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Jenkyns Collection: Papers of Canon Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878)

Box 14 

Jenkyns IVC.A.

  • HJ original ALS (2) of 1841 from Durham opening “My Dear Sir” but closing “Yrs affectly”, probably to Henry Hobhouse, re some legal and or Parliamentary business.
  • Extract, in a clerk’s copperplate , of a letter from HJ to the Bp of Durham 18 March 1841 ,re Divinity Professor’s fees.
  • Copy Opinion of the Law Officers upon alterations proposed to be made in the Durham Statutes, John Dodson and Thomas Wilde, Doctors’ Commons 17 July 1841.
  • Judgement, Queens Bench, 17 May 1843 Bp of Durham vs Wharton and another.
  •  From the Warden and Senate of the University of Durham to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England 15 June 1843, re the above Queens Bench Judgement.
  • A paper by HJ in his hand signed and dated November 1851, nine  numbered foolscap leaves folded making 36 pages, re the Divinity Professorship and Stalls. With two ALS approving it from John Edwards 21 November 1851 and Charles Whitley nd .

Jenkyns IVC.B.
Miscellaneous letters to HJ from his lawyers and Henry Jenkyns [Jnr] about family financial matters ca 1864-1873.

Jenkyns IVC.C.
Miscellaneous papers;-

  • A whimsical piece, possibly re the marriage of Richard Jenkyns and Troth Grove, ”Mr H’s epigram”.
  • In Richard Jenkyns’s  hand, an epitaph  for William Tournay, Warden of Wadham.
  • A “Parody parodied” from “Mr Hughes” (but endorsed in another hand “Mr Hobhouse”) to HJ at Oriel College , apparently from Boscobel March 5 but otherwise nd, partly Greek verse.
  • ALS (3) from John Jenkyns,  Red Lion Square to HJ his brother,   difficult to read, 1832, 1838 and 1841. In 1838 there was some discussion of a Church somewhere; Basevi had reckoned £1800 for one sitting 500,and JJ had hurt his foot, and  suspecting  gout, had sent for leeches and “Dr Cholmeleys Recipe of Colchichium”.
  • Correspondence of 1873-1878 re a proposed Lottisham Church .
  • Mrs E Haig ALS to Mrs Gaisford at Botley Hill with envelope posted Edinburgh December 2 1862.
  • Newspaper cutting from a local paper re a case  concerning Durham University property 1840-1841.

Jenkyns IVC.D.
A circular ALS ,1878,to his siblings by   Henry Jenkyns [Jnr] and miscellaneous letters to him by them and others :-

  • Sarah Thring (HJ’s sister) from Hornblotton Rectory ALS 1878.
  • Edith Jenkyns (HJ’s daughter) ALS(2) 1878.
  • Anne Pilkington (HJ’s daughter) from Baskerville House Worcester ALS 1878.
  • CH Pilkington ( HJ’s son in law ) from Baskerville House Worcester ALS 1878.
  • Harriet Pedder (HJ’s daughter) from Somerset Place Bath ,ALS(3) 1878.
  • Richard Jenkyns( HJ’s son) from Wallsend Rectory ALS 1879.
  • Eliza Hobhouse (HJ’s unmarried sister-in-law) ALS 1878.
  • Catherine Hobhouse (HJ’s unmarried sister-in-law) from Penselwood Bournemouth ALS 1878.
  • AH, probably Arthur Hobhouse, from 15 Bruton Street ,autograph initialled letter with envelope.
  • Henry BC Wynyard from HMS Cambridge at Devonport, ALS 1878.
  • WR Hilton on behalf of Durham Senate, ALS 1878 thanking for the portrait of HJ.

Jenkyns IVC. E.
Extensive legal and tax papers and accounts re  HJ’s estate, including  a copy of his Will and Codicil proved 1878 and an Inventory of Plate brought from Wells in 1857 listing many armorial pieces (Jenkyns, Bannister Grove, Lockett, Merchant) notably “Bp Kenn’s chafing dish with his Arms”; Thomas Ken was Bishop of Wells,deprived 1690.There is also a list of HJs children living in 1878: Harriet Pedder wife of Revd John Pedder of Bath; Henry Jenkyns[Jnr]; Anne wife of Revd CH Pilkington of Worcester; Revd Richard Jenkyns Rector of Wallsend; Revd John Jenkyns Rector of Thornhaugh cum Wansford; Arthur Jenkyns of Upton Nuneaton; Catherine Jenkyns unmarried; and Edith Jenkyns unmarried.


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- John Jones, 2013

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