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Formal Archives A.20 - Documents relating to Wootton, Oxfordshire

NB These properties no longer belong to Balliol College.

A.20. Wootton

Images of documents 1-59 are online here

1. William le Clerk to Emma le Pouk ca 1285 - calendar

2. Ralph de Dickeley to William Forestar ca 1290

3. Hervic Eremyne to Dionisia Prat ca 1250 - calendar

4. Alice daughter of Hervic to Dionisia Prat ca 1270 - calendar

5. John Ermine to Hugh Le Berker ca 1270 - calendar

6. Andrew son of Hugh Bercarius to Hugh his brother ca 1300 - calendar

7. Thomas Gilbert to Walter de Hakeburne ca 1300 - calendar

8. Walter de Hakebourne to Margery Malebhus ca 1300 - calendar

9. Alice Freeman to Eva de Hakebourne 1320 - calendar

10. Joseph de Wooton, son and heir of William de Cumbe, to Hugh le Horeman ca 1330 - calendar

11. Walter de Wotton to Ysabel his daughter ca 1260 - calendar

12. William Pudding to Adam his son ca 1270 - calendar p.2

13. Adam Pudding to Adam de Somerford ca 1285 - calendar

14. Isabel “supra Montem” to Agnes le Chepherde ca 1290 - calendar p.2

15. Isabel “supra Montem” to Agnes le Chepherde ca 1285 - calendar

16. William Folyot to Theobald de Thaleman ca 1290 - calendar

17. Hugh Berker to Hugh his son ca 1300 - calendar p.2

18. Adam de Cumbe to Adam Podding ca 1290 - calendar

19. William Patun to Hugh son of Jordan 1293 - calendar

20. Agnes daughter of Henry de Wottone, l’Escriven, to Thoma de Lodewell 1297 - calendar

21. William de Combe to Thomas de Lodewelle 1297 - calendar

22. Thomas supra Montem to Ralph de Minechene Eton 1299 - calendar

23. Joseph le Vinour to Eva le Tippere 1290 - calendar

24. William son of William le Clerk to Ralph de Munechone 1301 - calendar

25. Agnes, daughter of Henry le Scriveyn to Thomas de Woton, son of Ralph de Lodwelle 1303 - calendar p.2

26. Thomas de Wotton to Juliana, daughter of Agnes, daughter of Henry le Scriveyn 1304 - calendar

27. William supra Montem to John Bate 1310 - calendar

28. Stephen de Abindon to Geof de Schefforde, Brize Norton 1317 - calendar

29. Richard le Mey Heir of Alric le Parker to Adam Pudding (Wootton) 1272 - calendar

30. John, son of John de Loudewelle to Richard de Leonibus (Loudewell and Wootton) 1318 - calendar

31. John Bate to William de Thurstone 1318 - calendar

32. Ralph Aleyn to Richard Pyrie 1323 - calendar

33. Joan de Lodewelle to John her brother 1326 - calendar

34. Hugh Folyot of Coumbe to Adam le Draper 1331 - calendar

35. John Boryens to Adam le Draper 1346 - calendar

36. Isabel de Wotton to William supra Montem 1278 - calendar

37. Joseph son of William de Cumbe to Ralph le Cornmongare ca 1300 - calendar

38. John Ayllonn to William de Brome 1329 - calendar

39. William de Brome to John le Cornmonghere 1330 - calendar

40a. John le Cornmongore to Thomas le Purveour 1342 - calendar

40b. John le Cornmongore to Thomas le Purveour 1343 - calendar

41. Thomas Hogekyns to Thomas le Westerne, Purveour 1338 - calendar

42. Joseph Maggun to Thomas le Purveour 1345 - calendar

43. Thomas Porveyour to Robert Norvel of Derneford 1356 - calendar

44. John Roggers to Robert Norvel of Derneford 1356 - calendar

45. Thomas Purveour to Thomas Nowell 1375 - calendar

46. Laurence le Foyer to Robert Nouwell 1366 - calendar p.2

47. Thomas Fraunkeleyn to John Wyke 1366 - calendar

48. Agnes Frankelen to John Nowel 1384 - calendar

49. Simon le Frankeleyn to William de Clanefeld 1307 - calendar

50a. John de Clannefeld to Robert Nouwell 1368 - calendar

50b. Adam Foliot to William de Calnefeld 1307 - calendar

51. John Horman to John Nowel 1382 - calendar

52. Agnes Brampton, daughter of John Nowell, to John Brid, etc. 1445 - calendar

53a. Roger Prudy to Thomas Bernard 1454 - calendar

53b. Roger Prudy to Thomas Bernard 1454 - calendar

54. Roger Prudy to Thomas Bernard 1454 - calendar

55. Lease from the Queen to Balliol College 1581

56. Thomas Harropp to Cuthbert Tunstall and others 1517

57. Void

58. Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of Durham, power of attorney. With Tunstall’s seal and sign manual. 1549

58b. Copy by H. Wall of the preceding deed

59. Old Schedule of Deeds, 1-58

60. Balliol College to J. Day, lease of College Farm, Wootton. Missing July 1990. 1920
61-78. Documents of 1920-1957, re College Farm Wootton etc., most of which were handed over on sale of the property; 61-63 were present July 1990. For details see A.0.1i. 1920-1957

See also: A.22, Wootton; F.1, Praunces Place, Woodstock; F8, Old Woodstock and Wootton; F9, Woodstock and Wootton; F10, Woodstock and Wootton.

- Anna Sander

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Updated 13.viii.14
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