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Lusk Collection - Catalogue: Box 1

Listed by Charlotte Fisher, Modern Manuscripts Assistant. June 1992.



6 letters (Dates: 21 Sept. 1991- 2 June 1992):

  • Photocopies of 2 ALS and 1 TLS from John H. Jones to JCL.
  • 2 ALS from JCL to Jones.
  • 1 TLS from JCL to Jones.


"Three zerox copies of the entire contents of this file were made for JCL and his sisters." (Jones.)
First page has the typed dedication: "Mother and Daddy With Love From David." 25 Dec. 1937. The second page has a title for the file: "Words, Words, Words. The Collected Psongs of David."
The file is divided into sections given the following titles by DJTL:

Rugby, 1934. Includes:

  • Parody of Matthew Arnold's "Sorab and Rustum" with Special Reference to Lines 302- 318.
  • 'On Hearing Prof. A.J.Toynbee Say Kilomatre When Broadcasting'.

Oxford, 1935- 7. Includes:

  • General Knowledge, published in The Spectator, 25 Dec. 1936. No. 5 661. See C1 1 viii for a copy of The Spectator No. 5 661.
  • General Knowledge by IT; a reply to DJTL's poem. Copies of poems sent from DJTL to IT and from IT to DJTL.
  • Poems about rowing, Oxford University Air Squadron, the Student Christian Movement and the lectures of Prof. H.H.Price.
  • Poems rejected by The Oxford Magazine, Punch, The Spectator The Cherwell and New Statesman.
  • The Modern Undergraduate. Educated in the Holidays from Rugchester. Published in The Isis, 9 June 1937. See C1 1 viii for a copy of the paper.
  • Copy of letter from DJTL to the Editor of The Spectator. Published in the edition of 13 Dec. 1935.

Glasgow, 1937. Includes:

  • Reply poem to General Knowledge by IT. From The Spectator, 31 Dec. 1937. No. 5 714. For a copy of No. 5 714: see C1 1 viii.

The following, with the notes passim were added at various times since Christmas, 1937. Includes:

  • General Knowledge. Rejected by The Spectator, Dec. 1938.

Jewels Five Words Long and Others. Includes:

  • General Knowledge. Sent to a New Statesman competition, Dec. 1939.


  • 1 AMS "Quite the Thing. Recollections of a Visit to Oxford 23- 25 February , 1940. DJTL. 2l.
  • Rejection slip from Cherwell.
  • Cutting of DJTL's letter published in The Spectator. 13 Dec. 1935. 1l.
  • 4 typed copies and 1 autograph copy of poems by [DJTL].
  • 1 TLS from Derek Verschoyle, Literary Editor, The Spectator to DJTL. 19 Dec. 1938. 1l.
  • The contents of the file are typed with handwritten annotations. 74l.


1. Diary of holiday abroad. June 24- Aug. 8 1935.

Typewritten account of holiday in the continent during which DJTL visited Vienna, went on a walking tour in the Wiener - Wald, participated in a work camp in Gramatneusiedl, stayed with a German family in Heidlberg and went on a cycling tour in Germany. Includes postcards and photographs (Dbase. DLC01.001- DCL01.002). 20l.
Enclosures: Part of a photograph album. Contains photographs of: DJTL's holiday described in his typewritten account (1935); Switzerland (1936?); Austria (1936); the "Queen Mary"; Oxford University Air Squadron Camps at Eastchurch (1936) and Ford (1937). 11l. Dbase: DLC01.003- DLC01.064. 3 pamphlets in German.

2. Incomplete copy of B in file with black coloured cover. 57l. Annotated by DJTL.

Also includes: 1 TL rejection letter from The Spectator. [1938]. 1l.
Enclosure: 1 typed copy of poem by DJTL. n.d. 1l.

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- - Charlotte Fisher, Modern Manuscripts Assistant. June 1992.

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