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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Index R


R--, E.A.: R1
Radcliffe, B.: R2
Radcliffe, Elizabeth: R3
Radford, Denys: G34, R4
Rainey, George: R5
Raleigh, W.A.: R6
Ramage, A: L15, L59
Rathbone, Helen F.: R7
Rathbone, Prof. Hugh R.: L45
Rawell [?], N.W.: R8
Rawle, Francis: III A1/5ii
Rawnsley, Canon H.D.: II C2iii, iv, vii; R9, S23
Rawnsley, M.: R10
Rayner, John: R11
Reading Class Teachers' Association: II C9xxiii; R12
Reading University: R15
Redditch and District Evangelical Council: R16
Reed, S.: I4
Regional Survey Movement, The: R17
Reichel, Sir Harry: B9, R18
Reid, Sir George: B81
Religion and Life Meetings: R19, W56
Renold, Sir Charles: B11
Repton School: R20
Reynell, J.C.: I A2/2x
Reynolds, Frank: O6
Reynolds, H. Revell: R21
Rhodes Scholars: II D3/6xii; III A1/2i
Rhodes, Capt. R.H.: R22
Riboud, C.: I C4ii
Richard, Brother: R23
Richards, M. Erle: R24
Richards, R.: R25
Richards, S.J.S.: R26
Richardson, Gen. --: A25
Richardson, R.L.: II D3/6ii
Richardson, W.K.: III A2/3xxix
Ridley, M.R.: III A1/4
Ridsdale, Rev. C.H.: R27
Ripper [?], W.: II C12v
Ritchie, D.G.: I B4/7xxvi
Rix, Mary B.: R28
Roberts, George H.: R29
Roberts, T. Stanley: WEA27
Roberts, Rev. W. Page: S8
Robertson, Mr. --: II B6ii
Robertson, A.: I A15/2v
Robertson, C. Grant: N16, R30
Robertson, Margaret E.: R31
Robinson, Ellis: R32
Robinson, W.S.: I B4/7xxvi
Rockwell, Prof. W.W.: T28
Rodd, Sir Rennel: F18, R33
Roe, R.H.: R18, R34
Rogers, Anne M.A.H.: I C18i; G53, L10, R35, W61
Rogers, Elizabeth F.: R36
Rogers, F.N.: F30, R37
Rogers, Louise: R38
Rogers, Prof. R.W.: R39
Roscoe, Frank: II C7iii
Rose, W.J.: A33, R40
Ross, W.D.: III A1/9v
Rostovtzew, Prof. --: R41
Routledge, Katharine: R42
Rowley, Charles: R43
Rowntree, Arnold: R44
Royal Agriculture Commission, The: S25
Royal Colonial Institute, The: R45
Royal Institution, The: R46
Royden, Maud: G53, K20, M68
Rudolf, Rev. --: C44
Rugby Adult School: R47
Runciman, Walter: R48
Rural Education Survey: II E1/9
Rushton, Wyatt: R49
Ruskin College: II A6; B77, B116, D34, E1
Russell, Gen. --: A25, C82
Russell, John: R50
Russell, M.H.: R51
Rutgers, Dr. H.C.: II D1/5i

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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