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Jowett Papers - Group IV Class B

Group IV

Class B - Transcripts and photocopies acquired by Balliol since 1897

This class contains photocopies or transcripts of Jowett material currently held in other collections which have been made for Balliol College Library. Most of them were made upon the initiative of E.V. Quinn and John Prest.

It is always shown whether a given item consists of photocopies or transcripts, or both. Where photocopies are provided, indication is made of the hand used and the length of the original. References to the date of arrival at Balliol, and the source of the copies, is made in the same way as in IV A.

Numbers in square brackets at the end of entries are the reference codes for letters in other collections.


Correspondence dated 1966-7 between John Prest and the Historical Manuscripts Commission and others concerning the whereabouts of some of BJ's letters. This indicates the manner in which inquiries were made about acquiring copies of BJ's letters in other collections for Balliol Library [originally in an envelope inscribed by EVQ British Museum.].

  • [1] Letter from the Historical Manuscripts Commission to John Prest, 1 Jun 1966. There are no letters from BJ among Palmerston's papers. A list of sources of other letters from or about BJ is appended, which includes the following. Where copies of originals were made, a reference number is given,
    • [1] Letter concerning Chaloner William Chute, which mentions BJ [1860]. Now under CHUTE in the Hants Record Office.
    • [2] Letter from BJ to Mrs. Josephine Butler, n.d. In the possession of A.S.G. Butler, London.
    • [3] Box of papers about the will of BJ, mostly written 1893. In the possession of Col. P. Gell, Wirksworth, Derbyshire [IV A15 and B15]
    • [4] Letters from BJ to Thomas and Mrs. Huxley [1870-1893]. Under HUXLEY in the archives of Imperial College, London. Transcripts listed here as IV B4]
    • [5] 11 letters from BJ to Viscount and Lady Wolseley and 1 to Archdeacon Sinclair [1889-92]. Under WOLSELEY in Hove Central Library, Sussex. Transcripts listed here as IV B9]
    • [6] Letters from to H.C.E. Childers, with Childers' draft replies [1875-9]. Under CHILDERS (16/131-41; 18/105) in the archives of the Royal Commonwealth Society.
  • [2] Photocopy of letter to John Prest from Marjorie Sneyd (custodian of the papers of Lord Sherbrooke), dated 1967. She could only find one letter from BJ, dated 26 Jun 1889, in which he invites Lord and Lady Sherbrooke to Commemoration.
  • [3] Photostat of letter to John Prest from the Estate Office, Bowood, Calne, Wiltshire (home of Lord Lansdowne), dated 1967. A search of the family papers at Bowood revealed no letters from BJ.

IV B2-7 - General Note

All these items consist of photocopies and/or transcripts of Jowett material in other collections. None is dated, but they were probably made in the late 1960s, when most work  of this kind was carried out.


TS transcripts, with 2 carbon copies, of letters from BJ to Edwin Palmer, Lord Ripon, and George Goschen, all now in the British Library. Copies undated, but probably made in the late 1960s [originally in an envelope inscribed by EVQ British Museum B. Jowett].

  • [1] BJ to Archdeacon Palmer. n.a., 1884 [1 leaf]. Suggestions that Hornby should be the new Provost of Eton, and Warre should succeed him as Head [BM Add MS 44,298, fo.110]
  • [2] BJ to Lord Ripon. n.a. [n.d. but probably Oct-Nov 1882] [6 leaves]. BJ offers his detailed opinion on the admission of men to the Indian Civil Service. In his view candidates are too young, and he gives his reasons for raising the age limit [BM IS 290/7. Correspondence with persons in England. 1882. (Part I. No.140, pp.170-3)]
  • [3] BJ to Lord Ripon. n.a., 19 Nov 1883 [1 leaf]. BJ recommends that native Indians be brought to Oxford University. [BM IS 290/7. Correspondence with persons in England (1883). (Part I. No.121a, pp.154a-154b)]
  • [4] BJ to George Goschen. Oxford, 19 May 1871 [1 leaf]. BJ provides his thoughts on an [unspecified] Amended Bill [B.M. Add. MS. 44,430, fol.221].

TS transcripts, with 2 carbon copies, of letters from BJ to Lord Morley and the Marquess of Salisbury [Chancellor of Oxford University] now preserved in the Salisbury Papers in Christ Church. Copies undated, but probably made in the late 1960s [Envelope inscribed by EVQ Christ Church Oxford].

  • [1] BJ to Lord Morley. Oxford, 2 Mar 1871 [1 leaf]. Arrangements to attend a committee meeting.
  • [2] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Balliol, 13 Feb 1874 [2 leaves]. BJ asks Salisbury to allow Arnold Toynbee to migrate from Pembroke to Balliol.
  • [3] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Balliol, 8 Mar 1876 [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a memorial from the Master and Fellows of Balliol concerning the Oxford University Bill.
  • [4] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Balliol, 11 Feb 1878 [2 leaves. A note above the letter says that it was written in another hand, and that only the concluding sentence and the signature are in BJ's]. On the union of Balliol and New Inn Hall; would Salisbury agree to it?
  • [5] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 26 Feb 1878 [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Salisbury for agreeing to his request [for the merger of Balliol and New Inn Hall].
  • [6] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Balliol, 3 Jun 1879 [1 leaf]. The Hebdomadal Council have passed a resolution approving of the union of Balliol and New Inn Hall.
  • [7] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Balliol, 3 Jul 1882 [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Salisbury for nominating him Vice Chancellor.
  • [8] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 8 Dec 1882 [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Salisbury for sending him an annnouncement for the election of the Vinerian Professorship of English Law.
  • [9] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 9 Mar 1883 [1 leaf]. BJ sorry that he cannot entertain Salisbury on his visit to Oxford in May [for the opening of the Indian Institute], but invites him to lunch to meet the Prince of Wales. Approval of Monier Williams' work on the Institute.
  • [10] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 14 Mar 1883 [1 leaf]. BJ encloses an advertisement for the election of the Savilian Professorship of Geometry.
  • [11] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 18 Apr 1883 [1 leaf]. Dr. Acland has told BJ that the House of Lords will debate the Medical Bill. BJ sends Salisbury the opinion of the Hebdomadal Council on the subject.
  • [12] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 25 Apr 1883 [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a list of toasts for the lunch for the opening of the Indian Institute. Can Salisbury respond to the toast to the University?
  • [13] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 10 Jun 1883 [1 leaf]. BJ sends some subjects for the Chancellor's Prizes. Can Salisbury say which ones he likes?
  • [14] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 14 Jun 1883 [2 leaves]. Can Salisbury read and comment on an enclosed circular concerning the drainage of the Oxford Valley?
  • [15] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Newlands, Berwick, 21 Jul 1883 [1 leaf]. BJ unsure about the success of an unnamed university Society.
  • [16] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Balliol, 17 Aug 1883 [1 leaf]. BJ has sent to the Rector of Liege University answers to questions on French education.
  • [17] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 16 Nov 1883 [1 leaf]. There is nothing to prevent Salisbury from accepting the Radcliffe Trusteeship.
  • [18] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 19 Nov 1883 [1 leaf]. Could Salisbury add his name to the head of a list of people signing an address commemorating the quatercentenary of Luther's birth?
  • [19] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 7 Dec 1883 [1 leaf]. Salisbury thanked for telling him that Mr. Sylvester is the new Professor of Geometry.
  • [20] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 4 Apr 1884 [1 leaf]. Can Salisbury forward to the Queen and the Duchess of Albany two addresses of condolence from the University on the death of the Duke of Albany?
  • [21] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 5 Jun 1884 [1 leaf]. BJ encloses the texts of the addresses of condolence to the Queen and the Duchess of Albany.
  • [22] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 18 Jun 1884 [1 leaf]. BJ consults Salisbury on how to deal with a scandal [details not given] involving undergraduates and young boys.
  • [23] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 15 May 1885 [1 leaf]. BJ informs Salisbury about a small change in the time of sending in the University Prize Composition.
  • [24] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Balliol, 21 May 1885 [1 leaf]. BJ sends some subjects for Prizes. Can Salisbury say which ones he likes?
  • [25] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 15 Dec 1885 [1 leaf]. Letter enclosing 26 below. BJ suggests Lord Hobhouse as a suitable arbiter.
  • [26] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. University Chest Office, Oxford, 15 Dec 1885 [2 leaves]. A dispute has arisen between Wadham College and the University Chest concerning how much money it is to contribute. Can Salisbury appoint an arbitrator?
  • [27] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury's secretary(?). Balliol, 26 Dec 1885 [1 leaf]. Can the secretary ask Salisbury to sign the enclosed document [not preserved]?
  • [28] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 21 Jun 1886 [1 leaf]. BJ sends some subjects for the Chancellor's Prizes. Can Salisbury say which ones he likes?
  • [29] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Balliol, 21 Jun 1886 [1 leaf]. As BJ's term as Vice-Chancellor expires, he sends Salisbury a list of all the Heads of Colleges who have not held the office in order of their election.
  • [30] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Oxford, 8 Jul 1886 [1 leaf]. Can Salisbury assist in naming three Arbiters for a dispute between the Curators of the University Chest and the Colleges?
  • [31] BJ to the Marquess of Salisbury. Balliol, 25 Jun 1887 [2 leaves]. BJ asks Salisbury if a knighthood could be procured for Dr. William Markby for his services to the University and to Indian students.

Partial transcriptions, with 2 carbon copies, of letters from BJ to Thomas, Henrietta and Leonard Huxley, now in Vol. VII of Scientific and General Correspondence (Jowett and Herbert Spencer) in the Huxley Papers in Imperial College, London. The first 9 pages of the transcript list all the letters from BJ, giving extracts of some, and indicating where a long summary, extensive extracts, or a complete transcription have been made below. These letters have been bound in a volume, and the relevant folio numbers are given in square brackets here. "Short extract only" or "summary only" indicates that the only evidence here for this letter is in this initial 9 page survey. Copies undated, but probably made in the late 1960s [Envelope inscribed in EVQ's hand Imperial College].

  • [1] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 23 Dec 1870, summary only. Invitation to meet Mr. and Mrs. Lowe [1-2].
  • [2] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 14 June 1870, extract only. Invitation to Commemoration. News of BJ's prospective election as Master [3-4].
  • [3] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 12 May 1875, summary only. Invitation to meet the Dean of Westminster [A.P. Stanley] and Lady Portsmouth [5-6].
  • [4] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 16 Nov 1888, summary only. Accepts invitation to visit [7].
  • [5] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., Oct 1891, summary only. BJ has written to Professor Napier saying that he and Huxley did not mean to deprecate him in expressing a desire for an increased study of English at Oxford [8].
  • [6] BJ to Thomas Huxley. Oxford, 13 Apr 1877 [1 leaf]. Invitation to visit BJ. BJ would like to introduce more physical science into Oxford [9-10].
  • [7] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 6 May 1877 summary only. Dates offered for their proposed visit to Balliol. Would they like to meet Mr. and Mrs. [G.H.] Lewes or the Bowens? BJ wants to talk to Huxley about putting physical science on the Oxford syllabus [11-12].
  • [8] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 19 July 1877, detailed summary only [1 leaf]. Suggestions about what to do with Huxley's son (Leonard) at university. Might St. Andrew's be best for him? Thoughts of Lewis Campbell on this [13-14].
  • [9] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 7 May 1878, detailed summary only. Lewis Campbell has spoken highly of Huxley's son at St. Andrews. Can the Huxleys visit BJ? he hopes to have Lady Portsmouth with him [15-16].
  • [10] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 22 May 1878, summary only. Sorry for illness in Huxley's family. He has found an unnamed tutor for Huxley's son [17-18].
  • [11] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 1 Jun 1878, summary only. More on a tutor for Huxley's son. Invitation to visit BJ [19-20].
  • [12] BJ to "My dear Bell". n.a., 13 Aug 1879, summary only. Advice on when Leonard Huxley should come to Balliol [21].
  • [13] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 22 Apr 1879, summary only. Invitation to visit BJ. Lady Airlie will be there. BJ recommends tutors for Leonard [22-3].
  • [14] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 5 Aug 1879, long extract only. Discussion of arrangements for Leonard's coming up to Balliol [24].
  • [15] BJ to Leonard Huxley. n.a., 17 Dec 1879, summary only. Leonard congratulated on his exhibition at Balliol [25].
  • [16] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 21 Dec 1879, summary only. BJ sorry to turn down an invitation. Good reports of Leonard's abilities [26].
  • [17] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 7 Apr 1880, summary only. Leave of absence [27].
  • [18] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 16 Apr 1880, summary only. Invitation to visit BJ. Lord Coleridge and his daughter will be there [28].
  • [19] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 8 May 1881, short extract only. Invitation to visit BJ. Lord Camperdown will be there [29-30].
  • [20] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 11 May [1882?], summary only. Invitation to visit BJ. Mrs. Liddell invites them to a garden party at the Deanery (at Christ Church) [31-2].
  • [21] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 11 Jun 1881. Sorry to refuse an invitation; he is preaching at Westminster Abbey. High opinions expressed of Leonard [33-4].
  • [22] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. Oxford, 17 Jun 1881 [2 leaves]. Sorry to refuse an invitation, as he has promised to visit Harry Jones(?). BJ upset at Dr. Rolleston's death. Would Huxley think about standing to replace him? Details of the income and duties of the post [35-6].
  • [23] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 4 Jul 1881, detailed summary only with extracts. More details of the Linacre Professorship of Human and Comparative Anatomy, and on how good a thing it would be if Huxley got the post [37-8].
  • [24] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., n.d., summary only. Invitation to dinner [39].
  • [25] BJ to Leonard Huxley. n.a., 21 Nov [1881?], summary only. Thoughts on his career: teaching or the Bar? [40-1]
  • [26] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 14 Apr [1883?], summary only. Invitation to visit BJ. Lord Lansdowne will be there. Thoughts on Leonard's future [42-3].
  • [27] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 3 May 1880, summary only. Invitation to visit BJ. The Speaker [not Arthur Peel] and Lord Rosebery will be there [44-5].
  • [28] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 26 May 1882, summary only. Invitation to dinner [46].
  • [29] BJ to Leonard Huxley. n.a., Thursday [1882?], written in another hand, and signed by BJ [1 leaf]. BJ gives Leonard an essay to do, and invites him to breakfast [47].
  • [30] BJ to Leonard Huxley. n.a., Thursday [1882?], written in another hand, and signed by BJ [1 leaf]. Leonard urged to visit a new member of the college, Lieutenant Peel [Note: no Peel was up at Balliol with Leonard. Was there a mistake in the transcription?]. [48].
  • [31] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 27 Nov [1882?], long extract only. Sorry that BJ's cough prevents his seeing Huxley. Thoughts about Leonard's future, and how best to become a schoolmaster (although BJ thinks he should have gone to the Bar) [49-50].
  • [32] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 19 Mar [1877?], long extract only. Sorry to decline an invitation to meet Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall. Thoughts on Lord Salisbury's Bill [51-2].
  • [33] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 8 Jul 1883, detailed summary only. Huxley congratulated on his election as President of the Royal Society [53-4]. [A complete transcript of this letter is at I F16/3]
  • [34] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. the Deanery, Westminster, 21 Jun 1884, summary only. Sorry to turn down an invitation [55].
  • [35] BJ to Leonard Huxley. n.a., 17 Mar 1885, summary only. Best wishes on his coming marriage [56].
  • [36] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 9 Apr 1885, summary only. Can they all come to his house on the day of the wedding? [57]
  • [37] BJ to Thomas Huxley. Oxford, 2 Dec 1885 [2 leaves]. BJ sorry to have missed Huxley's address; he hopes that his retirement will give him time to work. News of a new Medical Statute at Oxford. Invitation to Oxford. There will be a concert conducted by Mr. Farmer [58-9].
  • [38] BJ to Thomas Huxley. Ottery St. Mary, 23 Dec 1885 [2 leaves]. On how much Latin and Greek a science student at Oxford should know. On trying to produce well-rounded students [60-1].
  • [39] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 1 Apr 1887, detailed summary only. Invitation to visit BJ and meet the Bishop of Ripon [62-3].
  • [40] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 5 Jul 1888, detailed summary only. BJ better than he was last year. Sorry to hear of the death of one of the Huxleys' daughters, and of Thomas Huxley's illness [64-5].
  • [41] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 26 Feb 1889, detailed summary only. Glad to hear that the Huxleys are both better. BJ much impressed with Huxley's last article in the 19th Century. News of BJ's health [66-7]
  • [42] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 30 Apr 1889 summary only. On one of her daughters marrying. Can they visit BJ and meet Professor Butcher and his wife? [68-9]
  • [43] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 16 Jun 1889, summary only. Invitation to visit BJ and meet Sir Robert and Lady Morier [70-1].
  • [44] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 16 Jun 1890, summary only. BJ encloses a letter from an evangelical curate undergoing religious doubt, and asks for advice [72-3].
  • [45] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 10 Apr 1891, summary only. Invitation to meet Mr. and Mrs. Goschen [74].
  • [46] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 26 Jun 1891, summary only. Arrangements for BJ's visit to the Huxleys [75].
  • [47] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 23 Jul 1891, summary only. Because of an urgent appointment at Oxford, BJ asks to alter the date of his visit [76].
  • [48] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 4 Aug 1891, detailed summary only. Thanks for sending a bag BJ left behind on his stay. Thoughts on miracles [77-8].
  • [49] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 22 Nov 1891 summary only [original written by an amenuensis]. News of his recovery. Thoughts on making some science compulsory at Oxford [79-80].
  • [50] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. Balliol, 3 Feb 1892, long extracts only [2 leaves]. News of his recovery. BJ glad to hear that Huxley will collect his Biblical criticisms into one volume. Thoughts on the nature of belief in the future [81-2].
  • [51] BJ to Thomas Huxley. Balliol, 9 Feb 1892 [2 leaves]. Thanks for sending BJ a copy of some lectures on evolution. Thoughts on a new basis for morals [83-4].
  • [52] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 23 Apr 1892, summary only. Invitation to visit BJ. Has Mrs. Huxley written any more poetry lately? [85]
  • [53] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 11 Jun 1892, summary only. Sorry he was unable to come [86-7].
  • [54] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 8 Jul 1892, long extracts only. BJ's comments on Huxley's Essays [88-9].
  • [55] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 8 Apr 1893. Invitation to visit BJ [90].
  • [56] BJ to Thomas Huxley. n.a., 18 Apr 1893, long extract only. BJ looking forward to Huxley's visit and his [Romanes] lecture [91].
  • [57] BJ to Mrs. Huxley. n.a., 19 Jun 1893, summary only. Invitation to visit BJ and meet Miss Tennant. Thoughts on Huxley's lecture [92-3].

TS transcripts with 2 carbon copies, some complete, others only extracts, of letters from BJ to Edwin Hatch, A.C. Tait and R. and E. Palmer now in Lambeth Palace Library. Copies undated, but probably made in the late 1960s [Envelope inscribed in EVQ's hand Lambeth Palace Library].

  • [1] BJ to Edwin Hatch. Cortachy Castle, Kirriemuir N.B, n.d., extract only [1 leaf]. BJ on the use of the word `science'. [Edwin Hatch MS, 1467, fols.37-38]
  • [2] BJ to Edwin Hatch. Lord Ramsey's, Dartmouth, n.d., [1 leaf]. Hatch congratulated on an unspecified appointment. [Edwin Hatch MS, 1467, fols.39-40]
  • [3] BJ to Edwin Hatch. Boars Hill, 6 Jan 1887 [2 leaves]. Hatch urged not to resign the Secretaryship of the faculties, and given reasons why he should not. [Edwin Hatch MS, 1467, fols.43-44]
  • [4] BJ to A.C. Tait. Madam Lachau, 1 Rue Neuve de l'Église, Auprès l'Hopital des Invalides, Paris, 10 Jun 1842 [2 leaves]. BJ is short of money. Could Tait send him a bill for the probable amount of his fellowship? If Tait is going to Rome, can he break his journey in Paris and see BJ? Account of BJ's life here, and reactions to Roman Catholicism. [Tait Papers, vol.77 fol.175]
  • [5] BJ to A.C. Tait. Balliol, 9 Jul [1852] [5 leaves]. BJ on University Extension. Detailed thoughts on a proposed hall for educating the sons of the poorer clergy, which could be connected to Balliol. BJ afraid that it might become too influenced by one party. Discussion of how it might be run. [Tait Papers, vol. 78, fol.259]
  • [6] BJ to A.C. Tait. Balliol, 10 Nov 1854 [2 leaves]. On news that Balliol has agreed to impose a written declaration on all future entrants to Balliol that they are members of the Church of England. BJ protests and wonders if it can be defeated. [Tait papers, vol. 78, fols. 266-7]
  • [7] BJ to A.C. Tait. Balliol 2 Dec [1855?], extract only [2 leaves]. Memories of when Tait was Tutor at Balliol, and BJ a scholar. Thoughts on Pusey. Thanks for Tait's influence when Ward converted to Catholicism. [Tait Papers, vol.78, fols. 268-71]
  • [8] BJ to A.C. Tait. n.a., 19 Sep [1856] [1 leaf]. Tait congratulated being appointed Bishop of London. BJ expresses high hopes for him. [Tait Papers, vol. 79. fols. 25-26)
  • [9] BJ to A.C. Tait. Oxford, 12 Oct [1862] [1 leaf]. BJ has been asked by Florence Nightingale to administer the sacrament to her. Would Tait give BJ permission to do this? Sorry that Tait may not be the next Archbishop of Canterbury. [Tait Papers, vol.79, fols.305-6]
  • [10] BJ to A.C. Tait. n.a., 21 Oct [1862] [1 leaf]. Tait thanked for letting BJ give Florence Nightingale the sacrament. Account of her illness. [Tait Papers, vol.79, fols.307-8]
  • [11] BJ to A.C. Tait. Oxford, 10 Oct 1870 [1 leaf]. Thanks for Tait's letter of congratulations on BJ becoming Master. Hopes of seeing Tait at Addington. BJ's plans for his Mastership. [Tait Papers, vol.88, fols. 163-4]
  • [12] BJ to A.C. Tait. Oxford, 18 Oct 1870 [2 leaves]. BJ is petitioning the Visitor to end restrictions on electing only those in orders to Fellowships. There are not enough good tutors at present, with the honourable exceptions of Green and Nettleship. The resolutions were convincingly carried by the Fellows. Hopes that Tait approves of this. [Tait Papers, vol. 88, fols. 165-7]
  • [13] BJ to A.C. Tait. n.a., 24 Mar 1872, summary only. BJ invites Tait and his family to visit Balliol, and to preach a sermon if he will. [Tait Papers Vol. 90, fols. 91-2]
  • [14] BJ to A.C. Tait. n.a. 6 Oct [?], summary only. BJ hopes Tait is coming to the Union banquet. [Tait Papers, vol. 92, fols. 264-5]
  • [15] BJ to A.C. Tait. n.a., 22 Sep [?], summary only. BJ proposes to come and stay with Tait. Thoughts on growing old. [Tait Papers, vol. 93, fols. 201-2]
  • [16] BJ to A.C. Tait. Inglewood, Torquay, 13 Aug [1874?], extract only. Tait thanked for his donation to the Hall. Thoughts on his bill against ritualism. [Tait Papers, vol. 93, fols. 290-1]
  • [17] BJ to Roundell Palmer. Balliol, 15 Nov [1848/9?], original apparently incomplete [3 leaves]. An MS copy of the letter used by Abbott and Campbell is at I F13/1, where a summary of its contents is made,[Roundell Palmer Papers, MS. 1861, fol.192]
  • [18] BJ to Archdeacon E. Palmer. n.a., n.d., summary only. News of the election of his son to Balliol. [Roundell Palmer Papers, MS. 1871, fol.75]

Photocopies of letters from BJ to Arthur Mills now in the Bodleian Library. There is no indication of their catalogue numbers. Copies undated, but probably made in the late 1960s [Envelope inscribed in EVQ's hand Jowett Letters in Bodley].

  • [1] Balliol 24 Jul 1887, original ALS [1 leaf]. Glad of Mills' contribution to the Speaker's [illegible]. BJ's health is improved. Thoughts on the new edition of A.P. Stanley's life.
  • [2] Balliol, 22 Oct [1887], all original except signature in an unknown hand [1 leaf]. On the number of people who attend Chapel at Balliol.
  • [3] n.a., n.d., original ALS [1 leaf]. On current religious life at Balliol; Mills is afraid that it is too irreligious, and BJ disagrees.

Photocopies and TS transcripts (each with one or two carbon copies) of letters from BJ to Professor Fraser, now in the National Library of Scotland. Copies undated, but probably made in the late 1960s [Envelope inscribed in EVQ's hand Jowett Letters in Nat. Lib. of Scotland Edinb].

  • [1] Balliol, 20 Apr [1865?], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad to help Archibald Brown to come to Oxford. Suggestions on what awards he should try for. News of Lord Amberly.
  • [2] Oakham Park, Ripley, Surrey n.d., original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ promises to look at Bishop Berkeley's Plato, and is glad that Fraser is going to edit his work.
  • [3] 5 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh 25 Dec [?], original ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry he must decline an invitation to meet.
  • [4] Oxford, 22 Apr [?], original ALS [1 leaf]. Hopes to see the Professor and his family soon.
  • [5] Balliol 16 Apr [1866?], original ALS [1 leaf]. Testimonial for Edward Caird as Professor [of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow?[]
  • [6] Oxford, 6 Feb [1870?], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ expresses worries about the state of Archibald Brown, now at Christ Church [he seems to have had a nervous breakdown].
  • [7] Oxford, 21 Mar [?], all original except signature in Matthew Knight's hand [1 leaf]. On identifying some references to Plato in Berkeley's works.

TS transcripts with 2 carbon copies of letters to and from J.A.H. Murray, H.H. Gibbs (1st Lord Aldenham) and BJ, now in the Aldenham Papers in the Guildhall Library [originally in a folder inscribed by EVQ Typescript copies of letters in the Guildhall Library relating to Sir James Murray, H.H. Gibbs, B. Jowett and the OED, 1883-4].

Copies sent in 1966 [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] Dr. J.A.H. Murray to H.H. Gibbs. n.a., 20 Oct 1883 [1 leaf], extracts only. Murray depressed after a visit by BJ in which he gave advice on how long the OED should take to write [MS 11021.21].
  • [2] Dr. J.A.H. Murray to H.H. Gibbs. n.a., 24(?) Oct 1883 [1 leaf], extract only. Murray exasperated at BJ's proposed alterations in the Preface to the OED - what right does BJ have to interfere in these matter? - and threatens to resign [MS 11021.21].
  • [3] Dr. J.A.H. Murray to H.H. Gibbs. n.a., 27 Oct 1883 [1 leaf], extract only. More exasperation at BJ's interference with the Preface to the OED [MS 11021.21].
  • [4] Dr. J.A.H. Murray to H.H. Gibbs. n.a., 8 Nov 1883 [2 leaves], extract only. Account of a discussion between Murray and BJ concerning the preface to the OED, and BJ's apparent intransigence. Infuriated at such behaviour, Murray plans to resign as editor [MS 11021.21].
  • [5] H.H. Gibbs to BJ. n.a., 10 Nov 1883 [1 leaf], extract only. Polite suggestion to BJ that he leave off advising Murray so much on the Preface to the OED [MS 11021.21].
  • [6] BJ to H.H. Gibbs. n.a., 11 Nov 1883 [2 leaves]. Reply to [5]. BJ is eager for the OED to succeed, and wants to help Murray; in his view the Preface needed alteration, and he is surprised that Murray wants to resign over this. If Murray comes to Oxford, he will not be subject to any interference, and BJ hopes that Murray will not resign [MS 11021.21].
  • [7] H.H. Gibbs to BJ. n.a., 14 Nov 1883 [1 leaf], extract only. More pleas to BJ to leave off Murray, as he is under a great deal of strain [MS 11021.21].
  • [8] Note by H.H. Gibbs, n.d., concerning his role as peacemaker between Murray and BJ [MS 11021.21]
  • [9] note 196 by H.H. Gibbs, n.d., concerning BJ's interest in the OED [MS 11021.22].
  • [10] H.H. Gibbs to Rev. W.E. Buckley. n.a., 12 Feb 1884 [1 leaf], extract only. Brief account of the row between Murray and BJ.
  • [11] note 132 by H.H. Gibbs, on how he resolved the dispute between Murray and BJ [MS 11021.23].

Photostats, phocopies and transcripts of letters from BJ to Viscount and Lady Wolseley and Archdeacon Sinclair, now in the Wolseley Collection in Hove Central Library. The ink has faded badly on the originals, and at some unspecified time someone tried to clarify BJ's hand by writing over certain words in biro [transcripts originally in an envelope inscribed by EVQ Jowett Letters Hove Central Library, photostats and photocopies in an envelope inscribed by EVQ B Jowett Letters to Lord & Lady Wolseley - 1 letter to Archdeacon Sinclair].

The photostats were sent in 1966, the photocopies in 1979 [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] BJ to Lord Wolseley. Balliol, 17 Feb 1889, original ALS [1 leaf]. Could Wolseley come to Oxford to give a lecture on Volunteering and Military Service? If so, BJ invites Lord and Lady Wolseley to stay with him at Oxford. Thoughts on conscription.
  • [2] BJ to Lord Wolseley. Balliol, 14 Mar 1889, original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad that Lord Wolseley can give the lecture. Could it be published?
  • [3] BJ to Lord Wolseley. Balliol, 21 Apr [1889], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ looks forward to the lecture in May. Discussion of its title.
  • [4] BJ to Lord Wolseley. Balliol, 29 Apr 1889, original ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of the time and date of the lecture.
  • [5] BJ to Lord Wolseley. Oxford, 10 May [1889], original ALS [1 leaf]. Suggestions on which train to catch to Oxford.
  • [6] BJ to Lord Wolseley. Balliol, 10 May [1889], original ALS [1 leaf]. On the likely composition of the audience at Lord Wolseley's lecture.
  • [7] BJ to Lord Wolseley. Balliol, 17 May [1889], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Lord Wolseley for his lecture, and thinks about its ramifications. He suggests two people who might be tutors for Wolseley's daughter.
  • [8] BJ to Lord Wolseley. Balliol, 8 Jun 1889, original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends a letter [subject unknown] to Wolseley and asks that it be shown to the army authorities. Discussion of portraits of Marlborough and his contemporaries at Oxford.
  • [9] BJ to Lord Wolseley. Balliol, 8 Aug 1890, original ALS [1 leaf]. On whether or not the 1st Duke of Marlborough ever received a DCL at Oxford; it seems unlikely. Invitation to visit BJ when next in Oxford.
  • [10] BJ to Lady Wolseley. Balliol, 8 Apr 1892, original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ turns down an invitation from the Wolseleys to celebrate a tercentenary [event unspecified] with regret because of his ill-health. He hopes they can visit him in Oxford.
  • [11] BJ to Archdeacon Sinclair. Oxford, 23 May [1882/6], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ would like to preach at Westminster Abbey, but he has not the time at present to write a new sermon. He asks Sinclair to contribute to the scheme to drain Oxford Valley.

TS Transcripts with carbon copies of letters, all from BJ to John Murray, in the archives of John Murray Ltd [originally in an envelope inscribed by EVQ John Murray].

Copies sent from John Murray Ltd. in 1966 [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] Balliol, 11 Mar [c.1853/4?] [1 leaf]. BJ accepts Murray's terms for publishing his commentary on St. Paul, and presumes he has the right to revise the book for a second edition.
  • [2] n.a. 21 Mar [?] [1 leaf]. BJ confesses ignorance on current knowledge of Etruscan antiquities, but recommends Dr. Aufrecht[?] to him.
  • [3] n.a., 18 Sep 1856 [1 leaf]. Thanks for Murray's statement of account. BJ hopes to finish revision for a second edition soon.
  • [4] n.a., 23 Feb 1857 [1 leaf]. Estimates on how extensive BJ's revisions are. News of the Dean of Christ Church [Liddell].
  • [5] n.a., 25 Oct 1857 [1 leaf]. A friend has told BJ that the second edition of the Epistles has been advertised for November. BJ will be unable to meet that deadline, but hopes to have it all ready by March.
  • [6] Balliol, 3 Feb 1858 [1 leaf]. BJ will be unable to finish the revisions this Spring as hoped due to his workload, and will try to have them ready for autumn.
  • [7] n.a., 20 Oct 1858 [1 leaf]. Further apologies for having to delay sending in the revisions.
  • [8] Balliol, 30 Nov 1860 [1 leaf]. BJ acknowledges receipt of a cheque. Glad to hear that Vol.I has sold out, although sorry that he will have to prepare a new one.
  • [9] Oxford, 13 Oct 1862 [1 leaf]. BJ acknowledges receipt of a cheque. Sorry for delays in preparing a third edition, but he has become entangled in work on an edition of Plato's Republic.
  • [10] n.a., 30 Jan 1865 [1 leaf]. BJ still hard at work on the Republic, and is not sure when he will be able to prepare revisions for a third edition.

Photocopies and TS transcripts, with 2 carbon copies, of letters from BJ to Professor J.S. Blackie, Sir Henry Craik and Lord Rosebery now in the National Library of Scotland [originally in a folder inscribed by EVQ Xerox copies of letters in the Nat. Library of Scotland..]

Sent to Balliol by the National Library in 1967 [correspondence enclosed]

  • [1] BJ to J.S. Blackie. Freshwater, Isle of Wight, 2 April [1857?], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Blackie for a present [unspecified, but connected with BJ's work on St. Paul]. Discussion on some aspects of St. Paul's language. [MS 2624 fols.263-264v]
  • [2] BJ to J.S. Blackie. Balliol 22 Mar [?], original ALS [1 leaf]. Glad to hear that Blackie is writing on Plato. Thoughts on the current state of Platonic scholarship. [MS 2626 fols.179-180R]
  • [3] BJ to J.S. Blackie. Oxford, 20 Oct 1881, original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Blackie for a collection of sermons(?). [MS 2634 fol.88R]
  • [4] BJ to J.S. Blackie. Oxford 20 Jun [1886?], original ALS [1 leaf]. On changes in the courses at Oxford. [MS 2636 fols.244-245R]
  • [5] BJ to J.S. Blackie. Balliol, 25 Jun 1886, original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ returns Churton Collins' paper with brief comments. [MS 2636 fol.246R]
  • [6] BJ to J.S. Blackie. Balliol, 30 Nov [?], original ALS [2 leaves]. Blackie's last letter went via a roundabout route before BJ got it. Hopes for a meeting when Blackie is next in Oxford. Lewis Campbell and others have told BJ of Blackie's services to education. Thoughts on the Oxford of the future, and on impending reforms to the  Scottish universities. [MS 2643 fols.16-19R]
  • [7] BJ to J.S. Blackie. Balliol, 10 Nov [?], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Blackie for sending him an article on Homer. Thoughts on the Homeric question and university reform in Scotland. [MS 2643 fols.22-3]
  • [8] BJ to J.S. Blackie. n.a., 24 Nov [?], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Blackie for sending him a copy of The Scotsman containing a lecture by him. Discussion of university reform in Scotland. [MS 2643 fols.24-25V]
  • [9] BJ to Sir Henry Craik. Balliol, 10 Dec [1882], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Craik for his book (a life of Swift), and comments on Swift. [MS 7175 fols.6-7]
  • [10] BJ to Sir Henry Craik. Oxford, 8 Oct [?], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ glad to hear of Craik's progress with Modern History. Discussion on whether Craik should enter orders or not. [MS 7175 fols.8-9]
  • [11] BJ to Sir Henry Craik. Balliol, 22 Nov [1889/90?], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ encloses a circular with an appeal [for the Holywell playing fields?] and asks Craik to contribute. [NS 7175 fols.10-11]
  • [12] Alfred Milner to BJ. 8 York Street, St. James' Square S.W, 15 Jan 1885, original ALS [1 leaf]. Could BJ write a letter of introduction for him to Lord Rosebery? [Ry 61]
  • [13] BJ to Lord Rosebery. n.a., 18 Jan [1885], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends Rosebery [12]. [Ry 61. NB: this and all other letters from BJ to Rosebery have the date written on them in another hand]
  • [14] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Oxford, 15 Feb [1885], original ALS [1 leaf]. Rosebery congratulated on becoming a Cabinet Minister. Advice on what to do. Milner has told BJ of the pleasure his visit to Rosebery gave him. [Ry 61]
  • [15] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Oxford, 29 May 1885, original ALS [1 leaf]. Can Rosebery read the enclosed circular  concerning plans for the drainage of Oxford valley and contribute? BJ enlarges on the benefits of the plan and why Rosebery should contribute. Thoughts on politics. [Ry 61]
  • [16] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 2 Jun 1885, original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Rosebery for contributing to the drainage scheme. [Ry 61]
  • [17] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 11 Oct [1888], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ recommends as tutor for Rosebery's son, one F.J. Wylie, who has just finished at Balliol. Discussion about his terms and conditions. [Ry 61]
  • [18] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 6 Mar 1886, original ALS [1 leaf]. The Principalship of St. Andrews is soon to be filled. BJ asks Rosebery to recommend Lewis Campbell for it, and gives an account of Campbell's character and activities. [Ry 63]
  • [19] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Oxford, 11 Apr 1886, original ALS [1 leaf]. Thoughts on Sir Robert Morier. BJ praises his knowledge of foreign affairs and urges Rosebery to make his acquaintance. [Ry 63]
  • [20] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 28 Apr 1890, original ALS [1 leaf]. Rosebery wants a political Secretary, and BJ recommends W.R.W Peel, the Speaker's eldest son, giving an account of his character. [Ry 64]
  • [21] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 2 May 1890, original ALS [1 leaf]. Sorry that Rosebery will not have Peel; he is very able. Arrangements for a meeting. [Ry 64]
  • [22] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 28 Oct 1890, original ALS [1 leaf]. Concern over Lady Rosebery's health. Advice on how she should be looked after. News of A.J. Balfour and Lord Lansdowne's son. [Ry 64]
  • [23] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 9 Nov 1890, original ALS [1 leaf]. Glad to hear that Lady Rosebery is better. BJ suggests as a tutor for Rosebery's children Reginald Carter, and gives an account of him. [Ry 64]
  • [24] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 6 Jul 1891, original ALS [1 leaf]. Thoughts on what Rosebery should do with his children; he thinks it best that the boys should not go to school yet, but suggests that Rosebery should visit him to talk about it. Advice on what Rosebery should do now. [Ry 64]
  • [25] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 21 Aug 1891, original ALS [1 leaf]. Details of Hyla Holden, who is willing to be tutor to Rosebery's children. Rosebery thanked for sending BJ a book. Memories of Lady Rosebery. [Ry 64]
  • [26] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 14 Sep 1891, original ALS [1 leaf]. Arrangements to visit Rosebery, although BJ has not been feeling well. Approval of Carnegie's book on federation. [Ry 64]
  • [27] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 27 Oct 1891, whole letter in Martha Knight's hand [1 leaf]. BJ has been ill since he last saw Lord Rosebery. Hopes of Rosebery visiting him, and Holden too. Thoughts on politics. [Ry 64]
  • [28] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 10 Nov [1891], whole letter in Martha Knight's hand [1 leaf]. BJ looking forward to seeing Rosebery soon. BJ's doctors tell him he is on the mend. [Ry 64]
  • [29] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 26 Nov 1891, all except signature in Frank Fletcher's hand [1 leaf]. BJ thanks Rosebery for his copy of Rosebery's life of Pitt the Younger; he has much enjoyed it. [Ry 64]
  • [30] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 9 Oct 1892, original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ returns Rosebery's copy of BJ's Plato with a motto; he had hoped to include a printed list of passages suitable for general readers, but it has been delayed. News of Morier, and memories of Lady Rosebery. BJ asks that Rosebery makes the acquaintance of Courtney Ilbert and his wife. [Ry 65]
  • [31] BJ to Lord Rosebery. Balliol, 7 Jun 1893, original ALS [1 leaf]. Congratulations on Rosebery being awarded an  Honorary D.C.L. by Oxford. Can BJ put up his daughters when he comes down for the ceremony? [Ry 65]

TS transcripts, with 2 carbon copies, of letters and/or summaries of them to and from BJ to Sir Richard Strachey, Sir Alfred Lyall and others [originally in an envelope labelled India Office Library.]

Sent by Richard Bingle in 1967 [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] BJ to Sir Richard Strachey. n.a. [N/D, but probably early Jun 1888], summary only given. Strachey invited to the Lansdowne dinner, and to stay in Balliol. [MSS Eur.127 Box 7 no. 24]
  • [2] BJ to Sir Richard Strachey. n.a., 20 Jun 1888, summary only given. Strachey asked to reply at the dinner for the Military; Sir Alfred Lyall will speak for the Civil Service. [MSS Eur.127 Box 7 no. 24]
  • [3] BJ to Sir Alfred Lyall. n.a., 5 Aug 1892, extracts only. Lyall thanked for his kind note. Hopes he will visit BJ. [MSS Eur F.132]
  • [4] BJ to Sir Alfred Lyall. n.a., 31 May 1893, extracts only. Hopes Lyall will visit BJ. BJ much enjoyed his book an Asiatic religion. [MSS Eur F.132]
  • [5] J.A. Godley to Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace. n.a., 30 Nov 1888, extract only. On BJ's views on the age of I.C.S. candidates [Printed Correspondence, 1888/9 To.10]
  • [6] Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace to J.A. Godley. n.a., 24 Dec 1888 extract only. BJ's views should be carefully considered. [Printed Correspondence, 1888/9 From.11]
  • [7] C.P. Ilbert to Lord Lansdowne. n.a., 27 Jul 1890 extract only. Ilbert recommends J.D. Gupta. News of BJ. [Printed Correspondence, 1890 To.50]
  • [8] BJ to Lord Lansdowne. n.a., 9 Sep 1890 extract only. Recommends Mr. Elliot of Baroda to Lansdowne. [Printed Correspondence, 1890 To.60]
  • [9] Lord Lansdowne to BJ. n.a., 5 Oct 1890 extract only. Comments on how hard it is to find suitable men as teachers [Printed Correspondence, 1890 From.77]

Photocopies of a letter, with MS transcript (by EVQ) from BJ to Samuel Wilberforce, and TS transcripts, with carbon copies, of letters between Samuel Wilberforce and W.E. Gladstone. 2-4 are in the British Museum Department of Manuscripts. There is no indication where 1 is [Envelope inscribed in EVQ's hand B. Jowett Copies of letters in British Museum...].

Sent to Balliol in 1968 [correspondence enclosed]

  • [1] BJ to Samuel Wilberforce. Balliol, 3 Dec [1853 - see 2-4], original ALS [3 leaves]. BJ asks Wilberforce to give notice of a Bill for the Reform of Oxford University. BJ gives details of the proposed reforms, viz. abolishing all Closed Scholarships and Fellowships, that property be redistributed among the Colleges for founding Professorships, increasing the number or value of Scholarships, etc., that all Fellowships and Scholarships be awarded on examination, and that resident members of the university elect a delegacy who shall present to Convocation a scheme for the Government of the University. BJ gives his reasons for these proposals.
  • [2] Samuel Wilberforce to W.E. Gladstone. Cuddesdon Palace, 5 Dec 1853. Wilberforce discusses BJ's letter with Gladstone and asks for his comments.
  • [3] W.E. Gladstone to Samuel Wilberforce. Hawarden, 6 Dec 1853. Gladstone comments on BJ's proposals; he doubts if Wilberforce is the most suitable person to present the Bill.
  • [4] Samuel Wilberforce to W.E. Gladstone. Itchenstoke, 8 Dec 1853. Wilberforce agrees with Gladstone.

Photocopies and TS transcripts of letters from BJ to A.P. Stanley and others [originally in envelope inscribed by EVQ B. Jowett - copies &  transcripts of letters to A.P. Stanley & of one to "Mr. Story". and Xerox copies of letters ... Presented by R.W. Hunt 1973].

Balliol first obtained copies of these in 1968, when they were owned by Derek Jennings [correspondence enclosed]. In 1972, they were sold at Sotheby's to the Bodleian Library, when more copies were made [catalogue and correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] BJ to A.P. Stanley. Teignmouth, 14 Oct [1845? Quinn suggested this date in one of the accompanying letters], original ALS [1 leaf]. Should BJ apply for the M[oral?] P[hilosophy?] chair. Stanley and Temple say yes. Can Lonsdale, Tait or Clough bring any influence to bear? Thoughts on German Philosophy. Thoughts on Newman's conversion to Rome. [MS Eng. Lett. e.128, fols.1-2]
  • [2] BJ to A.P. Stanley. Tenby, 24 Feb [1859?], original ALS [1 leaf]. News of a slight improvement in BJ's father's condition, which nevertheless remains poor.
  • [3] BJ to Mrs. Stanley [A.P. Stanley's mother]. Balliol, 26 Nov [1857?], original ALS [1 leaf] Sorry he has to turn down an invitation to meet Mr. and Mrs. Grote, but Balliol is having its scholarship elections. Thoughts on the different characters of Mark Pattison (now embittered at losing the election at Lincoln), Sir Alexander Grant, and Max Müller. BJ unimpressed by an essay of Lyulph Stanley's. He remembers that 23 years ago A.P. Stanley was elected a scholar at Balliol.
  • [4] BJ to Mrs. Müller. Balliol, 13 May [before 1883], original ALS [1 leaf]. Can she and Max Müller come to dinner to meet the Bishop of Natal [Colenso]?
  • [5] BJ to Mr. Story. Inglewood, Torquay, 12 Oct [1870/1?], original ALS [1 leaf]. Story has asked BJ to recommend a tutor for his son, and BJ suggests W.H. Simcox. He hopes Story will visit him in Oxford, now he has a house to receive friends [a reference to his moving into the Master's Lodgings?].

Photocopies of 3 letters connected with Philip Lyttleton Gell in his capacity as BJ's literary executor [see IV A15 for some original documents from the same source].

Copies given by P.L. Gell's nephew Lt. Col. P.V.W. Gell in 1969 [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] Lord Lingen to an unnamed addressee. 13 Wetherby Gardens, S.W., 6 Dec 1893, original ALS [1 leaf]. Lingen subscribes £50 to the memorial fund of BJ, hoping that a life-size statue of BJ will be erected.
  • [2] Sir William Markby to Lord Lingen. Headington Hill, Oxford, 8 May 1894, original ALS [1 leaf]. Discussion of a possible public memorial to BJ; Markby does not think a life-size statue is a good idea.
  • [3] Writer with illegible signature to P.L. Gell. n.a., [1894?], original ALS [1 leaf]. On raising money in BJ's memory, and what to do with it.

Photocopies of letters from BJ to Cornelia Sorabji now in the India Office Library, Sorabji Collection MSS.Eur.F.165 [originally in an envelope inscribed by EVQ B. Jowett copies of letters to Miss C. Sorabji Presented by Richard Bingle 1977].

Sent in 1977 by Richard Bingle [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] Balliol, 19 Jun [1889?], original ALS [1 leaf], envelope (no stamp) in Frank Fletcher's hand preserved. BJ invites Miss Sorabji to dinner to meet Lord and Lady Dufferin.
  • [2] Balliol, 3 Jun 1892, original ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to dinner.
  • [3] Balliol, 25 Jun [?], original ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to visit.
  • [4] Balliol, 21 Sep 1892, original ALS [1 leaf]. Advice from BJ about Miss Sorabji's future; she should not despair if she cannot achieve all her aims. News of Lord Tennyson.
  • [5] Balliol, 17 Jan [1892?], original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ accepts an invitation to take tea. Can he bring Professor and Mrs. Marshall too? Sorry that she will leave Oxford (for India?).
  • [6] Balliol, 6 Aug 1893, original ALS [1 leaf]. Glad to hear that she is in Baroda. BJ asks after [F.A.H.] Elliot at Baroda. Advice on how to carry out her original plan, and hopes for a successful career for her [this is almost certainly a reply to her letter II C/155].
  • Photocopy of a letter in the India Office Library from BJ to Sir W.R. Lawrence. Oxford 8 Sep [1877-9], original ALS [1 leaf]. Invitation to visit Balliol when BJ has returned from Scotland [MSS Ear F 143].

Sent in 1978 by Richard Bingle [correspondence enclosed]

  • Photocopy of letter from BJ to Thomas Lucas (Mayor of Oxford). Balliol 26 Jun 1893, original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ is sorry to decline an invitation to an unspecified event.

Sent in 1984 by the addressee's granddaughter Margaret Lucas [correspondence enclosed].


Photocopies of letters from BJ to Sir George Birdwood, now in the India Office, with the reference number MSS Eur.F.216/4.

Sent in 1985 by Richard Bingle [correspondence enclosed].

  • [1] n.a., 5 May 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ understands that Sir George has been invited to an association of young Indians at Balliol. Can he call in on BJ?
  • [2] Oxford, 13 May 1884, ALS [1 leaf]. A repeat of the above invitation, as it seems the other letter did not reach him.
  • Photostat of a TS transcript of a letter from W.E. Gladstone to BJ. n.a., 10 Jun 1881 [1 leaf]. Gladstone sends BJ his thanks for a complimentary copy of BJ's translation of Thucydides, and offers some thoughts on him. Invitation to BJ to visit him when in London.

Sent in 1986 by H.C.G. Matthew, editor of the Gladstone Diaries [correspondence enclosed].


Photocopies from BJ to an alleged relative Herbert Jowett. All are from BJ to Herbert Jowett, and addressed from Balliol.

Sent in 1986 by Herbert Jowett's granddaughter Mrs. Pat Lane, who owns the originals [correspondence enclosed]

  • [1] 23 Jun 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will meet Herbert, but he doubts strongly whether they are related [were they?].
  • [2] 17 Aug 1891, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ sends Herbert £5 for the education of his children, and will send more later, not because there is any relationship between them, but because he approves of Herbert's educating his children.
  • [3] 17 Oct 1892, ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will send another £5 towards the education of Herbert's sons.

Photocopies of documents connected with the careers in India of BJ's brothers William and Alfred which are now in the India Office Library [these were originally called `Additional Jowett Papers 12', but this seemed a more suitable place for them].

Sent by Richard Bingle in 1986 [correspondence enclosed]

  • [1] Application papers for William Hudson Jowett to join the East India Company as a cadet, dated 20 Apr 1842 [9 leaves]. These papers consist of a printed form [4 leaves] filled in by William Jowett, with certificates for Jowett's character, birth, parentage and health and 3 notes from members of the examining committee, the second two dated 5 and 11 Apr 1842 [L/MIL/9/200 Cadet Papers 1841-2]
  • [2] Copy of a page from the Madras Service Army List for 21 Oct 1842 on William Jowett. [L/MIL/11/48]. The same photocopy has extracts (copied by Bingle) from [L/MIL/11/50] and [L/MIL/11/54] for 1847 and 1850. concerning William Jowett, the latter recording his death.
  • [3] TS by R.J. Bingle recording the career of Alfred Jowett in India.
  • [4] Page from D.G. Crawford Roll of the Indian Medical Service 1615-1930 (London 1930) including Alfred Jowett's name.
  • [5] 3 leaves from the Madras Service Army Lists (Medical) dated 27 Jun 1846, concerning the career of Alfred Jowett up to 1853 [L/MIL/11/71].
  • [6] Application papers for Alfred Jowett to join the East India Company as an Assistant Surgeon, dated 17 June [10 leaves], consisting of a printed form [3 leaves], a letter from Benjamin Jowett Sr. to Lord Ashley [later Earl of Shaftesbury], 18 Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street, 28 Mar 1846 (original was ALS [1 leaf]), concerning Alfred Jowett's progress, 3 leaves of testimonials [one with a TS transcript], and 2 leaves of certificates for Jowett's character, birth, parentage and health. [L/MIL/9/391 Assistant Surgeons Petitions and Certificates 1845-46]
  • Photocopy of a letter from BJ to an unknown addressee. Balliol 1 Jan 1874, original ALS [1 leaf]. BJ will be happy to let the addressee's son try for Balliol in October.

Sent in 1988 [correspondence enclosed].

  • Photocopy of a letter from J. St. Loe Strachey to Morley [4th Earl of Morley?]. 29 July 1909, original TLS [1 leaf]. Strachey notes how his attitudes to BJ have changed since he left Balliol.

Photocopy passed to the Library by Chandrika Kaul in 1977. Original in the Strachey Collection in the House of Lords Record Office [S10/14/18].

  • Photocopy from a 1980 Lawrence of Crewkerne auction catalogue advertising an album of letters [which Balliol did not buy] which included letters by Robert Browning, Andrew Lang and Cardinal Henry Manning to the Master and Fellows of Balliol, 1888.
  • Photocopy from a 1974 Henry Bristow Ltd. auction catalogue advertising 2 ALS by BJ. One to Mrs. Simpson saying that he cannot accept an invitation, the other to an unknown addressee saying that he will be in London and would "like to have the opportunity of saying a few words to you about the buildings" (probably to the architect Waterhouse, and relating to a building for Balliol).
Photocopy of a letter from Benjamin Jowett to John Wolfe Flanagan, (Balliol 1871), dated August 31 1880. Sent in by Charles Fitzgerald-Lombard, Abbot of Downside. A brief summary of the letter can be found on p. 303 of Vol. XXIX of Dessain's collected letters of J.H. Newman.

- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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