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Papers of Sir Robert Burnett David Morier (1826-1893)


Acland, Sir Thomas (1809-1898), politician. M.P. for West Somerset 1837-41, M.P. for North Devonshire 1865-85 and for West Somerset 1885-6. Privy Councillor 1883

Acton, John Emerich Edward, 1st Baron Acton (1834-1902), politician and a Lord-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria 1892-95.

Adye, Sir John Miller (1819-1900), Gov. of Military Academy, Woolwich, 1875. Gov. of Gibraltar 1882-6. Gen. 1884.

Aguiar, António Augusto de (1838-87), member of Portuguese Chamber of Deputies 1879-83. Member of committee to supervise the Goa railway. Min. for Public Works 1883. Friend of Corvo.

Alford, Marianne Margaret, Viscountess, known as Lady Marian Alford (1817-1888), friend of the leading artists of the day.

Alston, Sir Francis Beilby (1820-1905), entered F.O. 1839. Chief Clerk 1866-90. Retired 1890.

Ampthill, Lady Emily Theresa Villiers (d. 1927), 3rd dau. of 4th Earl of Clarendon. Married Lord Odo Russell, 1st Lord Ampthill in 1868. Lady of the Bed Chamber 1885-1901.

Anderson, Sir Henry Percy (1831-1896), head of the African Dept. in the F.O. 1883-96.

Antas, Miguel Martins d' : Portuguese Min. in London 1877-81, 1881-90.

Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888), Balliol 1840, Fellow of Oriel College 1845. Master at Rugby. Priv. Sec. to Marquis of Lansdowne 1847. Inspector of schools 1851. Poet and critic.

Ávila e Bolama, António José de, Duke after 1878 (1806-1881), Portuguese Premier 1877-78.


Barnett, Henry N : Editor of The Sunday Times.

Barrington, Bernard Eric Edward (1847-1918), Priv. Sec. to Lord Salisbury 1878-80, 1885-6, 1895-1900 and to Lord Iddesleigh 1886-7.

Barros e Cunha, João Gualberto de : Portuguese Min. for Public Works 1877-8.

Bateson, William Henry ? (1812-1881), divine. Vice Chancellor Cambridge University 1858.

Bazaine, Achille (1811-88), French Marshall.

Bendetti, Comte Vincent (1817-1900), French Min. at Berlin.

Beust, Count Friedrich Ferdinand von : Saxon Min. President 1853-1866.

Biddulph, Sir Michael Anthony (1823-1904), General 1886. Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod from 1896.

Bismarck, Prince Otto von (1815-1898), Chancellor of Prussia, and then of the German Empire until 1890. Bismarck is referred to many in times throughout M's papers. He and Sir Robert Morier were opponents and there grew to be something of a vendetta between the two.

Blennerhassett, Lady Charlotte : wife of below. Married Sir Rowland Blennerhassett 1870.

Blennerhassett, Sir Rowland (1839-1909), political writer. High Sheriff Co. Kerry 1866. H.M.'s Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools in Ireland 1890-97. President of Queen's College, Cork 1897-1904. P.C. Ireland 1905.

Bloomfield, John Arthur Douglas, 2nd Baron from 1871 (1802-1879), diplomat. Min. Plenipotentiary at St Petersburg 1844, and Plenipotentiary to Emperor of Austria at Vienna 1860-71.

Blowitz, Henri Stefan Opper de (1825-1903), Correspondent for The Times in Paris 1871-1902.

Bouverie, Mark (1851-1895), 5th son of 4th Earl of Radnor, Barrister-at-Law.

Bowen, Rt. Hon. Sir George Ferguson ? (1821-1899), Gov. of Queensland 1859-68, New Zealand 1868-73, Victoria 1873-79, Mauritius 1879-83, Hong Kong 1883-87. Royal Commissioner to Malta 1888.

Braamcamp, Anselmo José (1817-1885), Portuguese Premier and For. Min. 1879-81.

Brandis, Dr. J : Priv. Sec. to the Empress Augusta.

Bryce, James, 1st Viscount from 1914 (1838-1922), M.P. for Tower Hamlets 1880. Und. Sec. of State for For. Affairs 1886. President of the Bd. of Trade 1894.

Buchanan, Sir Andrew (1807-1882), entered the diplomatic service 1825. Amb. at Berlin 1862-64. Sir Robert's chief during his time in Berlin.

Bunsen, Georg von, Baron (1824-95), Lib. member of the Prussian Parliament.

Bunsen, Maurice de (1852-1932), Third then Second Sec. at Madrid 1882-6.


Camacho, Juan Francisco (1817-1896), Spanish Min. for Finance 1881-3.

Campbell , W Frederick : company promoter.

Cánovas del Castille (Castillo), Antonio (1829-97), journalist, historian and politician. Spanish Premier 1875, 1875-9, 1879-81, 1884-5, 1890-2.

Capper, Stewart Henbest (1859-1925), Priv. tutor and (for part of the time) acting priv. sec. in the household of Sir Robert Morier, Lisbon and Madrid 1879-83.

Carnarvon, Henry Howard Molyneux, 4th Earl (1831-1890), Col. Sec. 1866-67, 1874-8. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1885-86.

Cartwright, William Cornwallis (1826-1915), Lib. M.P. 1868-91.

Castelar, Emilio (1832-99), journalist, professor, politician. President of the 1st Spanish Republic.

Churchill, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer, sixth Duke of Marlborough (1849-1894), statesman. Cons. M.P. for Woodstock 1874 and 1880. Chancellor of the Exchequer and leader of the House of Commons 1886.

Clarendon, Lord George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of (1800-1870), For. Sec. 1853-8, 1865-6, 1868-70.

Corvo, João de Andrade (1824-1890), For. Min. 1871-7, 1879-9, also Min. for Colonies 1872-7, March-June 1879.

Cranbrook , Lord Gathorne (1814-1906), Sec. for India 1878-80.

Crawford, Oswald (d. 1909), Consul at Oporto 1867-91.

Currie, Philip Henry Wodehouse (1834-1906), Priv. Sec. to Granville 1870-4, 1880-5. Assistant Und. Sec. 1885-9, Und. Sec. in the F.O. 1889-94.

Curzon, Robert Nathaniel Cecil George, 15th Baron Zouche (1851-1914), Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Bn. Royal Sussex Regt.. Served in South Africa 1900-1.


Derby , Lady Mary Catherine (d. 1900), dau. of 5th Earl of De La Warr. Married Lord Derby 1870.

Derby , Lord Edward Henry, 15th Earl of (1826-1893), statesman. For. Sec. 1866-8, 1874-8, Col. Sec. 1882-5. Left Conservatives 1880, joined Lib. Unionists, and led them in the House of Lords 1886-91.

Dicey, Albert Venn (1832-1922), Balliol 1854. Vinerian Professor of English Law 1882-1909. Eminent jurist and historian of English Law. Professor at All Souls, Oxford.

Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth (1843-1911), Lib. M.P.. Parliamentary Und. Sec. For. Affairs 1880-2.

Döllinger, Dr. Johann Joseph Ignaz von (1799-1890), theologian whose views brought him into conflict with the Roman Catholic Church.

Drummond-Hay, Sir John Hay (1816-1893), diplomat. Attaché at Constantinople 1840. Consul Gen. at Morocco 1845, Chargé d'Affaires 1847-60. Min. Resident 1860-72 and Min. Plenipotentiary 1872-86.

Dufferin, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquis of Dufferin and Ava (1826-1902), Gov. Gen. of Canada 1872-8. Amb. at St. Petersburg 1879-81, Constantinople 1881-4, Viceroy of India 1884-8, Amb. at Rome 1888-91.

Dunckley, Henry (1823-1896), journalist, editor of Manchester Examiner and Times (liberal) 1855-89.

Durand, Sir Henry Marion (1812-1871), For. Sec. in India 1861, Lieutenant Gov. of the Punjab 1870-1.


Elduayen, José, Marquis : Spanish For. Min. 1884-5.

Eliot, Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Norton Edgecumbe (1864-1931), Balliol 1880, 3rd Sec. under Sir Robert at St. Petersburg 1887-92, Chargé d'Affaires 1892, Constantinople 1893-8.

Elliot, Sir Henry George (1817-1907), Amb. at Constantinople 1867-77, at Vienna 1877-84.

Elliot, T F : entered C.O. as clerk in 1825. Appointed Agent-General for Immigration, and later became chairman of the Colonial Land and Emigration Board. Assistant Und. Sec. of State 1847. Retired 1868.

Elton, Frederick (d. 1878), Consul at Mozambique 1875-8.

Ely, Lady Jane (1821-1890), Lady of the Bed Chamber 1851-89.


Fane, Edmund Douglas Veitch (1837-1900), Sec. of Legation at Madrid 1881-5. Min. at Belgrade 1893-1900.

Farrer, Sir Thomas Henry, 1st Baron Farrer (1819-1899), Balliol 1836, Permanent Sec. to the Board of Trade 1865-86. Member of London County Council 1889-98. Civil servant, with especial interests in the reform of commercial law.

Faucher Dr. J : Lib. Free-Trader.

ffolliott, John (1824-1894), Irish Landowner. Sheriff of Sligo 1851 and of Leitrim. An undergraduate at University College in the later 1840'S. Friend of M's.

Fontes, Pereira de Melo (1819-1887), Portuguese Gen.. Min. for Colonies 1851. Premier 1871-7, 1878-9, 1881-6.

Ford, Sir Francis Clare (1828-1899), diplomat. Sec. of embassy at St Petersburg 1871 and Vienna 1872. British Min. in Argentine Republic 1878, Brazil 1879, Athens 1881, Madrid 1884. Amb. at Madrid 1887, Constantinople 1892, Rome 1893-8. Privy Councillor 1888.

Forsyth, Sir Thomas Douglas (1827-1886), Indian civil servant. Commissioner to the Punjab 1860-72, envoy to Kashgar 1873.

Fortescue, Chichester Samuel, 1st Baron Carlingford from 1874 (1823-1898), Lib. M.P. for Louth 1847-74. Chief Sec. Ireland. President Bd. of Trade 1871-4. Lord Privy Seal. President of Council 1883-5. Lib. Unionist 1886.

Fremantle, Very Rev. William Henry (1831-1916), Balliol 1849, Canon of Canterbury 1882-95. Fellow and Chaplain of Balliol 1883-94. Dean of Ripon 1895-1915. Important figure on the liberal wing of Anglicanism.

Frere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward, 1st Baronet (1815-1884), statesman. First High Commissioner of South Africa 1877-80.

Friedrich, Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia (1831-1888), Friedrich III 1888, commander of armies of South German states 1870-1.


Gagern, Baron Heinrich von : Hessian Min. and later President of the German National Assembly.

Gérard, Auguste : one time Min. to Peking.

Giers, Nikolai Karlovich de (1820-1895), Russian Assistant Min., then Min. For. Affairs 1875-95.

Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-1898), Prime Minister 1868-74, 1880-5, 1886, 1892-4.

Gómez, Ruiz : Spanish For. Min. 1883-4.

Goschen, Hon. George Joachim, 1st Viscount Goschen (1831-1907), Vice President of the Bd. of Trade 1865. President of the Poor Law Board 1868-71. First Lord of the Admiralty 1871-4, 1895-1900. Chancellor of the Exchequer 1886-1892. Mission to Constantinople 1880-1. Chancellor of Oxford University 1903-1907. Leading statesman of the later 19th century, who left the Liberals for the Conservatives over Home Rule.

Gosling, Audley Charles (1836-1913), Sec. of Embassy at St. Petersburg 1888-90.

Gould, Gerald Francis (d. 1883), Sec. of Legation at Lisbon 1876-8. Min. at Belgrade 1878-81.

Grant-Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone (1829-1906), Balliol 1847, Und. Sec. of State for India 1868-74 and for the Colonies 1880-1, and Gov. of Madras 1881-6. Politician and diarist.

Granville, Granville George, 2nd Earl (1815-1891), For. Sec. 1851-2, 1870-4, 1880-5, Col. Sec. 1868-70 and 1886.

Green, Charlotte Byron [neé Symonds] (1842-1929), wife of Thomas Hill Green (1836-1882), Balliol 1855, Fellow of Balliol 1861. Mrs Green herself, after her marriage to T H Green, became an important figure in Balliol life, and a great benefactor of the College.

Grey, Albert Henry George, 4th Earl 1894 (1851-1917), statesman. Entered House of Commons 1880.

Grey, General Charles (1804-1870), General 1865. Priv. Sec. to his father 2nd Earl Grey, to Prince Albert 1849-61, and afterwards to Queen Victoria 1861-70.

Grosvenor, Thomas George (1842-1886), Sec. of Embassy at St. Petersburg 1885-6.

Günsburg, Baron David : Russian financier.


Hamilton, Sir Edward Walter (1847-1908), Priv. Sec. to Gladstone.

Hammond, Edmund, Baron from 1874 (1802-1890), diplomat. Perm. Und. Sec. of F.O. 1854-73.

Harcourt, Sir William George Granville Vernon (1827-1904), statesman. Solicitor Gen. 1873-4. Home Sec. 1880-85. Chancellor of the Exchequer 1886, 1892-5.

Hardinge, Rt. Hon. Arthur Henry (1859-1933), Balliol 1877. Clerk in F.O. 1880, Third Sec. at Madrid 1883 under Sir Robert Morier 1886. Priv. Sec. to Salisbury 1885-6, 1890-2. Sec. to Sir Robert Morier in St Petersburg 1886 and Chargé d'Affaires 1887-8. Chargé d'Affaires at Bucharest 1890. Accompanied the Czarevitch (after, Nicholas II) to India 1890-1.

Hardinge, Charles, Baron of Penshurst (1858-1944), statesman, cousin of above. Entered F. O. 1880, Amb. at St Petersburg 1904-6.

Herbert, Ivor John Caradoc (1851-1917), Lieutenant Colonel, later General Sir. Military Attaché at St Petersburg 1886-90.

Herbert, Sir Robert G W (1831-1905), Und. Sec. in F.O. 1857-94.

Herries, Edward (1821-1911), Sec. of Legation at Berne 1854-58, Brussels 1858-61, Lisbon 1861-64, Turin, Florence and Rome 1864-75, was Chargé d'Affaires several times at above places.

Hinzpeter, Dr. Henry : Tutor to the Emperor Wilhelm.

Hope, Sir Theodore Cracraft (1831-1915), Indian civil servant. Member of Viceroy's council 1877-87.

Hudson, Sir James (1810-1885), diplomat. Min. at Turin 1851-63.

Hunton, James : bookseller, London.

Hutt, Sir William (1801-1882), politician. Pay-Master Gen. and Vice President of Bd. of Trade 1865. Negotiated commercial treaty with Austria 1865. Commissioner for foundation of South Australia.

Hutton, Richard Holt (1826-1897), theologian, journalist and man of letters. Joint editor and part-proprietor of the Spectator 1861-1897.


Iddesleigh, until 1885 Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, 1st Earl of (1818-1887), Balliol 1835. Gov. of the Hudson Bay Co. 1869-74. Chancellor of the Exchequer 1874-80. For. Sec. 1886-7. Died suddenly on the day of his resignation.


Jenkyns, Rev. Richard : Master of Balliol 1819-54.

Jervois, Lucy (d. 1894), wife of Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois (1821-).

Jowett, Benjamin (1817-1893), Master of Balliol 1870-93.


Kay, Joseph (1821-1886), economist.

Kennedy, Sir Charles Malcolm (1832-1908), head of the Commercial Dept. in the F.O. 1872-94.

Kimberley , Lord John, 1st Earl of (1826-1900), Col. Sec. 1870-4, 1880-2. Sec. for India 1882-5, 1886, 1892-4.

Kinglake, Alexander William (1809-1896), historian of the Crimean war.


Lake , Very Rev. and Hon. Charles (1817-1897), Balliol 1834. Fellow of Balliol 1838-59. Rector of Huntspill, Somerset 1858-69, Prebendary of Wells 1860-9 and Dean of Durham 1869-94.

Landor, Walter Savage (1775-1864), author of Imaginary Conversations.

Langley, Henry Fitzroy (d. 1884), Second Sec. at Madrid 1880-4.

Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith, 5th Marquis (1845-1927), Balliol 1863. Und. Sec. for War 1872-74 and 1895-1900. Und. Sec. for India 1880. Gov. Gen. of Canada 1883-88. Viceroy of India 1888-94.

Lascelles, after 1886 Sir Frank Cavendish (1841-1920), Consul-Gen. at Sofia 1879-87. Min at Bucharest 1887-91, Tehran 1891-4.

Layard, after 1878 Sir Austin Henry (1817-1894), Lib. M.P.. Min. at Madrid 1869-77. Amb. at Constantinople


Lear, Edward : artist and author, invented Book of Nonsense, 1846.

Lee, George : employed by the Anglo-Siberian Syndicate Ltd.

Loftus, Rt. Hon Augustus William Frederick Spencer (1817-1904) Amb. in Berlin 1865, North German Confederation 1868-71, St Petersburg 1871-1879. Gov. of New South Wales and Norfolk Island 1879-85.

Lowe, Robert, Lord Sherbrooke (1811-1892), Lib. M.P. 1852-74. Vice President Bd. of Trade and Pay Master Gen. 1855-8, Vice President of Committee of Council on Education 1859-64, Chancellor of the Exchequer 1868-73 and Home Sec. 1873-4. Statesman famous for his sarcastic wit, whose best work was done in the fields of education and finance.

Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyn (1835-1911), author and civil servant in the Indian Service, who rose to great prominence in the India Government in the 1870's and 1880's. On returning to England in 1887, he became a member of the India Council until 1902.

Lytton, Edward Robert, 1st Earl of Lytton 1880 (1831-1891), Min. at Lisbon 1874-6. Viceroy of India 1876-80. Amb. in Paris 1887-91.


Mackinnon, Sir William (1823-1893), founder of British East Africa Co., chairman from 1888.

Macpherson, William (d. 1898), Vice-Consul, after 1885 Consul, and Assistant to Legation at Madrid 1868-90.

Maine , Sir Henry James Sumner (1822-1888), jurist.

Malet, Sir Edward Baldwin (1837-1908), Consul-Gen. in Egypt 1879-83. Amb. in Berlin 1884-95.

Mallet, Sir Louis (1823-1890), served in the Bd. of Trade 1847-72. Member of the Indian Council 1872-4. Permanent Und. Sec. of State for India 1874-83. Civil servant and Economist. His son came to Balliol in 1878-81.

Martin, Sir Theodore (1816-1909), parliamentary agent in the passing of private bills etc.. Commissioned to write the life of Prince Albert, which appeared as Life of the Prince Consort 5 Vols..

Max Müller, Rt. Hon. Frederick (1823-1900), Taylorian Professor 1854-68. Curator of the Bodleian Library 1856-63 and 1881-94. Fellow of All Souls, 1858-1900 and Corpus Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford 1868-1900. An important figure in the history of Comparative philology, especially in the study of Indian languages, in which he edited many important Sanskrit texts.

Meade, Sir Robert Henry (1835-1898), civil servant. Priv. Sec. to Lord Granville as President of the Council 1864-6 and in C.O. 1868, Assistant Und. Sec. of State in the C.O. 1871-92 and Permanent Und. Sec. 1892-6.

Medhurst, Arthur F Hastings : Vice-Consul in Moscow 1889-95.

Mohl, Robert von (1799-1875), jurist and German politician.

Moret Y Prendergast, Sigismundo (1838-1913), Spanish Lib., Min. of the Interior 1883-4.

Morier, Lady Alice [neé Peel] (d. 1903), wife of Sir Robert Burnet David Morier, 1st cousin of Viscount Peel (Balliol 1848).

Morier, David Richard (1784-1877), diplomat and father of Sir Robert Burnet David Morier.

Morier, Mary Henrica (1823-1884), dau. of D.R. Morier.

Morier, Sir Robert Burnet David G.C.B. (1826-1893), Balliol 1845. Diplomat, who after several years in Germany became Minister at Lisbon 1876-81, at Madrid 1881-4 and Ambassador at St Petersburg 1885-93. An opponent of Bismarck.

Morier, Victor Albert Louis (1867-1892), only son of Sir Robert Burnet David Morier G.C.B.. Balliol Trinity 1886, failed to pass his exams and had to leave. Died at sea on R.M.S. "Tartar", May 27 1892.

Morley, John (1838-1923), radical M.P. 1883-95. Chief Sec. for Ireland 1886, 1892-5.

Murray, Lt. Gen. Sir James Wolfe (1853-1919), entered R.A. 1872, Colonel 1899.


Napier, Lord (1819-1898), Amb. to Russia 1861-64, to Prussia 1864-66. Gov. of Madras 1866-72. Acting Viceroy of India 1872. Sec. of Legation at Lisbon 1877-83.

Nordenskiöld, Adolf Eric (1832-1901), arctic explorer.


Oliphant, Laurence (1829-1888), novelist, war correspondent and mystic. Correspondent for The Times in the Franco-Prussian war.

Otway, Rt. Hon. Arthur John (1822-1912), Member of Parliament from 1852. Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons 1883-85.


Paget, Sir Augustus Berkeley (1823-1896), diplomat. Amb. 1876-83. Amb. at Vienna 1884-93.

Palgrave, Francis Turner (1824-1897), Balliol 1843. Assistant Sec. of Education Dept 1855-84. Professor of Poetry at Oxford 1885-95. Poet and man of letters, best known today for his poetry anthology The Golden Treasure.

Palmerston, Lord Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount (1784-1865), statesman. Prime Minister 1855, at a time of immense difficulty.

Pattison, Mark (1813-1884), Rector of Lincoln 1861-1884. He had a great interest in university reform.

Pauncefote, after 1874 Sir Julian, 1st Baron 1899 (1828-1902), Assistant Und. Sec. in the F.O. 1876-82, Und. Sec. 1882-9. Min. 1893. Amb. in Washington 1889-1902.

Phipps, Sir Charles Beaumont (1801-1866), equerry to Queen Victoria 1846. Keeper of the Queen's Purse and Treasurer to the Prince of Wales, 1849.

Plumptre, Edward Hayes (1821-1891), Dean of Wells 1881-91. Wrote largely on the interpretation of the scriptures and on theological topics.

Pobedonostzeff, Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907), Procurator of the Holy Synod, Russia from 1880.

Ponsonby, after 1879 Sir Henry Frederick (1825-1895), Priv. Sec. to Queen Victoria 1870-95.

Poore, Lady Harriot Elizabeth (d. 1888), e. dau. of 2nd Earl of Verulam. Lady-in-waiting to H R H The Duchess of Edinburgh. Married Maj.-Gen. Francis Harwood Poore 1885 (1841-1928).

Powell, Sir George Smyth Baden- (1847-1898), Balliol 1878, author and politician.


Reeve, Henry (1813-1895), Registrar of the Privy Council 1853-87.

Ribeiro Ferreira, Tomás António, Count : Portuguese Min. for Colonies 1878-9.

Ridgeway, Joseph West, after 1886 Sir (1844-1930), commissioner for the Afghan frontier 1885-86. Negotiator in St Petersburg 1887.

Roggenbach, Franz von, Baron (1825-1907), German Lib.

Rosebery, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of (1847-1929), Prime Minister 1894-5.

Russell, Lord Arthur John Edward (1825-92), younger brother of the 9th Duke of Bedford, cousin to Lord Odo Russell. Priv. Sec. to Lord John Russell 1849-54. Lib. M.P. for Tavistock 1857-85.

Russell, Lady Laura (d. 1910), dau. of Viscount de Peyronnet, wife of Lord Arthur Russell (1825-1892).

Russell, Lord John, 1st Earl of (1792-1878), statesman. Prime Minister 1846-52, 1865-1866.

Russell, Lord Odo William Leopold, 1st Baron Ampthill 1881 (1829-1884), nephew of the 9th Duke of Bedford. Distinguished diplomat, in particular Amb. at Rome 1858-70 and at Berlin 1871-84. Privy Councillor 1872. G.C.B. 1874.


Salisbury , Lady Georgina Caroline (d. 1899), dau. of Hon. Sir Edward Hall Alderson. Married Lord Robert Salisbury 1857.

Salisbury, Lord Robert Arthur Talbot, 3rd Marquis (1830-1903), Sec. for India 1866-7, 1874-7, For. Sec. 1878-80, 1885-6, 1887-92, 1895-1900. Prime Min. 1886-92, 1895-1902.

Samwer, Karl Friedrich Lucian : Schleswig-Holstein publicist and statesman.

Sanderson, Thomas Henry (1841-1913), Assistant Und. Sec. 1889-94, Und. Sec. in the F.O. 1894-1906.

Schleinitz, Alexander Graf von : Prussian For. Min..

Schulze-Delitzsch, Franz Hermann (1808-83).

Schweinitz, Hans Lothar von (1822-1901), German Gen.. Amb. at Vienna 1871-6, in St Petersburg 1876-93.

Selbourne, 1st Earl of from 1882, previously Sir Palmer Roundell (1812-1895), Lord Chancellor 1872-74, 1880-85.

Seymour, Sir Hamilton (1797-1880), Morier's chief at Vienna whilst envoy extraordinary to Austria 1855.

Smith, Arthur Lionel (1850-1924), Balliol 1869, Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford 1874-9. Tutor of Balliol 1879-82, Fellow of Balliol 1882-1916 and Master of Balliol 1916-24.

Soares, Duarte Gustave Nogueira : Portuguese civil servant in India.

Staal, Georges de, Baron (1822-1907), Russian Amb. in London 1884-1902.

Stanhope, Lord Edward (1840-1893), statesman. Und. Sec. for India 1878-80. President of the Board of Trade 1885. Col. Sec. 1886. Sec. for War 1887-92.

Stanley, Very Rev. Arthur Penrhyn (1815-1881), Balliol 1834. Fellow of University College, Oxford 1838-51. Canon of Canterbury Cathedral 1851-6. Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Oxford 1856-63 and Dean of Westminster 1864-81.

Stanley, Lord Edward Henry (1826-1893), Und. Sec. for For. Affairs 1852. Sec. for the Colonies 1858. Sec. of State for India 1858-59. Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs 1866-68 and 1874-78 and Sec. of State for the Colonies 1882-85. Left Conservatives for Liberal Unionists and led them in the House of Lords 1886-91.

Stead, William Thomas (1849-1912), Assistant Editor, after 1883 Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette 1880-90.

Stockmar, Baron Ernst von (1823-1886), jurist and historian. Regular correspondent with Sir Robert Morier.

Stratford de Redcliffe, 1st Viscount (1786-1880), diplomat.


Temple , Sir Richard (1827-1902), Indian civil servant. Finance Min. of India 1868-74. Gov. of Bombay 1877-80.

Tupper, Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert (1855-1927), elected to House of Commons 1882, 1888, 1891, 1896-1900. Attorney Gen. for Canada 1895-96.


Vane, Captian Francis Patrick Fletcher : cousin of Sir Henry Ralph Fletcher Vane. Heir to title.

Vega de Armijo, Marquis : Spanish Foreign Min. 1881-1883, 1888-1889, 1890-1893.

Vernon , Susan Caroline [neé Cockerell] (d. 1901), wife of Hon. Greville Richard (1835-1909).

Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise, Princess (1840-1901), eldest dau. of Queen Victoria. Married Crown Prince Friedrich of Prussia in 1858, who became the Emperor Friedrich III of Germany briefly in 1888. Sir Robert Morier made her acquaintance when he was based in Germany.

Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Empress of India (1819-1901).

Villiers, Rt. Hon. Frank Hyde (1852-1925), entered F.O. 1870. Priv. Sec. to the Permanent Und. Sec. 1875-92. Sec. in Diplomatic Service 1885. Priv. Sec to Sec. of State 1886, 1892-4.


Wales , Edward, Prince of (1841-1910), 2nd child of Queen Victoria, later Edward VII 1901-1910. Became M's champion with the Queen.

Wallace, Sir Donald M (1841-1919), resided and travelled in many foreign countries 1863-84. Priv. Sec. to Marquess Dufferin and Marquess of Lansdowne as Viceroys of India 1884-89. Attached to the Czarevitch as political officer during his tour of India and Ceylon 1890-91. Dir. of the For. Dept. of The Times 1891-99 etc..

Wantage, Robert James Loyd-Lindsay, 1st Baron from 1885 (1832-1901), Equerry to H R H Prince of Wales 1858-59. Financial Sec. to War Office 1877-80. Chairman of the Red Cross.

Wemyss, Lady Victoria Wester [neé Morier] (1865-1945), dau. of Sir Robert Burnet Morier, wife of Admiral Wester Wemyss (1864-1933).

West, Lionel Sackville (1827-1908), diplomat. Embassy in Berlin 1867, in Paris 1868. Min. to Spain 1878-81.

Westminster , Hugh Lucas Grosvenor, Duke of from 1874 (1825-1899), Balliol 1842. M.P. for Chester 1847-69.

White, after 1885 Sir William Arthur (1824-1891), Consul-Gen. at Belgrade 1875-9. Min. at Bucharest 1879-85, Min., later Amb. at Constantinople 1885-91.

Wiggins, Joseph (1832-1905), Captain in the merchant navy.

Wilhelm I, King of Prussia since 1861, German Emperor since 1871 (1797-1888)

Williams, Oliver : employed by the Anglo-Siberian Syndicate Ltd.

Wolff, Sir Henry Drummond (1830-1908), Cons. M.P., at Tehran 1887-91, Bucharest 1891. Amb. at Madrid 1892-1900.

Wolkenstein-Trostburg, Anton von, Count (1832-1913), Austro-Hungarian Amb. at St. Petersburg 1882-94.

Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount from 1885 (1833-1913), entered army 1852. Gov. of Natal 1879. Gen. 1882. Field Marshal 1894.

Woodburn, Sir John (d. 1902), Bengal civil servant from 1863. Chief Commissioner, central provinces 1893-96.

Wylde, William Henry (1819-1909), served in the slave-trade dept. in the F.O. 1838-80, head 1869-80.


Youle, Frederick : Chairman of the London County Bank.

Young, Edward Daniel ? : Scottish missionary.

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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