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AL Smith Collection - WEA material


This box had been listed as part of the Letters to A.L. Smith, yet its content is something of an anomaly within the collection, for as well as a great deal of correspondence, it contains notes and minutes from WEA meetings, reports etc. At some point it had also been arranged into chronological order, much like the WEA material in the Papers of A.L. Smith. Yet some loose WEA correspondence was found scattered throughout the other boxes of the collection and in the box of unsorted material. It is assumed that either AS himself, or George Whitaker or Mary Smith, arranged this WEA material in a chronological file amongst AS's Letters rather than with other WEA material with his Papers. The reason may have been that much of this WEA correspondence concerns AS's travels around the country to address various branch meetings, and thus is similar in content to a large number of the other Letters, whereas the WEA material in the Papers of A.L. Smith is concerned mainly with conferences and meetings in Oxford. Also the WEA and its activities occur in a large number of letters throughout the entire collection.

This listing preserves the chronological arrangement of the material, and adds the other WEA correspondence found amongst the other boxes. For a full picture of AS's WEA work, this material should be used alongside the WEA material at II A in the Papers of A.L. Smith, and the Index should be consulted for references to the WEA to be found amongst the alphabetically arranged Letters to A.L. Smith.

1. Memo from the Joint Committee on Oxford and Workpeople. [c.1907?]. 3L. Carbon copy of AMS memo by Albert Mansbridge and C.M. Bowerman of the Finance and Demand Sub-Committee of the Joint Committee on Oxford and Workpeople, setting out the nature of the demands for Higher Education among the working classes.

2. TS copy of the minutes of the Oxford Joint Committee 27 and 28 Dec. 1907. 7L.

3. TS memo on Balliol and the Tutorial Classes movement by AS. [c.1908]. 2L.

4. Report of a meeting held in Balliol. 26 Jan. 1908. 7pp. A meeting held to discuss University Extension. Views of various labour delegates.

5. ALS from, ALS by AS to H.W.C. Davis. 31 Jan. and 3 Feb. 1908. Both 1L. The administration of R.H. Tawney's proposed lectureship. Emoluments for New Inn Hall students - are the students really good enough to qualify? AS's defence of some of the New Inn Hall students.

6. ALS, TLS from Thomas Strong, Dean of Christ Church. 31 Jan. and 6 Feb. 1908. 1L and 2L. Work of the Extension Delegacy - sending lecturers to Rochdale, and the difficulties encountered. Provincial universities are not yet organised for Extension work. Oxford must not limit its frontiers.

7. ALS from J.A. Smith. 2 Feb. 1908. 1L. Extension work in centres around the country should be the work of provincial universities - Oxford has other concerns. Problems of financing the scheme.

8. ALS from Edward Hilliard. 3 Feb. [?] 1908. 1L. There is no surplus college revenue available [for Extension contributions?].

9. TLS from J.A.R. Marriott of the University Extension Delegacy. 7 Feb. 1908. 3L. The question of colleges contributing to the Extension Delegacy fund and endowing University Extension Lectureships. Oxford should not be excluded from any area of the country.

10. ALS from W.A. Raleigh. 14 March 1908. 1L. News of his book. Thoughts on the methods of Extension teaching.

11. 2 ALS from J.M. Mactavish of the WEA. 7 and 13 April 1908. Both 1L. Problems of writing a syllabus for Extension classes in Politics. The History syllabus gives no opportunity for study of the working classes.

12. Printed letter from H.H. Turner and AS to Strong. 16 May 1908. 1L. Their objections to modifications made by the University Extension Delegacy to a report on Extension by them.

13. TLS copy of Strong to W.W. Jackson, Rector of Exeter College. 25 May 1908. 3L. Problems of setting up a new Extension Committee.

14. ALS from H.H. Turner. 24 July 1908. 5L. Problems of funding Extension work and lectureships. Where should the money come from?

15. TS copy of an interim report to the Vice-Chancellor on carrying out proposals made at the Education of Workpeople Conference in Oxford. [c.Aug. 1908]. 4L.

16. TL copy of AS to Albert Mansbridge. 16 Oct. 1908. 1L. The creation of a new committee to run the Extension scheme.

17. TLS from E.S. Cartwright. 21 March 1914. 1L. Mr. Wilkinson hopes to meet AS in Rochdale.

18. ALS from J.E. Barlow. 7 Oct. 1915. 1L. Arrangements for WEA classes in Charlbury.

19. ALS from, TL copy of AS to Fred Hall of the Co-Operative Union. 26 and 28 Sept. 1916. 3L and 1L. Hall has to appear before a military service tribunal - can AS help by writing a letter saying his work is of national importance? With TLS from J.M. Mactavish (29 Sept. 1916, 2L). Hall really wishes to get his conscientious objection recognised without being punished.

20. Correspondence with the WEA Ashford Branch. 26 Sept. 1916-24 April 1917. Can AS give a lecture to the WEA study group in Ashford? 5 TLS, 1 APS, 1 TPS, 1 telegram.

21. Correspondence about an education meeting with the Bradford Chamber of Commerce. 19 Oct.-7 Dec. 1916.
The Chamber of Commerce wishes to have a meeting discussing education needs. Can AS and Mactavish of the WEA attend? 1 ALS, 10 TLS, 1 printed letter about the meeting. Correspondents include J.M. Mactavish, Prof. M.E. Sadler.

22. Printed notice of WEA classes in Horsham. Nov. 1916. 1L.

23. 4 TLS from J.M. Mactavish. 8 Nov. 1916-4 Jan. 1917. Problems about what sort of address H.E.D. Blakiston might give to the WEA. Recommendations of the Garton Foundation. Col. Foster's reactions to the Bradford meeting [see 21 above] and AS's reply to him.

24. Correspondence from the WEA Bristol Branch. 28 Nov. 1916-10 April 1917. Arrangements for AS to lecture in Bristol on "The Third Year of the War." 2 ALS, 1 APS, 3 TLS, printed programme of lectures, 2L of train times notes.

25. ALS, TLS from J.M. Mactavish, TL copy of AS to Mactavish about Mr. Travena of the WEA North-Eastern District. 7-22 Dec. 1916. Travena is in prison for conscientious objection, but the WEA need him. Can AS help to secure his release? Suggestions from AS as to who might help.

26. ALS from A. Emery. 26 Dec. 1916. 1L. He will visit AS. He has heard that AS's addresses in Stoke were well-received.

27. 3 ALS from T. Stanley Roberts of Aberystwyth University College. ? Jan.-19 May 1917. All 1L. Can AS give the inaugural address at a summer school? With TLS from the Registrar, printed programme for the school (1L).

28. 5 TLS from J.M. Mactavish. 5 March-10 May 1917. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to speak at a national WEA conference and demonstration in London. Sorry he could not attend. News of the conference. Arrangements to meet.

29. 2 TLS from the WEA Bracknell Branch. 6 March and 2 April 1917. Both 1L. Can AS give an address to the Branch?

30. 2 TLS from the WEA North-Western District. 9 and 17 March 1917. Both 1L. The WEA is mounting a big campaign in Lancashire. Can AS address a meeting in Rochdale?

31. 2 ALS from the WEA Leicester and District Branch. 11 and 27 March 1917. Both 1L. Arrangements for AS to address a joint meeting of the the WEA and the Leicester Adult School?

32. TLS from E.S. Cartwright. 20 April 1917. 1L. Leaving a message from Prof. W.G.S. Adams about a meeting to set up a Committee of Inquiry into Adult Education. With Adams' message (1L).

33. 2 ALS from the WEA Eastleigh Branch. 25 April and 18 May 1917. Both 1L. Can AS give a lecture to the newly-formed branch?

34. Correspondence about AS giving lectures to Tunstall Tutorial Class. 11 May-3 Oct. 1917. Could AS give some historical lectures, including one on Oliver Cromwell? Problems with finding a room for the study group. Arrangements for Prof. Buttrick to accompany AS. 12 ALS, 1 APS, 5 TLS, 1 telegram, AMS programme notes, newspaper cutting, 2L of train time notes.

35. 2 TLS from J.M. Mactavish. 17 and 21 May 1917. 1L and 3L. Mactavish has been criticised for using quotations from R.H. Tawney's article "Some Reflections of a Soldier."

36. 3 TLS, 1 APS from the WEA Western District. 30 May-7 Sept. 1917. All 1L. Can AS address a Reconstruction meeting to be held in Bath? Ernest Bevin may also be speaking.

37. Correspondence from, and about T.W. Price. 5-21 June 1917. R.H. Tawney is concerned that Price has been exhausted by his educational work in Birmingham. News of his health. He should take a rest cure. 2 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 TL copy, 1 telegram.

38. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to J.M. Mactavish about Mr. Bennet. 14-20 Aug. 1917. AS's doubts about Bennet's suitability to be a WEA adviser in Wales.

39. 2 TLS from the WEA Yorkshire District. 15 and 22 Aug. 1917. Both 1L. Can AS give a lecture at Luddenden Foot?

40. ALS from the WEA Nottingham and District Branch. 9 Sept. 1917. 1L. Can AS give a lecture as part of a course on "International Reconstruction"?

41. 5 APS from the WEA Swindon Branch. 7-28 Oct. 1917. News of a successful address. Arrangements for AS to give a lecture on "Educational Reconstruction."

42. 3 TLS about the WEA Halstead Branch. 13-23 Oct. 1917. All 1L. The branch has asked Mactavish to find a speaker for a meeting - can AS do it? With printed annual report of the WEA Eastern District for 1917-1918 (8pp).

43. 3 ALS from the WEA Reading Branch. 12 Nov.-1 Oct. 1917. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to give a lecture on Anglo-American relations. A report of it is to be published in the local newspaper. With printed programme of the branch's lectures.

44. Correspondence from the WEA Coventry Branch. 11 Dec. 1917-24 March 1918. Arrangements for AS to give the final lecture in a series on education. 4 ALS, 3 TLS, 2 TL copies, 2 TS programmes.

45. Printed annual report for 1918-1919 for Stockwell Training College and School. 17pp.

46. 2 ALS, 2 TLS from, TL copy of AS to Henrietta Barnett. 12 Jan.-8 April 1918. All 1L. Plans for another Summer School run by the Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute and the WEA [see H7].

47. ALS from J.M. Mactavish. 12 Feb. 1918. 1L. Thoughts on the Labour Party contesting University constituencies. Thoughts on the WEA's relationship with Oxford.

48. ALS and TLS from G.H. Meir of the Tunstall Tutorial Class [see also 34 above]. 13 Feb. and 15 Sept. 1918. Both 1L. Can AS help G. Baskeyfield, who wishes to read music at Oxford?

49. 7 TLS from T.W. Price of the WEA Birmingham Branch. 21 Feb. 1918-8 Jan. 1919. All 1L. Can AS advise a WEA member who wishes to write a History thesis? Can AS address the WEA Dudley Branch? Can AS lecture to the King's Norton Summer School? Can AS address a conference to discuss the interim report of the Adult Education Committee?

50. 2 ALS, 3 APS, 3 TLS, 1 TL copy from J.M. Mactavish. 9 April-23 June 1918. All 1L. Thanks AS for some notes. Arrangements to meet. Sending a letter about Lord Scott Moncrieff's manuscript [see S19]. He and his son are visiting Oxford. [T.W.] Price and his son are also coming to stay in Oxford.

51. ALS from the WEA Sheffield and District Branch. 12 Aug. 1918. 1L. Can AS speak at a WEA weekend school?

52. TLS from the WEA Eastern District. 18 Sept. 1918. 1L. Can AS give a lecture in Bedford?

53. 2 ALS, fragment of ALS from, TL copy of AS to A.A. David of Rugby School. 6-12 Oct. 1918. All 1L. H.A.L. Fisher is addressing a WEA meeting at the school - can AS also speak?

54. ALS from L.G.E. Jones. 1 Nov. 1918. 1L. Arrangements for the first meeting of a WEA Study Circle in Oxford.

55. ALS from the WEA Swindon Branch. 15 Nov. 1918. 4L. A psychology lecturer has dropped out of his course - can AS recommend a replacement?

56. 2 TLS from the WEA South-Eastern District. 10 May and 2 June 1919. Both 1L. Can AS address a summer meeting in Canterbury?

57. TLS from T.W. Price of the WEA Birmingham Branch. 1 July 1919. 1L. Price wants Mr. Horsfall of Albright and Wilson's Ltd. to lecture - has he recently been knighted?

58. 2 ALS from the Kent Education Committee. 10 and 15 Sept. 1919. Both 1L. Can AS give an address to the WEA Crayford Branch?

59. ALS from W. Bennet of Warwickshire County Council Education Committee. 10 Oct. 1919. 2L. His plans for Tutorial Classes in Warwickshire - can AS advise him? News of a Tutorial Class in Nuneaton. With ALS from E.S Cartwright (14 Oct., 1L) advising Bennet.

60. ALS from the WEA Swindon Branch. 8 Dec. 1919. 1L. Can AS attend an address by Prof. Leonard of Bristol University?

61. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to the WEA Bournemouth Branch. 14 Jan.-24 Feb. 1920. Can AS address the Branch on the Adult Education Committee Report? AS suggests other possible speakers.

62. Correspondence with the WEA East Midlands District. 6 Feb.-12 April 1920. Arrangements for conferences on the Adult Education Committee Report in Nottingham and Leicester. Can AS speak at them? Travel arrangements. 8 ALS, 1 APS, 1 TLS, 5 TL copies, 1 telegram, 3L of TS notes on proposals for Tutorial Classes at Nottingham University, 2 printed forms for the Nottingham conference, 2 printed cards for the Leicester conference, printed prospectus for Nottingham University Tutorial Classes (8pp).

63. 3 ALS from the Midland Adult School Union. 7 Feb.-11 March 1920. All 2L. Can AS speak at the Union's annual united meeting on the Adult Education Committee Report?

64. Correspondence with Rugby School and the WEA Rugby Branch. 11 Feb.-10 April 1920. Can AS attend a conference held by the WEA at the school on adult education? R.H. Tawney has dropped out. 6 ALS, 1 APS, 1 TLS, 1 TL copy, AMS draft of a resolution from the conference.

65. ALS from G.H. Meir of the Tunstall Tutorial Class. 25 Feb. 1920. 2L. He has been made editor of an educational newsletter. News of the Potteries adult education movement's progress.

66. 3 TLS from, 2 TL copies of AS to the WEA Reading Branch. 20 April-29 June 1920. All 1L. Can AS give a lecture to the Reading WEA?

67. 3 TLS, 2 ALS, 1 APS from T.W. Price. 6 May-26 June 1920. All 1L. About a review that AS is writing of Albert Mansbridge's book An Adventure in Working-Class Education.

68. TLS from, TL copy of AS to the WEA Eastern District. 16 and 18 June 1920. Both 1L.
Is J.G. Newlove suitable to be a Tutor in One-Year Classes in Norfolk?

69. Printed programme for a WEA Midland District summer school at Repton, July-Aug. 1920. 1L. With programmes for a Civics Summer School in High Wycombe (July-Aug. 1920, 1L) and a Conference of Modern Churchmen in Oxford (Aug. 1920, 1L).


70. TS copy of a "Report on the Educational Resources of Work People" by W.H. Berry. 4L.

71. AMS resolutions from a meeting about grants to the WEA. 2L.

72. TS notice of additions to a report which J.M. Mactavish wants considered. 1L.

73. AMS draft of a WEA book list. 4L.

74. APS from E.C. Lodge of the WEA Oxford Branch. ? March ?. Notice of forthcoming meetings.

75. AMS fragment of a draft of a speech by AS [?] on working class education in Oxford. 1L.

-- End of AL Smith catalogue --

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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