Balliol College Archives & Manuscripts

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We make no routine charges for answering archive enquiries via any medium or for reprography, whether photocopying, transcription, photography or digital scanning. However, the real cost to the College of answering limited specific enquiries by email is usually about £10; any enquiry requiring research, reprography, and/or postage costs at least £25 in staff time, materials and postal charges. We appreciate contributions towards our costs and leave it to correspondents to make an additional donation if they choose.

Besides covering the basic costs of answering an increasing volume of enquiries, donations for Archive purposes are used for preservation materials and equipment, presentations and exhibitions, specific conservation projects and providing vacation work experience for students. We are constantly adding to and improving our finding aids and online resources.

How you can help

Cheques payable to Balliol College should be posted to the Archivist at the address below. We can accept donations in pounds sterling or American dollars only.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider returning this Gift Aid form with your donation, which will help your donation pounds go 28% further. This means that every £10 given can be turned into £12.80 for Balliol. More about the government's Gift Aid scheme can be found here.

We welcome information and documentary material about College history, activities or alumni, which will help to provide a more complete archival record for future researchers. Please contact us in advance of any deposit.

We ask for a copy of any publication which is significantly dependent on information from Balliol archival sources to be deposited with the College Library for the benefit of students and researchers.

Further information

The History and Archives pages of the Balliol College website provide links to detailed information about the archival holdings, including alumni records and printed sources:

We endeavour to answer all enquiries to a professional standard within 20 working days of receipt.

Enquiries should be addressed to Anna Sander at any of these contact details.

All donations are entirely voluntary - we thank you for your interest in Balliol College Archives.

- John Jones

You do not need to request permission to download or print one copy of any of the images on these pages for your personal private study or research purposes.
You do need to request permission in writing to use any of these images for any publication in any format, including any use on a website.

The archives and manuscripts of Balliol College are open by appointment to enquirers in person at the Historic Collections Centre in St Cross Church, Holywell.
Enquiries should be sent in writing (email or post).
There is no charge for Archive enquiries, but donations for Archive purposes are always appreciated.
Updated 11.viii.14
Balliol College
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