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Papers of RBD Morier, boxes 21-30

Box 21

1. 1 Volume containing correspondence entitled " Mission to Russia. Correspondence with H M Secretaries of State". September 1885 - January 1887. Correspondents include Lord Salisbury, Lord Rosebery, Lord Iddesleigh.

Box 22

1. Correspondence and telegrams February 1886 - December 1887. Correspondents include Lord Salisbury, Villiers, Sir P H W Currie, T H Sanderson, Eric Barrington, Sir Julian Pauncefote, Sir C M Kennedy. (1 volume)

2. Correspondence and telegrams May 1888 - November 1889. Correspondents include Queen Victoria, S George Littledale, T H Sanderson, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Sir Julian Pauncefote, Sir Henry P Anderson, Eric Barrington, Pobedonostzeff, Sir W A White, Col. I J C Herbert, William Macpherson, Sir P H W Currie, Villiers, Lord Salisbury, A H Hardinge, H R H Duke of Cambridge, Sir Clement Hill, Giers, Baron Georges de Staal, Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, Lord Curzon. (1 volume)

Box 23

1. Correspondence, despatches, memoranda relating to M's time as ambassador in St. Petersburg 1884 - December 1887. Correspondents include A H Hardinge, Col. I J C Herbert, Goschen, Roggenbach, Giers, William Bateson, Sir Edward B Malet, Baron von Knesebeck, Sir J W Ridgeway, Friedrich, Crown Prince of Prussia, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Lord Dufferin, Pobedonostzeff, Count Wolkenstein-Trostburg, W T Stead, Capt J Wiggins. (1 volume)

2. Correspondence December 1887 - December 1888. Correspondents include Lord Salisbury, Sir P H W Currie, Sir Julian Pauncefote, T H Sanderson, Eric Barrington. (1 volume)

3. Correspondence January-December 1890. Correspondents include Sir P H W Currie, T H Sanderson, E G F Law, Sir Edward B Mallet, Giers, Lord Salisbury, Donald M Wallace, Eric Barrington, Sir Henry Ponsonby, A H Hardinge, Lord Dufferin. (1 volume)

Box 24A (1 of 2)

1. 2 notebooks containing copies of letters to Lord Salisbury 15 September 1886 and 28 October 1886.

2. Notebook containing letter from Lord Salisbury 2 October 1886.

3. TS copies of correspondence from M to Lord Salisbury 31 August 1885 - 20 February 1889. (1 file)

4. TS copies of correspondence from M to Lord Salisbury 17 April 1889 - 1 April 1892. (1 file)

Box 24B (2 of 2)

1. Copy of letter to Sir Louis Mallet 22 October 1877 discussing the question of finding a suitable port of exit for the southern Manhatta country. (12 pages)

2. Drafts of letters to Sir Louis Mallet and Lady Derby 1876-1879. (5 pages)

3. Copy of letter to Captain J Wiggins 1 April 1889 discussing the proposed new company. (5 pages)

4. Correspondence, telegrams, memoranda and papers March-July 1885 discussing the commercial modus vivendi with Spain, smuggling in Gibraltar, Spain being admitted to the Suez Canal conference and Indian affairs. Correspondents include Elduayen, Cánovas del Castille, R G W Herbert, Lord Fitzmaurice, R Ferraz, Monk, Lord Salisbury, Marquis of Riscal, Sir Julian Pauncefote. (1 file)

5. Correspondence between M and Lord Salisbury 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887 and 1890, 1891, 1892. (32 letters)

6. 5 letters between M and Giers December 1891 - January 1892.

Box 25A (1 of 2)

1. Correspondence, telegrams, papers 1890-1891 relating to M's time as ambassador in St Petersburg. Topics being discussed include the Anglo-Siberian syndicate, George Lee's death. Correspondents include Oliver Williams, Nordenskiöld, A F H Medhurst, Baron Günsburg, Eric Barrington, M E Grant Duff, Count Wolkenstein- Trostburg, Lord Salisbury, A H G Grey, Sir A Layall. (1 file)

2. Correspondence, telegrams, papers relating to M's time as ambassador in St. Petersburg February - July 1893. Topics discussed include the Pamirs negotiations. Correspondents include Lord Rosebery, Lascelles, Sir P H W Currie, Villiers, Georges de Staal. (1 file)

Box 25B (2 of 2)

1. Correspondence, telegrams, papers relating to M's time as ambassador in St. Petersburg January - December 1892. Correspondents include Giers, Queen Victoria, T H Sanderson, Goschen, Lord Salisbury, Sir P H W Currie, Lord Lansdowne, Eric Barrington, Lord Rosebery, Lascelles, Villiers, E G F Law, Sir G Baden-Powell. (1 file)

2. 5 ALS from Sir Charles N E Eliot 1888-1893 discussing among other things Foreign Office gossip, Sir J W Ridgeway's mission and the unpopularity of Ewan Smith.

3. 2 ALS from Lord Grosvenor 22 April and 6 May 1885.

4. 3 ALS from A H Hardinge 1889-1890 discussing among other things the emperor of Germany's visit to Constantinople.

5. 2 letters dated 1882. One sent by Lord Carlingford the other unknown.

6. ALS from W Tyrrell 16 November 1892 discussing diplomatic, Foreign Office and political gossip.

Box 26

1. Correspondence, memoranda, papers, maps relating to trade with eastern Siberia, and The Phoenix Merchant Adventurers Ltd. 1886-1887. Correspondents include Giers, H N Sullivan, Captain J Wiggins. (1 file)

2. 2 copies of official printed papers (with maps) August 1888 entitled "Copy of a despatch from Sir R Morier and other correspondence respecting attempts to establish commercial relations with Siberia through the Kara Sea".

3. Sur la Possibilité de la Navigation Commerciale dans la Mer Glaciale de Sibérie Mémoire Soumis a sa Majesté le Roi De Suede et de Norvège par A E Nordenskiöld, Stockholm, 1880.

4. Press cuttings 1888 on Siberia by way of the Kara Sea. (3 items)

5. Correspondence, memoranda, telegrams, papers relating to trade with eastern Siberia by way of sea and The Phoenix Merchant Adventurers Ltd. 1888. Correspondents include H N Sullivan, Admiral Posiett, Giers. (1 file)

Box 27

1. Miscellaneous correspondence 1888 (including copies of letters M sent). Including press cuttings from The Times on "German policy in the east". Concerning appointment of a Russian consul in Bombay, health of Emperor Friedrich III, death of Emperor Wilhelm I, eastern affairs. Correspondents include the Prince of Wales, Lord Randolph Churchill, Corvo, Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia [Empress 1888], E G F Law, Sir Edward B Malet, Lord Dufferin, Friedrich III, Eric Barrington, Goschen, College of Arms, Baron von Knesebeck, Col. I J C Herbert, Sir W A White, W Kinglake, A H Hardinge, C Hardinge. (1 Volume)

2. Correspondence "respecting the charges brought against Sir R Morier in the German officious press, of having betrayed the German army to Marshal Bazaine in 1870", 1888-1889. Correspondents include the Prince of Wales, Marshal Bazaine, Lord Salisbury, William Macpherson, Friedrich III, Eric Barrington, Goschen, Dr. Henry Hinzpeter, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Edward B Malet, W T Stead, George von Bunsen, Lord Granville, Lord Derby, T H Sanderson, E C Brodrick. (1 volume)

Box 28

1. Correspondence between M and Oliver Williams and A C Gosling December 1889 relating to the Anglo- Siberian Trading Syndicate Ltd.. (2 letters)

2. Press cuttings (in English and German) December 1888 respecting the displeasure M gave to Bismarck when he was representative at Darmstadt during the Franco-Prussian war.

3. Correspondence, papers 1870, 1883, 1888, 1889 connected with the Bazaine incident. Correspondents include Marshal Bazaine, Eric Barrington, George von Bunsen. (1 file)

4. General correspondence, papers 1869-1892. Correspondents include Duke of Edinburgh. (17 Items)

5. MS paper entitled "Expedition to Kinburn 1855". (6 pages)

6. Bundle of calling cards inscribed "Sir Robert Morier" on white background with black border.

Box 29

1. Press cuttings relating to the Bazaine incident 1888-1889. (2 volumes)

2. Press cuttings relating to Captain J Wiggins in Russia and the Phoenix Merchant Adventurers 1889. (1 file)

Box 30

1. Press cuttings on the Bazaine Incident 1888-1889. (1 volume)


- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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