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Jenkyns Collection: Papers of Canon Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878)

BOX 10

Jenkyns IVA.Additional 1.
This is a substantial bundle of largely printed material concerning the University of Durham 1831-1884: circulars, Acts of Parliament, drafts, regulations, Statutes etc etc. No attempt to arrange and list it at item level was deemed worthwhile  in 2012.

Jenkyns IVA.Additional 2.
Miscellaneous found loose near IVA. Additional 1:-

  • a. Lease of premises in Crossgate called Howcrofts, Warden and Scholars of the Durham University to HJ, 25 March 1862. University seal (some kind of thin pseudo wax) present but detached and decayed beyond recognition.
  • b. Original wrapper: ”Papers relating to Corps Lands granted or proposed to be granted to the University”. Contents concern Durham Chapter estates being allocated to the University ,nd but around 1849 ,including a detailed survey of the estates belonging to the 2nd Stall. All MS.
  • c. A tabular survey,foolscap double fold, made by the Revd Dr Gilly in   April 1835 of “Contiguous Livings in North Durham in the Patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Durham “.The Parishes listed are Brampton, Cornhill, Norham, Berwick,Tweedmouth, Ancroft, Holy Island, Kyloe, and Lowick. In each case the acreage, dimensions, number of houses,  population, and living values are given, with brief general observations on the size and state of the Parish Church . MS.
  • d. George Waddington to the Canons of Durham, notice re electing a Bishop  1 July 1860 . Foolscap. MS.
  • e. Original endorsement “Outline of  a charter for the University of Durham Febr 1835. From Archdeacon Thorp”. Foolscap double fold MS. Contents as endorsed.
  • f. ALS covering note, WvM to HJ nd, with its envelope, also signed.
  • g. A note , unidentified to  HJ, nd, making reference to the “B of E” (probably Henry Philpotts , Bp of Exeter and Canon of Durham)   who “laughs at  the Medical School & scorns the Musical DD”.
  • h. An empty envelope addressed to HJ.
  • i. A notebook without cover listing Deans of Durham 1558-1827 and Prebendaries of the 1st-12th Stalls with dates of installation 1540-1830.
  • j. Copy Case and Opinion by Stephen Lushington of Doctors’ Commons 13 February 1818 concerning holding livings in plurality . Annotated in pencil by John Jenkyns. MS.
  • k. A foolscap sheet  listing  on one side  the Parochial Registers  received by the Bishop of Durham’s Registry for 1834 and on the other a list of Parishes not sending them in. MS.
  • l. A foolscap double fold listing Dioceses in England and Wales with numbers of Churches and Chapels in each and the Counties or part Counties covered by each Diocese.
  • m. Extracts from an Act of Parliament re the Hospital of King James in Gateshead (51 George III, Royal Assent 21 May 1811). Printed.
  • n. Outline plans for the proposed University of Durham dated 9 December 1831 with preliminary arrangements, initial staff, charges etc set out for 1833. Printed.
  • o. An attack on a proposal from dissenters that it should be provided in the Durham University Bill that there should be no religious test. Dated July 1832 over the initials W.C.W. Printed.
  • p. A foolscap doublefold MS with  descriptive endorsements; “Abstract of Act concerning Dilapidations” and, signed “W Dunelm” [WvM] “NB This abstract, or outline of a proposed Act of Parliament concerning Dilapidations was (I believe) drawn up by Archdeacon Wollaston, of Essex”.
  • q. “Statement of the University Accounts Octr 1835”. Actually  estimates of  annual income £5244 (including £2000 from the Bishop) and expenditure on salaries £4418.

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- John Jones, 2013

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