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Jowett Papers - Group IV Class A

Group IV - General Note

Ever since BJ's death, Balliol has collected material connected with BJ. Much was given during work on A & C, and this is largely to be found in Group I. For the next few years, very little was received (BJ's letters to Florence Nightingale, given in 1913, being an important exception). However, from the late 1950s, and in particular the 1960s, more material has come to Balliol. Some of this consists of original documents, some of transcripts and photocopies of material in other collections. This upsurge was due to the initiative of E.V. Quinn, who, assisted by John Prest, began a far more active policy of searching for Jowett material in other collections, and either acquiring it,  or having copies and transcripts made.

With a few notable exceptions, such as the letters to Florence Nightingale, all such later acquisitions to the Jowett Papers have been placed in Group IV. It has been divided into only two classes: IV A contains original documents, IV B photocopies and transcripts. Both classes are very disparate, containing miscellaneous material, ranging from the large collection of 40 letters from BJ to John ffolliott, to individual letters from him to unnamed and unknown persons.

Every accrual in both classes has been given an item number, irrespective of size. Classes are arranged as far as possible in order of their date of arrival at Balliol. Where possible, the date of acquisition and the name of the donor or vendor is given. Where some letters concerning the transfer are preserved, the phrase [correspondence enclosed] is used; where the items were bought from a dealer or at an auction, [catalogue enclosed] is used where appropriate.

It is intended that all future gifts or purchases of Jowett material be placed in this group.

Group A - Original material on Benjamin Jowett acquired by Balliol since 1897

This group contains original documents connected with BJ given to or bought by Balliol College Library.


Printed and TS memoirs of BJ (originally in an envelope inscribed by EVQ (who presumably collected tham here) B. Jowett - duplicates).

  • [1] Copy of the " Westminster" Extra No. 4, published by the Westminster Gazette, and dated October 1893. This is a special issue in memory of BJ, consisting exclusively of reminiscences of him.
  • [2] Printed pamphlet (a supplement to College Echoes, the St. Andrews University Magazine) of a sermon preached in memory of BJ by Lewis Campbell on 15 Oct 1893 at the College Church [in St. Andrews? Another copy is to be found at V/A/3vi of the Strachan-Davidson Papers].
  • [3] TS entitled Reminiscences of Jowett by A.L. S[mith], copied from The Blue Book [13 leaves].

Letters connected with the transfer of BJ's letters to Florence Nightingale to Balliol, dated 1913. They originally had the Bursary Shelfmark D.8.44 [See III N695-700 for more of this correspondence, and the General Note to III N for an account of the transfer]. It is assumed that these letters were found in the Bursary at Balliol at an unknown date, and given to the Library.

  • [1] Edward J. Cook to E. Hilliard. 50 Portman Mansions W., 25 Sep 1913, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [2] Edward Cook to J.L. Strachan-Davidson. Balliol 15 Oct 1913, ALS [1 leaf only preserved of an incomplete letter, which has been torn in half]. Tagged to this is a pencil transcription in an unknown hand of a letter presumably to Cook. It could be a copy of the rest of the torn letter.
  • [3] Edward T. Cook to J.L Strachan-Davidson. 50 Portman Mansions W., 18 Oct 1913, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [4] Henry Bonham Carter to J.L. Strachan-Davidson. 5 Hyde Park Gardens, 20 Oct 1913 ALS [1 leaf].
  • [5] J.L Strachan-Davidson to Henry Bonham Carter. n.a., 20 Oct 1913, autograph draft [1 leaf].
  • [6] Edward T. Cook to J.L Strachan-Davidson. 50 Portman Mansions W., 22 Oct 1913, ALS [1 leaf].
  • Letter from BJ to C. Law. Balliol, 23 Mar 1873, ALS [2 leaves], envelope with stamp preserved. Discussion of the rights of animals and natural selection.

Given in 1917 by C.Law [correspondence enclosed].


Press cuttings and letters connected with BJ's salary for the Greek Professorship. All press cuttings have been pasted onto leaves of paper.

Given in 1937 by M. Rendal [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] Cutting from The Times, 25 Nov 1864. Letter from C.I. Elton concerning how the stipend of the Regius Professorship in Greek was to be increased.
  • [2] Cutting from The Times, 16 Jan 1865. Letter from C.I. Elton on the same subject.
  • [3] 2 leaves of extracts from The Times for 22 Feb 1865, concerning the increase of BJ's professorial stipend, one a news item, the other an editorial.
  • [4] BJ to C.I. Elton. Balliol, [probably late Feb 1865], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Elton for his work for the stipend.
  • [5] Cutting from the Saturday Review, 9 Feb 1867. Review of Elton's The Tenures of Kent. The first paragraph recalls his work for BJ's stipend.
  • [6] Leaf with 2 cuttings from the Saturday Review, one a letter dated 10 Feb 1867 from Edward Freeman claiming some of the credit for the increase in BJ's stipend, the other a notice from Mr. [?] Wright dated 2 Mar 1867 on the stipend increase.
  • [7] Cutting from the Athenaeum dated 22 Feb 1868. Reviews of C.I. Elton's A Treatise on Common and Waste Lands.
  • [8] C.I. Elton to E.A. Freeman. 22 Pelham Place [?], [probably 1867], copy in unknown hand [5 leaves]. Stung by Freeman's claims about assisting in increasing BJ's stipend, Elton sets out in detail his side of the story.
  • [9] MS extract from A & C Vol I pp.319-20 on the whole episode.

Letters from BJ to Dr. William Smith, dated 1841-77. The supplied dates are in an unknown hand. These are occasionally incorrect: in such cases, likelier dates have been given by RDS in italics.

Given in 1944 by Smith's grandson H. Clifford Smith [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] Balliol, 28 Jan [1841?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ agrees to contribute to Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.
  • [2] Balliol, 24 Apr [1841?], ALS [1 leaf]. More on BJ's contributions to Smith's Dictionary.
  • [3] Balliol, 15 May [1841?], ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of a Philological Review which Smith is planning; BJ offers suggestions for it.
  • [4] 34 Lee Road [unnamed town], Friday evening [1840 or 1841?], ALS [1 leaf]. On conventions over the order of names in Smith's dictionary of biography.
  • [5] 116 Warwick St. , Leamington [1842], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will fill up some references [for entries in the biographical dictionary]. He has just been appointed Tutor at Balliol.
  • [6] 34 Lee Road [unnamed town], 26 Apr [1842?], ALS [1 leaf]. On which further articles for the biographical dictionary BJ is to take on. Stanley and Scott want to make Smith an [unspecified] offer.
  • [7] Balliol, 3 Feb [1843 or 1845?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will revise some articles for Smith.
  • [8] Balliol, [After 1842 (when Tait went to Rugby)], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ leaves some articles on philosophers for the dictionary of biography for Smith. He can be contacted at A.C. Tait's at Rugby.
  • [9] Balliol, Monday [1852], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a testimonial [a note with the letter says that this was for Smith's candidature for a Classical Professorship at Edinburgh].
  • [10] Testimonial for Smith by BJ, in his hand, signed and dated 13 Dec, which was sent with [9] above.
  • [11] Oxford, 1 Sep [1870?], ALS [1 leaf]. Letter introducing Mr. Munro of Oriel, who wants to contribute to the Quarterly Review.
  • [12] n.a., 2 Dec 1877, ALS [1 leaf]. J.L. Strachan-Davidson wants to contribute to the Quarterly Review, and BJ gives an account of him. News of Mrs. Grote.
  • Letter from BJ to Mr. Amato (chef at Balliol). Balliol, 18 Dec [1870], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ offers terms for engaging Amato as cook at Balliol.

Given in 1957 by Amato's grandson Peter Amato [correspondence enclosed].


Correspondence between Sir Geoffrey Faber and Guy Kendall and various members of Balliol College, all connected with Faber's biography of BJ. The contents have not been listed in detail, nor the people mentioned put in the index. The story of Faber's biography is set out in them, as is what happened to Group I of the Jowett Papers at this time. The summary of events is as follows: Faber's original plan in 1933 was to publish a biography begun by Hamish Miles, and call in Sir Roger Mynors as a collaborator. Then in 1935 he decided to write the book himself, and borrowed all the Jowett Papers then available (Group I, as well as III C and III N). In 1948 Guy Kendall, without knowing of Faber's unfinished work, wanted to write a biography of BJ. Hearing of Faber's work, he withdrew from the project. Faber's book finally appeared after much delay in 1957. Some of the later letters (for 1955-7) concern Faber's plans for a publication of the letters from BJ to Florence Nightingale, either complete or in part.

A note with these shows that they were given to Balliol Library by the Master's office in 1961. (originally found in an envelope labelled by EVQ Benjamin Jowett - Biography - corr of the Master with Geoffrey Faber Guy Kendall)

During the re-boxing of the Jowett Papers, several of Faber's checklists for them were found, These have been transferred here as IV A7/80.

  • [1] Geoffrey Faber to R.A.B. Mynors. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 28 Sep 1933, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [2] Geoffrey Faber to R.A.B. Mynors. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 6 Oct 1933, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [3] Geoffrey Faber to Humphrey Sumner. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 14 May 1935, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [4] Geoffrey Faber to R.A.B. Mynors. All Souls College 20 May 1935, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [5] Geoffrey Faber to R.A.B. Mynors. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 4 Jun 1935, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [6] Geoffrey Faber to R.A.B. Mynors. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 24 Jun 1935, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [7] Guy Kendall to A.D. Lindsay. Little Hanger, Wormley, Godalming, 6 Jan 1948, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [8] A.D. Lindsay to Guy Kendall. n.a., 12 Jan 1948, carbon copy of TS [1 leaf].
  • [9] A.D. Lindsay to Guy Kendall. n.a., 17 Jan 1948, carbon copy of TS [1 leaf].
  • [10] Guy Kendall to A.D. Lindsay. Little Hanger, Wormley, Godalming, 5 Feb 1948, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [11] A.D. Lindsay to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 7 Feb 1948, carbon copy of TS [1 leaf].
  • [12] A.D. Lindsay to Guy Kendall. n.a., 7 Feb 1948, carbon copy of TS [1 leaf].
  • [13] Geoffrey Faber to A.D. Lindsay. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 10 Feb 1948, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [14] A.D. Lindsay to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 12 Feb 1948, carbon copy of TS [1 leaf].
  • [15] A.D. Lindsay to Guy Kendall. n.a., 12 Feb 1948, carbon copy of TS [1 leaf].
  • [16] Unnamed writer [probably David Lindsay Keir] to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 31 Mar 1950, carbon copy of TS [1 leaf].
  • [17] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 4 Apr 1950, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [18] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 5 Apr 1950, carbon copy of TS without signature.
  • [19] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 2 May 1950, carbon copy of TS without signature.
  • [20] Harold Hartley to David Lindsay Keir. 21 Lansdowne Road, London W.11, 8 Oct 1950, ALS [2 leaves].
  • [21] David Lindsay Keir to Harold Hartley. Faber, n.a., 20 Oct 1950, carbon copy of TS without signature. Attached to it is a TS note Should this letter be mentioned to Faber?
  • [22] Harold Hartley to David Lindsay Keir. British Electricity Authority, Winsley Street, London W.1, 27 Oct 1950, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [23] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 27 Oct 1950, carbon copy of TS without signature.
  • [24] Geoffrey Faber to E.V. Quinn. All Souls College, 28 Oct 1950, TS without signature [3 leaves].
  • [25] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 1 Nov 1950, TS with secretary's signature [2 leaves].
  • [26] E.V. Quinn to Geoffrey Faber. n.a, 6 Nov 1950, carbon copy without signature [1 leaf].
  • [27] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 14 Nov 1950, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [28] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Minsted House, Midhurst, Sussex, 19 Mar 1951, ALS [2 leaves].
  • [29] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 22 Mar 1951, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [30] Note in unknown hand If Master has not heard anything by end of year, will write to Faber and accept hint.
  • [31] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Minsted House, Midhurst, Sussex, 2 Dec 1951, ALS [1 leaf].
  • [32] John Bryson to David Lindsay Keir. Balliol, n.d., ALS [1 leaf].
  • [33] Typed note on a consultation of the college minutes on Faber's work on BJ.
  • [34] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 10 Dec 1951, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [35] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 13 Dec 1951, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [36] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 14 Dec 1951, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [37] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Minsted House, Midhurst, Sussex, 25 Jan 1952, ALS [3 leaves].
  • [38] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 29 Jan 1952, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [39] John Bryson to David Lindsay Keir. Balliol, n.d., ALS [1 leaf].
  • [40] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 4 Feb 1952, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [41] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 6 Feb 1952, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [42] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 7 Feb 1952, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [43] End of a letter from John Bryson [to David Lindsay Keir?], n.d., ALS [1 leaf].
  • [44] Geoffrey Faber to John Bryson. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 21 Apr 1953, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [45] Geoffrey Faber to John Bryson. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 23 Apr 1953, TS with signature [1 leaf], with a TS list of the Jowett papers [1 leaf].
  • [46] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 29 Apr 1953, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [47] Faber's secretary to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 30 Apr 1953, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [48] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 5 May 1953, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [49] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 25 Nov 1954, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [50] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 29 Nov 1954, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [51] David Lindsay Keir to Lord Samuel. n.a., 29 Nov 1954, carbon copy without signature [1 leaf].
  • [52] Lord Samuel to David Lindsay Keir. 32 Porchester Terrace, W.2, 2 Dec 1954, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [53] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 13 Dec 1954, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [54] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 14 Dec 1954, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [55] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 4 May 1955, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [56] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 5 May 1955, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [57] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 5 Jan 1956, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [58] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 9 Jan 1956, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [59] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 25 Jan 1956, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [60] Faber's secretary to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 27 Jan 1956, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [61] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 9 Feb 1956, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [62] John Bryson to David Lindsay Keir. Balliol, 11 Feb 1956, TS, no signature [1 leaf].
  • [63] Undated TS leaf concerning Balliol's holdings of letters from BJ to Florence Nightingale.
  • [64] Geoffrey Faber to John Bryson. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 17 Feb 1956, TS copy of extracts [1 leaf].
  • [65] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 18 Feb 1956, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [66] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 21 Feb 1956, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [67] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 23 Feb 1956, TS with signature [2 leaves, with a small note attached from John Bryson].
  • [68] Extracts from a letter written by John Bryson to Geoffrey Faber. 23 Feb [1956], ALS [1 leaf].
  • [69] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 29 Feb 1956, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf - 2 copies of this letter].
  • [70] Faber's secretary to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 2 Mar 1956, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [71] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 22 Mar 1956, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [72] TS leaf from RVB dated 7 Jun 1956.
  • [73] Carbon copy of circular sent to the Jowett Copyright Trustees on paying for a transcription of BJ's letters to Florence Nightingale.
  • [74] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 9 Apr 1957, TS with signature [2 leaves].
  • [75] Carbon copy of TS extract from 74.
  • [76] David Lindsay Keir's secretary to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 10 Apr 1957, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [77] David Lindsay Keir to Geoffrey Faber. n.a., 29 Apr 1957, carbon copy of TS without signature [1 leaf].
  • [78] Geoffrey Faber to David Lindsay Keir. Faber & Faber Publishers, 24 Russell Square, London W.C.1, 1 May 1957, TS with signature [1 leaf].
  • [79] 2 notes, dated 30 Aug and 25 Sep 1961, concerning the transfer of the preceding corespondence from the Master's Office to the Library.
  • [80] 5 leaves, all in Faber's hand, consisting of the checklists he drew up for I A-D and I F. These were found during the reboxing of the Jowett Papers, and have been transferred here.

Letters from BJ to John ffolliott.

Originally copies of some of these were lent to Abbott for use in A & C (an unsigned note dated 1920 to that effect is enclosed, and copies of some of the letters are at I F10). Other correspondence on this matter is to be found at I E23/4 and G17/5/9). ffolliott's daughter Agnes put some letters in envelopes, on which she wrote inscriptions, which are preserved with the letters. It is not known for how long they remained with the ffolliott family. They were bought by Balliol in 1962 from Maggs Bros. Ltd. [correspondence enclosed].

All letters are from BJ to John ffolliott unless otherwise indicated. Several letters had their envelopes preserved, but unfortunately they were separated and placed together in a different folder, as were Agnes ffolliott's descriptive envelopes. These have all been reunited where possible. Suggested dates not in italics have been supplied by EVQ.

  • [1] Balliol, 9 Feb [1849?], ALS, [3 leaves, with envelope inscribed by Agnes ffolliott saying that it was written about the time of the potato famine or shortly afterwards]. Sorry about delaying his reply to ffolliott's letter. Plans of a visit to Scotland; news from Bishop Ewing and news of Morier's work. Worries over Ireland, and thoughts about how to solve its problems. References to H.H. Vaughan and Gladstone.
  • [2] Keswick, 8 Sep [1849], ALS [1 leaf, on which the ink has faded badly, with an envelope inscribed by Agnes ffolliott pointing to the PS]. Plans to meet. BJ sends greetings from Stanley and Morier [who adds a PS in his own hand].
  • [3] n.a., but probably Keswick [after 6 Sep 1849 and probably written soon after 2], ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry that they cannot meet after all, as Stanley's father has just died. News of Morier and Gordon.
  • [4] Balliol, Jan 20 [1850 suggested by A & C], ALS, [3 leaves, with an envelope inscribed by Agnes ffolliott to the effect that her father's life was very much directed by this letter]. BJ advises ffolliott on his future: he should not take orders, but stay a layman; BJ encloses a letter from Temple [not preserved] which agrees with this. Instead ffolliott should be a squire, and BJ suggests how he may go about this. News of Stanley and `Pantagruel' [real name unknown even to Agnes ffolliott: perhaps Morier?]. News of a journey to Paris.
  • [5] Balliol, 19 Feb [1850 suggested by A & C] [2 leaves], ALS, [1 leaf, probably to be attached to an envelope inscribed by Agnes ffolliott about the identity of `Joe' (Morier)]. Thanks for his letter [a reply to 4?]. More on why ffolliott should not become a priest. News of Morier from Berlin. Thoughts on the effects of free trade on Ireland.
  • [6] Oban, 3 Sep [1850], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet. Pastiche Pindaric Ode in Greek to ffolliott [probably by BJ]. Allusions to Arthur Peel.
  • [7] n.a. [1851], ALS, [2 leaves], with an envelope inscribed by Agnes ffoliott about the identity of `our fat friend' [Morier]. On building at Balliol, to which Dr. Jenkyns seems to be objecting, and other Balliol affairs. News of Bishop Ewing, Stanley and Morier [the latter two described in a somewhat satirical way] and Sellar.
  • [8] Balliol, 13 Apr [1851] ALS, [2 leaves]. Thanks for a letter. Thoughts on William Jowett's death, and memories of him. Invitation to a walking tour. Views on Ruskin's Stones of Venice, Manning's conversion to Catholicism and the Church of England and news of Morier.
  • [9] n.a. [June 1851], ALS, [1 leaf, with an envelope inscribed by Agnes ffolliott concerning the contents, mentioning that ffolliott met BJ's parents in Europe]. Arrangements for their planned holiday in Switzerland, going via St. Germain to see his family. News of Morier.
  • [10] n.a. [Oct 1851], ALS [1 leaf, with an envelope inscribed by Agnes ffolliott about its contents]. Memories of BJ's visit to ffolliott's house in Ireland, with enquiries after his horses. Account of his journey home. References to the Great Exhibition. Thoughts on his tenth year of teaching at Balliol. BJ will send [ffolliott's daughter?] a present.
  • [11] Balliol, 25 Dec [1851 - see reference to Carlyle], ALS [2 leaves]. BJ sends Christmas greetings to ffolliott and family, and asks what he has been doing. Thoughts on European affairs. Plans to build at Balliol, and news of Carlyle's Life of Sterling [published 1851]. News of Morier.
  • [12] n.a. [probably 18 Jul 1852, as a stray envelope postmarked Oxford 18 Jul 1852, and the contents of this letter suit this date, so they have been put together], ALS [3 leaves]. News of BJ's book. Argument about the ministry, and the question of the Irish Church. BJ explains his movements this summer, and asks after ffolliott's family. News of Morier, and of the Commission for University Reform. BJ's views on the Pre-Raphaelites, especially The Huguenots and Ophelia, which he liked. Invitation to ffolliott to visit him. Stanley is off to the East with Walrond.
  • [13] J.C. Shairp's, Rugby, 24 Sep [1852], ALS [2 leaves]. BJ cannot come to Ireland, because of building work at Balliol. Thoughts on the last Irish election. News of Morier, Stanley and BJ's book.
  • [14] n.a., n.d., [but it alludes to Stanley's visit to Egypt of 1852 with Walrond], ALS [2 leaves]. Thanks for ffolliott's last letter. Thoughts on politics, especially Disraeli, and the present government [of Lord Derby?]. News of Morier. Thoughts that the ministry will soon fall. News of Stanley and Walrond in Egypt.
  • [15] n.a., [probably Mar 1854, as a stray envelope, postmarked Oxford 10 Mar 1854, almost certainly goes with this], ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to ffolliott to visit him, although not when BJ has to go to the Master's [i.e. Jenkyns'] funeral. BJ will be glad to see him, especially at so critical a time for Balliol.
  • [16] 7 Royal Crescent , Whitby , [probably Aug 1861, as an envelope postmarked Whitby 22 Aug 1861 almost certainly belongs to it], ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. News of Morier's engagement. BJ trying to work on Plato. Thoughts on religion.
  • [17] Oxford, 22 May [1860s? Cf. the references to the Irish Church], ALS [1 leaf]. Is ffolliott coming to England this year? He sees that ffolliott's name is linked with the Irish Church debate. In England BJ sees the Puseyites having it all their own way.
  • [18] Oxford, 29 May [1860s? The references to Plato and BJ's hand suggest this], ALS [1 leaf]. Is ffolliott coming to England this year? Sorry he has not written sooner, but he has been hard at work on Plato.
  • [19] Pitlochry, 13 Sep [1860s? BJ's hand suggests this], ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry that they cannot meet, unless ffolliott comes up to St. Andrews. He forwards a letter from Morier.
  • [20] Oxford, 7 Jan 1875, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will do what he can for Reichel, and hopes he will do well at Oxford. Hopes that ffolliott will visit England this year. News of Morier.
  • [21] Oxford, 23 May 1879, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. Arrangements to meet. Lewis Campbell will be here.
  • [22] Oxford, 25 Apr 1885, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. Discussion on Judge Lawson.
  • [23] n.a. [Jun 1885? The reference to Sat 20 Jun dates the letter to 1874, 1885 or 1891; an otherwise unattached envelope with stamp postmarked Oxford 5 Jun 1885 is therefore assigned to this letter], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet on Saturday 20 June.
  • [24] Oxford, 5 Jul 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. ffolliott asked if Lord Russell was a suitable companion for Captain Johnstone's son. He is not; BJ has just sent him down for a year, and urges Johnstone's son to have nothing more to do with him.
  • [25] Oxford, 18 Apr 1886, ALS [2 leaves]. Concern over Irish affairs and the Home Rule Bill, of which BJ disapproves.
  • [26] Oxford, 3 Jun [1880s? BJ's hand suggests this], ALS [1 leaf]. Thanks for ffolliott's kind letter. Hopes of a meeting. [Part of the leaf has been cut away, and someone (ffolliott or one of his family?) has drawn horses in pencil on a blank part of the letter]
  • [27] n.a. [1880s? BJ's hand suggests this], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [28], Oxford [1880s? BJ's hand suggests this], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [29] Balliol, 17 Jul 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. Thoughts about Ireland. BJ looks forward to a visit from ffolliott and his daughters. News of Morier's concern over his son Victor.
  • [30] Balliol, 28 Aug 1889, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamps preserved.  BJ has heard a rumour that ffolliott's youngest daughter has drowned. Is this true? BJ hopes not, and consoles ffolliott if it is.
  • [31] Balliol, 1 May 1890, ALS [1 leaf]. Can ffolliott visit BJ this month?
  • [32] Balliol, 4 May 1890 [year from postmark], ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. Looking forward to ffolliott's visit.
  • [33] Balliol, 16 Jan 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry for delay in writing, and thanks for Dr. Salmon's book, which BJ enjoyed. News of Victor Morier going on a South African expedition. Account of meeting Balfour, whom BJ liked. Optimism over Ireland.
  • [34] Balliol, 28 Jun 1891 [year from postmark], ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. Arrangements for ffolliott to visit BJ.
  • [35] Balliol, 4 Oct 1891, ALS [2 leaves], envelope with stamp preserved. The second half of the letter (except for BJ's signature), and all the envelope, is in Martha Knight's hand. BJ is unwell. BJ on portraits of himself; he doesn't want another one made. Thoughts on Ireland, and on Morier's son.
  • [36] Balliol, 16 Jan 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. Account of BJ's illness, and gratitude for the kindness shown him by ffolliott and Morier. Thoughts on Morier. Thoughts on Ireland and Parnell.
  • [37] Balliol, 2 Jul 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ wishes ffolliott success in standing for Sligo. Hopes of a visit from him this summer. News of the death of the son of Burnet [Morier].
  • [38] Balliol, 18 Jul 1892, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. Looking forward to ffolliott's visit. News of Burnet [Morier]'s poor state.
  • [39] Balliol, 6 Oct 1892, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamps preserved. Thanks for ffolliott's sketch of St. Petersburg. Thoughts on ffolliott's position as a landlord. Reaction to the death of Tennyson. News of Morier.
  • [40] Balliol, 3 Nov 1892, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. BJ sorry not to have thanked ffolliott for the drawing; he is delighted with it. Hopes for the state of Irish landlords.
  • [41] Printed programme for a memorial meeting in honour of BJ, held in London on 2 Dec 1893, at which plans for a Jowett Memorial Fund will be put forward.
  • [42] Printed circular, addressed to ffolliott, dated 13 Dec 1893, concerning the agreed nature of the Memorial Trust, and asking for a subscription.

Letter from BJ to E. Worthington Powell. Balliol, 27 May 1890, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ agrees to enter Powell as an India student, and explains what he must do at Responsions.

Given in 1965 by Powell's daughter Miss V. Powell [correspondence enclosed].


Letters from BJ to Professor Baynes.

Given in 1967 by P.A. Spalding in 1967 [note by EVQ].

  • [1] BJ to Professor Baynes. 29 Aug [1860s-1870s? BJ's hand suggests this date], ALS [1 leaf]. Comments on some theological articles [a collection to be edited by Baynes?]. Suggestions on who the best theologians are today, whom Baynes might contact [not indexed].
  • [2] BJ to Professor Baynes. 5 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh, 25 Dec 1871, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ grateful for the [unspecified] honour which St. Andrews has given him.
  • [3] BJ to Professor Baynes. Oxford, 29 Oct 1878, ALS [1 leaf]. Letter of introduction for [A.J.] Ashton.

2 letters from BJ to R.E Prothero.

Bought from Kyrle Fletcher in 1968 [note by EVQ].

  • [1] Oxford, 26 Jan [1875/6?], ALS [1 leaf]. Can Prothero contribute to Balliol's new Hall?
  • [2] Balliol, 2 Feb [1875/6?], ALS [1 leaf]. Prothero thanked for his contribution to the Hall.

Letters from BJ and his father to John Wood. Photocopies of 1 and 2 are also enclosed.

Given in 1968 by J.Pearce Gould, solicitor of Mary Millicent Wood, their original owner and grandson of John Wood, who had just died [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] BJ to John Wood. Balliol, Friday evening [27 Nov 1835, since the postmark is 28 Nov 1835], ALS [1 leaf; the letter was folded, and the address written on the back]. BJ informs Wood of BJ's election as a scholar at Balliol, and of his delight at this.
  • [2] BJ to John Wood. Balliol, 24 Jan [1843? The postmark is illegible], ALS [1 leaf; this letter was folded around, and the address written on the back]. On paying back some money Wood had lent him. Having taken his degree, BJ has had to give his family £100 a year, and pay for his brothers' education, so that he is in debt from all this. He proposes a means of settling his debt with Wood.
  • [3] Benjamin Jowett Sr. to John Wood. 12 Lambridge Place, Bath, 27 Nov 1835, ALS [1 leaf; this letter was folded around, and the address written on the back]. News of BJ's scholarship to Balliol. Why Oxford was chosen, after some uncertainty about where he should go.
  • [4] Benjamin Jowett Sr. to John Wood. 12 Lambridge Place, Bath, 1 Dec 1835, ALS [1 leaf; this letter was folded around, and the address written on the back]. Reply to Wood's letter of the 27 Nov. He has had no news from BJ since his brief letter [which he quotes] telling him of his election, and was worried about this when BJ returned home, so that he could provide more details.

More letters to John Wood, from BJ and others, all connected with finding a place at Oxford for Wood's nephew George.

It is assumed that these too were owned by Mary Millicent Wood, and given in 1968 by J. Pearce Gould after her death.

  • [1] BJ to John Wood. Balliol, Tues Morning [Dec. 1843?], ALS [1 leaf]. Wood would like to send his nephews to Balliol. However, the Master [Jenkyns] dislikes interference, and would not take kindly to an application from BJ. Oriel is also unlikely, so BJ suggests Christ Church or University, on the whole preferring Unversity, where A.P. Stanley is about to go as a fellow, and where Puseyism does not flourish.
  • [2] BJ to John Wood. 34 Lee Road, 29 Dec [1843?], ALS [1 leaf]. More on the same subject; BJ has now written to Stanley about it and awaits a reply. He is glad that Wood has chosen University College. [note by EVQ enclosed on the career of Wood's nephew, George, who matricualated at University College in April 1844]
  • [3] Richard Jenkyns to John Wood. Balliol, 25 Mar 1843, ALS [1 leaf]. Jenkyns cannot accept Wood's nephew at present because of there is not room. However he could try for a scholarship in November.
  • [4] J. Walker to John Wood. Brasenose. 19 Apr 1843, ALS [1 leaf]. Wood has not left enought time to enter his nephew for one of the more respectable colleges. However, Walker might be able to squeeze him in at Brasenose.
  • [5] J. Walker to John Wood. Brasenose, 2 May 1843, ALS [1 leaf]. Walker has entered Wood's nephew's name to matriculate in Lent Term 1844.
  • [6] Edward Hawkins to John Wood. Oriel, 13 Apr 1843, ALS [1 leaf]. There are no vacancies for Commoners at Oriel in Lent Term 1844.
  • [7] Edward Hawkins to John Wood. Oriel, 9 Dec 1843, ALS [1 leaf]. He can offer Wood's nephew a place at Oriel next Lent Term. [This letter uses only half the leaf; on the rest of it is a (draft?) letter from Wood to Hawkins, dated 11 Dec 1843, ALS. He thanks Hawkins for the offer, and thinks his nephew is ready to be examined on the 14th]
  • [8] Edward Hawkins to John Wood. Oriel, 12 Dec 1843, ALS [1 leaf]. He has heard from Rugby that Wood's nephew has declined the offer of a place, wanting to stay on at school.
  • [9] F.L. Plumptre to John Wood. University College, 13 Apr [1843?], ALS [1 leaf]. Wood entered his nephew for University, to enter in Michaelmas 1842 or Lent 1843. Discussion about when he should come up, and details of College charges.
  • [10] F.L. Plumptre to John Wood. University College, 3 Apr [1844?], ALS [1 leaf]. It is unlikely that Wood's nephew could come before Lent Term 1845.

Testimonial from BJ for W. Stroud. Balliol, 28 May 1885, all except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf].

Given in 1969 by Stroud's daughter Mrs. Violet Murray [correspondence enclosed].


Correspondence concerning H.R. Hope-Pinker's bust of BJ [see IV B15 for copies of other documents from the same source].

They were given in 1969 by P.L. Gell's nephew Lt. Col. P.W.V. Gell in 1969 [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] Envelope [contents lost] addressed to Sir William Markby, n.d.
  • [2] Receipt, dated 29 Jun 1894, from Hills and Saunders for photographing 3 tablets in Balliol Chapel, sent to P.L. Gell.
  • [3] Receipt, dated 30 Jul 1894, signed by Hope-Pinker acknowledging payment of 125 guineas from P.L. Gell as half the sum for BJ's bust.
  • [4] H.R. Hope-Pinker to P.L. Gell. 22 Avonmore Road, Kensington W, 21 Jul 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Agreement to make a bust of BJ.
  • [5] Bill, dated 26 Nov 1895, for incidental expenses incurred by the Jowett Trust.
  • [6] H.R. Hope-Pinker to P.L. Gell. 22 Avonmore Road, Kensington W, 23 Nov 1896, ALS [1 leaf]. Hope-Pinker sends his account for BJ's bust.
  • [7] Sir William Markby to P.L. Gell. Balliol, 30 Nov 1896, ALS [1 leaf] Encloses a cheque for Hope-Pinker.
  • [8] Receipt, dated 1 Dec 1896, signed by Hope-Pinker acknowledging payment of £118 18s 8d from Gell.

Letters from BJ to D.G. McDougall.

Given in 1970 by McDougall's son Archibald McDougall (Balliol 1924) [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] BJ to D.G. McDougall. Balliol, 7 Mar 1888, ALS [1 leaf]. Concerning McDougall's wanting to come to Balliol. BJ suggests arrangements, including givien details of what he must prepare for Responsions.
  • [2] BJ to D.G. McDougall. Balliol, 29 Sep [1888], ALS [1 leaf]. On McDougall's preparation for the exams, and when they start.
  • [3] BJ to D.G. McDougall. Balliol, 27 Jan [1889?], ALS [1 leaf]. On McDougall's coming into residence.
  • BJ to Mrs. Henrietta Cradock. n.a., Thursday night [1870s-1880s?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ grateful to Mrs. Cradock for sending a favourable article about him. Flirtatious comments about what they might have done 50 years earlier.

Bought in 1970 from Maggs Bros. Ltd. [correspondence enclosed].


Letters from BJ to an unnamed man and to Mr. and Mrs. Owen  [unfortunately there is insufficient evidence to identify them].

Given in 1970 by K. Bonfiglioli [note by EVQ].

  • [1] BJ to unnamed man. n.a., 5 Jul [?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ delighted to hear of the man's appointment as Professor [in Oxford]. Discussion of the terms and conditions of the post.
  • [2] BJ to Mr. Owen. Balliol, Tuesday [?], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [3] BJ to Mrs. Owen. Oxford, Sat 16 Jun [1877, 1883 or 1888], ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to a concert of Mendelssohn at Balliol Hall with refreshments at BJ's house first.
  • [4] BJ to Mr. Owen. n.a., n.d., ALS [1 leaf]. BJ asks to postpone an appointment to go for a walk with him.
  • [5] BJ to Mr. Owen. Balliol, 15 Oct, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ returns a letter from Fleming, and is sorry about [two illegible people's] accident.
  • [6] BJ to Mr. Owen. n.a., May 15 [?], ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to dinner to meet Sir Louis Mallet.
  • [7] BJ to Mr. Owen. n.a., n.d., ALS [1 leaf]. Can Owen be present when the India Statute comes on [at a University meeting?]
  • [8] BJ to Mrs. Owen. n.a., n.d., ALS [1 leaf]. BJ accepts an invitation to dinner.
  • [9] BJ to Mrs. Owen. n.a., Saturday [?], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet.
  • [10] BJ to Mrs. Owen. Balliol, 19 Mar 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ accepts an invitation to dinner.
  • [11] BJ to Mr. Owen. Oxford, 18 Feb [?], ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to dinner.
  • [12] BJ to Mrs. Owen. Oxford, 9 Jun [?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ accepts an invitation to dinner.

Letters from BJ to Mr. Girdlestone and Mr. and Mrs. Owen, plus a letter to BJ from Lightfoot [the Owens are the same unidentifiable couple as in A18; it is also impossible to identify Mr. Girdlestone].

Given in 1970 by K. Bonfiglioli [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] BJ to  Mr. Girdlestone. Oxford, 4 May 1883, ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to preach before the University on Trinity Sunday.
  • [2] BJ to Mr. Girdlestone. Balliol, 10 Feb 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. Details of Hebrew and Bible scholarships in Oxford.
  • [3] BJ to Mr. Girdlestone. Oxford, 3 May [1871, 1876 or  1882?], ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to dinner on Sat May 13 to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury [Tait].
  • [4] BJ to Mr. Girdlestone. Oxford, 13 Mar [1883-6?], ALS [1 leaf]. On publishing the Calendar [which one?] at an earlier date.
  • [5] BJ to Mr. Girdlestone. Oxford, 17 Feb [1883-6?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ declines with regret an invitation from Girdlestone to an unspecified event, as he must attend a Council meeting.
  • [6] BJ to Mr. Girdlestone. Balliol, 26 Oct [1882-5?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ has laid before the curators a motion [subject unspecified] on behalf of Moody and Sankey. but it lost.
  • [7] BJ to Mr. Owen. Oxford 12 May 1885, ALS [1 leaf]. On fixing [exam?] dates.
  • [8] BJ to Mrs. Owen. Oxford, 10 Dec 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ accepts an invitation to dinner.
  • [9] BJ to Mr. Owen. n.a., n.d., ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad to have settled into Elphinston College so well. He suggests that Gifford retain his Fellowship. Invitation to dinner.
  • [10] J.P Lightfoot to BJ. Exeter College, 11 May 1863, ALS [1 leaf]. He has just had a letter from Pusey saying that he has abandoned his suit against BJ [over Essays and Reviews], and passes on the news to BJ.

BJ to Mr. Bennett. Oxford 24 May [1875/6?], ALS [1 leaf]. Bennett thanked for giving money for the Hall.

Given in 1971 by D.G. Neill [note from EVQ].


Letters from BJ to Stephen Lawley.

Given in 1972 by Prof. A. Buchan [correspondence enclosed]

  • [1] BJ to Stephen Lawley. Balliol, 2 Sep 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a circular asking for money for a playing field for Balliol.
  • [2] BJ to Stephen Lawley. Balliol, 2 Jul 1890, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends Lawley some books, and belatedly thanks him for sending money to Balliol.
  • Catalogue from John Wilson Ltd. inscribed May 1974, mentioning a letter from BJ to Dr. Hill, which it seems Balliol did not buy. The letter was n.a., 9 Jun 1887, ALS [2 leaves]. In it BJ thanked Hill for dedicating him his edition of Boswell's Johnson.
  • Note, dated 1974, of the existence of a letter from BJ on the Codex Sinaiticus in B.M. Add.MS.49612(A).
  • Letter from BJ to an unknown man. n.a., 8 Nov [?], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will look over the man's work, and suggests that he contacts de Paravicini for more help.

Given in 1974 by P.G. Neill.

  • Letter from BJ to an unknown addressee. Balliol 24 Apr [1880s?. BJ's hand suggests this], ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to meet the correspondent' two candidates [for Balliol?].

Bought from Blackwells Ltd., 1976 [catalogue enclosed].


Letters from BJ to Charles Harris.

Given in 1979 by Mrs. C.R.S. Harris [note by EVQ on envelope in which these letters were found].

  • [1] Oxford, 20 Jan 1887, ALS [1 leaf], envelope preserved [the stamp has been torn away]. BJ delighted that Harris has come first in the competition [at the Civil Service?]. As he has a choice of offices to enter, BJ suggests the Treasury, or perhaps one of the Secretary of State's offices.
  • [2] Oxford, 4 Feb 1887, ALS [1 leaf], envelope with stamp preserved. Harris congratulated on his post at the War Office. Advice on how to use his scientific knowledge there to best effect (especially with regard to ballistics). BJ hopes Harris will keep in touch with Oxford.
  • [3] Balliol, 7 Aug 1889, ALS [1 leaf], envelope preserved [the stamp has been torn away]. Lord and Lady Wolseley are coming to stay with BJ. Would Harris like to meet them? BJ has written to Goschen on his behalf, and the reply was favourable, but Harris should not set too much store by this.
  • [4] Balliol, 22 Feb 1890, ALS [1 leaf], envelope preserved [the stamp has been torn away]. BJ encloses a circular concerning the purchase of the Holywell playing field, and wonders if Harris can contribute. He asks how Harris is getting on at the War Office.
  • 24 TS leaves consisting of a speech or lecture at New College Edinburgh by A.R. MacEwen containing reminiscences of BJ. Internal evidence suggests that it was made in 1902. The memories are from 1870 to BJ's death, but include some details from the 1850s and 1860s. Another copy of this lecture are at I E26/6.

Given in 1983 by Dr. J.H. Jones [correspondence enclosed].

  • Letter of 1983 concerning 4 letters from BJ to Moncure D. Conway, Edwin Hatch and Henry White, now preserved in Columbia University, Butler Library, M.S. Room. Reference numbers are given.
  • TS (4 leaves), dated 16 Dec 1904, by A. Hall of an index to passages which refer to members of the Jowett family (including BJ's grandfather) and their connections from a Diary kept by a Mrs. Mary Langdon of Ware for 1750-1785.

Given in 1987 by L.H. Collins [correspondence enclosed].

  • Issue of Vanity Fair for 26 Feb 1876. Opposite p.117 is a caricature of BJ by "Spy" and on p.117 is a satirical account of him by "Jehu Junior".

Bought in 1992 from J. Stern [correspondence enclosed].

  • Letter from BJ to Charlotte Green. Balliol, 23 Apr 1889, ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to dinner to meet Lady and Miss M. Stanley. Given in 1992 by J.G.S. Simmons, Emeritus Fellow of All Souls [correspondence enclosed].
  • Printed invitation, dated 4 May 1891, from BJ and M.R. Jardine (Captain of the Oxford University Cricket Club), to stay at Balliol for a cricket match among old and current members of Balliol, to take place on the new playing field at Holywell.

Given at an unknown date by Broughton Waddy.


Letters from BJ to G.G. Bradley, with letters from Bradley and Sir George Grove to Evelyn Abbott. A33/5 shows that BJ's letters were sent to Abbott by Bradley in 1894.

  • [1] BJ to G.G. Bradley. n.a., 15 Sep 1887 [date added by Bradley], ALS [1 leaf]. BJ encourages Bradley in undertaking to write a life [of A.P. Stanley]. News of BJ's planned visits in Scotland to Lord Wemyss, Lord Camperdown, Mrs. Drummond and Dr. Martineau, and also of BJ's health. Concern expressed over Bowen's son William; can Bradley help sort him out?
  • [2] BJ to G.G. Bradley. Address, Oxford, 12 Oct 1887? [year added by Bradley], ALS [1 leaf]. More on Bradley's biography of Stanley; discussion on whether he should meet Florence Nightingale or not, and on her views of Stanley. BJ recommends W.A. Greenhill as a source for Stanley's early life. BJ also reflects at length on Stanley's character, family and life.
  • [3] BJ to G.G. Bradley. Address, Oxford, 20 Nov 1887, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ discusses his friendship with Florence Nightingale, and offers his help in writing about Stanley.
  • [4] G.G. Bradley to Evelyn Abbott. The Deanery, Westminster, 27 Feb 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Bradley has some of BJ's letters to Stanley, and will pass them one. He provides his own reminiscences of BJ.
  • [5] G.G. Bradley to Evelyn Abbott. The Deanery, Westminster, 20 Nov 1894, ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion on sorting out Stanley's correspondence [it is unclear if BJ's or Stanley's letters are meant]. Bradley encloses his own letters from BJ [1-3 above], which he considers interesting, but too private to publish.
  • [6] Sir George Grove to Evelyn Abbott. Lower Sydenham, S.E., 15 Feb 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. Grove has been sorting out letters sent to Stanley, and has extracted BJ's letters up to 1862, which he will send to Abbott. He will also look for Stanley's letters to BJ.
  • [7] Sir George Grove to Evelyn Abbott. Lower Sydenham, S.E., 18 Feb [1895?], ALS [1 leaf]. Grove sends BJ's letters to Stanley from 1862 to 1866.
  • [8] Sir George Grove to Evelyn Abbott. Lower Sydenham, S.E., 19 Apr 1895, ALS [1 leaf]. Grove has found more of BJ's letters to Stanley, which he has sent to Lewis Campbell, as well as some letters from Pusey to Stanley [these must be I E9], He hopes that Campbell will send them on to Abbott, and notes that some letters from BJ must have been lost. He draws attention to what he considers a particularly fine letter written by BJ in 1878.

- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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