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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue I.B.4

Group I. Historical and Scholarly. (MS, academic and teaching notes.)


4. Political Thought.

Much of this material concerns AS's lecture course in Political Thought, and, as with his lectures on Political and Social Questions (see I C below), he re-used the material frequently. In fact the lecture course formed the basis for his work for The Cambridge Modern History and the Carpentier Lectures at Columbia University (see I B1 and I B2 above). Some of the Carpentier material was re-used for later Political Thought courses. The AMS lecture list at I B4/4i below gives the basic structure for the lectures, and the syllabuses, scripts etc should be used with reference to it. The majority of this material was originally at No.3 on the "E.L. Morgan" list. However the box of scripts for the lectures at I B4/5 was given by Lady Rosalind Clay, one of AS's daughters, in 1965. In a letter to EVQ she noted that her first husband, Professor Murray Wrong, had been "editing" the papers. However, the material appeared to have been disturbed and re-boxed since, and when this catalogue was compiled, the material was listed in the order suggested by the lecture list at I B4/4i.

1. AS's copy of Hobbes' Leviathan, an 1885 edition. Text is annotated, with several loose leaves of AMS notes inserted. [A later gift from Lady Clay - not part of the original catalogue.]

2. TS notes.

  • i. "Separation of Function." 13L.
  • ii. "A Contrast of Hobbes and Locke." 9L.
  • iii."Political Theory of Hobbes' Leviathan - 1651." 52L in a "William Hunt" cover. Cover inscribed "Murray Wrong, Balliol, 1912" [This suggests that this is a set of "handouts" for undergraduates.]

3. Loose leaves of AMS notes, references, topics etc for Political Science. 23L.

4. Material for lectures on Political Science and Political Thought.

  • i.AMS list of lectures for the course on Political Thought.
  • ii. AMS notes on history as a social science. 4L (3 are torn in half).
  • iii. TS of lecture "Is there a Science of History?" 3L with xerox copy.
  • iv. AMS draft of the above, with envelope marked "Science of History. ALS." 9L (many torn.)
  • v. AMS notes for topics and references for the course of lectures on Political Thought, beginning with the above essay. 25L.
  • vi. Set of printed syllabuses:
    "I. Sovereignty; its importance, practically." 2 copies.
    "II. Sovereignty; its importance in political theory." 2 copies.
    "III. Sovereignty, in Hobbes." 2 copies.
    "IV. The Social Contract and the Law of Nature."
    "V. Hobbes and the Relation of Church and State."
    "VI. Hobbes' Method; his Influence and the Permanent Value of his Work."
  • vii. Printed syllabus for a lecture course [?] in "Problems in Political Theory." 1L.
  • viii.Printed syllabus for a lecture "History and Citizenship. A Forecast." 1L.
  • ix. Printed list of texts for Politics papers. 1L.
  • x.AMS draft of Political Science reading/subject list. 1L.

5. TS draft scripts for the lectures on Political Thought.
As mentioned above, this material was a later gift from Lady Rosalind Clay, whose first husband, Prof. Murray Wrong, had worked on them. When this catalogue was compiled, the material was ordered and numbered by Mr. R.L. Patterson, who traced, as far as possible, exactly where each script came from and its date. The listing of this section highlights the problems of much of AS's material, namely AS's own constant re-use and revision of scripts and material, and of work done since on the papers, in this case by Prof. Wrong.

[Items i-iv are drafts from the Carpentier lectures, either re-used by AS or moved by Prof. Wrong.]

  • i."Hobbes on Sovereignty." Drafts of the first Carpentier lecture. 52L.
  • ii."Hobbes on Church and State." Script of the second Carpentier lecture. 18L. [Probably revised post 1916 for Political Thought lectures.]
  • iii."Milton." 2 drafts for the 1910 Carpentier lecture. 27L and 21L.
  • iv."Harrington." Prepared for the Carpentier lectures. 3L

[Items v-xxiv have been placed in the order of AS's Political Thought lectures.]

  • v.Lecture list for AS's Political Thought Lectures. Xerox of I B4/4i above.
  • vi."Is there a Science of History?" 4L [See I B4/4iii and iv for another draft of this lecture.]
  • vii."Dante, De Monarchia and the Mediaeval Ideal." Inscribed "Sion College November 28 1916." 52L. [See also S46.]
  • viii."Machiavelli." 25L.
  • ix."[Hobbes 1] Sovereignty: its importance practically." 12L.
  • x."[Hobbes 2] Sovereignty: its importance in Political Theory." 10L.
  • xi."[Hobbes 3] Sovereignty in Hobbes." 18L.
  • xii."[Hobbes 4] Social Contract." 2 versions, 18L and 7L.
  • xiii."[Hobbes 5] Nature." 3 versions, 11L, 12L, 8L.
  • xiv."[Hobbes 6] Church and State." 18L.
  • xv."[Hobbes 7] Hobbes as Ishmael." 9L.
  • xvi."[Hobbes 8] Hobbes' Method..." 6L.
  • xvii.Texts of syllabuses for for Hobbes lectures 1-3 and 5. 4L. [See I B4/4vi above for printed versions.]
  • xviii.3 fragments from sovereignty lectures. 5L.
  • xix."Permanent value of Hobbes." Preparatory to Carpentier lectures. 2L. With AMS draft (3L).
  • xx.AMS timetables for Political Thought lectures on Hobbes etc. 1910-1915 and 1917. 3L.
  • xxi."Illustrate Hobbes' attitude towards the events of his time." TS essay by A.E. Levett of Lady Margaret Hall. n.d. 4L.
  • xxii."Discuss the value and completeness of Hobbes' theory of sovereignty." TS essay. n.d. 6L.
  • xxiii.2 AMS scraps from the Prof. Wrong box.
  • xxiv.AL from Rosalind Clay to EVQ. 3 Oct. 1965. 1L. About the above material.

6. Political Thought and Political Science Notebooks.

  • i."Political Science." Quarto notebook with notes on various authors, notes for lectures etc.
  • ii."Aristotle." Thin quarto notebook with essay titles, notes on Aristotle, comparisons with other philosophers etc.
  • iii.Quarto notebook with notes on the Ancient State, comparison with modern states etc.
  • iv."HI." Quarto notebook with notes on the Science of History from various works. Some pages by hands other than AS.

7. Undergraduate work, collection papers.

  • i. "Is Aristotle's method in the Politics inductive or deductive?" TS essay by G.D.M. Procter of Somerville. 20 Oct. 1916. 5L.
  • ii. "Eternal Antinomy of Church and State. Discuss this." TS essay by Violet L. Hodgson. 10 March 1916. 7L.
  • iii. "Can any principle be laid down for the relations of Church and State in the Modern World?" TS essay by [J.H.?] Burrows. 11L.
  • iv. "The Rights of Man. Illustrate the historical importance of this idea; has it any value still?" TS essay by Dorothea Keble of St. Hugh's. 6L.
  • v. The same essay as iv above by R.M. Welsford of Lady Margaret Hall. 20 May 1915. TS. 6L.
  • vi. "The Rights of Man. The historical importance and the value of the phrase." TS essay by J.A. Johnston. June 1903. 4L.
  • vii. "The importance of the doctrine of passive obedience in the history of thought and its influence on the course of events." AMS essay by M. Darwin. 15 March 1912. 8L.
  • viii. "In what respects can Hobbes' permanent influence be traced in Modern English life and thought." AMS essay by M. Mosshead [?]. 7L.
  • ix. "The points of permanent value in Rousseau's Political Theories." TS essay by H.R. Henrich of St. Hilda's. 12 Feb. 1921. 6L.
  • x. "Through all Burke's political writings there is a fundamental consistency. Do you agree?" TS essay by Violet L. Hodgson. 25 Feb. 1916. 7L.
  • xi. "Estimate the effect of the idea of Evolution on Political Thought and social action." TS essay by M. Kennedy. 4L.
  • xii. "What is the bearing of the doctrine of Evolution on modern English life and thought (political)?" TS essay by L. Dawson. 2 copies (7L and 8L).
  • xiii. "The Real Problems which confront Modern Democracy." TS essay by M.G. Lyne of Somerville. 7L.
  • xiv. "Can Politics be separated from Ethics?" TS essay by M.H.J. Corey of Somerville. 4L.
  • xv. The same essay as xiv by H.R. Henrich of St. Hilda's. 8L.
  • xvi. "Differentiation and separation of the function of government is the great discovery of political science. Discuss in relation to England." TS essay by H.J. Pybus. 19 June 1917. 6L.
  • xvii. "The rights of man. Discuss the value and estimate the historical importance of this phrase." TS essay. 4L.
  • xviii. "What was Locke's permanent influence upon English life and thought?" TS essay. 6L.
  • xix. "The points of most permanent importance in Rousseau's contribution to political theory." TS essay. 7L.
  • xx. "Were Burke's political views consistent?" TS essay. 4L.
  • xxi. "Discuss the influence of the doctrine of Evolution on English thought." AMS essay. 6L (incomplete).
  • xxii. "Bearing of Evolution upon Modern Social and Political Thought." TS essay. 5L.
  • xxiii. "The importance of the attitude of the State to lesser associations." AMS essay. 7L.
  • xxiv. "The division of powers into executive, legislative, and judicial, was the great discovery of Political Science. Examine this statement." TS essay. 5L.
  • xxv. "Contrast the Working of the Division of Powers in the American Constitution with the English Constitution." TS essay. 9L.
  • xxvi.Quarto notebook with notes taken by C.J.S. Howard in Political Philosophy lectures given by D.G. Ritchie and W.S. Robinson. With printed syllabus for Ritchie's lectures, ALS to Howard from a friend inserted. Summer Term 1888.
  • xxvii. Quarto notebook with notes taken by an undergraduate in AS's Political Science Lectures.
  • xxviii. Undergraduate's TS notes on Hobbes. With comments by AS. 7L.
  • xxix. TS of answers to a Political Science "gobbet" paper. 14L.
  • xxx.TS collection question paper on "Political Theory in Plato and Aristotle." 1L.
  • xxxi.TS collection question paper in Political Science. 1L.
  • xxxii. TS collection question paper in Political Science. 1L. 2 copies.
  • xxxiii. AMS collection question paper on European political thought. 1L.
  • xxxiv. TS Political Science "gobbet" collection paper. 1L.
  • xxxv.AMS list of exam questions or essay titles. 3L.

8. Other material.

  • i. ALS from J.E. Carpenter to AS. 8 May 1914. 1L. Thanks AS for a schedule of subjects.
  • ii. ALS from H.R. Hewitt [?] to AS. 15 March ? Returning papers to AS.
  • iii.ALS from Murray Wrong (AS's son-in-law) to Sir Charles Firth. 30 July 1925. 1L (incomplete). Asking about references in AS's Political Thought lectures.
  • iv. ALS from Sir Charles Firth to Wrong. 31 July 1925. 1L. Replying to the above.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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