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Papers of RBD Morier, boxes 51-60

Box 51

1. Letts's diaries 1876, 1878, 1879, 1884 [M kept two Letts's diaries for 1884] containing mainly engagements and notes on weather. (4 volumes)

2. Lady Alice Morier's journal December 1863 - November 1865 containing brief and irregular entries. (1 volume, only 8 pages used)

Box 52A (1 of 3)

1. Letts's diaries 1880, 1881, 1883, 1886, 1887, 1888 containing mainly engagements and notes on weather. (6 volumes)

Box 52B (2 of 3)

1. Letts's diaries 1888 [M kept two Letts's diaries for 1888], 1889, 1890, 1891, 1893 containing mainly engagements and notes on weather. (5 volumes)

2. Notebooks with rough notes on religion, German politics, c. 1869-1876 and nd.. (2 volumes) Box 52C (3 of 3)

1. Letter book containing copies of 9 letters from M as secretary of legation in Hesse-Darmstadt 1869-1869. Within letter book are 8 small maps of various countries in Europe. (1 volume, many pages unused)

2. Large map of north-east Russia.

3. The Financial and Mercantile Gazette: A Monthly Review No. 35 1 November 1879. Marked at article entitled "The Indian Treaty" pp. 81-85.

4. Press cutting on Sir Richard Temple at Sirsi.

5. 24 mounted Kodak b/w photographs [with several copies of individual photographs] of Captain Wiggins' trip into Siberia, in the hope of establishing a trade route. Includes photographs of "The Phoenix", "S.S. Biscaya", the Yenisei River, and various photographs of Siberia as the adventureres travelled inland. No dates given but can be dated to around 1889.

6. 3 maps of Russia relating to the Russian railway scheme.

Box 53

1. Journal September 1888 - October 1991 containing brief and irregular entries. (1 volume, many pages unused)

2. Notebooks 1846, 1852, 1866-1867 and nd. Containing rough notes and sketches. (5 volumes)

3. Five Lectures on the Emigration of the Dutch Farmers from the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope and Their Settlement in the District of Natal until Their Formal Submission to Her Majesty's Authority in the Year 1843, delivered by Hon. Henry Cloete, Cape Town, 1856. (168 pages)

Box 54A (1 of 2)

1. Journal 1863-1890 [not kept regularly] with letters and press cuttings interleaved. (1 volume)

2. Notebook containing extracts from Lady Alice Morier's diary 1863-1866 with some letters interleaved. (1 volume)

3. TS correspondence and printed papers relating to Austrian tariff negotiations 1867. Correspondents include Lord Bloomfield, Lord Stanley, Baron Beust, Baron Gagern. (1 file)

4. TS copies of letters sent from M to Lord Bloomfield relating to proceedings of the Hungarian Diet 1865-1866. (1 file)

5. Papers relating to "Franz Deák's Mai-Programm (1865)". (1 file)

6. Press cuttings from The Times March 1885.

7. ALS [with envelope and stamp] to M from Louis Philipe D' Orleans 12 August 1869.

Box 54B (2 of 2)

1. Page proofs of Constitutional Conflict in Prussia. (1 file)

2. TS copies of sections of Mrs. Wemyss's Memoirs and Letters of Sir Robert Morier 1826-1876. (1 file)

Box 55

1. Commonplace book c. 1863-1877. (1 volume)

2. TS copies of correspondence 1872 relating to England's foreign policy, Bismarck and Rome, the Alabama case and M's arrival in Munich. Correspondents include DR, Baron Stockmar, Lord Lytton, C P Fortescue, Brandis, Lord Acton, Lord Odo Russell, Lord Granville, Augustus Craven, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Sir Louis Mallet. (1 file)

3. 12 ALS to M from Sir J H Drummond-Hay 1882-1884 enclosing copies of 2 despatches.

4. Notebook entitled "Register of correspondence respecting Bismarck's accusations against Sir R Morier" July - November nd. (1 volume, many pages unused)

5. Notebook containing press cuttings November 1887 and December 1888. (1 volume)

6. 6 ALS to M from Dr. Hinzpeter and Alexander Graf von Schleinitz 1866, 1876, 1879, 1885.

7. TS paper entitled "England and Germany" , annotated by M, nd. but after 1870. (7 pages)

8. 2 ALS to M from Karl Helfferich June-July 1876.

9. Copy of letter from M to Moret Y Prendergast on Spanish politics, nd. (4 pages)

10. Copy of letter from M to Cheney 10 November 1882. (2 pages)

11. Copy of memorandum on emigration, nd. (4 pages)

12. ALS to M from a colleague 5 November 1884 on the Hispano-Italian Incident. (1 page)

13. AMS original sent from M to Baron Stockmar, nd., discussing the enemies of other countries during the Crimean and French wars. (5 pages)

Box 56

1. i. - x. Family correspondence 1850-1859. Mainly letters from M on diplomatic service abroad to his parents. Including copies of despatches between Lord Palmerston and DR 1847-1852, regarding the incident in Berne in 1847. (10 files)

Box 57

1. i. - xiii. Family correspondence 1860-1867, except 1863, mainly letters from M to his father. (8 files)

2. 3 ALS from A Paget, A Campbell and W S Landor 1863.

3. ALS to DR from and papers concerning Henry Stokes 1864.

4. ALS to M from the Foreign Office December 1864 discussing amalgamation of offices in the Ottoman dominions and enclosing an invitation from the Sultan for dinner. (2 items)

5. 2 ALS to M from A Campbell and Stratford de Redcliffe 1865.

6. Pamphlet entitled "A Word on the Doctrine of Reform" by an ex-MP., London, 1866.

Box 58

1. Correspondence with father, other members of the family and friends c. 1861-1877 and nd.. (28 letters)

2. Draft preface (heavily corrected) for work on the Vatican and the Roman Catholic church. (22 pages)

3. Press cuttings 1881-1882 relating to commercial treaties, International medical congress, the murder of captain Elliot, Fair and Free Trade, the Indian empire, Irish Land Law Bill.

Box 59

1. i. - vii. Letters from M, his son Victor and other members of his family to his father 1868-1870, 1872-1874 and nd.. Including copy of register of Victor's birth and photograph of Peter David Morier 1870. (7 files)

2. ALS from Edward Lear nd. (1 page)

Box 60

1. i. - iii. Correspondence to M from his wife, Alice 1863, 1866 and correspondence from M to his wife, Lady Alice 1979. (3 files)

2. ALS to Lady Victoria Wester Wemyss, neé Morier, from Mary Henrica Morier 11 October 1895. Victoria is addressed as "Codda". (3 pages)

3. Press cuttings 1868, 1870, 1875, 1893 relating to commercial treaties, "England's loss in Mr. Disraeli's success", "co-operative societies in Germany"and the death of M. (1 file)

4. Correspondence between M and Sir Louis Mallet 1876-1881. (1 file)

5. TS copies of correspondence from M to Sir Louis Mallet 1882-1889. (1 file)

6. About Deptford, by Alfred H Tarleton, London, The Nassau Press, 1897.

7. TS entitled "Extract from a discourse of the North-Schleswig Question" by H.V. Clausen.

8. ALS to M from Crown Prince Friedrich 1861 concerning Schleswig-Holstein. (4 pages)

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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