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Jenkyns Collection: Papers of Canon Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878)

Box 20

Jenkyns VA.1e.i.
Miscellaneous letters and papers:-

  • 1.Benjamin Hobhouse ALS 31 October 1788 to his sister-in-law Mrs Sarah Hobhouse of Westbury, explaining at length that after  his father died he decided to follow his unitarian conscience and so his children would not be baptised in the Church  of England  like his two former children, to whom she had been a sponsor (Godmother). Frayed at the edges, especially the date area.
  • 2.Episcopal certificates, their impressed seals decayed and detached, signed E Dunelm, recording HJ’s subscription to the 39 Articles and his collation into the 3rd Prebend at Durham. Both dated 21 October 1839, 1839 being the 4th year of the Bishop’s translation.
  • 3.Valuation of HJ’s property in the Canonry house at Durham, and of that which his successor Dr AJ Farrer there is to buy, with  AJ Farrer ALS from The College Durham to Henry Jenkyns [Jnr] 6 May 1878. Farrer was Professor of Divinity ,following HJ also in the Canonry.
  • 4. Copy letter HJ to the Bp  to say he would be unable to reside at Durham again and seeking advice , nd ; with a copy of the Bp’s reply dated 7 January 1879; and ALS 6 February 1878 with envelope Arthur Hobhouse from 15 Bruton St to Henry Jenkyns[Jnr] at 15 or 18 Queen Anne’s Gate returning the copy of the Bp’s letter with comment.
  • 5. Lt Col John William Gaisford late 72nd Rgt [died Dublin 1889], ALS(2) 27 March and 12 April 1859 from The Grove to his mother Jane Gaisford.
  • 6.Thomas Gaisford ALS from Christ Church 25 November 1831 to WvM ;allusions to the admission of Mr Faber at Christ Church, editions of the Authorised Version and Durham matters.
  • 7.Condolence etc to Henry Jenkyns [Jnr] ALS April–May 1878 from Sir Henry Acland 34 Hyde Park Gardens, WC Lake from the Deanery Durham , Bp of Durham from Auckland Castle, George Bland from The College  Durham, and Arthur Hobhouse from 34 Via Gregoriana Rome.
  • 8.Reginald P Golding Vicar of West Bradley from West Bradley Glastonbury to Henry Jenkyns[Jnr] ALS 16 April 1878; HJ had been a generous Benefactor to Lottisham; it is  a pity “he was not spared to see the completion & dedication of the Church, which owes its existence mainly to his liberality; the ceremony has been postponed till about May 23 ;Mr Jackson came to see the Church on 15 April ; it is now all but completed and the keys have been handed to the Churchwarden James Pearce.
  • 9.RHS Johnson from the Deanery of Wells to HJ ALS 9 April  1863 re approval of  tablet by the Dean and Chapter
  • 10.George Newton ALS from Western Hill Durham 1 Sept otherwise nd  to Hj re proofs and printing of something.
  • 11.Charles Thorp to HJ brief ALS nd approving a letter and commenting ”The attempt of the Government to entrap us is too bad “   and closing “Our child improves”.
  • 12.A draft letter in HJ’s hand nd declining to help Kings College London in some way.

Jenkyns VA.1e.ii.
Minor paper re the estates of JC Gaisford and John Jenkyns , ca 1865.

Jenkyns VA.1e.iii.
Further minor papers re HJ’s estate 1878-1880.

Jenkyns VA.1e.iv.

  • 1.Copy opinion R Palmer over whether the Bp’s consent was required to HJ’s resignation of the Professorship .
  • 2. Bp  AlS(7) 1864 to HJ re his resignation from the Professorship .
  • 3.George Waddington ALS 1864 to HJ re his resignation from the Professorship.

Jenkyns VA.1e.v.
A notebook 10 x16 cm, faded brown marbled cover with red spine front cover captioned ”Div Students Oct 1834 to June 1847” containing lists of students, lecture subjects, and examination results.

The Artizans ,Labourers and General Dwellings Company Limited : List of the Leading Shareholders printed nd, and  Report and Balance Sheet printed 1873. No Jenkyns or Hobhouse  or Gaisford appears and Archdeacon George Bland is the only obvious Durham name among the long list of shareholders; perhaps he was correspondent for a corporate investment by the Dean and Chapter.

Jenkyns VA.1e.i-vi.Scraps

not described


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- John Jones, 2013

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