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Papers of RBD Morier, boxes 41-50

Box 41

1. Correspondence between M and Gladstone January-March 1892. (4 letters)

2. Correspondence between M and Goschen. Mostly undated except for two which are 1888 and 1891. (10 letters)

3. Correspondence between M and Sir Henry Ponsonby 1871-1874. (8 letters)

4. Correspondence between M and Roggenbach 1877-1878, 1884, 1887-1888, 1890-1891. (9 letters)

5. Correspondence between M and Lady Derby. Undated. (8 letters)

6. Correspondence between M and Lord John Russell. Undated. (3 letters)

7. 2 copies of letters sent to Lord Salisbury. One undated the other 22 December 1886.

8. 4 letters from Sir W A White. Dated 1880, 1884, 1885.

9. 28 ALS to M from E V Boyle. Dates range from 1852-1877. Many undated. (7 letters with envelopes)

10. 5 ALS to M from W C Cartwright nd.

11. 3 ALS to M from Sir J M Adye 1883-1884 relating to Gibraltar and right of way.

12. ALS from M to John Morley 15 November 1892 concerning Sir R Blennerhassett. (12 pages) Images online here.

13. 3 ALS to M from Sir Clement H Hill. One letter dated 23 April 1878, the other two undated.

14. ALS to M from T Walrond 9 September 1886. (2 pages)

15. 2 ALS to M from John ffolliott nd.

16. ALS to M from Baron Georg von Bunsen 24 April 1890. (2 pages)

17. General correspondence. Dates range from 1870-1891. Correspondents include Victor Morier, Sir Henry Locke, Oswald Crawford, Castelar, Chai Ho Pu, Elduayen, W G Sellars, T H Sanderson, General Schweinitz, Vega de Armijo, Corvo. (20 letters)

18. i. ALS to M from A P Stanley. Undated. (2 pages)

ii. ALS from M to the Queen sending his condolences on the death of Stanley. Undated. (2 pages)

19. General correspondence nd. Correspondents include M E Grant Duff, S Grove, Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, Alexander Graf von Schleinitz, Sir Thomas Acland, Lord Acton, Lord Lytton, Henry Dunckley, Sir Henry J S Maine, Benjamin Jowett, George Rawlinson, Lady Emily Ampthill, Lord Carlingford, Sir Louis Mallet, Sir Hamilton Seymour. (54 letters)

20. i. Printed paper entitled "Is an invasion of India by Russia possible?" by Fred. Roberts 31 December 1883. (14 pages)

ii. Printed paper entitled "What are Russia's vulnerable points? and how have recent events affected our Afghan frontier policy?" by Fred. Roberts 22 May 1885. (9 pages)

Box 42

1. Correspondence with Corvo 1876-1881 and nd. relating to Portuguese affairs. (51 letters)

2. Correspondence. (1 file) Images online here

i. Correspondence with Sir Henry Ponsonby 1876-1892. (41 letters)

ii. 5 ALS to M from the Duke of Westminster 1880-1885.

iii. 7 ALS to M from W T Stead 1888-1892.

iv. 3 ALS to M from W Kinglake August-October 1889.

v. 3 ALS to M from Baron Georg von Bunsen 1888-1889.

vi. 6 ALS relating to the death of Emperor Frederick 1888.

vii. Correspondence relating to Ireland 1888-1892. Correspondents include A V Dicey, Lord Lansdowne, J H Butcher, Dillon, John Morley, Lord Huntington [enclosed is a copy of his essay on local government and Ireland (20 pages)]. ( 8 items)

viii. 5 ALS to M from Lady Charlotte Blennerhassett 1888-1893.

ix. Photocopy of ALS to M from Matthew Arnold 7 December 1885. [Original with Arnold Papers]

x. 4 ALS to M from Sir D. Mackenzie Wallace 1889, 1892.

3. Envelope addressed to M containing: ALS 28 March 1888 [author unknown]; pamphlet entitled "Mitregenten und fremde Hände in Deutschland", Zürich, 1886; press cutting July 1943 entitled "Im Ring der Gegner Bismarcks".

4. Correspondence 1872-1888 and nd. Correspondents include Pobedonostzeff, Lady Jane Ely, F Elton, Lord Derby, Roggenbach, Sir T D Forsyth, A P Stanley, Sir H G Elliot, G F Gould, Lord Salisbury, Goschen, Oswald Crawford, Sir P H W Currie. (26 letters)

Box 43

1. Correspondence with Fredrich Max Müller 1850-1892. (16 letters)

2. Correspondence with Benjamin Jowett 1883-1893 and nd. [including ALS from Charlotte B. Green]. (35 letters) Images online here.

Box 44

1. Original letters from M to Sir Louis Mallet 1863-1876. (33 letters)

2. 62 ALS to M from Sir Louis Mallet 1876-1889.

Box 45

1. Correspondence, telegrams from M to Sir Louis Mallet 1878 relating to Goa Treaty. (30 letters, 13 telegrams)

2. Correspondence, telegrams, papers from M to Sir Louis Mallet 1877-1889 relating to the Goa Treaty. (1 file) [Annotated in the hand of Mrs. Wemyss "To be eventually returned to B Morier Esq."]

Box 46A (1 of 2)

1. TS copies of correspondence relating to Goa Treaty negotiations, the Eastern Question, Portuguese relations with the Vatican January - June 1878. Correspondents include Benjamin Jowett, Sir Louis Mallet, Lord and Lady Derby, D G N Soares, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Roggenbach, Lord Salisbury. (1 file)

2. TS copies of correspondence relating to the Eastern Question, the slave trade, the Goa railway and Treaty July - December 1878. Correspondents include Sir Henry Ponsonby, Sir Louis Mallet, Lord E Fitzmaurice, Corvo, Benjamin Jowett, Lord Salisbury, Sir Bartle Frere, Lord Napier, W H Wylde. (1 file)

3. Correspondence January - December 1878. Correspondents include D G N Soares, Lord and Lady Derby, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Lord Arthur Russell, Sir R H Meade, Lord Carnarvon, Corvo, Lord Salisbury, Roggenbach, W H Wylde, G F Gould, Sir C M Kennedy, Lord E Fitzmaurice, Sir Bartle Frere, Lord Napier, Blowitz, Sir T C Hope, Lord Odo Russell. (1 file)

Box 46 B (2 of 2)

1. MS draft of paper entitled "Government for Clerklings". (8 pages)

2. Correspondence, typescript and handwritten, relating to Goa Treaty January - June 1879. Correspondents include Sir Louis Mallet, Lord Salisbury, Lord and Lady Derby, Sir Bartle Frere and Lady Frere, Sir Henry Ponsonby, G F Gould, Lord Fitzmaurice, Eric Barrington, Corvo, R G W Herbert, George P Moodie. (1 file)

3. Correspondence, typescript and handwritten, relating to Goa Treaty July - December 1879. Correspondents include Corvo, Sir Louis Mallet, Sir Bartle Frere, Frederick Max Müller, G F Gould, Roggenbach, Lord Carlingford, Lord Salisbury, Benjamin Jowett, Lord Arthur Russell, Lady Derby. (1 file)

Box 47

1. ALS from and copies of letters to A H G Grey January 1890 - March 1891. (31 letters)

Box 48

1. Correspondence, typescript and handwritten, with Sir Charles Dilke 1880-1885 and nd., relating to time as under secretary for foreign affairs 1880-1882. (1 file)

Box 49

1. Royal and semi royal correspondence 1880-1888. Correspondents include Sir Henry Ponsonby, Prince of Wales, Lady Jane Ely, Duke of Edinburgh. (26 letters)

2. Envelope entitled "Apologia Pro Vita Mea". Includes letters from Lord John Russell, Lord Granville, Lord Clarendon, C S Fortescue, Lord Kimberley to Lord Granville 1863, 1870, 1872, 1880. (12 letters)

Box 50

1. Letts's diaries 1869, 1874, 1884, containing mainly engagements and notes on the weather. (3 volumes)

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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