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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Index N-O


Nagel, D.H.: P51
Namier, L.B.: M64, N1
National Alliance of Employers and Employed, The: C16, J2, J4
National Council for Civil Liberties, The: N2
National Council for Public Morals, The: N3
National Council of Social Service, The: N4
National Institute for the Blind, The: N5
National Laymen's Missionary Movement, The: N6
National Mission, The: II B18iii; H73, N7, S46
National News, The (newspaper): N8
National Union of Teachers, The: B100
National Union of Women Workers, The: W45
Neser, W.: N9
Nettleship, R.L.: I A15/2viii
Nettleton, George H.: N10
Neve, R.: II E1/5iv
New Age, The (journal): N11
New Ideals in Education Conferences: II C4vi, C10xi, xxi ; N12
New Inn Hall: WEA5
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Literary & Philosophical Society, The: N13
Newcombe, J.L.: N14
Newhouse, Canon R.P.: N15, R14
Newland, Capt. H.O.: N16
Newlove, J.G.: WEA68
Nichols, Beverley: N17
Nickerson, Mr. --: B33
Niven, G.F.: II B18vi
Noakes, I.: N18
Norris, W.F.: N19
North Oxford National Kitchen Committee: B41
North Stafforshire Miners' Higher Education Movement: II D1/9
Norwich Public Library: N20
Nunn, G.: N21

Odell, Ethel M.: O1
Ogilvie, W.S.: I A7/4viii
Olav, Prince of Norway: H5
Oldham, J.H.: O2
O'Loughlin, F.M.: O3
Oman, C.W.C.: III A2/3xxii; O4
Ord, Miss E.: O5
O'Regan, J.: O6
Orr, L.: O7
Orr, William: O8
Orwin, P.S.: O9
Osler, Grace R.: O10
Osler, Sir William: II D3/6iv; IV B2iii; B25, O10, O11, U11
Ottley, R.L.: O12
Overend, A.K.: III A1/9xiv
Overseas Club, The: O13
Overton, Edith E.: S100
Owen, Edith G.: I A5/2ii
Owen, J.: O14
Owen, R.H.: O15, U11
Owen, W. Ewart: L19
Oxford and Bermondsey Club, The: O16
Oxford and Bermondsey Mission, The: O31
Oxford and Cambridge Exam Board: I C18iii
Oxford Appeal Fund: II A4iii
Oxford Architectural and Historical Society: A27
Oxford C. of E. Men's Society: O17
Oxford Chronicle, The (newspaper): O18
Oxford City Council: O19
Oxford Concord Association: O20
Oxford Co-Operative and Industrial Society: O21
Oxford Correspondence College, The: G31
Oxford High School: O24
Oxford Interdenominational Council for Social Reform: O25
Oxford Magazine, The (journal): O26
Oxford Phi Beta Kappa Society: O27
Oxford Temperance League, The: O28, T12
Oxford University Elections: O29
Oxford University Liberal Club: B28, B97
Oxford University (& Clarendon) Press: I A1/2, A2/1,3, A3, IA5/4vii-ix, A6/3ii; A33, C52, O30
Oxford War Savings Committee: O31
Oxford Wesleyan Higher Grade School: O32

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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