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Subfonds Balliol Departments: College Library records

A. Catalogues

1. A catalogue A-Z, n.d., ca 1600-1650 (not bound)

2. A catalogue of books associated with Sir Thomas Wendy, 1673 (see the Benefaction Book) (not bound)

3 . A classified catalogue, n.d., ca 1700-1750 (not bound)

4. A catalogue A-Z, n.d., ca 1650-1700 (not bound)

5. A catalogue A-Z, n.d., ca 1683 of books belonging to Nicholas Crouch, in his hand with an entry of a small sum and a shelfmark against each volume (not bound)

6. Catalogue of printed works A-M, late 17th century (latest published entry “Machiavil’s works London 1675”) with, from the back, a loans register 1693-1706 (and 1710-1712 on fo.1). images online

7. A working list (shelf-check or running check on a reorganisation programme?) A-Z ca 1700 contained in a Bursar’s private account book for 1676-1677 kept by Roger Mander. With a partial late C17 loans register. images online

The loans registers in Library Records A6 and A7 have been indexed by Matthew Main, one of our 2015 OUIP summer interns, and the index is available here in Excel spreadsheet format. Matthew provides an Introduction and an index of borrowers to support the data.

8. Catalogue of printed works A-Z dated 1709 at the end. Written on RHS only; LHS has amendments and additions. On fo.2 is a key to changes in press-marks.

9. Catalogue of printed works A-Z dated 1721 at fo.1. Was much worn; 19th/20th century repair. The date may, however, be a mere doodle and the true date may be earlier than 1721.

10. Annotated Bodleian Library Catalogue, 1738, 4 vols. (The copy of the 1674 catalogue, 2 vols., is unmarked)

11. Catalogue of printed works A-Z n.d., ca 1800, probably the catalogue made during the Library reorganisation which was concluded in 1799. Mr. Hanwell was paid £89.2.3 for arranging the books and making a catalogue in 1799. Binding broken.

12. A shelf list, described (probably by George Parker ca 1880) on fo.2, “Catalogue of the Tracts in Cases 300, 305, 310, 905, 910, 915 in Balliol College Library” on fo.2., n.d., possibly 1799 but with later amendments.

13. Annotated Bodleian Library Catalogue, 1843-1851, 6 vols. + 1 supp. The Library Catalogue was printed in 1871; there is a manuscript supplement “complete down to 1 May 1874”.

14. Catalogues of manuscripts

  • 14.1. 1762. Mr. Sleeman was paid £2.2.0 for “writing a catalogue of our manuscripts” in 1762.
  • 14.2. n.d., about the same date as 1?, but with later amendments and insertions.

B. Library Benefactions Book
One volume: begins with a list of very early gifts to the Library in a 17th century hand; gifts up to 1839 recorded. Entries very ornate and detailed in the late 17th century, with full lists of books given and biographical information about donors. images online

C. Loan Registers
(See also the loan register of ca 1700 mentioned under A above)

1. 1799-1936. Begins with the 1799 Library Rules in John Parsons’ hand; has at intervals records of Library Visitations. The register occasionally records that books were taken out by Tutors for pupils even in the 1820s.

2. 1836-1853. Begins with the Library Rules

3. 1859-1877

4. The Undergraduates’ Library 1871-1878

D. Library Accounts

1. “Balliol Coll. Library Accounts 1694-1740”. In fact this is a Dean’s Book, like the next volume listed. At the back annual accounts of the Undergraduate Library begin Oct. 1700 and continue to 1740; Fellows’ Library accounts are at the front.

2. “Dean’s Book” 1740-1810. Library and, later, Chapel accounts: arrangement as in the last volume listed. Undergraduate Library accounts (“Minor Library”) end 1799.

3. A third Dean’s Book 1810-1851, arranged like the two listed above, found in the SCR cellar 1992.

4. “Undergraduates Library”. Begins with the statement in Jowett’s hand that “The Undergraduate Library was founded by a gift of Lord Frances Hervey of £300 in the year 1870”. 1871-1887.

5. Library accounts 1851-1890.

6. Library bank book 1885-1891.

- John Jones

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Updated 10.v.18
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