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Jenkyns Collection: Papers of Canon Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878)

Box 21

Jenkyns  VA.2.

  • Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Conditions of India during the Year 1882-3. Nineteenth Number. Part II .Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 24 July 1885.The first of the twelve maps has been torn out and is missing.
  • Continuation of Record of Benefactions .... made by the Dean and Chapter of Durham .From 1857 A.D. to 1864 A.D. Printed for private circulation among the Members of the Chapter ,Durham 1864.
  • Statement of the Case of the Renewable Leasehold Tenants of the Dean and Chapter of Durham submitted to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England. (Parts I. and II.) A.D.1871. Printed in Sunderland.

Jenkyns  VA. 3.
All but the last two of this former bundle are letters from Thomas Arnold to HJ:-

  • i.Thomas Arnold  from Hampton ALS  19 July 1819 to HJ at Oriel.TA has heard from Penrose that HJ is likely  to be settled at Eton soon ; his own plans are unclear but settling at Laleham near Staines is likely.
  • ii.Thomas Arnold  from Laleham ALS  25 September 1820 to HJ.Thanks for wedding present ; his mother is settled in a house of her own close by Buckland;”we are working hard with nine pupils and twenty boys”.
  • iii.Thomas Arnold  from Laleham ALS  4 March 1821 to HJ.Opens in Greek .He will gladly come to Oriel and preach .
  • iv.Thomas Arnold  from London ALS  16 July 1822 to HJ .
  • v.Thomas Arnold  from Laleham ALS  31 January 1823 to HJ .
  • vi. Thomas Arnold  from Glastonbury  ALS  27 January 1826 to HJ . He will be glad to take HJ’s Hobhouse cousin as pupil but will be unable to impose discipline with  the rod.
  • vii. Thomas Arnold  from Laleham ALS  5 February 1826 to HJ . Re candidates for the University seat(Mr Estcourt and Sir C Wetherell) and their views on the Corn Laws .
  • viii.Thomas Arnold  from Laleham ALS  17 September 1826 to HJ . He comments on Bucklands school which is quite full and has boys from all over the Kingdom; Hobhouse is a very amiable youth but not of strong understanding”.
  • ix.Thomas Arnold  from Laleham ALS  24 November 1827 to HJ.After long declining it he  has become candidate for Rugby.
  • x.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby  ALS  20 October 1828 to HJ at Eton. Kinloch is clever but an unpromising character and is one of only three boys he  has flogged ”with  a special good Rod ,& with my best ability” for insulting the townspeople .He  has introduced some Modern History and Geography and there will be an examination of the whole School at the end of the half year.
  • xi.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby  ALS  11 November 1829 to HJ at Eton.
  • xii.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby ALS  26 April 1830 to HJ at Eton. He  is looking for another master and sets out the sort of man he is looking for.
  • xiii.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby  ALS  28September 1830 to HJ . He is thinking of engaging William Banting as  “an indoor servant out of livery”;he has assisted “in waiting at Parties in Balliol” and says HJ’s brother will speak for him.
  • xiv.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby  ALS  21 March 1832 to HJ .He wants HJ to be an examiner ; there has been much sickness “one Boy having died of the Measles in my own House”.
  • xv.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby  ALS  15 April 1833 to HJ .Examination arrangements.
  • xvi.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby  ALS  25 April 1833 to HJ . Examination arrangements.
  • xvii.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby ALS  30 March 1838 to HJ at Durham. Comments about Durham degrees, London University etc.
  • xviii.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby  ALS  11 November 1839 to HJ at Durham. One Howson who has just been an unsuccessful candidate for  a Fellowship at Trinity Cambridge is now a candidate for “the Mastership of  School at Durham in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter” .He (Arnold) thinks highly of Howson to who he was introduced “the summer before last in Westmorland by Charles Vaughan,one of my most valued old pupils”.One of his (Arnold’s) two eldest sons is in the sixth form and one of them is thinking of “going up for the Balliol Scholarship this month ;not with the remotest idea of getting it “ for the experience.
  • xix.Thomas Arnold  from Rugby ALS  16 November 1839 to HJ at Durham .He  did not know that Balston was a candidate for the School at Durham; he thinks very highly of him.”I have decided that Matt is not to go up to try at Balliol this year”.
  • xx. Thomas Arnold  from Rugby  ALS  21 June otherwise nd  to HJ at Eton. Blomfield’s translation is out.Did HJ know the man they called Black Powell at Oriel? “He has been answering my pamphlet & evidently thinks me a perfect Heathen and Jacobin . Powell’s Fierceness is just a specimen of the intolerance of his party, -i.e the ultra high church, he being an intimate friend of Mt Norris of Hackney.-As to the Morning Chronicle ,I wish they would leave me alone ,& not make me say what I did not say”
  • xxi.Thomas Arnold  ALS  nd to HJ .
  • xxii. Extract in an unfamiliar hand annotated in HJ’s hand “Extract from Dr Arnold’s diary written the eveng before his death.”
  • xxiii. AP Stanley brief ALS enquiry with its envelope from University College to HJ at Durham 8 November 1843.

For other papers of Thomas Arnold, see list here.

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- John Jones, 2013

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