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Mallet Family Papers II. Papers of Jean Louis Etienne (John Lewis) Mallet (1775-1861)

* This list is a draft (August 2012). Reference numbers will remain as they are in this list, but descriptions are subject to changes and additions. As yet there are not more detailed descriptions of files in this collection; they will appear as soon as they are created.*

Other volumes of JLE Mallet's political diaries have been destroyed or lost. As far as we know, this is all that survives of the original diaries. Extracts from the diaries survive among the papers of Piero Sraffa (1898-1983) at Trinity College, Cambridge (Cambridge, Trinity College Library, Sraffa Papers D3/11/161).

II.01a, 1b. Two notebooks, volumes IV and V of political diaries, October 1822 – February 1823 and February 1823 – January 1825. Copies are in the Bodleian (as of 1969).

II.02a-c. Three volumes of a Commonplace Books, marked: ‘B.1, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1815;’ ‘B.2., 1819, 1820, 1821’; ‘C.2, 189, 1820, 1821.’ These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

II.03a-b. Two volumes, chiefly notes on books, marked respectively; French Revolution and Bonaparte – reflexions and anecdotes and notes on books. Probably worth going through BM Jan/05 Dec 1821 with index of contents’ and‘from July 1822. Chiefly notes on books and reflexions religious etc (not I
think one of the political…?’These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

II.04. a volume marked ‘?A draft of the 1st vol. of autobiography, afterwards expanded’.

II.05. a volume, book of extracts, started from both ends. Probably copybook of Louis and Charles Mallet as children (1835 and 1838).

II.06. Notebook containing a translation of a ‘Notice sur Mallet du Pan,’ list of Mallet du Pan’s works, translation of passages from Madame Colladon’s letters, obituary on Dr JP Colladon, copy of the will of
Françoise Mallet, 1815, and extracts from 2 letters from Elizabeth Desgouttes.

II.07. Envelope containing bundle of papers, typewritten extracts (? By E Hugo Mallet) of (i) the private diary of JL Mallet (1830) and (ii) the political diary of JL Mallet 1819, 1820 and 1821 as well as draft prefaces to the second volume of the autobiographical retrospect (not yet printed)

II.08. two bound typescript volumes (?by E Hugo Mallet) of the second volume of the Autobiographical Retrospect, marked Part II and Part III.These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

II.09. ‘Black List’ or peers who voted against the Reform Bill 1831, with JL Mallet’s annotations.

II.10. Two packets of letters from JL Mallet to Francis Baring (father of Lord Northcote) 1818-1819 and 1826-1830

II.11. Packet of letters, JL Mallet to Francis Baring 1831-1858

II.12. Packet of letters JL Mallet to William Smyth, Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, 1835-1837.

II.13. Letters from JL Mallet to William Smyth, 1838-1840

II.14. Letters from JL Mallet to William Smyth, 1841

II.15. Letters from JL Mallet to William Smyth, 1842

II.16. Letters from JL Mallet to William Smyth, 1842-1843

II.17. Letters from JL Mallet to William Smyth, 1844

II.18. Letters from JL Mallet to William Smyth, 1844-1845

II.19. Letters from JL Mallet to William Smyth, 1844-1845

II.20. Letters from JL Mallet to William Smyth, 1846

II.21. Letters from JL Mallet to William Smyth, 1847

II.22. Letters from William Smyth to JL Mallet, 1847-1849

II.23. Letters from various people to JL Mallet about the memorial for William Smyth 1849-1851

II.24. Letters relating to JL Mallet’s retirement from the Audit Office 1848

II.25A 2 letters from Mrs JL Mallet to her family on her honeymoon, 1818

II.25B Letter from Mr Wickham 1820

II.25C 2 letters from Mr Marcet, 1811 and 1819, one from Mrs Marcet 1830, one from Dr De La Rive about Mr Marcel’s death 1822

II.26. Letters from JL Mallet to Edward Romilly 1842-1851

II.27. Letters – miscellaneous correspondence of JL Mallet

II.28. Letter from JL Mallet to his son Louis 1847

II.29. Letters from JL Mallet to his son Henry 1842-1843

II.30. Odd notes by JL Mallet

II.31. Notes by Henry, Hugo and Bernard Mallet concerning JL Mallet’s papers

II.32. Volume starting with inscription on Mallet du Pan’s tombstone in Richmond, and with entries 18 May 1803 – 1827. These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

II.33. Volume John Lewis Mallet ‘an Autobiographical Retrospect’ 1890 printed by Thomas E Luff.

-end of section-

I. Papers of Jacques (James) Mallet du Pan (1749-1800)
II. Papers of Jean Louis Etienne (John Lewis) Mallet (1775-1861)
III. Papers of Sir Louis Mallet (1823-1890)
IV. Papers of Sir Louis du Pan Mallet GCMG (1864-1936) and other members of the Mallet family
V. Papers of Marie Constance Mallet née Adeane (1861-1934)
VI. Papers of Sir Bernard Mallet, KCB (1859-1932)


- Anna Sander

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