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Papers of RBD Morier, boxes 31-35

Box 31

1. Press cuttings on the Bazaine Incident 1889. (1 volume)

2. Press cuttings on the Bazaine Incident 1889. (1 volume)

Box 32

1. Testimonials and correspondence relating to M's application for a government clerkship 1850. Correspondents include Benjamin Jowett, T F Elliot, F Temple, DR, W C Lake. (10 ALS)

2. 8 ALS to F T Palgrave November 1851 - April 1854. Including translation by M from Jean Paul entitled "The death of an Angel" (10 pages).

3. 6 ALS from Baron Stockmar June 1863 - September 1863.

4. Correspondence to family from M in Holstein 1848-1850. (28 letters)

5. General correspondence 1853-1856. Correspondents include G F Watts, Lord Clarendon, Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. (7 letters)

6. General correspondence 1860-1867. Correspondents include Lord Clarendon, Lord Lytton, Sir Louis Mallet, Lady Salisbury, Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia, General Charles Grey, William Macpherson, Baron Stockmar. (25 letters)

Box 33

1. General correspondence 1864. Correspondents include Goschen, George von Bunsen, Lord Clarendon, Lord Salisbury, General Charles Grey, Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, Lady Salisbury, Baron Stockmar, Lord John Russell, Sir Charles Phipps. (29 letters)

2. General correspondence 1865. Correspondents include Lord Napier, William Hutt, Lady Salisbury, Lord John Russell, Baron Stockmar, Sir A H Layard, Sir Louis Mallet, Baron Gagern, Lord Clarendon. (47 letters)

3. 2 copies of letters to Sir A H Layard relating to Austrian politics 1865.

4. Correspondence, including copies of letters to, between M and Gladstone relating to duty on wine in bottles November 1865. (5 letters)

5. General correspondence 1866. Correspondents include Lord Clarendon, Lady Salisbury, Lady Derby, Lord Stanley, Faucher, Sir A H Layard, Sir Louis Mallet, Baron Stockmar, Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. (29 letters)

6. General correspondence 1867. Correspondents include Lord John Russell, Lady Salisbury, Lord Stanley, Lady Derby. (12 letters)

7. ALS from Robert Lowe to Benjamin Jowett 7 December 1867 discussing the issue of children born of an Englishman abroad and their citizenship before the law in Great Britain. (2 pages)

Box 34

1. General correspondence 1868. Correspondents include Alston, Brandis, Lord Stanley, Lady Salisbury, T H Sanderson, Baron Stockmar. (20 letters)

2. General correspondence 1869. Correspondents include Sir A H Layard, Lord Stanley, Faucher, Lord Arthur Russell, Lord Odo Russell, Lady Salisbury, Baron Stockmar. (16 letters)

3. General correspondence 1870. Correspondents include Lord Acton, Sir Henry P Anderson, Brandis, Baron Georg von Bunsen, Duke of Coburg, Queen Victoria, Lady Derby, Henry Dunckley, Sir Louis Mallet, Faucher, C S Fortescue, M E Grant Duff, Lord Lytton, Sir R H Meade, Edward Pigott, Roggenbach, Lord Arthur Russell, Lord Odo Russell, Lady Salisbury, Baron Stockmar, H L Graf von Usedom. (75 letters)

Box 35

1. General correspondence 1871. Correspondents include Lord Odo Russell, Lord John Russell, Lord Arthur Russell, E H Plumptre, Lord Lytton, William Harcourt, Baron Stockmar, C S Fortescue, John ffolliott, Lady Derby, Brandis, Bonar, Lord Acton, H L Graf von Usedom. (47 letters)

2. Correspondence to and from family and friends 1871. (35 letters)

3. ALS to M from Edward Lear 6 January 1871. (4 pages)

4. Photocopy of ALS to M from Edward Lear 12 January 1871. (4 pages) [Original can be found in file entitled: Miscellaneous Letters.]

5. General correspondence 1872. Correspondents include H William Watkins, Baron Stockmar, Brandis, Benjamin Jowett, Lord Lytton, Sir Henry P Anderson, Henry Willoughby, Lord Acton, Stratford de Redcliffe, Lord Odo Russell, T F Wetherell, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Lady Derby, Lady Alice Morier, T Martin, A Craven. (68 letters)

Box 36

1. General correspondence 1873. Correspondents include Sir Henry P Anderson, Brandis, A Craven, Lady Derby, Gladstone, Benjamin Jowett, Lord Lytton, Sir Louis Mallet, T Martin, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Roggenbach, Lord Odo Russell, Baron Stockmar, T F Wetherell, Sir W A White. (51 letters)

2. General correspondence 1874. Correspondents include Lord and Lady Derby, Sir Henry P Anderson, M Lefevre de Béhaine, Lord Carnarvon, Lady Alice Morier, Gladstone, Benjamin Jowett, Lord Lytton, Sir Louis Mallet, Lord Arthur Russell, Lord Odo Russell, A P Stanley, Baron Stockmar, Sir W A White. (64 letters)

3. Family correspondence 1874. (17 letters)

Box 37

Some letters in Items 1 and 2 are possibly addressed to DR.

1. General correspondence 1875. Correspondents include Sir W A White, Sir Henry P Anderson, Lord Carnarvon, Décoppet, H William Watkins, Lord and Lady Derby, Lord Lytton, Gladstone, S Grove, R H Hutton, Benjamin Jowett, Joseph Kay, Sir Louis Mallet, John Morley, Laurence Oliphant, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Henry Reeve, Lord Odo Russell, A P Stanley, Baron Stockmar, Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, H L Graf von Usedom. (83 letters)

2. Memorandum on religious freedom in Turkey by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe 12 February 1875. (7 pages)

3. Family correspondence 1875. (45 letters)

4. General correspondence 1875. Correspondents include family, Teignmouth, Stratford de Redcliffe, A P Stanley, Monk, E H Plumptre, Lucy Jervois, W H Freemantle, James Hunton. (49 letters)

5. Pamphlet entitled "The Final Purpose of Christianity" by D R Morier, London, James Hunton, 1875. (32 pages)

6. Correspondence with Lord Derby, Friedrich, Crown Prince of Prussia, Lord Odo Russell and others relating to the threat of war in 1875. (18 letters)

Box 38

1. General correspondence 1876. Correspondents include Lord Acton, Sir Louis Mallet, Sir M Biddulph, Lord Lytton, Blowitz, Lady Derby, E Fane, Sir A H Layard, Benjamin Jowett, S Grove, Gneist, Auguste Gérard, R von Mohl, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Lord Odo Russell, Strachey, T H Sanderson, A P Stanley, Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. (61 letters)

2. General Correspondence, business papers and correspondence relating to the Goa Treaty 1876. Correspondents include Victor Morier and Clara Malsen, Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia. (22 letters)

Box 39

1. Miscellaneous business papers and correspondence 1877. Correspondents include Sir Louis Mallet. (16 items)

2. Correspondence and papers 1877. Some letters relating to the Goa Treaty. Correspondents include Sir Louis Mallet, A L Neave, Lady Alice Morier, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, Benjamin Jowett, Décoppet, A H Layard, Lord and Lady Derby, R G W Herbert, Sir Clement Hill. (46 items)

3. Correspondence with Benjamin Jowett 1878. (8 letters)

4. Business and financial and private correspondence 1878. Correspondents include Sir M Biddulph, Alston, Sir Louis Mallet. (36 items)

5. General correspondence 1878. Correspondents include the Cobden Club, Lady Derby, Sir Clement Hill, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Lady Alice Morier, Lady Jane Ely. (10 letters)

6. ALS to M from Edward Lear 29 April 1879. (2 pages)

7. Correspondence 1879. Correspondents include Corvo, Lord and Lady Derby, Sir Louis Mallet, Benjamin Jowett. (18 letters)

8. Correspondence with Lady Derby 1880. (8 letters)

9. General correspondence 1880. Correspondents include Count Görtz, Benjamin Jowett, A P Stanley, Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. (6 letters)

[After 1881 the number of letters in each year decreases, and for several there is little more than Morier's letters to Lord and Lady Derby and Benjamin Jowett. 1889 includes a group of letters from the Prince of Wales, William Macpherson and Sir Henry Ponsonby relating to the Bazaine incident, and 1893 includes several obituary notices.]

Box 40

1. General correspondence, including press cuttings and various papers discussing among other things the Stratford de Redcliffe Memorial Fund 1881. Correspondents include M Alford, Henry Barnett, Bouverie, Sir George Bowen, S H Capper, A D Coleridge, Lord and Lady Derby, Sir J H Drummond Hay, Lord Dufferin, Lady Jane Ely, Sir F C Ford, Sir Clement H Hill, Sir T C Hope, Henry F Howard, W Kinglake, Sir A H Layard, Lord Napier, Arthur Otway, Lord Stanhope, A P Stanley, C Vivian, Sir W A White, Stratford de Redcliffe. (54 letters)

2. General correspondence 1882. Correspondents include Lord and Lady Derby, F H Hill, Alice Peel, Caroline Vernon. (8 letters)

3. General correspondence 1883. Correspondents include Lady Derby, E Fane, Mark Pattison, Lord Arthur Russell, A F Walter, C S Fortescue. (14 letters)

4. General correspondence including financial and private papers 1884. Correspondents include Lord and Lady Derby, A H Hardinge, Benjamin Jowett, Baron Stockmar, M Wilkins, H M Tuckwell. (14 letters)

5. Correspondence to M from A L Smith 1884. (8 letters)

6. Correspondence 1885. Correspondents include A H Hardinge, Lord and Lady Derby. (6 letters)

7. Correspondence 1886. Correspondents include A H Hardinge, Benjamin Jowett. (5 letters)

8. Copies of letters sent to Benjamin Jowett January - February 1887. (5 letters)

9. General correspondence 1888. Correspondents include M E Grant Duff, Benjamin Jowett, Lord Lansdowne, Lord Salisbury. (6 letters)

10. General correspondence 1889. Correspondents include Edward Arnold, Lord and Lady Derby, A H Hardinge, R G W Herbert, Benjamin Jowett, A Turner, Oliver Williams. (16 letters)

11. 20 letters connected with the Bazaine Incident 1888-1889. Correspondents include Lord Derby, William Macpherson, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Prince of Wales, Lord Salisbury, Lord Stanhope.

12. General correspondence 1891. Correspondents include British South Africa Company, Lady Derby, A H Hardinge. (5 letters)

13. 2 ALS to M from A F H Medhurst and A H Hardinge 1892-1893.

14. Press cuttings of M's obituary 1893. (82 pages)

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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