood, Torquay, 2 Jan [1870], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is sorry to hear of the death of C. Cary. More discussion of each other's work.
  • [40] To Fanny Campbell. n.a. [Feb. or March c.1870], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ bitter over Temple's behaviour, and depressed over the state of the Church.
  • [41] Freshwater (at Tennyson's) [April 1870], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ enquires after Campbell's health.
  • [42] Balliol, 1871 (actual day cut out), all except BJ's signature in Matthew Knight's hand. Mention of Miss Rachel Cook and her desire for education. More general observations on women's education, and mention of Miss Clough [A.H. Clough's sister].
  • [43] Oxford, 29 Dec [1871], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ advises Campbell on writing to a difficult character [unknown]. More on the progress of Plato, and the help of Matthew Knight.
  • [44] Balliol, 29 Dec 1873, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ delighted at Campbell's dedication of his Sophocles to him, and passes on Jebb's good opinion of the book.
  • [45] n.a., 1 Feb [1874], ALS [1 leaf]. Plans to meet made. News of Jebb's worries over his Studia Scaenica. Discussion of Aristotle.
  • [46] Oxford, 17 Feb 1874, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ asks Campbell to make a contribution for the new Hall at Balliol, and raises the possibility of meeting soon.
  • [47] Westminster Arms Hotel, W. Malvern, 5 Apr 1874, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes to see Campbell on 1 May in Oxford, and that they can work on the Republic together. Inquiries on Campbell's Sophocles. BJ's views on Grote and Schleiermacher.
  • [48] Florence, 14 Sep [1874], ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of a translation of the New Testament. Has Campbell finished Sophocles? News of Evelyn Abbott, and BJ's work on the Republic.
  • [49] Oxford, 8 Oct 1874, ALS [1 leaf]. On Campbell's illness. Is Lushington to resign from Glasgow? Discussion of BJ's work.
  • [50] Belgrave Road, Torquay [21 Dec 1874], ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry to hear of Campbell's illness.
  • [51] W. Malvern, 31 Mar 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad that Campbell's health improves. News of various visitors of BJ's [names indexed], and his work on Plato. A.P. Stanley has asked after Campbell.
  • [52] W. Malvern [1875], ALS [1 leaf]. Concern for Campbell's health.
  • [53] W. Malvern, 2 Apr 1875, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. Lushington's professorship is vacant [at Glasgow]. Will Campbell go for it and will Munro stand?
  • [54] Balliol, 10 Apr 1875, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. Campbell advised to try for the professorship of Greek at Glasgow. BJ glad that Caird and Nichol are supporting him.
  • [55] W. Malvern, 13 Jun [1875], all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. BJ about to go abroad, and hopes to see Campbell soon.
  • [56] Oxford, 29 Jun 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. More on Campbell's possible candidature for Glasgow, and hopes that Jebb will withdraw.
  • [57] R.B. Morier's, Munich, 11 Jul 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over Campbell's candidature [for the Greek Professorship at Glasgow]. More on BJ's work; hopes of a visit to the Tyrol dashed by Morier's illness, and BJ's views on Euripides. Plans for a visit to Malvern, and a projected book on the Pre-Socratics.
  • [58] Munich, 15 Jul 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. Concern for Campbell's health, and reassurances that he is a better scholar than Jebb.
  • [59] Oxford, 30 Jul 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is about to leave for Malvern; can Campbell visit him there?
  • [60] Ashfield House, W. Malvern, 24 Aug 1875, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. Invitation to Campbell to visit BJ. Reflections from BJ on his readings of Euripides and the Lyric poets.
  • [61] Balliol, 28 Oct 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad to hear of Campbell's successful lecture at Dundee. Some college news, and good wishes sent Campbell from Dean Liddell.
  • [62] W. Malvern, 21 Dec [1875?], ALS [1 leaf]. Glad to hear of Campbell's good health. Advice on publishing his Theaetetus and other works. News of BJ's work on Thucydides.
  • [63] Westminster Arms, West Malvern [1876?], ALS [1 leaf].  There is a possibility of meeting Campbell, because a planned visit to J.A. Symonds at Davos has fallen through.
  • [64] Oxford [1876], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ and A.P. Stanley both approved of Campbell's two articles. News given of Lord Salisbury's plans for Oxford, reflections on Xenophon's Hellenica. BJ envious that Campbell is visiting Greece.
  • [65] Oxford [1876?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ congratulates Campbell on his two articles.
  • [66] W. Malvern, 5 Jan [1877], ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell congratulated on completing Volume I of Sophocles - has he plans to turn to Aeschylus? - and thanked for helping over Thucydides, which BJ is finding slow work. News of meetings with Tennyson, and Lady Charlotte Elliott, and concern over Lady Airlie's health.
  • [67] Oxford, 5 Aug 1877, ALS [1 leaf]. Marshall has been elected to the Principalship of Bristol College. BJ and Evelyn Abbott have met Aldis, and both liked him. BJ is now about to see Morier. Forbes and BJ hope to finish Thucydides soon.
  • [68] Oxford, 22 Sep 1877, ALS [1 leaf]. More praise of Aldis; news of Shairp, and worries conerning Sir William Maxwell. More on Sophocles.
  • [69] n.a. [1877?], ALS [1 leaf]. Consolation over Sophocles; perhaps Lushington can help.
  • [70] Balliol, 22 Nov 1877, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. Questions concerning St. Andrew's - have they a new Mathematics Professor? Enquiries made after Leonard Huxley. News of BJ's work on Thucydides and Politics.
  • [71] W. Malvern, 29 Dec [1877 or 1878?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad to hear of the progress of Sophocles, and hopes to meet Campbell soon. More on his work on Thucydides and the Politics with the aid of Forbes and Matthew Knight. Disapproval of a charge by A.C. Tait on ritual.
  • [72] Balliol, 31 Jan 1878, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. BJ sends back criticism of a paper by Campbell on Sophocles.
  • [73] Balliol, 2 Feb 1878, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. More on Campbell's work on Sophocles.
  • [74] Oxford, 20 Feb 1878, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. More comments on Campbell's Sophocles.
  • [75] Oxford, 23 Feb, 1878, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. Comments on Campbell's translation of the Choephoroe.
  • [76] To Fanny Campbell. Oxford, 9 Mar 1878, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry to hear of Campbell's illness; hopes expressed of a meeting.
  • [77] W. Malvern, 25 Aug 1878, ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of work, especially Sophocles and Thucydides. Evelyn Abbott has chosen not to edit the Ajax.
  • [78] n.a., [1878/9], ALS [1 leaf]. Comments on Campbell's translation of Sophocles.
  • [79] Oxford, 7 Nov 1878, ALS [1 leaf]. Enquiries after Campbell's Sophocles. News of election of Percival [as President of Trinity College, Oxford] and recommendation of Ashton as an assistant for Campbell.
  • [80] W. Malvern, 4 Jan 1879, ALS [1 leaf]. Work news; can Campbell's collation [of Sophocles?] be published? Concern over Matthew Knight's health, as this will slow work on the Politics.
  • [81] Oxford, 25 Apr 1879, ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements for a meeting.
  • [82] Address Sherwood, Torquay [1879], ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of Campbell's Sophocles.
  • [83] Oxford, 23 Jul 1879, ALS [1 leaf]. Attempts to arrange a meeting; enquiries after Sophocles.
  • [84] Oxford, 19 Aug 1879, ALS [1 leaf]. More on Sophocles, and news of Leonard Huxley. Thucydides is almost complete.
  • [85] Oxford, 18 Nov [1879], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ expresses sorrow at the death of C. Maxwell.
  • [86] To Fanny Campbell. Oxford, 14 Dec 1879, ALS [1 leaf]. Enquiries on Campbell's health, and after Leonard Huxley and Ashton.
  • [87] W. Malvern, 22 Dec 1879, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Campbell for his help over Thucydides, and asks if he has any plans to move down to Oxford.
  • [88] Addington Park, Croydon, Thursday [1879 or 80?], ALS [1 leaf]. Plans to meet in Oxford.
  • [89] Oxford, 12 Jan 1880, first side in an unknown hand [the hand seems juvenile; perhaps it is the hand of the twelve-year old Frank Fletcher, but it is unlike his mature style], second in BJ's [1 leaf]. BJ comments on Campbell's work.
  • [90] Oxford, 27 Feb [1880?], ALS [1 leaf]. More on the possibility of Campbell coming to Oxford.
  • [91] n.a., [1880], ALS [1 leaf]. Doubts on Campbell's wisdom in leaving St. Andrew's - views of Shairp. Reflections on Woollcombe's death.
  • [92] n.a., [1880?], AL[S] [signature later cut away]. Arrangements to meet; discussion of both men's work on Plato.
  • [93] To Mrs. Halliday. W. Malvern, 15 Aug [1880], ALS [1 leaf]. Letter of introduction to Mrs. Halliday for the Campbells.
  • [94] Oxford, 9 Sep [1880?], ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell thanked for his kindness to Rogers. BJ feels himself overwhelmed with work.
  • [95] A. Sellar's, Artornish, 25 Sep [1880], ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell thanked for his corrections [on Thucydides?]. Regards from Dr. Martineau.
  • [96] Oxford, 3 Nov 1880, ALS [1 leaf]. Good wishes for Campbell's health - advice on how to improve it. More on Sophocles.
  • [97] Oxford, 2 Dec [1880], ALS [1 leaf]. More on corrections to the Philoctetes. Report of a conversation with Shairp about Campbell.
  • [98] n.a., [1880], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ and Campbell exchange Thucydides and Sophocles for the other's comments.
  • [99] Oxford, 13 Jan 1881, all except last sentence and signature in an unknown hand [perhaps the young Frank Fletcher's? - see [89] above]. More comments on Campbell's Sophocles - BJ thinks it is better than Jebb's edition - and news of work on Thucydides.
  • [100] W. Malvern, 14 Jan [1880-1], ALS [1 leaf]. Possibility raised of Campbell moving to Dundee. More on Sophocles and Thucydides.
  • [101] Brill near Thame, 29 Jun 1881, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ has received his copy of Sophocles, and thanks Campbell for the dedication. He looks forward to Campbell's future work, and thanks him for his help with Plato.
  • [102] n.a., [1881?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ and Campbell again exchange advice and corrections on Thucydides and Sophocles.
  • [103] W. Malvern, 2 Jan [1881 or 2], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ asks after Life of Maxwell. Discussion of the Budget, and news of BJ's work on the Politics. Consolation to Campbell over his health, and the regards of Lord Camperdown passed on.
  • [104] Balliol, 11 Mar [1882], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ asks Campbell to send him his analysis of Platonic language.
  • [105] W. Malvern, 4 Aug 1882, ALS [1 leaf]. Blackie has resigned [as Greek Professor at Edinburgh]. Will Campbell stand to replace him? BJ suggests he gets the advice of Sellar and Grant, and warns him that Rutherford will stand.
  • [106] Balliol, 9 Dec 1882, ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell under great pressure [from an unknown person], and BJ urges him not to resign because of it. Discussion of Campbell's work on Sophocles and the Life of Maxwell.
  • [107] W. Malvern, 26 Mar [1883], ALS [2 leaves]. BJ working on the Republic, and Mackail is helping. Having read Conington's editions of Choephoroe and Agamemnon, he discusses them and their author. BJ praises Campbell's Theaetetus and Life of Maxwell, and sends him R. Ellis' comments on Sophocles. Sorrow over friends he has lately lost, e.g. Stanley, Tait, Green, Pearson, Henry Smith and Toynbee, and the Master of the Rolls. Matthew Knight's health improves. BJ gives his views on translation, and agrees with Campbell over Jebb's character. BJ's last meeting with J.A. Symonds recalled.
  • [108] To Fanny Campbell. n.a., 7 Apr [1883], ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to her and Lewis Campbell to visit Balliol on 26 May.
  • [109] Boars Hill, Abingdon, 20 Aug 1883, ALS [1 leaf]. Consolation on the death of the "poor Child" [unknown]. Reminiscences of Campbell's work on Plato 19 years ago, and news of the work of Jebb and Butcher. BJ expresses his wish to have translations of Aristotle, Plato and Euripides, and discusses how to arrange the layouts of their pages. His notes for the Politics are now in type, and he hopes to complete the essays on it soon.
  • [110] On a train to Oxford, 23 Jan [1884?], ALS (pencil) [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a letter from Jebb [not preserved], whom he has just visited, and passes comment on him. BJ expresses his concern over the future of ancient studies being encroached on by physical sciences. News of Rutherford's election as Headmaster of Westminster.
  • [111] Balliol, 3 Feb [1884], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ has to read a paper on emendation; can Campbell give him good examples from the Republic and Sophocles?. He has just completed his revision of the translation of the Republic.
  • [112] Oxford, 27 Feb [1884?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ happy to take this year's [unnamed] Guthrie scholar into residence. He received Campbell's letter at the Ilberts, and is concerned for him, hoping that Sellar and Grant will help.
  • [113] Oxford, 26 Mar 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. No chance of seeing Campbell - the Politics is behind schedule. Has Campbell any plans to edit some Platonic dialogues? BJ comments on the difficulties of revising essays.
  • [114] Oxford, 4 May [1884?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad at the chance to see Campbell soon. He is unsure if the delegates will agree to a smaller edition of Thucydides. Work on the Politics goes slowly, but the revised Republic will be published soon. Regards sent to Rutherford.
  • [115] n.a., [1884], ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell thanked for the emendations. News of the Ilberts.
  • [116] n.a., [1884], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ approves of Campbell's article in the Philological Journal, but is not too happy with his random guesses on emendation. Comments on Mark Pattison's Memoirs.
  • [117] n.a., [1884], ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell thanked for his kindness over Rogers. BJ is working on the Politics and hopes to complete it soon.
  • [118] Oxford, 30 Mar 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. News of Maine Walrond and his wife, who are well, and sorry to hear of Campbell's present state. BJ glad that Campbell will help over the Republic; the Politics goes badly, but Plato goes better, and Mackail is being a great help. BJ expresses his depression over current politics.
  • [119] To Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 4 Apr 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. Concerns exchanged about Campbell's future.
  • [120] Balliol, 26 Apr [1885?], All except signature and PS in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. BJ glad to see Campbell soon; worried that the Press may not want his Republic, but he will speak to P. Lyttleton Gell about it.
  • [121] To Fanny Campbell. Oxford, 1 Dec [1885], ALS [torn in half, and stuck back together]. News of a library window erected by Clayton and Bell, and discussion of its cost.
  • [122] n.a., [1885], ALS [1 leaf]. Possibility raised of Campbell helping to edit Shakespeare; suggestions made about sums and specimen pages.
  • [123] n.a., [Jan 1886], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad to hear about Campbell's health; he is still trying to work on the Politics, but it goes slowly. Comments passed on Butcher and Lang's Odyssey.
  • [124] To Fanny Campbell. Oxford, 27 Mar [1886], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ expresses concern for the trouble Lewis and Fanny Campbell are going through, with regard to Donaldson. BJ gives advice on how to come through it, and wonders if it would be best to leave St. Andrew's.
  • [125] Oxford, 4 Apr 1886, ALS [1 leaf]. Forbes is ill, and may not be able to lecture; if Campbell leaves St. Andrew's, perhaps he could take over? It need not be permanent, but it could become so if he left St. Andrew's.
  • [126] Boars Hill, 8 Apr 1886, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will try to get the edition of Shakespeare accepted by the Press - it may not be easy.  He approves of writing to Donaldson, and gives Campbell advice on how to handle him. He does not recommend Campbell leaving St. Andrew's for Oxford.
  • [127] 6 lines of Greek elegiacs by BJ [in his own hand]. On the back, Campbell dates them to 1886, and says that they are a translation from Shadwell.
  • [128] Boars Hill, 26 Aug 1886, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ still working on the essays on Aristotle, and glad to hear that Campbell's Sophocles has had good reviews. He hopes to see Campbell in Scotland this summer, and asks after the progress of the Republic. Account of his journey in Switzerland and Italy with Lyulph Stanley. Discussion of Greek metre.
  • [129] n.a., [1886?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ lists sales of Campbell's work published by the Press (some of it in collaboration with Abbott) for 1885 and 1886.
  • [130] n.a., [1886], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is not well; Acland has recommended him to go to London for a while. BJ continues to advise Campbell not to leave St. Andrew's, and hopes that he will meet him and Fanny Campbell in London.
  • [131] [Address torn away, but the writing paper is headed Heath's Court, Ottery St. Mary, Devon] 28 Dec 1886, ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell thanked for his greeting [for Christmas?]. Open invitation to him to call on BJ in Oxford.
  • [132] To Fanny Campbell. R.S. Wright's, Headley Park, Hants., 1 Jun 1887, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes to see her and Campbell in Jul, and to finish the work on which they were collaborating.
  • [133] n.a., [1887], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ tries to cheer Campbell up. Discussion of Greek history, especially the reforms of Cleisthenes.
  • [134] 13 Wetherley Gardens [1887], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes to see Campbell soon; when they meet, can he bring Book I and the Introduction of the Republic?
  • [135] W. Malvern [1887], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes to see the Campbells in London on Satursday.
  • [136] Westminster Arms Hotel, W. Malvern, 30 Jun 1887, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes to see Campbell in Scotland and finish the Republic. BJ  is better than when they met at the Lingens'. More concerns about the Republic, and the declining health of Matthew Knight, who may have to go to Davos. BJ is going to stay with Sir Arthur Peel.
  • [137] [Postmark Malvern], 27 Jul [postmark 1887], APS. BJ is going abroad in August, and hopes to see Campbell in September. He is unable to work on the Politics, and the Plato is half-finished.
  • [138] n.a., (the paper was headed Six-Mile-Bottom near Newmarket, but BJ crossed it out) [1887?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends notes for the second revision of the translation of the Republic going to the printer's. Hopes to meet Campbell soon.
  • [139] Oxford, 18 Oct 1887, ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of manuscripts [of Plato?]. Advice on how to cope with adverse criticism, and thoughts on the future of classical scholarship. Some oddities in Plato discussed. News of BJ's health.
  • [140] Oxford, 22 Oct [1887], ALS [1 leaf]. On payments from the Clarendon Press. More on BJ's attempts to finish the Politics.
  • [141] Balliol, 9 Nov 1887, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends notes on the Republic and other Platonic works, and hopes all is well with Campbell. BJ is working slowly, and wonders if Campbell can set up a model page of the Greek text of the Republic. BJ glad to hear of a presentation made to Campbell.
  • [142] To Fanny Campbell. Oxford, [1887?], ALS [1 leaf]. Can the Campbells tell BJ their views on Sedbergh School?
  • [143] Balliol, 18 Feb 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell should not be worried by Crombie, and if he does succeed, Campbell should not resign.
  • [144] Balliol, 21 Feb [1888], ALS [1 leaf]. Campbell should pay Castellani what he needs. BJ is glad the Crombie affair has blown over.
  • [145] Oxford, 8 Mar [1888], ALS [1 leaf]. A specimen page of the Republic sent [not preserved]. BJ does not like it, and wants Campbell's opinion.
  • [146] W. Malvern, 7 Apr [1888], ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of S. Laing, and what to do with him if he comes to Oxford.
  • [147] Balliol, 21 Apr 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. Hopes to see Campbell soon. BJ glad to have the [unnamed] Guthrie scholar; he will find him rooms. Discussion of the printing of the Republic.
  • [148] Balliol, 14 Jul [1888], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ does not enclose any of the first proofs, as they were too bad. New ones are enclosed, and Campbell's opinion of them is sought.
  • [149] Balliol, 24 Jul 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. A new specimen of Plato sent. Campbell's opinion again sought.
  • [150] Oxford, 28 Jul 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ asks if Campbell has the copies of Republic I and II in Matthew Knight's hand. BJ only has that made by Jackson. More discussion on the choice of specimen pages.
  • [151] Balliol, 29 Jul [1888], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ acknowledges receipt of two essays by Campbell and sends comments on them. He is shortly off to Davos, and hopes to see Campbell in Sepember.
  • [152] [Postmark Oxford, 5 Sep 1888], APS. BJ is about to visit Campbell soon for a week.
  • [153] To Fanny Campbell. en route to Oxford, 11 Oct [1888], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Fanny Campbell for her hospitality, and advises them to stay at St. Andrew's. He is glad of the success of a school [ St. Leonard's?], and sends the good wishes of the Martineaus and news of Lord Camperdown, Mrs. Drummond, Sellar and Florence Nightingale.
  • [154] Balliol, 1 Nov 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. Laing is entered for admission in October 1889. Discussion of the size of the Republic edition.
  • [155] Oxford, 12 Nov 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. More on Plato.
  • [156] Balliol, 17 Nov 1888, all except signature in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a page proof of Plato [not preserved], which he likes.
  • [157] Balliol, 3 Dec 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. Work on Plato is going slowly. BJ is pleased with the success of Craigie, and discusses the possibility of admitting Anderson.
  • [158] Balliol, 28 Dec 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. More on admitting Laing to Balliol.
  • [159] n.a., 17 Jan 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. On proofs of Plato.
  • [160] W. Malvern, [just before 16 Apr 1889], ALS [1 leaf]. Comments on Campbell's grammatical illustrations for the Republic.
  • [161] n.a., [Feb 1889], ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of the order of Plato's dialogues.
  • [162] Balliol, 31 May 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ suggests that Campbell asks someone else about his candidature for the Professorship of Moral Philosophy.
  • [163] Balliol, 2 Dec 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ has read of a rumour of a large bequest to St. Andrew's, and encloses a request for money [probably for the Holywell playng fields].
  • [164] Balliol, 17 Dec 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad that the money for St. Andrew's was received. More on Plato, and thanks for money for the recreation ground.
  • [165] W. Malvern, 26 Mar 1890, ALS [1 leaf]. Does Campbell have any plans to visit Oxford, or should BJ visit St. Andrew's? More on the publication of Plato.
  • [166] W. Malvern, 6 Apr 1890, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad to hear that Campbell is in the Court [meaning unclear], and is delighted for the future of St. Andrew's.
  • [167] Queen's Hotel, Birmingham [1890?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes to be with Campbell on 16 Sep.
  • [168] The Pulchar, Rothiemurchus, Aviemore, 28 Sep 1890, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ comments on Dyer's Empedocles, and gives his reactions to Euripides. Reference to the owner of the house [James Martineau], who sends Campbell his regards. He is glad to hear that Campbell's translation of Aeschylus is finished, and thanks him for his stay in St. Andrew's.
  • [169] Balliol, 11 Jan 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of getting Campbell elected to the Athenaeum. Plans for an American edition [of Plato?], and comments on Schmidt Westfuhl's theory [on an unknown topic]. BJ's health is good.
  • [170] Balliol, 15 Jan 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. New year greetings. More on the progress of the revision of Plato. BJ asks after plans for St. Andrew's.
  • [171] Balliol, 17 Feb 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad that Aeschylus is selling well. News of the good progress of Critchley and Anderson at Balliol.
  • [172] Martha Knight to Fanny Campbell. Oxford, 18 Feb [1891?], ALS [1 leaf]. News of the poor health of Matthew Knight.
  • [173] Balliol, 23 Jul 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. Worries on how to introduce science to Oxford. Can Campbell tell BJ anything about Gordon? He wants to recommend him to Lord Rosebery as a tutor for his children. Any news of Nichol?
  • [174] To Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 4 Aug 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ would be delighted to attend the opening of a new Hall at St. Leonard's School.
  • [175] Balliol, 8 Aug 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. Since Campbell is an elector for the Professorship of Logic at St. Andrew's, BJ recommends S. Alexander for the post.
  • [176] To Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 12 Sep 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is glad to hear of the success of St. Leonard's and the new Hall.
  • [177] Balliol, 12 Sep 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends more information on Alexander.
  • [178] Martha Knight to Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 18 Sep 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. News of BJ's illness: he may be unable to come to St. Andrew's for the ceremony, much though he would like to. Can Fanny Campbell tell him not to come?
  • [179] To Fanny Campbell. Oxford, 21 Sep [1891]., ALS [1 leaf]. BJ's account of his illness. He is sorry that he cannot come to St. Andrew's.
  • [180] Martha Knight to Fanny Campbell. Oxford, Wednesday [1891 - probably 23 or 30 Sep], ALS [1 leaf]. She is glad that the Campbells may come down. BJ is still not well yet.
  • [181] Martha Knight to Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 1 Oct 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is still very ill.
  • [182] To Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 4 Oct 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is still ill, but hopes to see the Campbells in Oxford.
  • [183] Oxford, 5 Oct [1891], all except signature in Martha Knight's hand [1 leaf]. BJ hopes the Campbells can visit him. He remains unwell.
  • [184] Charlotte Green to Fanny Campbell. n.a., 9 Oct [1891], ALS [1 leaf]. Martha Knight thinks that BJ is still too ill to see the Campbells.
  • [185] Balliol, 10 Oct 1891, all in Charlotte Green's hand [1 leaf]. BJ asks what can be done concerning Frank Fletcher and recommends him. He has been useful to Forbes.
  • [186] Balliol, [?] Oct 1891, all in Charlotte Green's hand [1 leaf]. BJ recommends Ritchie to him in Volume II of Aristotle [a reference to completing the essays for BJ's translation of the Politics?].
  • [187] Mrs. C.M. Toynbee to Fanny Campbell. n.a., 12 Oct 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. She passes on news of BJ's health from Mrs. Green and Martha Knight.
  • [188] Martha Knight to Fanny Campbell. n.a., 19 Oct 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. More news of BJ's health.
  • [189] Mrs. C.M. Toynbee to Fanny Campbell. Oxford, 19 Oct 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. More news of BJ's health.
  • [190] Charlotte Green to Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 20 Oct 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. More on BJ's health.
  • [191] Sir William Markby to Lewis Campbell. Headington Hill, 21 Oct 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. More on BJ's health.
  • [192] Balliol, 31 Oct [1891], all except signature in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. BJ is a little better. Has Campbell seen Jackson's book on Plato? He will send Fletcher's completion of the preface to him.
  • [193] Martha Knight to Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 15 Nov 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. News of BJ's recovery.
  • [194] Balliol, 27 Nov 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ and Fletcher are going to look over Campbell's work on Plato.
  • [195] Balliol, 30 Nov [1891], all except signature in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. BJ and Fletcher are to look over notes on the Republic. News of the St. Andrew's and Edinburgh candidates for Balliol.
  • [196] Balliol [Dec 1891], all except signature in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. Fletcher and BJ have gone over the notes on Republic I. How should they be printed? [ Campbell's reply survives as I E5/7]
  • [197] To Fanny Campbell. Balliol, 14 Dec 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ looking forward to seeing the Campbells soon. He and Fletcher have gone over more material for Plato, and BJ's health is improved. He is doubtful about Campbell leaving St. Andrew's unless his health obliges him.
  • [198] Balliol, 19 Dec 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. Now that BJ is better, he has decided how best to organise the work, and how to assign duties. He expresses dissatisfaction with Henry Jackson's work on Plato.
  • [199] Headley Park, Hants., 2 Jan 1892, APS (pencil). BJ has not yet got the essays and the introduction, and Gell is away.
  • [200] Balliol, 13 Jan 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. Can Campbell look at the revised Preface [to Plato?], and check whether BJ has understood Jackson?
  • [201] Balliol, 24 Jan [1892], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is sorry to hear that Campbell is ill, and hopes that he will be able to work soon.
  • [202] Balliol, 4 Feb 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes Campbell is better, and is glad that the professorship is no longer on his mind [ Campbell had resigned as Professor at St. Andrew's]. Advice on how to get well. News of Fletcher working on a Latin Prize essay.
  • [203] n.a., [1892], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends back a book. Hopes Campbell is better. More on proofs, which Fletcher is copying.
  • [204] Balliol, 31 Jul [1892], ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry to hear about the election [meaning unclear]. More on the Republic.
  • [205] Balliol, 15 Aug [1892], ALS [1 leaf]. More on Republic - it still needs more work. BJ hopes Campbell enjoys St. Andrew's now he has retired, and wonders where he will live now.
  • [206] Balliol, [1892], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sorry to think of Campbell leaving his house in St. Andrew's.
  • [207] Balliol, 21 Oct 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. Is Campbell a candidate for the Lord Rectorship of St. Andrew's? If so, can BJ help?
  • [208] Balliol, 10 Nov 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad that Campbell is a candidate for the Gifford lectureship.
  • [209] Oxford, 12 Nov 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. Critchley has reappeared, without any explanation of why he went away [it is unclear what had happened].
  • [210] Balliol, 5 Dec 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ working on the Republic.
  • [211] MS extract, in an unknown hand, from The Daily News [1892?], which included a letter written by Browning on 11 May 1876 [2 leaves].
  • [212] Mr. Justice Wright's, Headley Park, Hants., 7 Jan 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. More on the Republic. BJ asks how Joachim is getting on at St. Andrew's, and understands that Campbell is visiting the Ilberts in France.
  • [213] Balliol, 8 Feb [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ encloses letters from Dr. Martineau and Donaldson [neither is preserved], whom Lord Rosebery likes. More on Plato.
  • [214] Balliol, 3 Apr 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. Comments on Campbell's essay on the style and syntax of Plato.
  • [215] Balliol, 10 Apr [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. More on Plato and Campbell's introduction.
  • [216] Balliol, 24 Apr [1893], all except signature in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. BJ suggests that Campbell should lecture on the religion of Greece.
  • [217] Balliol, 8 May 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. More comments on the Republic.
  • [218] Balliol, Weds [Jun 1893], all in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. Suggestions as to the format of the Republic.
  • [219] Balliol, 7 Jun 1896 [sic - recte 1893], ALS [1 leaf]. On how their edition of the Republic should be divided into three volumes.
  • [220] Balliol, 16 Jun [1893], ALS [1 leaf]. More on Plato: 2-3 months should serve for Volume II, and Volume III will be printed in October.
  • [221] Balliol, 25 Aug 1893, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad that Campbell is enjoying Switzerland. He asks how the Gifford Lectures are progressing, and hopes he will be re-elected for them. More on Plato.
  • [222] n.a., [1893], all in Martha Knight's hand [1 leaf]. BJ suggests that Ritchie should complete the essays in BJ's edition of the Politics.
  • [223] Balliol, 11 Sep 1893, all except signature in Martha Knight's hand [1 leaf]. More on Plato. BJ hopes to see Campbell soon, and is glad that he has given up his professorship, when he uses the time so well now.
  • [224] Balliol, 11 Sep 1893, Martha Knight's hand, with BJ's signature [2 leaves]. More on Plato.
  • [225] Transcript in an unknown hand of letter from BJ to the Principal of Bala Theological College [1892], 2 leaves. BJ apologises that he cannot attend the college's celebrations.

- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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