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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters V


1. 2 ALS from E.L. VAUGHAN. 4 Nov. and 5 Dec. 1916. Both 1L. Thoughts on Eton. How to encourage links with the WEA.

2. ALS from W.W. VAUGHAN. 8 Oct. 1917. 1L. About a pamphlet of an address by AS.

3. ALS from HARRY C.W. VERNEY. 24 May 1919. 1L. Lunch arrangements.

4. Correspondence from THE VICTORIA LEAGUE. 6 Oct. 1917-27 June 1919. Can AS join the League's education committee? Can AS judge a competition of essays on England's part in the War by boys at a school in Versailles? A meeting of the League at the Guildhall. Arrangements for some Australian soldiers to visit Oxford. 3 ALS, 8 TLS, 5 TL copies, 4 telegrams, 1 AMS note, 1 printed notice of meeting.

5. 2 TLS from THE VILLAGE CENTRES COUNCIL. 28 March and 3 April 1919. Both 1L. Can AS attend a meeting about centres for disabled ex-servicemen? With brochure about the scheme of centres (8pp).

6. APS from P. VINOGRADOFF. 26 May 1917. What does AS think about asking N. Forbes?

7. ALS from VIOLET (niece of AS). n.d. 1L. Thanks AS for a letter. Family news.

8. Cutting from The Sportsman about a Graduates v. Balliol hockey match, sent by DR. J.A. VOELCKER. 27 Nov. 1918.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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