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Papers of Walter Turner Monckton, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, 1896-1957

Dep. Monckton. A. Papers, 1912-64

A.1   Correspondence and papers, 1912-49 (Dep Monckton 1)

Dep. Monckton 1. Correspondence and papers, 1912-49, n.d.. 283 leaves. including:
(fol.1) undated letters and other miscellaneous papers
(fol.18) general correspondence and papers, 1912-49

A.2   General correspondence and papers, 1950-64 ( Dep. Monckton 2-15)

These papers include material from Monckton's period as Minister of Labour and Minister of Defence and include later material of both personal and political interest.

Dep. Monckton 2. 1950-1952. 331 leaves
Dep. Monckton 3. 1953. 251 leaves
Dep. Monckton 4. 1954. 196 leaves
Dep. Monckton 5. 1955. 292 leaves
Dep. Monckton 6. January-June 1956. 378 leaves
Dep. Monckton 7. July-October 1956. 445 leaves
Dep. Monckton 8. November-December 1956. 569 leaves. Scope and Content:  (8* - nine Air Ministry photographs of Port Said, November 1956)
Dep. Monckton 9. 1957. 413 leaves
Dep. Monckton 10.  1958. 297 leaves
Dep. Monckton 11. 1959. 269 leaves
Dep. Monckton 12. 1960. 234 leaves
Dep. Monckton 13. 1961. 288 leaves
Dep. Monckton 14. 1962. 321 leaves
Dep. Monckton 15. 1963-1964. 323 leaves

A.3   Letters of congratulation (Dep. Monckton 16-18)

Dep. Monckton 16. Letters of congratulation, 1930-2. 285 leaves. Including:
 (fol.1) on his being made King's Counsel, 1930
(fol.243) on his appointment as Attorney General to the Prince of Wales, 1932

Dep. Monckton 17. Letters of congratulation, 1951-5. 293 leaves. Including:
(fol.1) on his appointment as Minister of Labour, 1951
(fol.247) on his re-election to Parliament, 1955

Dep. Monckton 18. Letters of congratulation, 1957-61. Including:
(fol.1) on his being made a viscount and on his appointment to the chairmanship of the Midland Bank, 1957
(fol.103) on his seventieth birthday, 1961

A.4   Correspondence and papers relating to the M.C.C. (Dep. Monckton 19-22)

Dep. Monckton 19. Correspondence, 1957-1959. 238 leaves

Dep. Monckton 20. Correspondence, 1960-1962. 179 leaves

Dep. Monckton 21. Notices, agendas and minutes of committee and sub-committee meetings, 1960. 291 leaves

Dep. Monckton 22. Miscellaneous files of correspondence and papers, 1955-62. 214 leaves. relating to:
(fol.1) proposals for membership, 1957-62
(fol.71) the enquiry into amateur status, 1957-8
(fol.116) the establishment of the President's Fund, 1957-9
(fol.149) the tax position of the secretary, 1955-62

A.5   Papers relating to Oxford (Dep. Monckton 23-25)

Dep. Monckton 23. Correspondence and papers, 1956-61. 200 leaves. concerning
(fol.1) the Oxford University Law Library, 1956-8
(fol.104) the Oxford Roads Enquiry, 1961

Dep. Monckton 24, 25. Correspondence and papers concerning the Oxford Historic Buildings Appeal, 1957-9, 1961-4. 399 and 169 leaves

A.6   Files of correspondence and papers arranged by subject (Dep. Monckton 26-32)

Dep. Monckton 26. Papers, 1951-6. 208 leaves. relating to
(fol.1) the Prime Minister v the Daily Mirror, 1951-2
(fol.134) Regina v H.R. Ballysingh, 1953, 1956

Dep. Monckton 27. Papers, 1952-61. 292 leaves. relating to
(fol.1) the hon. Mabel Strickland and Malta, 1952-9
(fol.151) publication of material on the abdication crisis, 1952, 1957-61

Dep. Monckton 28. Papers, 1952-60. 402 leaves. relating to
(fol.1) the United Nations Association of Great Britain, 1952-60
(fol.45) personal matters 1954-9
(fol.131) the Arundel Estate, 1957
(fol.175) Birkett Committee on the interception of communications, 1956-7

Dep. Monckton 29. Papers, 1957-64. 356 leaves. relating to
(fol.1) Dr. V.A. Allen and industrial relations, 1957-8
(fol.107) St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, 1957-60
(fol.177) Toynbee Hall, the Universities' Settlement in East London, 1958-62, 1964

Dep. Monckton 30. Papers, 1958-61. 305 leaves. relating to
(fol.1) tributes to Brendan Bracken, 1958-61
(fol.30) personal matters, 1958-9
(fol.51) E.W. Golding and under-developed areas of the world, 1959
(fol.128) Midland Bank, 1960
(fol.176) University of Sussex appeal, 1960-61
(fol.289) personal matters, 1960-61

Dep. Monckton 31. Papers, 1961-4. 187 leaves. relating to
(fol.1) personal matters, 1961-3
(fol.32) Atlantic College, 1961-4

Dep. Monckton 32. Papers, 1961-4. 298 leaves. relating to
(fol.1) the opening of a new social health centre at Taunton, 1961
(fol.66) committee on the administration of the Church Commissioners, 1962-4

A.7   Speeches delivered by Monckton, 1953-63 (Dep. Monckton 33-9)

Dep. Monckton 33. 1953-July 1956. 548 leaves

Dep. Monckton 34. October-December 1956. 310 leaves

Dep. Monckton 35. 1957-September 1958. 327 leaves

Dep. Monckton 36. November-December 1958. 253 leaves

Dep. Monckton 37. 1959. 335 leaves

Dep. Monckton 38. 1960-July 1961. 191 leaves

Dep. Monckton 39. October 1961-1963. 254 leaves

A.8   Volumes of press cuttings, 1914-1960 Dep. Monckton 40-48

Dep. Monckton 40. 1914-28. 1 vol.

Dep. Monckton 41. 1928-37. 1 vol.

Dep. Monckton 42. 1937-50. 7 vols.

Dep. Monckton 43. 1951-4. 8 vols.

Dep. Monckton 44. 1955-7. 11 vols.

Dep. Monckton 45. 1958. 5 vols.

Dep. Monckton 46. 1959. 7 vols.

Dep. Monckton 47. January-August 1960. 6 vols.

Dep. Monckton 48. September-December 1960. 6 vols.

A.9   Miscellaneous papers (Dep. Monckton 49)

Printed items (11), including
(item 10) fee book, 1945-51
(item 11, fol.16) autobiographical fragments
(item 11, fol.120) photographs

Dep. Monckton 50. Two albums of photographs

Dep. Monckton 51. Index to former files of correspondence

A.10   Papers relating to the Advisory Commission on the Review of the Constitution of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Dep. Monckton 52-63)

Dep. Monckton 52. General correspondence, August 1959-May 1960. 334 leaves. including correspondence between Monckton and his private secretary during his time in Africa

Dep. Monckton 53. General correspondence, May 1960-August 1961. 231 leaves. Correspondence dating after Monckton's return from Africa

Dep. Monckton 54. Miscellaneous papers concerning the work of the Commission, 1959-60, n.d. 159 leaves. including
(fol.1) memoranda, drafts, cuttings, and other papers, mostly undated
(fol.123) papers relating to the Commission's arrangements for its departure for Africa
(fol.136) financial statements relating to the Commission's expenses
(fol.154) accounts and statements of expenses incurred in entertaining the Commissioners in London

Dep. Monckton 55. Five books of notes in Monckton's hand, kept in the course of the Commission's work and one book of typed notes, mainly about the Federation, but with some notes relating to the Iraq Petroleum Company. 6 items.

Dep. Monckton 56. Advance copy of the Commission's report, with some notes by Monckton. x + 322 pages

Dep. Monckton 57. Appendix VIII (evidence) of the Commission's Report. 5 vols.

Dep. Monckton 58. Typed copy of "Racial Themes in Southern Rhodesia," by Cyril A. Rogers and Charles Frantz. 521 leaves

Dep. Monckton 59. Printed official papers, 1951-60. 26 items.
(items 1-9) miscellaneous numbers of House of Lords and House of Commons debates, 1959-60
(items 10-26) papers printed by H.M.S.O., by the Government Printer, Salisbury, and by the Government Printer, Nairobi, including (item 26) the Commission's Report, 1951-60

Dep. Monckton 60. 13 printed items, 1953-60.
(item 1) Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Survey of Developments since 1953
(item 2) Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, A Guide for the Investor
(item 3) Towns of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
(items 4-5) Africa South for July-September 1959 and January-March 1960
(item 6) Race for November 1959
(item 7) Journal of the Royal Commonwealth Society, November-December 1959
(item 8) Philip Mason, Year of Decision: Rhodesia and Nyasaland in 1960
(item 9) D. Alan Keighley, Review in Central Africa, 1960
(item 10) Journal of the Parliaments of the Commonwealth, October 1960
(items 11-12) Report of the National Convention of Southern Rhodesia, 1960 (2 copies)
(item 13) Planning the Development of the Wealth of Three Nations, 1960

Dep. Monckton 61. Press cuttings on the report of the Monckton Commission, October 1960

Dep. Monckton 62. Six numbers of the Rhodesia Herald, 11-17 October 1960. 6 items

Dep. Monckton 63. Eighteen numbers of the East Africa and Rhodesia weekly, November 1960- October 1961. 18 items


== end ===.

- Anna Sander 2016.

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