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Papers of RBD Morier, boxes 11-20

Box 11

1. 5 copies of private correspondence from M to Lord Stratford de Redcliffe 1870-1873.

2. Correspondence, telegrams and press cuttings relating to M's time as minister in Portugal 1876-1877. Topics being discussed include tariff duties in Mozambique, wine duties, general affairs in the Transvaal. Correspondents include Ávila e Bolama, Blowitz, Lord Rowland Blennerhassett, Lord Carnarvon, F Elton, D G N Soares. (32 items in 1 file) Images online here.

3. 7 ALS to M 1879-1881. Correspondents include Lady Charlotte Blennerhassett, Sir T D Forsyth, G F Gould, Lord Carnarvon, E Fane. Images online here.

4. Correspondence to and copies of letters from M, Papers and memoranda relating to M's time as minister in Portugal 1877-1881. Topics being discussed include the Goa Railway and the Lorenço Marques Treaty. Correspondents include Lord Acton, Sir H G Elliott, Aguiar, Sir Bartle Frere, R G W Herbert, Lord Granville, Sir Julian Pauncefote, T H Sanderson, George Marsh, Corvo, Sir T C Hope, Lord Cranbrook, E S Sawyer, Lord Carnarvon, Fontes. (1 file)

5. Correspondence and press cuttings from O Antonio Maria relating to M's time as minister in Portugal March- April 1881. Correspondents include Lord Granville, Lord E Fitzmaurice, F T Dufferin, John Morley, Lord Carnarvon, Lord Carlingford, Lord Salisbury, Sir Bartle Frere, Lionel Sackville-West, T H Sanderson, Braamcamp. (1 file)

6. ALS to M from Baron Georg von Bunsen on his regret at M not becoming HM's ambassador in Germany 2 September 1884.

7. ALS to M from Monk discussing the Anglo-Spanish Treaty of commerce 27 August 1884.

8. Press cuttings of "Letters to the Editor from Sir Robert Morier, St. Petersburg" December 31 1888 and from The Standard 4 January 1889. (1 file)

9. Press cutting from The Times October 1899 on Delagoa Bay.

10. Press cutting announcing the death at 93 of Mr David Richard Morier.

Box 12A (1 of 2)

1. Correspondence, press cuttings, confidential papers, memoranda, relating to commercial negotiations between Great Britain, Spain and Portugal, the Congo Treaty, the slave trade and wine duties 1877-1885. Correspondents include Oswald Crawford, Sir C M Kennedy, Lord Carnarvon, Lady Russell. (1 file)

2. Notes for paper entitled "Government by Clerklings". (8 pages)

3. Correspondence, press cuttings, memoranda, confidential papers and copies of Judgements given in the Portuguese Courts relating to the collision at sea of the "City of Mecca" 1874-1884. Correspondents include Lord Derby, Corvo, Sir Julian Pauncefote, Braamcamp, Sir T H Farrer, Lord Selbourne. (1 file)

Box 12B (2 of 2)

1. Correspondence, Confidential papers, maps and press cuttings 1878-1885 relating to the Transvaal, wine duties, expulsion of Cuban refugees from Gibraltar, commercial negotiations with Spain. Correspondents include Lord Lytton, Sir Louis Mallet, F W Campbell, D G N Soares. (1 file)

2. Correspondence to and copies of letters from M, Lord Granville, and others, telegram from Queen Victoria relating to the Crown Princess of Prussia's scheme of relief for the citizens of Paris 1870. Including a telegram from the Queen July 1866. (1 file)

3. Press cuttings, reports, legislative drafts, printed material, relating to the Indian Treaty, the Deccan Riots, restriction of the transport of salt by sea, the Goa Treaty. (1 file)

Box 13A (1 of 2)

1. 40 letters from M to Lord E Fitzmaurice 1883-1885. [Returned to Mrs. Wemyss by Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice 1910.]

2. Correspondence, papers, memoranda relating to M's time as minister to Spain 1883. Topics discussed include trade relations between Spain and Great Britain, Gibraltar, ministerial crisis, "Tangier Case" (an assault on a trading vessel of a friendly power in the harbour of Carthagena 24 November 1882). Correspondents include T H Sanderson, Lord Granville, Sir Julian Pauncefote, Gomez, Lord E Fitzmaurice, Vega de Ármijo, Marquis of Riscal, Sir J M Adye, Camacho, Lord Salisbury. (1 file)

3. Correspondence 1884-1885 relating to North West African Company, arrangement for Gibraltar customs (including a map of proposed canal and coal depots in Gibraltar), Spanish political crisis. Correspondents include T Thompson, Cánavos del Castille, Elduayen, Lord Carnarvon, Marquis of Riscal, Lord Granville. (1 file)

4. 17 letters to and from Lord E Fitzmaurice 1883-1885 relating to the Spanish Treaty.

5. 2 ALS to M from Maurice de Bunsen 14 January 1885, 2 August 1885 relating to the Spanish Treaty.

6. ALS to M from T H Sanderson 26 June 1885.

7. 16 ALS to M from Sir C M Kennedy 1885 relating to breakdown in commercial negotiations.

8. Correspondence, memoranda and declarations of protocol relating to the Spanish Commercial Treaty 1885. Correspondents include Lord Salisbury, Sir Charles Tupper, Monk, Maurice de Bunsen, Lord Granville, Elduayen, Cánavos del Castille. (1 file)

Box 13B (2 of 2)

1. Correspondence, map of Gibraltar and papers relating to Gibraltar 1881. Correspondents include Ranceo, Lord Granville. (1 file)

2. Correspondence, press cuttings and papers relating to the Spanish commercial treaty 1882. Correspondents include Camacho, Sir Charles Dilke, Vega de Armijo. (1 file)

3. Correspondence, despatches, press cuttings and papers 1882 relating to "SS Tangier", general business with Spanish Government, Gibraltar. Correspondents include Le Duc de Fetuan, Vega de Ármijo, Camacho, Lord Granville, Edward Herries, Lord Napier, Lord Kimberley. (1 file)

Box 14A (1 of 2)

1. 47 ALS [including some with press cuttings] 1882 relating to the commercial treaty and wine duties. Correspondents include Baron Beust, Sir C M Kennedy, Lady Laura Russell, Sir Julian Pauncefote, Lord Arthur Russell, Lord Napier, M E Grant Duff, Gladstone, Sir E W Hamilton.

2. 27 ALS to M from Sir C M Kennedy 1883 relating to time as minister to Spain discussing the Commercial treaty and the "City of Mecca".

3. 2 copies of letters from M to Lord E Fitzmaurice and a telegram from Lord E Fitzmaurice to M 1883 relating to M's time as minister to Spain.

4. Correspondence relating to the commercial treaty negotiations 1884. Correspondents include Sir C M Kennedy, Lord E Fitzmaurice, Lady Charlotte Blennerhassett, W G Sellars, Sir Julian Pauncefote. (1 file) Images online here

Box 14B (2 of 2)

1. Correspondence to and from M and Queen Victoria relating to the Crown Prince of Portugal's visit to England June - July 1883. (3 letters)

2. AMS workings on article for press entitled "Bismarck - project of letter on _To the Editor of the Times_ 1889". (6 pages)

3. Correspondence, press cuttings, memoranda, despatches, papers 1883 relating to the arrest and subsequent surrender to the Spanish authorities of three Cuban refugees by the Gibraltar police. Correspondents include Lord Granville, Lord E Fitzmaurice, Vega de Ármijo, Sir Julian Pauncefote. (1 file)

4. Correspondence, telegrams and papers 1889 relating to attempts by Captain J Wiggins to establish a trade route by sea with eastern Siberia and includes material relating to VIM's trip in 1888 with Captain Wiggins on the "Labrador", a 500 ton, three masted steam whaler. The journey was bound from Newcastle-upon-Tyne for Golchika, mouth of the Yenisei, Asiatic Siberia. Correspondents include Lord Wantage, Captain J Wiggins, Lord Stanhope, Captain F C Fletcher Vane, Sir Edward B Malet, George Lee. (1 file)

Box 15

1. Correspondence between M and Lord E Fitzmaurice April-December 1883 relating to Spanish commercial treaty and arranging the visit of the King of Portugal to England May-July 1883. (20 letters)

2. ALS from R J Mure discussing international relations and law 12 January 1883. (6 pages)

3. Correspondence, draft despatches, printed papers between M and Lord Granville 1880-1885 relating to Gibraltar, Bismarck and armed neutrality in the event of an Anglo-Russian war, embassy in St. Petersburg, Morocco, commercial treaty with Spain. (1 file)

4. Private correspondence, including from William Rogers, and a telegram from the Prince of Wales; May 1884.

5. 78 ALS to Lady Victoria Wester Wemyss (née Morier, daughter of M ) 1896-1897. Nickname "Cat" often used.

6. Correspondence, memoranda, official papers relating to the Grand Dukes', Alexander and Sergius Michaelovitch, visit to India 1891. Correspondents include Lord Lansdowne, A H Hardinge, Sir Donald M Wallace, Giers, Eric Barrington (who has included within his letter, copies of by others, including Sir H M Durand, Sir John Woodburn, G Adams). (1 file)

7. Family correspondence. Mostly undated except for few dates ranging from 1861-1895. (44 letters)

8. ALS from H Meyor 8 November 1893 discussing his arrest in Hamburg by 2 search agents. (4 pages)

9. ALS from Prince Hohenzollern 14 June 1896.

10. 2 press cuttings from The Times section ‘To the Editor of the Times’ written by M under the name Beta, 14 and 17 February 1885. Articles entitled "Are we at war in The Sudan?" and "How can peace be restored in The Sudan?".

11. ALS copy of letter to Lord Salisbury 31 December 1888 enclosing 3 ALS from Marshall Bazaine and others from 1884. (4 ALS)

12. Honours and Awards. (1 file)

i. Letter of appointment from Queen Victoria nominating M into the diplomatic service September 1865. Signed Russell [Lord John Russell].

ii. 4 certificates granting M the dignity of a Knight Grand Cross 1886-1887. Signed George (Grand Master), Robert G W Herbert, Granville.

iii. 3 certificates granting M the dignity of Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath 1882.Signed Edward Stanhope.

iv. ALS from The College of Arms 8 November 1882 acknowledging the decoration of The Order of the Bath on M.

v. Copy of "The Oath of a Privy Counsellor taken by The Right Honourable Sir Robert Burnet David Morier K.C.B.".

vi. ALS from the Heralds College 3 February 1885 discussing M's use of bearing Royal Arms on the principal panels of State carriages whilst ambassador in St. Petersburg. [Presented to the College by H.B. McKenzie Johnston, CB, 6 Pembroke Gardens, London, W8 6HS. 3 January 1994].

13. 7 ALS from Schulze-Delitzsch 1869-1870.

14. 15 ALS from Karl Friedrich Lucian Samwer and Marie Samwer 1864-1882.

15. 2 b/w photographs. One of an elderly gentleman sitting in a chair nd, the other is of a man holding a gun next to a tiger in Kotah State 1920.

Box 16

1. TS and ALS copies of letters from M to Lord and Lady Derby 1876-1891. (1 file)

2. TS copies of letters from M to Sir Henry Ponsonby 1883-1892. (1 file)

3. Correspondence, memoranda, press cuttings and a telegram relating to visits by the King of Spain to England and by the Crown Prince of Germany to Spain 1883. Correspondents include Lord Granville, Lady Jane Ely, Vega de Armijo, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Queen Victoria, Gómez. (1 file)

4. Correspondence, memoranda and papers relating to the Anglo-Spanish commercial treaty negotiations 1884. Correspondents include Gómez, Elduayen, Sir Louis Mallet. (1 file)

5. Biographical material on M's career 1881-1893. [Believed to have been collated by F J Stokes]. Includes a TS list of M's undergraduate contemporaries at Balliol, TS copies of M's obituary, TS copies of material relating to the Bazaine Incident and TS copies of some correspondence between M and Benjamin Jowett. (1 file)

[Items 1,2,3,5 of Box 16 were brought to the College by Miss A Ramm 12 July 1973]

Box 17A (1 of 2)

1. Foreign Office confidential papers 1881 entitled "Convention. With reference to the construction of a harbour at the port of Marmagoa, and of a railway in Portuguese India, and for other purposes". (10 pages)

2. Foreign Office confidential papers June 1876 entitled "Commercial negotiations with Portugal". (82 pages)

3. Foreign Office confidential papers, including map 10 March 1876 entitled "Memorandum on the Portuguese possessions on the East Coast of Africa". (7 pages)

4. Portuguese official papers 1879 entitled "Negocios externos - Documentos apresentados ás cortes". (412 pages)

5. 2 copies of Portuguese official papers 1881 entitled "Negocios externos - Documentos apresentados ás cortes". (87 pages)

Box 17B (2 of 2)

1. Foreign Office confidential papers May 1885 entitled "Further correspondence respecting commercial negotiations between Great Britain and Spain and Portugal". (200 pages)

2. 2 copies of Foreign Office confidential papers May 1885 entitled "Further correspondence respecting commercial negotiations between Great Britain and Spain and Portugal". (93 pages)

3. 2 copies Foreign Office confidential papers June 1885 entitled "Further correspondence respecting commercial negotiations between Great Britain and Spain and Portugal". (64 pages)

4. Foreign Office confidential papers May 1876 entitled "Correspondence respecting commercial negotiations with Portugal". (23 pages)

5. Foreign Office confidential papers 1877 entitled " Portugal". (324 pages)

6. Miscellaneous pages from a Foreign Office confidential papers 1878 entitled " Portugal". (pages 123-166)

Box 18A (1 of 2)

1. Foreign Office confidential papers 1877 entitled "Collection No. 3 of papers regarding Portuguese trade and privileges". (1 booklet)

2. Foreign Office confidential papers August 1872 entitled "Correspondence respecting commercial negotiations with Portugal 1868-1872". (87 pages)

3. Foreign Office confidential papers 1876 entitled "Portuguese trade and privileges". (148 pages)

4. Foreign Office confidential paper 9 December 1872 entitled "Memorandum on wine duties". (2 pages)

5. Confidential paper 1877 entitled "Proceedings of the delegates of the government of India appointed to negotiate a treaty of commerce with Portugal". (136 pages with appendix)

Box 18B (2 of 2)

1. 3 copies Foreign Office confidential papers September 1877. Untitled. (each copy 22 pages)

2. Foreign Office confidential papers October 1882 entitled "Correspondence respecting commercial negotiations between Great Britain and Spain and Portugal 1881-1882". (297 pages)

3. Foreign Office confidential papers February 1884 entitled "Further correspondence respecting commercial negotiations between Great Britain and Spain and Portugal 1882-1883". (120 pages)

4. Foreign Office confidential papers November 1884 entitled "Further correspondence respecting commercial negotiations between Great Britain and Spain and Portugal 1883-1884". (186 pages)

5. Miscellaneous loose Foreign Office confidential papers. (10 pages)

Box 19A (1 of 2)

1. Foreign Office confidential papers 31 December 1877 entitled "Correspondence respecting the proposed railway from Delagoa Bay to The Transvaal". (113 pages)

2. Foreign Office confidential papers January 1876 entitled "Correspondence relating to the colonies and states of South Africa". (332 pages)

3. Official papers 1884 entitled "Despatch to Her Majesty's minister at Lisbon inclosing the Congo Treaty, signed February 26 1884 and corrected translation of Mozambique Tariff of 1877." (21 pages)

4. ALS from Braamcamp 16 December ?. (2 pages)

5. Map of the west of India Portuguese guaranteed railway.

6. Miscellaneous loose Foreign Office confidential papers relating to "The City of Mecca". (1 file)

Box 19B (2 of 2)

1. Blue Book 1869 entitled "Reports from Her Majesty's representatives respecting the tenure of land in the several countries of Europe 1869". (540 pages)

2. Blue Book 1872 entitled "Report of the committee appointed by government on the projected Karwar to Gadak railway; and extensions and alternative lines. With maps, evidence, estimates and returns." (95 pages)

3. Blue Book 1881 entitled "Report of Her Majesty's commissioners of inquiry into the working of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870, and the same Acts amending the same." (67 pages)

Box 20

1. Drafts of private letters to Lord Salisbury October 1878 - May 1880 respecting the Goa negotiations. (1 volume)

2. Correspondence, memoranda relating to M's time as ambassador in St. Petersburg September - November 1885. Correspondents include Sir P H W Currie, A H Hardinge, Sir Julian Pauncefote, Villiers, T H Sanderson, Viscount James Bryce, Captain J Wolfe Murray, Eric Barrington, Lord Salisbury, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Prince of Wales, Baron Stockmar. (1 volume)

3. Correspondence, memoranda, press cuttings, maps relating to M's time as ambassador in St. Petersburg November 1885 - November 1886. Correspondents include Giers, Roggenbach, Baron Georges de Staal, Marquis of Riscal, Sir W A White, Schweinitz, Maurice de Bunsen, T G Grosvenor, Queen Elizabeth of Rumania, Lady Harriot E Poore, A H Hardinge, Sir T C Hope, Blowitz, Lord Randolph Churchill, Lord Wolseley. (1 volume)


- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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