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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Index V-Z


Vassall, G.C.: D36
Vaughan, E.L.: V1
Vaughan, W.W.: V2
Verney, Harry C.W.: V3
Victoria League, The: II D1/2ii; C75, V4
Village Centres Council, The: V5
Vincent, E.: B23
Vinogradoff, Prof. P.: I A2/6i, ii; H7, V6
Violet --: V7
Voelcker, Dr. J.A.: V8

Wakefield, H.R., Bishop of Birmingham: S56
Wallace, S.: II D1/11ix
Wallas, Graham: I C4ii; II A3xi
Wallop, Gerard: W1
Wallop, Hon. Oliver: III A2/2vi
Walrond, Henry: F10
War Memorial Fund, The: III A1/2iii, A1/3vii, A1/6xxii,xxv, A1/8
Ward, Sir A.W.: I B4
Ward, Mrs. Humphrey: W2
Ward, Mary A.: P12
Wardrop, Sir J. Oliver: I A5/6; III A2/1vii
Warre, Edmund: III B1v; F22
Warren, Dr. Herbert (Vice-Chancellor): II B4v, D1/10i; III A1/5iii, B1v, xvi; G25, W3, W35, WEA15
Warrilow, H.: W4
Waterfield, H.: P54, R9
Watkins, Percy: II C10iv, v, vi
Watson, E.W.: W6
Watson, Milne: R11
Watt, W.A.: W7
Way, A.: W8
Weatherill, J.R.: T12
Webster, Edith: W9
Wedderburn, A.: W10
Weight, H.J.: W12
Weizemann, C.: Z3
Wells, J. (Warden of Wadham): II E1/5iv; W13
Wells, Susanna E.: W14
Welsford, R.M.: I B4/7v
Wemyss, Victoria: W15
Wesbrook, J.J.: W16
West Riding Education Committee: II E1/4
Westby, Capt. E.B.: W17
Wethered, E.H.C.: W18
Weymouth, Viscount: III A2/2i,ii
Wheeler, P.I.: W19
Whitaker, George: II C10xii, E1/4ii; III A1/5x, A1/6iii; G38, L46, M58, S49, T4, T8, W24
White, Horace: W20
Whitefield Men's Meeting: W21
Whitehead, George S.: III A1/6ix
Whitham, Enid: W22
Whittuck, E.A.: W23
Whymant, A.N.J.: W24
Whyte, Mrs. --: W25
Wicksteed, P.H.: II A3vi
Wilberforce, L.R.: W26
Wilden-Hart, B.J.: W27
Wilding, Lt. L.E.: W28
Wilkinson, Mr. --: WEA17
Willert, Arthur: C49, F33
Willert, P.F.: I A16/1iii
Willey, Edith A.: W29
Williams, Aneurin: W30
Williams, A. J [?]. P.: W31
Williams, Alice M.: W32
Williams, D.F.: T23
Williams, E.: W33
Williams, J. Fisher: P54, W34
Wills, L.: I A6/5iii
Wilson, Sir Arnold: W35
Wilson, Bertram: II A6ii
Wilson, D.B.: III A1/6v
Wilson, Sir Harry: L69
Wilson, H.A.: III B2iv, v; W36
Wilson, J.C.: I C17xviii
Wilson, Richard: W37
Wilson, President Woodrow: II D3/6i, D3/7iii, xix, xx, xxii, xxvii, E2/4i; IV A2v; H78, P11
Winbolt, S.E.: W38
Winnington-Ingram, A.F., Bishop of London: L56
Wise, Lilian: W39
Wismer, Walter Eves: W40
Witham, E.: I A9/6v
Witherby, Percival: W41
Withington, E.T.: O11
Wolmer, Viscount: II B4viii, B11iv, B12ii; W42
Women, Issue of degrees for: G53, L10, W61
Women Suffragists' Celebration: W44
Women's Colleges Appeal, The: B2
Women's Diocesan Association, The: W46
Women's Institutes: W47
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, The: W48
Women's Local Government Society, The: W49
Wood, C.E.: II D1/12ii
Wood, Rev. E.G. Meyrick: W50
Wood, Katharine G.: W22 [?], W51
Wood, N.: T13
Woods, J.H.E.: W52
Woods, F.T., Bishop of Peterborough: P25
Woodward, F.M.: W53
Woolf, Leonard: I11
Woollam, W.B.: W54
Woollcombe, Rev. H.S.: W55
Woolley, G.H.: W56
Workers' Educational Association, The, Lectures for, admin. of etc: I C8iii; II A, C, D1/1, D1/2, D1/10ix, D1/11ii, iii, D1/12iii, E2/3; A36, B55, B100, C11, C25, D31, F6, F20, G9, G36, G47, L26, M19, M25, M69, O14, P53, R11, S19, S74, S85, S91, T14, T26, T33, V1, W9, W14, Z2, WEA1-75
Worsfold, W. Basil: II D1/14iii
Worthington, Edith M.: W58
Worthington, L.G.: W59
Wright, George: W60
Wright, Gertrude M.: W61
Wright, Lt. W.H.: W62
Wrong, Prof. E. Murray: I B4, B4/8iii, iv; II C12vi; N1, W16, W63
Wrong, Prof. George M.: W64
Wylie, Dora: R52
Wylie, F.J.: III A1/2i, A1/6vii

Yale Review, The (journal): Y1
Yamamoto, R.: Y2
Yates, H.: Y3
Yates, Lucy K.: Y4
Yeaxlee, Basil A.: O8, Y5, Y10
Yorkshire Post, The (newspaper): Y7
Yoshida, Isaburo: K1, K2
Yoshimoto, Tadashu: C19, K1, Y8
Young, Robert F.: Y9
Young, T.: II D1/10i
Young Men's Christian Association, The: II C10xiv; M43, O8, T1, W4, Y10-12
Younger, J.P.: I A9/2iii, A9/6iii, A12/4i
Younghusband, R.E.: Y13
Youth and Social Progress League, The: Y14

Zandt, J. Parker Van: Z1
Zimmern, A.E.: II A3i, vii, x, xi, A4ii-iv, A7iii, iv, vi, viii,i x, x, C2vi, D1/12vi, vii, D2/2iii; C53, Z2
Zionist Federation, The: Z3

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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