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Jenkyns Collection: Papers of Canon Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878)

Box 9  Jenkyns IVA.1-7.

Jenkyns IVA.1.
ALS George Waddington from London to HJ at Durham 20 Dec 1860 (with envelope, stamp detached now inside) and 18 January 1861 returning a draft petition in another hand with notes in his.

Jenkyns IVA.2.
ALS (2, 1834) Charles Thorp to HJ with a copy of HJ’s reply.

Jenkyns IVA.3.
A communication, not opening in the form of a letter but closing conventionally and signed W Cantuar, William Howley to William van Mildert (Bishop of Durham 1826-1838;ODNB; hereafter WvM)  16 March 1830 with  draft or copy in WvM’s hand of his response  from Hanover Square 17 March 1830.The exchange concerns a possible Bill to reform some aspects of ecclesiastical patronage . It does not concern HJ or the University of Durham, and was probably acquired by HJ with Jenkyns IVA.5-7.

Jenkyns IVA.4.
Drafts by HJ of a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury , and a petition to Parliament about the Durham Canonry which had been promised to him by WvM, nd but 1836- 1838.

Jenkyns IVA.5.
Cases and Opinions, 1831 concerning the application of the University of London for a Charter, all in WvM’s hand ; the opinions are those of Charles Weatherall  29 January 1831 and 23 February 1831. Probably acquired by HJ along with Jenkyns IVA.6 & 7.

Jenkyns IVA.6.
Papers of WvM concerning the foundation of the University of Durham, 1831-1832.These papers (originally  packeted together) are obviously van Mildert’s papers, but some have endorsements by HJ and it is likely that he acquired them in connection with his work in preparation for the Durham University Commission: see Jenkyns IVA.7. 

  • i.  ALS, 2 leaves and wrapper, from Charles Thorp (Archdeacon of Durham, first Warden of Durham University 1833-1862,ODNB) to WvM, 11 June 1831: 'I would fain bring before you the project of a University...'
  • ii. ALS, one leaf,  from David Durrell (Canon of Durham) to WvM, 25 July 1831.
  • iii. An outline, one leaf, of a scheme for a university, initialled and dated 'CT [Charles Thorp] July 1831,' but all written in WvM's hand.
  • iv. ALS, 2 leaves and wrapper, from JB Jenkinson (Dean of Durham 1827-1840; he was also Bishop of St David's and signs JB St David's, ODNB), 19 Aug 1831.
  • v. Notes, one leaf, for a scheme for a university, 25 Aug 1831, in the hand of Charles Thorp.
  • vi. Chapter minute, 28 Sept 1831, one leaf, with  a copy of a note ,one leaf, sent to the Chapter for that meeting by WvM, in his hand.
  • vii. ALS, one leaf and wrapper,  from the 3rd Duke of Northumberland (Hugh Percy) to WvM, 6 Oct 1831.
  • viii. ALS, one leaf and wrapper, from Edward Vernon Harcourt (Archbishop of York 1807-1847,ODNB) to WvM, 10 Oct 1831.
  • ix. ALS, one leaf  to Charles Thorp from JB Jenkinson, 9 Nov 1831.
  • x. A copy by a clerk , one leaf , of a letter from WvM to David Durrell for the Chapter, 20 Nov 1831.
  • xi. A minute of the Chapter, one leaf, 21 Nov 1831.
  • xii. A copy, one leaf,  by WvM of a letter from him to JB Jenkinson, 29 Nov 1831.
  • xiii. ALS, three leaves and wrapper from JB Jenkinson to WvM, 29 Nov 1831.
  • xiv. A draft, two leaves , by WvM, nd, of a letter from him to Lord Grey (Charles Grey, 2nd Earl,ODNB).
  • xv. A copy, one leaf, by WvM of a letter from him to Lord Grey, 1 Dec 1831.
  • xvi. ALS, one leaf,  to WvM from Charles Thorp, 10 Dec 1831.
  • xvii. ALS, one lea,f  to WvM from Lord Grenville, 30 Dec 1831.
  • xviii. A copy by WvM of a letter,two leaves,  from him to JB Jenkinson, 30 Jan 1832.

Jenkyns IVA.6a
WvM's notes for his speech moving the second reading of the Durham University Bill in the House of Lords, nd [1832].

Jenkyns IVA.6b.
Extracts from Durham Chapter minutes 1831-3, made by WvM.

Jenkyns IVA.7.
Notes and drafts by HJ concerning the history of the foundation of the University of Durham. With some notes by Charles Thorp and two brief messages passing between them. No explicit dates are evident but these papers probably relate to the Durham University Commission of 1862.

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- John Jones, 2013

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