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Jowett Papers - Group III Class M

Group III - Class M - Letters to Robert Morier

Class III - Group MA

Box 36 (General Correspondence 1873-4)

Box 39 (General Correspondence 1877-80)

Box 40 (General Correspondence 1881-93)

Box 43 (Letters from Friedrich Max Müller and Benjamin Jowett)

Box 65B (Typescript copies of Morier's correspondence)

Box 73 (Typescript copies of Morier's correspondence)

Box R (Morier Papers 1850-77)

Group III

Class M - Letters to Robert Morier

The history of BJ's letters to Sir Robert Morier is confused. In the Jowett Papers are 127 letters, almost all from BJ to Morier, which are catalogued below. However, the Morier Papers (also in Balliol) have about 40 more letters from BJ to Morier, and about 30 of Morier's letters to BJ, an unusually large number of letters from any correspondent of BJ's to survive. It is not clear whether or not the letters in the Jowett Papers once came from the Morier Papers too. BJ's letters to Morier were made freely available to Abbott and Campbell: not only are many printed in A & C, but I F has copies of several of the letters. In 1992, however, they were found in a grey box, seemingly not connected to the rest of the Jowett papers, with no note as to their provenance, and Faber's checklist did not mention them at all. At present, therefore, it is impossible to give any account of how the Morier material in the Jowett Papers arrived there.

Because of the manner in which BJ's letters to Morier have been divided up, it was decided to provide an appendix to this list, in which all BJ's and Morier's letters to each other are listed, the former in the usual way, the latter only listed with dates and box numbers. However, in order to provide a chronological survey of the entire correspondence, the catalogue of letters in the Jowett Papers includes references to letters from both Morier and BJ in the Morier Papers, the references to letters from BJ being prefaced by MA.

Originally the box with the Morier letters also contained copies of four letters from BJ to Lord Lansdowne. They bore no relation to the other contents of the box, and there were already copies of 18 letters from BJ to Lansdowne in Class F. Therefore, although it was normal practice not to move documents between class or group, a special exception was made for these. Their new references are I F12/39-41 and 51.

All letters are from BJ to Sir Robert Morier, and are written in ink, unless otherwise indicated. Suggested dates were written on some letters in an unknown hand; these are given in square brcakets. 4 letters, which cannot be dated accurately, are placed at the start of the list.

  • [1] n.a., n.d. [but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ asks Morier about the meaning of some legal terms.
  • [2] n.a., n.d. [but BJ's hand suggests the 1860s-70s], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Morier for his letter. At present he is marking scholarship exams. Thoughts on foreign policy.
  • [3] n.a., n.d. [but BJ's hand suggests the 1870s], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends a quotation from Thucydides which Morier wanted.
  • [4] Oxford n.d. [1860s?], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet Morier in July. BJ glad Morier likes Lady Airlie.
    • [MA4 BJ to Morier - undated]
  • [5] `Lingen's epitaph' [1 leaf, in an unknown hand]: a Latin epitaph for (or by?) R.R.W. Lingen. The reason for its appearance here is unknown.
    • [MA5] BJ to D.R. Morier (Sir Robert's father), 17 Jan 1848-50(?)]
    • [MA6] H. Merivale to BJ, 25 Jan 1848-50(?)]
  • [6] Balliol, 2 Jul [1852], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ gives Morier advice on the future, especially on paying his debts. Reminiscences of their time on Borrowdale 4 years ago.
  • [7] n.a., [before 1861], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ begs Morier to give up heavy drinking, and asks if he has married yet.
  • [8] Balliol, 4 Jan [before 1861], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ has received Morier's reply to [7] and responds to his protests, and urges him to marry.
  • [9] Balliol, Sat 2 Sep [1860?], ALS [2 leaves]. BJ jokes at a photograph of Morier. Discussion of foreign policy, especially on BJ's liking for Napoleon III and Garibaldi. News of Tennyson and Palgrave, and exhortations to marry.
  • [10] Freshwater, Isle of Wight, 10 May [1861], ALS [3 leaves]. More exhortations to marry. News of Tennyson, Grant, Palgrave, Clough, and ffolliott. Views on Napoleon III and European affairs. News of a friendship with Lord John Russell, the Essays and Reviews controversy and Pattison's election at Lincoln.
  • [11] Balliol, 13 Apr [1862], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. Thoughts on Morier in Prussia. Thoughts on the deaths of Clough and Luke. BJ has refused an offer by his friends to increase his salary themselves.
  • [12] R.B. Morier to BJ. n.a., [1864?], draft ALS [1 leaf]. Morier gives BJ his views on the Schleswig-Holstein affair.
  • [13] Alderley, 10 Jan 1864, ALS [4 leaves]. Thoughts on foreign policy, especially the unification of Germany. News of Morier's father.
  • [14] Balliol, [1864], ALS [2 leaves]. BJ will baptise Morier's baby, and compliments him on an article, giving comments on it. BJ had a visit from the Princess Royal (Victoria).
  • [15] n.a., [1864? - see 14], ALS [1 leaf]. More on Morier's article. BJ is to meet Lord Russell.
  • [16] n.a., [1864], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends some books to Crown Princess Victoria, and discusses the Schleswig-Holstein affair.
  • [17] n.a., [1864], [1 leaf, which forms part of a longer letter; it is, however, impossible to link it to any other one. It is wrapped in a strip of paper labelled [in an unknown hand] Stray Leaves! B. Jowett. This originally held 2 leaves from letters form BJ to Morier, but the other one has been linked to 70]. BJ reports his talk with Lord Stanley of Alderley about the Schleswig-Holstein crisis. Can something be done about the popularity of Princess Victoria?
  • [18] Askrigg, Bedale, 24 Jul [1864], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. Reflections on Scotland.
  • [19] Address Oxford, 7 Mar [1865], ALS [2 leaves]. BJ congratulates Morier on his commissionership, and recalls their time together in Pitlochry. News of the increase in his professorial salary.
  • [20] Tummel Bridge, Pitlochry, [1865, when Goschen was Vice-President of the Board of Trade?], ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to Morier to visit. How did he fare with Goschen and the Foreign Office? BJ at work on an old project [Plato?].
  • [21] Balliol, 21 Dec [1865?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ cannot visit Morier. Discussion of getting men to India and meeting Morier's father. BJ is concerned over Morier's health; Morier is now approaching 40.
  • [22] Oxford, 10 Jan 1866, ALS [2 leaves]. Morier congratulated [on getting the CB]. Thoughts on foreign policy. BJ has news of his increased salary, new friendships with Browning and Lowe, and his work in progress.
  • [23] n.a., [1867?], ALS [2 leaves]. Arrangements to meet Mr. and Mrs. Ford, friends of Morier. Morier warned about making enemies. Life at Oxford: BJ much appreciates his majority at college meetings, even if he lost a debate about installing water closets.
  • [24] n.a., [1867], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ has had a letter from Mrs. Ford. Anson has been made a Fellow of All Souls, at which BJ is very pleased. Morier consoled for not being promoted. BJ has a troublesome Irish lord to deal with at Balliol [almost certainly Lord Donoughmore].
  • [25] Address Oxford, Strathpeffer, Dingwall, N.B., 11 Aug [1867], ALS [2 leaves]. Possibility of meeting. Discussion of about raising money for a statue [subject unknown]. BJ grumbles at the Parliamentary session, and reveals his plans for Balliol, which include removing Catechetics.
  • [26] Balliol, 26 Dec 1867, ALS [2 leaves]. Morier advised on his dealings with politicians. Thoughts on politics. BJ encloses a letter from Lowe [not preserved]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [27] Balliol [3 Feb 1868?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ hopes to meet Morier in Mar. He will send a review by Morier to Lancaster. Morier consoled for his illness.
  • [28] Hugh Lancaster to BJ. 20 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh, 21 Feb [1868?], ALS [1 leaf]. Lancaster likes Morier's paper, and he will try to get it published. Invitation to BJ to visit.
  • [29] Balliol. 3 Apr [1868?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sorry that they cannot meet. Comments on Bunsen. Volume I of Plato is complete.
  • [30] Tummel Bridge, 10 Aug [1868?], ALS [2 leaves]. News of Oxford life. Thoughts on Hegel: BJ lists the only people who he thinks can read it [listed in index]. BJ's views on the Irish Land Question (after a talk with Roundell) and the Poor Law.
  • [31] Oxford, 18 Mar 1869, ALS [1 leaf]. Can BJ and Morier meet? BJ met Lancaster (who liked Morier's article) in Edinburgh. Comments on the religious policies of the Ministry.
  • [32] Inglewood, Torquay, 3 Nov [1869], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ's mother has died. Comments on Temple becoming Bishop of Exeter, and BJ's forebodings about it.
  • [33] Inglewood, Torquay, 12 Nov 1869, ALS [2 leaves]. Reflections on BJ's dead mother. Discussion of politics, especially the Irish Land question.
  • [34] n.a., [Jan 1870], ALS [3 leaves]. BJ is at Woburn with the Russell family. Thoughts on the Irish question. BJ met Gladstone in Scotland. BJ wishes Scott could be made a bishop, but nevertheless he has the college well under control, having neutralised Woollcombe and Wall.
  • [35] Inglewood, Torquay, 10 Apr [1870], ALS [2 leaves]. Sorry that they cannot met. BJ regrets Temple's conduct as bishop. Plato is almost finished. Thoughts on religion and the Irish land question.
  • [36] Inglewood, Torquay, 18 Jul [1870], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ's thoughts on the Franco-Prussian War. What are Morier's views?
  • [37] Inglewood, Torquay, 25 Jul [1870], ALS [2 leaves]. BJ is concerned about Morier's position in the Franco-Prussian war, and is full of forebodings about the future.
  • [38] Tummel Bridge, [Aug 1870], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ worried about Morier's safety in the Franco-Prussian war.
  • [39] Tummel Bridge, 16 Aug 1870, ALS [2 leaves]. Possibility of visiting Morier. BJ sorry that he disagrees with Morier, Prince Friedrich and Princess Victoria about the war, and praises Napoleon III. Plato not quite finished. BJ has just met Lowe.
  • [40] Balliol, 12 Sep 1870, ALS [3 leaves]. BJ cannot see Morier, as there is too much business at Balliol. Comments on the fall of Rome, and Morier's wanting to go there. Analysis of some English politicians [indexed]. BJ expresses pleasure at the reaction to his election as Master, and is eager to get to work.
  • [41] Oxford, 2 Jan [1871?], ALS [3 leaves]. Discussion of Morier's views on the fall of France. Plato is finished.
  • [42] Oxford, 2 Apr 1871, ALS [2 leaves]. BJ sorry that plans for Rome have fallen through, but encourages Morier to persevere.
  • [43] Oxford, 19 May [postmarked 1871], ALS [2 leaves], envelope with stamp preserved. BJ is happy in his new house. Can the Moriers visit him? Thoughts on foreign policy. News of Mallet.
  • [44] Milan, 10 Jul [1871], ALS [1 leaf (fragile paper)]. BJ congratulates Morier on his appointment at Stuttgart. Can he visit them? BJ will see Lord Camperdown on his return to England.
  • [45] Oxford, 16 Jan [1873], ALS [4 leaves]. Thoughts on foreign policy, especially on America, and worries over more war between France and Germany. Thoughts on Strauss' Alte und neue Glaube. BJ's plans for Balliol, including a new Hall. Account of a visit to Lord Westbury. Thoughts on Roundell Palmer and politics. Arrangements to meet.
    • [Morier to BJ, 21 Jan 1873]
  • [46] Balliol, 17 Mar [1873], ALS [1 leaf]. Hopes of meeting Morier, and thoughts on politics.
  • [47] Grantoun, Invernesshire, 21 Jul 1873, ALS [4 leaves]. Hopes of meeting. Thoughts on policy. BJ's reaction to the deaths of Lord Westbury and Samuel Wilberforce, with his memories of the latter. Building work at Balliol has begun.
    • [Morier to BJ, 20 Aug 1873]
  • [48] n.a., 25 Aug [1873], ALS [1 leaf]. Account of BJ's preparations for travel in Europe with Rogers.
  • [49] n.a., [1873?], ALS [1 leaf]. Morier thanked for a letter of introduction [to an unknown person in Florence]. Rogers sends his regards.
    • [Morier to BJ, 13 Oct 1873]
  • [50] Balliol, 14 Oct [1873 or 4], ALS [4 leaves]. Morier consoled for failing to become permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and shown how to use his abilities. BJ urges him to work for peace.
  • [51] Balliol, 12 Nov 1873, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. The Professorship of Diplomatic and International Law is vacant. Does Morier want to apply for it?
    • [Morier to BJ, 16 Nov 1873]
    • [Morier to BJ, 2 Nov 1874]
  • [52] Balliol, 18 Nov 1874, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. BJ liked Morier's paper.
  • [53] n.a., [after 18 Nov 1874?]. ALS [3 leaves]. More comments on Morier's paper.
  • [54] W. Malvern, 5 Jan 1875, all except last sentence and signature in Matthew Knight's hand [2 leaves]. BJ approves of Morier's refusing the Secretaryship at Paris. Thoughts on the state of Catholicism and politics. A second edition of Plato is on the way, and work on the Hall has begun.
  • [55] Balliol, 26 Jan 1875, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. Discussion of Morier's essays. BJ regrets he cannot leave Britain. Parts of the Hall have begun to appear.
  • [56] W. Malvern, 18 Feb 1875, all except signature and postscript in Matthew Knight's hand [2 leaves], envelope with stamp preserved. Enquiries after Morier's essay. BJ recommends a Balliol man called Hozier to Morier. Thoughts on politics. Mallet has visited BJ.
  • [57] BJ to Mrs. Morier. W. Malvern, 30 Mar 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ asks after Morier's health.
  • [58] W. Malvern, 15 Apr 1875, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. Thoughts on letter-writing, and hopes of a visit. Plato is almost finished. Thanks for Morier's response on Hozier.
  • [59] W. Malvern, 26 Aug 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet this summer. Thoughts on hating people, and on Mill's philosophy. The building of the Hall goes well.
  • [60] Oxford, 9 Sep 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. Enquiries over Morier's health.
  • [61] Oxford, 25 Sep 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. Enquiries over Morier's health. Thoughts on foreign policy, especially Herzogevena [sic].
    • [Morier to BJ, 25 Oct 1875]
  • [62] Balliol, 28 Oct 1875, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. BJ sorry that Morier is so depressed by his illness. Thoughts on foreign politics; he hasa been talking to Lord Ramsay about his visit to Russia.
  • [63] Oxford, 12 Dec 1875, ALS [2 leaves]. Is Morier better, and can he visit England? Thoughts on politics; BJ thinks well of Northcote. Max Müller has resigned his Professorship, because Monier Williams got an honorary degree. BJ has had a letter from Princess Victoria; he remembers her visit to BJ 12 years ago. BJ suggests she send her son Wilhelm to England, where he can stay with BJ. Plato sells well, and he has begun work on Thucydides. The Hall progresses well.
  • [64] Oxford, 3 Jan 1876, ALS [1 leaf]. Enquiries after Morier's health. Thoughts on politics, and the possibility of Prince Wilhelm visiting Oxford.
  • [65] Balliol, 15 Feb 1876, ALS [1 leaf]. Morier congratulated on his transferral to Lisbon. Arrangements to meet. More news about Max Müller.
  • [66] W. Malvern, Friday [1876 or later], ALS [1 leaf]. Morier congratulated on his success at Lisbon.
  • [67] Oxford, 22 Oct 1876, ALS [2 leaves]. BJ upset that Morier did not see him before he left. Thoughts on politics, both at home and abroad, including concerning Russia and Turkey. The Hall is now finished and is a great success (BJ reports Ruskin's opinion). News of a dispute with Pattison [subject unspecified], Pattison's marital difficulties and a visit from Sandars.
  • [68] Oxford, 27 Jan 1877, ALS [3 leaves]. An account of the new buildings at Balliol, and of the opening of the Hall. Thoughts on foreign politics, especially Turkey and Russia. News of BJ's work on Thucydides; is Morier writing anything? BJ recommends Adams' History of Japan.
    • [Morier to BJ, 2 Mar 1877]
  • [69] Balliol, 14 Mar 1877, all except last sentence and signature in Matthew Knight's hand [3 leaves]. Reflections on a pamphlet by Gladstone. Thoughts on foreign affairs, and on BJ's worries over war between France and Germany.
  • [70] W. Malvern, 1 Apr 1877, [3 leaves; originally 2 leaves, both in Matthew Knight's hand, were found here, with the conclusion missing. Among the stray leaves at 16 was found 1 leaf, in BJ's hand, which completed the letter. Although it seems curious that BJ should take over from Matthew Knight in mid sentence, this is clearly the missing leaf]. On the possibility of meeting. BJ's news of his work. Thoughts on foreign affairs, especially Turkey and on the character of Lord Derby.
    • [Morier to BJ, 14 May 1877]
  • [71] Oxford, 3 Jun 1877, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ can't come to Lisbon. News of seeing Goschen; views on Gladstone, and foreign politics.
  • [72] Torquay, address Oxford, 26 Jun 1877, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ has to go on a reading party, and cannot see Morier. But Bowen and he plan to go abroad in September: can they meet then? Thoughts on Bowen's character.
    • [Morier to BJ, 13 Jul 1877]
    • [MA39 BJ to Dorothea Morier (Robert's sister), 14 Jul 1877]
  • [73] Oxford, 19 Jul 1877, ALS [1 leaf]. Morier consoled on the death of his father.
    • [Morier to BJ, 8 Aug 1877]
  • [74] W. Malvern, 9 Aug 1877, ALS [1 leaf]. Thoughts on politics and local government. BJ pleased with the calibre of his pupils on this year's reading party.
    • [Morier to BJ, 22 Aug 1877]
  • [75] W. Malvern, 22 Aug [1877], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements for the deposition of Morier's letters. Thoughts on Lord Ramsay's marriage.
  • [76] n.a., [1877] ALS [1 leaf; part of a letter, which cannot be placed with any other] Thoughts on English politics. News of Lord Ramsay.
  • [77] Oxford, 28 Dec 1877, ALS [5 leaves]. Morier congratulated on his success over India. Praise for Matthew Knight's abilities, and details of his life to date. BJ's and Goschen's thoughts on foreign politics, and Queen Victoria's odd behaviour over Turkey. News of Tennyson, Lady Airlie and Lord Ramsay.
    • [Morier to BJ, 4 Jan 1878]
    • [Morier to BJ, 11 Feb 1878]
  • [78] Oxford, 16 Feb [1878?], ALS [4 leaves]. Discussion of foreign policy, and BJ's views on it. References to the marriage problems of BJ's friend Lady S [sic? - real name unknown]. BJ's scholarly plans for the future and his thoughts on the future of classics.
    • [Morier to BJ, 17 Feb 1878]
  • [79] Oxford, 28 Feb 1878, ALS [2 leaves; the second leaf a postscript added on 1 Mar]. Thoughts on Turkey and Lord Derby. News of a meeting with Temple. New Inn Hall will be annexed to Balliol. Lady Airlie is better.
  • [Morier to BJ, 1 Mar 1878]
  • [80] Oxford, 7 Mar 1878, ALS [1 leaf]. Thoughts on Turkey. More on New Inn Hall's annexation to Balliol.
  • [81] W. Malvern, 9 Apr 1878, ALS [3 leaves]. Thoughts on foreign policy and Lord Salisbury.
    • [Morier to BJ, 25 Apr 1878]
  • [82] Oxford, 22 May 1878, ALS [2 leaves]. News of the Northcotes, Lord Derby and Mallet, and thoughts on Lord Salisbury.
    • [Morier to BJ, 24 Jun 1878]
    • [Morier to BJ, 19 Aug 1878]
  • [83] Torquay, 23 Dec [1878], ALS [3 leaves]. BJ encloses a draft inscription for the tomb of Morier's father. Thoughts on politics. Matthew Knight has developed tuberculosis.
  • [Morier to BJ, 31 Dec 1878]
  • [84] W. Malvern, 22 Jan [1879?]. ALS [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a revised inscription for Morier's father's tomb [not preserved]. Morier thanked for his sympathy over Matthew Knight's illness. Although Thucydides can be printed, his illness has delayed work on the Politics.
    • [Morier to BJ, [1879?]
  • [85] Oxford, 23 Oct 1879, ALS [3 leaves]. Thucydides is almost finished. Thoughts on politics at home and abroad.
    • [Morier to BJ, 29 Oct 1879]
  • [86] Oxford, 16 Nov 1879, ALS [1 leaf]. Thoughts on politics.
  • [87] W. Malvern, 29 Dec 1879, ALS [3 leaves]. BJ's concern over foreign and home affairs.
    • [Morier to BJ, 3 Apr 1880]
  • [88] Oxford, 1 Jul [1880?], ALS [1 leaf]. Morier congratulated for his sucess.
  • [89] Oxford, 11 Nov 1880, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ's worries over politics. News of a visit to Lady Airlie, where he met Captain Hozier.
    • [Morier to BJ, 25 Dec 1880]
  • [90] W. Malvern, 15 Jan 1880 [recte 1881], ALS [3 leaves]. Thoughts on foreign affairs. BJ urges Morier to write his memoirs. BJ's sorrow at the death of George Eliot.
  • [91] Oxford, 5 May 1881, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ has met Morier's wife and daughter. Thought on foreign politics, especially the Transvaal. Thucydides wil be published soon, and (pencil) will get a copy.
  • [92] W. Malvern, 10 Aug 1881, ALS [1 leaf]. News of Lord Lansdowne. Morier thanked for his condolences on the death of A.P. Stanley. BJ shares his memories of him.
  • [93] Brechin Castle, Brechin, N.B., address Oxford, 9 Sep [1882?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ explains examinations at Oxford. Thoughts on politics.
  • [94] n.a., [1882], ALS [1 leaf]. Morier thanked for congratulating BJ on becoming Vice-Chancellor, and congratulated in turn for being knighted.
  • [95] Address Oxford, 23 Jun [1882?], ALS [1 leaf (pencil)]. Discussion over the future of Victor Morier (Morier's son) at Oxford.
    • [MA7 BJ to Morier, 1 Apr 1883]
  • [96] Balliol, 23 Aug 1883, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ impressed with Victor Morier's abilities.
  • [97] Oxford, 13 May [1884], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thinks Rogers should try for a canonry [place unknown]; he should not go for the Provostship of Eton, as Hornby will probably get it, and Warre then replace him as headmaster. The canonry will come up if Carpenter goes to Ripon. Can Morier come and meet Lord Granville?
  • [98] Balliol, 3 Jun 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. Account of one Thomas Millar as a possible tutor for Victor Morier.
  • [99] Oxford, 17 Jun [1884], ALS [1 leaf]. Thoughts on Thomas Millar as tutor for Victor Morier.
  • [100] Oxford, 27 Jun [1884], ALS [1 leaf]. Morier is to propose the health of the lawyers at a Balliol dinner, namely Coleridge, Chitty, Bowen, Lopes, Wright, Elton and Reid; BJ gives sketches of them.
  • [101] Balliol, 29 Jun [1884], ALS [1 leaf with a seating plan for the banquet at Balliol for 28 Jun enclosed] BJ thanks Morier in the warmest terms for his long friendship.
  • [102] Boars Hill, 10 Jul [1884], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ reports a talk with A.L. Smith on Victor Morier, which was very complimentary. BJ describes his pleasure at the 28 Jun dinner.
  • [103] Oxford, 28 Jul [1884], ALS [1 leaf, with an enclosure in Matthew Knight's hand] Morier's sister wanted to give some money for poor students at Oxford; BJ discusses how to administer it, and encloses this year's account. He recommends Hunter's acquaintance to Morier.
  • [104] BJ to Lady Morier. n.a., [1884?], ALS [1 leaf]. Praise of Victor Morier.
  • [MA1 BJ to Morier, 15 Sep 1884]
  • [105] Oxford, 11 Dec [1884], ALS [2 leaves]. Morier congratulated on his appointment as ambassador to St. Petersburg. BJ gives him advice on his new post. Victor Morier has failed Littlego, but BJ is not disheartened. Thoughts on the death of Grant.
  • [106] Mentmore, Leighton Buzzard, Oxford, 15 Dec 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ tries to reassure Morier over Victor's failing Littlego, but explains that he has to pass it. Thoughts about his future. News of Lord Rosebery.
  • [107] W. Malvern, 1 Jan 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends more good wishes for Morier as he goes to St. Petersburg. Can he visit Oxford, or see Rosebery, Milner or the Tavistocks?
  • [108] Balliol, 2 Mar 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. Victor Morier's health is improving. News of Irish affairs, and of a visit from ffolliott.
    • [MA8 BJ to Lady Morier, 2 Apr 1885]
  • [109] Oxford, 19 Jan 1886, ALS [1 leaf]. Plans for Victor Morier. Thoughts on politics and news of Goschen and Arthur Peel.
    • [Morier to BJ, 10 May 1886]
    • [MA2 BJ to Morier, 18 May 1886]
  • [110] Balliol, 24 Oct 1886, ALS [1 leaf], envelope preserved [stamp missing]. News of Victor Morier's health and thoughts on politics.
  • [111] Oxford, 15 Nov 1886, ALS [1 leaf], envelope preserved [stamp missing]. News of Victor Morier. Lord Dalhousie is ill.
    • [MA9 BJ to Morier, 15 Dec 1886]
    • [MA10 BJ to Morier, after 12 Jan 1887]
    • [Morier to BJ, 14 Jan 1887]
    • [MA11 BJ to Morier, 19 Jan 1887]
    • [MA12 BJ to Morier, 25 Jan 1887]
    • [MA13 BJ to Morier, Jan (?) 1887]
    • [MA14 BJ to Morier, 7 Feb 1887]
    • [MA15 BJ to Morier, 16 Feb 1887(?)]
    • [MA16 BJ to Morier, 21 Feb 1887]
    • [MA17 BJ to Morier, 24 Feb 1887]
    • [MA18 BJ to Morier, after 24 Feb 1887]
    • [Morier to BJ, 2 Mar 1887]
    • [Morier to BJ, 4 Mar 1887]
    • [Morier to BJ, 7 Mar 1887]
  • [112] Oxford, 10 Mar 1887, ALS [1 leaf], envelope preserved [stamp missing]. News of Victor Morier's health, and thoughts on foreign politics.
    • [MA19 BJ to Morier, 6 Jun 1887]
  • [113] W. Malvern, 1 Jul [1887], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ's health has improved. Thoughts on foreign politics. Any news of Victor Morier?
  • [MA20 BJ to Morier, autumn 1887]
  • [114] Faringford, Freshwater, 7 Jan 1888, ALS [2 leaves] Thoughts on foreign affairs, especially Russia and Germany. BJ remonstrates with Morier for his hot temper, especially for not concealing his antipathy for Bismarck. Regards to Morier's family.
    • [Morier to BJ, 9 Mar 1888
  • [115] Balliol, 11 May 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. Plans for Toynbee Hall [perhaps connected with Victor Morier] have fallen through. News of Victor Morier, and the death of Matthew Arnold. Worries over the health of Friedrich III.
    • [MA21 BJ to Morier, 21 Sep 1888]
    • [MA22 BJ to Morier, 12 Aug 1888]
    • [Morier to BJ, 18 Nov 1888]
    • [MA23 BJ to Morier, 28 Dec (1888)]
    • [MA3 BJ to Morier, 13 Apr 1889]
    • [MA24 BJ to Morier, 1 May 1889]
  • [116] Oxford, 1 May [1889?], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet in Oxford next summer.
  • [117] Oxford, 7 Jun [1889?], ALS [1 leaf]. Morier cautioned over his temper, which can damage his career; he should consider the problem of Herbert Bismarck.
  • [118] Balliol, 1 Oct 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. Morier thanked for giving money to Balliol and urged to write his memoirs. News of ffolliott, Lady Airlie, Margot Tennant and Victor Morier.
    • [MA25 BJ to Morier, 6 Mar 1890]
    • [MA26 BJ to Morier, 16 Mar 1890]
    • [MA27 BJ to Morier, 29 Apr 1890]
    • [MA28 BJ to Morier, 29 Oct 1890]
    • [MA29 BJ to Morier, 9 Oct 1891]
    • [MA30 BJ to Morier, 26 Oct 1891]
    • [MA31 Charlotte Green to Morier, 26 Oct 1891]
  • [119] Balliol, 26 Nov 1891, all except signature in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. Can Morier visit BJ before his return to St. Petersburg? News of Victor Morier.
    • [MA32 BJ to Morier, 1 Dec (1891?)]
  • [120] Balliol, 16 Dec 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ on Morier's being offered the Rome post; should he be glad or sorry?
  • [121] W.H. Hall's, Six Mile Bottom, Newmarket [Christmas vacation 1891/2], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad that Morier will stay in St. Petersburg. Possibility of meeting in June.
  • [122] BJ to Lady Morier. Balliol 5 Jan 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ greatly concerned about news of Morier's health; how is he?
  • [123] Balliol, 26 Jan 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad that Morier is staying in Russia. Thoughts on Russia. Enquiries after Victor Morier. BJ's health improves.
  • [124] Balliol, 6 May 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ expresses concern for the health of Morier and his son.
    • [MA33 BJ to Morier, 3 Jun 1892]
    • [MA34 BJ to Lady Morier, 17 Jun 1892]
  • [125] Balliol, 1 Sep [1892], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad to hear about Morier's interview with Rosebery. He is much pleased with the portrait of Morier given to Balliol.
  • [126] Balliol, 6 Oct 1892, Balliol, ALS [1 leaf]. Reflections on the deaths of Tennyson and Nettleship. BJ plans to send Morier a copy of Plato. Thoughts on the picture of Morier given to Balliol.
  • [127] Balliol, 18 Dec 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. Thoughts on Morier's health, and memories of Victor Morier's last visit to BJ. Morier urged to write his memoirs. News of Arthur Blennerhasset at Balliol and thoughts on politics.
    • [MA35 BJ to Morier, 8 Jan 1893]
    • [MA36 BJ to Morier, 17 Apr 1893]
    • [MA37 BJ to Morier, 10 Sep 1893]
    • [MA38 Sir William Markby to Morier, 2 Oct 1893]

Class III - Group MA

Appendix - Letters between BJ and Sir Robert Morier and his family in the RBD Morier Papers at Balliol

The RBD Morier Papers, which consist of material connected with both Sir Robert and other members of his family, were given to Balliol in 1965 and 1973 by his granddaughter the Hon. Mrs. F.H. Cunnack. These contain other letters from BJ to Sir Robert Morier, as well as letters from Morier to BJ. Because BJ's letters to Morier have been summarised above, it was decided to provide similar summaries of all BJ's letters in the Morier Papers. In the case of Morier's letters to BJ, only their date and box number are given.

Only letters between BJ and Morier and his family are noted here. BJ and Morier had several friends in common, and letters to and from them and Morier survive in the RBD Morier Papers. It is therefore highly likely that other correspondence in the Morier Papers mentions BJ, and further exploration of these letters may well produce more references to BJ.

Letters are arranged by box number (see the Catalogue to the RBD Morier Papers for an explanation of their organisation). The titles given each box in the Catalogue is reproduced here.

Box 36 (General Correspondence 1873-4)

Morier to BJ:

  • 21 Jan 1873, 20 Aug 1873, 13 Oct 1873, 16 Nov 1873 and 2 Nov 1874.
Box 39 (General Correspondence 1877-80)<

Morier to BJ:

  • 2 Mar 1877, 14 May 1877, 13 July 1877, 8 Aug 1877, 22 Aug 1877, 4 Jan 1878, , 11 Feb 1878, 17 Feb 1878, 1 Mar 1878, 25 Apr 1878, 24 Jun 1878, 19 Aug 1878, 31 Dec 1878, [1879?], 29 Oct 1879
  • 3 Apr 1880 and 25 Dec 1880.
Box 40 (General Correspondence 1881-93)
  • [MA1] BJ to Morier. Gosford, Longniddry, N.B., 15 Sep 1884, ALS [2 leaves (ink)]. Thoughts on Lord Ampthill's death, and its effect on Morier. Grant's thoughts on Gladstone. News of Victor Morier under A.L. Smith's tutelage. Thoughts on politics.
  • [MA2] BJ to Morier. Oxford, 18 May 1886, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ sorry to hear of the death of an old friend [Stockmar: see Morier's letter of 10 May]. News of Victor, and A.L. Smith's thoughts on him, and British politics.
  • [MA3] BJ to Morier. West Malvern, 13 Apr 1889, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ replies to a letter from Morier which accused BJ of a want of sympathy [it seems BJ passed on some uncomplimentary comments made about Morier by a third party], and protests his deep friendship for him.
  • Morier to BJ:
  • 10 May 1886, 14 Jan 1887, 7 Feb 1887, 2 Mar 1887, 4 Mar 1887, 7 Mar 1887, 9 Mar 1888 and 18 Nov 1888.
Box 43.2 (Letters from Benjamin Jowett)

Images online here.

  • [MA4] BJ to Morier. Boars Hill, Abingdon, 6 Jul [?], ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ sorry that Morier is depressed.
  • [MA5] BJ to David Richard Morier (Robert's father). address Oxford, 17 Jan [1848-1850?], ALS [3 leaves]. Discussion of Morier's career: discussion of the career structures in the Home Office, Colonial Office and the Board of Trade.
  • [MA6] H. Merivale to BJ. Colonial Office, 25 Jan [1848-1850?], ALS, [2 leaves (ink)]. Merivale discusses careers at the Colonial Office with regard to Morier.
  • [MA7] BJ to Morier. address Oxford, 1 Apr 1883, ALS [2 leaves (ink)]. BJ sorry to hear about Morier's sister. He suggests Morier makes contact with [Henry?] Holden about Victor. Hopes of seeing Morier on a future visit to England. Thoughts on politics and Gladstone. Sorrow at the deaths of Henry Smith and Toynbee.
  • [MA8] BJ to Lady Morier. Oxford, 3 Apr 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. News of Victor. BJ glad to hear of Morier's success in a treaty with Russia.
  • [MA9] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 15 Dec 1886, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. Arrangements to meet BJ, when the Ilberts will be down. Victor's academic career is still not going well.
  • [MA10] BJ to Morier. n.a., [after 12 Jan 1887], ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. Concern over Victor's behaviour. Sorrow at Lord Iddesleigh's death [died 12 Jan 1887].
  • [MA11] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 19 Jan 1887, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ's grave concern over Victor.
  • [MA12] BJ to Morier. Oxford, 25 Jan 1887, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. Concern over Victor: an anecdote of his bad behaviour over a party in Balliol and his suicidal depressions.
  • [MA13] BJ to Morier. n.a., [Jan 1887?], ALS, [1 leaf (ink)]. Victor seems in better spirits.
  • [MA14] BJ to Morier. Oxford, 7 Feb 1887, ALS, [1 leaf (ink)]. Victor continues to progress satisfactorily.
  • [MA15] BJ to Morier. Clifton, Address Oxford, 16 Feb [1887?], ALS, [1 leaf (ink)]. On Victor's sustaining an injury to himself. What should he do in the vacation?
  • [MA16] BJ to Morier. Oxford, 21 Feb 1887, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. Victor suffered an injury playing football, but is recovering well.
  • [MA17] BJ to Morier. 24 Feb 1887, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. Victor's recovery continues.
  • [MA18] BJ to Morier. [after 24 Feb 1887?], ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. Victor's recovery continues. Thoughts on foreign policy.
  • [MA19] BJ to Morier. address Oxford, 6 Jun 1887, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. News of BJ's illness, and thanks for Morier's concern. Thoughts on Victor; concern over his childishness.
  • [MA20] BJ to Morier. 10 South Street, Park Lane, [Autumn 1887], ALS, [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ sorry to hear of Morier's removal from St. Petersburgh to Rome. Hopes of a profession for Victor. Can Morier patch up a modus vivendi with Bismarck? News of BJ's health: he is ill in bed.
  • [MA21] BJ to Morier. Kirnan, St. Andrews, Address Oxford, 21 Sep 1888, ALS, [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ approves of Morier's decision over Victor. BJ advises Morier on his own life. BJ is to visit in turn Lord Camperdown, Dr. Martineau, Lord Rosebery, Lord and Lady Wemyss and the Bishop of Ripon.
  • [MA22] BJ to Morier. Aldworth, Haslemere, Surrey, 12 Aug 188, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ concerned over a mishap [unspecified] of Morier's. Can he call in on Haslemere [home of Hallam Tennyson] en route to Osborne? BJ will shortly visit the Lingens.
  • [MA23] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 28 Dec [1888], ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ glad to hear good news about Victor. Thoughts on selecting a tutor for him. Thoughts on the C[rown] P[rincess Victoria] and on the charge quoted against Morier in the Kolnisch [sic] Zeitung (through Bismarck's agency). Tennyson is very ill.
  • [MA24] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 1 May 1889, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ is glad of Morier's letter for settling their differences. He will try to get Morier a D.C.L. at Oxford.
  • [MA25] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 6 Mar 1890, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ consoles Morier over a misfortune [unspecified]. Watkins, who was visiting, passes on his consolation too. Hopes for Victor.
  • [MA26] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 16 Mar 1890, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. More consolation, in which ffolliott and Watkins join him, to Morier in his difficulties.
  • [MA27] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 29 Apr 1890, ALS, [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ glad that Victor has recovered, and hopes for his future. News of the Irish question.
  • [MA28] BJ to Morier. 29 Oct 1890, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. Thoughts on W.Y. Sellar [recently dead]. Discussion about what to do with Blennerhasset. BJ has met Balfour, who is going to visit Balliol in November. Thoughts on the guilt of Beaumont [first name unknown].
  • [MA29] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 9 Oct 1891, all in Martha Knight's hand [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ has been told by Acland that he may recover from his illness, but in case he does not, he bids farewell to Morier, thanking him for his friendship, expressing pleasure at Victor's rehabilitation, praising Morier for his diplomatic successes.
  • [MA30] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 26 Oct 1891, all in Charlotte Green's hand, [1 leaf (ink)]. Discussion of a possible visit from Morier. News of BJ's health. Thoughts on Victor.
  • [MA31] Charlotte Green to Morier, Balliol, 26 Oct 1891, ALS [2 leaves (ink)]. Details of BJ's condition.
  • [MA32] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 1 Dec [1891?: BJ's shaky handwriting suggests that he was recovering from his illness of the autumn], ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over Morier's health. Thoughts on what to do with Victor, and how to keep him out of danger.
  • [MA33] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 3 Jun 1892, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ consoles Morier on the death of Victor.
  • [MA34] BJ to Lady Morier. Balliol, 17 Jun 1892, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ consoles Lady Morier for the death of Victor.
  • [MA35] BJ to Morier. Balliol 8 Jan 1893, [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ concerned that Morier still has not recovered from Victor's death. News of Blennerhasset. BJ is about to be visited by Goschen, Balfour and Warre.
  • [MA36] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 17 Apr 1893, ALS, [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ hopes Morier is starting to recover interest in his work. News of Blennerhasset and Lord Derby, Lord Arthur Russell, and Herbrand, Duke of Bedford. Thoughts on politics.
  • [MA37] BJ to Morier. Balliol, 10 Sep 1893, ALS, [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ encloses an inscription for Victor's tomb. BJ is ill, but hopes to see Morier before too long. Alongside this letter is an envelope [in Morier's hand?], dated Montreux 5 Oct [1893 (pencil)], the dates of Victor's life in Latin [in Lady Morier's hand?], and BJ's epitaph [in Matthew Knight's hand].
  • [MA38] Sir William Markby to Morier. Headington Hill, Oxford, 2 Oct 1893, ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. Account of BJ's last illness; although he was not always conscious, he used to recite the names of his closest friends, including Morier. Explanation of why BJ chose his burial place (to be near Henry Smith and T.H. Green).
Box 65B (Typescript copies of Morier's correspondence)
  • TS copies of Morier to BJ, 2 Nov 1874 (extracts only), BJ to Morier III M 57-8, 61, Morier to BJ 25 Oct 1875 (extracts only - no original yet found), BJ to Morier (III M 62-4 - extracts only), Morier to BJ 10 May 1886, 9 Mar 1888, 18 Nov 1888.
Box 73 (Typescript copies of Morier's correspondence)

TS copies of letters:

  • Copies of BJ to Morier III M 9-11, 19, 22-3, 32-3, 26, 39-41
Box R (Morier Papers 1850-77)
[MA39] BJ to Dorothea Morier (Sir Robert's sister). Oxford, 14 July [1877], ALS [1 leaf (ink)]. BJ sends condolences on the death of Dorothea's [and Sir Robert's] father.

- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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