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Jenkyns Collection: Papers of Canon Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878)

 BOX 13

Jenkyns IVB.Additional 3.


  • 3a.i. Printed , Scheme for the Extension of the University of Durham, 1863.
  • 3a.ii. Proposals to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners , with copy response on behalf of the Commissioners from James  J Chalk (ODNB) 10 Whitehall Place 16 August 1864.
  • 3a.iii. Regulations for the Improvement and Extension of the University of Durham, 1865, printed.
  • 3a.iv. Papers concerning the regulations for the residency of Canons 1873 including an ALS from Henry Jenkyns[Jnr] from East Molesley 1871.
  • 3a.v. Letters to HJ on the subject of the Dean’s veto: WC Lake ALS(4), nd but 1870-1871; George Bland ALS(2), 1871 and 1870 ;Henry Jenkyns[Jnr] ALS from the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel, 5 Park St Westminster, 1 June 1870 .

3b. Notes and drafts mostly by HJ relating to Parliament, the Durham Universty Commission etc  mostly 1860-1870,scrappy.

Jenkyns IVB.Additional 4.

These papers appear to have been further papers of WvM:-

i. ”An Act to enable The Dean and Chapter of Durham to appropriate Part of the Property of their Church to the Establishment of University ...., 2 Will. IV Sess. 1831-2”.

ii. Papers re Observations on the Durham University Bill by Mr Walters, 1832.

iii. ”A statement of Fines paid on renewal of Leases in the previous 7 years of Chapter property proposed to be sold or enfranchised for the establishment of the intended University.” By Andrew Stoddart 5 June 1832. MS and 5 printed copies, one of them endorsed in WvM’s hand.

iv. Report, taken from The Newcastle Chronicle of Saturday June 2nd , of a meeting 31 May 1832 ( James  Losh Chairman) at which it was resolved to petition the House of Commons that the proposed University should admit without any religious tests.  With three copies of a printed paper on the same subject arising in part from the meeting, over the initials W.C.W. , July 1832.

v. A list of members of the University of Durham, endorsed and dated November 1833 by WvM.
vi. Extract from Durham Chapter Minutes “July 20 1833. In the matter of the University” noting the nomination of Archdeacon Thorp as Warden by the Bishop, and setting out initial arrangements. Endorsed in WvM’s hand.

vii. A Paper endorsed in WvM’s hand “Copy of communications from the Warden of Durham University & Professor Rose respecting Degrees & the Divinity Students Dec:r  1833.”

viii. Two copy papers for the Chapter by Charles Thorp concerning Draft Statutes, both 15 March 1834.

ix. Notes by WvM of stages etc re Bills of 1834 and 1835, including notes of an interview with Robert Peel February 1835

x. Case for the Opinion of Charles Weatherall re Durham University  seeking a Royal Charter, sought in confidence, with  Weatherall’s autograph opinion dated 28 January 1836 written on the same document, and a separate ALS Weatherall to WvM, nd but with its wrapper bearing postmark 28 January 1836.


Jenkyns IVB.Additional 5.
Found in  a folder with modern Durham annotation “IVB Oddments in bottom of box”:

 i. Circular letter from Archbishop AC Tait (ODNB) to Cathedral Clergy following  a meeting at  Lambeth  Palace 1 March 1872, enclosing a questionnaire.

ii. ”Regulations for the University of Durham agreed to by the Senate and to be submitted to Convocation on Thursday Feb.25th 1836 in pursuance of the Statute of 20th July 1835 .” Printed at Durham 1836.

iii. ALS(2) H Thring to “My dear Uncle”[HJ] 26 and 29 April  1861 from the Office of the Home Office Counsel 14 Duke St Westminster.
iv. A draft by HJ “Additional considerations on the continuation of the course in Arts”, nd, but shortly after HJ had given evidence to the Durham University Commissioners 27th February 1862.

Jenkyns IVB.Additional 6.

Collectanea ad Statum Civilem et Ecclesiasticum Comitatus Dunelmensis, printed ca 1780 :see OLIS.

Jenkyns IVB.Additional 7.

HJ, A Lecture on the Advantages of Classical Studies, Durham, 1834.


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- John Jones, 2013

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