Back to: HOME > Archives & MSS > Modern Manuscripts Collections Papers of TH Green, Fellow of Balliol Catalogue2. PHILOSOPHY2a. Numbered Philosophy Manuscripts(numbers and letters assigned by CBG, revised by Bradley, Nettleship, and Wilson. Small Roman numeral are additional designations added July 2005.) TH Green 2a.01A. Lecture on Logic (Modern). With wrapper bearing notes by John Cook Wilson regarding arrangement. c. 103 pp, ink. With 10 insertions by JCW bearing further notes about arrangement. In envelope. TH Green 2a.01B. Lecture on Logic (Greek). With wrapper, and single sheet labelled ‘Philosophy’. c. 34 pp ink, followed by inserted sheet labelled ‘Numbered Series of Notes’, followed by c. 26 pp. In Greek and English. TH Green 2a.03. Analysis of Republic, in marbled paper cover notebook. 1 cover missing, remaining one detached. 27 pp, ink. TH Green 2a.04. Two sheets of an apparently early essay on Hegel; other fragments on philosophy. 22 pp ink, with pencil additions. 1 other sheet, in separate wrapper. TH Green 2a.05A. Fragments on Physiology, on the Logic of Aristotle and J. S. Mill, Spinoza, Leibniz, and on general philosophy. 5 separate pp ink; large brown notebook, 26 pp used, in ink and pencil, including some loose insertions. TH Green 2a.05B. Notes on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. In brown notebook with title printed on cover ‘Cyphering Book’. 25 pp ink, and 1 pp ink insertion. TH Green 2a.06A. Notes for lectures on Locke, Hume, and Kant. Brown notebook, both covers detached. c. 90 pp, ink. TH Green 2a.06B. Extracts from Hume and Lectures on Kant’s Kritik der reinen Vernunft. In notebook with detached covers. 94 pp, ink; with 3 insertions. In addition 2 sheets, ink. With wrapper with notes by RLN about contents. Partly printed in Works II, ‘Lectures on Kant’. TH Green 2a.07A. Notes for Lectures on Mill’s Logic; Aristotelian Logic. Notebook with one cover missing, c. 85 pp, ink. 7 sheets, inserted. TH Green 2a.07B. Mill’s Logic; Kant; etc. Notebook, c. 115 pp, ink. 4 sheets inserted. TH Green 2a.07C. Lectures on Logic and Project for Essay on Materialism. Notebook, c. 119 pp, ink. With 2 sheets inserted. TH Green 2a.08. Extracts and Summaries from Locke. Loose sheets, 16 pp, ink. TH Green 2a.09. Four loose sheets on Moral Philosophy. Ink. TH Green 2a.10A. Notes on Lectures on Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Notebook, c. 94 pp. 2 sheets inserted. TH Green 2a.10B. Kant [Moral Philosophy]. Analysis of Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten; partial analysis of Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. c. 96 pp in notebook; 11 pp loose. TH Green 2a.11. Notes for Lectures on History of Greek Philosophy. 34 pp loose sheets; 45 pp ink in notebook. TH Green 2a.12. Fragments of Lecture on Mill’s Logic; lectures on the Moral Philosophy of Hume and Kant. 1 loose sheet, c. 80 pp ink in notebook. TH Green 2a.14. Notes of Lectures on Kant’s Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Grouped as follows:
TH Green 2a.15. Notes on Moral Philosophy. 51 pp, ink. With 13 copies of slip entitled ‘Errata in Vol. III’, some with further corrections added. TH Green 2a.16. Translation of Aristotle’s De Anima. Grouped by books:
TH Green 2a.17. For articles on G. H. Lewes and H. Spencer (all reprinted in Works I). Grouped as follows:
TH Green 2a.18. Aristotle, Politics. 33 pp, ink. TH Green 2a.19. Notes on Political Philosophy. 8 pp, ink. TH Green 2a.20. Notes on Aristotle, Ethics.
TH Green 2a.21. Part of course following MS22 on moral philosophy. c. 87 pp, ink. TH Green 2a.22. ‘What is the province of moral philosophy?’ 29 pp, ink. TH Green 2a.23. Professorial Lectures on Kant. Complete notes for Michaelmas Term 1878. 60 pp, ink. TH Green 2a.24. ‘Professorial Lectures. Hilary and Trinity Terms 1879. Partly printed in Works II, ‘On the Different Senses of “Freedom” As Applied to Will and to the Moral Progress of Man’. Wrapper notes ‘completed by addition of [MS] 20’. This MS20 (not the one listed above) is now entirely indistinct from MS 24. 113 pp, ink. 2b. Formerly Unnumbered Philosophy ManuscriptsTH Green 2b.01. MS notebook marked ‘T.H.Green’ containing undergraduate essays. Contents:
(At this point the notebook reverses. Its further contents, beginning from the back cover, are as follows—)
TH Green 2b.02. MS Notebook marked ‘T.H.Green’, containing undergraduate essays.
(At this point the notebook reverses. Its contents, beginning from the back cover, are as follows—)
TH Green 2b.03. Untitled notebook. General scattered notes on philosophical topics. Insertions: leaflet for Oxford Political Economy Club; 35 separate pieces of loose-leaf paper of various sizes. TH Green 2b.04. MS of article reviewing The Philosophy of Aristotle by Sir A. Grant. 51 pp, ink. TH Green 2b.05. Offprint of article ‘The Philosophy of Aristotle’. 40 pp, printed. TH Green 2b.06. Analysis of Hegel. THG’s translation of paragraphs 1-163 of Hegel’s Philosophische Propädeutik. 6 pp ink with pencil corrections Table of Contents. Thereafter in separate (ink) sections: pp. 7-32; 33-47; 47-53; 53-76; 76-90; 91-120; 120-145; 146-190 (but only goes to 188); then unlabelled pages totalling 9. TH Green 2b.07. 1 pp ink, draft of Hegel’s Philosophie der Religion, paragraphs 78-80. TH Green 2b.08. 4 pp ink, draft notes/translation of parts of Hegel. TH Green 2b.09. Notebook, ‘Analysis of Politics (Aristotle)’. Miscellaneous notes. One 2 pp insertion; one 1 p insertion (placed as bookmark). Starting from back cover are notes on A. C. Bradley’s and H. H. Asquith’s philosophical answers in the 1874 Balliol Fellowship Examination. TH Green 2b.10. MS of partial translation of H. Ulrici, ‘Das Naturrecht’, Gott und der Mensch. 54 pp, ink. TH Green 2b.11. ‘Tutorial Lectures on Kant’. Printed in Works II. 15 sheets, some double-sided, ink. TH Green 2b.12. ‘Lecture E. T. 78’. Incomplete MS of critique of utilitarianism and hedonism. 39 pp, ink. TH Green 2b.13. ‘Matter and Mind’, 2 sheets, ink. Notes on ‘Allgemeine Pathologie’, 2 sheets, ink. TH Green 2b.14. Packets labelled ‘Notes A-F’.
TH Green 2b.15. Review of Edward Caird, A Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Kant. 10 pp, ink. TH Green 2b.16. Review of John Caird, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. 11 pp, ink. TH Green 2b.17. Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation. In two sections: c. 249 pp, ink; 16 pp, ink. TH Green 2b.18.
TH Green 2b.19. Prolegomena to Ethics draft. (i) 109 pp, ink, loose leaves. (ii-iv) Green notebooks, ink. (v-xi) Blue notebooks, ink. TH Green 2b.20. ‘Undetermined’ notes (so called by RLN). 34 leaves total, ink. TH Green 2b.21. Three papers.
TH Green 2b.22. Green notebook, ‘Extracts from G. H. Lewes, H. Spencer, & a few from Carpenter, Bastian, Fick’. TH Green 2b.23. Printed copy of Balliol College Fellowship examination, 1873. 1 sheet. TH Green 2b.24. Printed proof copies of articles.
2c. Annotated BooksTH Green 2c.1. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (Greek). Interleaved with THG’s annotations. J. E. T. Rogers, Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea, Oxford, 1852. TH Green 2c.2. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (Greek). Interleaved with THG’s annotations. Unnamed editor, Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea, Oxford and London, 1861. TH Green 2c.3. Aristotle, Politics and Economics (Greek). Interleaved with THG’s annotations. Unnamed editor, Aristotelis Politicorum Libri VIII et Oeconomica, Leipzig, 1971. TH Green 2c.4. Plato, Republic (Greek). Interleaved with THG’s annotations. Ed. G. Stallbaum, Libros de Republica, Leipzig, 1823. [next] |
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