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Summary catalogue - notes

1. HE Salter, Oxford Balliol Deeds, 1913.

2. F de Paravicini, Early History of Balliol College, 1891.

3. Anonymous (compiled by Sir John Conroy), Domus de Balliolo, n.d., about 1891.

4. AB Emden,  A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to AD 1500, 1957 - 1959, and A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford AD 1501 to 1540, 1974.

5. Balliol College Register, in six editions: 1832 - 1914 (1914), 1833 - 1933 (1934), 1900 - 1950 (1953), 1916 - 1967 (1969), 1930 - 1980 (1981), and 1940 - 1990 (1993).

6. (a) Balliol College War Memorial Book, 1924, two volumes.  See also 'Balliol's "Lost Generation"', Balliol College Annual Record, 1975.
(b) WI Addison, The Snell Exhibitions from the University of Glasgow to Balliol College, Oxford, 1901.

7. AB Emden, 'The Last Pre-Reformation Rotulus Benefactorum and List of Obits of Balliol College', Balliol College Record (supplement), 1967.

8. FLM Willis-Bund, Appendix II, in HWC Davis, A History of Balliol College, revised by RHC Davis and R Hunt, 1963.

9. CM Barron, The Mediaeval Guildhall of London, 1974.

10. EB Fryde and JRL Highfield, 'An Oxfordshire Deed of Balliol College', Oxoniensia, 1955, XX, 40.

11. A Clark, 'Essex and Balliol College', The Essex Review, January 1912; see also 'The Essex Livings', Balliol College Annual Record, 1966; and The Victoria History of the County of Essex, Vol. IX, pp309-313 and as indexed.

12. J Sherwood and N Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Oxfordshire, 1974.

13. The Victoria History of the County of Oxfordshire, Vol. III, p95.

14. Bodleian MS.Top.Oxon. a.23(R).

15. Bodleian MS.Top.Oxon. e.124/9 - 10.

16. VHH Green, The Commonwealth of Lincoln College, 1427 - 1977, 1979.

17. TWM Smith, 'The Balliol-Trinity Laboratories', in Balliol Studies, ed. JM Prest, 1982.

18. VH Galbraith, A Memorandum of Holywell Manor, 1937.  See also The Victoria County History of Oxfordshire, Vol. IV, p272.

19. (Mrs) RL Poole, Catalogue of Portraits in the Possession of the University, Colleges, City and County of Oxford, 1925; J[H] Jones, The Portraits of Balliol College, Oxford, 1990 (updating Supplement 1999).

20. R McCormmack, 'The Atomic Theory of John William Nicholson', Archive for History of the Exact Sciences, 1966, 3, 160.

21. R Crawford, 'T.S. Eliot, A.D. Lindsay and N.M. Iovetz-Tereschenko', Balliol College Annual Record, 1983.

22. R Lister, College Stamps of Oxford and Cambridge, 1966.

23. C Bailey, A Short History of the Balliol Boys' Club, 1907 - 1950, 1950.

24. C Bailey, Francis Fortescue Urquhart, A Memoir, 1936.  Appendix I is a list of those attending Chalet parties, 1891 - 1931.

25. J[H] Jones, Balliol College: A History, 2nd edition, 1997, Chapter 13.

- John Jones

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