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The Snell Visitors 1972 - 1999

It was agreed in 1972 that for one term of each academic year Balliol should elect, on the nomination of the Principal and Professors of the University of Glasgow, a Snell Visitor who would be given a study in College or Holywell Manor and be a member of the Senior Common Room during their stay. The scheme continues vigorously, but the Visitors have included many who have come on valued but brief visits, sometimes rather informally, and the College's records are far from complete. It was originally intended to update the previous list, but it seemed better to drop it than update it partially.

TT 1973 JF McCaffrey Scottish History
HT 1974 AS Stewart Political Economy
MT 1974 A Broadie Philosophy
MT 1975 D Martin Mathematics
HT 1976 JN Mattock Arabic
MT 1976 CJ Larner Sociology
MT 1977 SL White Politics
MT 1978 P Smart Civil Engineering
HT 1980 RJ Hirst Philosophy
1980 KC Pace Art History
1981 PH Morsbach Psychology
1982 EJ Borowski Philosophy
1983 D Frisby Sociology
1985 AC Rankin Medicine
1987 AS Wasserman Mathematics
1989 S Meikle Philosophy
MT 1991 RH Watt  
TT 1994 R Wolff  
HT 1996 A Tough  
MT 1997 N Trott  
MT 1999 C Panayotakis  


- John Jones

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